106th Legislative Session

Children's Bill Watch List S- support with testimony; O-oppose with testimony; M- monitor; N-neutral testimony; approved by Governor; vetoed by Governor; Priority for CHMC Hearing Bill No. Position Subject Matter Introducer Committee Date Status

Regarding school attendance, administrators shall develop a collaborative plan to reduce barriers related For an Act relating to to regular attendance for mental health as well as LB751 S schools Sen. Judiciary current statute for physical health.

Adopt the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Designed to achieve an increase in access to services, LB753 Interstate Compact Sen. Carol Blood HHS regional care, and telehealth capabilities.

To require consultation with A requirement for the court to transfer information school districts regarding Sen. Mark regarding juvenile's entering back into school to prepare LB759 placement of children Kolterman HHS for a smooth transition. Asynchronous review is the acquisition and storage of medical information at one sight that is then forwarded Require health care workers to or received by a health care provider at another site to provide coverage for for evaluation. This bill proposes to require insurance asynchronous review by a companies to offer reimbursement. Specific to dermatologist by way of Sen. Mark Banking, Commerce and dermatology only, will follow up with the senator on all LB760 telehealth Kolterman Insurance specialties.

Prohibit sexual assault of a Aimed at coaches and teachers who claim consent was minor by an authority figure, received. In many cases, jail time does not occur change provisions related to Sen. Brett following charges. This bill aims to ensure jail LB766 sexual offenses Lindstrom Judiciary sentencing occurs for people in a position of trust.

A PA may preform medical servies that form a component of the scope of practicce of a physician working in the same physician group as the PA if delegated by and provided under the supervision of and collaboration with such physician; and are medical Change the scope of practice services for which the PA has been prepared by LB772 for physician assistants Sen. Matt Williams HHS education, experience, and training. State intent regarding appropriations for the Rural $2 million from the General Fund towards repayment of Health Systems and qualified educational debts owed by eligible health LB778 Professional Incentive Act Sen. Appropriations professionals

$3,425,000 from the General Fund to DHHS to support child advocacy centers, including direct services to child To state intent regarding victims and caregivers and facilitation of child abuse LB779 appropriations to DHHS Sen. John Stinner Appropriations teams.It is the intent to continue funding perpetually. The proposal would change existing statute and allow the definition of an ambulatory surgical center to include a facility where the discharged patient did not Change the definition of receive anesthesia or was discharged within 24 hours LB783 ambulatory surgical center Sen. John Lowe HHS after anesthesia

A school bus driver who observes a violation may prepare a written report and provide it to their employer (license plate, time, date,e tc). Within 72 Change school bus stop hours the emploer shall deliver the report to a peace signal arm violation Transportation and officer of the city or county. Within 7 days, the peace LB789 provisions Sen. Telecommunications officer shall contact the owner of the motor vehicle

All individual or group insurance plans that provide Provide for insurance coverage for a specified disease or other liimited- coverage of epinephrine Banking, Commerce and benefit coverage shall provide coverage for epipens for LB804 autoinjenctors Sen. Justin Wayne Insurance persons 18 and younger (Jan.1, 2021)

Candy is defined to exclude flour, which became a concern in previous attempts. There is also the ability to Impose sales tax on bottled place a 60-day moratorium on the tax when a natural water, candy, and soft Sen. John disaster (i.e. flood) occurs. The increase in sales tax LB810 drinks McCollister Revenue revnue will go towards the Health Care Cash Fund. Dismemberment abortion means an abortion in which, with the cause of death of an unborn child is by Prohibit dismemberment extraction one piece at a time unless necessary for LB814 abortion Sen. Judiciary medical emergency.

Prohibit certain section 1115 waivers under the Medical The purpose of this legislation is to require LB815 Assistance Act Sen. HHS Medicaid to expand Medicaid without the 1115 waiver A proposal to grant prescriptive authority to psychologists to order, prescribe, discontinue, Adopt the Prescribing administer, and provide samples of psychotropic LB817 Psychologist Practice Act Sen. John Stinner HHS medication. Opiates cannot be prescribed by a Children's requested this bill be introduced to include Change provisions relating Sen. Robert Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) to the newborn LB825 S to infant health screenings Hilkemann HHS screening list $3,730,149 from the General Fund to DHHS for Program Appropriate funds to DHHS Sen. Robert 424- an increase in rates paid to providers of LB827 for Program 424 (DD) Hilkemann Appropriations developmental disability services

Proposes to include the "performance of minor surgical Change provisions relating procedures required for the treatment of cysts or to scope of practice of a Sen. Robert infected or inflamed glands of the eyelid" to the scope LB828 licensed optometrist Hilkemann HHS of practice for optometry

A person is immune from civil and criminal liability for Provide immunity for property damage if the person forced entry into a removal of a child from a Sen. Bruce vehicle to remove and rescue a child who appeared to LB832 S? motor vehicle Bostelman Judiciary be in imminent danger or suffering (hot car). All contracts and agreements relating to the medical assistance program governing at-risk managed are service delivery for health services shall "provide for the return to the department any remittancec if the Change provisions governing contractor does not meet the minimum loss ratio and certain contracts and unearned incentive funds. The funds shall be remitted agreements relating to the to the State Treasurer for credit to the Health Care Cash LB836 medical assistance program Sen. John Arch HHS Fund."

The deparment shall seek to maximize fedreal funding Change provisions relating to develop and implement a program to assist child care to background checks under providers and child care staff members with the cost of the Child Care Licensing Act fingerprinting and national criminal history record and Children's Residential information check. If no federal funds are received, then Facilities and Placing the child care staff member being screened shall pay LB837 Licensure Act Sen. John Arch HHS the actual cost. Adds one provision to current statute that reads, the following classes of persons shall not be construed to be engaged in the unauthorized practice of medicine: 'Persons who are not licensed, certified, or registered under the Uniform Credentialing Act, to whom are assigned tasks by a physician or osteopathic physician licensed under the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act, if Provide an exemption from such assignment of tasks is in a manner consistent with licensure under the accepted medical standards and appropriate to the skill Medicine and Surgery and training, on the job or otherwise, of the persons to LB838 Practice Act Sen. John Arch HHS whom the tasks are assigned; The State Board of Education may provide for the Recognize American Sign teaching of American sign language in schools. If a Langugage and provide for school offers a course, it shall be offered to all students the teaching of American regardless if the student is hearing, hard of hearing or LB839 Sign Langugage in schools Sen. Education deaf. Prohibit the use of electronic smoking devices as prescribed under the Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Adds the use of an electronic smoking device, to the LB840 Act Sen. HHS Nebraska Indoor Air Act.

Specific to LTC- At the sole discretion of a pharmacist, the pharmacist may package drugs and devices at the Change requirement for request of the patient or patient's caregiver if the drugs dispensing drugs in certain and devices were originally dispensed from a different LB847 health care facilities Sen. John Arch HHS pharmacy. Change eligibility requirements under the Young Adult Bridge to Sen. Pansing Changes the legal age from 19 to 18 years of age in LB849 Independence Act Brooks HHS Nebraska

Change provisions relating Suggests that continuous eligibility be maintained under to eligibility for services Medicaid for a child under the age of 19 without under the Medical Sen. John additional review by the department and regardless of LB851 Assistance Act McCollister HHS changes in resources or income. Prohibit possession by minors of tobacco and A person under tha age of 19 shall not possess tobacco LB862 nicotine products Sen. Dan Hughes General Affairs or electronic delivery system device Adopt the Bed Bug Detection and Treatment Once a tenant reports suspected bed bugs to their Act for cities of the landlord, the landlord has 96 hours to hire a qualified LB864 metropolitan class Sen. Justin Wayne Urban Affairs inspector and effectively treat the precence if found. The intention of this bill is to increase workforce development by allowing access to affordable and quality childcare. Strenuous process to map out and qualify a city to adopt an ordinance to establish an Adopt the Local Option economic development program. The amount will then Municipal Childcare be fixed in the biennium budget. No greater than $5 LB867 Financing Act Sen. Urban Affairs million.

A Parenting Act mediator, "including an attorney serving as a parenting plan mediator," prior to meeting with the Change provisions relating parties in an intial session, shall provide an individual to mediators under the screening session with each party to assess the LB868 Parenting Act Sen. Judiciary presence of child abuse or neglect, etc.

Eliminate requirements for the provision of information and materials regarding finding medical assistance Removing statute that passed in 2019 regarding and continuing a viable information a doctor should provide when offering pregnancy after taking mifepristone second round to allow the patient a LB872 mifepristone Sen. Meghan Hunt Judiciary change of heart.

Restate intent regarding Intent that any additional funding of the NHCCF after funding programs from the June 1, 2020 only be funded from investment income Nebraska Health Care Cash derived from the principal of the Nebraka Tobacco LB874 Fund Sen. Appropriations Settlement Trust Fund from previous fiscal year No later than Oct. 1, 2020, the DHHS shall submit a SPA Require a medicaid state or waiver to CMS to provide coverage under the plan amendment for medical assitance program for outpatient assisted LB875 outpatient assisted therapy Sen. Sara Howard HHS therapy for all eligible recipients Redefine immediate family and change conflict of interest provisions under the Nebraska Political Immediate family shall mean a child "of an individual" Accountability and Government, Military and and deletes existing statute that says "residing in an LB878 Disclosure Act Sen. Lynn Walz VA individual's household" for federal income tax purposes

In response to the Millard Family Hospital that has Prohibit certain acts by declined coverage with CMS and is not in-network with health insurers and network any other provider, although advertisting says different. providers and list a Voids any contract between a facility and person that LB886 deceptive trade practice Sen. John Arch Judiciary advertises as an in-network provider.

A pharmacist who is acting in good faith and exercising reasonable care and has obtained patient consent may- 1. change the quantity of a drug prescribed if: a. quantity is not commercially available or b. change in Authorize pharmacists to quantity is related to dosage form. 2. change dosage if it adapt prescriptions to aid is in the best interest of the patient and directions are LB887 consumers Sen. John Arch HHS modified. 3. extend a one-time refill Defines “emergency care provider” to include emergency medical responders, emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians, community paramedics, critical care paramedics, and other paramedics licensed and classified under the EMSPractice Act. Strikes references to “out-of-hospital” emergency care providers. Defines “community paramedicine practice of emergency medical care” and “critical care paramedic practice of emergency medical care.” Requires the EMS Board to establish criteria for community paramedicine and critical care paramedics. Changes reference to performance of activities within scope of practice and “as determined by a licensed health care practitioner,” requiring physician medical directors to supervise emergency care providers for an Change provisions rerlating emergency medical service; a physician, PA, or APRN to to emergency care providers supervise in a setting other than an incident to which an and provide for community emergency medical service has been called, and a nurse paramedicine and critical Sen. Bruce to direct in a setting other than an emergency medical LB893 care paramedics Bostelman HHS setting. Appropriates $4,350,000 from the General Fund for FY 20-21 to DHHS for behavioral health aid, Appropriate funds for Sen. Machaela including community-based mental health and LB897 behavioral health aid Cavanaugh Appropriations substance abuse services

Appropriate funds for the Appropriates $200,000 from the General Fund for FY 20- Nebraska Perinatal Quality Sen. Machaela 21 to DHHS to contract with UNMC for the Nebraska LB901 Improvement Collaborative Cavanaugh Appropriations Perinatal Quality Improvement Collaborative.

Provide for Down Syndrome Transportation and Fee $40. State Treasurer shall credit 60% to DMV and LB903 Awareness license plates Sen. Telecommunications 40% to Highway Trust Fund.

Provide requirements and restrictions on maintenance, release, and use of video Supported by Project Harmony, Seeks to secure foresnic recordings of forensic Sen. Wendy interviews of children in child advocacy centers. Upon LB906 interviews of children DeBoer Judiciary request, shall release to law enforcement to investigate. Adds "regardless of their marital status." Also adds: Any minor child who has a sole legal parent may be adopted by a second adult if- the sole legal parent consents and Change provisons relating to Sen. Wendy the child has a parent-child relationship with the second LB907 adoptions DeBoer Judiciary person and an adoptive home study is completed.

Eliminates paper prescriptions for all controlled substances and requires them to go through e- prescibing to capture in the PDMP and remove errors or copying of prescription pads.No prescriber shall, in this state, issue and prescriptions for a controlled substance unless prescription is issued using a) electronic prescription technology, b) from the prescriber issuing Require electronic issuance the prescription to a pharmacy, c) in accordance with all of prescriptions for requirements of state law. Shall not apply to: a) controlled substances as Sen. Mark veterinarians, b)outside of the state, c)when prescriber LB922 prescribed Kolterman HHS and entity are the same Require expansion of the medical assistance program DHHS shall expand eligibility for medical assistance by LB932 as prescribed Sen. Anna Wishart HHS Oct. 1, 2020 to those eligible

Any child in foster care, child-care institution or a juvenile facmilty through a court proceeding shall receive the same quality of care as an in family child would receive. State of NE shall aspire to treat all children with dignity and respect, honest and clear Create the Nebraska Youth communication and to help them understand the LB941 in Care Bill of Rights Sen. Meghan Hunt system in which they are involved. All payors shall limit the out-of-pocket expense for Limit the amount an insured insured individuals to $100 per 30 day supply for individual pays for insulin, regardless of the amount or type of insulin LB949 prescription insulin drugs Sen. needed.

Plan shall not include any restrictions on methods of Change insurance provisions claim payment for dental services made by the policy, relating to fees for dental Sen. Brett contract, agreement or plan in which the only LB954 services Lindstrom acceptable payment method is a credit card payment. Notice of a decision to discontinue eligibility or to modify medical assistance shall include an explanation Change provisions relating of the proposed action, the reason for the action, to eligibility for medical information used to make the decision or laws requiring LB955 assistance Sen. Lynn Walz such action.

If an MCO makes any material change to a provider agreement, the MCO shall provide the provider with at least 90 days notice of the change. The notice shall Provide duties for managed include: 1. the effective date 2. description of the care organizations under the change 3. Notice of the opportunity to communicate LB956 Medical Assistance Act Sen. Lynn Walz concerns with proposed changes Biological mother means a person who is related to a child as the source of the egg that resulted in the conception of the child. Birth mother means the person who gave birth to the child. During the period immediate before or after the in-hospital birth of a child whose biological mother is not the same as the birth mother, the person in charge of suh hospital or designated representative shall provide to teh child's Provide for an biological mother and birth mother teh documents and acknowledgment of Sen. Mike instructions to complete a notarized acknowledgement LB964 maternity McDonnell of maternity. The Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing shall establish and coordinate a language assessment program for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. The program shall assess, monitor, and track the langugage developmental milestones for children birth to 5 years old. Language assessments shall be given as Establish a language needed to each child who is less than 6. Those are assessment program for administered by a network that provides services for children who are deaf or Sen. Mike children with special needs through the school district LB965 hard of hearing McDonnell in which the child is enrolled.

On and after Aug. 1, 2020, school districts shall create a policy that creates a clear statement that school district prohibits harassment, intimidation, bullying, Change provisions regarding cyberbulling in school and at any school sponsored bullying prevention and Sen. Wendy activity. Must also develop a procedure to review and LB967 education DeBoer respond to bullying reports. Changes videotape to video or videorecording.Adds: Upon obtaining the video recording or a copy of the video recording, the defendant, the defendant's Change provisios relating to attorney or an agency may transcribe or replicate the video depositions of child video recording for purposes of review or inspection by LB969 victims and child witnesses Sen. Justin Wayne the defendant.

Limit the amount an insured invidual pays for Also limits insulin to $100, regardless of supply, per 30 LB970 prescription insulin drugs Sen. Justin Wayne days

Constitutional amendment to authorize an increase in the number of members of Proposes to increase seats from 49 to 55 in the LR279CA the Legislature Speaker scheer Executive Board Constitutional amendment to change legislative term State senators are currently restricted to two, four year limits to three consecutive terms consecutively. They must sit a full term (4 years) LR280CA terms Sen. Justin Wayne Executive Board out before running again

ACTIVE CARRYOVER LEGISLATION Currently teens age 16 and younger must obtain parent In committee consent to tan indoors. This bill seeks to remove 140 S Indoor Tanning Kolowski HHS 1/25/2019 1/14/2019 parental consent completely and moves the eligible

To provide for the use of Permits teachers or other staff to physically restrain physical contact or physical students when posing a threat to themselves or others. restraint under the Student Groene- Education M. Hansen Defines physical restraint as holding hands, arms or 147 M Discipline Act Priorirty Bill Education 2/11/2019 filed AM2069 torso, no binding. Room confinement for a juvenile for longer than one Provide for room hour during a 24 hour period shall be documented and confinement of juveniles as General File approved. Provides for several reasons when room 230 M prescribed Pansing Brooks Judiciary 2/14/2019 with AM450 confinement cannot be used, including- punishment, A public school participating in the National School Lunch Program or the School Breakfast Program shall provide each student who is eligible for a reduced-price breakfast or reduced-price lunch with such meal at no Adopt the Child Hunger In committee cost to the student. The State Dept. of Education shall 251 S Workforce Readiness Act Walz Education 1/28/2019 1/14/2019 reimburse each school district in the amount that the Adopt the Fair Chance Hiring Prohibits public and private employers and employment 254 M Act McCollister Business & Labor 2/4/2019 Final Reading agencies from asking for criminal history as prescribed Individuals who are employed with, or who is self- employed, providing child care and early education for Change provisions relating an eligible program for at least six months may obtain a to a tax credit for child care tax credit on the quality scale rating under the Step Up 266 M and education providers Lindstrom Revenue 2/1/2019 General File to Quality Child Care Act Placed on Mandates that private employers with four or more Adopt the Healthy and Safe General File employees provide workers at least one hour of paid 305 M Families Workplace Act Crawford Business & Labor 2/4/2019 with AM592 "sick and safe time" for every 30 hours worked. An The Legislature finds that enhanced support to children Adopt the Nebraska Family and families can prevent foster care placement through First Act, provide for non- the provision of mental health and substance abuse court-involved response to prevention and treatment services, in-home parent skill- reports of child abuse or In committee based programs, and kinship navigator services. Align 328 M Changeneglect eligibility Bolz HHS 3/7/2019 1/18/2019 state welfare funding with primary outcomes of safety, requirements of the Young Placed on Adult Bridge to General File 332 M Independence Act Bolz HHS 3/7/2019 with AM629 The office of the Director of Administrative Services shall include in the annual budget report on agency budget requests information that compiles and summarizes the following- the aggregate value of the Require report of federal federal receipts of the agency for the preceding year, receipts with the annual General File the aggregate amount appropriated to the agency by 337 M state budget report Stinner Government, Military & VA 2/21/2019 with AM971 the Legislature in the preceding year, the percentage of Adopt the School Safety and In committee Authorizes schools to allow school employees to carry 343 M Rapid Response Option Act Halloran Judiciary 2/28/2019 1/18/2019 concealed handguns at school as prescribed Change helmet provisions for auto cycles, motorcycles Transportation & Hilkeman Requires eye protection for all riders and passengers. 378 M and mopeds Hansen Telecommunication 2/12/2019 AM1665 filed Repeal helmet requirements for those 21 and over If the child has been cared for by a non-relative foster Change provisions relating parent or parents for a continuous period of 12 months to termination of parental or more and bonding has occurred, preference shall be rights, placement of children Introduced given to permanent placement with such foster parent 388 M Changeand provisions guardianship relating Howard Judiciary 2/8/2019 1/17/2019 or parent unless declined to termination of parental Introduced To change and provide grounds for termination of 389 M rights Howard Judiciary 2/8/2019 1/17/2019 parental rights Change provisions relating Introduced 458 S to child abuse or neglect Lathrop Judiciary 3/15/2019 1/18/2019 Creates a multidisciplinary team for child abuse Appropriate money to the Youth Rehabilitation and Introduced $2 million from the General Fund to the Youth Rehab 485 M Treatment Center-Kearney Lowe Appropriations 3/26/2019 1/22/2019 and Treatment Center- Kearney Beginning with school year 2020-2021, each school district shall incorporate age-appropriate mental health education into the school program. Includes defining Adopt school district mental health, warning signs, characteristics of mental requirements for mental wellness, resources. Shall also incorporate drug health education and awareness and prevention into the school program for change school district students in each grade. Education shall include- requirements for drug Introduced strategies to prevent illegal use of alcohol, tobacco or 488 M awareness and prevention Howard Education 3/25/2019 1/22/2019 other drugs, and how to reduce risk of abusing and at

Requires each credential holder under the Uniform Require registration for the Credentialing Act to register with the department for prescription drug Introduced the PDMP. Required within one month after issuance of 489 M monitoring program Howard HHS 3/28/2019 1/22/2019 the original or renewal credential. No fee. Change provisions relating Requires a report of any child that may be a victim of to child abuse, the Child sex trafficking and requires an in-person investigation Protection and Family Safety with law enforcement, local child advocacy center and Act, human trafficking and Introduced child abuse and neglect investigation team. Also has 516 M child welfare Pansing Brooks Judiciary 2/22/2019 1/22/2019 LB517 which changes human trafficking civil damage Requires DHHS to educate residents of the state about the need for bone marrow donors, “patient populations Provide a duty for the DHHS General File benefiting from bone marrow donations, and how to 541 M relating to bone marrow Walz HHS 3/13/2019 with AM950 Requiresacquire noticea free buccaland disclosure swab kit offrom information a bone marrow relating to the cost and pricing of prescription drugs, permits a manufacturer of a drug to negotiate discounts and rebates for drugs consistent with state and federal aw. Applies to the manufacturer of a drug that is purchased or the price of which is reimbursed by any of the following- a state purchaser in NE (correctional services, DHHS, etc.) and a PBM among a few others. A manufacturer of a drug with a wholesale acquisition cost of more than $40 for a course of therapy shall provide notice to persons identified if the increase in Adopt the Prescription Drug Introduced wholesale acquisition cost is more than 60%. Notice 567 M Cost Transparency Act Morfeld HHS 2/13/2019 1/22/2019 shall be provided in writing at least 60 days prior to the Dept. of Ed shall establish a mental health first aid training for teachers and other personnel employed by a school district or an ESU. Training provided by Provide for mental health certified professionals from a national organization for first aid training for school behavioral health. Trains teachers and staff on skills, districts and change resources, knowledge to assist students in crisis to provisions relating to the Introduced connect with appropriate mental health care services, 568 S use of lottery funds Morfeld Education 3/18/2019 1/22/2019 create action plans, safely de-escalate the crisis, timely Prior to scheduling an appointment with a covered person for a nonemergency procedure, a health care facility shall- disclose to the covered person whether Adopt the Out-of-Network they are in-network or out-of-network with respect to Consumer Protection, the cover person’s health benefits plan; advise that the Transparency and Banking, Commerce & Introduced covered person will have a financial responsibility 569 M Accountability Act Morfeld Insurance 3/5/2019 1/22/2019 applicable to an in-network procedure and not in excess Any vehicle used by or on behalf of a school district or ESU for the transportation of students shall be Require three-point safety equipped with three-point safety belt systems. Exempt belt systems for school Transportation & Introduced if- vehicle was purchased prior to the effective date of 634 S vehicles Hilkemann Telecommunication 3/4/2019 1/23/2019 the act or if the school board or ESU holds a vote that Change Nebraska Health State Treasurer shall transfer $200,000 for FY 2020-21 Care Cash Fund and train from the Health Care Cash Fund to the Board of Regents first responders and EMTs in Introduced to be used for the Simulation in Motion program to 666 M rural areas Dorn Appropriations 3/12/2019 1/23/2019 train first responders and EMTs in rural areas. EMS shall transmit a request for payment to recipient of Require billing for Introduced service involving transportation of the recipient to a 701 M Bostelman HHS 3/20/2019 1/23/2019 health care facility or to his or her parent or guardian if emergency medical services Tobacco tax increase bill. All tobacco products beginning FY 2020-21 and thereafter will have $1.50 of a $2.14 tax shall be distributed to- 70% General Fund, 1.1% Outdoor Recreation Development Cash Fund, 1% to UNMC and Creighton for cancer research, 2.5% to Building REnewal Allocation Fund, 3% equally distributed to UNMC, Creighton and Boys Town for neurobehavior research in children, 25% Medicaid expansion, 2% College of Public Health, 2% FQHCs, 6% Tobacco tax increase and Introduced to increase CHIP eligibility, 1% EMS initiatives, 2.5% 710 S distribution of funds Cavanaugh Revenue 2/28/2019 1/23/2019 FMLA start up, 5% K-12 education, 2.5% telehealth State Dept. of Education in consulation with DHHS shall provide each school district with a registry of state and local mental health resources available to work with students and families by geographic area. Registry shall Provide duties for school be updated annually and include resources for both districts, State Dept. of school-based services and services outside of the Education and DHHS with school. Each school district shall designate one or more respect to mental health Introduced mental health points of contact for each school building 727 S services Walz Education 2/19/2019 1/23/2019 (nurse, administrator, psychologist, social worker, etc.) The department shall promote practices to prevent and reduce student debt for school breakfasts and lunchs and shall create a uniform meal charge policy that schools may implement that shall require- each student Provide duties relating to Introduced be served a reimbursable meal upon request at each 728 S school meals Walz Education 2/19/2019 1/23/2019 meal during each school day, regardless of whether An APRN may, within scope of practice- conduct an advanced assessment as defined by the board, order and interpret diagnostic procedures, establish primary and differential diagnosis, prescribe, order, administer, dispense and furnish therapeutic measures, consult with other health care professionals and provide Change provisions relating Introduced referrals to providers and resources; wear ID that 730 M to APRNs Walz HHS 2/6/2019 1/23/2019 identifies individual is an APRN; May assess the need for