WEBER RARE BOOKS 186 CABINET OF CURIOSITIES & SCIENCE CABINET OF CURIOSITIES & SCIENCE CATALOGUE 186 This is the third catalogue to feature material from the OPTICS & MICROSCOPY library offered in the last science catalogues. Featured: Babbage, De Moivre, Desaguliers, Digby, Ercker, Huygens, Joblot, Kirby, Kircher, Lagrange, Newton, Niceron, Quetelet, Schott, Simpson on Laws of Chance, Struve, etc. Photos sent on request. On the site are more than 10,000 antiquarian books in the fields of science, medicine, Americana, classics, books on books and fore-edge paintings. The books in current catalogues are not listed on-line until mail-order clients have priority. Our inventory is available for viewing by appointment Terms are as usual. Shipping extra. [2017] RECENT CATALOGUES: 179: Jeff ’s Fables (127 items) 180: The Physician’s Pulse-Watch (138 items) 181: Bookseller’s Cabinet (87 items) 182: Orientalia (48 items) 183: Early Opticks, Microscopy (35 items) 184: Richard Francis Burton & Explorers (71 items) 185: Foundations of Medical History (241 items) COVER::FLUDD $15 Jeff Weber & Mahshid Essalat-Weber J E F F W E B E R R A R E B O O K S 1815 Oak Ave, Carlsbad, California 92008 TELEPHONES: 323–344–9332 ; 323–333–4140 e-mail:
[email protected] www.WEBERRAREBOOKS.COM SUPPORTER OF BOSCOVICH 1. AMBSCHELL, Anton [Antonio]; Martin JEELL. Dissertatio de Centro Gravitatis in Subsidium Suorum Discipulorum. [With]: Assertiones ex universa Physica et Mathesi Elememtari [sic] quas in aula Academica archiducalis gymnasii Labacensis ex praelectionibus Martini Jeell ... Antonii Ambschell ... mense Augusto ... anno MDCCLXXIX. propugnabit ... Wolfgangus Muha Carn. Corgnial.