Ehurrlt Clirmttrle
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ijatuattatt (Ehurrlt Clirm ttrle “ For Christ and His Church ” ? T y T h e R t. R ev. S. Harrington L ittell, D.D., S.T.D., Editorliiur иі)і<ЛяѵНл^Лі TЧПттт? h e RT?ttvT ev. E.Tv Tanner'T 'a m tstw p Brown,R p h w m D.D.,"Г) ГТ Associated w n r in it? EditorHrHfnr ^ 4 Entered as second-class matter February 14, 1908, at the post office at Honolulu, Hawaii, under the Act of March 3, 1879. V ol. X X V III. Honolulu, Hawaii, July, 1938 No. 4 ■ T V . - , ■ t A -V J» I ■i ■1 І A i !.• І, V . V'. 1- 4 *: It i i ■ t • ' ’* . -c* 1 . i|Hi : > U ч і . \ .‘ . I «У , 1 ■vlV -V'-VA-' . j ■' I f /. чІ.Л І : : ■ -■ ' - ■ *, t . - . -■ “ H‘ Civv; 4 fl.A-. ' A • rfc.jJ гіг»ж,11 »j/шЬгіййШ* , ■>.' " V AMI)! \ -V & W i a > v , v •• •' >7/; u,lir (Cliilbren’a (Eljajjpl :л ‘ i! ■’I Ulauljiiu}tatt (Eatljrbral P 2 HAWAIIAN CHURCH CHRONICLE July, 1938 CLERGY LIST IOLANI SCHOOL M i s s i o n a r y D i s t r i c t o r H o n o l u l u A CHURCH SCHOOL FOR BOYS Boarding Department and Day School BISHOP Elementary, College Preparatoiy and Commercial Courses T h e R t . R l v . S. H arrington L ittell D.D., S.T.D., Bishop’s House, Queen Address inquiries to the Headmaster Emma Square,, Honolulu. 1930 Nuuanu and Judd Streets. Honolulu Telephone 4332 PRIESTS The Rev. Canon Douglas Wallace, Retired; ST. ANDREW’S PRIORY Kealakekua, Hawaii. 1905 A CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS The Rev. Canon F. N. Cullen, Retired; Queen Emma Square, Honolulu. 1911 First to Eighth Grades, Inclusive, and High School Course Accredited The Very Rev. Wm. Ault, St. Andrew’s For particulars apply to the Cathedral, 'Honolulu. 1897 The Rev. Philip Taiji Fukao, Holy Trinity. PRINCIPAL H onolulu. 1910 The Rev. Frank N. Cockcroft, Retired; St. Andrew’s Priory, Queen Emma Square, Honolulu Telephone 5239 Baldwin Home, Paia, Maui. 1915 The Rev. J. Lamb Doty, Missionary at Large, H onolulu. 1918 THE CLUETT HOUSE The Ven. Archdeacon James Walker, St. Augustine’s, Kohala, Hawaii. 1919 A Boarding Dome for young women who are employed The Ven. Archdeacon Henry A.' Willey, All Saints, K apaa, Kauai. 1924 (O n F u r in the city and for students. For terms apply to lough) The Rev. Thurston R. Hinckley, Non- MRS. EMILY C. NORTON Parochial, Kapaa, Kauai. 1924 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu Telephone 2924 The Rev. J. L. Martin, Waimea, Kauai. 1925 The Rev. Y. Sang Mark, St. Peter’s, Hono lulu. 1928 The Rev. Noah K. Cho, St. Luke’s, Hono ST. MARY’S MISSION AND HOME FOR CHILDREN lulu. 1928 2108 SOUTH KING STREET, HONOLULU The Rev. H. H. Corey, M.A., L.S.T.. Church of the Holy Apostles, Hilo, A Church Home for Orphans and destitute children H awaii. 1929. Partially supported by the Welfare Fund The Rev. B. S. Ikezawa, B.D., Good Samaritan, Honolulu. 1931 MISS HILDA VAN DEERLIN, Superintendent The Rev. Edward Tanner Brown, B.A., Telephone 91572 D.D., St. Clement’s, Honolulu. 1931 T he Rev. C. F. Howe, B.D., Church of Good Shepherd, Wailuku, Maui. 1931 SEAMEN’S CHURCH INSTITUTE The Rev. Albert H. Stone, M.A., loiani ALAKEA AND HALEKAUWILA STREETS, HONOLULU School, Honolulu. 1932 The Rev. Kenneth D. Perkins, B.A., B.D., Charles F. Mant, Superintendent St. Andrew’s Cathedral Parish. 1932 The Rev. Canon Kenneth A. Bray, B.A., A HOME-LIKE HOME FOR MEN FAR FROM HOME B.D., Hawaiian Congregation, St. An- 'drew ’s Cathedral, H onolulu. 1932 The Rev. Wai On Shim, St. Elizabeth’s, ROBERT W. SHINGLE JR. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL H onolulu. 1933 The Rev. Charles W. Nelson, B.A., M.A., HOLY CROSS CHAPEL Epiphany, H onolulu. 1936 Hoolehua, Molokai The Rev. J. Miller Horton, Holy Innocents’, GWENDOLINE SHAW, R.N., Superintendent Lahaina, Maui. 1936 SUE SHIRLEY, R. N. MAUD PALMER, R. N. The Rev. Kenneth O. Miller, A.B., Christ Church, Kealakekua, Hawaii. 1937 DIANA M. PAXON, R. N. FLORENCE MAE WRIGHT, R. N. STANLEY SAKAI The Rev. Jas. T. Marshall, Jr., Kapaa, Eleele, Kauai. 1938 CHAPLAINS COMMUNITY OF THE CHURCH ARMY EVANGELISTS Lt. Col. Chas. W. B. Hill, Chaplain, U.S.A., Fort Kamehameha. 1937 TRANSFIGURATION Major Luther D. Miller, Chaplain, U. S. A., (Mother House, Glendale, Ohio) Schofield Barracks. 1937 Captain George A. Benson, Senior OffkE’ Lieut. David L. Quinn, Chaplain, U. S. N., ST. ANDREW’S PRIORY BRANCH C. A. Headquarters, Paauilo, Hawaii- 1931 Submarine Base, Pearl Harbor. 1938 Sister Helen Veronica, Superior, C.T. Sister Rhoda Pearl, C.T., Principal Captain William A. Roberts, St. John’s-ВУ" DEACONS Sister Katherine Helen, C.T. The-Sea, Kahaluu, Oahu. 1931 The Rev. Ernest Kau, Deacon, Non- Sister Martha Mary, C.T. Captain John Oliphant, Paauilo, Hawaii- Parochial, Ewa, Oahu. 1931 Sister Grace Elizabeth, C.T. 1932 (O n furlough) The Rev. Edward M. Littell, B.A., Dep-on, Sister Deborah Ruth, C.T. Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. 1933 Captain Denis Smith, Kohala, Hawaii- 1936 The Rev. Geo. Shannon Walker, B.A., B.D., DEACONESS Deacon, Kealakekua, Kona, Hawaii Deaconess Sarah F. Swinburne, St. Eliza Captain Harold Wilmot Smith, Eleele, 1934 beth’s, Honolulu. 1925 Kauai. 1936 jijamaiian (Elutrrit (Eltrm ttrlf Devoted to the interests of the Missionary District of Honolulu o n o l u l u a w a i i u l y Vol. XXVIII. H , H , J , 1938 No. 4 Щашаітап Solani SecuneA tke Site (lUjnrrJj (Eljrnmrl* THE FIRST STEP TAKEN IN THE SCHOOL’S PROPER EQUIPMENT Successor to the Anglican Church Chronicle $40,000 STILL NEEDED, HOWEVER The Rt. R lv- S. H arrington L ittell, D.D., S .T .D ., Editor lpXACTLY TWELVE MONTHS to conditions have been met, and the sum .the day from the time when friends of $4,000 has been given for the specific The Rev. E. Tanner Brown, D.D. purpose of meeting the interest payments. Associate Editor of the school formed the Iolani Company, Ltd., to prevent the loss of the property, Total Amount Needed— $125,000 our diocesan Board of Directors pur To secure an unencumbered title to the THE HAWAIIAN CHURCH CHRONICLE is chased the ground at Waikiki. This was published once in each month. The subscription price property, the sum of $102,000 is needed. is One Dollar a year. Remittances, orders and other the outcome of strenuous effort through business communications should be addressed to The Board of Directors voted to borrow T, J. Hollander, 222-B Emma Square, Honolulu. out the year on the part of the diocesan a maximum of $80,000 if necessary, one- News items or other matter may be sent to the and school authorities, of active parents Rt. Rev. S. Harrington Littell, S.T.D., Emma Square half of which is covered now by actual or to the Rev. E. Tanner Brown, 1515 Wilder Ave., of the school boys, and of the rejuvenated pledges in hand. We need therefore ad Honolulu. alumni association. To these groups must Advertising rates m ade know n upon application. ditional gifts to the amount of $40,000 be added a number of leading business for the land itself, and shall continue to and professional men of the community, work strenuously toward this goal. The PARTIAL DIRECTORY OF who have eagerly given their time and difference between the purchase price DIOCESAN OFFICERS ability to the work of securing this new and the total objective, $125,000, is due location for Iolani. to the necessity of clearing the ground There have been a number of enthusi and meeting all carrying charges con Diocesan Treasurer, Mr. T. J. Hollander, astic workers in the campaign. Some of 222-B Queen Emma Square, Honolulu. nected with the campaign. those most active ask that, at least for Secretary, Board of Missions, the present, their names be not mentioned. The fact that this first step in develop Secretary of Convocation, Rev. Charles W. We cannot however fail to recognize the ing the greater Iolani School of the future Nelson, 1041— 10th Ave., H onolulu. fact that the success of the campaign is has been carried through successfully President, Woman’s Auxiliary, Mrs. W. S. due to one man in particular, Mr. F. thus far does not permit us to relax our Fraser, 2037 Lanihuli Drive, Honolulu. Herbert Wells of New York, without efforts in the slightest, for we still must Treasurer, Woman’s Auxiliary, Mrs. Ken find $40,000 to clear ourselves with the neth Day, 1104 Kalihi Rd., H onolulu. whom the campaign might not have started at all, and whose skill and ex bank, and thus obtain an unencumbered Corresponding Secretary, W om an's Auxiliary, perience have been of the utmost value. title to the property. Mrs. Newton T . Peck, 4369 Royal Place, Honolulu. A glance at the list of names of the con * -------- tributors contained in this issue of the United Thank Offering Secretary, Mrs. A Prayer for Iolani School Harold Podmore, 50 Bates St., H onolulu. Hawaiian Church Chronicle indicates the widespread interest shown in practical Almighty God, the Fountain of all District Altar Secretary, Mrs. Thomas wisdom and goodness; we beseech Thee Clancy, 750 Ocean View Ave., H onolulu. form by persons of all racial ancestries, and, we may add, of all religious affilia to regard with favor and to visit with Church Periodical Director, Mrs. Desmond Stanley, 6 K aw ananakoa Place, H ono tions.