United Nations A/75/692–S/2020/1302

General Assembly Distr.: General 29 December 2020 Security Council English Original: Arabic

General Assembly Security Council Seventy-fifth session Seventy-fifth year Agenda item 37 The situation in the Middle East

Identical letters dated 14 December 2020 from the Permanent Representative of to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council

On instructions from my Government, I transmit to you herewith a statistical summary of Israeli violations of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) committed during the month of October 2020 (see annex).* I should be grateful if you would have the present letter and its annex circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda item 37, and of the Security Council.

(Signed) Amal Mudallali Ambassador Permanent Representative

* Circulated in Arabic and English only.

20-17831 (E) 050121 070121 *2017831*

A/75/692 S/2020/1302

Annex to the identical letters dated 14 December 2020 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council

Land violations committed in October 2020

Date Time Nature of violation

2 October 0935 Opposite the town of Ayta al-Sha‘b in Lebanese territory, while United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) forces were conducting a reconnaissance operation with the Lebanese Army, 10 Israeli enemy soldiers approached from inside occupied territory and took up positions behind the concrete wall opposite point B30. One of them trained his weapon on Lebanese Army personnel.

1015 The sound of light- and medium-weapon fire was heard coming from the 1040 occupied Shab‘a Farms, east of the Israeli enemy position of Samaqah.

3 October 0900 On the outskirts of Alma al-Sha‘b in Lebanese territory, while a civilian woman was working to clear a field as part of a DanChurchAid team operating under the national programme for humanitarian demining, an Israeli enemy landmine exploded, injuring her.

1030 At the Israeli enemy position of Zabdin in occupied Palestinian territory, Israeli enemy soldiers pointed the cannon of a Merkava tank in the direction of Lebanese territory. The tank left in the direction of occupied territory at 1130 hours.

5 October 1200 At the Israeli enemy position east of Markaba in occupied Palestinian territory, Israeli enemy soldiers pointed the cannon of a Merkava tank in the direction of Lebanese territory. The tank left in the direction of occupied territory at 1245 hours.

1240 At the Israeli enemy position east of Markaba in occupied Palestinian territory, 25 Israeli civilian vehicles approached. Some 40 uniformed individuals and individuals in civilian clothing stepped out, conducted a reconnaissance patrol in the area and took pictures of the Lebanese side. They left in the direction of occupied territory at 1340 hours.

6 October 1030 On the outskirts of the town of Udaysah near point TP35 in occupied Lebanese territory, two Israeli enemy Merkava tanks approached, crossing the technical fence. They pointed their cannons at Lebanese territory and released smoke to camouflage themselves. The tanks left in the direction of occupied territory at 1055 hours.

1030 At the Israeli enemy position east of Markaba in occupied Palestinian territory, Israeli enemy soldiers pointed the cannon of a Merkava tank in the direction of Lebanese territory. The tank left in the direction of occupied territory at 1115 hours.

8 October 1825 At the Israeli enemy position east of Markaba in occupied Palestinian territory, Israeli enemy soldiers pointed the cannon of a Merkava tank in the direction of Lebanese territory. The tank left in the direction of occupied territory at 1835 hours.

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Date Time Nature of violation

9 October 1100 Opposite Markaba in occupied Palestinian territory, a large fire broke out, consumed a sizable expanse of dry brush and forest and spread into Lebanese territory, resulting in the detonation of 12 landmines left behind by the Israeli enemy.

1230 Opposite Ayta al-Sha‘b in the Bahitah locality, a fire broke out and consumed approximately 10 dunums of dry brush, forest and olive trees, resulting in the detonation of a landmine left behind by the enemy. One civilian sustained various injuries.

1500 In the locality of Khalat al-Mahfar opposite the town of Udaysah in occupied Lebanese territory, a fire broke out, resulting in the detonation of 15 landmines left behind by the Israeli enemy.

1500 Near the occupied town of Ghajar, Israeli enemy soldiers set dry brush on fire. The blaze spread to an area near the 4-28 position of the Spanish UNIFIL contingent, resulting in the detonation of a landmine left by the enemy. The fire spread north of the SD1 road and consumed approximately 10 dunums of dry brush. The fire was extinguished at 2115 hours by the Civil Defence.

10 October 1000 In occupied Palestinian territory, an Israeli enemy patrol was observed on the road to the Zabdin barracks. The patrol members set fire to forest along the dirt road using a portable flamethrower, which caused the flames to spread into Bastra Farm, resulting in the detonation of 30 landmines left behind by the enemy.

12 October 2115 Explosions of unknown origin were heard inside the occupied Shab‘a 2305 Farms.

14 October 0640 Opposite point B64 in occupied Palestinian territory, three tanks approached from inside the Israeli enemy position east of Mays al-Jabal. The tanks pointed their cannons in the direction of Lebanese territory and Lebanese Army personnel. At 0645 hours, two Hummer vehicles approached from inside occupied territory. Five individuals disembarked and opened the gate in the technical fence. The vehicles then crossed the fence through the gate, proceeding on their way 50 m without violating the Blue Line. At 0700 hours, the tanks returned to the point opposite point B64 and positioned themselves behind the earthen berm. At 0750 hours, two tanks again crossed the technical fence through the gate, proceeding on their way approximately 120 m without violating the Blue Line. The tanks pointed their cannons in the direction of Lebanese territory and Lebanese Army personnel, firing 23 smoke and phosphorous rounds, all of which landed inside occupied territory. They fired smoke to camouflage themselves as they retreated behind the technical fence. At 0845 hours, five individuals stepped out of the two four-wheel vehicles and closed the gate. The tanks left in the direction of occupied territory.

1320 At the Israeli enemy position opposite Sahl al-Khiyam, near Barad al-Tuffah in occupied Palestinian territory, individuals in civilian clothing stepped out, conducted a reconnaissance patrol in the area and took pictures of the Lebanese side. They left in the direction of occupied territory at 1340 hours.

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Date Time Nature of violation

16 October 1640 Opposite the town of Yarun, at the Israeli enemy position of Tallat al-Karantina in occupied Palestinian territory, two individuals in civilian clothing approached and directed insults at some Lebanese farmers who were working on their own land on the Lebanese side, opposite points B45(1) and B64. They left in the direction of occupied territory at 1710 hours.

18 October 1400 At the Israeli enemy position east of Markaba in occupied Palestinian territory, Israeli enemy soldiers pointed the cannon of a Merkava tank in the direction of Lebanese territory. The tank left in the direction of occupied territory at 1420 hours.

20 October 1500 Inside the occupied Shab‘a Farms, the sound of medium automatic- 1800 weapon fire was heard.

21 October 0650 At the Israeli enemy position east of Markaba in occupied Palestinian territory, Israeli enemy soldiers pointed the cannon of a Merkava tank in the direction of Lebanese territory. The tank left in the direction of occupied territory at 0700 hours.

1740 Opposite the town of Udaysah at point TP35 in occupied Palestinian territory, two Israeli enemy Merkava tanks approached, crossing the technical fence and positioning themselves inside occupied Lebanese territory without violating the Blue Line. They were escorted by a Defender four-wheel drive vehicle and an armoured Humvee vehicle. The tanks pointed their cannons in the direction of Lebanese territory and fired approximately 30 phosphorous rounds. That caused a fire to break out at the aforementioned spot. The fire was later put out with the aid of a fire extinguisher belonging to the enemy. The enemy vehicles left in the direction of occupied territory at 1930 hours.

22 October 1230 At the locality of Ra’s al-Naqurah in occupied Palestinian territory, five Israeli enemy individuals violated the Blue Line between points M1 and B1, proceeding into occupied Lebanese territory a distance of approximately 30 m north of the Blue Line. They then left in the direction of occupied Palestinian territory at 1235 hours.

1230 Opposite the town of Kafr Kila, at the Israeli enemy position of Jabal al-Tayyarah in occupied Palestinian territory, 11 Israeli enemy civilian vehicles approached. Some 60 individuals stepped out, some in uniform and others in civilian clothing. They conducted a reconnaissance patrol in the area and took pictures of the Lebanese side. They left in the direction of occupied territory at 1400 hours.

23 October 0800 On the outskirts of Sardah in occupied Palestinian territory, while a team from the national demining organization was working in a field, a fire broke out over approximately 30 dunums of dry brush, resulting in the detonation of 33 landmines left behind by the Israeli enemy.

1040 Opposite the town of Hula, at the Israeli enemy position of Shaykh Abbad in occupied Palestinian territory, three uniformed individuals stepped out, conducted a reconnaissance patrol in the area and took pictures of the Lebanese side. At 1045 hours, they left in the direction of occupied territory.

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Date Time Nature of violation

27 October 1130 Opposite the town of Kafr Kila, at the Israeli enemy position of Jabal al-Tayyarah in occupied Palestinian territory, six Israeli enemy civilian vehicles approached. Some 20 individuals stepped out, some in uniform individuals and others in civilian clothing. They conducted a reconnaissance patrol in the area and took pictures of the Lebanese side. They left in the direction of occupied territory at 1240 hours.

1400 Opposite the town of Kafr Kila near point TP36(2) in occupied Palestinian territory, an Israeli enemy bus approached. Some 25 individuals in civilian clothing stepped out, conducted a reconnaissance patrol in the area and took pictures of the Lebanese side. They left in the direction of occupied territory at 1420 hours.

27 October 1600 Opposite the town of Udaysah, near point TP36 in occupied Lebanese territory, the Israeli enemy installed 24 pillars in the ground, seven of them inside occupied Lebanese territory. Three civilian workers mixed and poured cement. The pillars are 3 m tall, and the columns stand approximately 2 m apart. Work ended at 1800 hours, and the workers left in the direction of occupied territory.

2130 Explosions of unknown origin were heard inside the occupied Shab‘a 2315 Farms.

28 October 0830 Opposite the town of Wazzani at the Israeli enemy position of Humayri in occupied Palestinian territory, Israeli enemy soldiers pointed the cannon of a Merkava tank in the direction of Lebanese territory. The tank left in the direction of occupied territory at 0845 hours.

0930 Opposite the town of Udaysah in occupied Lebanese territory, three Israeli enemy civilian workers extended nets across the steel pillars that had been installed in occupied Lebanese territory the previous day. Work ended at 1636 hours, and the workers left in the direction of occupied territory.

1130 Inside the occupied Shab‘a Farms, the sound of medium automatic- 1215 weapon fire was heard coming from the perimeter of the Ruwaysat al-Alam position.

2300 Explosions of unknown origin were heard inside the occupied Shab‘a Farms.

31 October 1020 Explosions of unknown origin were heard inside the occupied Shab‘a 1045 Farms.

Sea violations committed in October 2020

Date Time Nature of violation

1 October 0050 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, from inside occupied Palestinian territorial waters, an Israeli enemy military launch fired a flare over Lebanese territorial waters.

0135 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, from inside occupied Palestinian territorial waters, an Israeli enemy military launch fired a flare over Lebanese territorial waters.

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Date Time Nature of violation

0350 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, from inside occupied Palestinian territorial waters, an Israeli enemy military launch fired a flare over Lebanese territorial waters.

0400 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, inside occupied Palestinian territorial waters, an Israeli enemy military launch fired several intermittent bursts of gunfire over Lebanese territorial waters.

0405 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy military launch violated the southern maritime boundary established by Decree No. 6433 (2011) of 1 October 2011 for five minutes, proceeding on its way for some 314 m. The launch then left in the direction of occupied Palestinian territorial waters.

0417 From inside occupied Palestinian territorial waters off Ra’s al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy military launch directed a searchlight towards Lebanese territorial waters for three minutes.

0420 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy military launch violated the southern maritime boundary established by Decree No. 6433 (2011) for 10 minutes, proceeding on its way for some 203 m. The launch then left in the direction of occupied Palestinian territorial waters.

12 October 2201 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy military launch violated the southern maritime boundary established by Decree No. 6433 (2011) for 19 minutes, proceeding on its way for some 333 m. The soldiers aboard the launch fired at Lebanese fishermen inside Lebanese territorial waters. The launch then left in the direction of occupied Palestinian territorial waters.

15 October 0400 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy military launch violated the southern maritime boundary established by Decree No. 6433 (2011) for 40 minutes, proceeding on its way for some 481 m. The soldiers aboard the launch opened fire in and then fired a flare over Lebanese territorial waters at 0415 hours. At 0435 hours they opened fire again. The launch then left in the direction of occupied Palestinian territorial waters.

18 October 0020 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, from inside occupied Palestinian territorial waters, an Israeli enemy military launch fired a flare over Lebanese territorial waters.

0330 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, from inside occupied Palestinian territorial waters, an Israeli enemy military launch fired a flare over Lebanese territorial waters.

25 October 1945 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy military launch violated the southern maritime boundary established by Decree No. 6433 (2011) for 25 minutes, proceeding on its way for some 111 m. The soldiers aboard the launch installed a buoy inside Lebanese territorial waters. The launch then left in the direction of occupied Palestinian territorial waters.

26 October 1910 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy military launch violated the southern maritime boundary established by Decree No. 6433 (2011) for eight hours and 53 minutes, proceeding on its way for some 150 m. The launch then left in the direction of occupied Palestinian territorial waters.

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Date Time Nature of violation

27 October 1833 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy military launch violated the southern maritime boundary established by Decree No. 6433 (2011) for 22 minutes, proceeding on its way for some 55 m. The launch then left in the direction of occupied Palestinian territorial waters.

1834 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy military launch violated the southern maritime boundary established by Decree No. 6433 (2011) for 16 minutes, proceeding on its way for some 74 m. The launch then left in the direction of occupied Palestinian territorial waters.

2105 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy military launch violated the southern maritime boundary established by Decree No. 6433 (2011) for 35 minutes, proceeding on its way for some 130 m. The launch then left in the direction of occupied Palestinian territorial waters.

28 October 0205 Off Ra’s al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy military launch violated the southern maritime boundary established by Decree No. 6433 (2011) for five minutes, proceeding on its way for some 130 m. The launch then left in the direction of occupied Palestinian territorial waters.

Air violations committed in October 2020

Date Time Nature of violation

1 October 0040 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0620 hours over Rumaysh.

0050 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0810 hours over Rumaysh.

0720 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 1010 hours over Kafr Kila.

0855 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over and Hirmil before leaving at 1805 hours over the sea west of Naqurah.

0905 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. It circled over the South and the Western Bekaa before leaving at 1515 hours over Kafr Kila.

0930 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South and the Western Bekaa before leaving at 1155 hours over Kafr Kila.

1050 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 1710 hours over Aytarun.

1355 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circled over and the South before leaving at 1435 hours over Kafr Kila.

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Date Time Nature of violation

1400 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circled over Alayh and the Western Bekaa before leaving at 1440 hours over Kafr Kila.

1500 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Shuba. It circled over the Western Bekaa, the South, and Zahlah before leaving at 1655 hours over Kafr Kila.

1515 Four Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Shuba. They circled over Alayh, the South and the Western Bekaa before leaving at 1650 hours over Kafr Kila.

1650 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 2240 hours over Kafr Kila.

1655 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1800 hours over Yarun.

1745 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 2155 hours over Rumaysh.

1950 A drone violated Lebanese airspace, approaching from the Israeli enemy position of Shaykh Abbad opposite the town of Hula and proceeding some 500 m. It returned into occupied territory at 1955 hours.

2230 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 0210 hours on 2 October over Alma al-Sha‘b.

2 October 0340 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0840 hours over Yarun.

1510 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over the South before leaving at 1820 hours over Kafr Shuba.

1830 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 2155 hours over Rumaysh.

2225 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 0355 hours on 3 October over Yarun.

3 October 0400 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0700 hours over Aytarun.

4 October 0605 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 1020 hours over Aytarun.

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Date Time Nature of violation

1215 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 1815 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1720 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 0015 hours on 5 October over Kafr Kila.

1815 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 0200 hours on 5 October over Kafr Kila.

5 October 0200 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0600 hours over Yarun.

0605 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Naqurah. It circled over Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda and Alayh before leaving at 1330 hours over the sea west of Naqurah.

1125 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South, Juniyah and Na‘imah before leaving at 1405 hours over Naqurah.

1245 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda, the South and the Western Bekaa before leaving at 1815 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1815 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 0025 hours on 6 October over Rumaysh.

6 October 0035 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 0755 hours over Rumaysh.

0730 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1515 hours over Aytarun.

0810 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South and the Shuf before leaving at 1505 hours over Aytarun.

1455 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 2200 hours over Kafr Kila.

2210 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 0610 hours on 7 October over Yarun.

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Date Time Nature of violation

7 October 0555 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Naqurah. It circled over the South, Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda and Alayh before leaving at 1245 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1130 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South, the Shuf, Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda and Alayh before leaving at 1850 hours over Rumaysh.

1200 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 1650 hours over Rumaysh.

1230 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1410 hours over Rumaysh.

1235 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1410 hours over Yarun.

1240 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Naqurah. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1415 hours over Naqurah.

1835 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0315 hours on 8 October over Rumaysh.

1910 A drone violated Lebanese airspace, approaching from inside the Israeli enemy position of Shaykh Abbad opposite the town of Hula and proceeding some 200 m. It returned into occupied territory at 1915 hours.

2040 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over the South before leaving at 2345 hours over Kafr Kila.

8 October 0500 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 0920 hours over Kafr Kila.

0845 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled before the South before leaving at 1445 hours over Yarun.

0945 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 1250 hours over Yarun.

1405 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 2130 hours over Rumaysh.

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Date Time Nature of violation

1545 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 1820 hours over Yarun.

1830 A drone violated Lebanese airspace, approaching from inside the Israeli enemy position of Shaykh Abbad opposite the town of Hula and proceeding some 30 m. It returned into occupied territory at 1835 hours.

2120 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 0320 hours on 9 October over Aytarun.

9 October 0605 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 0645 hours over Aytarun.

1130 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda, Matn and Kasrawan before leaving at 1555 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1210 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 1700 hours over Rumaysh.

10 October 0025 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 0700 hours over Kafr Kila.

0635 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0815 hours over Kafr Kila.

1320 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 1635 hours over Rumaysh.

11 October 0635 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 1125 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1120 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1200 hours over Rumaysh.

1220 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 1800 hours over Kafr Kila.

1310 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1620 hours over Yarun.

1615 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1720 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

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Date Time Nature of violation

1910 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 0015 hours on 12 October over Kafr Kila.

2020 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 2100 hours over Rumaysh.

2100 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 2255 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

2150 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 0055 hours on 12 October over Alma al-Sha‘b.

12 October 0210 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 0620 hours over Kafr Kila.

0605 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 0755 hours over Kafr Kila.

0740 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1715 hours over Kafr Kila.

0755 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 1500 hours over Naqurah.

1000 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 1710 hours over Yarun.

1100 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over the South before leaving at 2105 hours over Rumaysh.

1220 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1650 hours over Kafr Kila.

1300 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1415 hours over Kafr Kila.

1305 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1320 hours over the sea west of Shikka.

1330 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Shikka. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1410 hours over Rumaysh.

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Date Time Nature of violation

12 October 1530 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 2200 hours over Yarun.

2200 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It disappeared from radar screens over Naqurah at 2205 hours.

2200 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0400 hours on 13 October over Kafr Shuba.

2310 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 0005 hours on 13 October over Rumaysh.

13 October 0405 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 0735 hours over Kafr Kila.

0850 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Mays al-Jabal. It circled over the South before leaving at 1250 hours over Naqurah.

0945 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1715 hours over Rumaysh.

1225 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1955 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1240 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Shuba. It circled over the South before leaving at 1545 hours over Rumaysh.

1500 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South, the Western Bekaa, Rashayya and the Shuf before leaving at 2350 hours over Kafr Kila.

1715 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 2140 hours over Kafr Kila.

1940 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 0205 hours on 14 October over Rumaysh.

2200 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0005 hours on 14 October over Aytarun.

14 October 0200 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South, Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda and Alayh before leaving at 0900 hours over the sea west of Naqurah.

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Date Time Nature of violation

0750 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Naqurah. It circled over Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda, Alayh and the South before leaving at 1305 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1040 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda, Alayh and the South before leaving at 1830 hours over Rumaysh.

1255 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 1855 hours over Kafr Shuba.

2045 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Mays al-Jabal. It left at 2100 hours over Rumaysh.

15 October 0700 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 1700 hours over Rumaysh.

0855 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Naqurah. It circled over the South before leaving at 1550 hours over Rumaysh.

0955 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. They proceeded north as far as Zahlah where they disappeared from the radar screen at 1007. They reappeared over Nabatiyah at 1023 hours before leaving at 1030 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1050 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1135 hours over Rumaysh.

1550 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 2205 hours over Kafr Kila.

2145 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 0535 hours on 16 October over Alma al-Sha‘b.

16 October 1115 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 1300 hours over Kafr Kila.

1955 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 0015 hours on 17 October over Rumaysh.

17 October 0605 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South, Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda and Alayh before leaving at 1205 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

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Date Time Nature of violation

0900 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over Alayh, the Shuf, Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda, Kasrawan and Matn before leaving at 1450 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1010 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda and Alayh before leaving at 1400 hours over Rumaysh.

18 October 0810 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1345 hours over Aytarun.

0950 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over the South before leaving at 1245 hours over Kafr Shuba.

1005 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Naqurah. It circled over the sea off Tripoli and the northern regions, over the sea between Tripoli and Shikka and over Jubayl, Kasrawan and Juniyah before leaving at 1605 hours over Kafr Kila.

1115 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 1710 hours over Yarun.

1200 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over the South before leaving at 2235 hours over Yarun.

1335 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Mays al-Jabal. It circled over the South before leaving at 1510 hours over Rumaysh.

1710 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 1750 hours over Kafr Kila.

1755 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South and left at 2200 hours over Rumaysh.

2100 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Naqurah. It circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 2210 hours over Aytarun.

2245 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over the South before leaving at 0050 hours on 19 October over Mays al-Jabal.

19 October 0220 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0430 hours over Rumaysh.

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Date Time Nature of violation

0425 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 1220 hours over Naqurah.

0805 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over the sea between Khaldah and Damur, Alayh, the Shuf, Beirut and its suburbs and Ba‘abda before leaving at 1330 hours over Naqurah.

1015 A drone violated Lebanese airspace from inside occupied Palestinian territory opposite Sahl al-Khiyam near Barad al-Tuffah. It proceeded for some 50 m, circling over the plain before leaving in the direction of occupied territory at 1025 hours.

1130 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 1850 hours over Yarun.

1230 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh and proceeding as far as Shikka. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1410 hours over Kafr Kila.

1855 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0130 hours on 20 October over Naqurah.

20 October 0010 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 0435 hours over Rumaysh.

0135 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 0840 hours over Kafr Kila.

1010 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 1550 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1510 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 2250 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

2240 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 0420 hours on 21 October over Rumaysh.

21 October 0430 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 1030 hours over Rumaysh.

0635 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 1310 hours over Yarun.

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Date Time Nature of violation

0700 An Israeli enemy drone violated Lebanese airspace from inside the occupied Shab‘a Farms. It crossed the withdrawal line and circled over position 4-13 of the Indian contingent of UNIFIL and then over Kafr Shuba before leaving at 0713 hours over Kafr Hamam.

1010 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1310 hours over Kafr Kila.

1015 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Shuba. It circled over the South before leaving at 1200 hours over Rumaysh.

1855 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 0005 hours on 22 October over Rumaysh.

22 October 0005 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South, Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda and Alayh before leaving at 0820 hours over Kafr Kila.

0700 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over Beirut and its suburbs, Ba‘abda, Alayh and the South before leaving at 1345 hours over Naqurah.

0925 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Naqurah. It circled over the sea between Tripoli and Shikka, Kurah, Batrun and Zgharta and then over the sea between Tripoli and Batrun, Matn and Kasrawan before leaving at 1800 hours over the sea west of Naqurah.

1525 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over the South and the Shuf before leaving at 2200 hours over Kafr Kila.

1640 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1730 hours over Kafr Kila.

1645 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1730 hours over Yarun.

1645 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1730 hours over Yarun.

1805 Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the Western Bekaa. One of the planes dropped an unidentified object while overflying the town of Yuhmur in the direction of Lake Qara‘awn.

2150 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the Shuf and the South before leaving at 0505 hours on 23 October over Rumaysh.

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Date Time Nature of violation

23 October 0505 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0620 hours over Kafr Kila.

1720 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1850 hours over Kafr Kila.

2105 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Yarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0250 hours on 24 October over Yarun.

24 October 0255 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. It circled over the South before leaving at 0610 hours over Aytarun.

25 October 1655 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 2155 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1730 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They headed north, proceeding as far as Tripoli. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1930 hours over Kafr Kila.

2200 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 0350 hours on 26 October over Naqurah.

26 October 0420 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled over the South before leaving at 0550 hours over Naqurah.

1010 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled over the South before leaving at 1850 hours over Kafr Kila.

1035 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South and the Western Bekaa before leaving at 1255 hours over Kafr Kila.

1845 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Mays al-Jabal. It circled over the South before leaving at 0040 hours on 27 October over Alma al-Sha‘b.

27 October 0025 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. It circled over the South before leaving at 0735 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

0730 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 0830 hours over Rumaysh.

0940 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1220 hours over Rumaysh.

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A/75/692 S/2020/1302

Date Time Nature of violation

1215 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. It circled over the South before leaving at 1455 hours over Aytarun.

28 October 1725 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Naqurah. It circled over Baalbek and the South before leaving at 0035 hours on 29 October over the sea west of Naqurah.

1735 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Naqurah. It circled over the South and Baalbek and then over the sea between Beirut and Juniyah before leaving at 0030 hours on 29 October over the sea west of Naqurah.

29 October 0755 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea west of Naqurah. It circled over Baalbek and the South before leaving at 1730 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.

1245 Two Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1410 hours over Rumaysh.

1500 Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the occupied Shab‘a Farms. They left at 1810 hours.

1545 Four Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circled over all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1715 hours over Rumaysh.

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