Keynote Mary DeChambres Speaker General Session Friday, November 13, 2015 Moody Ballroom, 2-4 pm Inside the Studio Friday, November 13, 2015 Expo A, 5-7 pm

Mary DeChambres is an Emmy Award winning Television Editor and former educator for the Aldine I.S.D. in , Texas. Mary began her professional career teaching her passion, Fine Art. While in the classroom, Mary experimented with the visual tools of editing. This experiment piqued a new interest, telling stories through moving pictures and television. In the summer of 2000 Mary enrolled in a summer workshop class at USC to learn the true art of editing moving pictures. From there, she was able to land her first real job in the entertainment industry – a tape duplications operator at Bunim-Murray Productions. After the mentorship of some of the early innovators of the genre, she was soon editing television shows like MTV’s “The Real World: Las Vegas” and ABC’s “Making the Band”. In less than two years, Mary became a sought after editor in Reality Television. Mary has edited a wide range of reality television from Newlyweds with Nick Lacey and Jessica Simpson to Jersey Shore and most recently The Profit currently airing on CNBC. Mary has worked with some of the most celebrated names in the entertainment industry, including Oprah Winfrey, The Kardashian’s, Charlize Theron, Bethenny Frankel, The Osborne’s, Sean “P. Diddy” Combes, 50 Cent, Ryan O’Neal, Tatum O’Neal, Three6Mafia, Heidi Klum, Tim Gunn, Lala Anthony, Denise Richards, Marcus Lemionis, and recently, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Mary thought a career highlight would be working with Jennifer Lopez and editing her dance sequences, that was all trumped when she was handed an Emmy Award® by Sharon Osbourne. Mary won the award in 2009 for her work on Project Runway. This moment was serendipitous since Mary edited Sharon Osbourne (The Osbournes) a few years earlier for MTV. Mary was recently elected to the Board of Directors for the Motion Picture Editors Guild. She regularly marches in picket lines, as more reality shows are becoming union shows.

While she may edit full time, Mary is still a teacher at heart. She enjoys mentoring students from the Television Academy internship program and the American Cinema Editors internship program.