Transformation Groups ⃝c Springer Science+Business Media New York (2017) Vol. 22, No. 4, 2017, pp. 1081–1124 DIRAC ACTIONS AND LU'S LIE ALGEBROID E. MEINRENKEN Department of Mathematics University of Toronto 40 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M4S2E4, Canada
[email protected] Abstract. Poisson actions of Poisson Lie groups have an interesting and rich geometric structure. We will generalize some of this structure to Dirac actions of Dirac Lie groups. Among other things, we extend a result of Jiang-Hua Lu, which states that the cotangent Lie algebroid and the action algebroid for a Poisson action form a matched pair. We also give a full classification of Dirac actions for which the base manifold is a homogeneous space H=K, obtaining a generalization of Drinfeld's classification for the Poisson Lie group case. 1. Introduction A Poisson{Lie group H is a Lie group endowed with a Poisson structure πH such that the multiplication map MultH : H × H ! H is Poisson. An action of H on a Poisson manifold (M; πM ) is called a Poisson action if the action map AM : H × M ! M is a Poisson map. Such actions may be seen as `hidden' symmetries, not necessarily preserving the Poisson structure on M. They were first studied by Semenov{Tian-Shansky [43] in the context of soliton theory. Poisson actions have a rich geometric structure, developed in the work of many authors, including [18], [19], [24], [31], [33], [32], [48]. ∗ Let L = Tπ M be the cotangent Lie algebroid of M. Since the H-action on M does not preserve the Poisson structure, its cotangent lift is not by Lie algebroid automorphisms, in general.