878 Subpart E—Internet Browsers Built Into Telephones Used With
§ 14.37 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) (d) The complainant may file and 619, or parts 6, 7, or 14 of this chapter, serve a reply. The reply shall: shall be governed by the formal com- (1) Be served on the Commission and plaint rules in subpart E of part 1, the manufacturer or service provider §§ 1.7201.740. that is subject of the complaint within (a) Pleadings must be clear, concise, ten days after service of answer, unless and explicit. All matters concerning a otherwise directed by the Commission; claim, defense or requested remedy, in- (2) Be responsive to matters con- cluding damages, should be pleaded tained in the answer and shall not con- fully and with specificity. tain new matters. (b) Pleadings must contain facts which, if true, are sufficient to con- § 14.37 Review and disposition of in- stitute a violation of the Act or Com- formal complaints. mission order or regulation, or a de- (a) The Commission will investigate fense to such alleged violation. the allegations in any informal com- (c) Facts must be supported by rel- plaint filed that satisfies the require- evant documentation or affidavit. ments of § 14.34(b) of this subpart, and, (d) Legal arguments must be sup- within 180 days after the date on which ported by appropriate judicial, Com- such complaint was filed with the Com- mission, or statutory authority. mission, issue an order finding whether (e) Opposing authorities must be dis- the manufacturer or service provider tinguished. that is the subject of the complaint violated section 255, 716, or 718 of the (f) Copies must be provided of all Act, or the Commission’s imple- non-Commission authorities relied menting rules, and provide a basis upon which are not routinely available therefore, unless such complaint is re- in national reporting systems, such as solved before that time.
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