Determination of Unprotonated Ammonia in Whole Cigarette Smoke* by C

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Determination of Unprotonated Ammonia in Whole Cigarette Smoke* by C Beitrage zur Tabakforschung ·Band 8 · Heft 6 • Junl1.976 Determination of Unprotonated Ammonia in Whole Cigarette Smoke* by C. H. Sloan and G. P. Morie Research Laboratories, Tennessee Eastman Company, Division of Eastman Kodak Company, Kingsport, Tennessee, U.S.A. INIRODUCTION pressure of ammonia over known aqueous solutions of 0.1. ppm, 1..0 ppm, and 1.0 ppm NHs. The partial pres­ Several methods have been reported for the deter­ sures were converted to concentrations by the ideal gas mination of ammonia in cigarette smoke (1. - 7). Ayers law. A calibration curve was prepared by plotting (1.) trapped the ammonia from cigarette smoke in 0.05 M concentration of gaseous ammonia against electrode aqueous sulfuric acid, added base, and used a diffusion response. cell to isolate and concentrate the liberated ainmonia. She then used gas chromatography to quantitatively Cigarettes determine the ammonia. Brunnemann and Hoffmann (2.) used a saturated boric The cigarettes used in the smoking experiments con· acid solution to collect the ammonia from smoke, They sisted of a domestic n~nfilter brand, two domestic Biter concentrated the solution and used a gas chromato· brands, hurley, bright leaf, dark tobacco, and a cigarette graphic technique to determine the ammonia. made from cigar·type tobacco. Two domestic little cigars In 1.973, the authors (5) reported the use of an ammonia were also included in the experimental work. All smok­ electrode for the determination of ammonia in tobacco ing items were conditioned for at least 48 hours at and tobacco smoke. The smoke was passed through an 6o 0/o relative humidity and 75° F before smoking. acidic solution to collect the ammonia, which was then isolated by steam distillation from a basic solution. An Method ammonia electrode was used to determine the amount of ammonia collected from the smoke. Reagents: None of the published methods distinguished between a. Reagent·grade ammonium chlorider aqueous solutions ammonium ion and free (unprotonated) ammonia. One were prepared with ammonia-free water to 0.1. ppm, objective of this work was to develop a method for the 1..0 ppm, and 1.0 ppm NH3. determination of unprotonated ammonia in cigarette b. Sodium hydroxide, 1.0 M (aqueous). smoke. The second objective was to compare the c. Hydrochloric acid, 0.1. M (aqueous). amount of experimentally measured free ammonia with d. Saturated sodium chloride solution. the theoretical amount calculated from the total ammonia and smoke pH. A third objective was to evaluate an improved technique for measuring the total Apparatus: ammonia in cigarette smoke with an ammonia electrode. a. Orion ammonia electrode Model No. 95-1.0 (Orion Research, Inc., 1.1. Blad<stone St., Cambridge, Mass., 021.39). EXPERIMENTAL b. Orlon digital Ionalyzer Model Sot.A. c. Glass smoking chamber (Figure 1.). Calibration of Instrument d. Phipps and Bird single-port syringe·type smoking The response of the electrode to gaseous ammonia was machine. used as the basis for the determination of unprotonated e. Hewlett-Pad<ard strip-chart recorder. ammonia in cigarette smoke. The actual concentrations of gaseous ammonia to which Procedure the electrode responded were calculated from published equilibrium data (8) of aqueous ammonia solutions. A 1. ml sample of saturated aqueous sodium chloride Henry's Law constant was calculated from the literature is placed in the bottom of the smoking vessel to provide data and extrapolated to infinite dilution. The extra· the necessary humidity for the operation of the elec­ polated constant was then used to calculate the partial trode. A cigarette is then inserted in the bottom ori6ce provided for this purpose. The electrode is placed • Received for publication: 1tn Ootober, 1915. through the top of the chamber and extends to within ,., Figure 1. Smoking chamber for determination of free the meter readings are stable. The concentration of ammonia. ammonia is --determined from a calibration curve previously prepared from 0.1. ppm, 1..0 ppm, and 1.0 ppm aqueous ammonia solutions. Response of the Electrode to Methylamine Total Ammonia: Methylamine was a possible source of interference in the total ammonia analysis. To deter­ mine if the amount of methylamine in cigarette smoke introduced any significant errors, the response of the 14 cm electrode to the equilibrium vapors of known aqueous solutions of o.1. ppm, 1..0 ppm, and 1.0 ppm methyl­ amine was determined. Free Ammonia: The possibility of unprotonated methyl­ ----:our...___ Void space 29 ml amine being an interference in the determination of ,-....l...----,h~ free ammonia was considered. A computer program was used to calculate the species of methylamine present Saturated NaCI solution at the pH levels of o to 1.4, to determine if any free methylamine could be present at the smoke pH levels of the cigarettes tested. A similar graph of ammonia (protonated and unprotonated vs. pH) was super­ about 2.5 cm of the smoke inlet. The electrode is con­ imposed on the same graph with methylamine to show nected to the Orion digital Ionalyzer and to a strip­ the difference in the fraction of the unprotonated species chart recorder. The cigarette is smoked at the rate of of the two compounds at the pH of the smoke. one 35 ml puff of 2 s duration once each minute. The average maximum response to each puff is used with the calibration curve to determine the concentration of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION free ammonia per puff. The total free ammonia per cigarette is calculated from these data. Total Ammonia in Cigarette Smoke Determination of Smoke pH All of the values obtained by the revised method for total ammonia are lower than those found by the ori­ The smoke pH for theoretical calculations was deter­ ginal method (Table 1.). By suspending the electrode mined by a modification of the method described by above the solution, many of the interferences in a Sensabaugh and Cundiff (g). A Markson combination smoke solution, such as tars and other suspended electrode No. 8o8 was fitted with a nylon mesh sleeve; matter, are effectively isolated from the electrode. The and just ·prior to the pH determination, the sleeve was steam distillation cleanup of the smoke solution was moistened with a saturated sodium chloride solution. no longer necessary. Elimination of this step reduced The smoking chamber designed for the ammonia the possibility of the formation of additional ammonia analysis was used for the pH determination. The pH through hydrolysis and reduced the analysis time by was recorded on a strip-chart recorder as the cigarette several minutes. was smoked. Slightly lower values for total ammonia were obtained in all cases with the revised method. The amount of Determination of Total Ammonia ammonia in the smoke of the dark tobacco cigarette Total ammonia {protonated and unprotonated) in the Table 1. Total ammonia In clgareHe amoke by the original cigarette smoke was determined by a modification of and the revlaed methoda (ammonia electrode). the ammonia electrode method of Sloan and Morie (5). The revised procedure consists of scrubbing the whole Total NHa, ,ug smoke from two cigarettes through 50 ml of aqueous Cigarette 0.1. M hydrochloric acid to collect the ammonia. The Original Change scrubber contents are diluted to 1.00 ml with ammonia­ method fl/o free water and transferred to a 1.25 ml Erlenmeyer flask -24 equipped with a rubber seal. Two milliliters of 1.0 M Nonfilter 58 44 28 -22 aqueous sodium hydroxide is added to the solution, Filter 1 36 Filter 2 62 42 -32 and the ammonia electrode is immediately inserted in Bright leaf 55 46 -16 the flask and positioned about 1. cm above the surface Kentucky 1 R1 64 59 -8 of the solution. The electrode is connected to the Orlon Burley 191 130 -32 Ionalyzer and switched to the millivolt position. The Dark tobacco 152 147 -3 solution is stirred with a magnetic stirring bar until :563 was 3.2 Ofo lower by the revised procedure. In the other Figure 3. Fraction of free ammonia and methylamine cigarettes tested, the ammonia ranged from 7.8 to vs. pH. 32.3 °/o lower by the revised method than was previously Fraction of obtained with the original method. each species 1.0 Unprotonated Ammonia in Cigarette Smoke Free (unprotonated) ammonia in the smoke of the domestic Alter and nonfilter cigarettes ranged from 1 to 4 ng (Table 2). The Kentucky 1R1 reference cigarette and the bright leaf cigarettes also were very low in free ammonia. They contained 7 ng and 3 ng, re­ spectively. The dark tobacco cigarette and one of the little cigars contained 1.2 J.Lg and 2.4 J.Lg of free am­ monia, respectively. The hurley cigarette and the other 0 5 little cigar, eadt, contained less than 0.5 J.Lg of free pH ammonia. to hurley smoke is shown; and in the same graph, the Table 2. Experimental and calculated free ammonia In pH curve of hurley smoke is shown. The increase of clgareHe smoke. pH with puff number is consistent with the increase of free ammonia as indicated by an increasing negative Experimental Calculated response of the ammonia electrode. Total Smoke free free CigareHe pH NH3, ,ug NH3, ,ug NH3, ,ug Response of the Ammonia Electrode to Methylamine Nonfilter 5.36 44 0.001 0.005 The response of the ammonia electrode to the equi­ Filter 1 5.45 28 0.002 0.004 librium head space vapors of aqueous methylamine Filter 2 5.57 42 0.004 0.008 solutions of 0.1 ppm, 1.0 ppm, and 10 ppm concen­ Bright leaf 5.28 46 0.003 0.005 trations was about one tenth as great as that obtained Kentucky 1R1 5.17 59 0.006 0.004 from ammonia solutions.
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