(([7�gG�DQ{E S[?�g(��[]D'u' TFIaI� For Fall Issue: (5=�@@�DQ Collegiate individual and chapter honors Colossal Collegian articles

Alumnae Career Corner articles

Alumnae Pacesetter articles

Feature articles

Deadline: June 1, 1979 Founders Day Crescent Correspondents: Please read the Crescent assignment in the Crescent page Communique, Is It Safe For You To Drink? which you can obtain from your 0 Q president. Our 110th Chapter-Delta Xi


^(o]Dto[?^ You Can Do It!

Editor-in-Chief Kris Brandt Riske TranSISter Listing 2308 15th Street Alamogordo, NM 88310

Alumnae Editor Career Corner Judy Haverfield Beaupre 94 Thistledown Drive Rochester, NY 14617 Good Buys Collegiate Editor: Carol Asel 4612 Amesbury #288 Couples and Cradles Dallas, TX 75206

Feature Editor: ON THE COVER: Delta Xi members outside Rooke where Molden Wiltamuth chapter Chapel, Margy were initiated December 1978. Cover they 2, photo contributions are wel 1700 Kiva Road come. Please send 8 x 10, black and white photos to the editor. Silver Spring, MD 20904 Gamma Phi Beta USPS 137-620 Business Manager Mary M. Moxley The Crescent is published quarterly in Fall, Winter. Spring and Summer bi 630 Green Central Office the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Bay Road, Kenilworth, IL 60041 Printed in the U.S.A. by the Dixon Publishing Co., Dixon, IL. Second classi postage paid at Kenilworth, IL, and additional mailing offices.

Postmaster: Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Lorm 3579 to Gamma Phi Beta, Box 310, Kenilworth, IL 60043.

Subscribers: Send changes of address, notices of marriages and deaths t( Gamma Phi Beta Central Office, Box 310, Kenilworth, IL 60043.


GAMMA PHI BETA . . . MORE and influence the minds of tomor THAN A SORORITY, AN row's women on a level that no OPPORTUNITY! teacher could ever hope to achieve What is all this talk about ... a relationship based on sister OPPORTUNITY? hood. At the same time, you have As an alumna, you may see your the OPPORTUNITY to enjoy role in our sorority as a supportive friendships with women of all one. You guide, advise, host, ages. finance and recommend to our col As an alumna leader, you have legians. You raise funds for our OPPORTUNITIES to gain organ Foundation or local phi izational and motivational skills lanthropies, provide leadership for that are personally rewarding as an alumnae chapter, pay your in well as very marketable. ternational taxes and read the Cres- Leadership training offered at cent. All of these activities are im our Area Leadership Conferences portant to the growth of our and International Conventions can Sorority . . . extremely so! They be as beneficial to you as continu also offer OPPORTUNITIES for ing education classes or those very your own personal growth. popular self-improvement books. Personal development is one of When our Founders stated the the major goals of Gamma Phi purpose of Gamma Phi Beta is "to Beta. the of develop highest type Ann Mullen Bronsing (Indiana State) Let's look at a few of the ways womanhood," they saw our the experiences and training Sorority as an external force on so offered by Gamma Phi Beta can ciety. They also realized the inter There are plenty of OPPOR add to your worth as an indi nal OPPORTUNITIES for personal TUNITIES for everyone, and to vidual. growth offered to each member. gether we will find yours. Through work with our col If Gamma Phi Beta is not fulfill In nKE, legians, you have the unique ing a need for personal develop Ann Mullen Bronsing OPPORTUNITY to understand ment in your life, let me know. Alumnae Vice President

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Dear Grand Council: Interfraternity Conference to As one of Gamma Phi Beta's rea Regarding the article on little oppose a Gamma Phi's participa sons for existence is to promote a sister programs in the Crescent, tion in fraternity little sister pro higher social culture it is with this Fall 1978: I agree that in these grams. point that I consider your position strenuous times young women What Grand Council states to against a Gamma Phi's participa must be selective in their associa oppose are the housekeeping and tion most contradictory. tion choices. College presents an other chores for fraternities that I do not like the idea of partici opportunity for personal explora will prevent their women from pating in a program that my Grand tion and development and a vast participating in either Sorority or Council has opposed and that is array of organizations present other leadership groups. It is in my main reason for writing. I real themselves attractively. It is in this this point that I take the greatest ly do hope that a reconsideration light that I sincerely question your difference with your position. Lit of your position may be prompted. decision to join the National Pan tle sister programs are not leader Kathy Halff hellenic Council and the National ship groups, they are social groups. Alpha Iota

SPRING. 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 3 Founders 1 978 Beatrice Hill Wittenberg (Stanford) and Day Elizabeth Fee Arnold (Colorado State) joined in the Los Angeles area celebration.

and In celebration of Founders Day, Foulard's restaurant. Twenty-two A song fest, pot luck supper, bright candles lighted the way as collegiate chapters were represented shared memories of college days Gamma Phi Betas repledged their at the event. added to the celebration by Bartles faith and loyalty to our Sorority. JoAnne Anderson Abbott (North ville alumnae. Golden Crescent awards were pre Dakota State) was presented the Dayton alumnae and Beta Epsilon sented to 50 year members, and chap Albuquerque Gamma Phi of the Year collegians lunched in Centerville, ters celebrated with the traditional award at the group's luncheon at Ohio, joined by Middletown and ceremony and a variety of other activ Turn O' the Century. Springfield alumnae. ities. Austin alumnae and Alpha Zetas Gretchen Schmitt was chosen the Lambda chapter celebrated its 75th celebrated Founders Day with a Gam senior "best representing the ideals of anniversary with a fashion show of ma Phi birthday cake and honored Gamma Phi Beta." The award honors styles from 1900 to present. Delta one of the chapter's charter members, Helen Rhoda Hoopes, the first initi Kappas and area alumnae enjoyed Harriett Barrickman Blackstock (Tex ated member of Sigma chapter. their first Founders Day at the Delta as). Alpha Zetas are grateful for the Alumnae and collegians thrilled Kappa chapter house. love and encouragement Harriet has Florence Harkrader (Kansas) when Mary Ann Morgan Youngwood, given them over the years. they sang "Serenade Song," written PAD n, joined Philadelphia West Collegians entertained Lincoln many years ago by her. Suburban alumnae for a cookie ex alumnae with skits at the Pi chapter Boston alumnae gathered at the change, and Columbus alumnae and house. Alumnae presented "goodie home of Carol Hoffman Wood Alpha Eta collegians staged a wed baskets" to pledges; and proceeds of a (Boston) and enjoyed an evening ding gown show. silent auction were contributed to buffet. The Minneapolis Women's Club Gamma Phi. A delightful evening celebration by was the setting for a celebration by 140 Gamma Phis where Vivian Bar- field, University of Minnesota wom en's athletic director, was the featured speaker. Outstanding alum nae awards were presented to Marge Anderson Adams (Minnesota) and Audrey Anne Hork (Mankato State). More than 500 Los Angeles area alumnae and collegians gathered for dinner at the Edgewater Hyatt House. The seven collegiate chapters attend ing sang their favorite Gamma Phi songs and the outstanding member of each was recognized. Kay Johnson Marovich (Kansas State) was named Woman of the Year for her service to Beta Alpha and the South Bay alumnae. A review of Erma Bombeck's new book as Houston brought laughter Joining in the festivities of the Minneapolis� St. Paul alumnae are (1 to r) Alice Russel Gamma Phis enjoyed a luncheon at chant (Minnesota), Marge Anderson Adams (Minnesota) and Jeanne Paust Yerxa (Minnesota).

4 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / SPRING. 1979 10 Birmingham, Mich, alumnae was /isited by 13 Detroit alumnae. Omaha alumnae had a glimpse of :he past having dined at the General Zrook House. Completely restored, :he home was built only four years jfter Gamma Phi's founding. More than 130 Beta Psis and Still water alumnae gathered for dessert at the chapter house. Formal pledging of 5ix alumnae inspired all who at tended. Lexington and Louisville alumnae dined at the Gamma Omicron chapter Kouse. A slide show about our camp ing program was presented by Jennie Curtis (Northern Arizona). Sharon 31andford was presented an award 'or outstanding service to Gamma 3micron. Dallas alumnae and Alpha Xi col- egians � 120 strong � met at the rlilton Inn for dinner. The Alumna of Year award was to he presented Judy Pat McDermott Foreman (Kansas St.), Sally Ramseyer (Kansas), Joane Korte Reese (Minneso Fonning Price (SMU) and the Alpha ta), Penny Nichols (Indiana St.), Peggy Jo Herberger O'Brien (N. Dakota) and Debbie Bloch

SPRING. 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 5 Scott Engelke (Iowa State) for her outstanding contributions to the chapter. Epsilon chapter celebrated its 90th anniversary with a birthday cake dec orated in brown and mode. The col legians were pleased to have 37 alum nae in attendance. Northern Virginia and Washing ton, D.C. alumnae and Beta Beta col observed Founders with legians Day Lucille Miller Anderson (N. Dakota), Betty a luncheon at the Beta Beta chapter Limbird Althouse (Kansas) and Jeannette house. The collegians entertained 60 Smallfeldt Priebe (Kansas) receive Golden Gamma Phis with a skit entitled Crescent Awards. "Reader's Theater." Albuquerque alumnae attending the celebra Beta's class for Alpha pledge sang lion are (1 to r) Anita Queen Station (Texai collegians and alumnae at a banquet. Tech), Joan Hogan Laney (McGill), Joaniw Guest speaker was Dr. Joseph Plutt, a Anderson Abboll (N. Dakota St.), Louis( Marie Andersor of at Brainard Col Naylor Jory (Denver), professor English Axline (Missouri) and Mimi Sherman Fo) was the lege. Jeanne Dipple presented (Iowa State). alumnae scholarship, and Mrs. Ruth Johnson, Alpha Beta housemother, was honored for her service. Terre Haute alumna Dr. Mary Lois Nardini (Indiana State) was the speaker for the celebration group's Chapter presidents attending Founders Day with Beta Pi chapter. Mary, professor at the Beta Beta house are (1 to r) Florence Roy of education at Indiana State, shared While (Illinois), Washington, D.C. alumnae; her thoughts on the meaning of Kathy Livesay (Maryland); and Betty Roessler Griffin N. to Gamma Phi Beta. (Nebraska), Virginia belonging alumnae. Springfield alumnae hosted a birth day party to celebrate Delta Nu's first birthday. In an inspirational ceremo ny, a poem from Alpha chapter was read to alumnae and collegians. (1 to r) Donna Begley, Debbie Morgan, Lynn More than 80 Wichita alumnae and Strull and Bernadette Gillet present a Fouiid| ers skit at Beta Chi collegians attended a Found Day Gamma Omicron. ers Day celebration. A slide program presented by Nancy Carr Perry (Kan sas State) featured the role of Gamma Phis' common experiences from the early 1900's to present. Joyce Cole Hultgren (Wichita) was presented the Outstanding Alumna award. Eugene alumnae met at the Nu chapter house for a traditional Founders Day ceremony. They pre sented the annual Leila Straub Stafford award to Christine Rhoads

(Oregon) . Connie Hayes Strohmyer (Nebraska) receives Beta Sigma and Xi chapters the Pi chapter Hall of Fame Award. gathered at Washington State Univer sity for reflection on Gamma Phi's Holly Hovelson, Cathy Sampson and beginnings. After refreshments, the Julie Fenton with Four Founders two chapters exchanged songs. Amy awards. Jacobson (Washington State) was Buffalo, Jacksonville, Corpus chosen Crescent Girl at a surprise Christi, Evansville, Westchester, Cor fireside. vallis and Milwaukee alumnae Omega collegians hosted a dinner gathered for lunch, dinner or dessert. for Ames alumnae. They viewed Beta, Beta Delta, Beta Theta and Al for A new all area alumnae "From Yesterday Today." pha Epsilon joined Eleanor Carr pins a 50-year pin on Olivia DaH tradition honored Jill Lockwood, to celebrate Founders Day 1978. Dye (Kansas) at the Wichita celebration.


Nominated by their alumnae chap- ers for long, devoted and dis- inguished service to the Sorority on he local level, 54 Gamma Phi Betas A^ere added to the Merit Roll. Their lertificates of Merit were presented at Rochester alumnae President Faye Foster Pri Helen Wisdom Redman (Arizona) receives "ounders ceremonies held across Day vatera (Syracuse) presents a Merit Roll Cer her Merit Roll Certificate from Barbara he country. They are listed with their tificate to Florence Gratiot (Iowa State). Hurley Greene (Texas), Odessa alumnae :ollegiate and alumnae chapters. president. Patty Barrett Anderson Bernetta Rex Dorothylu Devin McCann Nebraska-Lincoln N. Arizona-Flagstaff Missouri-Sacramento Valley ane Pendleton Ball Mickelson Verna Swayne Grasmoen Jan Anthony British Iowa-Riverside Columbia, Oregon-Cor- N. i'allis Arizona-Flagstaff Ann Miranda Florence Gratiot Runyan Zharlotte Hill Ballard Kansas-Dallas Illinois-Rochester Oklahoma-Oklahoma Clarice Braker Morrison City Dorothea Hail Cullins Best Oklahoma luby Oklahoma St. -Stillwater City-Oklahoma City Callenbach Nelson Memphis-Memphis Pauline Grove Haliday Carolyn Ohio N. Dakota St.- Jorothy Downing Burg Randolph-Macon, Northwestern- Wesleyan, : Oklahoma City-Oklahoma City Evanston-North Shore Fargo-Moorhead Helen Berquist Person .ouise Rowlands Carroll Mary Ellen Ryan Hanley Wisconsin- Northwestern-Fargo-Moorhead USC-Balboa Harbor Turza Briscoe Jorma Carter Pflug Collyer Heath Colorado Idaho-Moscow Gladys Hughes College-Colorado Oklahoma St. -Stillwater 4artha Noce Springs Chapman Gertrude Call Hirt Ruth Vetter N. Phillips Arizona-Flagstaff Iowa Iowa State-Quad Cities lelen Drummond Clement State-Eugene Holthouse Helen Wisdom Redman Texas-Dallas Mary Margaret_ St.-Corvallis Arizona-Odessa oretta M. David Oregon Lloyd Ann Pate Hormuth Olive Roberts N. Mary Betty Arizona-Flagstaff Texas-Evansville Ohio Wesleyan-Columbus "ene Gunvaldsen Diederich Josephine Quinker Howe Marie Morfeld Rolle �* N. Dakota St.-Fargo-Moorhead SMU-Dallas N. Arizona-Flagstaff haron Witt Dunham Mathilde French Hutchison Charlotte Biles Schmidt Nebraska-Omaha Arizona-Flagstaff N. Arizona-Flagstaff Whitton em Hallstrom Edmison Sylvia McNally Jenkins Sally Spiess Oklahoma City-Stillwater Nebraska-Omaha Oregon-La Jolla largaret Brown Ellis Bette Mae Connor Jones Deborah Jane Parker Strickland Arizona St. -Flagstaff Oklahoma-Dallas Oklahoma St.-Stillwater /anda Browning Falk Virginia Grace Tanzey Jordan Anne Kell Tinsley Arizona-Phoenix Stanford-Greater Kansas City N. Arizona-Flagstaff larilyn Sherman Fox Clarice McDonald Keys Nora Jean Blair Townsend Iowa State-Albuquerque Nebraska-Lincoln N. Arizona-Flagstaff Elizabeth M. Wood Walton wen Jude Fuller Ann Stone Leighton Colorado College-Salt Lake City N. Arizona-Flagstaff William and Mary-Louisville Billie Allen Ward .me Holmes Garrity Cathy Campbell Lewis Jean "Nevada-Salt Lake City Washington-Corvallis Oklahoma St. -Stillwater

SPRING. 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 7 By Lois Edbrooke Davis standing of the nature of the problem (California) persists among the general popula tion; attitudes are ambivalent and Most people don't worry about chaotic. Yet the problem of alcohol is their drinking. They don't worry, be causing staggering losses to individu cause drinking doesn't seem to make als and their families, to our work any significant difference in their forces and professions, and to all of one or another. Is It lives, way society. Everyone says, "Do some But every day, thing;" hundreds are earnestly try millions of peo ing. The problem just keeps growing. ple across the nation do wake Our schools are concerned. Chil up worrying dren are drinking as early as junior about their high school age. On college cam drinking. They puses, it is almost universal. This is have an uneasy not to suggest that student bodies are feeling there's rampant with real or potential prob something dif lem drinkers. Still, the statistics make ferent about the us pay a little more attention to this way they drink. age group because at an average age To They don't like of 19, trouble may begin. Fifty percent to think about it, of alcoholics have been to or have but it keeps graduated from college; it is by no fun to all but it winding up front means a segment of the population drink, right, gets and center in that is immune. scary! their daily af Recognizing these statistics, col As mentioned, most drinkers are^ them fairs. leges and universities are providing a not going to cause trouble for "It's like an variety of resources for their stu selves or anyone else. But what about itch that has to be dents: information centers, counsel the others? Exactly about whom are. scratched," a ing, symposiums and speaker serv we concerned? | alcoholism is a young woman ices. Sororities and fraternities also First and foremost told me. "Every are taking a new look at alcohol. They disease. Its cause has not been pre time there's a are exploring the problems with their cisely determined, but certainly cause of alcoholism. problem or a par members to see if there is something alcohol is not the a a combina-l ty or a celebra about drinking customs they hadn't Probably it is result of tion, the first noticed before. Together they are tion of physiological, social, genetic, thing I look for is tackling critical social and legal and emotional factors. Some people' a drink. And dilemmas and coming up with have it and some people don'tj it every time I mature decisions about what they Alcoholism is a progressive disease; drink, I drink too want to do about alcohol. Great credit is incurable; but if total abstinence * much. 1 say I'm is due these sororities and fraternities can be achieved, it can be arrested. not going to, but who have taken a lead in coming to At least 12 to 15 million people in I always do. 1 feel terms with one of the nation's most the United States are afflicted with rotten about the baffling problems. this disease. Nearly half are women.' whole thing and Traditionally, college students Another several million are border-l " 1 don't want any haven't given much thought to line. one to know." drinking over the long view. The Fortunately there are some signals! What is all this future is a nebulous, someday thing. that quite early on warn that troublA talk today about the problem of But today's students are more is on the way. If one is able to recog-J alcohol? Why is it that some people sophisticated; they don't miss the fact nize them and face them honestly, W can drink moderately, and it never that for some of them, drinking is should go for help. It is indeed eni becomes a problem for them, while, already upsetting their studies and couraging that the age at which peo-: for others, drinking causes them to their relationships with family and pie are seeking help has dropped] slip imperceptibly, slowly into a trap friends. They know there are things from the early 50's to the middle 30's from which there is no easy escape? they want to do and be, and they For them, the chances of recovery are For each of these problem drinkers, suspect they can't do and be those high. About 50 percent of alcoholic^' four or five others are seriously, things if alcohol looms too large in do recover, but seldom without help sometimes tragically affected. their lives. They're not sure they want The biggest enemies for someone whc Scholars in research centers around to wade in too deep; at least they is drifting into alcoholism are lack jj. the country are looking for answers. want to know more about it. The em information, misinformation, denia, Answers so far are uncertain and phasis is shifting from mere accept that there is a problem, especially l^ contradictory, and much is still ance of drinking to questions and an well-meaning families and friends. unknown. Widespread misunder swers about the risks involved. It's Alcohol addiction is, by definitiol

THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA SPRING. 1979 you go to a party to be sure you will have atives. If he thinks he has a problem, enough? Or do you carry a hidden bottle, he probably does. Go for help. Learn just in case the supply runs out, worry everything you can about this prob that maybe it will all run out? Is your lem of alcohol. You may need help� main interest the party or getting to the for someone else or for yourself. It is booze? as close as your telephone. ?afe There are groups of Alcoholics � in every and Do you have memory blackouts Anonymous nearly city town and on some For the when you drink? Do you have trouble re campuses. and friends, there is the com calling where you were and what you did family group, Alanon. The National and how you got home? If you can re panion Council on Alcoholism is an excellent member, do you wish you didn't have to? source of help. Any of them will talk ifou Do you try to fake it when somebody talks to or mail information for about it? you just the asking. I talked to a group of young women � V\/hen you feel under or pressure recently about the problem of alcohol. you get the blues, do you depend on a few It wasn't by accident they had come. I drinks to get you through? Drink? knew that many were there because they were worried about someone � Are trouble you having keeping up important to them who was sick from with your studies, your job, your family alcohol. But I sensed more than a life?Do think would feel better if :ondition in which one has no con- you you detached interest in the faces of a few. you would switch from to beer or "Alcohol isn't to )1 over alcohol. This is the very important me," beer to witie? Or that from everything one "I can take it or leave sence of the problem. To expect girl boasted, would b^ better if other in in her tone ch a to control his drink- only people it alone." Something person would your life just shape up? made me sense a bit of bravado. 5� to be responsible� is to indulge an absurd contradiction. He can- "You're the only one who could )t control his drinking or his � V\fhen your drinking winds up in a know that," I said. "But, by the way, havior while drinking. He doesn't mess, do you vigorously deny that you do you ever leave it alone? Or do you ve that choice. On the other hand, have any problem with alcohol? Do you always take it? Try retusing the sec someone is able to be responsible make up elaborate excuses? Do you wish ond drink. Try it for a month. out his drinking, it is not likely that people would mind their own business "The chances are 15 to 1 that you will develop a drinking problem or and leave you alone? are right, that you can take it or leave ffer any of the consequences that go it alone. On the other hand, you th a problem. Curious symptoms for a disease, might find something you hadn't It is more realistic to say that each aren't they, but loud, clear signals noticed. It might mean more to you rson needs to know whether or not that there is more to come. And we're than you have thought." inking is safe for him or for her as a just talking here about the begin .;cific, unique individual. And since nings. one else is in a position to decide If you answer "yes" to some of it for him, he would do well to stop these questions, it would be a good ^m time to time to think it out for idea to find someone you can talk to ,nself, to see what direction he's about it. But be sure you go to the ing in and how things are shaping right person. You may be a pretty a con but if want , between him and alcohol. He has good artist, you really ht to know, and to know where to to get that monkey off your back, to find reliable to better find someone can f guidelines help you'd you level someone can't in decide. with, you deceive. Look for someone who iTs it safe for me, as a specific indi- |lual, to drink?" We noted that knows what this problem of alcohol is all about � someone who j;re is something different about the perhaps a successful from ,y a problem drinker thinks about has made recovery it himself. Don't let tell jOhol. Take a look at the following anyone you don't have to jjstions as they point to some early you anything worry if think do. rials that warn trouble may be on about you you Remember, this decision has to be yours alone. J way. It has often been said that for a :? Do you notice that you are able to drinking problem to continue, others 'hk more than you used to? must make it possible. A real problem drinker is dependent on the protec a drink or two tion and his friends and rel Lois Edbrooke Davis ,y Do you gulp before denial of (California)

SPRING. 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 9 Reunion For Centennial Celebration

By Beatrice Hill Wittenberg (Stanford) 1926-29 (seated) Mrs. Evelyn H. Stone, Dorothy Gamier Gantvoort, Margaret Waite Douglass It was one of tlrose rare occa (standing) Virginia Bunnell Wakeman, Nancy Farmer McColloch, Alice Peck Van Dalsem, Emi Demona Beatrice Hill Helen North Lorraine Reeder Ames. sions�the celebration of the Webster, Wittenberg, Reynolds, 100th birthday of a beloved housemother. Last fall, 30 alumnae of Mu chapter at Stanford gathered at the home of Virginia Bunnell Wakeman (Stanford) in West Los Angeles. They honored Evelyn Hall Stone, who had so lovingly served the chapter for 16 years, from 1925 to 1941. Members arrived from all over California, as well as from Nevada and Missouri, to share in a time of renewing friend and 1930-32 (seated) Mrs. Evelyn H. Stone, Elizabeth Barbee Thompson, Virginia Tanzey Jordan, ships expressing deep-felt (standing) Mary Richmond Walton, Lou Gillespie Bardin, Betsy Nourse Nuegg, Jane Rumbley devotion for the cherished Mrs. Brookbank, Jeanne V. Kurtz, Beth Pillsbury Julian. Stone. An appropriate birthday cake and a gift of a special album, featuring pictures of the day were included in the cele bration. This unusual event marked with certainty the love and loyalty that everlastingly abide in the hearts of Gamma Phi Betas everywhere.

1933-41 (seated) Mrs. Mahon KalencK r Evelyn Stone, June Meader, Jane Kempenich , (stand ing) Ruth McLaughlin Benz, Helen T. McLaughlin, Doris Barrett, Dorothy Baker M


By Karen L. Hedine Expansion Supervisor Gamma Phi Beta is known for its many firsts in various fields, and the December 2 installation of Delta Xi chapter added a few to the list. Lewisburg, Pa., home of Bucknell University and our 110th chapter, has seen the first of Gamma Phi Beta � and will never see the last. Grand President Karen Wander Kline (Iowa State) and Director of Ex pansion Leonite Selzer Moore (SMU) set out to the Bucknell festivities. It was to be Karen's first installation as igrand president and Leonite's first chapter installation of 1978. It turned out, instead, to be the first time two Grand Council members became snowbound and missed the entire weekend. The installation of Delta Xi also was to be the first for International Ritual Chairman Pat Merrill Kempthorne (Idaho State). Pat made it as far as Philadelphia when former weather and Allegheny Airlines came President Connie Pechmann accepts the Delta Xi charter from Kiki Sloan Phillips, alumnae vice to odds. She also missed the event. president. In true Gamma Phi spirit, the show did go on. Delta Xi's 25 new members alumna adivsor to Al Consultant Kim Wolfe (Iowa State) were initiated Saturday morning at ton-St. Louis), the charter to and Karen the Rooke Chapel on campus. Alpha pha Upsilon, presented Expansion Supervisor Hedine the Upsilon sent a dynamic team of wom Connie Pechmann, chapter president. (Washington) presented Award to all 25 en to do the installation honors, and Mary Anne Morgan Youngwood Outstanding Pledge PAD Con women. Kim also a shadow by noon, our 110th chapter was a re (Penn State), II, presented presented Delta Xi memorabilia. There ality. nie with the province historic badge, box of was a for each new member from Members and guests attended a that of a 1903 initiate of Upsilon gift the North Suburban prime rib luncheon at the Country chapter. Philadelphia The ended Cupboard, highlighted by pointset- Debbie Foulsham Freisheim (Penn alumnae chapter. banquet on a note with Delta Xis tias and pinch-hitting alumnae who State), PCD II, made the Province II happy sing to the presented awards. Field Representa presentation of a silver tea and coffee ing guests. cold outside was tive Joanne Artz (Vermont), who will set, complete with sugar bowl, The threatening hard to face after a weekend of warm serve as alumna advisor, acted as creamer and mint dish. The Grand and love inside the hearts of all toastmistress. Gerald Commerford, Council gift, an engraved silver chaf th Bucknell's assistant director of resi ing dish and tray was sent to the those who welcomed our newest sisters into the chain of dential life, was the guest speaker. chapter as soon as Leonite Moore got ever-growing '' Elizabeth Sloan Phillips (Washing out of the snow at O'Hare. Collegiate sisterhood.


Marjorie Speidel Lundin Phyllis Donaldson Choat Mary Helen Eaton Matuszak Linda Daniel Johnson (Washington) (Nebraska) (Kansas State) (Vanderbilt)

Just prior to and immediately Mary Helen Eaton Matuszak Marjorie Speidel Lundin (Wash after the 1978 Convention, many (Kansas State) �AAVP-Alumnae ington)� NPC 1st Alternate Dele international officers and chair Initiates. She is a charter member gate. She served for five years as men were appointed to office. As of Beta Upsilon and was chapter Gamma Phi's NPC delegate and so many of our able and talented advisor to Delta Nu. Mel has worked was an area advisor for college alumnae are serving, the staff as a speech therapist and resides Panhellenics. Marj was director of chose to feature as many as possi in Salt Lake City. Her daughter finance and is now active in the ble with brief stories and photos. is a Gamma Phi at Kansas State. Seattle alumnae chapter. Susan Himstreet Bireline (Iowa Jonelle Hanna Rothfuss (Kent Donna Snyder Scarborough State) -PCD XV. She served as State) -PCD XVI. She has served (Texas Tech)� PCD IX. A member president and treasurer of the as alumnae chapter president and of the Lubbock alumnae, she was Quad Cities alumnae. Residing in was a member of the 1978 chapter president and rush and Newell, la., she is business man nominating committee. Jonelle was alumnae advisor to Beta Tau. Don ager of the family publishing com active in colonization of Delta na is secretary of Lubbock Alum pany. Delta and is a resident of Anaheim, nae Panhellenic and president of Phyllis Donaldson Choat (Ne Cal. the advisory council to Texas Tech braska) �Chapter Development Elizabeth Sloan Phillips (Wash Collegian Panhellenic. She teaches Chairman � Alumnae. She is a ington-St. Louis) �Awards Com math part-time at Texas Tech. part-time junior high Spanish mittee Chairman. She served as Patricia Merrill Kempthorne teacher, public relations committee PAD II and as alumnae vice presi (Idaho) �International Ritual chairman for a language teachers dent. Kiki was an alumnae chapter Chairman. Pat has served as a col organization and active in several president, alumna advisor at LSU legiate consultant and as Chapter church groups. Phyllis is a member* and Penn State and rush advisor at Development Chairman � Alum of the Omaha alumnae chapter Michigan State. Her home is in nae. She is a member of the Boise and has served as president. State College, Pa. alumnae chapter and was rush

Mary Boots Hunt Patricia Merrill Kempthorne Sue Dorsey Durrett Camille Cestone (Arizona State) (Idaho) (Missouri) (Bowling Gr^.ri)


Susan Himstreet Bireline Mary Lou Dahl Fritsch Donna Snyder Scarborough Jean Brooks Oliver (Iowa State) (Iowa State) (Texas Tech) (Northwestern) advisor to Xi and on Delta Beta's the Merit Award. Mary is presi Vocational Technical College. house corporation board. dent of the Arizona State Alumni Sue Dorsey Durrett (Missouri) � Mary Lou Dahl Fritsch (Iowa Association and substitute teaches. PAD X. A member of the 1978 in State) -PAD XV. She has been a Jean Brooks Oliver (North ternational nominating committee. member of the Omega house cor western) -PAD VIII. She is a Sue was Greater Kansas City alum poration board and is active with member of the Atlanta alumnae nae president and on the Alpha the Ames alumnae. Mary Lou is chapter and twice served as presi Delta house corporation board. involved in church activities, dent. Jean was Georgia state mem She holds a B.S. and M.S. and P.E.O. and teaches home econom- bership chairman and is busy with taught elementary school six years. iics and English. many community activities. Mary Anne Morgan Young Jacki Ennis Falkenroth (Ne Linda Daniel Johnson (Vander wood (Penn State) -PAD II. She -PCD V. moves vada) With 13 in bilt) �Chapter Development was on the Beta Beta house corpo eight years, Jacki has been a mem Chairman� Collegians. Linda was ration board five years and is ber of the Reno, Detroit, Omaha a collegiate consultant and is now active in the Washington, D.C. and Chicago NW Suburban alum- in the M.B.A. program at the Uni alumnae. Mary Anne is a resident inae. She has done graduate work versity of Houston. She is a mem of Rockville, Md. Her varied inter :in anthropology in Mexico and ber of the Houston alumnae. ests keep her busy. also worked with retarded chil Cynthia Meisner Howes (Indi Camille Cestone (Bowling dren. ana State) -PAD IV. She was a Green) � PAD III. Cam served as Mary Boots Hunt (Arizona member of the Terre Haute alum pledge advisor and alumnae rela State) -1980 Nominating Com nae and served as rush, pledge and tions advisor to Beta Epsilon. She is mittee Chairman. She is a member chapter advisor, chapter president a communications associate at the of the Phoenix alumnae chapter, and Convention and ALC delegate. American Institute of Plant Engi �Beta Kappa house corporation Before moving to Grand Rapids, neers and active in the Cincinnati iboard treasurer and has received she was an instructor at Indiana alumnae chapter.

*i!K\ ^

Jonelle Hanna Rothfuss Elizabeth Sloan Phillips Jacki Ennis Falkenroth Cynthia Meisner Howes (Kent State) (Washington � St. Louis) (Nevada) (Indiana State)

SPRING, 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 13 Jonette Crowley Mary Anne Morgan Katherine Reid Hoffman (Colorado) Youngwood (Oklahoma City) (Penn State)

Jonette Crowley (Colorado) � management consultant for a CPA their newsletter and a member of Chapter Development Chairman � firm in Denver. the Beta Chi building fund com Programs. Jonette was a graduate Katherine Reid Hoffman (Okla mittee. She is involved in many counselor for Alpha Delta and a homa City)� AAVP-Bylaws. A community groups and as a volun Congressional intern in the U.S. former president of the Wichita teer with her children's activities. House of Representatives. She is a alumnae, she was the first editor of Chapters Give of Themselves I

By Carol Asel a local nursing home and visited nity presented the annual Indiana Collegiate Editor weekly by members of Gamma Zeta. University Fall Criterium Race. The Gamma Phi Beta philanthropy Gamma Zetas held a fund raising race involved novice and semi-pro projects cover a wide range, combin event for Camp Sechelt and will again fessional riders from all over the state. ing Yankee ingenuity and Southern have the Strike Out Cancer Bowling Proceeds were donated to local charm. Those philanthropies, diverse Tourney in the spring. charities. as they are, all have one common fac Gamma Omicron visits hospitals Sigma collegians joined Beta Theta tor�Gamma Phi Betas giving of and nursing homes throughout out Pi in a serenade at a Lawrence, Kan. themselves. Lexington. Sing-a-longs, games and nursing home. They also volunteered Alpha chapter is again the leading refreshments greet patients at each to work at the K. U. blood drive and Greek money raiser on the Syracuse location. "adopted" a 24-year-old quadrup- University campus in the fight Beta Phis and Phi Kappa Psi frater legic. against muscular dystrophy. Compet ing in the three day dance marathon. Alpha chapter contributed $3,500. Chi chapter sponsors a muscular dystrophy dunk tank each spring. Sorority and fraternity members volunteer to sit on the tank for one half hour periods and one day, uni versity faculty were dunked. Gamma Phis at Oregon State and Delta Upsilon fraternity get together to put on a Christmas party for the underprivileged children of Benton County. The children help decorate the tree, visit with Santa and sing

Christmas carols. A shot dunk a good might Greek in Chi chap Bicyclists from all over Indiana p.i ficipate in A Grandma is chosen from ter's dunk tank. Beta Phi's annual Criterium Bike Gammy popular ce.

14 THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA SPRING. 1979 -(3)D� qD (^DDcscgDeioQ Swimming For Gold? Diann Dunlevy provides Colorado the top in several events at regional "^ State Gamma Phis a reason to cheer meet. the women's varsity swim team. Diann began swimming com won her event in Diann nearly every petitively at age eight and many of dual meet last year and placed near the North Dakota swimming records she held still stand. At 12, she won the National Junior Olympic title in H the 100-yard freestyle and qualified for the 1972 Olympic trials, in which ^^^��H' �V^ she chose not to compete. At 14, she was the only American to compete in an international dual meet between H Canada and the Soviet Union where she won the 100-yard freestyle. Last summer she trained in Virgin ia with a nationally ranked aquatic jg^/^^^^^^^j club and coached a country club team in the area. A science Diann � physical major, .|^ to attend a plans medical school with -'*i� 1 possible specialization in pediatrics. .'"�> ^3 She has maintained a 3.7 grade point Katy Pickell (Indiana) average in addition to long hours of practice in preparation for the 1980 For Li �1 Olympic trials. Twirling Diann Dunlevy (Colorado State) Carrie Haas Championships Gamma Phis at Indiana University For are proud of Katy Pickell, a top baton Planning twirler with the I.U. band. Law She has been twirling since age Degree nine and now practices an average of 20 hours per week� 10 of them with Eloise Hock (Cal. St.-Fullerton) is the band. During these sessions she pursuing a legal career, although she makes up her own routines for has yet to attend law school. This halftime shows. scholar works as a part time assistant Katy has represented Illinois twice to a blind lawyer and maintains a 4.0 in the National Majorette Champion grade point average. She plans to at ships, was first runnerup in Miss tend law school after receiving a de Majorette of the Midwest, was gree in economics and political crowned Miss Majorette of the Great science. Lakes and was a runnerup in Miss Her chapter offices have included College Majorette of America. She has scholarship chairman, alumnae rela twirled with the Silver Knights Drum tions chairman and she is currently and Twirling Corporation for five vice president of Panhellenic. Eloise years and in 1976 was the Illinois has repeatedly received the "Most State Twirling and Strutting Cham Outstanding Scholar" award and is a pion. member of Phi Kappa Phi, the eco After graduation, Katy plans to nomics honor society and the honor teach English and stay active in twir society of social sciences. Eloise Hock (Cal. St.-Fullerton) ling.


holding us back? Are you What'severything you want to be or could be or should be? Is something missing? Most people see life as a continual learning and growing experience, to be lived and loved. However, most also occasionally experience that "something's missing" feeling. Where does this come from and how can it be handled? Why drive through life with the hand brake on? Most people sincerely want to live up to their potential, whether it be as a friend, family member, student, pro fessional or in more personal ways. Yet sometimes they feel something is holding them back from releasing that potential. Why? Bill Meyer of Bill Meyer and Associates pre Part of the answer is in the way sented seminars at the Nashville Convention. people have been conditioned to think about themselves. Because the How can the brakes be released and mind works like a computer, potential developed? How does whatever has been programmed into change happen? it affects thinking, feeling and acting. All meaningful and lasting change If you have been conditioned to be first takes place on the inside and lieve you're not competent at math, works its way out. or always forget people's names, or To improve grades, recall for are shy or can't sing, you'll probably names, confidence levels, or chapter act accordingly. Quite often, parents, performance, start with awareness of teachers, brothers and sisters or present status, establish goals, then friends plant seeds in the sub discover what needs to be done to conscious: you can do that; can't do reach those goals, all the time being that; you're good at that and not so aware of negative seeds in the sub good at that. People also do a lot of re conscious mind and lock them out inforcing seed planting themselves: ("GIGO": If good goes into a com "Yep, that's me, I can't sing;" or "No puter, good comes out; if garbage thanks, I always get nervous in front goes in, garbage comes out.) of new people." These seeds even To stop the negative habit, acquire tually grow and the harvest is self a new one; to eliminate a negative self image. image, replace it with a positive one. This harvest can be a real predictor For example, to overcome shyness, of what a person will achieve. We picture yourself as confident and hear people say, "I want to lose twen outgoing. If you're overweight, pic ty pounds, I believe I can lose twenty ture yourself without those extra pounds, but do I really expect to?" pounds. If people, continually (and it Heck no! It is this subconscious ex does take some new programming pectation that predicts when one will and repetition) plant new images and be comfortable or when she will ex feelings in the subconscious, they will perience butterflies, jitters or general eventually come to pass. And that's feelings of being outside of our "com exciting! fort zone." You may develop expecta Change takes time, patience and tions or comfort zones for grades, persistence (like a good garden). It rush quotas, social settings, personal seldom happens overnight. Yet to re relationships, neatness of your room, lease the brakes on human potential, length of meetings and many more we have to escape self imposed limita situations. These expectations tend to tions and become what we already result in self fulfilling prophecies. truly are: beautiful, growi , human As we think, so we are. becomings.

16 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA ' SPRING, 1979 Let's Grow Together By Phyllis Donaldson Choat Chapter Development Chairman Why not allow Gamma Phi Beta to Through Chapter Development personal and social development. be a part of this process of change and our collegiate and alumnae chapters These articles will offer general, as growth? We don't have to "go it are involved in the life-long process well as specific, suggestions for indi alone"! of the growth of their members. viduals and chapters. They will also Simply stated: Chapter Development is highlight the importance of strong As college-educated women we "the resources of in recognize the need for the continued utilizing your chapter, Chapter Development programs campus, community and international alumnae chapters in order to increase development of our bodies, minds Gamma Phi Beta to enrich the lives of all active membership participation. and spirits; education does not stop Gamma Phis, so that each may fulfill her with graduation. We never stop If Gamma Phi Beta is to be more potential." growing. The first object of our Sister than a "house," a "club" or a "meet Considering that individual hood, as stated in the Articles of In ing," it must educate its members growth is the goal, it may seem that corporation, is the "development of the about the limitless opportunities for the term Chapter Development is a highest type of womanhood through edu new experiences and growth; it must misnomer; but not so. Chapter Devel cation, social life and service to country make active membership too exciting opment is a term that directs the con land humanity." And if we examine to turn down! Gamma Phi Beta can cern and action of a chapter toward our ritual, we will be clearly re help release the "hand brakes" of our each member's need for growth. If minded that it is based on the idea of potential, both as individuals and as a each member, as an individual, feels growth. Sorority. that she has personally grown, or During the last biennium Bill "gotten something out of" her mem Gamma Phi Beta, more than a sorority, Meyer has worked with Grand Coun bership and participation. Gamma an opportunity! An opportunity for cil to determine where Gamma Phi Phi Beta will have added meaning for what? for whom? by whom? The an Beta is in relation to what it "wants to her. She will feel good about herself, swers to these questions are limited be, could be or should be" in develop her Sisters, her Sorority, and her rela only by the failure to appreciate the ing "the highest type of woman tionship to them. Sorority members, exciting role Gamma Phi Beta can hood" of its members. To fulfill its as individuals, and Gamma Phi Beta, play in the life of each member. Our potential. Gamma Phi Beta has as a whole, will be strengthened. members made us "Great in '78" and defined its long-term goals as: Succeeding issues of the Crescent they will continue to do so if they feel RITUAL, EDUCATION, SOCIAL DE will explore Chapter Development as that Gamma Phi Beta is responsive to VELOPMENT and PERSONAL DE a tool to promote individual growth their needs as women and indi VELOPMENT. through ritual, service, education. viduals.

What do you see here?

Answer in next issue Answer to last issue's mind expander As part of his presentations on article on the opposite page, has "releasing the brakes" on the provided these mind expander mind. Bill Meyer, author of the puzzles in the Crescent.

SPRING. 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 17 TranSISter May Find A Real Estate For You

By Margy Molden Wiltamuth nations such as GRl (Graduate Real ka), of Tacoma. i Feature Editor tor Institute, awarded after three You've found the perfect realtor, in the loca It's a familiar scene: husband years study), and a member of the the perfect house perfect must sell cur comes home with good news� and Board of Realtors." tion and now you your bad news. The good news is he's been "Deal with a broker who is a mem rent home. promoted. The bad news is you'll ber of a multiple listing service," said Agnes Dillon suggests you prepare "Clean out- have to pull up stakes and move to a Roberta Shupe (Colorado), of your home for selling. closets look small. new city. Andover, Mass. "When listing your overcrowded Tool crowds a room. Make, As a Gamma Phi, you reach this assures you the widest much furniture simply property, ' the on for your TranSISter listing in the possible exposure to potential selling repairs before putting property attention to exterior Crescent and call someone you know brokers, and when buying, your MLS the market. Pay bake a you can trust. broker will have access to the greatest grounds. Price it to sell." And, If you happen to be moving to number of houses available." loaf of bread just before a prospective Atlanta, Indianapolis, Tacoma, Real estate brokers have the knowl buyer arrives. "The four' Phoenix or Andover, Mass., Naper edge to help you decide how much Nancy Ajango said, don't sell ville, III, Rolla, Mo. or Hutchinson, you should spend for your home. major reasons homes are| location." Kan., you're in luck because your They advise you on your buying price, terms, condition and can with Gamma Phi TranSISter is a realtor. In power and the availability of A good broker help you other areas, your TranSISter can refer mortgage money in your new area, most of these points. you to a competent realtor. said Nancy Ajango (Indiana), As soon as you're settled, join the. We asked our TranSISter realtors another Indianapolis realtor. local alumnae group. Your TranS- 1 what to look for in a realtor, in a After that most important step of ISter will already have heralded your house, and to provide some pertinent finding a realtor, the next step is find coming. advice on buying and selling homes. ing the right home. "Three points to Here is the listing of 295 TranS "I personally would ask for a look for: location, location, location," ISters. Those marked B&B offer free- woman, a top producer, a mother said Norma Hasen. of-charge overnight accomodations who knows the schools, a reputable "Location is the best guarantee on (bed and breakfast). These generous firm and I would want to make cer recouping your money. A lower women will help in locating the right tain the area is the realtor's priced home in a high priced neigh neighborhood, schools, churches and | specialty," Norman Hasen (Ohio St.) borhood is a good combination, too," homes. Another opportunity and , of Indianapolis said. said Barbara Piper (Kansas), of another reason why it's great to be a | "Women have more patience and Hutchinson, Kan. Gamma Phi. often the wife prefers working with a "Make a list of features you want in If you'd like to be a TranSISter, woman," agrees Agnes Dillon (Ida a house and be willing to compromise write Teek Kurt Schonberg (Iowa ho) of Tacoma. She advises seeking a a tiny bit if the house you find and State), 12205 Leavenworth, Omaha i "full-time, well trained, experienced love has only 95 percent of your NE 68154. I professional, preferably with desig- amenities," said Alice Burch (Nebras

Agnes Dillon (Idaho) Sandra Gaylord


ALABAMA Balboa Harbor 170 McNear Drive San Jose, Los Gatos, Santa Clara Auburn Mrs. Arthur C. Patch San Rafael, CA 94901 Mrs. Suzie Mann Mrs. Jeffrey L. Moore (Sharlie Daughty � Iowa St.) Phone: 415-453-1887 (Suzie Zingeler� Cal, St.-San Jose) Roberts � 525 Vista Flora (Kathy Auburn) Modesto 2448 Rorbindge Way 103 15 CA Poplar Street. Apt, Newport Beach, 92660 Mrs. William Reinheimer Santa Clara, CA 95050 Auburn. AL 36830 Phone: 714-644-5075 (lla Jean Stiver� Wittenberg) Phone: 408-247-1556; 408-996- Birmingham Berkeley 424 Buena Vista 9670 Mrs, Will M. Gregory Miss Nancy E. Lubamersky Modesto. CA 95351 San Mateo County (Robbye Tate � Birmingham) (California) Phone: 209-529-3952 Mrs, Eugene Umland 4210 Sharpsburg Drive 1059 El Centre Avenue, #4 (Pauline Sawyer� Boston) Birmingham, AL 35213 Oakland, CA 94602 Orange 416 Villa Terrace, # 1 Mrs. Phone: 205-879-7082 Phone: 415-530-8075; 415-642- Timothy Falisky San Mateo, CA 94401 (Barbara Rosbe � 2098 Michigan) Phone: 415-343-3300; 415-341- 2942 E, Lake Hill Drive ALASKA Hills-Westwood 8231 Beverly Orange. CA 92667 Mrs. Victor Sutherlen Anchorage Phone: 714-637-4504 Santa Maria Mrs. Jeff Hassler (Mary Frances Croft � UCLA) Mrs, Dan Holmes Palo Alto (Betty Bretten-Puget Sound) 10961 Rose Avenue, #6 Brownfield � Mrs. William (Beverly Bowling 2119 McKenzie Drive Los Angeles, CA 90034 Snitjer Green) (Kate demons � Stanford) Anchorage. AK 99503 Phone: 213-559-9489 327 Drive 2317 South Court Highland Ketchil

Phone: 501-835-5037 � Los Angeles (2) (Judy Davis Ohio Wesleyan) 2710 Regis Drive CALIFORNIA Mrs, Sharon Commins 6361 Lake Shore Drive Boulder, CO 80303 San CA 92119 Southern Alameda County (Sharon Meares-UCLA) Diego, Phone: 303-494-9650 Phone: 714-460-5273 Mrs. Lawrence Anderson 3214 Colonial Avenue Colorado Springs (Virginia Hastings � Ohio Los Angeles. CA 90066 San Fernando Valley Mrs. Wayne Cooper Wesleyan) Phone: 213-390-2644 Mrs. Ronald Rindge (Elly Welter-N. Dakota St.) 18680 Reamer Road Miss Nina Bradley (B&B) (Sue Slocomb-UCLA) 3014 Drakestone Drive Castro Valley. CA 94546 (California) 5253 Ambridge Colorado Springs, CO 80909 =hone: 415-538-7697 1416 Brand Avenue, Apt, B Agoura. CA 91301 Phone: 303-632-5106 Bakersfield Glendale, CA 91202 Phone: 213-889-9966 Denver (B&B) VIrs. Lynn Reade Marin County (San Rafael. Mill San Francisco Mrs. Earl T. Pinney :Genie Palmer-USC) Valley, Sausalito, San Anselmo) Miss Lynne Ponzini (Texas Tech) (Patricia Thomas � Oklahoma) 3425 Mt. Shasta Mrs. Samuel A. Fletcher 1427 Balboa 691 5 S. Garfield Way 3akersfield, CA 93309 (Barbara Harshbuerger� San Francisco, CA 94118 Littleton, CO 80122 ^hone: 805-833-9801 Washington) Phone: 415-387-9575 Phone: 303-771-6689

SPRING. 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 19 Ft. Collins Lake Park, FL 33403 Boise. ID 83705 391 South Chicago f �-� Mrs. William C Risheill Phone: 305-848-0906 Phone: 208-362-3000 Kankakee. IL 60901 i � Phone: 815-937-141 (Diane Simpson CSU) Miami Gooding (B&B) lo tst, Liberty 1301 Broadview Place Miss Karen Criswell (Florida St ) Mrs. James Hollifield Lake County (Lake

, Ft. Collins. CO 80521 � ville) 9022 NE. 8th Avenue. 1-L (Lisa Nafziger N. Arizona) . Phone: 303-493-6475 Miami Shores, FL 33138 Route 2, Box 208 Miss Daria Brown (Northwestern) 801 W Everett Grand Junction N. Ft Gooding, ID 83330 Myers Lake Forest, IL 60045 Mrs. Anita B Fenn Mrs Gregory Ezell Phone: 208-934-8226 � Phone: 312-295-5354 (Anita Brown Denver) (Nan Schmucker � Wittenberg) Moscow 720 Golfmore Drive 3017 Hiden Acres Circle N.W. Mrs. Charles Kiblen Moline (B&B) R, Ullrick Grand Junction, CO 81501 N. Ft. Myers, FL 33903 Thompson � Idaho) Mrs. Stanley (Mary � Phone: 303-243-1087 (Nellie Weston Northwestern) Orlando-Winter Park (2) B&B 210 N Garfield 2936- 16th Avenue, Forest Hill CONNECTICUT Mrs. Herbert C. TowIe Moscow, ID 83843 Court � Wm. and Phone: 208-882-4285 Fairfield County (2) (Kay Cummings Mary) Moline, IL 61265 206 Ranch Road Mrs. Roland Carreker Pocatello Phone: 309-762-6434 � FL 32751 (Miriam Johnson Syracuse) Maitland, Mrs. Bill Watkins Phone: 304-671-0265 Normal 12 Elmwood Lane � Idaho St ) (Valorie Wilson Mrs William C. Gale Westpoint, CT 06880 Mrs. James T. Conklin 240 Fairmont (Bev McDowall-Bradley) Phone: 203-227-9135 Summers � (Lynn Maryland) Pocatello. ID 83201 112 Riss Drive 5015 St. Germain Avenue Mrs. William H. Armstrong Phone: 208-232-6263 Normal, IL 61761 (Joan Kester � Stanford) Orlando, FL 32809 ILLINOIS Phone: 309-452-6009 43 Pecksland Road Phone: 305-855-1531; 304-647- Peoria Greenwich, CT 06830 8118 Aurora (B&B) Janet E. Cassell Mrs James Schauble Phone: 203-661-7118 Pensacola Thompson � (Mrs, Martin � Illinois) (Carol Evers Iowa) Mrs. John T Burke Madison 601 Redwood Drive 235 W Winnebago Mrs, B Victor Jr. (Pam Shafer � Missouri) Chance. Aurora, IL 60506 Peoria, IL 61614 � 4213 Futura Drive (Carmella Bentley Auburn) Phone: 312-892-7482 Phone: 309-691-5799 599 Horse Pond Road Pensacola. FL 32504 Rockford Madison, Ct 06443 Phone: 904-477-9566 Chicago E. Lewis Mrs. Donald L. Ivacic St. Area Sally Petersburg � � Ridgefield Erikson Bradley) Phelps Illinois) Mrs Scott Tyler (Sally (Peggy Mrs, Robert Dieterich 535 North Avenue, #704 1723 Drive � Michigan Larkspur � (Andrea Crane Iowa St.) (Patricia Smith Iowa) Chicago, IL 60611 Rockford, IL 61107 Road 10026 Yacht Club Drive S. 40 Mead Ridge Phone: 312-644-4116 Phone: 815-226-5458 Ridgefield, CT 06877 Treasure Island. FL 33706 Phone: 813-360-0900 Chicago Northwest Suburban Southern Illinois (Carbondale) Stratford (B&B) (B&B) (Palatine. Heights. Mrs. E. Hollis Merritt Tallahassee Arlington H. Parker � Susan Barrington) (Judy Gibson Colorado College) � Mrs. Kay Vernon (Susan Huggard Michigan) Mrs. Robert 1507 Drive � Hyson Winters Birmingham) Taylor 307 Bar Harbor (Kay (Sue Carr� Northwestern) Carbondale, IL 62901 744 Duparc Circle Stratford, CT 06497 635 S. Walnut Phone: 618-549-8382 Tallahassee, FL 32303 Phone: 203-375-0778 IL 60005 Phone: 904-385-4776 Arlington Heights, Sterling Hartford Phone: 312-392-9693 Tolland, Storrs, (B&B) Mrs. Laurence Johnson Mrs. Michael Moran GEORGIA Chicago South Suburban (Park (Sharon Huebener� Illinois) � Vermont) (Sara Bradley Atlanta (3) Forest, Chicago Heights, Olympia R.R. �1 Mill Road Cider Mrs. Rudolph Burda (B&B) Fields) Sterling, IL 61081 06084 � Tolland, CT (Julieta Anas California) Mrs. Karen Grafe Phone: 815-626-5798 Phone: 203-875-7793; 203-872- 663 Garden Walk Drive Nilson � Indiana St.) (Karen INDIANA 9163 Stone Mountain, GA 30083 308 Sheridan Phone: 404-498-0457 Park Forest, IL 60466 Bloomington Miss vonHermann DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Phone: 312-481-7104 Evelyn Mrs, Don Heaman (B&B) (Northwestern) Area (B&B) Washington (Julia Dyer� Michigan St.) Chicago West Suburban (Hinsdale. 201 S- Meadowbrook Anne Mary Youngwood 3640-6 Buford Highway Oak Park, Western Springs, IN 47401 � Bloomington. (Mary Ann Morgan Penn St.) GA 30329 Atlanta, Claredon Hills) Phone: 812-336-5729 8205 Jeb Stuart Road Phone: 404-321-6301 Mrs Gerald H. Asp Rockville, MD 20854 Calumet Area (3) Mrs. John B. F. Dillon (Barbara Lasser� Iowa St.) Phone: 301-762-8763 Mrs, Walter Alexander Helander� 409 Warren Terrace Idaho) � (Agnes (Magggie McDonald Indiana) Parkview NE, Hinsdale, IL 60521 DELAWARE 2726 Drive, 1305 Forest Park Drive GA 30345 Phone: 312-323-9407 Wilmington (B&B) Atlanta, Valparaiso. IN 46383 404-325-9006; 404-939- West Suburban (Glen Mrs John Hughes Phone: Chicago Phone: 219-462-8723 Combacker� 8447 Ellyn, Wheaton, Naperville) (Catherine Mrs. Robert Bielfeldt Minnesota) Columbus-Ft Mrs. Sandy Gaylord Benning � � (Barbara Arneson N. Dakota St.) 1302 Drive Miss Donna Downen (Tennessee) (Sandy Hauser Bradley) Copely 6329 Moraine Avenue DE 19803 950 Peachtree Drive, "'47 25W231 Oldham Avenue Wilmington, Hammond, IN 46324 Phone: 302-762-1925 Columbus. GA 31906 Naperville, IL 60540 Phone: 219-932-1132 Phone: 404-327-2189 Phone 312-355-3496:312-469- FLORIDA 7000 Mrs Donald Gertz Macon (Joyce Marzotto � Indiana) Anna Maria Island (B&B) Miss Ann Overton (Tennessee) Champaign-Urbana (B&B Over 65) 522 S. East Street Mrs. J. Howard Pope 3441 Bloomfield Drive, Apt. A-2 Mrs. Cloyd M. Smith � Crown Point, IN 46307 (Margaret McBryer McGill) Macon, GA 31206 (June Carnes-Wisconsin) Phone: 219-663-7041 201 Chilson Avenue, Box 1083 Phone: 912-788-9173 508 West Florida Avenue Anna Maria Island, FL 33501 Urbana, IL 61801 Evansville Phone: 813-778-5135 HAWAII Phone: 217-367-0858 Mrs. Alan Staggs

� Ft Lauderdale Kauai Danville (Linda Wilder Indiana St.) Mrs F M. Warden Mrs. William Seymour Mrs. Harvey H Acton 3605 Herndon

� Martin-Rollins) � (Pat Parkinson Ohio Wesleyan) (Wynee (Jean Campbell McGill) Evansville, IN 47711 Lawai Road 1390 S.W 56th Avenue 349-A 7 North Shore Terrace Phone: 812-476-0989 Kauai, HI 96756 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314 Koloa. Danville, IL 61832 Greencastle Phone: 305-587-3567 Maui Phone: 217-446-1232 Mrs. L. Duane Bassett Mrs. Charles B. Sutherland Decatur (Nancy Phillips � Indiana St.)

Homestead � (Connie Byington Arizona) 408 Linwood Drive Mrs William S, Marsh Mrs. Mariana Williams 446 P.O. Box � IN 46135 � Greencastle. (Libby Martin Auburn) (Mariana Whitmore Iowa St, Lahaina, Maui, HI 96761 Phone: 317-653-3842 25201 S.W. 189th Avenue Illinois) Phone: 808-661-0768 Homestead, FL 33031 3167 Lake Bluff Indianapolis (2) Oahu Decatur, IL 62521 Mrs. Vaino Jacksonville Ajango Mrs Joseph Demarke Phone: 217-424-7270 Paras � Indiana) Mrs Michael Miller (Nancy Bussey-Cal. St.-San Diego) 1632 Lancaster Court � (Betty Molden Kansas) Glen Ellyn (Molly 99-1044 Lalawai Drive IN 46260 Pickwick Drive Mrs. A. J. Pearson Indianapolis, 9424 HI 96701 Aiea, � Phonel 317-846-4948 Jacksonville, FL 32217 (Betty Kass Wisconsin) Phone: 808-488-4617 Phone: 904-733-6482 22 West 106 Sheffield Court Mrs. William Hasen Glen IL 60137 (Norma Orlando � Ohio St.) Lake Park (Palm Beach Area) IDAHO Ellyn, 12026 Eden Glen Boise (B&B) Phone; 312-469-1944 (B&B) Carmel, IN 46032 Mrs. James R, Hibbard Mrs. Jerry L Moore Kankakee Area � (B&B) (Jeanne Friedberg Ohio St.) (Donna Archer� Theta) Mrs. Phillip Gadbois Lafayette � Anita Broderick Tomp 507 Silver Beach Road 1 1 184 Peconic Drive (Nancy Taylor Bradley)

20 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / SPRING, 1979 (Mrs, Glen-Dellot) Mrs. D. A. Rotman Mrs. James L. Blaylock MONTANA

� 610 S, 191h Street (Nancy Anderson Arizona St., (Peg Merriam � Omi IN 47906 Billings Lafayette, Minnesota) 1500 Glen Leven Road Mrs. R. D. BIythe , Phone: 317-447-7474 3444 Freeland Court Ann Arbor, Ml 48103 (Kaye Kyner� Iowa St.) IOWA Lexington, KY 40502 Phone: 313-663-8608 4640 Rimrock Road Ames Louisville (2) Battle Creek Billings. MT 59102 Mrs Helen K. Facto Mrs. "J, Hart Speident (B&B) Mrs. Steven Levenburg Phone: 406-656-5640

� Knudson Iowa St,) Lou Freeman � Ohio Johnson � (Helen (Mary (Nancy Miami) NEBRASKA 3416 Woodland Avenue Wesleyan) Apt. 36-C, 120 Rambling Road Ames, I A 50010 565 Upland Road Battle Creek, Ml 49015 Kearney Mrs. Brad Phone: 515-292-2808 Louisville, KY 40206 Phone: 616-964-8277 Bigelow (Karen Johnson � Kearney) (B&B) Phone: 502-895-5584; 502-893- Cedar Rapids Birmingham 3300� 19th Avenue James T, Miller 5281 Mrs, Jane Fetters Peters Kearney. NE 68847 Martin � N. Mrs, Arizona) � (Elaine George Stacy (Mrs. Thomas Michigan St.) Phone: 308-237-5634 3590 Cottage Grove S.E, Taylor� Penn St) (Terry 3286 Witherbee Lincoln Cedar Rapids, lA 52403 6910 Foxcroft Road Troy, Ml 48084 Mrs, John Phone: 319-362-6882 Prospect, KY 40059 Guthrey Phone: 313-649-5893 (Diane Messineo� Nebraska) (B&B) Grand Rapids 7711 Myrlle Anne Wirtz Miss (Miami) LOUISIANA Mrs. William R. Hineline Lincoln, NE 68516 850- 1st Avenue Bluff Apts. #15, Baton Rouge (Carolyn Moulton � Miami) Phone: 402-489-1411 Clinton, lA 52732 Mrs. James Brunson 2550 Maplewood S.E. Omaha (2) B&B Phone: 319-243-7995 � (Sally Fleming Washington) Grand Rapids, Ml 49506 Mrs. Terry Lammert 826 W. Lakeview Drive Des Moines Phone: 616-949-9335 (Donna Settle � N. Iowa) Charles Safris Baton LA 70810 Mrs, Rouge, Jackson 12215 Orchard Street Carstens� Phone: 504-766-3284 (Kathy Nebraska) Mrs. William L. Reid Omaha,Omaha. NE 68137 74th Street 4300- Greater New Orleans (Martha Roberts � Bowling Green) Phone: 402-895-0987 Des Moines. lA 50322 Ritter Kathy 932 Thomas Drive Mrs. Roderick Thiesen Phone: 515-276-2996 (Kathy Kenney-LSU) Jackson, Ml 49203 (Peg Walker� Nebraska-Omaha) 5232 Trenton Street Iowa City Phone: 517-784-3550 5220 Mason Metairie, LA 70002 Mrs. Dennis Petersen Kalamazoo Omaha, NE 68106 � Phone: 504-455-1519 (Jane Dunlap Iowa St., Iowa) Mrs. Laurence Oberhill Phone: 402-551-0416 D Oakcrest 832 � Shreveport-Bossier City (Donna Jason Northwestern) Scottsbluff (B&B) Iowa City, lA 52240 Mrs, Patrick Hardin 10165 Point O Woods Drive Mrs. Roger Dawdy Phone: 319-354-1931; 319-353- Jackson � (Genie Auburn) Portage, Ml 49081 (Marcia Baker-CSU) 6961 121 Bruce Street Phone: 616-323-2274 1913 Avenue P LA 71105 Quad Cities Shreveporl, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 � MINNESOTA Mrs. Jon A, Flower Phone: 318-868-2960

Tedford � Duluth NEVADA (Arnetta Iowa) MAINE 2408 Avalon Drive Mrs. Charles Semrad Reno Bucks Harbor between � Bettendorf, lA 52722 (Half-way (Susan Getchell fytinnesota) Miss Linda Ward (Nevada) Bar Harbor and Calais) Phone: 319-355-6994 2726 Branch Street 200 Bisset Court, Apt. B Mrs, Russell K, Griffith Duluth, MN 55812 Reno, NV 89503 Waterloo-Cedar Falls Ann Lee � Ohio (Mary Wesleyan) Phone: 218-724-7586 Phone: 702-786-4862 Mrs. William Heiple Route 92 � Minneapolis-St. Paul (B&B) (Karen Mikelson Iowa) Bucks ME 04618 Harbor, Mrs, David Greven 203 Cedar Crest Phone: 207-255-3914 NEW HAMPSHIRE (Barbara Person � Minnesota) Cedar Falls, I A 50613 Exeter Portland 123 Chapparal Drive Phone: 515-266-7852 Mrs Edward Franq Mrs, John A, Bastek Apple Valley, MN 55124 KANSAS (Susan Henry-LSU) Phone: 612-454-7495 (Cathy Coatney� Maryland) 42 Linden Greater Kansas City 24 Bayberry Lane Street Mrs, Gary R, O'Neal Scarborough, ME 04074 MISSISSIPPI Exeter, NH 03833 Phone: (Donna Hauser� Kansas) Phone: 207-883-6091 Jackson (Brandon) 603-772-3632 7604 Caenen Lake Drive Mrs, Dennis R, Howell Nashua Lenexa, KS 66216 MARYLAND (Roberta Gibson � Bowling Green) Mrs. Frank K. Clark Phone: 913-268-6256 Baltimore 101 Terrapin Drive (Barbara Ash� Texas) Miss Linda Pohl Hutchinson (Gettysburg) Brandon, MS 39042 10 Shelburne Road 907 Road Phone: 601-825-8903 Na.<;hiia NH 0.3060 Mrs, Richard Piper Wellington Nashua. NH 03060 MD 21212 � Baltimore, (Barbara Johnson Kansas) Jackson Phone: 603-882-4632 Phone: 301-377-2787 3105 Cornell Drive Mrs. Dean M. Miller Southwest and Central New Hutchinson, KS 67501 MASSACHUSETTS (Gloria Horn � Kappa) Hampshire Phone: 316-662-6104; 316-662- Acton (Boston Area) B&B 231 Ashcot Circle Mrs. Burton Bush 1266 Mrs. Michael Haveners Jackson, MS 39211 (Judy Johnson � Oregon St.) Lawrence (Peggy Russell � Lehigh) Phone: 601-362-3593 Mt. Delight Road NH 03037 Mrs, James Callahan 9 Elm Street, Apt, 8 MISSOURI Deerfield,

� Phone: 603-463-7683 (Dorothy Kinney Kansas) Acton, MA 01720 Columbia 1430 Louisiana. Apt. 1 Phone: 617-263-2954 Mrs. David Rawlings NEW JERSEY KS 66044 Lawrence, Andover (Karen Coulter� Missour) Bergen County (2) B&B Phone: 913-843-9155 Roberta V. Shupe 4106 N. Wappel Drive Mrs. Miles Jenney Manhattan (Roberta Vincent � Colorado) Columbia, MO 65201 (Joan Walker� Boston) Mrs. William Green 76 Salem Street Phone: 314-445-2041 6 Longridge Road MA (Shirley Tucker-CSU) Andover, 01810 Greater Kansas City Montvale. NJ 07645 617-475- 1923 Indiacia Lane Phone: 617-475-7374; Mrs. Gary R. O'Neal Phone: 201-391-5209 KS 66502 1242 Manhattan, (Donna Hauser� Kansas) Mrs. Paul Elvidge Phone: 913-539-4568 Boston West Suburban 7604 Caenen Lake Drive (Mary Ellen Fay � Michigan) Topeka Mrs. Herbert Allen Lenexa, KS 66216 449 Wastena Terrace Mrs, Samuel H. Marshall, Jr, (Betty Bellatty-Boston) Phone: 913-268-6256 Ridgewood, NJ 07450 (Ceil Robertson � Minnesota) 103 Brookside Avenue Rolla Phone: 201-445-3293 1921 Westwood Drive Belmont, MA 02178 Mrs. Kent Sanborn Central Jersey (2) Topeka, KS 66604 Phone: 617-484-8367 (Diane Hawley � Kansas) Cathy Griffin Phone: 913-235-1447; 913-234- Worcestr (Boyleston, West RFD 1 (Cathy Boudreaux-LSU) 5000 Boyleston) B&B Rolla, MO 65401 P.O. Box 331 Wichita Mrs, Robert D. Murray Phone: 314-341-3046 Dayton, NJ 08810 Mrs, Ann � Kansas George R, Tiller (Beth Dowling St.) Springfield Phone: 201-329-2556 (Jeanne Guenther� Denver) 36 Applewood Road Charlotte Widmer Lilliedahl Mrs. R. K, Stafford

MA 01583 � 16066 � Citation Road West Boyleston. (Mrs. John, Jr, Wisconsin) (Rosemary Morel Gettysburg) Wichita, KS 67230 Phone: 617-835-6449 1324 Raintree Place 9 Parkside Avenue Phone: 316-733-2847 MICHIGAN Springfield, MO 65804 Freehold. NJ 07728 Phone: 417-881-1676 Phone: KENTUCKY Ann Arbor (2) 201-431-5305 Lexington (2) Mrs, Jack Dye St. Louis Essex County � Bergen County Mrs. John A. Palumbo. II (B&B) (Mary Breidecker� Missouri, Mrs. Conway B, Briscoe Miss Sharon Reed Barrows (Ruth Ann Baker� Kentucky) Wash,-St, Louis) (Margaret Godbold-SMU) (Vermont) 10 Deepwood 2619 Manchester Road 319 Bellerive Blvd. 5 Park Street, # 23 Lexington, KY 40505 Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 St. Louis, MO 63111 Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Phone: 606-299-2597 Phone: 313-971-5716 Phone: 314-832-6365 Phone: 201-429-7382

SPRING. 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 21 Summit Area (2) B&B NORTH CAROLINA Columbus (Jane Pendleton-UBC-Oregon Mrs. Marjorie Rognlie Charlotte Maryanne Jones (Ohio Wesleyan) St.) (Marjorie Letness � N. Dakota) Mrs. John 3978 Karl Road, Apt. 31 2495 S.W. Whiteside O^ve 70 Post Road Talkington (Mary Clausing-Oklahoma) Columbus, OH 43224 Corvallis, OR 97330 Bernardsville, NJ 07924 47 Newriver Trace, River Hills Phone, 614-267-7925 Phone: 503-757-7404 Phone: 201-377-1389 Plantation Eugene Mrs. Charles Nicholas Clover, SC 29710 Dayton (B&B) Mrs. James Renton

Mrs. Richard � (Ginny Linneman Penn St.) Phone: 803-831-7422 L. Kaiser (Nancy Buell Oregon) Keats Road (Evie Limmer � Texas) Durham-Chapel Hill 3235 Chambers NJ 4350 DeIco Dell Road Pottersville, 07979 Mrs Ken L. Wilson Eugene, OR 97405 Phone: 201-439-2358 Dayton, OH 45429 (Margie Reynolds-Kent St.) Phone: 503-345-8115 Phone: 513-299-1282 Middletown 5408 Beaumont Drive Klamath Falls Mrs Joanne Granville-Newark C. Rossnagel Durham, NC 27707 (B&B) Miss Christine M. Carney (Oregon) � (Joanne Scholes Wash.-St, Phone: 919-489-8852 Mrs. John T, Hood 2169 Eldorado Blvd., #5 (Pat � Northwestern) Louis) Raleigh Doheny Klamath Falls, OR 97601 630 Road 135 Granview Road Harmony Mrs. Thomas L. Law Middletown, NJ 07748 Phone: 614-587-3107 OREGON (Gay Barnes-Wm. and Phone: 201-787-5295 Mary) Portland 3404 Edgemont Drive Middletown Mrs. Frazier Westfield (B&B) NC 27612 Mrs. Joseph E. Newlin Phillip Raleigh, � Indiana � (Carole Gilbert St.) Mrs. Monroe D. Macpherson Phone: 919-787-8662 (Tina Rogers Wittenberg)

� SE. Bohmann (Kay Lynch Michigan) 4401 Nelson Road 8895 Pkwy. NORTH 97223 141 Jefferson Avenue DAKOTA Middletown, OH 45042 Portland, OR Westfield, NJ 07090 Fargo-Moorhead (3) Phone: 513-424-1120 Phone: 503-244-6864 Mrs, Quentin Burdick Phone: 201-232-3636 Toledo (B&B) PENNSYLVANIA (Jocelyn Birch � Northwestern) Mrs. Roger Rummel (Cooks' Forest) 1110-9th Street So. Cooksburg NEW MEXICO (Margie Morton � Ohio St.) Mrs. Robert Wheat Fargo, ND 58102 5644 Plantation Drive Craft-Penn St.) Alamogordo Phone: 701-235-8457 (Mary Mrs, Phil Riske Toledo, OH 43623 2075 Spnnghill Road Mrs. Ellend J. Palmer, Jr, Phone: 419-474-9223 (Kris Brandt � Cooksburg, PA 16217 Wyoming) (Grace Bergan � N. Dakota St) 2308- 15th Street Area 316 Eddy Court OKLAHOMA Lancaster Alamogordo, NM 88310 Sheraw Fargo, ND 58102 Ada Tippy Phone: 505-437-2957 � Penn Phone: 701-237-5014 Mrs. Gary E Jergenson (Tippy Strawn St) Albuquerque (Barbara � 46 Peach Lane Dr Georgianna Burt Murphy Kearney) Mrs. Stuart R. 500 Rollow Road Lancaster, PA 17601 Campbell � (Georgie N. Dakota St.) � Metzinger Hansard Ada. OK 74820 (Judy Midwestern) 1201 -14th Avenue N. 2114 Hendola NE Bartlesville Lehigh Valley Fargo, ND 58102 Mrs, William R. Elleston Albuquerque. NM 87110 Mrs, Patrick H. Roark Phone. 701-232-3017. 701-232- Rennacker� Phone: 505-298-8296 � (Marilyn Syracuse) 3261 (Louise Kane Kansas) 227 W, Street Los Almos 946 S.E, Briarwood Lafayette Grand Forks-East Grand Forks, Easton, PA 18042 Martha Lee Bartlesville, OK 74003 DeLanoy MN (2) Phone: 215-258-9546 (Martha � Phone: 918-333-6297 Dougherty Wyoming) Mrs, Debra Hoffman 1010 Lewisburg Myrtle (Debra Fisk � N Dakota) Broken Arrow Los Almos, NM 87544 Joanne R. Artz (Vermont) 3514-1 1th Avenue N. Apt. 13 Mrs. Darrell Kana Phone: 505-662-9283; 505-667- 101 South Fifth Street Grand Forks. ND 58201 Phone: (Ruth Olson-N. Dakota) 7661 Lewisburg, PA 17837 701-775-3330 8313 Shadowood Avenue Phone: 717-524- Broken Arrow, OK 74012 717-524-7460; Mrs. Mary Weaver 3056 NEW Phone: 918-251-9209 YORK � (Mary N. Dakota) Davenport Lititz (Lancaster County) (B&B) Buffalo (Erie County) 219 Lincoln Drive Clinton-Weatherford (B&B) Mrs. G. Marlin Spaid Mrs. Robert Simpson Grand Forks. ND 58201 Mrs. J. L. Thornbrough (Martha � (Lillian Brighton-Penn St.) (Betsy Dunnington California) Phone: 701-775-3264 Roach) 625 S. 8970 Roll Road 333 So. 14th Spruce Street Minot PA Clarence. NY 14031 Clinton, OK 73601 Lititz, 17543 Mrs. William H. Blore Phone: Phone: 716-741-3452 Phone: 405-323-0823 717-626-2446 (JoAnn Nelson � N. Dakota) Philadelphia North Suburban Mamaroneck, Rye, Larchmont 315-9th Avenue S.E. Muskogee Mrs. FA. Cline, Jr. (B&B) Minot, ND 58701 Mrs, M. O. Lewis � � (Ann Resse Penn St.) Mrs. Robert Mapes Phone: 701-838-4565 (Helen Denman Penn St.) (Bev Gerhardt � Kansas 5 Leathers Lane 409 Cheltena Avenue St.) OHIO 1305 Colonial Court Muskogee, OK 74401 Jenkintown, PA 19046 Greater Akron (B&B) Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Phone; 918-682-7165 Phone: 215-886-9796 Mrs. Frank Conner Phone: 914-698-0154 Philadelphia West Suburban (Ann Denison � Green) Norman Bowling Mrs. Harry Zahn New York City (2) 2049- 27th Street Mrs. Edwin L. Moore (Mary Newell � Wisconsin) Miss Linda Speer (Penn St.) Falls, OH 44223 (Betse Slater-Randolph-Macon, Cuyahoga 308 Oak Hill Lane 1574 Third Avenue. Apt. 2F Phone: 216-929-3466 Oklahoma) New York, NY 10028 1518 Ann Arbor Newtown Square, PA 19073 Canton-Massilon Phone: 212-289-8719; 213-750- Norman, OK 73069 Phone: 215-356-4775 Mrs. Donald Seibert 3398 Phone: 405-329-0052 (Connie Shutt-Kent St.) Pittsburgh Oklahoma Mrs, Daniel McCown Ms. Linda Zuffa-Ashard (Indiana 606 E, Maple Street City (B&B over 65) Mrs. (Sherrill Nebraska) St) North Canton. OH 44720 Harry Anderson Geitlinger� � 2365 Drive 336 E. 86th Street, PHB Phone: 216-499-7058 (Carol Johnson Oklahoma) Englewood New York, NY 10028 4704 N W. 77th Pittsburgh, PA 15241 Cincinnati Oklahoma OK 73132 Phone: 412-831-9040 Rochester Mrs. Richard Gorman City, Phone: 405-721-6848 State Mrs, John Nicastro Perkins � Oklahoma St.) College (Becky Mrs. J.G Hawthorne (Terry Carbone � Boston) 3751 Park Avenue Tulsa Hyde � (Jean Duncan Penn St.) 27 Gentian Way Cincinnati. OH 45209 Lynda Kay VanFossen (Linda 131 1 Drive Fairport. NY 14450 Phone: 513-731-8588 Kay Mathews-Oklahoma Backway St.) State College, PA 16801 Phone: 716-223-1402 Cincinnati-Oxford (B&B) Tulsa, OK 74136 Phone: 814-237-6807 Sea Cliff fVliss Camile A Cestone (Bowling Phone: 918-622-2887 Miss Judith Ann Snyder Green) RHODE ISLAND (Syracuse) 6403 Clough Pike. Apt. 3 Stillwater Kingston 345 Carpenter Avenue Cincinnati. OH 45244 Betty Gunn Hodnett Miss Jan Montgomery (Syracuse) (Mrs. Sea Cliff. NY 11579 Phone: 513-231-3396 Ernest-Oklahoma St) 223 Annaquatucket Road 1020 Will Rogers Dnve North Syracuse Cleveland (East) Kingston, RI 02852 Stillwater, OK 74074 Mrs. L. Streeter Mrs David Martinson Phone: 401-295-0790; 401-792- Randolph Phone: 405-372-0220 (J. Carmel MacDowell � Syracuse) (Judith Broughan � Miami) 2288 155 Seeley Road 2153 Garden Drive OREGON Providence Syracuse. NY 13205 Wickliffe, OH 44092 Coos Bay (B&B) Kay Cassill Phone: 313-469-0047 Phone: 216-585-4323 Mrs. Ben Sprouse (Kay Adams � Iowa) RI 02906 Westchester County (B&B) Cleveland (West) B&B (Janet Smith-Colorado College) Providence, Phone: 401-751-4949 Miss Kathleen Kincaid (Indiana) Mrs. Roger Cherryholmes 557 S 9th 1 Hillside Avenue (Marcia Fitzpatrick-Ohio St.) Coos Bay, OR 97420 SOUTH CAROLINA Phone: Pelham, NY 10803 2455 Boxberry Lane 503-269-0598 Charleston (B&B) Phone: 914-738-5951; 914-696- Broadview Heights, OH 44147 Corvallis (B&B) Mrs. Ronald Templeli 3649 Phone: 216-237-4416 Mrs. Whitney Ball (Julia Terry-SMU)

22 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / SPRING, 1979 Charleston, SC 29407 Corpus Christi (B&B) Mrs. James W. Heegeman Mrs. James Spahn (B&B)

� Phone: 803-571-1501 Mrs. Charles D. Adams, Jr. (Margo Twiss � Wisconsin) (Charlotte Irgens Wisconsin) Columbia (Patricia Mapes � Texas) 906 Place 1, 5500 Holmes Run 4133 Council Crest Mrs. L. Kennedy Boggs 6110 Boca Raton Drive Pkwy. Madison, Wl 53711 (Maureen McGraw-Michigan St.) Corpus Christi, TX 78413 Alexandria, VA 22304 Phone: 608-233-6033 4532 Sandy Ridge Road Phone: 512-853-8055 Phone: 703-823-2677 Greater Milwaukee Area (2) SC 29206 Dallas (B&B) Elise Bossart Bell Columbia. Richmond Phone; 803-782-8682 Mrs. Robert T. Jr. (Mrs, Donald L. � Wisconsin) Mullins. Mrs. William E. Trout, Jr. (Patricia O'Connell � St. 6755 N. Lake Dnve Georgetown Louis) (Harriet McCurley� Goucher) 1104 Yale Circle Milwaukee, Wl 53217 Kay Malcom Gwinn (Oklahoma) 35 Towana Road Paino, TX 75075 Phone: 414-352-8094 Indigo Hall Apt. #48. Rosemont Richmond, VA 23226 Phone: 214-596-9044 .. Avenue Phone: Mrs. Douglas Brown � 804-288-1334 SC 29440 Dallas Richardson Martin � Iowa) Georgetown, (B&B) Woodstock (B&B) (Cathy Phone: 803-546-1582 Gene 4305 N. Martborough Blvd. Joyce Mrs. Tom Cunning White� Shorewood, Wl 5321 1 (Gene � Greenville (B&B) Texas) (Nancy Richardson Oregon St.) 910 Glen Cove Phone: 414-964-7937 Mrs, J. Ellison Raines 219 North Church Street � TX (Joyce Ellison Auburn) Richardson, 75080 Woodstock, VA 22664 Platteville Phone: 196 Chapman Road 214-235-1724 Phone: 703-459-4940 Mrs. Jerry Klessig Greenville, SC 29605 Ft. Worth (Donna Neary � Wis. -Platteville) Phone: 803-271-1194; 803-233- Mrs. Harry T. Stucker WASHINGTON Golf View Road, R. #3 1633 (Anna Muhlenbruch � Kansas) Pullman Platteville, Wl 53818 Mrs. Norman Greenwood County (B&B) 3817 Arroyo Road Shoup Phone: 608-348-4276 Featherstone-Washington Mrs, Paul S. Lofton, Jr, Ft, Worth, TX 76109 (Betty Ripon, Berlin, Green Lake St.) (Mary Beth Mireur-SW Texas St.) Phone: 817-923-5305 Mrs. Clyde Boismenue N.E. 1040 B Street � Route 1, Box 4 Houston (Roberta Stuart Northwestern) Pullman, WA 99163 Six, SC 29666 Mrs, Huthmacher 695 Sandstone Road Ninety Ralph Phone: 509-332-1382 Phone: 803-543-4319 (Rietta Adkins � Texas) Ripon, Wl 54971 221 2 Tangley Seattle Phone: 414-748-5367 SOUTH DAKOTA Mrs, Charles H, Kester Houston, TX 77005 Shiocton Lundin � Rapid City Phone: 713-523-4775 (Helen Washington) Mrs, Ronald Conradt Mrs. 42nd Place Wiley Hughes 15810S,E, Bruce� Wis-Oskkosh) � Hurst-Euless, Bedford Area (Marilyn (Joan Myhren Nebraska) Bellevue, WA 98006 Mrs. Gordon Box 32 R.R. 4, Box 1 1 24 A Dogggett Phone: 206-641-0352 Wl 54170 SD 57701 (Sabra Hester� Texas Wesleyan) Shiocton, Rapid City, Spokane Phone: 414-986-3698 605-341-3353 3136 Spring Lake Phone: Mrs. Frank Emerson Bedford, TX 76021 Wausau Smith � TENNESSEE Phone: 817-281-6937 (Shirley Idaho) Mrs, Alton G. Swanson 1509 Toni Rae Drive i(i Jacksboro Lubbock (Barbara Harris � Lake Forest) Spokane, WA 99218 Mrs. Jimmy Wilson Mrs. Dick Pollard 1015 Eighth Street Phone: 509-466-2054 (Rhoda Wentsch-Oklahoma St.) (Susan Fletcher� Colorado) Wausau, Wl 54401 509 Shallow Street Tacoma Creek, Meyers 6609 Norfolk WYOMING Jacksboro, TN 37757 Lubbock, TX 79413 Mrs. Austin Burch � Cheyenne Phone: 615-562-7269; 615-562- Phone: 806-799-7761 (Alice Babst Nebraska) Mrs, Lorraine 0932 7010 Topaz Drive SW Grigsby Midland Tacoma, WA 98498 (Lorraine Forister� VVyoming) Knoxville (B&B) Mrs. H. Lambert LaDoyce Phone: 208-582-0964 R,R, #1, Box 802 it Miss Sherry Robertson (Gloria Hicks � Arizona) Cheyenne, WY 82201 Vancouver (Tennessee) 1404 Murray Phone: 307-638-6082 . 7213 Arlie Road, Halls Crossroads Midland, TX 79701 Mrs. P. Brooks Madison ' Douglas, Cooper, Glenrock Knoxville, TN 37918 Phone: 512-684-7714 (Johanne Kuntz� Cal. St.-San Mrs. Baker Phone: 615-922-1808 Shirley Odessa Diego) 1210 NE 126th Street (Shirley Burks� Wyoming) Memphis Mrs. Greene Page Vancouver, WA 98665 Box 1 28 Mrs. George Gray or (Barbara Hurley� Texas) Phone: 206-573-2587 Douglas, WY 82633 (Pat Moore-SMU) 1 455 Pagewood 2402 N, Clover Road Kamiak Butte State Park 2755 Central Odessa, TX 79761 Cooper, WY 82601 Mrs. Michael Werner Memphis, TN 38111 Phone: 915-362-3018 Phone: 307-265-8007 Phone: 901-323-1355 (Vivian Dietrich � Lamar) San Antonio Lander Rt. 1, Box 190 Nashville (2) B&B Mrs. Robert A. Hein Palouse, WA 99161 Princess Kellebrew � Mrs. Timothy Jacobson (Nancy Tieken Texas) (Princess Humphrey � N, Arizona) (Katherine Barrett � Colorado 413 Ridgemont Avenue WEST VIRGINIA Rt. 62-C, Box 100 College) San Antonio, TX 78209 Morgantown Lander, WY 82520 3933 Brighton Road Phone: 512-824-9299 Mrs. C.N. Rosenecker Phone: 307-332-3044 TN 37205 Nashville, Wichita Falls (Margaret Blattler� W. Virginia) Laramie Phone: 615-298-1195 Anne Ginther Jorgensen Cheat Road, Rt. #6, Box 51 Mrs, E,J, Hendon

� Elise Anderson (Mrs. Robert Michigan St.) Morgantown, WV 26505 (Carol Fronk � Wyoming) (Elise Clark � Ohio Wesleyan) 4603 El Capitan Phone: 304-296-4855 2316 Rainbow 2203 Old Blvd. TX 76310 Hickory Wichita Falls, WISCONSIN Laramie, WY 82070 Nashville, TN 37215 Phone: 817-692-7340 Phone: 307-745-3217 Phone: 615-383-7358 Appleton (2) UTAH Mrs. Richard Martinek CANADA Salt Lake City (B&B) (Clara Hoffer� Northwester) ALBERTA TEXAS Mrs. James Levy 1444 W. Prospect Appleton, Wl 54911 Calgary Amarillo (B&B) (Barb Trites� Nebraska) Phone: 414-734-4450 Mrs. John T. Mrs. Winifred H. 2197 South 2200 East Ryan Dunaway (Mona Thomson � Toronto) (Winifred Higginbotom � Texas) Salt Lake City, UT 84109 Mrs, Paul Williamson � 3819-6 Street S.W. 1506- A West 11th Street Phone: 801-487-2895 (Marcia Zimmerman Michigan) Calgary, Alberta T2S 2M9, Canada Amarillo, TX 79101 1611 West Lorain Court VERMONT Phone: 403-243-0688 Phone: Appleton, Wl 54911 806-373-7546 (B&B) Burlington Phone: 414-733-3003 QUEBEC Arlington Marian Bickford Beaver Dam Mrs. William Lace (Marian Doty� Goucher, Penn St.) Montreal Miss Joan Schneider (Wis.- Colleen (Laura Markhouse� Texas) 24 Valleyview Drive Mrs. Feeney Oshkosh) 3405 Somerset Essex Jot., VT 05452 (Colleen Donnelly-McGill) 1236 Circle Drive E Arlington, TX 76013 Phone: 802-878-4158 137 Westminister Avenue N. Phone: 817-461-0154 Beaver Dam, Wl 53916 Montreal, Quebec, Canada VIRGINIA Phone: 514-482-2142 Austin Columbus (B&B) Charlottesville Mrs, James M, Michael Mrs. John F. Roche BRITISH COLUMBIA Miss Karen E. Stephen (Wm. and Froeschle-N. Dakota St.) (Jane Pfeiffer� Texas) (Mary Vancouver (B&B) Mary) Rt. 2 3307 Whiteway Drive Miss Debbie Phippen (UBC) 235 Colonade Drive, Apt, 35 Columbus, Wl 53925 Austin, TX 78757 #3, 1250 W. Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone: 414-623-2778 Broadway Phone: 512-451-4177 Vancouver, BC, V6H 1G6, Canada Beaumont Norfolk Madison (2) Phone: 604-736-2119 Mrs. Heaton Mrs. Hal Laine Angelo Terry Patti Neiison Moen & � � Smith-Wm. ONTARIO Johnson Lamar) (Byrd Mary) (Mrs. Donald N. Wisconsin) (Shirley 8277 Court 935 Monterrey Baywood 420-1 2th Avenue, Box 515 Ottawa (B&B) VA 23518 Beaumont, TX 77706 Norfolk, New Glarus, Wl 53574 Mrs, Graeme Barber Phone: 713-866-5897 Northern Virginia (Alexandria) Phone: 608-527-2450 (Sally WhItby-Toronto)

SPRING, 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 23 504 Highland Avenue c/o 2nd LT Talph C. Buehler Ottawa, Ontario K2A 2J7, Canada "C" Battery, 2/41 st FA Phone: 613-722-1407 APO, New York, NY 09330 Windsor (B&B) Phone: 09708-1482 Mrs. Americo Dean, Jr. (Barbara Galbraithk � Michigan St.) RR # 1, 606 Old Tecumseth Road NORWAY Belle River, Ontano NOR 1A0, Oslo Canada Mrs. O.J. Gilbo Phone: 519-735-9786 (Kathy Benyo-Kent St.) Halden Terrasse, 16B Corporation 1330 Oslo Lufthaun, Norway AUSTRALIA Phone: 53-86-91 Perth, Western Australia Miss Barbara Whilldin (Mankato Boards to Meet St.) REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE 27 Hotham Street Mrs. Peter Bayswater (Mary Kelly � California) Perth, Western Australia, Australia c/o Amoco Far East Exp. Co. 6053 Box 3744 Singapore, Republic of Singapore

CANAL ZONE Balboa (B&B) REPUBLIC OF CHINA Mrs. Marvin Ward (Jackie White-Vanderbilt) Taipei, Taiwan (2) Miss Barbara Anderson r(D& Box 192 (Wisconsin) Balboa Heights, Canal Zone #3, Alley 5, Lane 10, Street 4 Tienmou, Taipei, Taiwan 1978 Phone: 871-9790 GERMANY Heidelberg, Frankfurt Mrs. Peter M. Iverson � Miss Christine Frances Podd (Nancy Armstrong Wolcott (Indiana) Wisconsin) Dependent Schools, Box 146 J-2, U.STDC. APO, New York, NY 09021 Box 24, APO San Francisco, CA 96263 or 207A-B.O.T., AREAF Yang Ming Shan, Taipei, Taiwan MEXICO Phone: 861-6049 Mexico City Phi 7:30 16, Miss Elena E. Hannan (Colorado Chapter, p.m., April College) 1979, Phi Chapter Room, Women's Apartado Postal 5-225 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILLIPINES St. Mexico 5, DF San Miguel, Subic Bay, Clark AFB Building, Washington University, Phone: 511-18-96 (B&B) Louis, Mo. Mrs. H.C. Schilling, Jr. (Theresa Chuka � Arizona St.) P.O. Box 790, NCSP brunch at 11:00 JAPAN Sigma chapter, CA 96656 FPO. San Francisco, 1979. If Tokyo Phone: 886-3831 a.m., April 21, attending, Mrs, Howard Austin send $5.00 to: Mrs. Doris Cox, (Janet Schleper� Illinois) please 39-34 Chome, Tami-Machi-Fuchu- 1339 W. Campus Rd., Lawrence, Kan. Shi SAUDI ARABIA 183 66044. Tokyo, Japan Dhahran Patricia Ames London (Mrs. E. W.-Kansas) Beta 9:00 a.m., NEW ZEALAND Box 1 1 57 Upsilon chapter, Invercargill APO New York, NY 09616 April 2, 1979, chapter house, 1807 Mrs. AC. MacPherson (Ada Russell � Wyoming) Todd Rd., Manhattan, Kan. Springhills, #6 RD Invecargill. New Zealand WEST INDIES Beta luncheon at 11:30 Curacao chapter, Mrs, Judith Ann Gaudin Riese a.m., April 18, 1979, chapter house, NORTHERN BAVARIA (UBC) 1520 S. Ann Mich. Bad Kissingen Patrick Plantation, District #3 University, Arbor, Mrs. Elizabeth Buehler (Penn St.) Curacao, Netherlands West Indies 48104.

Beta Rho chapter, 7:30 p.m.. May 7, 1979, chapter house, 935 16th St., Boulder, Co. 80303.

Beta Beta chapter, luncheon at 1 :00 p.m., April 29, 1979, chapter house, 9 Fraternity Row, College Park, Md. 20740. Please make reservations with the house president by April 20, 1979.

Alpha Zeta Chapter, dinner at 6:00, April 5, 1979, chapter house, 2411 Kensington Circle, Nashvilli .nin.


ALPHA UPSILON Mary Janet Glendon Trussell Alice Welsh Jenkins Minnie Elizabeth Brewer (Northwestern), whose Gamma Marsh [Elizabeth Tipple Dorothy Shaw Cochran Phi Beta career included the founding of the Lake County, 111. BETA PHI alumnae chapter, and service as di Marion Hubbard Marjorie Ball rector of expansion and interna Mary Elizabeth Neafie Munde tional research director, died late last CHI year. GAMMA She also served as province col Katherine Satterfield Lousene Rousseau Brunner Carpenter legiate director V, awards chair Grace Colborne Schoeni Mary Bell Kenderdine man, historian and archivist. Ellen Summerfield Mary Turlay Her name was added to the EPSILON Gamma Phi Beta Honor Roll at the Adrienne Stainfield Barrett PSI Seattle Convention "for 16 years of Glendon Trussell Mary Charleen Caldwell international service, four years on Marjorie Guymon Dicus Grand Council; for organizing the ETA historical material in the archives Helen Beattie OMEGA of Gamma Phi Beta into a perma Elfreda Kellogg Gladys Albertus McKahin nent collection." Deahl Shaw Margaret Allene Nelson Tillapaugh Her death is a great loss for Gamma Phi Beta.

, THETA ALPHA BETA Eleanor Whitford Gould Verona O'Gorman Brundin Gladys East Parsons Elizabeth Hendee Reed ALPHA EPSILON Grace Mitchell Firth : KAPPA Gamma Phi Beta Sorority is urg Laura Sanford ing its members to make memorial ALPHA ETA gifts to the Gamma Phi Beta Foun LAMBDA Florence Merrill Howes dation in memory of a lost "sister" Zoe Morris Brown or other loved one. Contributions, Gertrude Schuiz Hausman which are U.S.A. tax ALPHA deductible, � RHO Grace Newth will be used to the Katherine Gray Lawson support Marguerite Olson Sorority's philanthropies� camp Helen Harper Smith ing for underprivileged children ALPHA TAU Rachel Niblock Witter and financial aid to women stu Catherine Stewart McMorran dents. The latter takes the form of MU scholarships, fellowships and Dorette Jones Bly ALPHA UPSILON grants-in-aid. Patricia Jonkus Depner Members of the remembered NU one's family will be notified of Jean Leonard Balcom ALPHA PHI your gift with a special card mailed Geraldine Carter Mathis from Central Office. Contributions OMICRON should be made payable to the Margaret Heppes Baker BETA EPSILON Gamma Phi Beta Foundation, 630 Geneva Bane Herolz Clarinda Bender Mackey Green Bay Road, Kenilworth, IL 60043, and designated as a memo RHO BETA IOTA rial to (John Doe) on the face of the Nancy Emrick Constance Coombs Hammer check. Mary Elizabeth Heffernan Jones Help deserving young women BETA OMICRON while remembering someone you SIGMA Linda Jo Leuthold Giffen loved. Elizabeth Apel Beverly Cummings Adams Barbara Koch Arrendell GAMMA ZETA Executive Vice President Sibyl Martin Wanda Wadle Gamma Phi Beta Foundation

SPRING, 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 25 (�)DD�(|]� (M\ksi�]9� Sigma Chapter Pledges Retreat Holds Firesides To Understand The 65 members of Sigma chap For Alpha Lambda, pledge re ter are involved in many diverse treat at Camp Sechelt is a time set and time consuming campus activ aside to get to know one another ities. They have found that in- and to understand the philanthro house are wonderful Beta. get togethers py of Gamma Phi Every year for reminding each other how dear the chapter makes use of the camp sisterhood is. Once a month, and contributes hand made items dressed in pajamas, members such as costumes and puppets for in the room gather living before the campers. bedtime to share their feelings and Eta collegians Katie Inderkum and Teresa Long are ready for Halloween. thoughts with one another. Flower Blitz Greek Week For Alumnae Makes Debut It was a carnation blitz engi Gamma Omega chapter was in neered by Alpha Alpha President strumental in arranging the first Karen Dorey. Greek Week at the University of members set out in Alpha Alpha Wisconsin-Platteville. At the sug cars with armloads of fresh pink of Consultant gestion Collegiate (1 to r) Wendy Williams, Carla Barnholder, carnations. Hundreds of alumnae Anita Pederson, Marie Stuelke pre Maureen Burns, Wendy Wyatt, Sue Rapanos were when a carna ' surprised pink sented the idea to the Inter-Greek and Julie Ovenell enjoy a retreat at Camp tion was hand delivered to them. Community Council. Sechelt. After a full day of deliveries, The Gamma Phi Beta-Sigma Pi they were pleased they had en team took third place in Greek Beta Delta alumnae and couraged support Week games. Team members were were rewarded with the closeness Cherie Ziemer, Ellen Bartling and Cleans House of sisterhood. Crystal Block. Gamma Omega also received the Greek Week scholar "Project Pride" is a massive ship award for the highest sorority house cleaning held every term at Beta Delta. With the house grade point average the past manag semester. er's list in hand, groups of mem bers set to work. Last fall they re Fair organized the kitchen, scrubbed Country the chapter room chairs, weeded flower beds and trimmed shrubb Raises $500 ery. The result was a house which looked fantastic for rush week. Alpha Theta chapter held its an nual country fair in September. Fair events included an ice cream eating contest, hermit crab races, afghan raffle, rummage sale, bal loon sale, and pledge bake sale. Baskin Robbins donated the ice

cream for the contest and one talented alumna made and Psi four members on Oklahoma chapter's donated a brown and mode are Pam Lan afghan University Panhellenic (seated) for the raffle. The fair raised more ' ders, elections; Mitsi Moore, activities; (1 to r) Eve Hughes, Ann .ndegard and Gail and Susan than $500 for the Nashville Red (standing) Privett, president; Teresa Smith model T-shirts '�' to public- Stone, social chairman. Cross youth camping program. ize Alpha Theta's Country F.

26 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / SPRING, 1979 (�]p�@[F (J)Pm�p Creates Own Consumer Slot The rise from public relations branch out into related areas." "I feel as if I've earned three col staff member to Oscar Mayer's vice In Phyllis' case, the area of ex lege degrees in my years on the president of consumer affairs has pertise was the study of consumer job," Phyllis says. "One in public been a swift and steady one for attitudes, something to which she relations, one in business, a third Phyllis Lovrien (Iowa State), one has devoted almost full time since in law� all on top of my BS in matched the of the and nutrition." only by growth joining the company 15 years ago. chemistry field itself. In her present position, she Although duly recognized for Because until Phyllis came along directs the company's overall con her achievements, (she was named in fresh out of Iowa State's Wisconsin's 1963, sumer relations program, par Outstanding Young chemistry and nutrition cur ticipating in policy decisions on Business Woman in 1972 and Iowa riculum, Oscar Mayer & Co. didn't consumer issues and government State's Outstanding Young Alum have a consumer relations depart regulations, devising consumer in 1971), Phyllis has undoubtedly at all. a ment action programs and dealing with had to work little harder to make So what she did, in her own the news media on the sticky issues her mark in a male-oriented busi words, was to "create her own arising in the processed food ness world. job." industry. She's found, though, that "the "The trick, if you can call it a She also speaks for Oscar Mayer way a woman looks and acts deter mines how she will be treated. If trick, is to find an area of exper to government and trade groups tise�something nobody else has and lectures college classes on con you act first as a business person, done � and build on it. Then sumer communications. you'll be treated as a business per son. If you act first as a woman, that's how you will be treated." Sister Is Big Brother And, in some ways, she feels that her sex is a definite Gloria Lambert (Arizona) be- "The idea behind Big Brothers/ plus. "As a single woman, I think I re came the first executive director of Big Sisters is to provide a special flect better than most male execu Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Mid friend who will care for the child tives the who are land, Tex. in 1975. She has built the as an individual," Gloria said. people really buying our products," she says. program from scratch to the pres "The purpose of the program is to Although Phyllis ent level of 40 "matches" of volun match children from single parent admittedly puts in long hours at work and has teer adults with youngsters be homes with adults who will pro never been one to "shirk job-re tween the ages of six and 17. vide friendship, trust, understand lated evening or weekend infringe ing and acceptance." ments" on her time, she makes A substantial number of little sure she sets aside some time for brothers and sisters are for waiting herself. the proper match with an adult friend. Big Brothers and Big Sisters are selected after careful screening by the counselors at Family Coun seling Services. They are approved only when the agency is assured of the character and integrity of an individual. Gloria is convinced Big Brothers/ Big Sisters is not only a strong pre ventative to juvenile delinquency but is a bargain for taxpayers. "Texas taxpayers spend an average of $14,000 a year to institutionalize just one child," she said, "while the cost of a child Gloria Lambert (Arizona) with one of the average serving Sisters is children in the Big Brother/Big Sister program through Big Brothers/Big Phyllis Lovrien (Iowa State) is Oscar Mayer's she directs. $300 per year." Elloui Moseley vice president of consumer affairs.

SPRING, 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 27 [?(3G�g�00CS^[7 Kansas Citian Draws Accolades For Work

Phyllis Tengdin Werner (Okla chairman of the advisory commit homa) was one of five women tee of the Cockefair Chair for the honored at the annual Martrix Humanities at the University of table luncheon. The event honors Missouri � Kansas City and a outstanding women in the greater member of the Mayor's Advisory Kansas City area and celebrates the Commission on Human Relations. 1909 founding of Theta Sigma Phi Phyllis is active in the Committee (now known as Women in Com for the Arts in Missouri and the munications, Inc.). Phyllis was American Association of Univer honored for "volunteer service sity Women. and the arts." Her church related efforts in "Volunteerism adds a priceless, clude serving as a member of the positive dimension to life, which I social ministry committee, steering believe should be spent, not committee and the Ministry of the hoarded," she said. Laity and Central States Synod of Phyllis has volunteered her time the Lutheran Church of America. Phyllis Tengdin Werner (Oklahoma) and talents to numerous groups in In 1978 she was a delegate to the the Kansas City area � hospital Lutheran Church of America's auxiliaries, church groups and the convention. the Oklahoma City Oklahoman arts. She is vice president of the Phyllis received a journalism de and the Press Dispatch, North Kansas City Philharmonic gree from the University of Okla Kansas City. Currently, she free Orchestra Board of Governors, vice homa and has been a reporter for lances. Mary Grubb Hicks Bicentennial Project Nets Award for F O B

Aileen Musgrave Seshun (Wis Under Aileen's direction, the stu consin) received a Freedoms Foun dents delved into the early history dation Award of Excellence for her of their community and the result involvement in a Bicentennial was an illustrated collection of project entitled "The Way It Was," articles, poems, games and recipes an historical booklet prepared by based on their extensive research. school children in Paoli, Pa. The A local newspaper printed the Freedoms Foundation at Valley booklet free of charge and, after al Forge is a national organization most two years of preparation, which provides educational Aileen was delighted when 5,000 opportunities and awards, encour copies were ready for distribution aging awareness and support of to the community. the American concept of freedom. After accepting the certificate at She visited the schools in her Valley Forge, Pa., Aileen said, "I'm community and asked teachers to proud, of course, to receive this

. r. Bicentennial and award . . but in the Aileen Seshun and Paoli, Pa. assign writing .art, Musgrave " artistic to children in kin children are the wn g^tte school children read a copy of their award projects winning publication, "The Way It Was." dergarten through eighth grade. Agnew Alburger

28 THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA SPRING. 1979 Mrs. Robert Pfeifer, 423 Waring Nostalgia Ave., State College, Pa. 16801. A series of Mary Kay Dorman Kabler's (Kansas) readable articles r$B T-shirts on nostalgia, which once ran in the Be Crescent and have since been pub proud of your sisterhood. Wear a distinctive Gamma Phi T- lished in booklet form, are still shirt. being offered for sale by the Made of 100% brown cotton with Denver alumnae. In her articles, the large words "Gamma Phi Beta" written across the front in Mary Kay traces 100 years of Gam can't be missed. ma Phi Beta and United States pink, you T-shirts sell for history. This limited edition, $5, postage paid. Sizes S, M, L and XL. Send orders to: Gamma bound in a soft pink cover, is Phi Beta, Student available for $2.65, postage paid, Hagestad Center, River Coe Cole (Texas) and other Dallas from Mrs. Patricia T. Pinney, 6915 Falls, Wis. 54022. Carolyn alumnae at a Ladyfood tasting party. S. Garfield Way, Littleton, Co. 80122. Playing Cards Ladyfood Decorated with the Beta Sorority's Ladyfood: A collection of Recipes Button Greek letters, brown and mode Enjoyed by Ladies and Gentlemen, is ' cards are available from "Gamma Phi is Beta" in playing a hard cover, illustrated volume appears the Calumet Area alumnae. Gift s more 700 bold black letters, along with a containing than recipes boxed, they sell for $3.75 per dou on a two-inch from Gamma Phi Betas. Gammy Bug, pink ble deck; $3.25 in lots of 10, button offered the Central To whet your appetite, here is a being by Order from Mrs. � postage paid. alumnae. Buttons be Ladyfood recipe submitted by Ruth Jersey may Robert Biefeldt, 6329 Moraine, ordered for 50 C each 50C Bartlett (Boston) of Kaneohe, Ha. (plus Ind. 46324 Hammond, Sara Hess r handling charge when ordering McElhaney (Iowa State), fewer than 10) from Cathy Griffin, co-chairman, said this is the best 340 Plainsboro Rd., Plainsboro, Gamma Goodies and easiest way to make popovers N.J. 08536. she has ever found. The Columbus alumnae chap Cold ter's cookbook series. Gamma Oven Popovers 2 Goodies, still is being offered for eggs 1 cup flour .Motto Decals 1 sale. First sold at the Seattle Con cup milk 1/2 teaspoon salt vention the series includes three Stir eggs with fork. Add flour and , Delta Mu is decals selling depict milk Add salt last. Ex books, one each on hors d'oeuvres, alternately. ing our open motto, "Founded desserts and casseroles. Individual cessive beating is unnecessary, upon a Rock," with a topped pink are Fill carnation and the words "Gamma books are priced at $2; the series slight lumps unimportant. well oiled muffin one half Phi Beta." Measuring about 4x5 sells for $5. Make checks payable to cups the Columbus full. Set in cold oven and turn to inches, the decals are available for alumnae chapter 450 Bake 30 minutes and 50C each. Orders should be sent to and mail to Jane McMaster, 2271 degrees. DO NOT PEAK. Susan Toole, 6 Union St., New Briston Rd., Columbus, Oh. 43221. Brunswick, N.J. 08903. Proceeds from the project will Stickers benefit the Sorority's phi Logo lanthropies and scholarships. Pewterloy Long Beach alumnae are offering Funds will be divided between the Gamma Phi Beta adhesive back Foundation and a scholarship fund Brighten up your home or chap logo stickers. They feature the to mark 50 years of Gamma Phi ter house by ordering any or all of Greek letters in brown with a pink Beta on the Southern Methodist measure 3-1/4 x 5- four Pewterloy products being carnation and campus. offered for sale by the State College 1/2 inches. Ideal for notebooks or Ladyfood sells for $8.95 plus alumnae. Included on the list are gifts, the stickers sell for 35C each $1.05 for postage and handling. mugs ($8), ashtrays ($3), six-inch or three for $1. Order from Nancy Order your cookbooks from Mrs. Queen Anne plates ($8.25) and Cohn, 10493 Janice Lynn Cir., Herman Graham, 2716 Rosedale, keychains ($1). To order, contact Cypress, Cal. 90630. Dallas, Tex. 75225.

SPRING. 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 29 ^amma Vhil3eta SororitylDiredory

Founded November 11, 1874 Syracuse University

FOUNDERS AREA FINANCIAL ADVISERS Foundation Standing Committees: D. H. Green (Sharon Helen M. Dodge Ferguson Mrs C. B. Jennings (Patricia Strickler), 4724 44th N.E, Seat Camping Program Chairman: Mrs. CO 80222 Frances E. Haven Moss tle. WA 98105 Reisig), 2405 S. Kearney St., Denver, E. Adeline Curtis Finance and Investment Chairman: Miss Eleanor J, Sieg, Mrs E. G. Hart (Mary Jean Lauvetz), 6 Brookside Rd , Phila IL 60043 Mary A. Bingham Willoughby delphia, PA 19118 630 Green Bay Rd., Kenilworth, P. R. (Carribelle Mrs, R, G, Drouet (Leona Davis), 10482 E, Grandeur Dr., Financial Aid Chairman: Mrs. Conway THE GRAND COUNCIL 9021 Fairview Silver MD 20910 Baton Rouge, LA 70815 Waters), Rd.. Spring, Grand President: Mrs. T, L. Kline (Karen Wander) 3648 S. Mrs, G, Baldwin (Julia Irene Lynn), 503 Hobson Dr� Pitts PROVINCE ALUMNAE DIRECTORS 91st St., Omaha, NE 68124 burg, KS 66762 Alumnae Vice President: Mrs. R. 0. Bronsing (Patricia Ann I: Mrs. Eileen Lentz (Eileen Lindemann), 22 Meadowbrook Mullen), 2 Treewood Ct,, Ballwin, MO 63011 ENDOWMENT-LOAN DOARD Rd,, Short Hills, NJ 07078 Collegiate Vice President: Mrs. B. Lowell (Ruth Donlon), Directors: II: Mrs Mary Anne Youngwood (Mary Anne Morgan), 8205 1800 Hackett Ave., Long Beach, CA 90815 Mrs, W, Nichols (Diane Dross), Chairman, 17475 Arbor Jeb Stuart Rd., Rockville. MD 20854 i 6403 Director of Finance: Mrs. G. E. Misthos (Mary Jane Hipp), Drive, South Bend, IN 46635 III: Ms. Camille Cestone. Clough Pike. #3, Cincinnati,- 242 Glendale Rd.. Glenview, IL 60025 Miss Patricia Denton, 747 Willis, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 OH 45244 IV: Mrs. R.L. Howes Denise Meisner), 5896 Director of Expansion: Mrs, J. D, Moore (Leonite Selzer), Mrs, T C. O'Neill (Judith Ruhl), 815 E, Edgemont, Phoenix, (Cynthia Valley Lane, SE, Grand Ml 49508 2807 S, Peoria, Tulsa , OK 74114 AZ 85006 Rapids, V: R, M. Green 139 N. Ashland NPC Delegate: Mrs. I. P. Nelson Jr. (Gloria Swanson), 3521 Mrs. P. K. Graves (Jacquelyn Hilger), 51 5 Kenton, Aurora, CO Mrs, (Frances Black), Ave., Royal Lane, Dallas, TX 75229 80010 Palatine, IL 60067 Executive Secretary-Treasurer: Miss Mary M, Moxley, 630 Mrs. G, E. Misthos, (Mary Jane Hipp) Dir, of Finance VI: Mrs. James B. Newcombe (Patricia Davies). 15803 Green Bay Rd., Kenilworth, IL 60043 Mrs, T. L. Kline (Karen Wander), Grand President Holdridge Rd.. Wayzata, MN 55391 5538 Miss Mary M, Moxley, Treasurer VII: Mrs. D. R. Johnson (Susan Herzog), McCommas, CENTRAL OFFICE STAFF-Box 310, 630 Green Rd� Kenil TX Bay Address all communications to Central Office Dallas, 75206 worth, IL 60043 VIII: Mrs. G. Oliver (Jean Brooks), 4030 Summitt Dr., N,E� Executive Secy-Treas.: Miss Mary M. Moxley Marietta, GA 30062 INTERNATIONAL CHAIRMEN Financial Consultant: Miss Eleanor J, Sieg IX: Mrs F. W Volker, Jr, (Ann McCune), 1700 W, 25th, Secy, to Exec. Secy.-Treas.: Mrs. Joan Lodge Awards: Mrs. A. T. Phillips (Elizabeth Sloan), 11 18 Westerly Odessa, TX 79763 Membership Records: Mrs. Anna Kantz Pkwy., State College, PA 16801 X: Mrs. A. 0. Durrett (Sue Dorsey), 443 W. 57th Terr., Kansas Alumnae Chapter Records: Miss Mary O'Connor Bylaws � International: Mrs. F. L, McDonald (Ernestine City, MO 64113 Greek-letter (Chapter Records: Mrs. Anne Simpson Dobler), 971 4 State Line Rd., Shawnee Mission, KS 66206 XI: Mrs. William Laney (Joan Hogan), 13425 Cedarbrooke Bookkeeper: Mrs, Mary Cristiano Convention: Mrs, J, W, Lindauer, (Catherine M. Guthrie), N.E, Albuquerque, NM 87111 Ass't Bookkeeper; Mrs. LaVonne Stocco 5051 8, Beeler St., Englewood, CO 80110 XII: Mrs. W. H. Ball (Madeleine Thaxton), 9101 SE 57th St.," Supplies & Office Services: Mrs. Judith Hagan Chapter Development: Co-chairmen: Mercer Island, WA 98040 Collegiate Consultants: Anita Beth Peterson, Jeannette Jill Collegians� Miss Linda Daniel, 2636 Steel St,, Houston, Xlll: Mrs. R. H. Allard (Jean Anderson), 314 Norwegian Ave., Stoll, Carol Jean Stott, Kimberly Darl Wolfe TX 77098 Modesto, CA 95350 Expansion Supervisor: Karen L. Hedine Alumnae � Mrs, Norman Choat (Phyllis Donaldson), 9716 XIV: Mrs. Earle E. Rayner (Virginia Maddox), P.O. Box 1461, Erskine NE 68134 Coordinator of Leadership Training: Deborah Kay Jones St., Omaha. Litchfield , AZ 85340 Programs � Miss Jonette Crowley, 1645 E. Noble PI.. Lit XV: Mrs, E, R, Fritsch (Mary Lou Dahl), 1423 Curtiss Ave,, THE CRESCENT tleton, CO 80121 Ames, lA 50010 Editor: Mrs. Phil Riske (Kristin Anne Brandt). 2308 1 5th St., Coordinator of State Membership Chairmen: Miss Elise XVI: Mrs. D. Moses (Sarah Swink), 5618 Scotwood Dr., Palos Alamogordo, NM 88310 Berthon, 3141 Warrington Rd., Mtn. Brook, Birmingham, Verdes Pen,, CA 90274 Business Manager: Miss Mary M Moxley, 630 Green Bay AL 35223 Rd., Kenilworth, IL 60043 Magazines: Mrs. C, W, Kenney (Dorothy Stark), Maplewood Gardens, 129 Croyden Ln., Syracuse, NY 13224 PROVINCE COLLEGIATE DIRECTORS THE CRESCENT COMMUNIQUE Mothers' Club: Mrs L. M. Brown (Marta Lombardi), 850 I: Mrs. J. A. Hewitt (Sheila McCarthy), 6 Benford Dr., Prince Editor: Mrs. G. McKenzie (Natalie Meyer), 531 S, Burton, Cumberland, Glendale, CA 91202 ton Junction, NJ 08550 Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Nominating: Mrs. John B, Hunt (Mary Boots), 8538 E. San II: Mrs. R. C. Freisheim (Deborah Foulsham), 2052 Moreland dalwood Dr� Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Rd,, Abington, PA 19001 NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE Parliamentarian: Miss Jennie K, Curtis, 20 Lake PL, Walnut III: Mrs Robert Winterhalter (Diana Gay). 4336 Braunton NPC Delegate: Mrs, I. P. Nelson. Jr, (Gloria Swanson) Creek, CA 94598 Rd.. Columbus, OH 43220 1st Alternate Delegate: Mrs, D. H. Lundin (Marjorie Speidel) Philanthropy Programs: Miss Judy Elaine Graham, 2716 IV: Mrs, J, Holland (Kathleen Cavanaugh), 1109 & Rrst St. 5135 N.E, Latimer PI., Seattle. WA 98105 Rosedale, Dallas, TX 75205 Bloomington, IN 47401 2nd Alternate Delegate: Mrs. Carl Hustad (Virginia Geiger). Public Relations: Mrs, Sally E, Lewis (Sally Erikson), 535 V: Mrs, C, F, Falkenroth (Jacki Ennis), 1175 Hassell, Hoil 5304 Ayshire Blvd,, Minneapolis, MN 55436 Michigan Ave,, Apt, 704, Chicago, IL 60611 man Estates, IL 60195 3rd Alternate Delegate: Mrs. T. L. Kline (Karen Wander) Research: Mrs. C. Shafer, Jr. (Audrey Weldon), 6808 VI: Mrs, M. Savageau (Vicki Smith), 1013 11th Ave,, N. Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, MO 64131 Fargo, ND 58102 INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS Ritual: Mrs, Dirk Kempthorne (Patricia Merrill), 11219 VII: Mrs, Jerry Bawcom (Vicky Keene), 900 N. Bowen Rd, Asst. to Alumnae Vice President � Bylaws: Mrs R, Hoffman Gunsmoke St., Boise. ID 83704 Arlington, TX 76012 (Kay Reid), 202 N, Broadview, Wichita, KS 67208 Scholarship: Mrs. M. Stromer (Peggy Larson), R.R. #2, VIII: Mrs. L. W. Betts (Mary Alice Adams), 2448 Whitehall Asst- to Alumnae Vice President� Alumnae Initiates: Mrs, Milton, Wl 53563 Cir, Winter Park, FL 32789 D. J, Matuszak (Mary Helen Eaton), 4011 E. Prospector Song: Mrs. Marian Hulsey (Marian Corley), 1020 Live Oak, IX: Mrs, D, B. Scarborough (Donna Snyder), 7817 Kenosha, Dr,, Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Norman, OK 73069 Lubbock, TX 79423 TranSISter Service: Mrs, D, J. Schonberg (Theora Kurt), X: Mrs, M. Kent Sanborn (Diane Hawley), R. #1, Rolla, MO GAMMA PHI DETA FOUNDATION 12205 Leavenworth, Omaha, NE 68106 65401 Vice President� Mrs, G V, Kallal President Mrs. T L. Kline Asst. to Collegiate Bylaws: (Karen Wander), 3648 S. 91st St., XI: Mrs P. G. Sendroy (Catherine Curtis), 12 Cherry ValeJ Dr,,Ul,, (Jeannine Alice Sheldon), ON 211 Winfield Rd., Winfield, Omaha, NE 68124 Englewood, CO 80110 IL 60190 Exec. Vice President: Mrs. E. B. Adams (Beverly Cummings), XII: Mrs. L. T McEntee (Carolyn Craddock), 1801 EdgeclM!Cl�i Asst, to Collegiate Vice President � Rush: Mrs B. A, Bell 14 Sentinel Rock Terrace, Larkspur, CO 80118 Ter., Boise, ID 83702 (Sheila Cornish), East 1 2722 Guthrie, Spokane, WA 9921 6 Vice President: Mrs, G. E. Misthos (Mary Jane Hipp), 242 Xlll: Mrs. R. McMichael (Gail Haren), 2110 Rockwood I Finance � Policies: Mrs. T. A. Lothian 95825 Asst to Director of Glendale Rd , Glenview, IL 60025 Sacramento, CA (Carol Ann VIchek), PO. Box 863, Williams Bay, Wl 53191 Secretary-Treasurer Miss Mary M, Moxley XIV: Mrs. Clarke R. Duncan (Shirley Gronds), 2531 N, Santa Asst, to Director of Finance� House Corp. Bylaws: Ms. Directors: Lucia Ave, Tucson, AZ 85715 , Emerald L Erickson, 149 Farnsworth Ave., #3B, Borden Mrs. R. 0. Bronsing (Patricia Ann Mullen) XV: Mrs. J. R. Bireline (Susan Himstreet), 414 N Fultonii town, NJ 08505 Mrs. B. Lowell (Ruth Donlon) Newell, lA 50568 1] Historian: Mrs. Frank Mason (Charlotte Hamilton), 5050 Mrs. J D. Moore (Leonite Selzer) XVI: Mrs. Fred Rothfuss (Jonelle Hanna), 529 Tumbleweed Lake Shore Drive, Brown's Lake, Jackson, Ml 49203 Mrs. I. P. Nelson, Jr. (Gloria Swanson) Road, Anaheim, CA 92807

30 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / SPRING, 1979 ^Qag)D�@ (�m(3\ (J(3(o]D�: News From The Foundation Patty Sullivan (Nebraska- D.C. alumnae Omaha) to Michael Gatewood, The Washington, jffl(3I7[?D(3(g(l' June 24, 1978, Omaha, Neb. chapter is offering a fellowship in memory of Hazel McClure Luedeman Lizabeth Cambridge (Syracuse) (Missouri). The fellowship will be to Craig Marteens, June 3, 1978, Bir awarded through the Foundation in N.Y. Syracuse, the amount of $500. Preference will to Vicky Dippell (Maryland) Twin boys to Norman and Debi be given to a member pursuing a Charles Somerville, November 18, Hoppingarner Cass (Miami), graduate degree in the field of read 1978, D.C. 1978. Washington, August 21, ing, as this was Mrs. Luedeman's Bobbie Harman (Nebraska) to A girl to David and Joan Leahy field.

� Clifford Sather, August 19, 1978, (Nebraska Omaha) . Forms and additional information Omaha, Neb. A to Richard and boy Joan may be obtained by writing the Gam Kim Sullivan (Nebraska) to Rich Burgess Bergstrom (Iowa State). ma Phi Beta Foundation, Box 310, Harman, October 27, 1978, A girl to Tom and Sue Streit- Kenilworth, IL 60043. Omaha, Neb. wieser (Nebraska). The Foundation is encouraging Louise Louis (Nebraska- Gamma Phi Betas to take an active Omaha) to Robert A son to Charles and Claudia Rohrbough, part in our camping program. Volun Neb. Brown (Oklahoma), August 12, 1978, Omaha, Matney teer to be a camp counselor, help your LaVelle March 29, 1977, Oklahoma Jean (Nebraska- Tulsa, chapter reassess its camping involve Omaha) to Greg Olsen, August 12, ment or present a slide show on Omaha Neb. Contributions 1978, for Crescent Cou camping for a chapter program.

� Shannon Barnhard (Nebraska ples and Cradles should be sent to For more information or to borrow to the as soon as Omaha) John Roxburgh, editor possible after camp slides, please write Mrs. David August 12, 1978, Omaha, Neb. babies and brides arrive. H. Green, 2405 S. Kearney St., Denver, CO 80222.

'*^�i ',1 For the Woman with Pride In Herself and TOB

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PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Please add 2% for postage. handling and insurance (minimum SOc) to all orders for above merchandise: add $1.00 service charge on orders less than $10.00.


SPRING, 1979 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 31 /A\m �[o)[o)�[?ODamnO^

address. We I: Gamma Phi Parents: While your daughter is in college, her magazine is sent to her home hope you enjoy to Gamma Phi Beta Central Office on <'� she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send her new/ address form belov*/.

Clip form, place In stamped envelope CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME REPLY and mail to Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Box 310, Kenilworth. IL 60043. Members are responsible for all address ctianges. Allow 4 weeks.

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