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Thomas Kyd’s The Scottish Lady

by James Lewis Huss

© 2021 James Lewis Huss All Rights Reserved Cast of Characters:

Gruoch, Lady

Macbeth, of Glamis/King of Scotland

Suthen, Lady Duncan

Darcel, Lady

Macduff, Thane of Fife

Banquo, Thane of Lochaber

Malcolm, Thane of Ross

Agnes of Alba

Alanis Muir

Euphame the Pict



First Guard

Second Guard 1 ACT I

2 Scene 1 [Castle Forres]

3 , ; SUTHEN, Lady Duncan; and DARCEL, , are playing cards

4 and drinking wine.

5 GRUOCH: We three should meet more often.

6 DARCEL: I would brave

7 The lightning, thunder, and the rain to meet

8 Again.

9 SUTHEN: When all the hurly-burly’s done

10 We’ll have more time for cards and wine.

11 DARCEL: Salud!

12 GRUOCH: When all the hurly-burly’s done … the men

13 Who run this kingdom spend their energy

14 Competing for the monarchy. Withal,

15 The hurly-burly’s never done. They’ll all

16 Be in their graves before too long if they

17 Don’t cease this toxic test of penis length.

18 DARCEL: They’re always whipping out their little blades

19 And swinging them about. Our husbands’ war

20 Machine is making Scotland ill.

21 GRUOCH: And still

22 The people to those feckless peckers kneel.

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23 SUTHEN: I’d rather be a pauper working in

24 The fields than suffer this incessant stress.

25 DARCEL: Your husband placed a target on his brow

26 The moment he accepted Scotland’s crown.

27 GROUCH: These bastards are enraptured by that crown.

28 DARCEL: Our bloody cousins will not hesitate

29 To kill each other if the crown’s at stake.

30 SUTHEN: My husband’s fine for now. He’s so afraid

31 Of Cawdor that he’s hiding in his tent

32 While Gruoch’s husband does the dirty work.

33 GRUOCH: My husband he is not. My husband died.

34 DARCEL: So what’s it like to fuck the lucky louse

35 Who set ablaze your former spouse?

36 SUTHEN: Darcel!

37 GRUOCH: He doesn’t get that lucky. He can’t get

38 It up but once a month!

39 DARCEL: Well, lucky you.

40 GRUOCH: And when he finally does, I close my eyes

41 And think about Macduff.

42 DARCEL: Go to!

43 GRUOCH: ‘Tis true!

44 DARCEL: You have a thing for pale and stupid men?

45 SUTHEN: Darcel!

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46 GRUOCH: I like them fat and hairy too!

47 They laugh. DARCEL raises her glass.

48 DARCEL: Salud!

49 SUTHEN: You two are brutal. You don’t like

50 A thing about your husbands? Not a thing?

51 GRUOCH: If I thought I could get away with it,

52 I’d take my blade and drain him like a sheep

53 For taking kind and brave Macmail from me.

54 SUTHEN: You shouldn’t hold a grudge, for it does naught

55 To change the life that has been taken. Glamis

56 And Fife and Duncan all were taught from birth

57 That they must manly be, and fighting makes

58 Them manly. That’s just how these beasts behave.

59 DARCEL: Their fragile masculinity is so

60 Damn tedious. Macduff will not shut up

61 About how great he is in battle, and

62 How one day he’ll be king, and blah blah blah,

63 And I don’t understand because his dick

64 Is really not that small.

65 GRUOCH: They’ll all go to

66 Their graves upon the edge of family blades.

67 SUTHEN: I beg of you to change the topic. I,

68 Unlike the two of you, adore my spouse.

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69 GRUOCH: My husband is a wretch. The only good

70 That came with wedding him was Inverness.

71 DARCEL: I’d love to live in Inverness.

72 SUTHEN: It’s quaint.

73 But Castle Forres is so spacious.

74 GRUOCH: Oh,

75 I’d kill to live in Forres. It’s divine.

76 DARCEL: Be patient. You might get your chance, unless

77 Your spouse is gutted on the battleground.

78 SUTHEN: Go to!

79 GRUOCH: The Thane of Glamis will win his fight.

80 If there’s one thing he’s good with, it’s his might.

81 SUTHEN: Withal, my husband will not die by sword.

82 He’ll end his life in bed, surrounded by

83 His family, for he’s a king of law

84 And order, rule and peace.

85 GRUOCH: That’s why he sent

86 The Thanes of Glamis and Fife to fight his war

87 While he enjoys reports and stories of

88 Their triumphs from the comfort of his tent.

89 SUTHEN: It’s not his war. Those scoundrels in the North

90 Revolted. Duncan had no choice. Besides,

91 The Thanes of Glamis and Fife will neither see

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92 The Scottish crown, unless they kill for it.

93 GRUOCH: What do you mean?

94 SUTHEN: My husband plans to name

95 Our elder boy the Prince of Cumberland.

96 DARCEL: But is that even legal?

97 GRUOCH: Duncan will

98 Profane our ancient laws of tanistry

99 With this display of brazen vanity.

100 SUTHEN: Those ancient laws have led our nation down

101 A path of constant conflict, blood for blood,

102 Assassination. Is this what you want

103 For Scotland?

104 GRUOCH: Scotland will remain beneath

105 A violent hand as long as men command.

106 DARCEL: And it will never change. King tried

107 To end the patriline. Withal, his crown

108 Was passed to Duncan.

109 SUTHEN: That’s exactly why

110 My husband wants to change succession law.

111 A son is still a son no matter what.

112 GRUOCH: A son, a son, it’s always for a son.

113 SUTHEN: No biased council can deliberate

114 His right to wear the crown upon his brow.

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115 This will bring peace to our unstable state.

116 GRUOCH: No Scot will let our monarchy descend

117 Into a nepotistic dynasty.

118 DARCEL: Your spouse will make a dire mistake if he

119 Unto his eldest promises the throne.

120 GRUOCH: The din and caterwaul will drown him out.

121 He doesn’t have the clout to change that law.

122 SUTHEN: You shouldn’t bitch about my husband. Thanks

123 To him, the daring Thane of Glamis will be

124 Awarded Cawdor if he wins his war.

125 Your spouse will make no play for Duncan’s crown.

126 GRUOCH: He’s granting Cawdor to the Thane of Glamis?

127 DARCEL: But Fife’s in line for Cawdor!

128 GRUOCH: Does he know?

129 SUTHEN: Not yet.

130 DARCEL: And what about Macduff?

131 SUTHEN: Macduff?

132 He hasn’t said. And Duncan tells me all.

133 GRUOCH: The

134 SUTHEN: It will be a great

135 Surprise.

136 GRUOCH: And Glamis knows not?

137 SUTHEN: He’s in the dark.

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138 The king will grant the title once he quells

139 This vile rebellion.

140 DARCEL: You mean when the Thanes

141 Of Fife and Glamis defeat the renegades.

142 SUTHEN: Whatever. You’re just being catty now.

143 DARCEL: Oh my, look at the time. It’s getting late.

144 DARCEL starts to leave. GROUCH follows her.

145 GRUOCH: Indeed, we’ve overstayed our welcome. And

146 I have a … thing tonight.

147 SUTHEN: Ta ta, my loves.

148 And don’t be strangers to your coz.


150 GRUOCH (aside to DARCEL): That lying bitch knows more than she admits.

151 If only I could hire a witch to charm

152 Her into spilling all the dirt she knew.

153 DARCEL (aside to GRUOCH): I know a few. I mean, they claim to be.

154 But really they’re just fag-ma-fuffs who use

155 Their ‘charms’ to cheat their neighbors out of stuff.

156 I’ve heard they toss some henbane root into

157 Their cauldron, and the brew beguiles the fools

158 With sounds and sights. Hallucinations make

159 Their magic and prognostication seem

160 As true as Jesu Christ. But in the end

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161 The charms are only lies and double-talk.

162 GRUOCH (aside to DARCEL): Entire nations have been overthrown

163 With lies and double-talk. Forget that wench.

164 I have a duty better suited to

165 Your chatty hags.

166 DARCEL (aside to GRUOCH): And what, pray tell, is that?

167 GRUOCH (aside to DARCEL): Be guiltless of this knowledge, dearest coz,

168 Till thou applaud the deed. But trust me—in

169 The end our husbands will agree to do

170 Whate’er we want them to.

171 DARCEL (aside to GRUOCH): You cunning bitch.

172 Remind me not to fuck with thee. Godspeed.

173 Exit DARCEL.

174 GRUOCH: The Thane of Cawdor—Suthen has betrayed

175 The perfect information. I will bribe

176 Those phony witches to prognosticate

177 A phony fate and then manipulate

178 His knavish superstitions until Death

179 Alone can free the mind of brave Macbeth.

180 Gruoch spins around three times, spits over her shoulder, etc., for uttering the word ‘Macbeth.’

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181 Scene 2 [A Camp]

182 MACBETH, MACDUFF, , and ROSS inside a tent with beers, cards, etc. MACBETH and

183 MACDUFF stand side by side, backs to the audience and hands before them as though holding

184 their dicks.

185 MACBETH: I think I’ll give my blade a name: Macbrett.

186 MACDUFF: That’s gay. But still more manly than [Mac—]

187 MACBETH: Macduff?

188 MACDUFF: Your name’s just Beth with Mac in front of it.

189 You think that’s manly? Shit.

190 MACBETH: So what? The name

191 Macduff’s the same. You ought to change it to

192 Macbuff.

193 MACDUFF: Macbuff! God’s dick, that’s manly, sir.

194 But if I call myself Macbuff, then what’s

195 My sabre’s name?

196 MACBETH: Just call him Tiny Fife,

197 Your little privy tool.

198 MACDUFF: It’s not that small!

199 I’m well above the mean for Scottish men.

200 MACBETH: That’s not what I’ve been told.

201 ROSS: Nor I.

202 BANQUO: Nor I.

203 MACDUFF: My wife’s a liar.

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