Representation Theory in Complex Rank, II
Representation theory in complex rank, II The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Etingof, Pavel. “Representation Theory in Complex Rank, II.” Advances in Mathematics 300 (September 2016): 473–504 © 2016 Elsevier Inc As Published Publisher Elsevier BV Version Author's final manuscript Citable link Terms of Use Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License Detailed Terms REPRESENTATION THEORY IN COMPLEX RANK, II PAVEL ETINGOF To the memory of Andrei Zelevinsky 1. Introduction Let Ct be one of the categories Rep(St), Rep(GLt), Rep(Ot), Rep(Sp2t), obtained by interpolating the classical representation categories Rep(Sn), Rep(GLn), Rep(On), Rep(Sp2n) to complex values of n, defined by Deligne-Milne and Deligne ([DM, De1, De2]).1 In [E1], by analogy with the representation theory of real reductive groups, we proposed to consider various categories of “Harish-Chandra modules” based on Ct, whose objects M are objects of Ct equipped with additional mor- phisms satisfying certain relations. In this situation, the structure of an object of Ct on M is analogous to the action of the “maximal com- pact subgroup”, while the additional morphisms play the role of the “noncompact part”. The papers [E1, EA, Ma] study examples of such categories based on the category Rep(St) (which could be viewed as do- ing “algebraic combinatorics in complex rank”). This paper is a sequel to these works, and its goal is to start developing “Lie theory in complex rank”, extending the constructions of [E1] to “Lie-theoretic” categories Rep(GLt), Rep(Ot), Rep(Sp2t) (based on the ideas outlined in [E2]).
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