Subject: update Date: 20 July 2021 Report to: Board Report of: Rosanna Lawes, Executive Director of Development

This report will be considered in public

1. SUMMARY 1.1. This paper provides Board with an update on progress of studies relating to Stratford Station. 1.2. A report is included on Part 2 of the agenda, which contains exempt supplemental information. The information is exempt by virtue of part 1, paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A in that it contains information relating to the business affairs of the Legacy Development Corporation.

2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 The Board is asked to note this report.

3. BACKGROUND 3.1. Stratford station is one of London’s most significant stations acting as both an and origin and destination with increased entry/exists here. Currently it is the seventh busiest station in the UK, with more exits than Paddington or Kings Cross and is well connected within London and beyond. 3.2. It offers interchange between , TfL Rail / Elizabeth line, (LO), (LU), (DLR), (HS1), TfL bus services and scheduled coach services. 3.3. In addition, the Stratford metropolitan area is a growing attraction as a destination station, with post-Olympic regeneration providing impetus for considerable localised growth. 3.4. One of the consequences of the success of the regeneration programme is a significant increase in the number of people using the regional station, both as a destination and as an interchange. Over the last ten years passenger activity at Stratford Regional station has trebled, with approximately 128 million passenger movements per annum 3.5. To ensure that this growth contributes to the creation of sustainable, balanced and successful communities, Stratford has been identified in the London Plan as a new metropolitan and international centre for London.

4. UPDATE 4.1. 5th Studio has been appointed to lead an urban design framework for the area around Stratford station. It is anticipated that this work will conclude towards the end of the year. 4.2. This month, Arup have been selected to undertake the Economic Impact Assessment and support the submission of the Strategic Assessment and Strategic Outline Business Case to central government. This will build on the work being done by 5th Studio to develop the Urban Framework.

5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 5.1. These are set out in the Part 2 report.

6. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 6.1. These are set out in the Part 2 report.

7. PRIORITY THEMES 7.1. The update does not impact on the delivery of the LLDC’s priority themes.

8. APPENDICES 8.1. None

List of Background Papers: None

Report originator(s): Clare Hebbes Telephone: 020 3288 1800 Email: [email protected]