Regulations 2019

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Regulations 2019 Regulations 2019 ÍNDEX 1. ORGANIZATION. 2 2. RACES. 2 3. PARTICIPATION. 2 4. SEMI SELF-SUFFICIENCY. 2 5. PREVENTION AND MEDICAL MEASURES. 3 6. REGISTRATION CONDITIONS. 3 7. REGISTRATI N. 4-5 !. COMPLIANCE "IT# EVENT REGULATIONS AND ET#ICS. 5 $. E%UIPMENT. 6 1&. RACE 'I'S AND DROP 'AGS. 6 11. LOST AND FOUND ITEMS. 6 12. SAFETY AND MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. 7 13. C#EC(POINTS) AID STATIONS AND CUTOFF TIMES. 7 14. DROP OUT) EVACUATION AND RETURNING FROM T#E FINIS#. ! 15. COURSE MAR(INGS. ! 16. PENALTIES. ! 17. DOPING CONTROL. $ 1!. COMPLAINTS AND RESOLUTIONS. $ 1$. MODIFICATION OF T#E COURSE OR CUTOFFTIMES* CANCELLATION OF T#E RACE. $ 2&. INSURANCE. $ 21. CATEGORIES AND PRIZES. $-1& 22. IMAGE RIG#TS. 1& 23. DATA PROTECTION. 1& 24. MODIFICATION OF REGULATION. 1& ANNEX I - ULTRA-TRAIL "ORLD TOUR+ #EALT# POLICY RULES. 11 ANNEX II - SUSTAINA'ILITY POLICY. 12 Regulations P,-./01213a T4/523+ #G+ 2&1$ – november Página: 1/12 A46572, 1. ORGANIZATION. T e Club "arató i "it$a% wit provincial clubs% sponsors ip &rom t e Castellón County an' collaborative e(orts wit t e municipalities of: Castelló 'e la Plana% )orriol% *ila&am+s% ,es -seres% ,lucena 'el Ci'% .t/eneta 'el "aestrat% )ena0gos% Culla% 1odos% *illa ermosa 'el Rio an' *istabella 'el "aestrat are P,-./01213/ T4/523® HG+ organi/ers. A46572, 2. RACES. P,-./01213/ T4/523+ HG+ 2&1$ is a sports event compose' of t ree long-'istance% semi sel&2su3cient races. 4eparting &rom Castelló 'e la Plana% runners will 0nis at t e 5anctuary of 5ant Joan 'e Penyagolosa in t e eart of t e P,-./01213/ Na684/2 P/49. T e route runs t rough trails an' pat s o& t e mountain ranges t at make up t e secon' most2mountainous province of 5pain. • P,-./01213/ T4/523® M5M+ 8Marat# 5 Mit$a9: :0; <<00'= 2000'2. 4epart at 0::00 on .pril 1<. "a>imum race time: 1? . @it < ITR. points. T e race is part of t e Sp/5- U264/ C8:+. • P,-./01213/ T4/523® CSP+ 8Ca3tell#2Penyagolosa9: 110; ?:00'= BB00'2. 4epart at 00:00 on .pril 1<. "a>imum race time: 2C ours. @it ? ITR. points. T e race is part of t e Sp/5- U264/ C8:+ an' U264/ T4/52 "142; T184+ PRO an' Duali&ying &or ",36,4- St/6,3 E-;84/-7, R8-+ 2&2&. A46572, 3. PARTICIPATION. To participate% you must: E Fbtain prior to t e race% a capacity to be sel&2su3cient% w ic woul' allow you to solve unassiste' t e c allenges t at can occur in t is type of race% especially: G @eat er con'itions t at can be very 'i3cult 'ue to eat% win'% col' or rain. G ;now ow to manage% even i& isolate'% p ysical or mental c allenges resulting &rom &atigue% 'igestive problems% muscle or $oint pain% minor in$uries% etc. E )e &ully aware t at &or t is activity in t e nature% sa&ety 'epen's on t e runnerHs ability to solve &oreseeable problems t at may be encountere'. E )e of legal age on t e 'ay of t e race an' accept race regulations. Participants registere' in t is race participate voluntarily% ta7e responsibility &or t emselves an' meet t e necessary p ysical an' ealt reDuirements to participate in a race of t is nature. A46572, 4. SEMI SELF-SUFFICIENCY. T ese races are governe' by t e singular race principle of semi sel&2su3ciency. T at is% t e ability o& a runner to manage is/ er own survival between two ai' stations% inclu'ing &ood% clot ing an' security. T is principle implies t e &ollowing rules: • Iac runner must carry all man'atory eDuipment t roughout t e race Jsee article 9 IK-IP"ILTM. .t any time% commissioners may reDuest a c eck of t is eDuipment. .ll runners are oblige' to submit to suc reDuests% un'er penalty of elimination &rom t e race. • I>cept in case of acci'ent or emergency% personal assistance is aut ori/e' only at certain ai' stations JNM% in areas reserve' &or t at purpose% or wit in 100 meters be&ore or a&ter 'esignate' areas. • At is &orbi''en to be accompanie' 'uring all or part of t e race by an unregistere' person% outsi'e of 'esignate' ai' stations. JNM Personal assistance is allowe' in t e &ollowing places: • P,-./01213/ T4/523® M5M+< )orriol% -seres% Torrosselles an' 1odos. • P,-./01213/ T4/523® CSP+< )orriol% -seres% .t/eneta 'el "aestrat% )ena0gos% Culla% *istabella an' 1odos. I6 53 =14>5;;,- 5- /22 16?,r /5; 36/651-3 1r 5- /-. 16?,r :15-6 1- 6?, 4186,. At is t e obligation of eac participant to carry t eir own waste until t e 0nis or until places 'esignate' by organi/ers. Regulations P,-./01213a T4/523+ #G+ 2&1$ – november Página: 2/12 A46572, 5. PREVENTION AND MEDICAL MEASURES. T e race organi/ation will implement its own preventative me'ical measures. T ese measures ave neit er t e aim nor t e competence to substitute national an' international regulations in &orce in t e anti'oping 0ght% but t ey are inten'e' to strengt en me'ical assistance put in place by organi/ers. Iac runner commits to: • An&orm organi/ers in case of use of a prescription subject to a T erapeutic -se I>emption JT-IM. .llergy an'/or any ot er type of me'ication t at coul' Duali&y &or a T-I. • Comply wit t e collection of urine% blood or capillary samples an' t eir correspon'ing analyses as reDueste' by t e organi/ationHs "e'ical Council% un'erstan'ing t at t e e>penses in erent to bot e>traction an' analysis will be responsability of t e organi/ation. • .ccept any appointment ma'e by t e race 'octor% base' on t e in&ormation collecte' to assess t e runnerHs ability to participate in any of t e races. .&ter t at appointment% organi/ers may 'etermine t e runnerHs participation in t e race. 5ee ANNEX I. A46572, 6. REGISTRATION CONDITIONS. To vali'ate registration &or any P,-./01213/ T4/523® HG+ race% eac runner must: • Provi'e a 'isclaimer JNM. Oe/s e must% in a''ition to t e previous 'ocument% &or P,-./01213/ T4/523® CSP+: • Provi'e a non2contrain'ication me'ical report &or ultra2en'urance sport JNM. T ese 'ocuments must be uploa'e' to t e correspon'ing space% ne>t to t e list of registere' runners% >,=14, 6?, 136 1= M/47?. Organi/ers will not accept any 'ocuments sent by e2mail or any ot er means ot er t an t e one in'icate'. In case of non2receipt of eit er 'ocument be&ore t e 'ate in'icate'% t e registration will be cancele'. @AB D178C,-63 D522 >, /E/52/>2, =1r ;1D-21/; ;845-0 6?, C1-6? 1= D,7,C>,r. T e &ollowing registration &ees ave been establis e': • P,-./01213/ T4/523® M5M+< C0 P. • P,-./01213/ T4/523® CSP®: 10? P. T e registration &ee inclu'es: • 4ay ,icense &rom R.Q.I... Or acci'ent insurance. • .ccess to all ai' stations establis e' by t e organi/ation. • "e'ical care t roughout t e race an' upon arrival at t e 0nis . • 5 owers an' massages in 'esignate' areas. • Ri&t bag Jrace kitM. • Possibility of obtaining trophies an' cas pri/es ofere' by organi/ers. • )us transportation &or all participants &rom t e 0nis back to t e start. • Cloakroom storage at t e 0nis line. Fnce registration is complete' an' pai' &or% any runner can reDuest &ee re&un' in case e/s e 'eci'es not to participate. Qor t is purpose% t e &ollowing 'ea'lines ave been establis e': • -ntil Qebruary 1?: S0T of registration. • Qrom Qebruary 1? to 2S: ?0T of registration. • .s o& "arc 1st% no amount o& t e registration &ee will be re&un'e'. .ll reDuests &or registration re&un' must be ma'e in writing to [email protected] an' inclu'e relevant personal in&ormation% proof of payment% an' a ban7 account number into w ic t e amount o& t e correspon'ing registration reimbursement will be trans&erre' accor'ing to t e con'itions establis e' above. Regulations P,-./01213a T4/523+ #G+ 2&1$ – november Página: </12 A46572, 7. REGISTRATION. Qor reasons of sa&ety% respect &or t e environment an' respect &or runners% it is necessary to limit t e number of bibs. .ll pre2registrations an' registrations will be 'one e>clusively by completing t e &orm via Internet. IMPORTANT: I= .18 1:6 =1r M5M+ 2166,4., 56 53 -16 :1335>2, 61 35C826/-,1832. 350- 8: =1r CSP+ 2166,4., 1r E57, E,43/. T e :4,-4,05364/651- period will be &rom 1$<&& 1- NoE,C>,r, 23 8-652 1$<&& 1- D,7,C>,r, 1&. 5ince 201?% t ere as been no waiting list. Riven t e e>perience o& previous years% most cancellations occur as late as possible an' it is not reasonable to consi'er participating in a long-'istance race wit out a'eDuate preparation. T ere&ore% registrations will be manage' t rough overbooking% t at is to say% w en registration closes% more runners t an slots available will be registere' because cancellations are anticipate'.
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