'' UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES TIONS. N. Y. 10017 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE SECRETAR Y-G ENERAL CABINET DU SECRETAI RE G EN ERAL REFERENCE: 14 July 1997 Dear Mr. Madraswala, It was a great pleasure to meet you last week during your visit to the United Nations. As I indicated to you then, the demands on the Secretary-General's time made it impossible for him to meet you, but I was honoured to receive you on his behalf. The task which you have undertaken on your sole initiative, to bring a message of peace and harmony to all nations of the world, is an admirable one, and entirely in consonance with the noble aspirations of the United Nations Charter. I should like to reiterate to you in this letter, therefore, our best wishes for a safe journey back home and for continued success in your mission. Only with the support of dedicated individuals like you can the United Nations 's work towards a peaceful and prosperous world bear fruits. Yours sincerely, Gillian Martin Sorensen Assistant Secretary-General for External Relations Mr. Taher Madraswala C/0 Ms. Brynn Sandier Doris S. Michaels Literary Agency New York Brynn M. Sandier Literary Agent Doris S. Michaels Literary Agency, Inc. One Lincoln Plaza, Suite 29R 20 West 64th St., New York, NY 10023 Tel: 212-769-2430/Fax: 212-873-0774 s Taher Madraswala 288 Lexington Ave. #12H (212) 255-4274 New York, N.Y. 10016
[email protected] June 10, 1997 The Honourable Kofi-Annan The Secretary General, United Nations First Avenue New York, N.Y.