Proefbuis-tweeling Speed humps cause Eunice girl word ouers op drama in Heuwelsig receives a NY dieselfde dag scholarship BLADSY 3 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 THURSDAY 31 AUGUST 2017 NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE Bfn roads appalling - IBL OLEBOGENG MOTSE reduction is carried out “with a painful
[email protected] heart”. “However, it has been done with the Interstate Bus Lines (IBL), the largest view of ensuring and avoiding a repeat of transport company in the Mangaung the violent protest of 16 August 2017 as Metro, has expressed grave concern over that has the potential of endangering the the state of the roads in Bloemfontein, lives of loyal commuters. calling it appalling. “IBL wishes to assure its loyal The safety of IBL’s passengers has been commuters that over the years it has placed under spotlight after the bus line been acting in their best interest to was involved in three accidents on the ensure sustainable, safe and quality N8 in the last two months alone, with service delivery in trying economic times. the latest accident occurring this past It will continue to do so in acceptable Monday morning. trading conditions.” According to IBL spokesperson, Thando The fare reduction is one of a few Lepele, “the poor condition of the roads resolutions taken at the meeting between in Mangaung has contributed quite IBL and the Mangaung Forum, facilitated significantly to the breakdown of buses”. by the MEC of Police, Roads and The dilapidated roads in the Free Transport, Sam Mashinini. State province were also noted by Other resolutions arrived at, include: Chairperson of the National Council of On the issue of ticket expiry dates, it Provinces, Thandi Modise, when she was was agreed that the following weekly tag addressing the people of Botshabelo at will be introduced to cater for people the conclusion of the NCOP’s oversight working three days a week, so that visit to the province last week.