Who Shall I Say Is Calling? Unetaneh Tokef As a Call to Change Our Lives for the Better.1 Rabbi Jordan M
Who Shall I Say is Calling? Unetaneh Tokef as a call to change our lives for the better.1 Rabbi Jordan M. Ottenstein, RJE Beth-El Congregation, Fort Worth, Texas Rosh Hashanah Morning, 5776 A story is told of Rav Amnon of Mainz, a rabbi of the Middle Ages, who “was the greatest of his generation, wealthy, of fine lineage, well built, and handsome. The nobles and bishop began asking him to apostacize,”2 to convert to Christianity, but he refused to listen. Yet, after continually pestering him with the same question, Rav Amnon told the bishop, “I want to seek advice and think the matter over for three days.”3 But, the minute he left the presence of the bishop after saying these words, he began to feel guilty. He was unable to eat or drink, the guilt he had over even saying that there was possibility he might leave Judaism was so great. And so, on the third day, he refused to go to the bishop when summoned. The bishop then sent his guards to bring Amnon before him against his will. “He asked, ‘What’s this Amnon, why didn’t you come back as stipulated— that you would take counsel and get back to me and do what I asked?’” Amnon replied, ‘Let me adjudicate my own case. The tongue that lied to you should be sentenced and cut off.’ ‘No,’ the bishop responded.’ It is not your tongue that I will cut off, for it spoke well. Rather it is your legs that did not come to me, as you promised, that I will chop off, and the rest of your body I will torment.’”4 After being tormented and tortured, Amnon was returned to his community on Rosh Hashanah.
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