44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2013) 1777.pdf GRAVITY RECOVERY AND INTERIOR LABORATORY (GRAIL): EXTENDED MISSION AND ENDGAME STATUS. Maria T. Zuber1, David E. Smith1, Sami W. Asmar2, Alexander S. Konopliv2, Frank G. Lemoine3, H. Jay Melosh4, Gregory A. Neumann3, Roger J. Phillips5, Sean C. Solomon6,7, Michael M. Watkins2, Mark A. Wieczorek8, James G. Williams2, Jeffrey C. Andrews-Hanna9, James W. Head10, Wal- ter S. Kiefer11, Isamu Matsuyama12, Patrick J. McGovern11, Francis Nimmo13, G. Jeffrey Taylor14, Renee C. Weber15, Sander J. Goossens16, Gerhard L. Kruizinga2, Erwan Mazarico3, Ryan S. Park2 and Dah-Ning Yuan2. 1Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02129, USA (
[email protected]); 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technol- ogy, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA; 3NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA; 4Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA; 5Planetary Science Directorate, Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, CO 80302, USA; 6 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY 10964, USA; 7Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, DC 20015, USA; 8Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, 94100 Saint Maur des Fossés, France; 9Dept. of Geophysics and Center for Space Resources, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401, USA; 10Dept. of Geological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA; 11Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX 77058, USA; 12Lunar and Planetary Laborato- ry, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA; 13Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA; 14Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA; 15NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35805, USA, 16University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA.