Name Type Daily Dose Range About Huperzine-A Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor 0.05-0.4mg Inhibits neurotransmitter breakdown. Improves neuroplasticity. Enchances communication between neurons. Promotes nerve cell growth. L-Theanine Amino acid 50-200mg Seratonin precursor and boosts levels. Gives sense of tranquility and negates many of caffeines negative side effects. L- Amino acid 50-400mg Dopamine precursor. Increases motivation and ambition. Effective stress-releaver and mood enhancer. L-Glutamine Amino acid 1000-10000mg GABA precursor. Stress and anxiety reliever. Enchances creativity and verbal skills. 5-HTP Amino acid 50-200mg Seratonin and Melanin precursor. Helps reduce anxiety and improve sleep. Acetyl L-Carnitine Amino acid 300-2000mg A version of L-Carnitine able to cross the blood-brain barrier. It is converted and combines with choline to become Acetylcholine. This improves memory and mental altertness. Creatine Amino acid 1000-5000mg Increases energy production in the brain and muscles. Improves concentration and focus. GABA Amino acid 1000-5000mg Decreases stress hormones levels in the brain. Improves mood and promotes healthy sleep cycles. Sunifiram 5-20mg Powerful focus, hightened concentration, motivation and ambition. Choline Cholinergic 500mg Acetylcholine neurotransmitter precursor. Improves mental performance. Alpha GPC Cholinergic 300-1200mg Most bio-available choline supplement. Metabolises to acetylcholine. Citicoline Cholinergic 250-1000mg Metabolises to acetylcholine neurotransmitter whilst reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain. Makes an excellent stack component. Eugeroic 50-200mg Intense concentration and focus. Strong wakefulness. Eugeroic 600-1200mg Liver converts to Modafinil. Intense concentration. Same side effects as Modafinil + long term use puts stress on liver. Ashwagandha Herbal supplement 300-6000mg Works similarly to GABA, restricting the over excitement of nerve cells. This gives it a calming effect, reducing anxiety and restlessness. Improves memory, learning and sleep. Artichoke Extract Herbal supplement 300-6000mg Inhibits PDE-4, a substance which metabolises cAMP. cAMP plays a key role in memory formation. Often taken with Forskolin. Forskolin Herbal supplement 250-500mg Leads to more cAMP production which facilitates long term memory production. Strongly enhances short and long term memory. Often taken with artichoke extract. Prameracetam Racetam 400-1200mg Gives mental clarity and improves concentration. Increases information processing and memory. Piracetam Racetam 1200-4800mg Improves focus, attentiveness, memory formation Racetam 1200-2400mg Improves logical and mathematical thinking Racetam 100-400mg Intense focus, memory improvement, mood enhancement. Aniracetam Racetam 650-1300mg Similar to piracetam but also gives anti-antiety and anti-depression effects Noopept Racetam 10-60mg Intense focus and aids neuron growth. Gives anti-anxiety and anti-depression effect. 50-400mg Improved concentration and control. Improved memory and increases physical energy. Stimulant 10-100mg Intense mental focus, wakefulness, appetite suppression and weight loss. Comes with serious potential side effects on the heart and has dependency risks. Ritalin Stimulant 10-100mg Increases dopamine levels in the brain. Strong mental energy, motivation and desire enhancer. Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Vitamin 100-300mg Improves memory function. Regulates stress and improves mood. Niacin (Vitamin B3) Vitamin 1000-5000mg Improves mental energy. Pantothetic Acid (Vitamin B5) Vitamin 500-2000mg Improves mental clarity. Has neuroprotective qualities. Pyrodoxine (Vitamin B6) Vitamin 25-500mg Highened motivation, mental clarity, concentration and signaling between neurons. Inositol (Vitamin B8) Vitamin 1000-15000mg Improves symptoms of depression. Calms and focuses the mind. Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Vitamin 25-500mg Improves memory and quickens access to thoughts.