Minutes of a Meeting of the Barrow Area Committee held on 24 September 1996 at 11.00 am at The Town Hall, Barrow in Furness.


Mr W Smith (Chairman)

Mrs A Burns Mr G Sear Mr K R Hamilton Mr G E Smith Mr A M Horne Mr S F Stevens Ms J A Murphy Mrs A M Tait Mr J R Richardson Mrs H Young


The Terms of Reference of Area Committees, which had been approved by the Policy Direction and Advisory Sub-Committee on 4 September 1996 (Minute 27(1)) were noted.


Apologies for absence were received from Mr P Phizacklea.


RESOLVED, that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the item concerning School Crossing Patrols (Minute 44) on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act:


The County Council had agreed at its meeting on 17 July 1996 that the public participation scheme be extended to Area Committees in relation to those functions specifically delegated to them.

There were no public questions, deputations or petitions relating to the business of the Committee on this occasion.


The Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Committee held on 18 July 1996 were confirmed and thereupon signed by the Chairman.


The Director of Economy and Environment submitted a report which covered the functions of the Economy and Environment and Development Control and Regulation Committees which were to be devolved to the Area Committee from 1 April 1997. These further matters to be devolved covered a substantial range of functions covering highway maintenance, traffic management, public transport and planning applications for County Council developments, and the report provided details of the services involved and discussed the issues involved in devolving them to the Area Committee.

Members considered that given the substantial content of this item consideration of the report be deferred for discussion in detail at a special meeting.

RESOLVED, that a special meeting of the Committee be held to consider the report by the Director of Economy and Environment on 4 October 1996 at 10.00 am at the Town Hall, Barrow.


The Director of Economy and Environment reported that after considering a report about the Consultants Study of Solway and Morecambe Bay the Economy and Environment Committee on 23 October 1995 (Minute 79) had agreed there was a need to consider further a Millom - Askam Bridge improvement. He explained that although construction of a bridge across the Duddon Estuary was feasible in engineering terms, both the environmental and capital costs would be very high. However, the Department of Transport were known to be considering the project as a Private Finance Initiative candidate scheme.

Members referred to the need to improve communication along the whole of the west coast and considered that a Duddon Bridge crossing would form a very important communication link.

RESOLVED, that the Economy and Environment Committee be RECOMMENDED to commission a feasibility study of the Millom - Askam Bridge improvement as soon as possible, and that, if possible, the study be carried out by in-house consultants.


(1) The Minutes of the meetings of the Barrow Area Joint Policy Advisory Committee held on 5 July and 6 September 1996 were received.

(2) Arising from Minute 20 - Enforcement of On-Street Car Parking

RESOLVED, that amendment of the on-street parking orders in the Agency Area to include the following provision be approved:-

2 vmt/bac/min/240996 (a) a ten minute "initial" period in Resident Only Parking Places during which the general motorist is permitted to park. Only vehicles displaying a valid Resident Only Parking Permit would be permitted to park beyond this 10 minute period;

(b) the ten minute rule be strictly enforced throughout this period and there be a review of this provision after a period of three months following which the ten minute rule could be amended, if necessary;

(c) for all other limited waiting parking places the initial period will be either one hour or two hours according to the restriction in force. Resident exemption certificates will continue to be valid in order to allow residents unlimited parking;

(d) an initial charge of zero will be set for the initial period of parking (ie ten minutes, one hours or two hours);

(e) an excess charge of £50 (reduced to £20 if paid within 14 days) will be set for motorists who do not comply with the restrictions.

(3) Policy Committee at its meeting on 12 September (Minute 40(2)) had agreed that Area Committees be encouraged to invite the local Council of Voluntary Service to be a standing member of the Joint Policy Advisory Committee.

RESOLVED, that this recommendation be noted and reconsidered at a future date.


At Minute 38 of 7 February 1995 the Committee had supported, and allocated £4,097 towards, a promotional strategy in the Barrow Area aimed at children under 3 entitled "Books for Babies".

The County Heritage Services Officer reported that the scheme had been enthusiastically supported and received and had been very successful. There had been a large increase in the number of children under 3 that had become and remained active members of the Library, and in many cases other members of the family had also been encouraged to join the Library. In view of this success, it was hoped to extend the scheme to include children under 4 years of age and to employ short-term project workers to target places where take-up was lower.

The Committee strongly supported this scheme and welcomed its proposed expansion. However, the Committee’s budget for the current financial year was fully committed and they were unable to offer any financial support at this time. 3 vmt/bac/min/240996 RESOLVED, that the intention to extend the Books for Babies project to 3 year olds be supported in principle and be included in the 1997/98 budgetary considerations.


(1) The Minutes of the meetings of the Priority 4 Working Party held on 30 May and 3 July 1996 were noted.

(2) Arising from the Minutes, the Priority 4 Development Officer advised the Committee that the Priority 4 scheme as it now existed would cease on 31 December 1996, following which it would be replaced by a Priority 3 scheme. In the meantime the expiry date for all applications under the current Priority 4 scheme had been announced as 27 September. He explained that there would be an underspend in the Priority 4 monies allocation but this would be carried forward, although the mechanism was unclear at this stage.

RESOLVED, that the report be noted.


(1) Under 5s Budget

It was noted that the total 1996/97 budget of £245,148 had been allocated.

Members were concerned that the Committee received proper recognition for the assistance which it provided for all projects in the Area. To date this had mainly been to assist and extend provision for the Under 5s and they were unhappy that the Committee’s significant financial contribution towards one new nursery class in particular had not been recognised, as they would have wished.

RESOLVED, that officers note the need for particular attention be paid to the Area Committee receiving appropriate recognition of its role in assisting and furthering projects in the Area.

(2) Local Economic Initiatives

It was noted that £35,500 general and £12,000 Priority 4 monies remained to be allocated in the Local Economic Strategies budget. It was also noted that this budget provision was time limited to May 1997.


The Priority 4 Development Officer reported that South Central Barrow Credit Union was seeking to extend it boundary to include most of Barrow, and it was intended to computerise the existing manual record system in 4 vmt/bac/min/240996 order to cope with the additional administration. The total cost of the proposed computer package was £1,485 and the Credit Union were seeking a grant from the Area Committee. Barrow Borough Council had awarded a grant of £650 towards the equipment.

RESOLVED, that a grant of £750 be awarded to the South Central Barrow Credit Union towards the costs of a computer system, to be met from the Economic Initiatives general allocation.


The Priority 4 Development Officer reported that establishment of a ’community chest’ funded by a block grant of ERDF with matching local funding would enable local groups to access European funds for small projects through a much simplified procedure. He described in detail the concept of a community chest for the Barrow Priority 4 wards. The Priority 4 Members Working Party had agreed in principle to support an application for a Priority 4 ERDF grant of £25,000 towards an overall community chest of £50,000. It was intended that applicants to the chest would contribute 25% of the cost of their project; 25% would be met jointly by the Borough Council and the Area Committee and 50% met from European funding. Members supported the proposal and it was


(1) £6,250 be allocated to the Priority 4 (Barrow) community chest from the Priority 4 budgetary allocation, subject to

(a) a similar grant being awarded by Barrow Borough Council and;

(b) the Members Working Party agreeing details of the Scheme

(2) the County Council act as applicants for a Priority 4 ERDF grant of £25,000 towards an overall community chest of £50,000.


The Committee received a presentation from Mr N Butters of the County Council’s Construction Services Department about the proposed environmental improvement of 17 identified small neglected or derelict sites within the urban area of Barrow to create public open space in order to provide positive community benefits for local residents and businesses. The estimated total cost of the package was £250,000, four fifths of which would be met by English Partnerships and one fifth by County Council. It was proposed that the works be phased over a three year period.

Mr Butters explained that in order to maximise the local community development in the design and subsequent implementation of these schemes 5 vmt/bac/min/240996 the outline proposals would be developed with the assistance of two community based local organisations, namely BEAU (the Barrow Environmental Action Unit) and Furness ITEC working in partnership with the County Council’s Environment and Design Section who would act on behalf of Barrow Borough Council, as Project Co-ordinators. It was intended that BEAU would assist in the production of detailed design proposals for individual sites working closely with local residents and interest groups, that the agreed design proposals would be packaged into a suitable form for implementation by Cumbria County Council who would provide additional technical and contractual input, and that implementation would be by Furness ITEC as principle contractor who would engage unemployed local people on nationally recognised constructional and horticultural skills training courses. Mr Butters explained that while the strategy programme was based on all of the schemes being completed within three years, they had not been prioritised and he sought Members views on prioritisation.

Members welcomed the presentation and emphasised the need for Members to be kept informed of projects and proposals which involved partnership, particularly with the Borough Council. Suggestions as to prioritisation of the schemes was required within the next six weeks and it was

RESOLVED, that the views of the Priority 4 Members Working Party be sought on prioritisation of the sites within the neglected schemes package, and the matter be further considered at the Special Meeting of the Committee on 4 October 1996.


The Corporate Services Manager referred to Minute 19 of 18 July 1996 and reported that early indications of the costings of the requirements of the Committee suggested at that Minute were that the budget of £57,689 would be insufficient. Further clarification had, therefore, been sought from the Chairman and Vice-Chairman about what they wished to achieve in Barrow and, based upon this she outlined in a report proposals for moving towards those aims within the budget.

The aims for the first six months for community development would be to establish the new Forums as the key vehicles for consultation and on empowering the communities they covered to ensure they participated and used the Forums to express their views to the County Council as well as to identify local needs and priorities. During this period also the Community Development Officer would move towards making the Forums self sufficient, running with the support of the Administrator. The estimated cost of Forum administration, grants administration and community development was £58,000. However, the workload would not be sufficient to justify either a full-time Development Worker nor a full-time Administrator and it was further proposed that the two Officers take on the ongoing work for Priority 4, although this work would not be continued at the existing level. The work would add value to Priority 4 and an application could be made for 50% Priority 4 funding, producing an estimated income of £15,000 (November 1995 prices).

6 vmt/bac/min/240996 With regard to Economic Initiatives it was suggested that Lancashire Co- operative Development Agency (LCDA) be invited to undertake 2.5 days economic initiative activity on behalf of the Area Committee. In any Agreement with the Committee, LCDA would work across the whole Barrow area and the estimated cost of such an agreement would equate to £18,000 (November 1995 prices).

Members agreed that the Community Development Officer’s aim should be to develop the communities as part of the commitment to empower local communities so that they were able to take advantage of the economic initiatives generated by LCDA both as commissioned by the County Council and as generated by the Community Enterprise Project.

The Corporate Services Manager stressed that if the proposals were taken forward regular progress reports would be required. She also advised that the question of shared office accommodation was being pursued.

The Committee approved the approach suggested for meeting their requirements, while recognising that all of the aspects relating to Neighbourhood Development were subject to the approval of its Business Plan by Policy Review Sub-Committee on 25 October and that Priority 4 funding was not guaranteed.

RESOLVED, that the proposals suggested in the Officer’s report be approved in principle, and the Corporate Services Manager be authorised to pursue the proposals and the budget implications, including the potential for Priority 4 funding, and report back to the next meeting of the Committee.


The Committee considered a report which outlined the proposed Executive Officer support for the Area Committee, outlined at Minute 19 of 18 July 1996.


(1) the Corporate Services Manager support the Area Committee in the role outlined at the Area Committee’s last meeting for an Executive Officer;

(2) the arrangement be subject to review.


The Corporate Services Manager advised Members of the decision of Policy Review Sub-Committee on 5 September 1996 (Minute 29) that the Barrow Forum be divided into three Forums as follows:-

7 vmt/bac/min/240996 - Walney - //Parkside/Roosecote - /Central/Barrow Island/

Ormsgill to decide which Forum it would wish to join (subsequently agreed by the local Member to join the Risedale/Central/Barrow Island/Hindpool Forum).

Policy Review Sub-Committee had also agreed that the core membership be retained for a Barrow-wide Forum; that the new Forums be asked to consider taking a top slice of 15% of the grant monies for allocation to Barrow-wide organisations; that the new Forums be asked to consider the suggestion that the Barrow-wide Forum meet four times per year, and that a review of these boundary changes be carried out in twelve months time.

The total Barrow Forum budget for 1996/97 was £40,639, of which £19,344 remained to be allocated. The Corporate Services Manager suggested two options for allocating this remaining budget and it was


(1) the decision of Policy Review Sub-Committee regarding the boundary changes to Barrow Forum and the developments to date in implementing that decision be noted;

(2) the remaining Forum grants allocation be distributed as indicated in Appendix 2 of the Officers’ Report (for Appendix see Minute Book).


The Notes of the meeting of the Divisional Grants Panel held on 24 July were received.

RESOLVED, that the following grants be awarded:-

Age Concern - Barrow £900 Age Concern - Dalton £900 Arthritis Care £500 Barrow and District Disability Assoc £900 Barrow Mencap Nil Barrow Voluntary Welfare Circle £900 Furness Drug Carers Assoc £922 Furness Drug and Alcohol Concern £900 Furness Phobic Action Nil NCH Action for Children £100 NSPCC £900 Samaritans of Barrow £500

8 vmt/bac/min/240996 40 FORUM GRANT APPLICATIONS

The Senior Neighbourhood Development Officer sought approval of recommendations made by the Dalton Neighbourhood Forum on grant applications.

RESOLVED, that the following offers of financial assistance be approved:-

Askam and Ireleth Youth Club £315 Duddon Inshore Rescue £1,000


The Director of Education presented a report updating Members on the Government’s proposals to introduce nursery vouchers for all four year olds in April 1997, and suggesting a response aimed at maintaining in the short-term current standards and provision. In discussing the report Members emphasised its continuing commitment to nursery education and welcomed the Education Committee’s proposed review of the effects of the introduction of nursery vouchers.


(1) with the Education Committee, a continuing commitment to Under 5s in 1997/98 be maintained;

(2) the Education Committee’s intention to commission a review of the effect of the introduction of vouchers for four year olds on the take-up of places within the state, voluntary and private sectors in Cumbria towards the end of 1997 be endorsed.


Further to Minute 9(2) of 3 June 1996, the Director of Education presented a report detailing the existing arrangements and associated costs in relation to school crossing patrols and the appointment of LEA Governors. The Committee was asked to determine how it wished these activities to be administered in future.


(1) the report be noted;

(2) the current administrative arrangements in relation to school crossing patrols and the appointment of LEA Governors be purchased from the Education Department through a Service Level Agreement;


The Committee consider Schedules of recommendations for the appointment of LEA representatives on the Governing Bodies of the following nursery, primary and secondary schools.

RESOLVED, that the following be appointed

(a) County Nursery and Primary

School Representative

Bram Longstaffe Nursery Mrs S Gibson 5 Ancaster Street BARROW-IN-FURNESS LA14 2SY

Abbotsmead Infant Mrs A Moyle 88 Bridgegate Avenue BARROW-IN-FURNESS LA13 9DF

Abbotsmead Junior Mrs A Moyle 88 Bridgegate Avenue BARROW-IN-FURNESS LA13 9DF

Barrow Island Primary Mrs S Gibson 5 Ancaster Street BARROW-IN-FURNESS LA14 2SY

Greengate Infant Mrs S Jackson 183 Greengate Street BARROW-IN-FURNESS LA13 9BT

Newton Mr P A Barton 49 Langdale Crescent DALTON-IN-FURNESS LA15 8NS

South Walney Infant Mr P Shipman 7 Orchard Close Bardsea ULVERSTON LA12 9QP

10 vmt/bac/min/240996 Victoria Junior Mrs L J Last 82 Victoria Road BARROW-IN-FURNESS LA14 5NR

(b) County Secondary

School Representative

Thorncliffe Mr B Hindmarsh 14 Hornbeam Crescent BARROW-IN-FURNESS

Walney Mr D Laird 21 Bankfield Gardens Walney BARROW-IN-FURNESS LA14 3SN

NOTE: At this point the public and press left the Meeting.


Further to Minute 9(1) of 3 June 1996 the Director of Education presented a report providing details of numbers, locations and costs of school crossing patrols in the Barrow Area. The report also included information on the criteria use for determining whether or not a patrol was required. It was pointed out that all the powers and duties in respect of school crossing patrols were delegated to the Area Committee, subject to providing patrols wherever the minimum criteria were met.

Currently there was no budget available for reviews of school crossing patrols, and the Committee was informed that Policy Committee at its Meeting on 12 September (Minute 40(1)) had asked the Education Committee to identify and release funds for the cost of additional school crossing patrols and reviews from its budget for transfer to the Area Committees.

RESOLVED, that the Report be noted.

The Meeting ended at 1.05 pm.

11 vmt/bac/min/240996