JAN-DEC 1999 Number 27 Editorial
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JAN-DEC 1999 Number 27 Editorial This issue of Pachyderm is a year’s issue, covering IUCN January to December 1999. We have been lagging The World Conservation Union behind our publication schedule for some time and need to adjust to the calendar. You will discover a new section: Review and Opinion, which is distinctly different from the Research and Methodology sec- tion, in that the presentation of original research re- sults is not the main focus. S P E C I E S S U R V I V A L We are trying to streamline the typography and C O M M I S S I O N lay-out of incoming contributions and would like to appeal to future contributors to follow more closely the guidelines to ease the editing of manuscripts meant Pachyderm for publication in Pachyderm. More detailed “Guide- lines to contributors” are published in this issue. Journal of the African Elephant, Personally I enjoy design and lay-out, such that the African Rhino and the Asian the lay-out of this issue was done entirely at the Sec- Rhino Specialist Group retariat. We hope that in future and thanks to a new computer, Monica Buyu, the Secretary of the AfESG, Editor will have the opportunity to continue our desk top Martina Höft publishing efforts. In no. 26, a short version of a methods paper of Editorial Board John Watkin and Kes Hillman Smith was published. Lucy Vigne Due to the interest that the note raised and the subse- Holly Dublin quent enquiries to us to obtain the full version, we Esmond Martin decided to publish the paper in full in this edition. Mark Stanley Price Like the last issue, this one contains comparatively few articles on elephants, but many on rhinos. We have two contributions covering the history of two All correspondence,including enquiries about probably equally threatened subspecies of rhinos, the subscription should be sent to: Westem African black rhino, Diceros bicornis The Editor longipes, and the Javan rhino, Rhinoceros sondaicus Pachyderm annamiticus. The decision as to which of the two PO Box 62440 should go on the front cover of this issue was not an Nairobi, Kenya easy one. These two articles also exemplify some- tel: 254 2 332963 thing that has always been critisized: both draw fax: 254 2 332878 heavily on unpublished reports, the contents of which email: [email protected] are not easy to verify by the reviewers. However, there is an urgent need to bring the contents of those hid- den reports to the attention of a wider readership and The production of decision makers for conservation action. Pachyderm is financed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1 Pachyderm No. 27 January–December 1999 Pachyderm JAN-DEC 1999 Number 27 CONTENTS 3 Chairs’ Reports/Rapports des Presidents 4 AfESG/GSEAf (Holly Dublin) 9 AfRSG/GSRAf (Martin Brooks) 16 AsRSG/GSRAs (Mohd Khan bin Mom in Khan, Tom Foose, Nico van Strien) 22 Research and Methodology 22 A simple method for the analysis of stratified aerial sample counts (John Watkin and Kes Hillman Smith) 34 The Javan rhinos, Rhinoceros sondaicus annamiticus, of Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam: current status and management implications (Gert Polet, Tran Van Mui, Nguyen Xuan Dang, Bui Huu Manh and Mike Baltzer) 49 Reducing drug induction time in the field immobilization of elephants (Richard Hoare) 54 Notes from the Field 54 Airlifting immobilized rhinos (Mark Cooke) 59 Rhino tracking with the CyberTracker field computer (Louis Liebenberg, Lindsay Steventon, Karel Benadie and James Minye) 62 Results of four years’ satellite tracking of elephants in northern Cameroon (Hans de Ion gh, Martin Tchamba, Wil Tam is, Maarten Van ’t Zelfde, Herbert Prins, Helias Udo de Haes, Hans Bauer and Sylvain Tiawoun) 66 Monitoring human-elephant conflict through remotely located stations (John Waithaka) 69 Human activities on Mount Kenya from an elephant’s perspective (Hilde Vanleeuwe and Christian Lambrechts) 74 The need for cross-border monitoring of’ the Mara rhinos (Matt Walpole and Philip Bett) 75 Note sur l’atelier d’laboration de la stratégie de gestion des éléphants en Afrique de l’Ouest. Abidjan, 22 - 26 Février 1999 (Lamine Sebogo) Pachyderm No. 27 January–December 1999 2 Pachyderm JAN-DEC 1999 Number 27 76 Review and Opinion 76 Entrepots for rhino horn in Khartoum and Cairo threaten Garamba’s white rhino population (Esmond Martin and Kes Hillman Smith) 86 Rhinoceros noir du nord ouest de l’Afrique (Diceros bicornis longipes): le compte a rebours continue (Hubert Planton) 101 Elephants and their woodland habitats in northern Botswana (Raphael Ben-Shah ar) 105 West Bengal - Committed to rhino conservation yet a major entrepot for endangered wildlife products (Esmond Martin) 113 Book Reviews 117 Letters to the Editor 119 Guidelines to contributors ERRATA TO PACHYDERM NO.26 I. The caption to the photograph on the front page should have read: Black rhino in Swaziland. II. The photographs on pages 41, 44, 45, 50 and 122 were wrongly credited to Keryn Adcock and not to Hans Hansen, who is in fact the photographer and owner of the photographs. On behalf of Greg Overton (editor of issue no. 26), the current editor apologizes for this unfortunate error. III. On page 123, paragraph 2, line 1 should have read: During the year April 1997 to March 1998, a total of 28 known rhinos were recorded within MMNR. Cover photo credit: Hubert Planton Caption: Western African black rhino, Diceros bicornis longipes. “Sopen”, shot in August 1996, was one of the last representatives of the Western African black rhinos in the world. 3 Pachyderm No. 27 January–December 1999 CHAIRS’ REPORTS RAPPORTS DES PRESIDENTS African Elephant Specialist Group (AfESG) Groupe des Spécialistes des E1éphants Africains (GSEAf) Holly Dublin PO Box 62440, Nairobi, Kenya You will notice that this issue covers a 12- Vous remarquerez que cc numéro couvre la période de month period from January through Decem- 12 mois allant de janvier à décembre 1999. La transi- ber 1999. The transitioning of editors and other tion entre les éditeurs et d’autres facteurs m’ont conduite factors led me to take the somewhat conserva- à adopter l’approche un tant soit peu conservatrice de tive decision to merge two six-monthly issues réunir deux numéros semestriels en un afin de and “catch up” the time lost over this past year. “rattraper” le temps perdu au cours de cette dernière Pachyderm has grown into a professional pub- année. Pachyderm est devenu une publication lication that now reaches over 1,000 subscribers professionnelle dont chaque numéro atteint plus de 1000 with each edition. Its timely production is not abonnés. Sa production dans les délais n’est pas une a trivial task given the limited staff time we tâche facile, le Groupe de Spécialistes de l’Eléphant have available in the African Elephant Special- d’Afrique (GSEAf) ne disposant que d’un temps de per- ist Group (AfESG) and the solely volunteer sonnel limité et le comité de rédaction travaillant sur support provided by our editorial board. We une base uniquement bénévole. Nous espérons que ce hope you will find this issue deserving of your numéro vous confortera dans votre intérêt et votre continued interest and support. soutien continus. The coming of the new millennium signals L’approche du nouveau millénaire marque le début de the beginning of my ninth year as the Chair of ma neuvième année en tant que Présidente du GSEAf. the AfESG. Some days I wonder where the Certains jours je me demande où ces années se sont eight years have gone. Other days, I wonder enfuies. D’autres jours, je me demande si j’aurai jamais how I will ever have enough time to do justice suffisamment de temps pour rendre justice à tous les défis to all the challenges facing the African elephant auxquels l’éléphant d’Afrique doit faire face, qui arrivent that arrive in an ever-lasting flow on my desk quotidiennement sur mon bureau en un flux ininterrompu. each day. I often have to remind myself that I Je dois souvent me forcer à me rappeler qu’il est illusoire can not hope to take on all issues all the time. de vouloir traiter toutes les questions en même temps. Positive outcomes for elephant conservation Les succès remportés pour Ia conservation de éléphant Pachyderm No. 27 January–December 1999 4 will be determined by how well we, as a com- dépendront de notre capacité, en tant que communauté munity concerned with the conservation of the concernée par la protection de l’espèce, à marier species, effectively and efficiently marry the effectivement et efficacement les priorités d’action et priorities for action and the opportunities to les opportunités pour les traiter. Ceci demeure la motiva- address them. This continues to be the motiva- tion qui me fournit mon élan. Je suis sûre qu’il en est tion that provides me with forward momentum. aussi de même pour nombre d’entre vous. I am sure it also holds for many of you. Depuis le dernier numéro, nous avons terminé la ver- Since the last issue, we have completed the sion finale de la “Stratégie pour la conservation des final draft of the “Strategy for the Conservation éléphants d’Afrique de l’Ouest”. Nous nous attachons of West African Elephants”. We are now actively maintenant activement à la satisfaction des besoins addressing needs that were identified in the strat- identifiés dans la stratégie. Un certain nombre de dos- egy and a number of funding proposals have been siers de financement ont été préparé à l’intention de prepared to target interested donors.