The Regional Economy of the Southern Levant in the 8Th-7Th Centuries BCE

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The Regional Economy of the Southern Levant in the 8Th-7Th Centuries BCE The Regional Economy of the Southern Levant in the 8th-7th Centuries BCE The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Walton, Joshua Theodore. 2015. The Regional Economy of the Southern Levant in the 8th-7th Centuries BCE. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. Citable link Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// use#LAA The Regional Economy of the Southern Levant in the 8th-7th Centuries BCE A dissertation presented by Joshua Theodore Walton To The Department of Near Eastern Language and Civilizations In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In the Subject of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts April 2015 © Joshua Theodore Walton 2015 All Rights Reserved. Dissertation Advisor: Professor Lawrence Stager Joshua Theodore Walton The Regional Economy of the Southern Levant in the 8th-7th Centuries BCE Abstract The late Iron Age in the ancient Near East was a period marked by dramatic changes. Politically, the rise of the Neo-Assyrian empire ushers in the beginning of imperial rule. At the same time, Phoenician expansion efforts across the Mediterranean, and the emerging South Arabian caravan trade led to greater connectivity across the ancient Near East and Mediterranean worlds. In the southern Levant, the late Iron Age is also a period marked by change, including large scale urbanization at sites such as Jerusalem and Ekron, increased scale of production of goods such as wine and olive oil on the coastal plain, and increased settlement in previously marginal areas such as the Negev and Judean deserts. Yet despite all of these changes, the local economy shows a remarkable continuity with previous periods. In this dissertation we examine the regional economy of the southern Levant, focusing on Judah and the Philistine city-states, during the 8th-7th centuries BCE through the lens of New Institutional Economics. In order to do this, we focus on the different regional players that impacted economic life during this time period: the local producers and consumers living in the southern Levant, the imperial governing structures of the Assyrians, the emerging caravan trade from the Arabian peninsula, and the world of the Mediterranean trade networks of the Phoenicians and Greeks. By examining the archaeological and textual evidence relating to these different players we attempt to build a picture of the diverse social contexts, or institutions, that governed different spheres of economic behavior. Furthermore, we examine how these different regional players encouraged and motivated participation in a large variety of overlapping social iii contexts, and explain changes and developments in local economic structures during the late Iron Age. iv Table of Contents i..ככככככככככככככככככככככככככככככככככTitle Page iii.כ..כככככככככככככככככככככככככככככככככAbstract v.כככככככככככככככככככככככככככככככTable of Contents x...כ...ככככככככככככככככככככככככככככככList of Figures xiכ..כככככככככככככככככככככככככככככככAbbreviations xii....כככככככככככככככככככככככככככככAcknowledgements 1...ככככככככככככככככ...ככככככ..כככככChapter 1: Introduction 1.כ..ככככככככככ...כככככככככככככככככככככIntroduction 2..כ..כככככ..כככככככככככככככככככHistorical Framework 6ככ.....ככככככככככככככככככככככGeographical Framework 9כ...כככככ..כככככככככככככככככMethodological Framework 10....ככ..ככככככככככככככככככככככTheoretical Framework 11................כככככככHistory of Scholarship: Economic Theory and the Southern Levant 11.......................כככככככככככככככככככSubstantivist Perspective 16.........................ככככככככככככככככככככFormalist Perspective 17.......................כככככככככככModels of the ancient Near Eastern Economy 18.........ככככככככככככModels based on a Substantivist Perspective 18..ככ.....................כככככככככככככCommand Economy 20.ככ...כככככ...ככככככככPatrimonial Household Model 22..כ..ככככככ...כככככככככModels based on Formal Principles 22כ...ככככ...ככככ..כככככככככMediterranean Market 25..ככ.כככ...כככככ..ככככככככTax-and-Trade Model 28.כ..ככככככ.ככככ...כככככככככExcursus: Money 32..כ..כככככככככככ..כככככככככWorld Systems Theory 41.כ...ככככככככככככ.ככBeyond the Substantivist vs. Formalist Debate 45..כככ...ככככככככככככככככככככככNew Institutional Economics 51כ.....כככככככככככNew Institutional Economics and the Southern Levant 55כ....כככ Chapter 2: Local Production, Consumption and Exchange in the Southern Levant 55......................כ.כ.כככככככככככככככככככככככככIntroduction 56..ככ.ככ..ככככככככככככככככ.כככככככTextual Sources 56..ככככככככככככככEpigraphic Finds from the Southern Levant 56כככ..כככ.כככככככככככככככככככAssyrian Texts 59.ככ..כככככככככככככככככככככככBiblical Texts 60.ככככ.כככככככככ...כככככככככככClimate and Geography 63.כככככככ.כככככככככ..ככככככככככככDemographics 67כככ.כככככככככככככככככ..ככThe Economy of the Southern Levant 67כככ.ככככככככככככ.כככככככככככככככProduction 67.ככככככככככככככככככככככSubsistence Agriculture 68כככככככככככככככככככככככככWine Production 72.ככככככככככככככ...ככככככככככOlive Production 78כככככככככככככככככככככOther Production Facilities 82כככככ.כככככככככככ.כככככככככככככConsumption 82כככככככ..ככ.כככככככConsumption by Local Urban Centers v 84..ככככככככככככככככככWine and Olive Oil Consumption 85ככככככככככככככככככככככככGrain Consumption 87.....כככככככככ...כככככככככככככככככככDistribution 89כ..ככככככככככככככככככככככככShipwreck Data 93כככככככככככככככככככככככEgyptian Connections 96.ככככככככככככככככככככככPhoenician Connections 99...ככככככככככככככככככככMesopotamian Connections 101....ככככככככככככככ..Southern and Southeastern Connections 103......ככ...ככככככככככככככככMediterranean Connections Case Study on Consumption and Distribution: The Tribute of Hezekiah to 106.כ.........................כככככככככככככככככככSennacherib 117..כככככככככ..ככככככככככככAdministration in the Southern Levant 118.כ...כככככככככככככככככככככStamped Jar Handles 125ככככככככככככככככככככככככככArad Ostraca 126ככ...כככככ...ככככככככככככככככככככככככConclusions 133.כ...ככככככככככככככככככככככChapter 3: The Impact of Assyria 133..ככככככככככככככככככככככככככככככככIntroduction 134..כככככ...ככככככככככככככככככככHistorical Overview 134.....ככככככ..ככככככככככTiglath-pileser III/Shalmaneser V 135כככככככ...ככככככככככככככככככככSargon II 137ככ...כככככככככככככ...ככככככככככSennacherib 139.ככככככ...ככככככככככככככEsarhaddon/Ashurbanipal 140..כ.כ...ככככככככככככככככככככOrganization of the Empire 140.כככ..ככככככככככככככככככככככWorld Empire 141.כככככככככככככככככככTerritorial-Hegemonic Empire 143ככככ..כככככככככככככככככככPatrimonial Empire 145כככככככככככככככככככ...כככVassals vs. Provinces 148..כככככככככככככככ..כככככככTextual Sources for Assyrian Policy 153ככככככככככככככ.ככככAssyrian Policy in the royal Inscriptions 153..כככככככככככ..ככככככככככככAssyrian Ideology 156כככDevelopment of Assyrian Policy as Presented in the Royal Inscriptions 158ככ.כככככככככככככככככככTiglath-pileser III 160..כככ.כככככככככככככככככככככSargon II 161..כככככככככככככככככככככככSennacherib 163כ..כככ.כככככככככככככככככככEsarhaddon 166....ככככככככככככככככככככככAshurbanipal 166כככככככככככככככככככככככככככDiscussion 169כככככככככככככככAssyrian Letters and Administrative Documents 170כככככ.כככככככככככככככככTreaties/Loyalty Oaths 174.כככככככככככככככ.כככככככככככככLetters 174..כככ..ככככככככככככככככככככManpower 175....ככככככ..ככככככככככככככBuilding Projects 176ככככככככ.כככככככOrganization of tribute and taxes 176...כ.כככככככככככככככככOther Economic Issues 177ככככככ.ככככככככככככSecurity and Information vi 178כ.כ.כככככככככ.כככככככככTexts from Non-Assyrian Sources 178...כככככככככככככככככככככככככHebrew Bible 180.כככ........................ככ..כככככAramaic and Phoenician Documents 182כככככככככככככככככככככככככככDiscussion 185ככככ..ככככככככככככככככככResistance to Assyrian Policy 189..כככ...כככככככככAssyrian and Assyrianizing Remains in the Southern Levant 190כככככ.ככככככככככככככככככAssyrian-Style Architecture 193.ככככככככככככככככככככככככככככAshdod 194..ככ...כככככככככככככככככככככככTell Jemmeh 196.כככ.ככככככככככככככככככככככככTel Haror 197כככככ...ככככככככככככככככככככככצTel Sera 198....ככ..כככככ...כככככככככ(Abu Salima (Tell Sheik Zuweid 198.כככככ..ככככככככככככככככככככEkron Temple 199..כככככככככככככככככ..כככככככככככGezer 200ככככככככככככככככככככככככככככRuqeish 200כככככככככככ.ככככככככככככככככBlakhiyah 201.כככככככ.כככככככככככככככככככTell Qudadi 202..כככככככככככככככככככככככככRishon Lezion 203..כככככככככככככככככ..ככככככככRamat-Rahel 204.ככככככככככככככככככככככככככככLachish 204כככככככככככככככ.ככככככככככAssyrian-Style Pottery 210..כככככככככככככככככככככככככככEpigraphic Finds 215כככככככככככ..כככככככככככככOther Assyrian Artifacts 215..ככככככ..כככככככככככככככככSeals and Sealings 217ככככככככככככככככ..ככככככככככככBurials 218.כככככככככככככ...כככככככככככככככErrata 219כככככככככככככככככככככככככככDiscussion 223ככככככ..ככככככככModels for Assyrian Involvement in the Southern Levant 224.כככככ...כככככככככככMaximalist View on Assyrian Involvement 227..כ..כככככככככככככככככAssyria: An indirect positive influence 229..כככככככככככ...כככככככPax Assyriaca: Fact or Fiction 237..כככככככככ...ככככככככככככככככUninvolved Assyria 240ככככככככככככככככככככככככככככככDiscussion 241כככככככ.כככככככככככThe Impact of Assyrian
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