Planning for Preservation in Washington, Iowa
JUN 0 8 2009 Planning for Preservation in Washington, Iowa June 3, 2009 Preparedfior: Washington Tl istoric Preservation Commission Submftttd ky: SPARK g;ZicfacFn#ti#5carley Consulting Davenporty lA PlanningforPreservationinWashington,Iowa June 3, 2009 Rebecca Lawin Mccarley SPARK Consulting 1 7 Oak Lane Davenporty lA 52803 www.octasparl(.com Acknowledyements: City of washington: City Admjnistratoi`: DavL-d Pl)/man Mayor: Sandra Joliuson City Coundl: Merle Hagie, Milte Roth, Bob Sheplierd, Fred Stark (liaison to preservation commission), 1faren \^/iison-Jolinson, and Russ ZiegTowilg/ Washington llistoric Preservat-I-on Commission: Mary Patterson, Chair; Cat.ol Ray, Coihalr; Martha Bates; Midiael 1{ramme Dowi`itown research volunteers: llla tamest John Greenei., Don Kline, Michael 1(ramme, Mary Patterson, Carol Ray, Bob Shepherd, Deb Simmering, and Fred Stai.k ThisprojecthasbeenfinancedinpartwithFederalfinndsffomtheNationalParl(Service,U.S.Department of Interior. Howevei., the contents and opiniotis do not necessarily reflect the view or policies of the Deparment of the lnten-or, nor does the mention Of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsementorrecommendatL-onkytheDepartmeTitofthelntelior. This program receives Federal finana-al finds from the National Park Sem-ce. Under fitle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964-, Section 504. of the rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, the U.S. Deparfuent of the Interior prohibits unlawful dism-minat-L-on in Federally Assisted Programs on the basis of race, color, national ori-gin, disability or age, Any person who believes he or she has been discn-minated against in any program, activity, or facility operated 1}y a recipient Of Federal assistance should wiite to: Director, Equal Opportunity Program, U.S, Department of the lnten-or, National Park Service, P.O.
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