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MRS. BONNIE BLACKWELL, 1310 Mt. Vernon av., Columbus, wears outsize Christmas seat boot to remind -you that if you didn't do it on Do It day your Christinas • seal contribution will be gratefully received now. Christ­ mas seal sale, only support of Tuberculosis Society, ends Dec. 24, but F. O. Schoedinger, chairman, says early contributions are necessary for Tuberculosis Society to plan its 1956 program. *••• N KECENT YEARS, Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity In Co CAPACITY THRONG WHICH JAMMED Neil I lumbus has come to be an organization whose most un­ • usual characteristic was its concern with community prob­ Hou.se ballroom last Sunday for .style revue-dance-floor •-• j show given by Columbus chapter of Kappa Alpha Pal lems. , Not that other groups weren't equally or more con- I fraternity were fortunate enough to attend one of thr corned with similar activities. Many were. The unusual season's most sparkling social events, in particular the. feature of Kappa's interest sprung from the fact that grad­ n style show phase of evening's festivities, in which these ate social fraternities had ao often confined their interest charming young belles, played a major role. Left: Bar* M to undergraduate activities, promotion of. scholarship, na bara Hardiman, 19 year old OSU freshman who hails tional program Items, fellowship and social events. i i from Jefferson "City, Mo. Center* Central High school te__s__5____ 11th grader Judy Taylor", spectator .at the glltterinf An Editorial - event (left) poses with Marva Robinson, another OSU

freshman. Right: Betty Ana Scott, Cleveland's beauti­ • Mention the unique turn in Columbus alumni chapter j i ful gift to the freshman class at OSU. '-- Bill •Carter of Kappa and in the next breath, one mentions James L. Photos^ ...... Allen. James Allen, who is serving as executive vice gen­ eral chairman of the 45th grand chapter meeting, Dec. 26- 90, has* not only preached the need for full community re­ sponsibility in Kappa, he had guided the establishment of < * an outstanding public forum, helped cement ties with other THE AMBURGY BROTHERS OF Lebanon, O., community institutions and has inspired fraternity mem­ singing and Gospel preaching group, conducted a ser­ bers to become more active in civic projects. •;:• ::*h vice in sermon and songs last Sunday at World Peace The grand chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi would do i Tabernacle, 34 Orchard st., Xenia, under sponsorship of well to give recognition to Allen. The kind of fraternity Lula B. Scott. interest tie champions should be extended to chapters throughout the country and no voice or plan of action could hardly be stronger or more effective than Allen's. The Columbus community recognizes and appreciates his philosophy on the role of alumni chapters. Other commu­ COLUMBUS' Southside rates nities would no doubt be as grateful. As a member of the right at the top in the feminine grand chapter's committee on techniques of community pulchritude category .. . Rosie service, it would appear he has done a commendable job, Gore presenting a shining ex­ both in shaping policy and carrying It through. ample ol the reason why. Two points stand out In Allen's philosophy. He be­ _ i « lieves graduate chapters are in need of programs suffi­ ciently challenging to hold; the interest of men Argumeitf Over liquor - faced with numerous other professional and community necessities. Kappa's concern with the community Is the answer here. He also knows Kappa can best promote its Causes Head Whipping ON MONDAY. DEC. 19, THE Urbanlltes volunteer 1 programs, Much as this grand chapter meeting, when it has An argument over a bottle of organization is planning a Christmas party for members the support and goodwill of many other community groups whisky brought about a severe of Milo-Grogan Boys' club and their families. This is the and. Individuals. . .*" latol-whipping on the head for MORRIS A. NOW, director of Allen has not hesitated to say a great measure of any James Bowers, 47, 1107 Whit* iblic relations st Findlay col- second project for the group, members pictured above, . conclave's success is due groups other than Kappa. Here comb st., according to polios. Ege, has accepted the position since organizing last January, Rev. A. L. Mason of Beth­ WESLEYAN CHOIR OF Asbury Methodist, 1586 again the ties developed through mutual civic concern Bowers, treated at St. Anthony mn associate Columbus Metro­ any Baptist will present "The Christmas Story." Games proved beneficial. ALL DECKED OUT AND READY TO BE tucked in politan YMCA boys' work se­ Clifton av., Columbus, will present a Christmas cantata for head lacerations, told police for a night before Christmas is lovely VI Covington* cretary, according to Norman for mixed voices entitled "Childe Jesus" Sunday, Dec. will be conducted by Mrs. Naomi Ernst, field director of The most outstanding single achievement of Kappa In his unidentified assailant struck "Santa Baby," as Eartha Kitt has been known to label E. Gatsch, chairman ot ths 18, at 5 p. m. Harold Turner is director and Mrs. Chris­ Girl Scouts. Soma 150 children are expected and boys' branch board. Coa-rinqad On Page 2 him with a revolver in front of him, will surely fill VI's shapely stockings with many tine Prince, organist., JCev.TranHR. Arnold iapAatot* . Ireshmenta will ba. served. 806 St. Clair av., Sunday. Christmas presents of her choice. ( U

• - -^-mm*.rmm*-a*m* »•_—*%«_;.•»»•>».* -r^»* , i •>• ia«._i.asf.a,isrr.v_"dtf»»_ PAGE 2 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBEH a* **.-*„ Consideration Urged For Columbus Seeks More Cops 5ATORDXV. DECEMBEk 24, 1955 THE OHtO SENTINEL j_A£_UL Cincinnati Gets Centenary Has Mrs. Higgins' Allen On Kappas'Board Confusing, Isn't It? Theft Early Worship Firemen; Exams Announced Negro Vice Mayor Early services will bo held at Continued From Page 1 Services Held ThTh*e> year-arounvs... v. •>>-..ma.di recruitmen_m ii'iii.'*- r 11 ti program •__ • ... Centenary Methodist* polumbua, minimum education requirements as t* Suspect Shot, Grocer Jailed CINCINNATI. — Theodore M. DAYTON.—Services rrata corw of the Columbus Police Dept. stepped up TO aa to at 8 a. m. Christmas. Special Columbus, guided.by Allen, has been the "Platform of tual schooling. «<*- Berry, member of the so-called music will be rendered by com­ ducted Saturday for Mrs. Jew*> its pace this week when an urgent plea Hylas T. Brassfieid, operator booked under Investigation of Chartertte Party, became the Public Reasoning." This .series of community forums nn- went out for patrolmen applicants. The Pay rate is $338 per month with . bined choirs of the church with elia G. Higgins, 81, who died tfwio. range leading up • ma*,.^ of Brassfield's Market and Bak- grand larceny, first Negro to be elected vice Wednesday following an illness . nually bring outstanding speakers from over the country campaign is designed to hike the present to •ry, 90S Mt. Vernon av., was At the same time, Brassfieid meditations by th« minister, mayor of thi* city last Wednes­ Rev. N. H. Holloway. Following o. several weeks. Final rites to Columbus*. The program provides expression and con­ 36.3 patrolmen level to its maximum allow­ eyeing the Columbus Police | also taken to jail and held day when the new city council n ad ition Datro was were from 1st Wealeyan Meth_-> tact which otherwise might not be available to so many ance of 500. .I . 5 * -men have opportuni _ervice.-., the congregation will Dent, with a quizzical look this for investigation of shooting to was organized. gather in the dining room for a dist with Rev. Jerotna Wilson and permits the community to come in closer contact with tics to advance in grades to ser_rean? i?„ week. The reason ... he was,kill. Befuddled, Brassfieid con- problems. Allen and bis fraternity brothers believe the In an effort to meet that goal, the He is the first Negro to hold fellowship hour. officiating. Burial was'(a Woodr Municipal Civil Service Commission has tenant, captain, inspector and even ch.'?" detained at headquarters sev-jtacted his attorney, Edwsrd such high position in any metro­ close contact of direct talks is more influential than radio, A Christmas program "will be land cemetery. set Jan. 28, 1956, for examinations for Thesei promotional examinations are de eral hours Sunday . . . because Cox, who spent several hours politan city in America. television or newspaper messages. d tire,y Upon ri he shot a 20 year old man who working on the case before he presented by the children's di­ Active In community and patrolmen. Applications are now avail­ b7Se l/w. '™ * 5 f&Sft vision of Church school at • In a profile printed April 16, 1955, The Sentinel able and may be obtained at the commis­ allegedly snatched Ws pints of was able to spring his client. AN ATTORNEY and three church work for many yeAtA, wrote of a second activity, fraternity-inspired, in which • • •. wine and fled from his store. term member of council, a. m. . . . Morning worship will Mr.*. Higgins waa great-grand­ sion's office at city hall. They may be Cox said he sought to have be at II a. m. "God Sent Forth Allen's work had been noteworthy. filed from Jan. 3 to Jan. 20. MEANWHILE, application- are also h* Circumstances leading to the Sgt. Wayne Morgan release the Berry's name was presented by daughter of the founder ot 1st In part, it read: His Son" is the pastor's topic. Wesleyan. She was active in Red Applicants mu.st be between 23 and 31. mg accepted for firefighters Jan. 3-20 Th*" mi(JO year olomd groceryman'groceryman as eyeeye-|- p g p 1 e x e d groceryman. But his, old friend, Charles P. Taft, r who wits designated as mayor. Music will be by combined Cross. Christian Endeavor, "Columbu. Pan*Hellenic Council, as well as Kappa Minimum height of 5 ft, 8 in. with a maxi­ examination will be Feb. 4, 1966 choirs . . . At 7:45 p. m. Rev, ka ._.-.....,....-Psi, has . r**ee**re*A* asacneiieni _;_—.-c Council- , as well --_-» brothrewe raisinyoungg plighment starte"saunteredd when*%" organ informed the attorney it WCTU and YMCA War Council. Alpha Psi. has received significant support from Allen. mum of 6 ft, 4 in. Weight must not be less is the policy of the department Under the city charter, the Holloway speaks on "What .. than 140 nor more than 225. The latter is into his store Sunday on pretext to hold anyone involved in a mayor and vice mayor are At the time of Pan-Hellenic'a inception in 1945, Negrd of making a purchase. Two of Christina* Means." Music wilt Survivors include five daugh­ Greek organization! were not represented in OSU'* Col­ dependent upon the height of the individ­ U shooting under investigation un­ elected by the council from its be by Gospel choir . . . Midweek ters, Mrs. Rita Lee, Hillsboro; &8£KtS W.Un.i_l»S^l 36 them, according to Brasafield, til the situation haa been looked own membership. lege Fraternity President's organisation and had what ual. to 226. Vision and education aVe same ss class and praise service is each Mrs. Rosalie Dagger, Mrs. 8 lured a clerk into the rear ot the into thoroughly. was called KAODA Council as a discussion group for a * a patrolmen requirements. store at the meat counter, and Wednesday. 8 p. m., with Rev, Charles Johnson, Mrs. Eunica problems pertinent to their operation. Salaries start at $322 per month with a their accomplice grabbed the Cox appealed to Ins p. Har­ '*•••*• Lucas in charge. Williams and Mrs. Isabel Mid* M OTH7R REQUIREMENTS include: As one of its first actions, the graduate Pan-HeM- Vision: If one eye is 20-20, the other six month range of $338. ajid a one year wine and broke from the store, vey Alston, who upheld thr de­ Choir Is featured *dlebrook, all of Dayton; a son, Charles Higgins, Trenton, N. eauc Council gained permission for Negro Greek repre­ may be 20-30. range of $355, maximum King shVpYr with Brassifeld in hot pursuit. cision. As a last resort, Cox Young people's choir of Shi­ 1 sentatives to attend meetings of College Fraternity Pres­ J.; grarfdchildren »od great­ Equivalent of a high school education, carried his plea*to Lt Herman loh Baptist, Columbus, is pre­ Fords Entertain idents for one year. In less than three months, they were THE YOUTH. Lawrence W. Beck, who ordered Br.iss- senting ''The • Song of Christ­ grandchildren. although the state law does 'not permit Applications may be secured at the admitted to membership. Civil Sen ice Commission office at dty hall Triggs, 406 St. Clair av„ darted fleld's release. mas," by '*•>-,• Ringwald, Sun­Departing Major "The graduate council functioned actively for some down an alley, where he was Beck admitted that, under or­ day, Dec. 25, at 7:30 p. m. felled when one of two bullets dinary circumstances, persons lo B'casl 'Festival* time and brought many outstanding speakers to the fired from Brassfield's revolver community. Its support to the united Negro college fund involved in shootings such as Capt. and Mrs. Harry Ford, struck him in the knee. Triggs, the Brassfieid incident are held low Income A Factor Jr., Columbus, entertained at a Ohio State university's drive brought attacks from community leaders who ac­ with the win in his possession, farewell party recently for M»- cused the council of promoting segregation in schools. e until detectives complete their The low income status of Ne­ "Christmas Choral Festival," was brought back to the store investigation gro workers and farmers in Ihe jor S. Wade Watts, Jr. - This weakened the body considerably." by Brassfieid. who called po­ performed Sunday, Dec. 4, In But haying known Brassfieid U. S. Is reported to be one of the Among guests were Mrs. Rhet- the men's gymnasium before a Once thia council had been dissolved, the Idea of lice. for many years. Beck said he factors which has contributed ta Treadwell. Miss Nancy Rey­ sponsoring public appearances by outstanding speakers Later, Triggs wa* taken to St. felt an exception to the rule to lower meat consumption in nolds, Miss Mildred Pope, Lt. standing room only audience, was promoted by Kappa and developed into its community will be broadcast Saturday, Doa. forum series. Anthony hospital, treated, then should be made, the south, where colored people and Mrs. Oliver Houston, Dr. make up 27 percent of the popu­ and Mrs. David Hamlar, Willard 24, from 10:30 a. m. to noon over In addition to his affiliation with Kappa, the Colum­ lation. Powell and Leslie C. Gray, Jr. WOSU and WOSU-FM. bus community knows Allen as president of Frontiers club, a .service organization, and as a volunteer worker for PAT BELL'S the Urban League. From the latter organization he re­ *?__••• «__> ceived a five year .service pin earlier this year. , As a token of esteem, his fraternity brothers made WAX WORKS mr him polemarch emeritus at the end of his term as pole- HOME march in 1954. He has held every office in Columbus OEMONilRAIIOJi EV. 1669 alumni chapter. ITH ALL OUR gifts and holiday festi- His ability to organize and carry through programs is W vitit-s we must not fortret the true well known in Columbu.s. He is looked upon as a tireless meaning of Chriatma-i. So in Vic midst of w worker, able e.xecutive and profound thinker. «-f^ninjrthof*e njles of gifts stop for a min­ ute and whisper a prayer of thanks. Re­ Columbus believes the grand chapter has an untapped at resource in James Allen. Other communities are entitled member you are lucky for there are those the Gift for the Whole Family to the increased service Kappa can bring through a strong leSaS fortunate than you. %w civic program. These chapters could use James Allen in • • a * aw developing such programs. NOW. WHILE YOU'RE IN THIS mood, aw gang, you might try listening to Sister Ro­ aw MADEMOISELLE MAGAZINE'S 1955 Merit Award setta Tharpe's '"Silent Night," a very beau- I aw winners, honored for signal achievement during the tiful record that you might enjoy. W ivGwscdsifir j ~m -,w .•MiRuuipii i u past year. Left: Gloria 'LocJcerman, cited aa a "symboT •j If you're .curious, flig, Rosetta Tharpe'a Pat BeU 0 for the accident of democracy." Top row: Kfm Stan­ record over and you'll find "White Christmas." Thia adds s ley, actress; Jsne Prizant Gilman, lawyer; Leontyne more gaiety, and while you're in thia mood, listen to the w Price, singer. Middle row: Doris Zeller, geologist; Pat cute "Christmas Song" by Nat King Cole. Backing the rec­ aw McCormick, diver; Liane Brauch Russell, geneticist. Bot­ ord is "Mv Two Front Teeth," an oldie that's still cute. mr Council, Says GI Eminently Qualified tom row:_J\fachfko Kyo, film actress; Jeanne Carr, de­ M * * * \ . 1 JohY-_i n ****--Terry, newscaster of signer; Francoise Sagan, writer. NOW. I WANT TO WISH A very merry Christmaa to mr WVKO-Radio, Columbus, in an campaign tn behalf of Uie U l._;-~, you, you, and YOU. ed mr address before the Frontiers year old OSU graduate even *"-? «s« national and Inter- *\n chib Tuesday, recommended thourbhthough he. ius no'-Jw lervin'.trtUg a \:r**Uo*?-1 d^ater would stand with the ELECTRONIC CHAIN him in a favorable light as Iowa Selects Negro Queen mr Harland Randolph ;-*• a candid­I bitch in the armed force* at councilmanic candidate. ate for city council. of Superior Quality Features aw ' Ft. Sam Houston. Tex. The newscaster said he would IOWA CITY.—A dramatic arts Speaking on •'Polities and major and scholarship student at 1. SENSITIVE RECEPTION Terry felt that Randolph's like to be an assistant campaign mr Government," Terry proposed [the University of Iowa Saturday 2. AUTOMATIC PICTURE ANO SOUND Immediate steps to develop a qualifications, his dynamic per* manager for Randolph, even *** IHE OHIO SENTINEL Aw son.il it v and the prestige he 'was decla.--J first Negro sweet­ TUNIMQ absentis. heart of the campus. Dora Lee C*U_l.aba* Jen* I. t-4- l»_-IU__4 m M tin. 17 year o[d freshma—•—n I **<* -«-"« «t -90 tap* __-_ Str*-. -7 3. ANT.-e40«r CONTROL aw from Houstonyea, r waolsd freshmacrownend T_. o*t* SMIIMI PuU's_ii_» c*.. Cm* *>?• * ' lumbus S. O-i* 4. TEIEVIVO*-'*: rtiGHES' FIDELITY SOU NO ''queen of queens" at the winter Subscript,.. Rales: Oa* .«*- «. Ml 'mr formal dance, a top-campus so­ Sis Mo.tb,: 13 80 5. FULL OUALTTY ENGINEERING Bathtub Accident b FatalfoWUniiter Nat.astat (tvcrililsi rtjji ssaalatlvaj "dw cial event. Aasoclal-J Publisbc.a. lac SI W. 401b Finafinall riteru..s. fo* r Revrs . Emmet_ t j the tragic Incident, Mrs. Cage St.. Nr- York Ciiy N V. XVemam mr Cage, accidentally electrocuted j informed investigators. - charge that the dead man's body aaa .-1177: 100 W W»,blr,*t.. St. Q'c-|. ONLY NEGRO among 29 con­ 2$ in a bathtub in his home, will bhe* • •*-* was too hot to be handled by i. lit. ANd.«» s-ssos wh_«r____1i See Our Array of f held at 1:30 p. m. Friday at St. DR. ROBERT EVANS, coro­ testants, Dora was selected by Ca, s.tS H.II--aW B*-., Im* An.aUa. dw the emergency squad crew Calit. HO'lY-co. 3-7187: W-_Wr-_._ill Paul Guiding Light Spiritual ner, told The Sentinel the bath­ which responded to the call. male students at the school. She C... 440 Kee* BUI,. S.o Fr__c..r«. aW church, 87 N. Monroe av., Co­ room in the Cages' living quar- was entered by a women's dor­ C.UI. SU 7-S073 Du MONT HI-FI --...... ^_KC» living quar-l Furthe- urtner evidence* thafhs»t ht,e ab-u- *w lumbus. th hUrCh W8 in rbed mitory. Mamkmt N.fl M*r****m»*e Pu_....r. _S_£J2 V » ** « *° *• '-Holt Sf th* SS An**** remodeled and a opening was volt, was borne out hi J. y The 65 year old clergyman, tam ththee walwalll alongsid.,„.«__*n e, th.e tu«b * ThouTder^aS Miss Martin said in Houston OOLPMMM __, Modern styling in walnut, PHONOGRAPHS founder, pastor and bishop of St. ih K hurnn th€ (S* mahogany or limed oak grain aw qU rt of inch iD r ber achievement would proba­ TELEPHONES: Paul, was discovered dead in _!^_ * '^ P « «* and leg m finish. 'i aeaa m •lonalong on«e side of the bare studstud - bly be "the shock of the cen FErnwood 1-Ug-l si-sr wirn rue CINCST IN r(icviSQN _P the bathtub by his wife, Myrtle, ding, which apparently enrried A NATIVE OF Pans, Ky Rev. Cage had been in the min hiry.** URBANCREST TELEPHONR: aw about 9 p. m. Monday. She told 110 valt8 of electricity, due to s police ___.she, suffere...... CdO a severe defective wiring. Utry for over 50 years He or­ The pretty coed lives with her FR. S-J-W & ganized St. Paul nearly 25 Vear. electric shock as she removed The victim's left arm be­ grandmother, Mrs. Ella Free­ OAYTON TELEPHONE: my the plug to drain the Water from ago. -'-"a No Down Payment * 36 Months. To Pay came wedged between the tub man, in Houston MEIrose ftt- 1 mr the .tub. She then shut off fne He was a veteran of War I. electricity and phoned police. and the pipe as he rested It ea KENTON TELEPHONE: 2. the ledge ei the tab. Dr. Evans Besides hi. *"ite, ht Is sur­ iStt Her husband had been in the SHE HOPES TO become an aw said. He listed It ss aa acci­ vived by thre. sons, two taaUtt LONOON TELEPHONR: bathroom Approximately 20 Aona, one daughter, « brother actress and works part time aa FURNITURE -APPLIANCES mr nrumi.e. before shs discovered dental death. nnd ...... —* * " "other -**•**•-« -*-**** WOTMS part time asl_ __7Ml So intense was the slsctric Mrn tt mm aw mz&SE? -IS^-T %&'" * H-rrl&__=_ 'Prices Are Born Here And Raised Elsewhere mr .„ ' men, _*___• •* ***** oinc*. r*Hmptm. O. i, %y o, **-. si..., v«,. '***-*** *** *4 m**paA a M»^^ 11172-80 MT. VERNON AVE. COL'S EV. 1669%y1

.^~~~— af_~- PAGE* THE OHld SSNt.l-ii SATURDAY, DECEMBER SA,'.&•«' I ... SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24. 19SS THE OHIO SENTINEL —. f»AG£5 %**me*p\e^m*me vices Tuesday in the chapel of Mrs, D. A. Whittaker and Sons *f with burial in Green Lawn. t} COLUMBUS COURT ROUNDUP COLUMBUS DEATH NOTICES • • * m l* ROYSTER. Mrs. Mary F., 71 Winner av., died last Monday. McCRAE t $25 AND cosls assessment attorney, surrendered at head ROWN, Henry, 55 Douglas at., by Brooks. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. I A was slapped against a 43 quarters. B died last Sunday. Surviving • *. • Charlotte Lowery; niece, Mra year old Columbus man when are his mother, Mra. Jennie IIAIRSTON. John W.. 012 N. Wilma Taylor; nephews, Robert POUITW & FISH MARKET t Ferguson; brothers, Roosevelt he faced a charge of taking a 22nd st., died Sunday. Surviving Lowery, James Pearson. Melvin A $15 FINE WAS imposed on and Richard Ferguson; sisters, are his widow, Mrs. Pearl Hair­ pheasant out of season. Pleading 1 and Dock Bankston, Nathaniel guilty was William Beadle, 544 Robert D Edwaids, 463 W. John M Mrs. Lucy Hanner, Mrs. Emmie ston *-* three sons, John, Harry and John Farris, other relatives. st., when he faced a concealed > Davis and Mrs. Evelyn Billips. I Kilbourne st. and William (Belamb) Hairston; Services from Union Grove Bap­ Christmas Special if weapons offense. The knife po- j Veteran of War II. Services in five grandchildren, six stepsons, tist Saturday. Burial in Ever­ EUGENE BRADSHAW. 1082 lice said Edwards was carrying C chapel of Mrs. D. A. Whlttaker four stepdaughters, other rela­ green by Brooks. Medllt it., drew a M day when arrested was confiscated. £ and Sons with burial in Green tives. Funeral services Thurs­ TURKEYS •5 . . . Percy Logan. 45 t_. Noble * Lawn. day, Dec. 22, 1 p. m., in chapel WILLIAMS, John H.. died at ROASTING workhouse term and SM fine Veterans hospital, Houston. Tex. for petit larceny . . . Herbert St., was charged with pointing DICKERSON, Mrs. Annie H.„ of Wiliiams-McNabb with Rev. and discharging a firearm, haid Birdie Williams in charge. Bur­ Surviving are hig mother, Mrs t? Wilson, 16J Lexington av., was 543% E. Fulton at, died Friday. Helen Williams; three children. HFHS 6 to 20 Lb. Average banded a $_• f, ne jhis trial continued for the sec- Surviving are sons, Henry, Wil­ ial in Union. at when fond time. It is now set for Dec. Carol and Donald Williams, answered to a charge of being lie, Moaes and John; daughters, aaa Shirley. Golden; four grandchil- a suspicious pfrtoi. ,. !28 . . . Amos Swanson, 1185 Fair Mra. Josephine. McCap, Mra. jav.. pleaded Innocent..to intoxi- ROOKS, Mary, 185 Lincoln St.. dre sisters, Mrs. Clara Rust, George Crump. 990 Michigan Annie L. Parker and Mrs. Car* died Thursday. Surviving are Mrs. Ann Morgan and Mrs. LB. UP LB. UP i a v.. received a S10 fine and lt I cation, resisting arrest and petit rie Daniels; other relatives and 49c 49c merrtj (S^nptm^ her husband, Levy Rooks; Helen Harris;.brothers, George day workhouse sojourn oa his larceny and his cases were friends Local arrangements by f postponed to Dec. 30 . . . Rodney aunts, Mrs. Rosie Mason and and Charles. Services at chapel guilty plea to trespassing. ' Brooks with burial in Thomas- Mrs. Mabel Hossock; brother- of C. D. White and Sons witb fl Our Yule-tide best to all OUT friends Smith, 1544 Hawthorne av., ask­ ton, Ga. Virginia and North Carolina Fish Frosh DaUy »? ed for a jury trial when given a in-law and sister-in-law. Ser­ burial in Eastlawn. ...for a season packed with all rbe HIIEN CONVICTED of carry* hearing on an attempted burg- ERVIN. Thomas, died Satur­ ing a dangerous kni/e, Charles e wonderfuJ things that Christmas means! largy charge. Hearing was set day at 406 Donaldson st. Ser­ 956-958 Mt. Vernon Ave. EV.1229 Jackson, 561 N. 18th St., was or­for Jan. 4. vices Wednesday at Brooks with OLD TRAIL RESTAURANT & (OHFECTIOHtRY 4 dered to spend 90 days in the Rev. T. W. Brown, Circleville, t workhouse and pay a $100 fine. officiating. Burial in Evergreen. Specialty: "Home Cooked Food" COMMERCIAL CLEANERS ' Dorothy M. Nichols, former­ _. • • • PATRONIZE m a; Leamon Childrcs", Prop. ly of 462 Jefferson »**'•. arrested ERSKINE PEAKE. 575 Co­ 245 N. 18TH ST. Open Daily 5 A. M. to 1 A. M. GAMMON. Mrs. Barbara, 1185 by detectives on a warrant lumbus at., drew a St5 fine for • ALMAR & GENTRY PARRISH, Prop. 5 826 E. Long St. FA. 1573.i from Canton, was returned reckless driving and $100 for N. Grant av., died last Tuesday. OHIO SENTINEL ADVERTISERS f • Columbua, Ohio w there to face a criminal conver­ not having a driver's permit. Surviving are husband, Herman; The latter offense carries a children, Debra, Nathaniel, Her­ Afe**^*m*aa**m ^, V. V/ *«' V» >*, *»r V. «• «*> V> «/ M, V. V> V> V# V, V* «» V/ V*••» vN«f sion charge. • • • three day jail sentence . . . man, Evelyn and Judy; parents, Other motorists sebeduled to Mr. and Mrs, John J. Milton; PAUL REDMAN, ?3T N. answer charges this *»« eek in­ sister, Mrs. Mary Hargrove; HOME t _**___ at., was charged with clude Clyde Glover, 543 E. other relatives and-friends. Ser­ t burglary and grand larceny Spring st., drunken driving and vices Friday at Mrs. D. A. Whit­ DEMONSTRATION and was to be given a preli­ not having an operator's li­ taker ami Sons. Burial in Green 1669 minary hearing later tbis t cense; Jamea J. Lawson, 1159 Lawn.' . week. Redman was arrested on a complaint of Rachel L. Chittenden a v.. drunk driving: Lewis Scott. 577 Stauring St., GRAY. Smith. 1100 Atcheson FREE FUUY-DRESSED Grundy. . same address, who St., died Inst Monday. His wid­ m claimed he stole a charge drunk driving, hit skip, speed­ ing and backing into a turn* ow, Mrs. Lillie Gray; brother, t plate from her home . . . Ar­ OVEN-READY t thur J. Edwards. 444 Hamilton James Franklin, 999 Stone av., sisters, nephew, nieces, other av.. a Columbus contractor for tipsy driving; Harrison Scales, relatives and friends survive. 5S0 E. Fulton st., into* tea tion. Funeral services Saturday in CROSLEY 6 many years, waived examina­ inadequate brakes, and not chapel of Wlllia'ms-McNabb. 15-LB. TURKEY tion and was held to the grand 6 jury under $100. bond when having a permit. Rev. S\ F. Hairston, Sr., offi­ arraigned on a charge of mak­ ftaundry & Dry CieanersI ciated with burial in Evergreen. _ With Every Major ing a false pretense. Detec* • • • * fives *•'•**- **•« charge was CAPITAL DETECTIVE |s26 E. Long St. FE. 5415 • GREEN. Joseph, 229 S. Oakley i made about two years ago. AGENCY av., died last Monday. Surviving Crosley-Bendix Edwards, accompanied 1 y his 4 "The Sawyer .Family' * 999 E LONfi st are a_. daughter, M.ss Gloria t FA U". . J & Staff ^* Grelh, livg stepsons, two step­ Appliance ADVANCE V coi-i'Mitrs !> daughters and three grandchil­ > Bishop M. R. Gregory *•_>*t>M_ -«#-9****U-***~**U******trat*.-*Jf dren. Services Saturday from **'-:* -; /<•**-;. »':"••, 'Valv*^ Mrs. D. A. Whittaker and Sons Purchased By with Super-Tenna t (onfined To Hospital with buria] in Evergreen. t • • • Christmas Eve r GUY. Elder William M., 443 t? Bishop M. R. Gregory, pastor 1 of Emmanuel Tabernacle Bap­ E. Naghten at., died Wednesday. tist, 329 _{. Garfield av.. Colum­ Surviving are hi9 widow, Mrs. bus? was confined to St." .Anthony Jessie Guy; a stepson, three stepdaughters, other relatives e hospital this week suffering MAKE" "HERS" A (*I t from a hip injury, The Sentinel and friends. Services Saturday was informed Tuesday. at Community Church of Christ h * with Rev. T. J. Mackey in WHITE The 71 year old religious -charge. Interment, in Eastlawn i leader sustained a possible hip m and leg fracture -<\hen he fell "O Come Let Vs Adore Him. CHRISTMAS t from a ladder uhil_ working on hi church last Thursday. Christ the King!'* Caldwell t s Temple AME Zion church, Co­ t lumbus, invites yoa te attend ( COLUMBUS Its annual sunrise Christmas CHOOSE FROM OUR STOCK OF serviee at 5:45 a. m. on Sun­ tj FUNERAL DIRKCTOKY day. Dec. 25. e 1 BROOKS A bund-new. ptus-in. rr»cl»- FUNERAL HOME INC. (ROSLEY-BENDIX 6AS & ELECTRIC Inj aad f*m9.»r_-l* TV en- irnnt . . ter more powerful i 1108 E. Long St. than ordinary buiit-io en- < FE. 1411 APPLIANCES Homo Freezers Automatic Washers IM.l'o IT IN AND TURN t SHOP BY MAIL IT FOR A BETTKR. Save Timet Save Money! Refrigerators Duomatic Washer. BRIGHTER PICTURS! CROSBY LIFT IT OUT AND STORE Five Following Ranges Dryer IT IN SPECIAL. RACK IN t FUNERAL HOME D REAR Or SET WHEN NOT 1072 E. Long St Records, Only $5.00 Ironers IN U8C. i FA. 1555 Q "Great Pretender" • e —The Plattera Available For Immediate Delivery & Installation YOU ALWAYS GET A BETTER PICTURE C.J t MRS. D. A. WHITTAKER O "I Began To Realize" I CROSLEY ADVANCE V WITH: AND SONS. INC. —Eldorados NO DOWN PAYMENT • 36 MONTHS TO PAY FUNERAL HOME Q "Love Is A Many • Giant Cinema-Wide Screen • Alumlnlzed Picture * 720 E. Long St. Splendored Thing** Tube • Crosley Turret Tuner O Crosley All-Pictura EV. 9549 —Four Aces Front . . . no distracting controls in view t MAYS • "Zindy Lou'* C D. WHITE & SONS —The Chimes CROSLEY TV * FUNERAL HOME Q ''Empty Heart** 1217 ML Vemon Ave. —The Jacks FURNITURE - AS LOW ft REAL EV. 1514 ORDER NOW AND AS NURSING PAY C.O.D. $149.95 WILLIAMS A McNABB * t- * MORTUARY, INC. UNO BETHEA & (0. .APPLIANCES t5 ESTATE HOME FUNERAL HOME i "Prices Are Born Here And Raised Elsewhere' *• 818 E. Long St. i Record Shop 1172-80 MT. VERNON AVE. COL'S 451 Mf. Vernon Ave. I 1567 E. Long SI. EV. 9521 * * P.O. Box 1542 i (A. 45453 . FA. 2557 llse -UNrt• tMg icclsdti V Columbus. Ohio * Members Of Tbe Ccltusbe* . ORRIS A. MA YS, m Wyrelene S. Maya, "^•^STflOEST \ H tore room i Funeral Ass's. Broker -•MtTATl ****** i 991 W. Goodale St. Open 'Til Midnight 'Til Xmas Eve » Dally 10 A. .M. to 10 P. M. # it*g*m**9»**m*%>*9m -aw

l | •SMB___MBM • in i_n..ij>i-' nu .* sin Mi'ii II »u»«iMftVjaj'. ;M J....'..^v .'n 11 I«I i Li.r..n.i< '•-. ' .'. • PACES THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 34. lSfifi SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24, 19SS Chieff CauSions Of Fire Danger RC Taking Registration Teenage Boy Stale liquor Stores THE OHIO SENTINEL J_AC£JL If 1955 statistical J..How pre­ marily a job for the . Individ- For First Aid Teachers Announce Hours vious patterns, by the end o( tho it'll family ami basically calls €5* M _> _•<-(_«______*V year accidents will have cost the for s safety-minded attitude. Franklin county chapter, .Ame­ Threatened lives of more than ll.CO. chil­ caution without feir and a State liquor stores will open Some of ou bert arrived last.... aw rican Red Cross, is taking regis­ JONESBORO. Aiki —Clarence two hour* earlier than usual on dren from 1-14, according to physically safe home " he said. trations for enrollment for a 4_> Columbus Fire Chief W alter Since fire is the top child Braxton, 73 year old Negro, the three days before Christmas first aid instructors training testified during a Federal court and tlie two days before New MORE; mmf Strickfaden. Thi is more than l.i'ler in thc home and Doce>n- s school to start Jun. 17. Anyone .aring miil ne sem m8 *Cen. Year's, Dir. William C. Bryant, three times the death rate of any fcer and January are worst hearing that he sent his teen who has successfully completed age son out of Arkansas be- Ohio Dept. of liquor Control) other major cause of child month* for firr.-?. Chief Strick­ both - standard and advanced faden urges parents to be->in cause hc didn't want him to get said. It ha., been found that aW deaths. training, in Red Cross first aid opening .arjier cuts down wait­ now taking precaution.* fer the during the past three years and [what "that whistling boy got." 20 "Preventing accidents is pri­ safety of their children. ing and provides quicker ser­ 20 years of age is eligible He referred to the recent slay­ vice. & ing of Emmett Till in Mississippi On Thursday, Friday and Sat­ my BIGGEST OFFER OF THE YEAR! YOUR CHOICE . . . nnd said he received a clipping urday, Dec. 22-24, and Friday on the case along with the and Saturday. Dec. 30-31, stores mv threat that his son could get the will be open from 9 s. m.-7 same thing. p. m. In busier stores, Additional 5 personnel will be hired to han­ ANY 1 of these 4 Valuable GIFTS The testimony wag given dur­ m* dle increased business. • ing a hearing before Federal With any Judge Reeves. The Hoxi£, Ark., Board of Education is seeking Purchase permanent injunctions against Farm Outlook For '56 three pro-segregation groups Totaling charged with trying to stop in­ Farmers may expect produc­ tegration there. tion costs to continue at near s present levels in 1956, and their *t **t-**-^>-..-.>-->-***«•*.»-**e**,tth*t*'*m S 50 or more income* to decline somewhat, according to th* U. S. Dept. of _ . » Virginia Sofons Agriculture. fey.'A Girls' ^'*'*****m'******<*n*~m**me*%rm I M ,_ft_-**.- » t**r* |t» ( * ** *** — _*• t*e mm raw twa cawt ». *** GREYHOUND YOUNG * $ \H-B In __lt_fi.1 a**,! KM! Owl Ml H» S Approve Plan TALL RICHMOND, Va..—Virginia's PARAKEETS Legislature has approved a plan 16 Style" iSCOOTEIf for amending the state's consti­ 1 Kr. Gold Decorated tution so public money csn be t-M-cli fhem to toig spent for private education of easy fo flsgtr train children who do not wish to at­ > A pair sf oar fine quality gloves Wt8! "Some of the best There's a belt style for tend integrated schools. Heavenly hints from Beis $ Nylon snd wool st retch . * make s useful, long-las tin. gift fsr ^ stock in Ohio" your man st Christmas DISH SET! 1 for Christ in.is. .Sanforized $and "ref-ular" men's Is our stunning array of J |VU _ sny man, anywhere. Wide tfffQK A statewide referendum vote sod pre-shrunk atldetie $100 jjorkj by Interwoven. $100 \ good looking, sendee* I'M, will b taken Jan. 9 to decide Priced $400 choiee, styles and colors. e shorts 'n shirts. %l snd X. Dozens of smart, colors ablr beDs by Hiekok. T whether or not to summon a From UUP - A $1*50. 1 Wand patterns, $1 to $3.50. $5.95 to $8.05. iP 97 $1.50 to $5. constitutional convention to : 1 9 make such an amendment. .£$1 Down holds the bird of A ^tahfahemm**mm ._! 15your chojee till Christmas. 5 tr*m--:S: EASIEST CHRISTMAS A second phase of the program ••Free delivery on Christmas w to circumvent integration would $Eve anyplace in Columbus. $ I CREDIT TERMS! allow school officials to assign pupils on grounds other than race. | F. C. DILTZEHTERPRUES | £>.7 lilt YDKN ROAD FE. -IM? It will come before the Legis- C Call or Come Any da y W lature during its regular session 5 9 A. M. till 11 P. M. •§ I _ next month. . Wg»jt»jt»^<^g»»tgl»Jt»*i_s^B I IMMEDIATELY DELIVERS a WORTH OF e MERCHANDISE

LUGGAGE Italian-style verticsl stripe Ladies' Fall Men's sport shirts with typically A Pure silk ties ta dozens of Cotton, broadcloth and im* . lush shades, solids, smart Italian rolled collar. This Qualify $250 port fabrics in smart pa­ shirt Is both stylish and COATS ^ Purs 11 a e n handker $150 jr looking patterns sad jamas. Plaids, stripes and IB* chiefs. $1 and $1.50 $ stripes. $2.50 to $5. m comfortable. Choice of six checks. SL-m-s r t shades. •fl 9 colors! gpr (frith initials). i $4.95 and $5.95. -nd SUITS ;^^^^~k «%'*«). t*m*m s SUITS fy*****"* *-**r~**r:*j-** *********** *** ****** — -,*»<„.II, »,-,p tm rm. tm*. ft $ 75 •**'- ******** «••-!.._ _|| tt,— 1 Handsome sport* ^ 9*5 36 Come ta today sad dm see how fine fab- !£g DRESSES Biggest rles , have »MB* TOPCOFS W-* glvea s "aew losk** fj $7.95 exclusive 4_f Bargain Stetson sad Worst- fBL ed-Tex salts . . .2j GIFTS for Everybody on your list tailored asitta Urts4V NEW LOW PRICESl EASIEST CREDIT! In Town and skill . . .9 priced from $55 maw MEN'S LADIES9 SHIRTS $2.95 BLOUSES 1 SLACKS $9.95 SKIRTS JACKETS $19.95 SWEATERS THS • SOX • SWIATERS SUM • GOWNS HATS • SHOES • KITS HOSES • UNOIRWfAR HOSI • HANDBAGS ROBES • PANTIES ACCOUNT BOY'S NATIONALLY VI Ot GIRL'S FAMOUS $376 SUITS . JACKETS • SHIRTS • COAT srrs • DRESSES OUTFITS the SLACKS . SWEATEPS ****** e CO6IJ10J.B FAMIIY! SNOW SUITS • .AfKfTS WATCHES 100 PROOF PAY ONE-THIRD JEWELRY "onuowBotw t*"«oV *\ p\ Ct,rarnmar,l teamttshn JANUARY am RADIOS and FEBRUARY LIVINGSTON'S APPLIANCES 0 yeor old MARCH aw .7i twsi:L:°*mL' c"°" " &*»w «•*•*•" ^r * Kentucky Straight •M J. HIGH JT OPEN THURS. & FRI. TIL t aw ""• SAT. 9 A. M. TIL S P. ML aw *«»*«._*. Bourbon Whiskey aw ^mMmwKXMmimi*^ PAGE'S THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24. lflSB SATURDAY, DECEMBER Z4_ 19Sg THE OHIO SENTINEL .rAss».

E**.-FAT-*O<.*>O-IX>J J .Wa? tt THAT 4 VV.fY FREDA'S BEAUTY SHOP Has Yule Parly first Coffee Break! Hosts For Dinner SAY? WHY t^ETY'l /AM— \ I WANNA S6T YOO I , _»'<_ MIAMI AVE. FE. 1630 WtfreGeXm, \-*B*7£ OLDSTRAIGHT * ~F f&t&TXK 9 V XENIA.—Greene Coonty Mis­ Coffee houses, or cafes, origi­ -VFRIENO. • Y'OUCTWTA SINLT 00< - .QUiffiTO V_ Operators: nated in Istanbul, Turkey, in Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Robinson, __A-t_i- S-fBAD JET-,.. Rjr *i*c\) CAN sionary Society held its annual •JINOLE BfcLl*." Henrietta Robinson, Specializes i Hair Processing 1554—when the city wag still 3804 W. 3rd av., Urbancrest, will cFTRtDO^AUCP n Christmas party Thursday nt .ST A l^tAjri Ine_ Bolden Zion Baptist, Jamestown. known os "Constantinople"— be hosts to aged men at dinner JINCrie FAT t?OY> «H and first became popular throu­ Christmas day. Devotions were conducted by KU-* Mrs. Russell Taylor. Following ghout Europe in the late 17th. Elderly men in Columbu8 or the business meeting, games century, after thc coffee loving J Urbancrest who cook for them* were played with Mrs. Virginia Turks had occupied eastern Eu- J selves ore invited to be ot the HA Scott and Mis8 Joyce Wheatley rope up to Vienna. ' Robinson,, for the 2 p. m. meal. in charge. FREE INFORMATION

BELL'S Dayton Bail Bonding Co. Here's hoping your TELEVISION rnxr sETTjxs IT/ WAIT, *JAJs.TA i Christmas Day will (B) HILTON 9733 (R) MEIroi. 7010 f M^lW_«ATjtUL< I WA£ ON.**' PUT I'M NOT KJDOtNfr AmKVTTH/S RADIO — RECORDS Elwood Parsons, Major League Baseball's First llj, P*""*AT -iPl'MMOr] be a shining suc­ VGA* . *>**V WON'T /VIINPy cess, bright with Negro Scout •nut- D "The Great Pretender" all the joys of the —The Platters £-k«********S********ejse* «*«*«» Oh tf%<*«2 Beason. Q 'Tutti Fruitti" —Little Richard D "Poor Me" *otlvVOAujItt CUAAW, WtJnM | Carl L Brown —Fata Domino J "The Christmas Song* Wm*r% and Associates —Nat (King) Cole X n "Everybody's Got A _- Home" —Roy Hamilton 3-iB. (AN 3 "White Christmas" i —Sister Kosettk Tharpe • "Learnin* The Blues' —Illinois Jacquet ?•--at ow * "April In Paris" w___*rfal i/>ii<_» and * —Count aBasue •«l«hbOT«. w. want fe •«(.__ out "Winter Wonderland" wanMt.1 Sec-mt's **k**9aej*. —Bill Doggett MB. "How Come" * —Mr. Bear 9% Gold Butter PKG. _• WE GIVE JOHNSTON'S FOOD MARKET TOP VALUl; STAMPS 343 Jefferson Ave. FA. 0369 * Columbus, Ohio _• ON RECORDS. HAVE William Johnston & Staff YOU GOT YOURS? __. _-______**' 5*__* av/v^a-,*>v>-.>*.>-e>-«/*e>**r#-«>-*r>-e> J. 331 N. ZOTH ST. COLUMBUS 3. O. 5*5 FAirfax 7181 MIRACLE WHIP gff EXTRA SPECIAL NATIONAL COMPACT F. A. A. V. M. g LODGE SALAD FLORIDA MEETING NIGHTS ff FIUN'CE HALL OBIG1N - 34-HAMILTON PARK ff DRESSING ORANGES Prince Hall Commaodery g No. 1 K. TV—1st Monday Christmas puts A H. Howie,. E. M. ff its best "foot '. C. C. Daniels, Ree. ff St Paul Lodge No. 3—2nd & *% DO..' forward in these 4th Monday—A. J. Milaer, OT. lovely sheers . . . W. M—Roy Wells. See. ff beautifully blended to Trustees—Srd .Monday I R. Bell. Chmn. complement her complexion L. M. Burton, Financial See. . . • to flatter her wardrobe. SL James Lodge No. 21—1st g It'i the Yaletide gift that she Tuesdsy A 3rd Wednesday Nsthanlel Bradley. W. M. 6-OZ. JAR always needs. B. D. Pettway, Sec. l Rose of Sharon Chapter No. • O K.S.—_nd Tuesday ft 4th Open 'Til 9 $ Mode Hosiery carries a g tradition of quality and beauty Thursday—Ola Penson. W M g Geneva Anderson. See. ff In hosiery that is a reflection Alpha Chapter No. t, O.E_5. Maxwell House Instant Coffee 1.00 of good taste. Our selection 2nd Wednesday A 4th ff THURS & FRI. answers every need for your Thursday—Willie V. Trent, ff W. M.-Viola Morgan. Sec. MEDIUM SIZE BAR hosiery wardrobe . .. from Queen Elizabeth Court No. 1 SNOW CROP FORD HOOK sturdy business sheers to the EL of J.—1st Wednesday L IXMAS EVE 'TILL lOl IO-OZ. most exquisite gossamer sheers 3rd Tuesday—Laura Johnson. 5 BARS for evening wear. M. A. M.—Estell Stevens, See IVORY SOAP 3 PKG. Eseklel Lodge No. 4—1st & LIMA BEANS Ird Thursday—R. L. Shern, I Other Christmas suggestions W. M.—Charles Banks, See. from Mod* ... slips . .. Triumph Temple No. 1 •*__ Thursday i gowns .. .panties ... bras Win. Laurhiufbeuse, ILL Pot ff NO. 2 ... gloves ... sweaters ... Pan] O. Johnson, OL Gr. Ree and handkerchiefs. Franklin Consistory No. 1 (AN CANS $1.00 1st Friday—James F. Little 1 I. C. C.-IJ. J. Bess. G. C. Lous Star Lodge No. 22—2nd * 4th Friday—L. R. Owens. Open Thurs, W. M.—Lloyd Frasier, See. OPEN THURS., FRI. & SAT. Keystone Chapter Na. I 1 LEE'S &FrLTil9 RA.M Srd Friday A. J. Milner, EL P. IMENS STORE * 1009 MT. VERNON AVE.-^ CARL BROWN'S R. L. Shera, See. 8A.M.-9P.M. XMAS EVE SL Katherine No. 1 Crusaders CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS 4th Tuesday-E. L. Brock, Hi ISTYLE SHOP • 1011NT . VEMON AVE, a? Pr.—Blanche Parnell, See. __r< I.G. A. FOOD STORE TIL 10 Juveniles—J_d A 4th kCHILDKN'J SHOP _ 1021 MI. VEBNON AVt OPEN MON. 9 A. M.-2 P.M. Saturday—Ola Penson, 1289 HT. VERNON AVE. AT CHAMPION Carl L. Brown '.***'% •*_%**$***&$*&.WW *

ptin*t%mwm*a*mmm***ar^^\T._.\mt***a?**me*>m**m WWW, _,me\-*jA*p. W*»*«»_iW-SM-M_M PACE 10 - THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24, 195S SA7 \"v*. V,l**~ .ui-r •••. ti Mission Workers Ask Chicago Over Top In NAA.P Members Drive End To Race Bars N. YORK.-NAACP member­ ship continued to climb stead­ DAYTON.—Protestant mission nominational nnd inter racial ily upwards. . workers ended their national missionary work. meeting here last week ond • Shift mission work to less Chicago passed its 10.000 goal strongly urged elimination of formal and mere institutional­ by 204 and raised $29,000. The racial barriers in churches. ized method^ using more volun­ In a' seven*point statement, tary lay service in countries Baltimore branch hag recruited the Foreign Missions division of where the Rovernment is assum­ 'a total of 9000 memberships. ** Nat'l Council of Churches said ing more responsibility for hos*. Previously, campaigns In De­ # Ctt%y At Chrbtma. Spirit Christians should "labor fear­ pita!, educational and other in* troit and Cleveland had brought MT. eNON AVENUE STORES=»r ^ lessly . . . for* elimination of seg­ stitutional care. £ i)\cmt in ye.tr heart en J regation and unbrotherliness. in in 13.000 .and 10,500 members, • More coordination "among respectively. Doa't Forgot The "Holiday Festival of Values" Grand Prize Drawing Friday, Dec 23, 9:30 P. M 5 Go*- Forlunt smile bri*_l- churches and community insti­ church agencies in relief of des­ In Front of Spicer*. Bargain Annex — 986 Mt. Vernon Ave. tutions.'* titute. * ly ..pen yen through _H Delegates also approved a res­ •**~i***v Tin i' i- i al • More realistic giving by Ceme early for better seat­ £ the Joy. «. !-»**. Ne" Year. |j *#*!':* olution for establishment of a church member*, in support of i I bureau of African affairs in the foreign missions. ing accommodations for the Too get 1 .tamp with each | WIGHBORHOOD HOUSE U. S. State Dept. • Training of Americans to annual sunrise Christmas ser­ makel^ 10c purchaso and each book Among other points recom­ go abroad as businessmen and i holds l%4* .tamps. It doesn't * 800 Leonard Ave. vice, Sumlsy. Dee. 25. at Cald­ L mended were: technicians tc eid the mission­ take long te fill a book with well Temple AME Zion M Cclumbu., Ohio • Mi-je international, interde­ ary movement. '**• which you can get many ehureh. Columbus. beautiful and useful glfta. (t Joseph We11, Executive Director |^ Patronize Sentinel Advertisers. It pays. C**^*«a»^i«»%»^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ _ - .j le# > > 1)> g<% For jour Christmas engagementt4 AQQ Up choose here » ring worthy of the*' IIT^ orcasloa! ___• diamonds In .lock. /tv your man t

Unredeemed High Grade .•COATS WRIST WATCHES (Look Lik. Now) ,* $11.95 up $7.00 ta $15.00

. •WORT'S MT. VERNON AVENUE STORES STYLE STORE FOR MEN BEST ''First *.. Most in Style' Don't Forget The "Holiday Festiv.I of Value." Grand Priae Drawing Friday, Dec 23 930 P M MERCHANDISE MART S3 F M in Front of Spicer*. Bargain Annex — 986 Ml v *I\Z?' "* ° ' * 1052 MT.VERNON AVI. 1013 MT. VERNON AVE.—FE. 1328

Last Minute

Gift Suggestion. . . . f» sMVIW AUTOMATIC HIAT.8 WGKSMSHES Y.LETI.E Ural n*h tot the _._>!. family! Cha*n To Please *A VERNON 'hills *»jih ceuy a._r_>.h. UKi BAKER BNAMBU Cor*. s _•«.. (,,..- Christmas with K*m G.o. • ***it\A *a***mp»n*... 8he'll love a set of our s. , hold any ley yen select la #aasa_tas4 BrsaaJssos search. ****** m**\ K«M i * „ _» *t*a* taottam to*.* e*m** ssnnli costume jewelry for a gift. . . . bs^M CCICM. •_- **mAmot~m->*. Home Cmt»r'i Terlant. 7»*_4*. A.o.l- -a >« if Sendol- Start right new te hare the REQ. SSAM fr«.T.$H-r,c5235 TYLER DRUGS vtntCirHM. R. & E. FROM $i5f oo UP APERC0 merriest Chrlstmss erer. 6ABARDINE SIHTS "Where Everybody Meets CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS Everybody Else" REYNELDS HARDWARE 60 J ML VERNON AVE. Rfake a trip to the Batme $27.50 (<•) I \\\\[ ,. WEAVER JEWELERS Center. 20TH & MT. VERNON — FE. 1811 914 MT. VERNON AVE. FE. 4227 Ot* 11*1 VERNON AFB. TAYLOR A LONG — FE* 1914 FE. MM — WE DELIVER -17 MT. VERNON AVE. COL'S, O. 1054 MT. VERNON ATE. NEXT TO CAMEO THEATRE CORNER 18TH IT. 1 OF CHRISTMAS Enjoy modern Gas Heat CLEARANCE SALE TREE I .9__?oj. I LIGHTS ift For the Home jW^Tfrjj.&g WONDERFUL TO RECEIVE at lowest possible cost! Oar whole .tore U resplendent with HOME MEATS GIFTS, awaiting year h.ppy .election. You'll New Calendar **•'* J-ax common ptmme \c are u>e 7-U6HT •MIGHT SEMES f Irxmi betora -_-ir._ _„*,_>••„ mm find n wide choice, at many prices, aad ALL et lr»|KM_».nt aa >«_ h*_

PAGE 22 •r..* -, •* • • • :-i;i't,f. THE OHIO SENTINEL ;.i**ii >(>i;u J i SATURDAY_DECEM8ER 24, 19SS Seal Sale Chairman In Last Minute Inside ,.. THE OHIO 9 SECTION Science Shrinks Piles 5ENTINEL New Way Without Surgery Appeal To Raise Goal Of $180,000 X SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24, 19SS Find* Healing Substance That Does Both- , If you didn't mail in your munity groups and in industri­ Christmas sea] sale contribution Relieve. Pain-Shrink. Hemorrhoid. es; rehabilitation programs 'or Ing expenses of the FEPC on Do It day it still isn't too late, ex-tuberculosis patients; and TB •__ Bern York, fl. f. (Spada.) - ireWcm I** And among these suf- F. O. Schoe-dinger, chairman for group campaign after cam- For the first time science has research. . palgn. ferera were a very wide variety the Franklin County Tuberculo­ "Witb tbe new cruiser re­ found a new healing substance of hemorrhoid conditions, some of The CIO, now merged with its With tbe astonishing ability te > 10 to 20 yeara' standing. sis Society's current seal sale, cently purchased by tbe TB SPEAKING OF POLITICS _ister organization, the AFL, •brink hemorrhoids and to relieve All this, without the use of reports. Society, we plan to accelerate pain-without surgery. narcotic, anesthetics or astrin­ "Success of any sale, con­ service to Belgbborhood com­ By John B. Combs will perhaps continue to support In one hemorrhoid caaa after gents of any kind. Tha secret I. ducted strictly by mall, de­ munities." Schoedinger ex- the program set up by the another, "vary striking improve­ a new'healing substance {Bio- ******* an 1 n .) \m.*u*m\m*w**Mamnamam-a9-ap**mn*emi.,m I-,..I..-_I !.•••,,•••• FEP„• *gC • sponsors• a*m , but without the ment" waa reported and verified Dyne* ) -the discovery of a world* pend, on constant reminding," plains. Schoedinger explains. "Tbis "We bope contributions will ACOB .CLAYMAN, secretary- more important, at least in our spiced with sarcasm equal to genius guidance of "Jake," just by doctors' observations. famou. research institution. Al­ how far it will go we cannot say. Pain waa relieved promptly. ready, Bio-Dyne is in wide use year we observed Do It day be sent immediately to we can treasurer of She Ohio CIO book, he not only has champion* the Mark Anthony-Brutus epl- And. while gently relieving pain, for healing injured tissue on all Monday, as a speelal reminder begin to plan oar 1956 fight JCouncil and long a solid pillar ed the cause of civil rights, civil sode. most times enabled him to • • • aetanl reduction or retraetion parts of the body. date. Those who didn't mail tn; against TB." t\ . under the foundation of the fair liberties and labor, but hia faith literally captivate his audiences, CLAYMAN, IT HAS been said, (-braking) took place. Thia new healing substance la their contributions then are ur­ "It you have not received employment practices move- and loyalty to the fundamental At the same time, he developed in victory or defeat, never loses Aid moat amazing of aU-this offered in tupputitory or ointment his head in legislative combat. k-.pr-v_ni.nt waa maintained in form called Preparation tt* Aak gently requested to do SO Christmas seals, phone Ca. 8- merit in Ohio, won't be around principles of our country have and retained a kindred relation­ eaaea wbsr* doctor.' observations for individually sealed convenient now." -7(11. and they will be mailed the next regular session of the been unquestionable. ship with his opponents that only And that rare trait ts credited warn coatlnued ovar a period of Preparation H suppositories or to you." Ohio ~ Legislature when it con­ dayman broke into the a few lobbyists have accom­ with winning many hard fought Chrif |nnstime deadline in the in many months! Preparation H ointment with spe­ CHARLES J. SMITH. Ill, Contributions may be sent in venes January, 1957. limelight as a lobbyist for tho plished. battles tor him and hia organl In tact, results ware ao thor­ cial applicator. Preparation II la Frdnklin county sale has been CIO Council several yeara ago. ration. will serve as'director of sixth set at $180,000. Funds finance any envelope to the Tuberculosis ••Jake," ai he Is affection­ Otherwise, the popular labor ough 'hat sufferers were able to sold at all drug stores. 8a ti.f action In thst position, he often tan­ Among his other virtues is hia annual Florida A-M university Society, 503 Oak st.f in cash or ately known In Ohio labor and leader's melodious voice, bis mak» mch astonishing statements guaranteed or money refunded. free chest X-rays, aboard two keen understanding of minority *_.'.'' --**-• have ceased to be a ***•*. c i ru m interscholastic press workshop check. legislative circles, has resign- gled with legislative experts of suave personality, braced with Chrisjmas seal X*ray cruisers; ed from tho CIO post, to accept the Chamber of Commerce and groups problems, and the im­ Jan. 28-29. health education in schools, com* m seasoned legislative experi­ a position on the International Ohio Manufacturers Ass'n, and ence, gave him a gloss which mense contributions he made AT staff of Amalgamated Clothing on many such occasions he enabled him to outshine his toward solving them. Volunteers Workers of America, AFL- came oat on the losing end. rivals in debating an Issue. By reason of thia particular ARTS CENTER PHARMACY CIO. But it wasn't because he fell Unlike some labor leaders, feature of hi3 many accomplish­ .bis happy face is mine: Sam Eng­ Spread (heer short in presenting his side of however. Clayman never limited ments, it's going to take an aw­ 713 -LONG ST.,Cor Hamilton Ava. lish of the Commonwealth Loan Co. the issue. Rather, more often his activities to matters con­ ful big man to fill the vacancy T OF JAKE, WE feel it can be friend Jake is leaving in Ohio. Bus Slop, at Both Our Comoro CA. 13734 at 44 E. Long Street I thought it might than not, it was because the cerning only hia organization. be a good idea to show you what I look said without fear of contradic­ With Old Paper tion that no one has ever ap* sentiment of the committee was He worked equally as diligently • • • like in case you're shopping for a loan If, on your Christmas list, you hostile to labor's views in the for a better educational pro­ AS HE TAKES UP tha burden peared on the firing line for jus gram, better housing for low in­ !^'*l'«»»s%'«»%^*»'«'«'^»»'»Sll»»*^*» of $25 to $1000 on signature, furniture have put down some vague per­ 5^ a-tdT^^ opWtu^ for f-rst Plac#* of his new endeavors, we are or car ... and want to know the kind of son less fortunate than you that the common man with more Even in losing, dayman's dy- come groups, and for any other sure all who have been associat­ ed with him join u in extending people you're dealing witb when you you'd like to help, you can put _est and sincerity than he. And namic presentations, u s u a 11 y'proposal he folt was designed to s GiveaWEBCOR.sl come to Commonwealth. your list into action by begin­ ************** E^'-__w.c~a benefit the many instead of justo t him and his lovely family our Since 1887 we've earned a reputation for saying "why cer­ ning today t6 save Scrap paper I the few. best' wishes for success, health tainly** very promptly to employed people. That's because and corrugated boxes. dayman, who has been with and happiness. endless h o ti r . of we believe borrowing is often the bert way to wive a problem Volunteers of America are set­ the Ohio CIO since 1942, was and because we're sold 100% on tbe honesty and good ting aside proceeds of the sale born in Boston but received pleasure for every- ; of scrap paper and corrugated Sentinel society writer body. Choose here I n tent ions of the working man and woman. most of his public school edu­ boxes for use in their 1955 Chris­ HEALTH FORUM cation Ln NUes, (>. lie worked Blanche M. Van Hook is the So, if you need a loan now . . . phone, write or come tmas program, Lt. Col. Susan dean of central Ohio report­ in. Hare's my address: Commonwealth Loan Co., 44 E. In the steel mil— of NUes and Thorn announced • this week. By it. Eafl Bland,-M. D. Youngstown to earn hia way ers of the social scene. Long Street, 2 Doors Weet of City Parking Garage, Phone: "With th« sa** ef these two CApital 4*2191. throagh Oberlin college and la* items, we hope to raise enough : •*.*•• • ' ter throagh the University of money to take ear« of oar an­ Michigan, where be obtained a nual Christmas ] boxes we law degree. Send to Ohio prisoners. These [ERS HAVE been epidemics on the list of diseases wjhlch in- are packed according to prl- of mumps, a disease which valided soldiers. After graduation* Clayman r practiced law in Detroit and St. X son regulations and* sent ' te • always causes the doctor some S Heavenly dancing I... to DREAMIEST music! Usually a person has only one Paul, but .returned to Niles, __? men and women* who hava anxiety. So often an attack of lt attack of mumps in Ms lifetime, been imprisoned sa long they from where ho was elected e8 a W-L BAIT & VARIETY STORE wiU bring one or more worri­ but there are. some men and member of the Ohio Legislature 3 have no friends on the out- some and painful complications. women who have -3 many as in 1941. In 1942 he became gen­ fide,," Lt. Col: Thorn explain­ As everyone knows, in men a 1 Decorate Your Home For Christmas ed. four or six, attacks. The incuba* eral counsel of the CIO Council. common accompaniment of tho 4*^ period averages about 18 Since 1949 he has served as sea* 1 disease is a painful inflamraa- aaya One difficulty about avoid- retary-treasurer. g # It'§ Christmas everywhere you loolt- tion of one or both testicles, fog mumps is that a child who -wheM your home is dressed up for the holidays with S. (.Negroes ,i • Usually the greatest danger isn't sick can be carrying tho I our festive wreaths, trees and brilliant lights. come,, when mumps attack an yirua around and giving the dis- IN TQ.E FEPC movement,^* adult, hence a person is lucky to ease to some of the children he Clayman has preferred to re­ Get Threats have a mild form of the disease meets, main in the background. How­ ORANGEBURG, S. C. — Ne­ in childhood. ever, It is generally known he TREES*WREATHS . Fortunately Involvement of he* been the backbone of the groes ore. receiving -threatening A point to be,remembered ia the testicle Is rare in children. Big trees .. 1 little on*i.,, " letters here for their boycott ot that the virus of ' mumps can Ohio Committee for FEPC leg­ Parents will be relieved to islation since its inception. spruces... hemlocks , .*; firs. white merchants opposed to cause fever and illness and per­ hear that while such an In­ school integration.. *s Moreover, he not only gave _* haps inflammation of the testi­ flammation may later impair Mrs. H. F. P.ierce, vie© presi­ cles without any involvement of anstlntlngly of his time and the fertility of a man. It Is not priceless advice, .but through Get your tree dent of tbe locaj NAACP, re­ the salivary glands—under the likely to produce impotence, I ceived one such letter and turn* ear such cases can be puzzling. his Influence, the CIO vir­ but sometimes it will produce tually underwrote the operat- Cw How. Wreaths ed it over to police. atrophy of the testicles. The "It isn't the only one that's effect on the ovaries of women been sent," she said. The FBI is TIIE TESTICLE IS affected In some few attacks severe to wreathe your in about 18 percent of males who generally Is transieV. and all deafnesg comes, with dizziness, I reportedly investigating them. over within a couple of get the disease after the age of vomiting and curious jerking of home in holiday puberty, and the ovary ia in­ months. the eyes. Unfortunately, such I Bad News Dept. volved in 9 percent of females deafness is usually permanent often puberty. An inflammation and perhaps 5~*percent of deaf **%, beauty. Federal income tax forms for PANCBEATITES MUST be **, use during the 1930 filing' season of the brain and ita covering mutes owe their tragedy to go into the mails* in time to membrane* occurs in more than suspected when, with mumps, mumps. HOLIDAY Fonograf _g reach taxpayers between Dec 10 perc*»t of all cases. there is marked tenderness in 27 and Jan. 10. Ia rare eases there may be the upper part of his abdomen. WITH THE HOPE of avoiding fer the )..«>. pop ******* or Ufa-brew 9\% */9 Sometimes there is pain, vomit- inflammation of tha testicle a Decorations For Your Tree! some involvement of the inner do«J. ... yoa'H love the iporhim« per. •**-** <•% **l saw tt In Ih. Ohio Senti­ ing and diarrhea, and rarely number of doctor, have tried nel.'* ear, the eye* the thyroid gland, tornonce et HOUOAV-the mast popular fonograt m the wcrldl « Tree Lights . . . stringers . . . sugar in the urine. Occasionally giving hormones, but it is doubt­ the tihynt-s gland, the breast, in children and young adults the ful if this does any good. fiayi oil tpeedi cutomortcally ... wilh truest fidelity. Volum* ______icicle* . . . artificial mow ... the pancreas, er the prostate breasts will become inflamed. Usually the only treatment fen* controls. Wabcw. CERAMITE cartridge with two sapphire tfyW. gland. Inflammation of the brain and for mumps is rest in bed. Kg .peeler for bath high and low freavende*. U. L Approved, crystal decorator pieces. (ash Refunds Some children feel better with fe beaudlul Ru_se. and Beige or Green and In the U. S., mumps begin to -*• coverings can cause fever, an Ice pack. Inflammation of Today! NEXT Week! appear usually In October and headache, sometimes vomiting, the testicle Is generally best Beige. Alao available with radio at $9995 the epidemic then becomes more Often* rigidity of the neck and 0 BEAUTIFUL treated with warmth. In very Next Month severe throughout the winter. "P-ne usually changes in the severe eases the doctor may AII*^ •___!___ I ** ^»*u*_ 8ometlmes summer epidemics spinal fluid, but rarely convul- -g AU Music Sound. Better on a WEBCOR CERAMIC Bion make a little nick tn the testi­ All YEAR are seen. The youngest person -*. The conditions usually cle so as to release tho pres* gNO DOWIfPAVNBfT -UP fo 104 WEEKS TO PAY Get your m a m b e r e h 1 p recorded to my knowledge with **-d>s-de in from two to four days, sore which Is causing pain and GIFTS card now. Costs less than mumps was a baby a day old, —*d it seldom leaves any residue which may later eaase atro­ and the oldest patient was 99. P* trouble. RIFLES-SHOTGUNS 12 cents a week to save phy. ONI SHELLS FOB Ae LADI «*, 10%. 26% cash re­ In peacetime, nine out of 10 In many cases examination of Because mumps ia due to a funds on purchases of cases of mumps occur in .hil- the spinal fluid will show small virus, one must not treat EVERY M6HT $1.00 or more, from parti, dren under the age of 15. During changes even when the child has the disease with* antibiotics: cipating Merchants. One War I there was a dangerous no symptoms to suggest that his One cannot expect them to do TH 485 I LOW ST. COLUMBUS, 0. year membership f 5.95. epidemic of mumps among re* brain is involved. Fortunately, any good. Actually, reports have A1X-STATE CLUB emits who, having been brought in only one case in perhaps 6000 revealed that srreomycin and up on lonely ranches In the west, does mumps cause such inf lam- Chloromycetin were thoroughly BELL'S RADIO & TELEVISIOK S Col's Branch 331 N. 20th St Columbua, Ohio 2ft IEE US FOR BEST SELECTIONS II N. Third fit. Rm. 23S had never had the disease. Dur» motion of the brain that lasting tried and found to have no cure- • CA. 4-6662 CA. 4-2308 Ing that war.mumps was third injury results.. tive effect ° *m*apm-ieatii*~r' •*'>.***-• *..__-

• • • *'*»»»•-*'*'*_<*».**>•'•-

1EC. 2—PAGE 2 SATURDAY. DECEMBER SA. IB&*% TH? WMQ ^WTIN^t SATURDAY, DECEMBER^, life THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC. 2—PACE S &*<** o_'Jk'_-****-<*. 'j*****".*****-*-*!* *_<*<»<*'*.<*'.*<* -A USTEN TO AND rtSIT OUR '*t*~m*m\r****m****in*-*^ j Meyer Kirts Van B. Fan-row - lirs. C A. Bryca Ed Segbers George C. Berry 0 V Curtiss Credit Store Hawthorne Printing Co. Bryca Florist. King Coat Co. Chesapeake Snack Bar * II VEftrilM DISC JOCKEY SHO t i Ralph Byrd Z Raleigh Randolph Richard Shanklin Abo Krakoff. Ammon G. Brown r Capitol City New* Agency Byrd & Sou Auto Laundry i j- ' A/.y the spirit of Every Saturday Cottage Sandwich Shop Kt.ik )[t"» Underselling Store Realtist Afternoon f Waldo W. Tyler L-ewrenc- Curtis Ben Morris Cart L. Brown this icy on* season Over WCOL ' Tyler's Drug Stores Robert J. Randla Attorney Brown's IGA Food Store Atlanta Lite Insurance Co. Lee's Men's Store remain with you (1230 on Your Dial) A Jake SIUSSMUI Mrs. Gladys Daboay Morrey Cohen Charles W. Bryant, Jr. I » Sussman A Son East Market Restaurant With John Cundiff Lee's Style Shop C. W. Bryant & Sons, I.ict. «lweys..a gm w Self-Serve Market Cundiff Dry Cleaners w J. L. Stewart William A. Toler Dean Hanivare G>.- Rev. C. F. Jenkins Attorney JAY JASIN * John Green Robert (Bob) Cnnady Second Baptist Church r t ; Barber Club I.iti-hf.ud Edward Dawkini and William Shopoff ft Direct From Our Store | Howard Hull Collins Haynes worth Orrie Hathaway Casablanca Bar in Person *L Hull's Sunoco Station Dave Hsuadter Ban P«_& Hathaway-Ferguson Eitel's Pharmacy Commercial Printers Roofing Co. Earl S. Sherard, Jr. P Sam Weiner MD i a Weiner Loan Co. COME IN AND SEE William Lucas y A. B. Flint Lucas Pure Oil Station OUR LARGE STOCK **" ' Club Trocaveria i OF RECORDS Gabby Rubin PROGRAM DIRKCTOR for JAY JASIN, WCOL 9 H. W. Games Mort's Clothing _c Shoo Co. i Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity OPEN EVENINGS jf DDS j conclave in Columbus Dec. 26- Allen Leisure w i HON. MICHAEL FEIGHAN 30 in Matthew G. Carter, exe­ * Mrs. Helen Richardson Laisure Tranter 4- Storage Co A 5 Washington, D. C. 20th Ohio District cutive aecretary of Spring St. * Finesse Beauty Salon YMCA. MUSIC ANTHONY'S SHOP James J. McCown 0 v****** ****'•--*•*'-?**** *->»*** ^v,-v*A%^«/'*.-*r«r,v,«*,»i»-«,«f/i*,»j; ^ Ernest Haye. , r McCown'^ Enterprises **^'*_t *-t'*_-*'*< _l*>* '*** *i*« ft "A*.** 'ft '*** * J. * _. *rt *f- **%*•?* ft* *i> eg, **- ''Columbus* Neteest end' finest*' v Daniel Boone Clesuers Joseph Wall i a /& SD ^s>. \ 2.591 N. HIGH AM. 8*1788 » Leonard L. Holland Neighborhood Hous« Coke Extends 1 State Auditor *? Paul Dorsey j William (Bubbles) Holloway Lincoln Branch Courtesies Be Informed — Read The Sentinel 5 Longview Athletic Crub Ohio National Bank tf _* \' 5 /1 r _k\ jPaul E. Robinson - Amos H. Lynch t^'ftfft<„^ gBruce Johruoa Charles Schilling i -on_«,fu1 m Johnson Roofing A Heating Schilling Roofing _. Tiotaf Cn."* (Mrs. Celestine Lindsay Robert K. Stepbesss C_rl.tn.-t 0 t *X Celestine'a Rendezvoua Service Pharmacy can tiiiirf e .Orris A. May. Frank C. Shearer m e? § Realtist Attorney

-? CRobert McKarn Howard Sber a) •5 tj Itumber H. L. Sher & Son, Jewetetn -r t? ^Clarence Ramsey Grover Simpson * **• Columbus Laundry Simpson-Barton Tire Co. •5 iLoui. Ransom Charles F. Spicer 0 Our |olly good wlthts | Ransom Coal A Hauling Co. Spicer Furniture Co. 3 go out to oil our .-,gr * a_i *r J Mrs. D. A. Whittaker $-.«**• *St MS *m •_-«__ L LewLi* Cafe ~ tt Vernon'Tailoring _• tf BELMONT CLUB J- former Miss Dorothy M. John­ Bryca Jackson Ber. Littleton Clothing Co. * son, whose parents, Mr. andtf Henry Joyner, Pres William Thornton, Mgr. i aDavid D. White George __ James Jefferson Eastside Cab Co. B. T. Littleton Sign Co. _» Mra. Allen Johnson, reside in i 688 E. Long St. Columhus. Ohio V g Club Regal Speedy Cleaners Donald WiRcer Columbus. *****-%»**, -*-*•.>*-> -*'-**H****-*t-***iO****9,*9P*****to**,*9j*&M*-*r$ (Alfred D. Black William Garrison Pete Forwicb Sam Loper VRC Bowling Alleys Mrs. Kendrix and their sons a Black' Furniture Co. For-Bren Market East Market Grocery * will accompany the public rela­ s Hutchsinsoo Fu*«Mlure Co. Norman E. White tions man to Columbus. tf) esse Reed Owen L- Curtis J. C. Cole-nan Charles Schuhnan C. D. White A Son « R. A E. Paint -__ w_s.aw vi._iiiu«» **. snd is now a museum of Byzan- '»_«te'*5^^««sj«l_'l;*_»i*^«*l«;i_«*l>' S Xi *-_#*fl»*t.>*#it*^^«^^^^^^^^^ac»^^^^^j t »ne art. • .. , _ . ** ***^(*': 4*-tt*tr-_.**_- -*t>K**to***>*X.*-t**->>*^ s&L THE OHIO SENTINEL SATiTRbAV, P-C-MB-R 24,,'•'•$&• SATURDAY. ftECEMBER 24. ISSS THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC. Z—PAGE 1 Shiloh Bapr. Church Honors Impressive Ceremony Unites Senior Choir Performs society . r. Napper With Testimonial The Messiah1 Sunday (By BLANCHE M. VAN HOOK ,gelher on Hit Trustee Board for Miss Cam ; Mr. Brooks Shiloh Baptist church «nd the : 25 years." On behalf of Shiloh XENIA—',The Messiah" was Dewey Jamcrson was organist. j Adult Dcpt. of its Church sohool {Baptist, he presfnied the hon- Miss Phyllis Jean Campbell sleeves which tapered to points Seating guests were Robert A. AKA Sorors Entertain presented Sunday evening at Invocation tor the service waa ' gave* a splendid testinv nlal pro- oree with a lovely clock. became the bride of Maurice D. over the hands. Anderson, Charle8 Watkins, Da­ Zion Baptist by senior choir, di­ gram Wednesday evening in! Mr. Hernon Jiukson. member Brooks Saturday, Nov. 28. vid Harris and Robert Robinson. given by Rev. J, S. Hanley, pas­ The skirt featured a scalloped rected by George W. Ellis. This Burks auditorium of the C'olum-jof the Deacon Beard: "I have The bride i the daughter of edge of lace which fell over lay­ Master Rickey Pruitt, nephew tor of Zion Baptist. s performance was their opening CS,i 'Force Undergrads bus edifice, . been acquainted with Mr. Nap- Mr. and Mrs. William T. Camp­ ers of tulle terminating in a of the bride, wa8 ring bearer The occasion honored Mr.!per for SO years, and I have bell, 2068 Greenway N., Colum­ brush train. Her fingertip veil and Miss Jo Brooks, sister of the concert for the winter season. A life-like panorama depict­ XENIA—Rho Omega chapter Anita Johnston, Staunton. Va., Nelson L. Napper, staunch lay* nt.»r known n finer Christian bus. He is the son of.Mr. and of imported Illusion was caught groom, wa3 flower girl. • of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority "Miss Central State College " man of this denomination. Seat­ gentleman in -very sense of the Mrs. Effley Brooks, 446 S. Wash­ to tiers of ruffled lace encrusted e e e ing the Bethlehem story forms Soloists were Evelyn Harris * ru (t. in* d undergraduate mem­ Graduate members attending ed at the special guest* table word. He Has established an en­ ington av. with pearls and iridescents. She A RECEPTION IN the church a colorful background for the ber,. Of Central State college were Misses ^ and Mesdames with him were Dr. *>nd Mrs. viable record here." * a a carried a corsage of white or­ auditorium followed the cere­ and Mary Hurst, sopranos; Peg­ 5:45 a. to. service at Caldwell and Wilberforce university at a Phyllis WalkerV Lillian Fauster. James W. Parrish. Mr. and Mrs. . * . THE 7:20 P. M. rites were so* chids centered with aqua rose­ mony. Mrs. Campbell received gy Anderson, alto; Wayman Temple AME Zion chorch, Co­ lumbus, on Sunday. Dec. 25. dinner party Sunday. Vivian Lewis, Helene Taylor. Charles Worley, bro'.her-in-law MR. RAYMOND R. DAVLS. lemnized by Rev. C. F. Jenkins buds. guests in a ballerine gown of Hathcock, tenor, and Rev.W, C. Evelyn Crawford, Dorothy and sister of Mr. Napper; Mr. at 2nd Baptist before an altar • » • mink brown peau de soie. A cor* Following dinner, an evening active layman of St. Paul AME. T. Ayers, bass. Ellis conducted Smith, Gloria Winfrey, Gertrude l.conard Napper, Sr., and son, highly commended Shiloh mem­ decorated with white chrysan­ MISS JENNIE CAMPBELL, gage of bronze orchids completed of .nYgirig and conversation was Leonard, Jr., son ond grandson PVT. NORMA J. ROBERTS. and also served as accompanist. Holhmd. Eleanor Hickerson, bership for developing the Chris­ themums, magnolia, croton lea sister of the bride, was maid of her ensemble. Mrs. Brooks chose rr-nt Outstanding undergrad­ Frances Woodson, Johnice Pick­ of the honoree, respectively; t***imfmieti*ans*mtemtattS tian spirit to give a testimonial formerly of 1306 Atcheson st., ves and seven-branched candel honor. Attendants were Misses a gown of rose slipper satin with uates introduced were Miss Jane ens, Ros_lie HiH, Nancy Stokes. Mr: and Mrs. Charles D. Heck. ual Columbus, is now with the abra. Joan and Jessie Wilson, Carol I a stole of Imported tulle encrus­ -f s^***\ L__-_ * T Caidwell, Denver, Colo., highest Blonzetta Howard, Gwendolyn Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Hook* program for such a deserv person as Mr. Napper while Women's Army Corps at Ft. Given in marriage by her fa­ Green and Sylvia Sanders, tho ted with « silver design. Her xarlbing student at Wilberforce.. Pyrtle, B. Hayes, Theresa Fra­ er, Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Sill, Okla.1 Pvt. Roberts ex­ was still alive snd could enjoy ther, the bride wore a gown of latter of Cleveland. corsage was a white orchid. CJcmcms Miss Alice Windon, St. Louis, zier. Thelma Turner, Lula Long, Nix, Mrs. Emma Cash, Miss pects tc be in Columbus soon They wore ballerina length secretary of the Student Council it. chantilly lace and nylon tulle Hostesses were M e s d a m es Ruth Stewart, Dorothy Water­ Phenon Summer* and Miss on leave. over satin. The basque bodice, gowns designed with moulded VerdeU Green, Bessie Jefferson, end top ranking student at Cen­ man. Dolly Deselle, Anna Mid- Blanche Van Hook. Dr. Parrish: *'Mr. Napo»»r has bodices, full circular skirts and tral State; Mis Barbara Fields,, encrusted with iridescents, was Pearl Stewart, Misses Ann Chan­ s dleton. Fannie Brown, Althea Refreshments "were served j been a member of this denomi- designed with an illusion neck bustle bows. Bandeaux and dler, Betty Hopson, Marilyn Dayton, winner of the "Miss j Brown. Sammv Walker aod from beautifully appointed 1a- i nation for ovex 55 years, and he Ohie" contest for 1956. and Miss!Gloria Patterson. Jolly 16 Meets line accented with seed pearls. stoles of matching tulle complet­ \Long, Rosetta Taylor and Rosita blcs in the auditorium, which j is undoubtedly one of the finest Pearls also adorned the upper ed their gowna of pastel shades. 'Johnson. was decorated in Yuletide motif. men I have ever bad the rlcas- The honor attendant carried a The bride is a senior in ele­ The /oily 16 club met,Tuesday ure of knowing. In him. we can cascade of happiness roses cen­ mentary education at Ohio State • • • wilh Mrs. Emma Brown, 1061 RIF Club Entertains . INVOCATION HAS by Dracon see Christ, for he is a man of tered with an orchid. Other bou* university. She is actively en­ Our -Jnarcst uHsncj great humility. He is an ideal Madison av., Columbus. quetg were of shattered carna­ gaged in church and musical Robert EvSnS. Mr. Leonard for a Christmas rich Faulkner introduced Mrs. Em­ layman, wbc ip faUbful to this In attendance were Misses and tions and roses. circles. ma Cash as mistress ef cere­ church and its program. He is Mesdames Viola Binford, presi­ JLtefresh Rudolph Smith was best man. The groom is also enrolled at In the blessings of Veterans At Chillicothe monies. The senior choir of the always cooperative, and we dent, Mercedes Byrant, Florence the same school in electrfcal en­ highly \-_lu_ bis services." gineering. He is a member of the RIF club made its annual visit Briggs, baritone, sang -with ac­ church, with . Mrs. Madolin Coleman. Jannie Carr,'Iola* John­ love and friendship. to "Veterans hospital in Chillico­ Johns, church organist, as ac­ • * • son, Dora Mabra, Ethel Bryant, pledge club of Kappa Alpha Psi companiment by Rudolf V. Wo­ without fraternity. the- iecently. companist, rendered several of ON BEHALF OF Class No. 3 Nettie White, Lmj-* Singer, and Marriage mack. A lyre solo was rendered • • • MARS Th» Columbus group arranged by Mrs. Jackie Benton accom- "Mr. Napper's favorite songs. of the Church school. Mr. A. T. Mr. DeWilt Coleman. • A congratulatory lei t g r a m THE COUPLE received many for special music at morning pained !<• Mrs. Florence Scott. Reid, its teacher, presented Mr. Gifts and-greeting cards were worship t-> th chapel. Partici­ .was read from Mr. Napper's I Napper with a gift. filling handsome gifts. A miscellaneous DRUG e Club members remained after­ received by Mrs. Jannie Carr in Announced relatives in Chicago, Dr, Grace ' shower honoring the bride was pants were the Travelaires, Wil­ ward nnd entertained one of 'the recognition of-.her birthday. liam Mann, George Philmore. wards. Mis Stephanie A. Foster Napper, Maj. and Mrs. Stith: Mr. Leonard N. Nipper, boys' given by the young people's s and Mrs. Virginia Dews, who j work secretary of the -th St. Plans were made-ior'the club's choir of 2nd Baptist. CO. 'Soloman Espie, Charles Barnes sang and danced. Miss Geral­ annual Christmas 'party, with and Edward Williams. W. Leon were unable to attend. YMCA in Dayton, sang "The dine Griffin played piano selec­ Representative, uf various.) Lo--,^ Prayer." He stated that gift exchange.-rat Mrs! Binford's Abingdon club also honored tions and Mrs. Benton entertain­ her with a similar shower. A 1042 Mt. Vernon Ave. groups gave remark;, pertaining he was indeed very proud of the home, 931 Atcheson .St., Monday, # Columbus Ohio, # FA. 0496 Choral music, featuring four ed on the lyre. Apples, oranges to the honoree, excerpts from Dec. 26, at 7 p. rrt. The hostess personal shower was given by and cigarettes were distributed. many fine tributes paid his fa­ hostesses. pfr> *^ «>«>-*.-?>•,* *->«*> -_»*z* *r*•_»•«#•.>v*•lr*v*•*?*~>-_**^*«>, great cboirs aed a male cho­ which are: ther. He introduced some mem­ served a salad course. re*, will highlight the worship • RIF members are Mesdames nf ,h and Misses Ruby Gilliam. Mau- Miss Phenon Summers, presi­ bers * « YMCA staff, whose Ai*mem**aem*tmtnsememem9*m* •etvlee held on Christmas dent of N. 21st St. Neighborhood executive Secretary,' Mr. Wal­ morning at 5:45 o'clock at rine 1. Flood, Mary Carter, Ida REGISTER .NOW ! I I Benton, Ruth Jones, Louise Re'a* club: "Mr. Napper has lived on lace Hawkins said Daytonians Caldwell Temple AME Zion our street for 35 year-, and ser­ would be glatl to. have the hon­ LUCY DEAN NURSERY cburch, Columbns. mrs, Elsie Ray. Ma_de Yuill. Reva Hodge and Marcelia Ren­ ved for quite awhile as president oree in their midst. AND KINDERGARTEN nick. of our club. He improved the I 8,0 St Clair Av. WA 2589 standards of our community by j Miss Dorothy Himes, general his upright life." She presented chairman of the testimonial pro­ Supervised Christian Care him with a gift from the club., gram, th*ink«d thou who parti­ and Training cipated. Ages MO . ears . Licensed THE BROADVIEW Mr. Charles D.' Heck, chief j Home clerk, •Division of Water:--'.'Mr. | Benedict ><»n was pronounced - Tra.>M'vri>tinn Furnished Napper hag been employed by bv Dr. Parrish. PARTY HOME the city of Columbus for 43 Private Parties, Banquets, Weddings years, the past 14 of which hove been in the Divisicn ef Water. THE COLUMBUS HOME LAUNDRY Fraternities and Lodges He is »n excellent employee and a splendid Chriftiir gentle* ANELDRY CLEANEPS MRS. JACK MADDEN 1* Specialty: Box Lunches and Texas Barbecue man." Chane™ *n_ Laonderers of Quality and Distinction Delivery Service After 3 P. M. on 10 or More Orders Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Wilson, A Oa* Stop Cleaning Service The 221 S. Wheatland av., Columbus, .210 E- BROAD ST. DO. 5434 Mr. Henry Fulton, a member of the Men's Usher Bo;»id: "Mr. AU Work Done At Our Plant announce the marriage of their . Edna Buster Stephens it William W. Williams, Co-Mgrs. Napper mag our first secretary. «2« E.-LONG ST. Columbus. O. FE. 541* daughter. Donna Lou, to Mr. Jack Madden, son ot Mr. and **f* *-"» ****-*tia***9 'Sa'tm* em e-gp «* *»<»>» <» ' 'i_ 'ft '«*. < ft < .> *W* e ' hav*,- e always been good friends.'* t$i'* f» ^^gfti* nsn**Aee*emt*A <** **** * * ** «* ** «* <** Mrs. Jack Madden, 397 S. ivc extend to our tnarrpr refreshment Wheatland av. If Mrs. Ethel Dusty, vice presi­ The cerenv/fny was performed good friends e sincere witli for a Yuletide dent Cla.sj, No. 3 of tht Church 2 FUll GLASSES | June 3 in Covington, Ky. » Il^flpii school: "For 17 years, Mr. Nap­ Mrs. Madden attended West laden witli a wealth of tlie good e per was our wonderful teacher. ! IN EVERY BOTTLE High. He was graduated from t He also taught a class cf boys *. West and now attends Ohio-State things In life. May every day be filled will, the for three more years. He has a (WITBOI'T ICE) university. t Christlike attitude." f PEPS! STILL GIVES They are residing at 309 S. blessings of good health, happiness e 'Wheatland ay. i Mrs. Esther Walker Tyree. i YOU MORE! and warm friendship*. t supervisor, Adult Dept., Church school: "For over 40 years, Mr. * * Napper has been a great worker e in this department and has ser- . _- tf ved faithfully under five pastors. *•*. He is humble, benevolent and *% gracious." She g">vc a number 6 of reminiscences and closed with a prayer about friendship. * m . i t re*-'"**'"**-* ^r-*tt>her*''' r. MR. EDWARD. L. NIX. gen­ a eral superintendent Church 3 e schcol: "Mr. Napper has been a I friend to this chuich and all of e it„ members e*er since it was _• t established. He is a deserving m candidate for the-Ha)] of Fame a because of his splendid ser­ a vices." He presented Mr. Napper f with a scroll containing the 3 a CURTISS CREDIT names of 100 members and a friends. I a JUNIOR LEAGUERS CLUB CLOTHING and JEWELRY Mr. Samuel D. Hockex, vice MOONEY LAUNDRY * a Chairman, Trustee Ecaid: "1 See Wee and Jean Zane and Lonnie Columbus, Ohio- a Columbus, Ohi••-o J'valuh' e Mr. Napper nu on# of ny ._.*«-*••_•-*. *n*ie_»»e,._» „<_,%!>*.,^*_-V MI, ^M»te-^**_**-_i•*_•** rleaxcFt friends. We eeiv.d tt> SS3 Mt. Vernon Ave. Columbus. Ohio * *t 1012 ML Vernon Ave. •e^-^^ie,^-^^^^^^^,^^,^^^,^^^^^,^^ *ff**t<*kf***rmf**fi\*^

••***nm»apma^*Jw*m**W.e-'*-**r.-rmam <• -*-*:.:»» I'-fmnfifuVfl-tVir—' I11"'1 ••*• l-""*********a*W***tmm**mm1HI- I !•- »

frEC J*—PAGE S THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1955 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24. 19S5 THE OHIO SENTINEL SBC,. fr-PAl.* 7 HENRi'l An Easy Way To Daughters Honor Fr., Mrs. Cochran BEAUTY SALON Cook Spaghetti .»»a«»»^^ Motto: "Not to Equ.nl. Next time you cook macaroni With Wedding Anniversary Fete but to Excel'* or spaghetti, try cooking it this Oprs. Beatrice Hanimons, easy way. Fop each 4 ounces of macaroni or spaghetti, use 3 DAYTON. — Misses Brendn. Mrs. Cochran. Friends were re-1 the last six years, Fr. Cochran Casidenla Harris, Johnnie Janiecc and Marriseva Cochran; ceived at their home on Dear- has been priest-in-charge at SL Hinkle cups of water und 2 teaspoons SHH. Bring water to boiling. Add daughters of Fr. and Mrs. M. born av. 'Margaret's Episcopal church Bartlett Cochran, honored their hcre Appointment** Not salt and macaroni or spaghetti. The Cochrans married 2o| * Nere.-y-arv Boil rapidly, stirring constantly, parents with an informal recep­ years ngo in Montclair, N. J. j Many parishoners and friends for 2 minutes.. Coyer, remove tion Saturday evening. ita s. *>th st. EV. ._-_ Since then, they have lived in extended best wishes to the from heat and let stand 10 min­ Occasion was the 20th wed Mason and Memphis, Tenn.,; Cochrans. They have another utes. Drain and rinse. ding nnniversary of Fr. and Daytona Beach, Fla., ana for'daughter, Carol Ann. * MONDS' Classic Beauty Salon Sentinel Recommended 124 N. 17th St. - FK 5132 Chignons, Psgeboys A Brslds Complete Beaaty Serviee ZZ" **mJeaulif m^alond Operator: Helen Sims Leas Mono*. Prop. To Have Your Business Included In This Directory (Booths Fer Bent) . Call FE. 7416. Deadline Monday 12 Noon. FLAMINGO Beauty Shop Hairweaving with real human hair a .specialty. A process of weaving hair close to the scalp, matching perfectly la texture and color thst FR. AND MRS. M. BARTLETT COCHRAN receiv­ of year own. Can be shampooed, combed, ed gue.sts in their home Saturday on their 20th wedding brushed and treated as you do your own. anniversary. The Cochran, family includes, from left: Clssses sre being formed for training Inter­ Janiece, Fr. Cochran, Carol Ann, Mrs. Cochran, Brenda ested persons. r and Marri.seva. See story.—Collins Photo. JOHNNIE MAE PUGH. Prop. Opea 9 A. M. till 9 P. M. JOHNNIE MAE PUGH 12.10 E. LONG ST. FA. 5317 Eastern Stars 1 ' •'• '"' "•» il r_ — il. • ... ~ HAWKINS' BB6AM0I _•_. Elect Officers Hsir Conditioner (With Lanolin) . Operator Wanted XENIA.—Eaftern Star Chap­ WILL DELIVER FA-ROSE CL**4SSIC JUST A MERE ter 2 elected officers Friday Beauty Salon during a meeting at Masonic Res. EV. G313 Bus. CA. 8 3411 Beauty Berr BEAUTY SAWN hall. Mrs. Rosa McKinney is dO? Mt. Vernon Ave. FE. 1111 -45 N. 20th St. - FA. 3370 325 Mt. Verooa __ FE. 30*.o Complete Beauty Serviee worthy matron for the new Hawkins* Scalp Treatment A Specialty Complete Beauty Service Faye Crews, Manager, term. Beauty Salon Ines Roberts, Ida Mse Smith. Charlie Mse Log an, Prop. Winifred Mitchell. Sally Others elected were .Rev. Clsra Rogers, Operators Operators: Lovella Dsvies. Nolan, Willie Mac Stanley, Alonzo Ware, worthy pbtron; 687 E. Long SL CA. 8-3411 Ferris Beasley, Rosalie Leona Wade, Louise Smith, Anus Flenard, Operators Mrs. Maie McDaniels, associate Whitley, Props. Alice Brown, Anna Boicman, Elgetba Currington, Owner matron; Mrs. Hattie Corbin, Hazel Moses Sedolia Smyre treasurer; Mrs. Juanita Sam­ 514 W. Chapel St. CA. 1-7721 uels, secretary; Mrs. Jennie CORINNAJS KITTY'S Bennett, conductress; Mrs. Mil­ Charlotte Dublin dred Johnson, associate "conduc­ 1411 N. 5th St, AX. 9-2419 Beauty Salon THE SISTERS' ' BEAUTY SALON tress; Mrs. Anna-Fauster, finan* 311 N. Washington Avs. 1000 E. Long St. FE. 7171 cial secretary, and Mrs. Ruby Eugene Tate Complets Beaaty Service BEAUTY SAION Formerly Wilh Johnson, three-year trustee. 149 Barthman Ave. HI. 4-3303 Dyeing A Hating a Specialty VIOLA MITCHELL, Prop. Exquisite Mode Hsir Cutting A Manicures (r«rmcrlr With ItUUpa'a Shop) Cecil Mahan No Appointment Necessary Tints—Dyes—Hair Cutting IfiA MAE SMITH, Operator 474 Glendower Ave. HI. 3-6813 BttS. CA. I-46.'.S-Res. EV. 5685 dtormrrl* Wilh Our Specialty COLUMBUS LAUNDRY As we approach the season that symbolizes Augusta Stokes, Eula Richey *:•••••* Beauty Salon) Mabel McKnight, Opr. __ DRY CLEANING sod Ethel, Operators Complete Beauty Service KITTY WILKS, Prop. Cyrethia Stewart peace and good will, we recall with gratitude CORINNA NICHOLS, Prop. Appointments 9 A.M.-6 P.M. 906 Mt. Vernon Av*., CePs, O. 515 Fairfield Ave. . FA. 3833 OPERATOR WANTED 309 Innis Ave. HI.' 4-8715 Famil- «ad Bachelor Bundle* tht friendship, we have made In the years that have passed. EBONY Drape*, Blanket*. Repair/ A Alteration* Sentinel society writer Beauty Salon Blanche M. Van Hook is the May this greeting serve to carry the -wish that your Christmas FASHIONETTA BEAUTY BAR ' FLORINE RAMSEY. Mgr. Ml Mt. Vernon Ave. • FE. 8276 C. L. RAMSEY. Prep. dean of central Ohio report­ •971 B. LONG ST. CA. M64I Complete Beauty Service ers of the .social scene. be Joyous and the Mew Year hold all that you desire. Complete Beaaty Service IDA MAE GRIFFIN, Owner Oprs: Gertrude MeElrwy, -Catherine Gunnel!, Operators: Ann Dyer, Gladys Eileen Robinson, Herbert. Sellers, Winifred Wallace Rutledge Moore, Travis 2a- Operator Wanted Jackson *-•*•-'•.* _•_••••-••••• ' >..••• _— Operators Wanted s4d6 fan t6c my SANFORD BEAUTY SALON Staff and Management Of ar­ 176 Cleveland Ave. CA. 4-4451 I TILLEEN'S Complete Beauty Service — HATTIE SANFORD, Prop. ' ^**\ Operators: Mable Dobbins Beaute Shoppe %** Mable Brown sad Hattie Crawford 94\ Mt Vernon Ave. • FE. S461 (Formerly With Bowman Besaty Salon) Open Monday thru Saturday #01 Operators: \ Melven Givens, Rhea Brown NOVELTY BAR IMA'S BEAUTY SHOP Jessie Vinson. Greta .Mitchell ACCEPT^ Complete Beaaty Service—Hair Styling and Scalp Treatment Prop. ARTHILA LOGAN sf r. Prop. IMA JOHNSON, Operator Annie Rath Ashley . tAr. & Mrs. Otto Beatty, Proprietors 590 St. Clair Ave. FE. 64183/ Open Daily 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. IMITATION HOUSE of GLAMOUR B_B PHOEBE HAIR STYLIST. Of .New York City 999 Mt. Vernon Ave., EV. 5311 Recommended Ba­ Personalized hair styling. Latest methods of beauty cul­ Complete Beauty Service 741 E. LONG ST. CApital 4-0552 rn* ture. Styling, cutting, shaping, tinting and bleaching to Hsir Styling—Hair Cutting by Beauticians % fit your personality. Specialists in corrective hair prob­ A Specialty _£ lems. Distinctive styling for discriminating women. Prop. Mattie Warren Turner Opsrators: Clara Caldwell, Everywhere! _? PHOEBE ANN BARKER, Proprietor Lear Ware, Msry Frances i AW Russell, Annie Kate Jackson, COLUMBUS, OHIO •48 E. LONG ST. EV. 2434 Ben-tee Hag has I. POSHER. IncT 111 West 128th St. mr B-S-a-HB ' "" "1 'in Hi i illisjiliu I ff%t%%&Hg*?*re^ M •mpmampty*---*-&>**-i***-**- * -__-_SM. i'•"-»- •••'•'l ' f'-* — «P—»»

!• ' ••:>. •"•• ' I SATURDAY, DECEMBER *<4, 1958 *** T.._- OHIO I see. 2—PAGE a THE OHIO SENTINEL SENTINEL flfi|»Br^^ Kappa Edition

May the message of the first Christmas dwell in your heart at this joyous I season, inspiring renewed| devotion to its shining ideal of Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Mm. TOPPER'S BARBER SHOP 648 E. Long St. William (Bill) Hawkins, Prop. Kappa Meeting TCTo every home, via Santa's ^sleigh, we'd like to send AS^our sincere wishes for a -grbountiful rarasorr of th gbest things In life . . Khealth, friendship, love . . paJhaA* S_V_\ May your family hearth be f£_eep happiness that wi rendare throagh all warm with happiness at At thb frry special season of the year. It's our "years ahead. Christmas . • . may its pleasure to greet yoo, our good friends sqd pa­ good cheer long glow in trons, and to wish yoa thst the coming year may yoer memory. This Is our be a tin* of peace en earth, good will toward fOUNG'S GROCERY men. Happy holidays to one and all! Greetings, friends and "Mattie and Harold" sincere wish for yen. neighbors f We sure 5S2 Lexington Ave. FE. 4042 hope Santa's good to '•****"*"*j*,'yt. JOHNSON HIUMON'S CONFECTIONERY you. We hope. too. that BARBER SHOP Oliver & J. I. Hillmon, Props. your holiday season is f§ _Wtf# ^"^^ ^Here's the full slelghload just chockful of happt- •of wishes for the merriest 324 E. Fifth Ave. 949 E. Long SL (? *$§LJ*-*\\\Effi holiday season ever . . . W- <^S^2^3"',^p**c,*'d wllh * heaPin* Mr. & Mrs, Ev Johnson •measure of good health, good cheer and good fel­ lowship. Once sgsln the Yuletide BEST MERCHA brings Joy to we world. In E. HUGHES tbe spirit of the season, we send you a sleighfnl of our "We Give S.H Chairman, Board of Trustees Central State College sincere best wishes for 1013-1015 MT. your Holiday happiness. PARTICIPANTS OF NOTE In 45th grand chapter Just an old fashioned wish meeting of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, convening In •*• t to ear many fine friends Columbus Dec. 26-30, include these four men of achieve- Meet Your Date Committee Here -**..*. for a holiday season that - men.. James W. Shocknessy (left), who will receive ££Warm enough to melt ts bright 'n cheerful—sim­ Att'y A Mrs. Kappa. a>ward during public dinner meeting: Dec. 28, is B snowman tn a flash are ply overflowing with Joy, Kwisl.es for your .happiness May your face be wreathed - chairman of Ohio Turnpike Commission. Att'y George good fellowship, happiness A. J. WORSHAM on • ••^this holiday season. Msyj snd health. - In smiles Christmas i-'i B.-'C. Hayes, speaker for public dinner meeting, holds 125 Parkwood Ave. morn, and may you and S»l fraternity.* highest award of distinction, the laurel 6_(its Joys long remain among, 1 sflPyonr moat dearly cherished your family be blessed with • wreath. He is a member of Grand Board of Directors ££ memories. ARTS (ENTER all good things, now and in and NnH Housing committee. Augustus Parker, Ohio We herald the holiday sea* the coming year. PHARMACY son with warmest wishes i State university graduate and former grand polemarch, K for the health and hap­ is master of ceremonies for closed banquet Wednesday, Greetings to our friends and clients 723 E. Long St. piness of *»*• our •oy**-C Dec. 28, 7:30 p. m., at the Neil House. Executive vice friends and good neighbors * 4 YOUNG'S HAT SHOP general chairman of convention is James L. Allen, pole- WATSON REALTY (0. Merry Christmas, every march emeritus of Columbus alumni chapter. body! 812 E. Long SL . 1262 E. Long St. _. Mrs. Robert G.-Watson r SMALLWOOD MARKET Williams & Smallwood, Props. Historic Neil House Hotel 805 Mt. Vernon Ave. 'Tis the season to be toyfai. May tbe star that shone so and "to turn our thoughts Headquarters For Kappa Meet brightly on that Christmas gratefully te that first a preg conference «t 4:30 p. m Eve' of long ago, light our Christmss long ago. May Headquarters for the 45th s way to a world in which all Miss Alberta Johnson m. i *eos of 19..." \. .' -' • * *.'• '-* fl^aaaa^ Downtown Columbus, Ohio — .ill )- |i s I "» " - ' —***—** s. sn! i > I iiitmi rminmUMiiiiij

BEC3~r~ACE2 THE QH|9 ffENTiya. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24. 195S SATUfcOAV. tteOttVLR 14. \SSa\ THECaWdSEffTIWEL tim* WtmimWls Administrative Skill Merited 1955 Kappa Award History Of Zeta Chapter Jame$ W. Shocknessy, chair- I itniversity and Harvard Law in 1951. | Owners Loan Corp. totaling 5306 I elation and Is serving also on a Significant Kappa Programs roan of the Ohio Turnpike Com­ ! seheei. has always lived and Shocknessy gives almost full* million. , j special committee for the Ohio mission, has been named reci- woth.d in Okie. time attention to the turnpike • a a ' Stale Bar Ass'n. Recalls Great Men. Deeds jvcnt ef the annual Kappa Alpha mam chairmanship but opportunity to THE AWARD WINNER'S'ac­ Among other civic duties Sho­ By LOUIS BUTLER reorganized. Brother Arthur A. Psi award for his outstanding carry on careers in law and po­ BIS KNOWLEDGE ot Ohio tivities with the Democratic par­ cknessy has undertaken are Ware, a leader in the council, Geared To General Public job of administering construc­ litics. He was admitted to ihe Zeta chapter of Kappa Alpha men **nd affairs stood him in ty include membership on the those of member of the Board of was elected to OSU's Student Se­ tion of the Ohio turnpike and his bar in 1932 and ha. practiced in the Sinking Fund Commission* Psi, at Ohio State university, is good stead in administering thc stat* executive committee of nate, the first Negro in the The national fraternity of musio by tha Columbus Girl- WVKO-Radio Thursday, Deo. _., -forthright stand on equal em­ Columbus since 1933. ers of Columbus and member of the fifth oldest chapter In tho affaire of the commission. which he has ec-ved as vice- school's history to b« so honor­ Kappa Alpha Psi will be» conven­ choir and remarks by Mayor at 12 noon. ployment opportunities. the Ohio Postwar Planning Co­ fraternity, having been founded chairman for many years. He ed. ing in Columbus for the third Sensenbrenner and Chief Justice Opposition 4o the project did His connection with the $360 was a presidential elector in mmission. Dec. 8, 1913. time when the 48th grand chap* Opening convention dincf Thig award will be conferred not die with the passage of the Carl V. Weygandt, supreme during the public dinner meeting million turnpike does not consti­ 1948. Continuously active since, ter meeting is held Dec. 28-30. Tuesday, Dec. 27, 10* p. m.-l Ohio turnpike act and it required He played a prominent role Shortly after War II, in 191*1, court of Ohio. - Wednesday, Dec. 28, 6:30 p. m., tute the first iqstancc in which He has participated in tbe Zeta's influence has often been In 1918, Zeta undergraduate a. m., will be public. This event, a "firm hand and even firmer re­ also in affairs of the Columbus Columbug Alumni and Zeta Larry H. Robinson, of the host at the Neil House. he has had the responsibility of affairs ef American Bar Ass'n. Town Meeting Ass'n, Columbus felt by the grand chapter. Tha chapter entertained the 8th con­ being sponsored by a group of solution to carry the commission directing expenditure of large chapters prepared to entertain chapter, and C. Rodger Wilson, and at present is n member of Philharmonic Orchestra Ass'n, year following its founding, in clave and in 1945, the grand Columbus social clubs, will bo Shecbaessy. dt, wa, born in through almost three years of sums of money. Along with the 35th grand chapter meeting. grand noiemarch, will preside. Sprint SaM and except fer the the -peeiai e_*t.a_ittee en law­ Columbus Boychoir school end 1916. Zeta, along with Delta The conclave was marred by the chapter held its 33th meeting * * * at Rollerland ballroom, 18th sol harassment in and out of court Henry Brunner of Mansfield, he yer', rndemnH-' ef thst asso- Mt. Carmel hospital. here. Mound sts. ' M years spent at Netre Dame before revenue bonds were sold approved loans for the Home chspter at Wilberforce unlver- death of Brother William Madi­ MATTHEW G. CARTER, exe­ aity. entertained the sixth grand son, one of the few early Zeta cutive secretary, Spt'ing St. chapter meeting in Columbus. men born and reared in Colum­ Outstanding presentations of this convention, all embodying YMCA, will moderate a panel It was at Zeta also, in 1919, bus. discussing "Training for Leader­ thst the first Scroller Pledge the national theme, "Training Plain Dealer Sketch Lauds for Leadership," are being ship" Thursday, Dep. 29. •lab was organised. War I The -8th grand chapter made available to the public meeting was dedicated to re­ Participants are Csrl Has- WALL hsd caused a decline in turning servicemen. Tribute throagh radio, television and sard. Oalde Right chairman of Shocknessy's Executive Skill membership at Zeta but to tha a public dinner meeting. years Just after pledges in­ was paid H. Stratton Hopson tho fraternity; Dr. William L. FLOWER SHOP A thumbnail sketch of James at a wide ranging vocabntsry creased at A tremendous rate. . for bis work tn helping streng­ SOS Cramp, editor-in-chief of tho W. Shocknessy, chairman of the that enables him to belabor an Active* felt pledges needed then Ksppa in Colambas. The C. RODGER WILSON, grand Kspps Journal, and J. Ernest Ohio Turnpike Commission who adversary forcefully aad color­ Indoctrination to the traditions alumni chapter at tho time of polemarch and U. S. employ­ Wilkins. Jr., scientist. Time will receive the 1855 Kappa fully in language reminiscent aad history of the fraternity the -8th conclave was only six ment consultant, will bring and station for this program CORSAGES $480 award, appeared in the Cleve­ had net been confirmed at ef Harvard or of the street, a* before Initiation. rears old. It was a strong greetings to the Columbus com* land Plain Dealer. occaM«n requires. They needed a pledge clab. chapter, however. Brother munity and welcome delegates Sentinel edition time. ORCHIDS ** In part, jt said: • • • Truman K. Gibson spoke for during a nationwide broadcast "As might be expected of Tuesday, Dec. 27. Ho will be J. Ernest Wilkins, U. t. as­ "The man who presides over DURING THE SECOND chap­ the public meeting daring thia sistant secretary of labor, will such a man, Shocknessy Is ca­ ter mooting, in November, 1919, heard over WBNS-Radio at 8 the greatest single public un­ pable ef strong dislikes, but conclave. bo Interviewed by John Terry on GARDENIAS $A William S. Madison suggested p. Hi. dertaking hi the history mt long experience h. the politi­ • • • an appropriate name for the Ohio as chairman ef the Ohio cal arena enables him to avoid THE CONCLAVE brought Wednesday, Dec. 28, "Kappas CARNATIONS *> Turnpike Commission is a per­ grudges when practical con­ club be adopted. Inspired by tho much prestige to Zeta and by in Review" will be aired on sonality whose impart on sideration'- dictate. scroll, official badge of Kappa, October, 1947, It had 74 mem** WTVN-Radio. Richard B. Lynch, i those who come ___» contact Brother EUa8 Tuggle, at that bars. The objective at thst tima, editorial staff member of the AIL CUT FLOWERS "A perfecUonlst himself, time a pledge, suggested the with him is urorwh it akin to as now. was to purchase a fra­ Columbus Dispatch and conven­ 9 that ef the turnpike en the 8ho«knessy demands a high nama "Scrollers." ternity house. Though the goal tion publicity director, will In­ AT USUAL LOW PRICES The name waa accepted and 8MrUsndt* ss state Itself. degree ef skill In performance haa not been reached, giant terview participants. from those associated with Brother Tuggle elected first steps are hjlng made to that "James W. Sheeknessy ts him. A hard worker, he ex­ president of the Scrollers. Broth- end. Kappas appearing are Wilson, Ed Bailey fast becoming one ef the pects ethers to display equal sr J. Maynard Dickerson was J. Ernest Wilkins, former grand T_. u«i- H•>• to i•* w.ir S W. STATE stste's better-known citixens seal." first secretary-treasurer. Nov. 8, 1947, word reache<_ the polemarch and U. S. assistant • (ft. HIGH ST. through his leadership of the Scroller was later adopted as ears of the brothers at Zeta that secroVry of labor; Municipal oil* AT HIGH ST. commission during its more "Almost unknown to tho gen­ tho official name of tho pledge the revered founder of Kappa, Judge Arnold Scott, of the Dist than five years ef heeUc exis­ eral public during his earlier club to Kappa Alpha Psi frater­ Elder W. Diggs. hsd reached the of Columbia; Vol Washington, tence. Seme who knew Sbock- year,*; et activity ln politic*, nity. golden shores. The man who had administrative assistant to Pres. n e s s y nnderstand what is Shocknessy has long been rec­ During the early years st Ohio become the symbol of Kappa Al­ Eisenhower; Dr. G. James meant by 'hectic/ ognized as an influential flgare State, men pledging to Kappa pha Pal at it., best was no longer Flemming, -editor of "Who's by those who move in higher were -from cities other than Co­ in body but his epirlt will never Who in America," and Dr. Da- "A shrewd judge ol men and politi.-al sad business echelons** lumbus, thus ths number was d*e. witt Proctor, president of Vir­ events, Shocknessy has dis­ in Ohio. small at times. In 19-9. the larg­ One of the greatest honors to ginia Union university. played a Ugh grade of field to "He Is an indefatigable est group ever be initiated at come to a Zeta man was accord* generalship in meeting and pra«titinner of the art of di­ Zeta was ushered across the ed Brother Ralph J. Bryson dur­ Att'y George E. C. Hayes will foiling these who crossed rect, personal approach. Tjis burning sands. There were ten ing the 42nd grand chapter meet* address the public dinner meet­ awards wilh the Turnpike voice on the telephone Is a fa­ men on the lino. ing in Cleveland. Holder of the ing at the Neil House hotel Wed­ Commission. miliar one In all parts of the e o • doctorate in English from OSU, nesday, Deo. 28, 8:30 p. m. "Shocknessy reacts to a state.** IN THE EARLY 1930s, Negro he was chosen banquet speaker James W. Shocknessy, chairman light with tradiUeaal Irish rel­ organizations were not recog­ for that meeting. of the Ohio Turnpike Commis­ ish and opponents have learn­ nized by the university. An at­ Brother Harland Randolph sion, will receive the Kappa tempt was made by Kappa Al­ won a great victory for Negroes ed that he is net • foe to be Most law Abiding award during this event. Other taken lightly. He estimates pha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, Alpha atOSU when ho wax voted one The most law-abiding commu­ Phi Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta of the outstanding debaters in features of the program Include situations with a speed sug­ nity Jn the world is the village gesting that ef an electronic and Alpha Kappa Alpha to bring the country and toured England, of K#rsikelic in Turkey. For 9- calculator and .he is skillful In these organizations closer to­ Scotland and many Asian coun­ years, not one of its inhabitants keeping the opposition off bal­ gether. . tries. He was the only-Negro In- Columbus _•• ance. has ever -been arrested or They organised the KAODA member with th« U. S. collegiate brought into court. The popula­ debating team. "He has a gift fer the quot­ Council. Kappa men formu­ SAX'S BROTHER AND MRS. MILBURN T. FORT and tion of the village today &_ »**- Tho climax came when Bro­ "Men of DUtinction able .phrase and Is possessed lated the constitution snd Wil* ArdTotaerfca sen Tom welcome 45th annual conclave of Kappa Aloha proximately 450. Brae, a Kappa, was lint ther Randolph was elected presi­ BARBER SHOP Pei to CJolumbus Fort is associated with United Insur­ p r e s I d ent. Eventually, tho dent of tho senior clsss at Ohio Follow this Directory 658 HARRISON AVE. The 2,500.000 Angora goats in ance Co. of Illinois as agent supervisor. He studied busi- council.dissolved Itself. Broth­ State. Men, Women, Children's America today are all descend­ new at Friends university. Wichita, Kans.. and was ers James Allen and James • • • To Better Tonaoriel Haircuttlng — Fad sis ed from a herd of 20 sent from graduated in 1930. Mr*. Fort attended Ohio State uS- Wade sxganised a second coun­ AMONG ITS illustrious former 9 Turkey by the Ottoman Sultan versity and is a library assistant in the Stale Bureau of cil which also has been dis­ members, Zeta numbers Willlsm Set-vice * Abdul MejJd at thc outbreak of Social Welfare. Tom is a sophomore at Miami univer­ continued. Madison, founder of the Scroller the U. a civil war. WHALEY sity, Oxford. In 1938. Zeta enjoyed a very club; Dr. Herbert L. Wallace, first polemarch of Cleveland al­ BARBER SHOP successful year. Brother Law­ BcVRNES & SCOTT 814 E. LONG 8T. rence Tolbert, present pole- umni chapter: James E. Scott, 10th grand polemarch; Augustus Complete Barber Serviee Complete Barber Service march of the alumni chapter in G. Parker, 12th grand pole- PAUL'S OLYMP1A 1234 Mt. Vernon Ava. Barbers: Columbus, wrote after two suc­ march; Leon A. Ransom, winner BARBERSHOP "29 Years On The Avenue" Irene Turner & Ruth Jones cessful dances, "Even the of the laurel wreath; J. May­ Fred Bsrnes. Gay Scott, DELUXE FACIALS •Apes' were compelled to swing nard Dickerson, head of the In­ Complete Tonsorial Service Props. WILLIS WHALEY, Prop. out of the trees long enough to dustrial Commission of Ohio; H. PAUL CUMMINGS. Prop congratulate us on our well Stratton Hopson, one of the old­ 774 E. Long St. FA. 0488 rr '-" planned events." est living members of Zeta; R. JOHNSON'S Owe e . Clyde Minor, sociology professor SUG'S DURING 1937, many honors at "Lincoln (Mo.) university; BARBER SHOP came to Zeta and Negroes at William White, A-student and PIERCE'S BARBER SHOP 3.4 E. Stb Avs. Ohio State. KAODA Council was junior grand polemarch in 1953. 178 __ LONG ST. Mea, Women and Children's BARBER SHOP Hair Cutting Complete Barber Service Complete Barber Service Hours: 7:88 A. M. • 7:3* P. M. Doing Business At Oar Barbers: Sag Bolman, Albert Johnson Sat. 7:30 A. M. To 8 P. M. New Location Open Wednesdsy Afternoon MARTY'S 502 CLUB 884 E. LONG ST. 502 ST. CLAIR AVE. FA. 0568 THOMPSON BARBER SHOP BROGSDALE'S (Formerly At Mt. Vernon A St Clair Aves.) Proudly Presents The Fabulous 164 MTT. VERNON AVENUE. Near 18th St BARBER SHOP SEVEN CHAIR SHOP 621 E. LONG ST. Complete Barber Service Men, Women and Children's Hair Cutting and Styling Facials and Scalp Treatmeois L MBW A m M E .JS K -\ *a l ' - Sen«„br«_7r ad- (___*) COLSTON A Specialty A Specialty , dr«-w Kappa Alpha P_ convention ,t public dinner Ladies Hair Bobbing, Scalp Treatment, Deluxe Facials W. J. Sober. Barber th NIGHTLY 7 P.M, TUX 1A.M. Bsrbers: Isaiah Hsmiter, Damon Lynch, Benny FUher. rr S_Uad-.Cd__l.».,, GET UP4>HIO SODA WATXRCOL— D__*,.CaBCA *__ail ££_,T,*)* *'^J Hoo« Wednesday, Dec. 28. Pio- Jos Baker, E. Thomas. John Thai— OSCAR FRANKLIN. Mgr, Complete Bsrbsr S-rvtce ; JOHN •jMgjgjfcSaas* . . X: I pent ••• •-• 9**ama c^.-* m*aaaa*m9gr**n»mm

SEC 3—-PAGE 4 THE OHIO SENTINEL, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24. 19I5K fATURPAV. -DECEMBER 04.1855 ______THE OHIO SENTINEL jEC, ^fAQp t -*£••'; J Dinner Meet Speaker Has Notable Achievements i*\*9&*, *_> SCi Principal speaker at the pub­ and Hayes, was educated at in the field of law have been counsel' for the FEPC, handling in Georgia and Florida. lic dinner meeting of Kappa Al­ Brown and Howsrd universi­ noteworthy. A member of the cases in the Dist. of Columbia, Att'y Hayes* other affiliations D pha Psi's conclave will be Att'y ties. He earned his law degree legal staff of NAACP, the Vir­ Oregon nnd California. He has are in People'8 Congregational George E. C. Hayes, Washing­ at the latter and was assistant ginia native was first Negro been general counsel for Howard church, Sigma Delta Tou, honor­ V?* >o member of the grievance com university since 1937, local coun­ ton, D. C'This event will be at professor of law there for ary law society, and Sigma Pi -_>v. -* ••**•. 6:30 p. m., Wednesday, Dec. 28, more than 25 years. He is a mlttee for the municipal court sel for the Afro-American ond Phi. at the' Neil House. Columbus member of the Executive of the Dist. of Columbia. Pittsburgh Courier newspapers, Att'y Rav Hughes will introduce Committee of the Trustee Aside from the general prac­ counsel for the Industrial Bank tbe speaker. Board. tice of law, in which he has been of Washington and general coun­ Danceries, Niteries Prep For Holiday Traffic Att'y Hayes, a member of • * • engaged for 34 years, Att'y sel for the Nat'l Council of Ne­ the law firm ef Cobb, Howard Hayes has acted as special trial gro Women. SKURDY'S MANY OF HIS achievements Columbus dance halls and bis­ bus on s a ***de variety of en­ Hours are from 10 .p. m. till 2 50 persons in complete privacy. until after Jan. 2. Entertain­ SIGNIFICANT AMONG other Music Bar & Food Bar tros face the next two weeks tertainment at the night elab a. tn. Club Regal's Dave White is ment and dancing will be offer­ achievements of the attorney with optimism. That vanishing level and in private party a a * staging an "open house" ed in the Bum Bum Room every was his appointment earlier this entertainment dollar is due back homes across tbe city. throughout the holiday season. night 9.-30-2:30, with an all-star year as chairman of the Public LIQUOR-WINE-BEER in circulation starting with the Lee Wilson's Rhythm Notes SECOND IN A long line of ac­ All door, cover and minimum revue plus the Four Musical Utilities Commission for the weekend arrival of delegates to orchestra knocks the lid off the tivities designed to lift the spir­ charges have been removed Maestros.—AHL. Dist. of Columbia. .Fine Food the 45th annual grand conclave Yule merriment Saturday eve­ its of holiday celebrants, and He was recently appointed a of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. ning with a Christmas Eve perhaps- the most fabulous of 1074 Mt. Vemon Ave. dance at beautiful Broadview member of the Civil Orientation Col's, O. The battle for It will provide the "open to the general public" Group, the guest of the secre­ for diversion starved Colum­ Party "Home, 4210 E. Broad st. offerings, is Cavalier club's tary of defense inspecting air FAirfax 0142 third annual Christmas dance. MACON HOTEL bases, military nnd naval bases Setting for thi_ event will be Across the Avenues... Valley Dale ballroom with Chuck AMERICAN and CHINESE RESTAURANT CHRISTMAS EYE DANCE Sclby's orchestra providing mu­ Cantonese Family Dinners Served At All Hours Presenting fc * 'T'jat**fM sic from 10 p. m. till 2 a. m. on We Freshly Prepare Any Order To Take Out Greetings To Christmas night (Sunday, Dec. Hmt \ HOUSE OF SOLID COMFORT WE EXTEND A SINCERE WELCOME TO COLUMBUS LEE WILSON ai.'' '*-V ______25). . . . OUR VERY BEST WISHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL i :'. ••'. .-.- •••'•'•: ' m Musical Entertainment Nightly

And His • . • MEETING ON THE OCCASION OF YOUR 45TH AN­ The 45th Annual Tickets are on sale by mem­ Always a surprise package In oar beautiful Corner Cocktail Rhythm Notes Orchestra g\ ea^mp- . bers of Cavalier club and at Ball NUAL NATIONAL CONCLAVE . . . GOOD LUCK, C*'' _Hr_ 5 __•_! • ' .' Lounge for you evening's enjoyment. Press, Fa. 2448. KAPPA ALPHA PSI FRATERNITY! Plus a : a e e ORIENTAL ROOM The Sentinel hates Grand Chapter PAT BLEVINS •j W -'r- v;.--.' •'''•mj> Now Available To So­ NEW JADE ROOM And The v^V; IN THE BISTBOS clubgoers • ______*>_. cial Clubs and Private Will Accommodate KAPPA ALPHA PSI FRATERNITY will find Don Colston and his Parties During the Holi­ Parties Up To 100 ' . ; " TBnmBmw •-••'. Five Dreamers ___S_r_V ••*•-•« tunesmiths holding forth at day Season. Complete Person* ~9*m*~r >-•• Oriental Cuisine. For Reservations At The \ - ' ^B HHr *-»-»•' Marty'g 802 club, 502 St. Clair McCOWtTS ENTERPRISES -***¥•• '//j-'** \ .*am*mr av., for the "umpteenth week in BRUCE JOHNSON BROADVIEW PARTY HOME ir rJ/f a row." 366*368 N. 20TH ST. COLUMBUS, O. , e*^**n i__-_J__i____!_i FREE PARKING IN REAR Pine Boom and Lounge Chairman of Loving Cup For Closed Banquet 4210 E. BROAD ST. Greg Edwards* Macon Cat­ Open DaUy 11.30 A. M. To 4 A. M. 785-787 MT. VERNON AVE. LEE WILSON tail Lounge will set a torrid turnstile pace behind the earful J. J. McCOWN, Prop. Columbus Alumni Chapter offerings of Crosby Kirk's musi­ SAT., DEC. 24 •10P.M.-2A.M. cal aggregation. The Macon is also taking reservations (Fa. 0512) for club groups and pri­ vate parties in the Cantonese Room and the new Jade Room, Your favorite prime steak each equipped to handle up to in man-sized portions BURKE'S PLACE 105? NORTH ith ST. Colambas, O. Sizzling Steaks and Chops. WHISKEY Singles — Doubles Roast Prime BEER, WINE, FOOD Ribs of Beef. — __5 C__~Te-ef in.g.s Our Motto: "Quality Has No SubaStltute" Visit Our Southern Tea • i< Cocktail Lounge Room Meet Yoav Pri.ndi Hare from Chicken Dinners Every Sunday Home Fried Pies 618 E, LONG ST. Home Cooked Pies Plate Lunches, Supreme Liberty Life Insurance 736 E. LONG ST. at HAMILTON AVE. Sandwiches jtiimiT iismim .o.. tux i_niui MT SII non m% CMIR ntnui .HIIU.M rmi laaaaaaa-taaa^^ GREETINGS BROTHERS rjphe history-making desegregated decisions of the U. S. Supreme Court have moved th. American Negro out of the shadow of second class citizenship. But desegregation of KAPPA ALPHA PSI does not make him free economically. Integration in business should be aought as an To hometowners, CLUB REGAL is a MUST1 It is the nerve center of social stimulation .. . Entertainment at Indispensable complementary objective. Meantime, the Negro MUST continue to fash- its best. at] oar eberisbed friends and customers ion his own economic destiny upon the anvil of his own ingenuity and creativeness The rwe extend our sincere good wishes for a People from coast-to-coast know, remember . . . and Joyous Christmas . . . and a New Tear ahoand- SUPREME LIBERTY UFE INSURANCE COMPANY offers unmatched opportune, ing Kg the blessings of prosperity, good health when in Columbus ... always visit and dine at and happiness. to bright, ambitious College men who wish to fasten their future upon the structure of an institution whose foundations are as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. CLUB REGAL CLOT REGAL Management A Personnel *0PEH HOUSE DURING THE HOLIDAYS " T AT*-8! HOMEorricE,350l So. Parkway Chicago 15, III. See • Hear Our Yule Parade of Talent... With the Tour Musical Maestros' n _*r_**gt,fc,fc't%««l.t&^^ .. i***m*aa***ap*p*% _—__U_LJ___-. -___»^_«>iwsii^^2i_ii^_*^^

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 19SS THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC. 3-^PAGE 7 SEC. S-frACE « THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBER Se. ISSS :.__',' • i*. i *.'.. Seven Negro College Opea 24 Hoars Daily TURNER'S MICKEY'S GRILL Choirs On Radio Xmas Fish Dinner 60c RESTAURANT 425 W. GOODALE ST. AHMMMmiWATUROf; Pork Chop Dinner .... 55c _SS1_ E. Long St. Columbus, (), Seven of the nation's outstand­ 6% Beer - Wine - Whiskey Beer, Wine, Whiskey ANKimffEi0om!rufttf. ing college cbcirs win he featur­ ed on the Christmas day pro* LOUISES DINER HOME COOKED FOODS Home Cooked Foods 140 Miami Avo. Col' 875 CA. 4-8888 887 WE SPECIALIZE IN gram of the Sunday series "Ne­ RED HOT CHILI gro College Choirs" over ABC- Radio -rom 10:35 to 11 a.m. Choirs to be heard on the CHARLIES BAR special Dec. 25, program are Stop At Tbe C hi thi Sign VILLAGE TAVERN SMS... Le Moyne, Texas, Spelman, THE TROLLEY Brer—Wine—Liquor 1218 MT VERNON AVE. Morris Brown, Livingstone and Good Food * Columbus. O. SAYS... Lane college,, aod Johnson C. 815 ML Vemon Ave. DaUy A San. 7 V M.-l A M Serving the Peupa in and Smith university. Open 24 Hours Daily Lucille A Charlie Jordan, Around Poindextci Village Props. BEER, .VINE GOOD FOOD tlamburjcers 71. Harrison Ave. Open 7 AM. Close 1 P. M The Sentinel hates people Delirious Hot Dogs CHESTER E. WHITE. Opr. who push other people Variety of Ssndwlches around! EVF. JONES, Mgr. QUALITY FOOD SHOP . S (A hip version of 'Tho Night Before Christmas" in tho Burloy stylo) No. I Stt HPPIN' INN CAFE Continued From Page 6, Sec. 3 And told a GI " Tis Joe." 963 Mt Vernon Ave. FA. 8SK 'Twas the black before Yuletide And he rushed like an Ickie, Now more of this tale you Fried Chicken 795 Mt. Vernon Ave. And all through the stash To dig what was outside. Then into each stocking May doubtlessly wonder, Ole Santa greatly dropped Of how the head whipping rrop. JAB. ANTHON . . Col's, O. You could hear them chicks CLUB Hyping for some extra cash. He looked into his kit box Some of the finiest knockout juice Sounded so much like thunder] Hrs. II A M. I A. WL Visit Oar New Long Bar Tbe Best ta Bar-By. Colli. They parlayed and played To see who had written A -tod ever copped. Fine Food Beer Wine And lo and.behold 'twas Away in his stash. GOOD FOOD To the i'u I lest extent Well, 'twas early that bright High, high up in the cloud, CADILLAC Prepared In Bome Style Open OSUJF IA M. . I A M A plea wearin mittens! As they turfed for their gold That the GIs fell in St. Nicholas chuckled To pay the next week's rent. OPEN UNDER NEW "What is your story," he And -started in calling Jn laughter really loud. MANAGEMENT Their allotments were gone, For each one's own fine hen. "Our Helen Is Back In Business" All the ca.sh they had mailed. Then quietly asked, As the visitor stared He had dropped a super— The chicks were real glum "Gimme a kiss, Baby, COMING: '__> HELEN'S FOOD SHOP As though his face were masked. A duper, snooper hype— In fact, they loudly wailed. Now where is my gold?" So, that was why he laughed HORSESHOE BAR & MODERN COCKTAIL Specializing In Chicken. Barbecue, Fish and Southern Dinners "A bunch of fine chippies The lads from overseas As he puffed on his pipe. LOUNGE IN NEAR FUTURE Dsily Early Till Very Late There were furs they had bought In a heluva fix, Demanded to be told. 188 CLEVELAND AVE. HELEN JONES, Prop. And some big Cadillac cars. Have finally run out Now I hope you are booted Twas Slick Sarah Sin who And plenty had been spent Of the- right hypes and tricks And down with the action, On the horses and at bars. Figured out what to do, ' 'Cause this jive was laid • Luncheons • Short Orders And some, had been spent on "Their main studs are heading And she ran for her stocking For your own satisfaction. Al! manner of wild things. To home from overseas, And the others did too. Fine suits for the playboys, And they all are expecting So, Merry, Merry Christmas • Legal Liquor, Beer & Wine LATHAM'S DINER The Juice started riding To the chicks who are right, Fares in cabs and diamond ringt. They won't hear many pleas. CORNELIOUS MOStEY - ELIZABETH WHITE 317 HOSACK ST. HI. 3-1479 In a circle so round, And Lawd, help the chippies And soon the GIs were Co-Managers Complete Dinners Served Dally A Sunday Now the Korean GIs "Now these chicks have been foolish Who let that gold go in flight! Special Chitterling Dinners with Combresd Had been mustered out The gold has all been spent; Wafted far from the ground. TONY MORRONE - Proprietor Every Friday A Saturday And the kites had been flown And they haven't a dime But seriously speaking And everything was fine OPEN 6 A. M. to 1 P. M. Of what it was all about. Of allotments they sent. I would like to convey! Jack, I met n 'twas so, "A HAPPY YULETIDE TO ALL" How the GIs were set Til a cat rang the doorbell 542 N. 20TH ST. at LEONARD AVE. Look Who's Here! It's "Jitney Roy" ... At "Now, Santa, many heads From your writer, "Eddie Jay." To recross the big drink Will be most soundly whipped; After years of fighting When the GIs dig right, THE PI! Midst mud, grime and stink. .. ._ „ ^, -._._,.. -,^ ^^ ^.j ^^ How their ace hens have slipped. ^^*^l_^^^%^^%^«^^^«^«»%«^ 337 N. 20TH ST. Columbus, O. Now the cats were all hep Chicken . Fish • Barbecue Our Specialties "And, Santa, these chicks \ Self Serve and Carryout That she had been on the bail, Aren't really so frantic; Open 24 Hours DaUy Stashing away gold They just got a bit weak. Yours Truly -— "Jitney" Roy Langdon For both winter and fall. And went for the romantic. And the kites had all*warned Of the tough times ahead, " 'Tis true, I will admit Greetings And not to jive around There is need for much shame; Or she'd wish she was deadt 'Cause the chicks spent the gold ILrnce again if* the time or die year for Joy am! NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL -** •**." ** On some cats with no names. "With a few thousand here. . Merriment, end we wfth to tale e momenl to BEER • WINE • LIQUOR And a few hundreds there. "How they really would like Beer *9 Wine To Carryout The future was all set, For St. Nicholas' aid. extend to all oar friends par very best wishes for a For pad and scoff, I swear. To Ret them out of this mess FINE FOOD Sojhey can make the grade. „ Hobday Season full of _{oo_l^neer and happy tiroes. FA. 0533 Open 6 A. M. 'Til 1 A. M. FA. 0436 So the chicks were upset m** And really quite frantic; .,.- 1226 E. LONG ST. Columbus, O. " 'Twould be righteously fine To try to get straight ere CHARLES CUNDIFF, Prop. If you were dealt in a hand They crossed the Atlantic. And .sat in on the game, Now the Korean GIs Twould be really most grand." Were a rough and tough bunch. Not a square among them, Upon the word. Santa Broomed back into his pad Cavalier Club They'd invade hell on a hunch! ^= Torch Club And started getting sharp They'd all stood the test, With the fine drapes he had. COLUMBUS, OHIO 941 MT. VERNON AVE. From camp to overseas of Columbus, Ohio He first put on his pegs BEER • WINE LIQUORS And knew all the answers From chicks to cream cheese. And then his mellow frock, "Specializing In Italian Spaghetti and Pizza** From the toes to the knees. And the top of his pants They were ail well booted Hit across his tick tock. invites you to attend CARRYOUT SERVICE About the chicks all so foxy. He next donned his skypiece, Open DaUy 6 A.M.- 2:30 A, M. And the studs zoot suited. And the tail from it curled. their third annual So, that black before Yuletide And, Jackson, them fine stomps Twas really quite messy, , Were clean out of this world. For Sarah. Anne and Alice, He yanked his skypiece. Vivian and Miss Bessie! And patted down his conic* Delicious Barbecue They schemed and they planned And it glowed so shiny, O How to keep their heads intact That you could hear it honk. (Meat Cooked With Compressed Charcoal) CHRISTMAS When the boys left the boats He whLstled quite loudly, And cut out for their shacks! Barbecue al all limes. And up trillied his steeds, Delivery service on But after all their plotting, A viper astride each, Hard figuring and .scheming All puffing on some weeds. five orders or more. They could cook up nothing '•Let's trilly out of here," But some unhipped dreaming' DANCE We Cater For Santa then loudly cried, Now Santa was beat and Private Parties "I got a hard hype now,. Lay stashed in his pad; DEt25 Sen-ice Daily Till 2 A*. M. He had done his number. Over that snow let's slider" CHRISTMAS NIGHT ( ) * 10P.M.'til2A.M. And 'twas really most mad! Down upon the rooftop FEATURING MUSIC BY He had fell 'tween the softies. Santa and his sled slid, And was sleeping quite sound, Chuck Selby and his orchestra And the chippies got scared, When he heard something weeping, He knew It wasn't his hound. And ran away and hid. Up jumped SL Nicholas, Tickets On Sale ly Meatac Adv. $1.50 Deer |L75 With his blinker* all wider Co-tmqod On Pago 7, Sec- 3 -4*-*U-«^>_,*-_,VtW *_,*,*_*«_-4.-1*^ r* 11 "l' riii r -Maiim **t~*--*T -nmim *m** mt~*vtim*« *%•*». '-••—-'••"-,, • —"-nt---~pp iipar"—ITT vrr Till fifOTdn ***** aliiiiiMuii A^i**i^iiR*'ui_fflbriiilWi I *""-i'>"i'fili" tlllf^H*ffSa__gWl JIL3JW! *^**mm^&*K**ta* -.-V'1-.W.-lt Ja-S-a-_aWl_,tiW-i__l-_

SEC 3—PAGE a THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 19S& Columbus Chapter Stresses Community Concern By J -Mi-'s L. ALLEN convention of K-ppa. has tried form of Public Reasoning," a I the last four year* have parHcl- The Ohio Sentinel, Columbus (James -•• Allen U executive in the last several years to series of community forums, I pated directly in the Columbus Dispatch, Pittsburgh Courier, Tire general chairman of the discover answers to these membership was strengthened j alumni chapter's programs. Cleveland Call-Post. Columbus 4Sth grand chapter meeting of questions. and attitudes toward campus Two-thirds of our social pro­ Citizen, Ohio Starts Journal, brothers were improved. We be­ grams for the conclave are be­ churches, radio and television Kappa Alpha Pii fraternity. Many brothers in this orga­ Re is polemarch emeritus of lieve alumni chapters must, in ing sponsored by non-Kappa stations and many others, nisation have stated that the a collective sense, accept full members. • • •' the Columbus alumni chapter. duties of the alumni chapter —EDITOR). community responsibility if they are very clear. They are to as­ are to stimulate fraternity inter­ A large part of the advertise­ *IF I WOULD list our Individ­ . a a sist active chapters in hous- ment appearing in the Decem­ ual support, I would be prohib­ rH.VT ARE THE main func* est and keep their organizations I ing. scholarships and fellow­ alive. ber edition of the Kappa Jour­ ited for lack of space. This sup­ tion, of an alumni chapter of ship. nal has been solicited from port has been magnificient. Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity? • • * • • • friends made by the fraternity If brothers attending the -*5th How can they best achieve the IN PREPARING FOR the in sponsoring programs of mu­ grand chapter meeting realize objectives of the_ fraternity as OTHERS WITH experience 1955 conclave, with a chapter of tual interest. any enjoyment, the full credit specified in the constitution and are convinced those objectives less than 40 active member., it * * a should go to this community, preserve the continuity of the are noble and sensible. But they would have been impossible Tor which has given generously and organization? , do not provide the challenge to A FEW OF THESE organiza­ us to have accepted such a task tions are th Columbus Urban unselfishly in making this con­ Such questions are constantly hold the interest of many bro­ had it not been for the kind of e clave possible. . thers who are faced with pro­ League, Frontiers club, YMCA, being asked by graduate men public relations the fraternity, Merry Makers club, Jr. Leag­ The small membership of Co­ when they are approached to be­ fessional and community neces­ collectively, has established in sities. uers, Dukes and Duchesses, lumbus alumni chapter could come active with chapters. Co"lumbus. Lambda Zeta Chi, Le Bonnes not possibly hove performed The Columbus alumni chap- When the Cojumbus a'umni s ter. co-host to the 15th annual 'chapter organized 'Th, Plat-1 More than 30 organizations m Vivantes, Cordettes, * Cavaliers. this job alone. Omaha Seeks 1957 Meeting

Earlier this year, the Omaha 'Caw. Rahn Dennis, Leonard alumni chapter appointed a con­ i Goodloe and Edward W. Thorn- clave invitation committee to la?. promote that city as site of the • • • 199? grand chapter meeting. OMAHA ALUMNI chapter was Members art Lawrence M. j organized in l~-**0 with Eta of McVoy. chairman, Arthur Mc- Nebraska university and Alpha Eta of Omaha and Creighton universities rs parent chapters, lis present membership repre­ your heart, gifts to makeji . sents 10 undergraduate chap­ your eyep sparkle aad ajf ter* snd foils it has ample ex­ Christmas Day so menryf perience . to prepare for a na­ yoa'll always remember U > tional convention. Omaha is located ln the heart of the country. Its prox­ imity to east and west coasts can afford, on tbe bssls of PROF. & MRS. J. ARNETT MlTCHELl % travel conditions alone, the Principal biggest conclave In history, Champion Jr. High School members believe. Here's hoping your Christ­ mas Day will bo a shining • • • v success, bright with all the FIVE GRAND polemarchs •*day jipronder of Christ* *oys of the season. Along with his gaily deeked hsve visited Omaha and the Oae -eery best wishes to grr.nd chapter is represented mas H Its way into presents, may Santa bring me; its message tm% •ar friends for the bright­ into your home aad Into) thf.e by Wanasebe S. Fletcher, ********* EAST LONG ST. MEMBERS OF CONCLAVE INVITATION commit hood into every est and merriest holidaj member of the Cfulde Right tee of Omaha, Neb., alumni chapter will attend 45th your heart the priceless lesson ever. gift* of peace and content­ Commission: Lawrence M. Mc- Turkey To Build grand chapter meeting In Columbus This group is pro­ LAUNDROMAT YfA\ Achievement Commission, ment ... of enduring hap­ moting Omaha as .site of 1957 grand meeting. It was ap­ 701 E. Long St. and Charles F. Davis, provin­ New University ^\%^\MAa*i\ CA. 8-4495 piness and good will. cial polemarch. A new educational center, pat­ pointed in 1955 following an outstanding regional meet­ E. A. TAYLOR, Columbus K_ppa chapters there enter- terned after the land-grant col­ ing of northwestern province in Omaha. Members ate, QUALITY CLEANERS HULTS SUNOCO SERVICE STATION from left: Edward W. Thomas, keeper of records-elect; accountant, is director of bud­ Jtained the joint planning ronfer- leges of U. S., is to be built in o. 1 — 892 E. Long St. ,1290 Mt Vernon Ave. EV. 7494 Arthur B. McCaw, former state budget director for Ne­ 6UYELBIN get for the -5th grand chapter } ence of northwestern and mid- Turkey at a cost of $21 million. o. 2 — 374 E. Main St. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hull western provinces in .1850. braska and member of the tax apurais-al board; Rahn Franklin County Engineer It will -be called Atatnrk univer­ y (Redtop) Cromwell, Prop. - meeting of f.appa ."ilpha -*-i. In April, 1955, the northwest- sity, in memory of the former Denni.s, undergraduate; Leonard O. Goodloe and Law­ He holds similar position in em provincial conference met | president of Turkey, Kemal At- rence M. McVoy, committee chairman and vice provin­ the Columbus Alumni chapter. 'there. ' aturk. cial polemarch. See story. rr*. To all onr friends and pa- Just popped ln with a rons, we extend our heart­ brighten cheerful Yule­ iest good wishes for the May the bright and shining tide message for yoa. We erriest, brightest Christ- joys of Christmas light J. E. Wilkins Among Most Distinguished Kappa Men ope yoa enjoy a holiday as ever. Happy holiday, your way to a whole new teason that's really jolly. veryone! year of health aad happi­ , J. Ernest Wilkins, U. S. as- | ness . . . deep contentment He will be Interviewed by kins was sworn in a, assistant and peace. sistant secretary of labor for j Richard B. Lynch during the ra-j secretary of labor for interna­ international labor affairs, will I dio program, "Kappas in Re-j tional labor affairs. In June, be among outstanding partici­ view," Wednesday, Dec. 28. At 1954, and 1955, he was head ot & MRS. E. L. NIX JOHN CURRIE pants in the 45th grand chapter Itoon Thursday, Att'y Wilkins the U. S. delegation to the In­ Jeweler May the true spirit of meeting of Kappa Alpha Psi Will be the guest of Johh Terry j ternat'l Labor conference, Gen­ &J0YCE The fraternity in Columbus. 973 Mt. Vernon Ave. Christmas inspire as all £.r_BJ_*o t. on the latter', WVKO-Radio j eva, Switzerland. He now serves to live together tn peace show. as official representative of the BEITf R UKE, INC. r i and brotherhood. *_^____F^-* •?* '*'' n___r6-_k-'*t£. - U. ST on the governing bodv of Elyria-Loratn-Cleveland _^_n_B_E_fi_i- - Wilkins became a member j the ILO. rose the years Harry Beiter, Pres. Att'y Parker of Kappa Alpha Psi while at- tma Star re JERRY'S Wilkins was made a mem­ s m tending the University cf Chi- ! utm ems hope and fa Let Christmas joy be un- c*go. He served as grand ber of the President's Com­ !__• **p on Earth, G eonflnedl And may the AUTO PARTS Is Banpuet mittee on Government Em­ 977 Mt. Vemon Ave. May your holiday season _M_i--* keeper of records and exche­ t the way to hap- happiness ****** tooa cheer quer from 1922-47 and grand ployment Policy in 1955. This Bor yoa. of the Yuletide be ever Jerry Mellman, Prop. be a time of gaiety and polemarch 1947-50. body's primary function is to green in your memories of exeitement. . . aad a time, ';..-••-.:. -.-.-. ••• *. iToastmaster • - • prevent discrimination against this holiday season. too, of quiet contentment, employees of the agencies of warm with the blessings of

-• '•::•••* ATT'Y WILKINS STUDIED the federal government be- Att'y & Mrs. home, family aad maay R_HG* '"' Continued From Pago 1 M_S*~* i law at University cf Chicago j cause of race, color, religion frieads. 45th convention. The banquet is and was graduated in 1921. He j or national origin. B. P. MITCHELL being held at the Nei) House. holds membership in the Illi­ nois. Chiop;%. Cook County and .Mrs. Wilkins is the former & SONS LONG - GRANT Grand polemarch of the fra­ Nat'l Bar Ass'as arfd the Amer­ Lucile B. Robinson. They have Used Clothing McCRAE POULTRY . FISH MKT. ternity from 1-44-47, rarker ican Judicature Society. « : three sons, J. Ernest, Jr., math­ Cor. Long St Grant Ruth & Mack, Props. also served II years as a city •Active in civic affairs, he has ematical physicist with Nuclear 956-958 Mt. Vernon Ave. < Development Associates, White Here's wishing you all the councilman in Cleveland. He been a member since 1942 and served as treasurer in 1952*53 of 'Plains, N. \\: John, an attorney best of the Yuletide sea­ Signs of the season: good has been engaged In the prac- j the Board of Trustees of Provi­ in the solicitor's office of the son, and here's hoping cheer, warm friendships, tice of law there since 1930. internat'l Cooperation Adminis- Santa will bring you We join the caroUers today A pack of good wishes Is dent hospital in Chicago. He is a light hearts, high happi­ in their message of Peace Ep-?Ila^*^__K_HjP He was educated at Langston) member of the Board of Trus­ , tration in Washington, D. C.* | enough joy and good ness, deep contentment br_-ded yoor way, from n* 'cheer to last all year! on Earth, Good Will toward to yoa, for a merry Christ­ WB.' W «S (Okla.) "University High school, j tees of Dillard university, N. j and Julian, a law partner of his . . . it is our sincere wish Men. May it echo in your •BBF ' ' ',v Wilberforce university and Ohio Orleans. : father in Chicago. that they may all be yours mas day. May your Christ- heart, this Christmas. mac dreams come tne. Stat« university. In 1953, Pres. Eisenhower :'" •• ...... I,, , i ,,j_ in fullest measure. : appointed him vice chairman and have a Happy New i All correspondence to the W. S. LYMAN, SR. CHESAPEAKE rear, tool iti_*te_:'", At tbe latter institution, he of the President;* Committee • Columbus office of The Sen- BBBB%%Wmm- took the bachelor of science de- on Government Contract* and :tinel should be addressed te and SMITH'S RESTAURANT SNACK BAR < h« served until 1954. fi*ee in" J^*_rhalism and the jPO Box 336. Columbui "f J. ERNEST WILKINS • • • W. S. LYMAN, JR. 1171 Mt. Vemon Ave. . 926 Mt. Vernon Ave. bacheloroi Jaw/degree. ,' ATT'Y FRANK C. SHEARER A IN MARCH. i.M, Arty Wil- Attorneys Mr. & Mrs. William Smith George C. Berry, Prop. , __*/T_-»l sw ff"

aaam iwumemaarm* •*•*'»-" ... I • I 111 , .-., • • .- •••>••••• %m**Mmj\m\***xm*v*m*m*m <

- SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24. ISSS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24* \9SS THE OHIO SENTINEL ' SEO,3->4>AC.E IQ- THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC >-4>AGE 11 fc*\ Pineapple Adds New Carpeting Sound Muffler Aids Remodeling Make your horns a bsautiful | phones and many others, can bo if Are you planning on doing CHUCK'S Clamorous Touch one to listen to, as well as look I harsh if you let them. some remodeling around your st. Carpeting makes the differ* Pleasant or harsh, sounds in house — like enclosing your Pineapple provides a clamor­ •nee. your home can be improved or porch, finishing off your attic or ous touch in turkey tropicals On ths surface, furniture and subdued if you use carpeting building an extra room? MARKET casserole. To make It, add 2 wherever you can in your home. teaspoons salt and 4 ounces furnishings are sure to please Living rooms, hallways, bed­ weaaits Then It will pay you to "get We Carry A Full Line noodles to 3 cups boiling water. the eyes of all who see them. rooms, dining rooms and even •oott hep" to un economical, _usy-to- Ol Hi-Quality Groceries Boil rapidly, stirring constantly, Have you ever considered the the bathroom, all benefit sound* Fudge for Christmas! Make It for the family... give It to install interior finish that does for 2 minutes. Cover, remove ear-effect your home has on you wise and beauty-wise by usa of friends. When you make fudge the Carnation way, It'a ao several jobs at once. from heat and let stand 10 min­ and your family? Listen closely carpeting. ehore at ail. So easy, and you can depend on the tame CHITTERLINGS utes. Combine l'i cups chopped Carpeting will cushion sound This versatile building product to the sounds that occur in your creamy texture every time you make it with better* Is aluminum-foil backed gyp­ cooked turkey, 1*4 cups con­ vibrations reaching the ear, aa densed cream of celery soup home. Some, such as those com­ blending Carnation. The rich chocolate flavor of this easy- sum wallboard. Besides making AND HOG MAWS l well as provide a comfortable, posaSible strong and attractive In stork At All Times (10 i ounce can), 1/3 cup milk, ing from your *__•_-% TV, and pleasant tread underfoot. to-m&k. fudge has made it my favorite. Do try it soon. *V* extend tlncers wishes to 2 tablespoons finely chopped walls and ceilings, and afford­ radio set* are pleasant. Others, Give carpeting, or bava car* «li our triends sad neighbor* onion and *- teaspoon salt, mix­ such as footsteps, opening and ing a high degree of fire pro­ 351 N. Washington Ave. peting thig holiday season, and tection, this type of gypsum (or a Christmas that it full ing until well blended. Drain closing of door, doorbells, tile- CA. 1*4718 and rinse noodles and fold into a for years to come. s board will help keep your new of sll good thing* and s heart room cooler in tlte summer and STORE HOURS sauce. Pour into IH quart cas­ Mon.-Sat. 8 8; Sun. 8*1 thst ia full of happinc serole. Arrange 4 pineapple reduce fuel bills ln the winter. slices "n *op- Sprinkle with 1 cup shredded American cheese. GUARANTEED x^^^^^^\'^^^<.tN^^N.^\*rt^-*>-*>*e***i**********& Capital City QUALITY AND SERVICE ARE Elks Elect OFFERED BY THESE COLUMBUS COMMUNITY BUSINESSES Officials GIVB THEM YOUR SUPPORT At tha last meeting in Colum­ bus of Capital City Temple No. CREAMY e A Ft N A TIO N r U D OI 231, Improved, Benevolent and (Makes about . pounds) Protective Order of Elks of the MAYHUGH and SON y* cvp butler J_ (8 SWKt, moMlvnoIWi, diced World, officers were elected for tHI MT. VERNON AVE. FE. -021 1H cvp« Porg* con) wnMvftd 4 apt setM-4wpef thotolote p««t#i tha ensuing term. HOURS DAILY 7 A. M. TO 6 P. M. O-tNATION lvJ&0*AT*0 MOK 1 leotpoon vanilla They are: Beer and Wine To Carryout A.&B. . 4VfccvpM0or \V,*9*mS*ae****4n**H Misses and Mesdames Doro­ The Store With The Friendly Atmosphere thy Goins, daughter ruler; Ethel Quality Meats and Groceries — Miles M. Mayhugb, Prop. een, vanilla and ct»< ppedauta. Doyle, vice daughter ruler Ruth Liverpool. Cashier Free City-Wide Delivery Oombtn. butter, Cam a tion, sugar Gwendolyn Suel, assistant MEAT MARKETl *i* d salt Ih t MUOtpan over modi* rtlfoi SMITH'S CONFECTIONERY A* IM S. Fourth St. K daughter ruler; Irma Johnson, urn beat- A-tow to oome to * boll. ute.or'untU msr-hn.siio_- art V Alma Dewa and Elizabeth Ransom, Owners 2 (Across From *J Cook for 8 minut*, stirnfcf j**** completely melted. Pour into but* 9 1477 Granville St. Columbus. Ohio r e c o r ding secretary; Adaline •tantly. Remove from nest fm tared pan. Allow to cooL Cut Into Terrell, financial secretary. Fresh Vegetable* A Fruit J Central Market) V GOODWIN'S fc A. 4-0716 Columbus, O i> ia die*, marshmaliows, chocoiau •quart s. &*fe-tt-fe-*fe«. V>-t>-*t>*^ Susan Peyton, treasurer; Min­ East Market Stand No. 27 tf,*i,**i*Vit*i,*it*it*i>\l*'Qt *-.,*-./. nie Logan Davis, chaplain; Bea Fresh Fruits, Vegetables trica Grice, escort; Lizzie An­ JOHN CRAVES A. SON Groceries A Meats, drews, doorkeeper; Laura Bank Donald Graves 878 H. Loot St. - FA. 0117 ston, gatekeeper; Anna White, Arnold Graves Columbus, Ohio Mothers Club Ruth Lynch, Ellen Jones, The­ • A M. to 11:30 P. M. ST. CLAIR CARRY OUT resa Brown and Beulah Hayes, 1 Days A Week 505 St. Clair Ave. Columbus, O. FA. 0322 Reelects Officers trustees; Dr. Carl Basnett, Groceries. Meats. Confections, Ice Cream ROSATJ'S WILLIAMS medical examiner. t__ Wine and Beer to Carry Out Mrs. Elsie Washington was * * * GROCERY MODERN MARKET Prop.TEON B. BOLDEN hostesa to Mothers club of 2nd THE ELECTION was conduct­ <87 GARFIELD AVE. Baptist, Columbus, last Monday. SUPER MARKETS ed by Mrs. Anna B. Jones, cen­ Columbus, Ohio - 185 N. Win St. FA. 8584 •—< -a* i * tral Ohio district deputy. Mrs. Groceries, Meats, Confections COIDOIDUS, Ohio Officers reelected for 195- FEATHERSTONE MARKET Manning Williams, Prop. BEER SPECIALS wera Mesdame. Isa Early, pre­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Featherstone, Props. $ Adaline Terrell was elected delegate to the national conven­ .'BURGER BEER SPECIAL It's here. The gayest ice cream of the season t sident; Elsie Washington, vies > 459 N. 18th St. FA. 0559 Columbua* Ohio **) tion of the organization, which 24 12-OZ. BTLS $_.-- president; Harriet Chavous, se­ *'a^^^<**-*»^-«>*o^-ov>*o-_»**>^«f**i>e>«L meets In California next August. 6 CANS -8* cretary; Giendora Brooks, assis­ Mrs. France^ Madison is alter­ BARNETTMARKET sac tant secretary; Ruth Lawrence, nate delegate. FRESH FISH - POULTRY tressurer, and Elizabeth Cole­ man, chaplain. Beginning in January, Capital OPEN DAILY * SUNDAY City Temple will meet regularly Rr. MT. VERNON at 17th FEATHERSTONE'S MKT. At the close of the business on tha second and fourth Tues­ Columbus, Ohio session, a social hour was days IQ each month at Union 459 N. 1STH 8T. FA tttt spent. Assembly hall, 5(>9'_ _:. Long Colombus, O. st., Columbus. Vegetables. Meata SMITH'S Groceries PAUL'S The*Sentinel hates people •CONFECTIONERY Beer A Wine Te Carry Oat CARRY OUT STORE who push other people Weekdays t A M. • 1. P. M, 164 Wilson Corner Oak 1471 Granville St.. • FE. ISM Sundays 9 A. M. • 2 P. M. around! Colombus, Ohio Colombus, O. Party Supplies — Domestio Beer—Wine—Ale—Misers Groceries, Meats, Confections A Imported Champagnes DaUy S A. M. to I P. M. Free Delivery - EV. 3913 WINE . BEER WE DELIVER "" - - * • • • — ,•____ Champagnes—Vermouths ELIZABETH RANSOM and ALMA DEWS, Props. Free Parking In Oar Leading Zone La Salle Wine Stores SMALLWOOD St E. Spring _44 8. High MARKET WE GIVE Free Home Delivery CA 83075 CIVIC CENTER MARKET QUALITY 304 S. Highland Avo. MEATS _4 GROCERIES Lady Borden Opea Dally and Sunday JIMMY'S OPEN EVES A SUNDAYS UNITED TRADING Phone Order Received MARKET GROCERIES Holiday Bisque Tortoni Fresh Meats • Vegetables FE. 4445 Creamy... filled with bright, STAMPS (Eight Years With Canned Goods • Staples 805 MT. VERNON AVE. — VVSMAVE -* juicy piere* of red and green Kroger's) Beer A Wiae To Carryout Columbus, Ohio WILLIAM A SMALLWOOD pineapple. If* juit the thing WITH BVERY 10* PURCHASE 672 MT. VERNON AVE. for a holiday get-together. Lady FA. 6274 Borden Colambas. Ohio Christmas Specials Extra-good bectmt* ICKCHEAM (OLD BEER and WINE TO CARRYOUT Complete line of Hot Rolls Decorated Cakes tt't tend* selth extra cream Osf»rf_-», Tfc. Ut-4a_ Cmmpaeif MEATS St GROCERIES do** 25c ea. $1.25 STORE HOURS 19 N. NEL&ON RD., AT thru Tburs. 8 A. __.*.' BIG BEAR MARKETS Hours: Mon. • Thurs. 7:30 BROAD ST. • Sun. 9 A. M.- P. Aft Fri. A Sat 8 A. M. A M. to life P. M., Fri. A I P. M.; Moo, thro Fri. 8 188 E. MAIN ST. — Moo .Sat. 7:3. A. M. to 8 P, M. ROYAL BAKE SHOPPE A. M.-l P. M.I Sal. 9 A.M.- 8 F. M. Closed Sa*. Wayne Brown, President SOB. 7:30 A M. to IX Noon. M00RES&R0SS Decorated Cakes for All Occasions 8 P.Ma.. 770 W. Goodale Si, Open Moo.-Sst. 7 A. M. till 10 p. ftr 165 N. WASHINGTON AVE. CA. 1-5121 PLENTrTJBNTY* OP„ * FRE, , _E P, -„__,___. -_. -,™ ^p. lAMES H. FLOOD d IIo,,d 3rl, 8 A M tut M ,^-0VO-tf><>V*-O«/^'<*'0*^-6^«><.'0'_v^V>'taV s» W _M_SS__.S \Z • * * • ** * _== *9 W. GOODALE ST. CA. 8-1222 Crtambus. O.

l—l_li_ iu*l._j i _-___B-_^.i-... max MWi-._l.ni w.iMliJii'-^'. .•4*.' -_«—__',«<• *M.-**m*m'*t,J-* >»..ii»...a.-.i»n« " earn

THE OHIO,ENTINEL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24. 19SS SEC. 3—PAGE 12 ,TJ*at>AY, b-XEMfeER 24. ,&* THE' 6HIO SENTINEL SECi 2—PAGE 13 Erbyf Celebrate Anniversary Recently Col's Silhouettes Plan Howell Club Membership Is On a recent Thursday. Mr. Mann, Adlena Hawkins, Billie RELIGIOUS CHA Services in and Mrs. Dayton Erby celebrat­ Young, Cleo Moffitt, Ruby Bur- ed their 24th wedding anniver­ bridge, Bertha Grady, Naomi To Fete Kappa Wives By INEZ ALEXANDER Entertained At Paxton Home sary with open house at their Evans, Jerry Brashears, Eliza­ Columbus apartment, 1802 E. Long st.. beth Mc-Fall, Ernestine Cansler. Columbus Silhouettes, wives tail party and buffet supper ^r*~ Members of the Howell cluh lout the holiday spirit. Daisy McFall. Blanche Van of Kappa Alpha Psi members, Thursday, Dec. 29,. 7:30 p. m. Columbus, ET THE TRUTH SHINE . . . of St. Paul AME church, Co­ The club presented the pastor, Hook. have made plans to receive and During this time, Kappas will and all would be happier if the lumbus, were entertained Thurs­ jRev. J. D. Howell, and Mrs. Among those who called to The natrie Christmas means Yuletide celebration would come Churches entertain wives of Kappus at­ be attending a closed banquet. day evening with a Christmas Howell a gift for Christmas. To List The Order Of Service extend felicitations were: Messrs. Reu'stn Black of Chi* tending the grand chapter meet­ Mrs. David White is chairman irisl'a Mass, All who look for- on another day other than the ,ard to celebrating Christmas party at the home of Att'y and Plans a»e being made by the In This Directory Call cago, A. P. Bentley, Leslie Cole­ ing Dec. 26-30. of this event. day that has been set aside for Mrs. Edmund B. Paxton, 100 N. club for it annual style -how Mr. and Mrs. Emile Leon, Sr., man, Isadore Evans, Emile is the Birth of Jesus ought to Jesus. •' s FEmwocd 7418. Deadline — Mr. and Mrs. Attrice Starks, Ohio av. Game, were played and fo be given after the holidays. Monday $ P. M. Leon, Jr., John Combs, Ran­ The Silhouettes were praised Also being planned i„ an egg read again the story of the birth Christ was rejected by the Mr. and Mrs. Waverly Davis, dolph Taylor, Benton Dallas, high*? for the manner in which nog sip Wednesday. Dec. 28. 2 *>_ the Babe of Bethlehem. . refreshments served from a Newly elected officers and world, and He is rejected now. gaily decorated table carrying members of the club are: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore Amos Lynch, James Alexander they entertained during the 1.45 p. m.. at Club Regal. Mrs. Law­ There are many strangle and Mr. and Mrs. Wanser Allen. • Mr. But those who reject Him, and Louise -''•• Hill, president; Vic­ lou're Always Welcome and Jame8 Dixon. meeting. They hope again to at­ rence Tolbert is chairman of the Inconsistent things about the will not have Him to reign over and Mrs. Jere Stanfield, Mr. • • • committee on arrangements. toria Starks, vice president; tract a large participation of Celebrations of Christmas. 14 .n them, make much of His pre­ Reba Randolph, secretary ; i and Mrs. William Bell, Mr. and visiting wive_. Women's Council SECOND BAPTIST Mrs. Shelley LaMonte, Mr. and REFRESH MENTS WERE In order to prepare for all vis* |ike to think they are celebrating tended birthi*ay. Kathryn Payne, assistant secfe- j Mrs. Clarence Tucker, Mr. and served In buffet style, tseautiful Ilonka's Provincial Party iting wives, reservations are ie birth of our Saviour. They The Christmas season, with tary; Dorothy Nix, correspond-j CHURCH gifts and congratulatory mes­ .re not.- Christmas has- nothing it8 celebrations and giving of ing secretory; J:'tla Reynolds,! Mrs. Robert Washington. Home will be scene of a cock­ requested. Party Is Given IM N- l.th St. MB.. MRS. DAYTON ERBY Misses and Mesdames Jessie sages were received. do with it. It is wholly pagan gifts, helps business,- and so the treasurer; Miranda Clark, chap-' Mr. and Mrs. Erby have been its origin. The celebration of world welcomes it. But it is not lain; Thelma Martin, chairman Christmas i*- the old pagan Christ who is honored at Christ­ ' Women's Council had Sts an­ Chunk School: 5:1.*, A. M. members of St. Philips Episco­ nual Christmas party Thursday of sick committee: Ruth Whitta-j Morning Worship: 10:45 A M pal church 21 and 32 years, re­ Saturnalia of licentious and mas. ker, Stella Reed. Marie. Banks, j Young/People's Ghoir forrupt Rome, brought over into evening in the lower auditorium Evening Worship: 7:4S P. M spectively. Mrs. Erby holds • # • of SL Paul AME church, Colum­ Helen Richardson, H o b a r t; C. P. JENKINS * ie church. Banks, Helen Paxton, Burrel membership in the Mothers MOST YOUNG PEOPLE wilt bus. Members and guests were - Mi.-l8ter •.'••*.•• Kendricks. Minnie Foster, Ear- Council of Spring St. YMCA and tell you their.first thought of served a turkey dinner by the has been president of the Co­ JESUS WAS NOT born in De- Christmas is gifts, Santa Claus, thel Burney, Carrol Hill. Helen church's Phyllig- Wheatley club lumbus Duchesses club the past Sings Cantata At 2nd »mber, according to the Cen- tree, candles, holly, mistletoe Howell, Juanita Turner, Mildred iry Book of Facts. He was born from tables appointed with McCray, F 1 o f e n c e Freeze, several months. «. By HATTYE B. REDMOND Thompson Is president. Partici­ and so forth, which has no con­ lighted white tapers and minia­ Visit Next Sunday -warm weather: The exact nection with the birth of Jesus. Emerson Freeze. Gertrude Hair­ Mr. Erby has been an em* Supt. C. H. Potts had charge pants were Mrs. Willa Henry, ture Christma8 trees. Mra. Fannie Eddings and John .te is unknown. The Dceember* H is not because rncn have ston, Jeanette Grider, Floyd ployee of the Neil House for 27 of Sunday school at 2nd Bap­ Covera were laid fort . Pettiford, Azalia Miller, Zellina MT. OLIVET years and holds an executive Mayle. L lebi atft n of the Yule has no accepted Christ or His teach­ tist, Columbus, Sunday. Devo­ »nnection whatsoever with the Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Jenkins, McCord, Ethel Doyle, Watson position there. He is also on the tions were conducted by Uplift ings, or His. Word, or. His ways, Selections from "Messiah" _jrth of Jesus. If we are going or His Spirit, that they rejoice Rev. and Mrs. L. L. Dickerson, Doyle, Margaret Bufnrd ond BAPTIST CHURCH staff of The Ohio Sentinel. He is Bible class, of which Mrs. Creta Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, Hattie Bufoid. member of the Spring St. were rendered during morning celebrate, in the name of Je- and make merry at Christmas. K, then why mix so many other Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeLoache, "NO CREED HUT CHRIST' YMCA and Columbus Dukes worship by , James Lawrence We can see this is so in our and men's chorus. Rev. C. F. ling.*, with it? , Mr. iind Mrs. Alvin Smith, Mr. 42* E. Mala St, club. newspapers. The world jg not Jenkins, pa at of, spoke on "Com­ am sure, that v. (. Would all nearer Gob*. U js farther away, and Mrs. Lester Edwards, Mr. Contralto Sings T. oS ol em Auxiliary Has plete in Christ" . . . "Gospel in «ve a better understanding, and' the distance i and Mrs. William Williams, Mr. 9 AM. The Church at Study widening 10.4. A. M. • The Church at waadwft-t Mm* aad Song" convened at 3:30 p. m. " rapidly. and Mrs. W. T. Johnson, Mr. Women's chorus was in charge. Even drinking places will pre* and Mrs. Edward Smith. Worship — 0 P. M. • Baptist Icfcbors. w* warn! to ..(•__ oar Beautician Parley At Hospital Party Installation .... Young people's choir pre­ tend Ihey" ire celebrating the Misses and Mesdames Inez "Training Union—7:30 P M [pth Century Mrs. Rose Foid, contralto, The Churcb at'Worship Beauticians from every part of sented the cantata, "King of biVth of Jesus by decorating Nicholson of Cleveland; Emma Women's auxiliary, Nat'l Al­ was guest soloist for the shut-in the country are making plans to Kings" at 4 p. m. ... At 8 p. m., their place,.- of business'. Brown, president of the council; H. BEECHER HICKS, liance of Postal Employees, met youth choir sang selections from • * * party at White Cross hospital, attend the national convention roup Elects Jessie Walters,- Mary Tolliver, Columbus, Wednesday. Minister and annual clinic of Alpha Chi Tuesday at the home of Mrs. "The Messiah." Bobby Anderson ALL CHRISTIAN people who Adaline Terrell, Una Tolliver, LUCY DEAN NURSERY Cornelia Watts, 226 Miami av., stand souly for .Christ, and know Numbers rendered were "I'd Pi Omega sorority and fraterni­ directed with accompaniment by iVs. "Juanita Neal entertained Geraldine Archer, Mary Bow­ Hannah Barnett, Supervisor Columbus. Mrs. Kathryn Thom­ Frederick Brown and Lavina the facts, should let the truth man, Anna Sellers, Ellen Jcnes. Rather Have Jesus * ~.r.d "There ty .(Greek letter beauticians) :20th Century'club-'of St. Paul Were Shepherds." as, vice president, conducted Hunter. a . shine. People should not be kept Georgia Johnson, Kate Con­ 334 Wilson Ave. Columbus. Ohio which convenes April B, 9, 10, 11, church at the church, 629 Mrs. Essie Reyn.-lds? was pro­ COME TO 1956, in Hot Springs, Ark. the meeting. in darkness and children should nor, Helen A. Taylor, Viola Bin­ &^^ag»at»at»ag»-tej_» _ •>ng si., Columbus, Tuesday be told the truth, then our con- gram chairman. SHILOH BAPTIST , Mrs. C. W. Bryce installed of­ Ung. ford, Emma Washington, Irene ^•*_l<_l*-_- _-*lt~_**^*•*- **gt^-*U^*9\^**\t^^*^^********jA*B ***t***t*m *fm.*m%<»* *** «*-'-. *t***y ILL AMONG THE congrega­ ciencCs wjll be clear. Peters, Ruth Mitchell, Edmonia I1III-IIMIIIII-I.I. _• ficers for the new year. She was te following j officers were Children then can follow what CHURCH a welcomed- as a new member. tion: Mesdames Elizabeth Lu­ Med- lor. the ensuing year: Douglass, Mae Jackson. Ellen Hamiltoa at Mt. Vernon Ave cas, Mary Smith, Anne Ha wes, pjth they choose as they grow Scudder, Martha Gatewood, Ale­ Carol Sing Set Following the business session, .George Hammock, .presj- older, knowing the entire, truth. Cora Lawrence, Marie Bell, xine Spurlock, Naomi Willis, and Allen Christian Endeavor Lea­ members donated a box of gifts ).:• Mi i..< Juanita Neal, vice Gcd holds all leaders,- ond JA.MES tf. FARKISH for the state school. - Augusta Watkins, Pearl Lemons, jtsident; Mrs. Helen Rogers, Blanche Van Hook. gue of St. PauL AME church. Minister those He has given enlighten­ Leona Bray, 7233 Prairie av., 3rd ing secretary; Mrs. Alfre- With Mrs. Carter as mistress Columbus, will sponsor a Christ­ 8:15 A. M. R_dio Broadcast. Gifts were exchanged during Chicago; Florence Beat tic, Ge­ [•Weaver, corresponding secre- ment, responsible for their of ceremonies^ remarks were mas carol sing Friday, Dec. 23, 9 A. M. Church School (Chil made by Rev. Jenkins, Rev. the social hour and the hostess neva White, Luna Martin, Susie Mrs. Neva Ewing, financi- wrong guidance. beginning at 6:30 p. m. All per­ dren may be left with compe served refreshments to Mes­ Jamison and Helen Oglesbee . . . secretary; Mrs. Mary Hopson. Dickerson, Mrs. Brown, and sons desiring to paiticipate are tent mothers during wor dames Bryce, Faye Powell, Clir- Injuries were sustained by Mrs. • sin rr, and Mrs. Linda Mil- Mrs. Archer.'Guests were intro­ requested to meet at the church ship); 11 A, M. Church at etta Trout, Emma Embrey, Elizabeth Johnson, Mrs. Alexine i«

< HKIKTMAS SUNDAY WORSHIP — 11 A. M. Si it: In order that the rbildrea may enjoy Cnri-tmas Day there will be no Sunday School, |TIP TOP CLEANERS * city-file Voice Union Choi. Singing "The \ Christian Endeavor or Evening Worship, Sun­ «.• MT. VERNON AVE. Christmas Story" Columbus, Ohio day, Dee. 25. Dr. J. Dallas Jenkins Preaching on "When Tbe Pick Op and Delivery CALDWELL TEMPLE WISHES YOU A ONE DAT SERVICE Angels Went Away" MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS APOSTOLIC f ."—i-ju.. _:.. NEW YEAR P. Bentley, Chrmn. , Matthew O. Carter, WATCIINIOHT SERVICES — SATURDAY. A Board of Management Executive Secretary I Church of Christf \ MOONEY LAUNDRY > Rev. Karl Smith i i WIlUAMS-McHABB MORTUARY, INC \ Excellent Service At I SPRINO ST. BRANCH Y. M. C. A, 3 And Congregation P 963 MT. VERNON AVE. Caldwell Temple AME Zion Church Symbol of 'Distinctive Service' Columbus, O. J 202 E. Spring St, Columbus, Ohio - ^nSWasklngtonAe^l All Lines of Laundry Work 818 E. Long St. Er. 9521 | 524 £. LONG ST. (Near Washington Ave.) Rev. J. Dalla. Jenkins. Minister aU ******* -_>-*> ***** tr AU *€**** *-> -*# •_»*_> <# -_> »*» -O *ta •_-*_*-*>«_><*-*..*-«*---&-*->- -^ _ >t_*^^^v>*£ Wcrk Clothes A Specialty OPEN SAT. TILL 11 P. M. j . • . • l l • . . • ,* .-,

SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24, \SSS lATURDAYa DECEMBER 24. \9SS THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC. 2—PAGE 14 THE OHIO SENT.J.tJL SEC. 2—-PACE 15 Rev. Boddie Oil •5 IjBishop Mason Honored Convention Staff At Memphis Ceremony N. YORK. — Rev. Charles E. f The J0J> ijf ^tjOimtmas j Boddie, former pastor ot Mt. Olivet Baptist, Brooklyn, has meto been named associate secretary of the integrated American Bap­ *? tist Convention. He is the first •J Negro to win appointment to- the staff of a national agency of the Singing From The Sky * convention. He begins duty Jao. jrv • »*-*«*«-__****«fc*-_»*_»r---#_..*| £<_-«ft-'*0.'**4afp**m**^ 26. N. Champion Ave. Colambas, Ohio 1 geles artist. ./Way the hope, the P. M. — Sunday School Program. , A'*'.*.oi4'fe«»4>*%«.»«|^#*«*'fe«v. x\*i\*i*.*i* i*'*) I The public is invited to greet Rev. Phale D. Hale, Minister the dawn of Christmas day at peace and the love (JtoylWvkafc •5 Methodist Meet Caldwell. Sunday, Dec. 25: 9:13 A. M. Sunday School; BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH that is Christmas 10:45, A. M. Regular Service. Sermon, "The 185 E. Fourth Ave. Colambas, Ohio •5 W I0o sincerely wish Message of Good News," by Rev. J. A. Ash* Rev. A.I.. Mason, Minister remain with you Pastor And Choir bum; 7:30 P. M. Christmss Musicals by all t! Dates Announced Friday, Dec. 23, 7:30 P. M. — Sunday School and your dear oues 9 U_tyou**iUibar.in Choirs. Exercise. Sunday, Dec. 25: 8 A. M. — Candle­ •? mfe'eak&m- ST. LOUIS—Dates for the an­ nual conferences of the four con­ all the pleasures of Sponsor Services OAKLEY AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH light Service; 9:30 A. M. — Sunday School; 11 8 forever and ever. A. M. — Regular Service. Topic* "Hail ferences of the St. Louis Metho­ * 338 S. Wheatland Ave. Columbus, Ohio XENIA.—Rev. W. C. T. Ayers Emanuel"; 7:30 P. M. — Topic: "Looking -I dist church area were announc­ tbe YulotWs -al Rev. J. A. .-shb"urn. HI. Minister .5 brightly AS the star of "B-thUhem, ed here by Bishop Matthew W. and choir, 1st AME, motored to Forward." Both sermons by Rev. A. L. Mason Clair, Jr. SECOND r Harveysburg for services Sun* Sunday, Dec. 25: 6 A. M. Service. Topic: day at Bethel AME. Rev. Dessie God's Gift to Man"; 9:30 A. M. Sunday ** that Silent Tltghc, maif the spirit of the Dates are as follows: W Lexington conference. May 15- Baptist Church -*>-t**^*^-t.**t*-f-»*^**_»'-t-*. •*t»-_»*»c»»_**.>-**-t_»-**«t»*»*t»«ft Teddy Ayers. ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE CATHOUC CHURCH ^*^*Skamanym^ MM E. Fifth Ave. Columbus. Ohio •f Saturday, Dec. 24 — Midnight High Mass; Sunday, Dec. 25: 0:30 A. M. High Mass; 9:30 A. M. t* — Low Mass; 8:30 A. M. — High Mass; 10:30 A. M. — Low Mass; 11:30 A. M. — Low Mass _*"-3 i Rev. Harry A. Estadt — Rev. Colby Grimes — Rev. Jerome Daerst e vm* a MESSAGE HOSACK BAPTIST CHURCH ** 258 Hosack St. Colambas, Ohio MONROE AVENUE CHRISTIAN CHURCH FOR

. • SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1988 SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1955 * HE OHIO SENT.NEL SEC 2-—PAGE 18 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAG&Jf Parishioners 12 New Books National Teaching Examinations Al BSC BLUEFIELD, W. VA. — Pros­ State college, according to Dr. pective teachers in this area J. Lea Irving, examining su­ Exchange Pews will have an opportunity to take Released To the national teacher examina­ pervisor, who will administer H_ YORK,—Negro and white tions Feb. 11, 1956. at Bluefield the tests. EDITORIALS worshipers exchanged pews in two Protestant Brooklyn E'side Library Be Informed— Read The Sentinel churches Sunday, Tweleve new books wer« re­ At Concord Baptist Church of leased for circulation last week Christ, Rev. Dr. Gardner C. Tay­ at Eastside branch library, 1479 J***********^^ Merry Christmas From Us To You lor, a Negro, greeted 60 visit­ E. Long st., Columbus, ' * *_ HE ENTIRE STAFF of The Sentinel joins in wishing the ors from Hanson PI. Central They are: T very merriest of Christmafea to all of our readers, our Methodist. A hundred Concord "Audel's Home Service Ap­ friends and those who are not quite 6ur friends. May this members were welcomed by pliance Gold e," Anderson; Christmastide bring happiness and joy to one snd all. Rev. Dr. John E. Zeiter at Cen­ "The Case of the Three Lo.t tral Methodist, Letiers," Bosh; "Auntie Ma­ The exchange was proposed in CHARLOTTE G R O G A N ine," Dennis; "What is Demo- October by Rev. Dr. John Jones, WRIGHT is author of compre­ eraey?", Ketcnum; "They're nie Till Case In Retrospect minister of Union church in Bay hensive new book, "Beneath Going to Kill Me," Knight; the Southern Cross," pointing "Who Could Ask for Anything , THE PEOPLE of Mississippi, viewing the murder Ridge, in behalf of the Nat'l Ur­ up reasons for newly aroused More?", Merman; "Castle rand kidnaping cases in retrospect, must conclude that ban League. world interest in Africa. Garae," Monsarrat; "This is we can but be ashamed of our conduct. ^«****h- **_-*_»*<»fikas** •*> *** «*** *T*****<\f***pu* e*t*cGoggle, " Plagemann; "Before Mississippi people are not murderers. We do not con­ Midnight", Stout; "The Wine done the murder or kidnaping of people whether they be *0+iA FOR A JOYOUS^ •f Youth," Wilder; "The m your tourney white or colored. But */*.en justice appears in-the role of a Strange Career of Jim Crow", tKroug_ the Holiday Season, farce and people generally are afraid to assert themselves, Woodward; "The Christian then we-, the people ourselves because of cowardice, be­ Parents Face Family Pro­ ttmy good K-__.hr- aod come parties of crimes. blems", Wynn; "The Treasure The Jackson State Times warned editorially that the of Pleasant Valley", Yerby. happin«n alw.yt rule with Till case "will continue to haunt the state." Library hours are 1-9 p. m., , "It wound up, not in the solid ground of justice ac­ •P-ut this joyous time of Monday through Friday; 9 a. complished but. . . became a symbol of the white-hot de­ m.-9 p. m., Saturdays. termination of Mississippians to conduct their affairs as CJ.ristm.i__ may happiness they please," Editor Norman Bradley wrote. "The symbol was ill chosen, the battle waged against fill your heart and may ihe DeVORE the wrong foe because it took the course of blind opposi­ blessings of peace, good tion to 'outside interference' rather than to an obvious in­ , health and good fortune be Fibre and Floral Supply justice. We decorate for parties, "MissiZ-ippi has betrayed its own sense of decency banquets, weddings. and its own cause of independence in the management of yours for a long time to come. its affairs. "We showed the world all right, that Mississippi does HOW LONG WIU THEY BE PERMITTED TO DISREGARD CIVIL RIGHTS! TOP WOOD FIBRE -not bow to the dictates of the Nat'l Ass'n for the Advance­ EARL HOOD t***-*rB*m ment of Colored People, but the NAACP is not the loser. Complete Line of Justice is the real loser and when that is true, Mississippi INSURANCE AGENCY ARTIFICIAL FLOWER H. F. SWISHES INSURANCE AGENCY suffers." By Lucius £. Lee Earl Hood MATERIAL 69 E. State St. Columbus. Ohio There is no escape from the basic truth that a state As I See It! Norma Moore Ken Armstrong must be a community of law and justice if it is to maintain Representing Mutual of Omaha And Its Paul OB. Robinson, Mgr. 815-825 N. High SL Col'i Companion Companies the respect of the world. _-_•__. *m ____- 97*67 6 E*.* Lon Lo»g gSt St. . . FAFA. .421 42111 V AXminater 9-2533 y ' The greatest handicap the state of Mississippi has ex­ 3 ONE WATCWATCHEH ES aA Christ- just after the middle of Decem- Christ came to a world overrun 9**tj**u*tA**u*»t*-*^ & *t**t--t»-t»*t. *t»-&-f-•**. -*_•-_* •€.--» -*>-_. -*>"»>-_> V> -.>*->"-_> - perienced in many years is the reaction to the Till murder A mas shopping crowd, one be- her. by Rome; a world of numerous and kidnaping trials. Whoever killed that dimwitted Ne- gins to feel glad the world is aa a nationalities all at the mercy of - gro boy rendered a disservice to Mississippi which is ines- made ot 8ucn wdnderfui people IT HAS BEEN that sesson Roman citizenship, whatever it timable. ao rich in spirit. One can wonder when they have been born again was worth; a world of good and The attitude of _/lssissippi people suggests that we if there is anything comparable into a feeling of goodwill and corruption, of .vengeance and fell for a divergent attack. We approached the Till cases to the Christmas spirit of good feeling for one another. It has forgiveness, of the children of as if we had succeeded in placing the NAAGP on trial. By tiding,, and good cheer. been that season when they Qod and free thinkers. failing-to find and convict the murderers and kidnapers Rut there is something for­ have cleansed their hearts* of. He taught those simple prin­ we assumed that the NAACP was getting a kick in the eign to the ingredients of that rank rivalry and strife and ciples which would have en­ teeth. The truth is that we supplied that organization with good sesson of the yesr—it's wished to share the world's abled wee to continue to live propaganda material which has been used to defame our short duration. It Is gone by riches with one another. la that spirit ef goodwill to­ state in every country of the globe. _ the time N. Year's Is two days The pity is that the season wards -tie another bat, unfor­ old snd - everyone Is settled which brings such wholesome tunately, it Is.only daring the. Outsiders accuse us of being unjust to the Negroes of baek down to fighting over the heartedness to mankind is so holiday season that men think Mississippi. They seek to drive a wedge between the good hard scraps of existence. The short lived. kindly of one another. Negroes and good white people of Mississippi. No one can wonderful spirit is then burled Maybe the desire of perpetua­ The undesirable habits aad dispute the fact that thus is true. ' until the next mid-days of De­ tion of *»hat season is what led character traits of tho remain­ And how do we go about disproving the claims of the cember. . to the gift of a godly son to tho der of tho yesr were with mea world to lay down simple i>rin- Do r NAACP? We manifest an attitude which is contrary to As wonderful as is Christmas, thousands of years before law and order. We are accused of a calloused regard of it is something like the dance ciples which, if followed, could Christ's birth. the courts where Negroes are concerned and then in our macabre. Halloween night, when result in harmonious living the . • • • resentment reveal the amazing and contradictory position all the dead ghosts rise and year around, rather than a few IT LOOKS UKE those traits of proving that we are guilty of what we are accused. — dance until dawn. One would not days during the Yuletide season eventually overwhelm the good McComb (Misa.) Enterpriae-Journal. have that bizarre event occur- * * • spirit the remainder of the year ring, through the whole year. -**"* WAS THERE A_«tar ov*er tho but let the good spirit have full oh that man could capture the manger during Christ's birth? bloom this season. Let the rich spirit of Christmas and have it Maybe so, maybe not, but there feel like sharing with the poor, gleam with each day's sun was a brilliant glow of inspira­ let the white feel like sharing Another Artful Dodger throughout the year. tion to urge men to goodwill to­ with the colored, let the old feel wards one another during that like sharing with tho young. It * • • Yuletide season. Were there ECENTLY, in this space, we called attention to the lack DOUBT MANY have heard is Christmas. NO As with all other holidays, R of moral courage of our president and several of the that the Christmas season did Christ child? More,than three, candidates, the Democratic ones, who eye with bated not really begin with the birth of men will tuck Christmas ond all for there was a world of men its meaning away for another breath his White House job, in facing up to the currently Christ and even the Catholic with hearts aching for peace and rampant murder, mayhem and general breakdown of law church has, from time to time, year a few days after, but the goodwill, for, during that birth, spirit of Christmas is one that Dixiand eorde stater si ni nMississipp general. i in particular and several other -et the birth of Christ sometime there was strife in the world— ought to exist among men As we write this, the situation hasn't changed one in the spring—April, rather than the lowly trampled under tho through the year, like the spirit whit The Messrs. Stevenson, Kefauver, Harriman and December. However, the gift will of the mighty and uncer­ of July 4 ought to live m the giving season, a., old as commu­ tainty for the future. Eisenhower continue to blandly act as though they had nion of men, became the season Yes, history then was very heart of every American patriot never heard of Emmett Till, Rev. Lee, Gus Courts and the probably denoting God'g gift to much as R la today. Men, throughout the year, or manage­ other boys and gentlemen of color who have either been the world. nearly two thousand years la­ ment's goodwill towards labor murdered or are marked for similar treatment by the pur­ Whatever the true facts are, ter, are burdened with tha ought to stretch from one first veyors of lawlessness behind the Qbtton Curtain. certainly the spirit that same kind of unsolved prob­ Monday to the next first Monday Let us not, however, forget still another gent who springs forth to move mea to lems. Many will cry that this in September. .. very Merry Christmas thus far has always managed to have business elsewhere a kinder feeling towards one la s modem world oi adv.*. nc e- when hia turn comes around to speak out clearly against another* and prompts them to ment but there la nothing aew BUT MOST* CELEBRATIONS the Dixie insurrection taking place right under his sharp giving bountifully to one an­ about the weariness of men are meaningless In the hearts of political nose. other and tho needy, although muchly fatigued over fear of men—Just something they ought from once a year. Is tho greatest what eaeh other will do. wish* to do dr make a fuss over at a The gentleman we have in mind Is Mr. Herbert lag vataly that they could trust certain time. Brownell, the attorney general of the U. S., who can't find gift to mankind. Strangely there has always eaeh other bat ta constant Perhaps Christmas Is the a law or the moral courage to invade the private war in fear of Just one misplaced biggest fuss and the effort bent •tfetfKIMCoo. , the south and at least try to put out the fire of racial ha- bee. n a season whe n me^n have fel t likto e otb' actine gnih9c like god s anmd trost lest It destroy them. towards making that fuss a "CetUMBUS AND fO-THtftN OHIO ILICTRl- COMPANY tred which perhaps even now has blazed much too long to ^^-g on_y. And, strangely success relieves men's minds be extinguished. > enough, that season has always IT IS A MODERN world but of the tedium of everydayness AU that Mr. Brownell has proved to US thus far Is that be_n when the sun wa8 at ita human relations are so very old for awhile—whea they can feel he is the most artful of all dodgers. > lowest dip towards the horizon, aad seemingly so changeless. kindly towards eaeh ether. Wv - __**''***' "«_*_v _* ' "_- • -~^,. •'»**,. •

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1W SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24. 19SS u «.b, sports group of this Dodgers, have been invited to city, will hpnor Ray Robinson, participate in the affair, which middleweight boxing champion, will salute the so-called "Jackie Jackie Robinson, Brooklyn Dod­ Robinson Era" of baseball. gers, and Grambling college's youthful head coach, Eddie Rob­ Further highlights include a inson, on the club's 22nd annual citation to a person yel to be all-sports dinner and jamboree selected as "Citizen of the here Jan. 20. Year" in sports and awards to the Grambling college Tigers ELEVATED DISPLAY FLOORS installed during A. L. Thompson, awards com­ and John Sample, All-American recent remodeling of E. and S. Furniture and Appli­ mittee chairman, also revealed halfback of Maryland State col­ ances, 1172-80 Mt. Vernon av., Columbus, enable pass­ Defense Secrelaty that Branch Rickey, Pittsburgh lege, who was nsmed "PJayer of JVl ay the joyfu) hours of Christmas Pirates beard chairman and for­ the Year.** RITZ ers?) y to excellent view of merchandise in store windows. Overflow with good fellowship Appliance department features selections of products Queried On Labels mer head of the Brooklyn Dod­ SAN FRANCLSCO.—lha U. 3. gers, and Pee Wee Reese, Jac- Grambling was declared na­ and good cheer for sll our friends. manufactured by such noted firms aa Crosley, Bendix, tional intercollegiate football RECREATION Radio Corp. of America, DuMont, Westinghouse, Sun* Sec'y of Defense has been quer­ ied by the NAACP regarding champion upon defeating Flori­ beam. Admiral and Webcor. Furniture for every room da A-M university and posting in the home is featured among the stock of nationally racial designations used by 0th Gibson On Asia Tour 1PARL0R advertised home furnishings. For the Christmas shopper army headquarters at the Presi­ a ten game undefeated, untied Owen Boyce, Prop. dio here. Franklin H. Williams, PHILADELPHIA. — (ANP.)— season. 74.-. 8 > Et.. Lot.Lon*g SSLL Columbus. Ohio -y E. and S. has added a wide selection of famous make NAACP secretary-counsel for toys and wheel goods and a new "home-to-store* Bettiam L. Baker, executive *a**********U***+-9**to*& the west coast, declared ia a' recretary of the American Ten­ to-home" customer transit service. Housewives working letter to Wilbur M. Brucker, on short shopping schedules can save time by taking ad­ secretary of defease, that he nis Ass'n, announced that Althea vantage of this offer, Just call E. and S. when you're waa "shocked" to note that "the Gib-on, ATA women's champion ready to shop its displays and a courteous salesman will 0th army is continuing to sep­ for nine consecutive years, was drive up to your door, pick you up and when your shop­ arate Negro personnel from all selected as one of a team of ping tour is completed, return you to your home, free of others, especially when consid­ /cur players to go on a sopihern ering them for foreign service,** charge.—Pierce Photos. • Asian tennis tour, sponsored by *tl*pAei* the U. S. State Dept.

(S3.) (!0t) My name is Newt Kook. My whiskey WHEN THESE BELLS ATOP THE Church of tho Have Your While Shoes Dyed is made in Kentucky. There's an old saying Annunciation ia Nazareth, Israel, ring out the tidings of AT we like around these parts... Zfar&waa^ "peace on earth, good will toward men," Israel's 40,000 SAM'S Christians will observe Christmas much as their fellow- believers in tha U. S. do—with prayer and feasting. SHINE PARLOR Each year Israel also welcomes thousands of pilgrims 330 N. 2.1b St, Colambas, O. and tourists to take part in extensive Christmas observ­ Prop., SAMUEL PENSON The only way ances in the Holy Land. TKe Ohio National Bank i *A**n**k**X**%*-±**-»**-* ftp ft***, __ _= -jge-ppca to have a friend * \m*rJA\i /E**m&*3*k a • is to be one"... And I don't know of a better way of being a friend to so many as to give them so much for so little. So won't^ou try some of my J. W. Dant today? It's a real fineKentuck y sour-mash Bourbon. Enjoy Dantl - Bye now,

President DANT Otsnunv CONTAINER CORP. of AMERICA t>ANT. Ktmucav C-rcIevilla, Ohio * Busineu Week soys JO; **u**m***h*emm* % r • *. WSS **$PfBp j-v -W _( AMERlCft's JJ&GEST SEALING !W Jl^l Gltl*tMA$ ' BONDED .JOOBBON QmnNQ* 9 tfljaf OLDE BOURBON <9ur hearts are I WW*! peace STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 100 PROOF tilled with tho a •5 and happiness l Mi j®m*G-__'s__uua-T 3 wannest wUhes $Q43 M-i $916 ~ for tbe merriest he your* this %J vs or. W PBT * $Q73 $n35 W4/5QT. Z..INT Chtistmas you 5 CkrhtJtic* ceo-N.. :»• cfiocMc;»c ever enjoyed. CHARLEY'S BAR Charley Jordan and w Robert Wade $ IIS Harnion Ave. 'V Columbus, Ohio W Bye, ^^-^y-^^2-^ JAEGER MACHINE CO. ^-&*tU-&**r-*,-€**&*eL,*tU-*E Columbus, Ohio - emMmemtmem.-•««..•» «,„_.«„„..«, .• j....M«,,«, MM..,„„„.,„_„,^j&

• • _^-*_-4_-^*^-«i%««#* .•,;-.-.-,.. . . : 4« .,, v. ******&-*>&*&***-[ v jr . _

*****MSS*Bi**J^>*m*- ... - a. . ., ,


SATUl-bAY. D_tC._M-.i_l. 24f iSSS .?* •• THE OHIO SENTINEL JOAN PAGE 17 RUPERT, Christmas Spirit Finds Its saleswoman at Hays'1956 Salary Gary's Jew­ YMCA Basketball Teams elers, 3 K. State at.. Co­ Rumored At $32,500 For a Genuine Bonded Bourbon Expression In Various Ways lumbus, offers at Traditionally Southern as Christmas gift N. YORK. — (ANP). — Last Old Country Ham . . . Just walk up By NORMA WALL The wonder of Christ's spirit of His coming. suggestions Recess Until New Year week, Willie Mays fixed his sig­ to your favorite dealer and shout . . . nature to a new contract with l»; SPIRIT of Christmas birth ia never-ceasing and in Signs of the season are ail to Christene finds it*, expression la about In bustling crowds, Stinger. the N. York G>.nts baseball r singing, sharing and worship, team, calling for a rumored many ways. men seek te perpetuate the bright lights, gay parties, hol­ Gary's selec­ ly wreaths aad snow-covered tion of gift iCSL^^iSK^^— $32,500 a year for the "Say Hey" BhjggMSSg<%*»•-_f*o.^.o.f*i.o •*i.*-*-p*-i*.r'*.*m*mt***-*4f**if******- Kid. This, it is said, is « $5000 trees, one knows, as surely as items is de­ •5 « through messages of praise, signed to January-»honda. , „„„,, MSSSSBgSOPB TH 3fE MONDAt ***" **Y* nighWft increase over Willie's ..'.at year that mea again woujd seek to please all age In addition to Class B League, teams in Class B League, only salary and moves him right up resume play the first week in ******* beside Capt. Alvin Drrk, crack know the magic of the Nativ­ and interest Jr. and Sr. Church leagues play* two are undefeated. Y-Dorm m shortstop for the Po'o Ground­ ity. groups. Last ed their first games last week. won its second straight by ers. Self-giving seems increasing­ mihute.. shop­ In the Jr. League, Boys' Club swamping Swan Cleaners, 58-20. Kentucky Straight O OOerpy ly characteristic of present- pers are in* beat Dukes, 41-38. Chuck Mau- Pirates were victorious over Hi* day Christmas gestures. Chris­ c»._ „ vited to stop in bry made 14 points lor Dukes Pi, 93-45. Kimble Glass defeated Bourbon Whiskey tian love and genuine concern snd Don Chappie 12 for the win­ Y-Leaders, 46-37. Bowling Bids Nixed - Christmas! for the well-being of fellowtnen ners. Oscar Jefferson, Y-Dorm, Is may be gradually replacing • •. • season high scorer with 30 WASHINGTON. — (ANP). — BOTTLED IN JGSiD' purely materialistic giving IN OTHER GAMES, Jr. Lead* points. Chuck Harris.has scored Municipal Judge Andrew J. and other gaudy expressions. Jury Frees Husband Killer ers defeated Yellow Jackets, 32- 25 for Pirates to rate second. Howard ruled here that Capital Perhaps men grasp more A jury of six women and six her husband, Edward, last 26. James Allen, Jr. Leaders, Standings: bowling allcy cannot bar Ne­ •flf!**** clearly the profound meaning men deliberated two hours and Oct. $. wa high scorer with 12. Mt. fi v« fl IR. LEAGUE — Mt. Vernon of Jesus' birth and in so do­ 45 minutes' before returning an Mrs. Watley pleaded self de­ Vernon Av. AME won over Bel­ groes because of race. Av. AME 1*0, Jr. Leaders 1-0, .1* Just dropping In with f ing, seek to express in more acquittal verdict in the second fense, claiming she stabbed mont club, defending champion, nearly in the real spirit. degree manslaughter charge her husband with a paring Boys' Club 1-0, Dukes 0-1, Yel­ Despite its pageantry and low Jackets 0-1, Belmont 0-1. Soft candlelight and flowers a paclfuf of cheery withet against a 37 vear old Columbus knife when he came after her Iff spectacle, Christmas, 19 5 5 woman in common pleas court with a butcher knife. CLASS B-Y-Dorm 2-0, Pi­ wiD graee the sanctuary of for all our friends. May your years later, need not lose the last week. Watley, the defendant told the Beatty Opens rates 2-0, Hi-Fi 1*0, Kimble Caldwell Temple AME Zion %r humility of its origin. In their The decision climaxed the jury, came to thefr home, 500 Glass. 1*0, Y-fccr.dcrs 0-2, Swan church, Columbus, for "Sing­ '«?.? Christmas Be a merry one, hearts, men may preserve the Lexington av., intoxicated and Cleaners 0-2. selfless love which Christ two day trial of Irene Prances ing from the Sky" st 5:45 started an argument while she CHURCH—Shiloh 1-0, Mt. Oli­ \overfhwing with happincst. taught and lived on earth. Watley In the fatal stabbing of ,wa preparing dinner.. i . Regular Play a. m. on Christmas day. s vet 1-0, Maynard Av. 0-1, 2nd Games arp scheduled next. week in Tuesday and Wednes­ 0-1, Refuge 0-0. day Sr, leagues at Beatty Rec­ ******* reation Center, Columbus. *-****-* Tuesday, Dec. 27, St. Paul RED BAIL NEWS 100 meets Mt. Olivet at 6:50 p. m.; Complete Line of Magazines, Pocket Books. Daily and Refuge plays Centenary at 8 and Weekly Newspapers, Ice Cold Pop, Cigars. Y ttorfon Oi,|iHU8 Co.. 9or**t*tr*m, |fy. woo* Caldwell Temple meets Union Open daily 8 A. M. till 10 P. M. Grove at 9. WILLIAM HURST, Prop. 410 W. Goodale WHALEY'S BARBER SHOP Wednesday; Dec. 28, Crusa­ . Long St. ders play the Eagles at 6:50 .Mr. and.MM. p. m.; Smallwood's vs. Thomp­ _»*tp*t,*t»*tt*t**t************ **j*******-**K,*t*****i-H*K-H*-*U-ilr son's Barber Shop at 8 and Hill- $9* eat *•*, e*\ **\ '*i ***** *»* *** ft* *** **** Op***** ***** **> ***** O- *** em ***** em **** *****C toppers against JNR at 9. All games are regular season competition. Novelty Girls Add Victories ROBERTL, JOHNSON. ' The Kentucky Rebels of Ham­ manager of E. and SI Furni­ ilton, O., suffered a 52-37 defeat ture and Appliances, 1172-80 there Saturday at the hands of Mt. Vernort av.,- • Columbus, Columbus' Novelty Food B_r has announced the store it* Girls. *wm Qmtiw open, around the clock through Dec. 24. "We will be open all High scorer was Colleen night for convenience of last Locke with 22 points. Other out­ minute chopper* who want to _. standing players were Ruth make th'eir selections and Harmon,"12 points, and Ida purchases without the usual Smith, 8. confusion of late Christmas The Novelty Bar Girls played Tlie Associated 0-5 Permit Holders shopping," he said. Elyria in Columbus recently. • Final score was .1-57 in favor of the Columbus team. Geneva wish to heartily thank the people -who have contributed so much in helping maintain de- Colston scored 27 points, M - cency and decorum in our places of business. » Champion Pupils The Yuletide season is in full swing. There will be much cheer and merriment In the A Observe Season Eagles Outclassed midst of our celebration, let us stress propriety. Let us work in even closer cooperation * Pupilg .of . Champion Jr. High , school,. Columbus, have partiqi- DURHAM, N. C. — (ANP). — to build a better community. patcd in a series of pre-Christ- Coach John B. McLenden, "'the *} mas activities. . eld pro" of sepia basketball, With the efforts of the people in our commu nity and the aid of all law enforcement and hi Tennessee A-I university Pupils of the Art Dept. are re­ 8 agencies, we can achieve this goal. With this we can maintain better places for your sponsible for the pictures and Tigers outclassed N. Carolina e window drawings facing Cham­ college's CIAA defending cham­ enjoyment, g pion av. and Hawthorne st. Also, pions 00-^0 here last Saturday. under direction of Richard An­ We wish for all our many customers and friends, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy s derson, art teacher, they have New Year. t decorated the cafeteria with. ROGERS' t Christmas murals. Pupils of the SERVICE STATION 9th grade assisted with this * project. f 4.5 CLEVELAND AVE. • * * (Corner of Buckingham) A RECENTLY. THE school held Flamingo Club » its annual open house. Mors Colambas, O. Regal Club and Bar ** than 400 parents and friends at­ Boron Gss lewis'Cafe s tended and had their first oppor­ New Is The Tims Royal Grill To Change Your Oil t* tunity to see the newly modern­ ized school plant. For Winter Driving Macon lounge and Bar The Student Council has put Prop.. ji'LIES ROGERS Silver Grill on numerous campaigns with Mgr., Elizabeth Rogers the cooperation of th« entire McCown's lounge and Pine Room Skyline Bar school. Brian Carter Is presi­ dent and Mrs. Dorothy Wil­ ADDIE & JOSEPH Neighborhood Grill Skurdy's Music Bar HILL DISTRIBUTING (0. BROGSDALE BARBER SHOP liams, advisor. * 2270 S. High St. HI. 4*2133 • • • BURKS Distributors of Schlitz snd Weidemann Beer THE BASKETBALL team, tf 621 E. Long St. Columbus. Ohio SHINE PARLOR Trocaveria Club and Bar Charles Hill, President Mr. and Mrs. Brogsdals and Family . coached by William Butler, has * m gotten away to s good start with DELUXE 's^-kU**-******^ three victor.*, and ns losses. DYEING * SHINING 059 MT. VERNON AVE. Colombus, O. v, -.. -»..«.. * r_"»"«-»»j*»»_£'.: • < *m*t _js«-n. *_»»~K

SATURDAY. DECEMBER ^ tm*XK PAGE 18 THE OHIO SFJvTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24. ISSS THE OHIO SENTINEL PA___U? DR. P. H. MASON Available. Will Travel DR. H. O. MASON The Chicago Cuba* star short­ Willie Signs stop, Ernie Banks, isn't over­ MASON'S SP-S'Fi'TS looking any beta. According to JEWELERS AND the Sporting News, Banks re­ OI-TOMETRISTS New Contract cently put thi8 ad in a Chicago newspaper: "Mr, Grand-Slam, GLASSES $7.75 up Willie Mays, outstanding out­ Dodgers Riled fielder, was first to sign N. Guaranteed Materials n Himself, Ernie Banks, is avail­ York .Giants contract tor the able for a limited number of se­ - MAIN STORE - 19 U'. Main St. . CA. 4-3430 1956 Season, , Over Robinson lected talks and appearances at Columbus, O. Although no terms 'were an­ luncheons, dinners and Christ­ — BRANCH STORE — nounced, he undoubtedly got an mas parties during December 733 E. Long St • CA. 4-2813 increase in pay for the year. and January.'* Columbus, O. Mays dropped into the Giants Trade Rumors office and came to terms quick­ N. YORIC—(ANP).—Bropklyn yi*rm*H***L**\t*9**at^ _^ ly and wilhout argument. baseball officials are riled over Both he and Horace Stoneham, rumors concerninK—guess who? ei Giants' president, seemed happy Right. Jackie Robinson, the dhe and well pleased with the agree­ fellow who can get publicity Ql*)t8p*7rtm$Wem ment. anywhere at any time. Well, some stories that the Football Bowl Contest Brooklyn club had put Jackie on ,N CA5M Four Players Make the waiver list, have been cir­ FIRST PRIZE $200 WOODBOW SAULDS* culating around town. In fact, an SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE All All-Americas BERRY, "mere" 6 ft., '7 in. official of the Baltimore Orioles $100 $75 broth of a boy, is one of man- $50 fewtth Pr*.. t25 Flirt, fit** Four outstanding college foot­ boldly wrote Brooklyn eayiaf if ball players wore unanimous cogs in lineup of Harlem Robinson was on the market, end Tea (*•».«.• *t $5 Globetrotters c a g e r s, who each will he owo'-i. choices ift the major All-Ameri­ that club was definitely Inter­ ca selections this fall. They headline huge doubleheader ested in the "old man." CHOOSE 11 WINNERS FBOM program against Boston Whirl­ THIS LIST were Backs Hopalong Cassady winds, spearheaded by fabu­ Vice Pres. Bossy Bavaal _S»> CMtma Mamas at Wa***** taeare of Oljio State and Jim Swink of blew his wig. Be thundered lous Bevo Francis, at fair­ **ey te a He tea**) Campanella Prophecy TCU, End Ron Beagle of Navy grounds Coliseum in Columbus denials and said Robinson waa J aAAtis a* ate. st - JAM. S and Center Bob Pellegrini of Tuesday, Dec. 27, at I p. in. rery msieh on the Dodger * Maryland. All were picked ip club; ttiat the trade which Tickets.are on sale at Heat­ -iw otn BO*\ Of MVP (omes True polls of the Sporting News, All- on's Music Store. brought ftandy Jackson to tbe n. America Board, Collier's, Asso­ Dodgers had ne bearing on C0TTW Roy Cam panel la's aelection as ciated Press, United Press, In­ what happened to Jackie and TCI. the Nat'l League's most valu­ ternat'l New, Service, NEA Ser­ JEFFERSON ENTERPRISES tela ef ether staff. Well, let's MTMNA vice, Heart, Central Press, N. Speedy Cleaners Bob's Name Bobs Up able player of 1955 fulfilled his Jeffs Pool Room leek at the picture. , n. York News and Look magazine. 1.10 Mt. Vernon Ave. 1.16 Mt. Vernon Ave. CHICAGO.--(ANP).-rMgr. Ike own prophecy. According to the Jackson is a competent third Sporting News, after Campa­ Mr. and Mrs. Copeland Capital Shine Parlor Bernstein said here that he will baseman, and what's more, he mm* tnw BOWL nella found his left hand, oper­ Jefferson and Sons 1218 Mt. Veraoa Ave. try to interest the Internat'l can play every day. Which puts George and James club in a championship fight for **S^tg* ated on last winter, seemed to Walter Wasn't Kidding Robbie at a disadvantage. be restored to about normal, he Bob Satterfield. NSI NWL "^v#-e>-->*"_**-i->--*-_#--»-->-v*-*.tt^ Leftfield? Sandy Amoros gets St. n. DMA. called Dodger Vice Pres. Buzzle When Dodger Pres. Walter A***m*mt*A*A*mte*m the nod there with a rookie SAUOtOWL Bavasl to report the good news. FLANKED BY PRETTY MODELS Patricia Acey O'Malley announced last fall $-»__• JU/J ML gartfar Start When Bavasl answered, Campa­ name of Cimoli coming up to try SM-IME MWL and Mary Cowser is W. A. Scott, II, memorial trophy on -ome Dodger games next season to wrest the spot from Sandy. fait w. *** nella said: ''This is the Nat'l which Grambling a State college of Louisiana won leg would be played in Jersey City, So Jaci-te is third man in that League's most valuable player." upon beating Florida A-M university at recent Orange he wasn't fooling. Now it's offi­ He made his prediction face­ race. ***** ****, Blossom classic in Miami. Grambling's 28-21 win over cial. The .Dodgers play eight wtteowL tiously, and w»s perhaps sur­ What about second? Jackie Florida netted visitors ten game undefeated season and games -** Jeney'* Roosevelt TnMTttfe «. prised when it came true. stadium, seven to count In the played there until Jr. Gilliam mythical intercollegiate football championship for 1955. came along. Jr. came through TaUtttfilK »0WI standings and one an exhibition. in fine style and did yoeman work in the series. Two other spots are shortstop Sugar Ray Plans For and first base—both .of which Robinson ha- played. But Pee- BASKETBALL CIRCUS / wee Reese is the eternal short- fielder for the Dodgers and Gil Two Charity Purses The FABULOUS * Hodges holds down the initial sack. HARLEM So what's with Robinson? TOU WILL RECEIVE Sugar Ray Robin.son, middle­ the NAACP and one to tbe Is­ * Don't worry. He'lT be in thi $100 ADDITIONAL , weight boxing champion, said rael causp," he told reporters -f headlines and box scores tue, If yn en* ******* *h* 11 w-i>n _»_ tK*55 week he'd like lo give two after defeating Bobo Olson for GLOBETROTTERS come 1956. •ctwal yaido-ga §*iat*i by *****»**§ boxing purses to charity before the middleweight crown in BALL PRESS o__ pae*i*e kv t***t**** ***** lasted retiring. Chicago stadium, Friday. •5 P» MM ****** brack**. "I want to donate a purse to Tuesday. Dec* 27,8 p. a_ HISI ASI THI BU-U. ro.lOW TMSM The federal g. ,». -F.X_Ba.t4 [ t— ii ****** u*t*t ***** at m*msm ***** His share of the gate was $4fl,-( i i A tt l • M. C e JHU i t, MK i IIIit i." i r Tt. |J • mattn. t? Ed Adams' undefeated Texaa ft* thia* HMti aid pUf U.I ta 439. Robinson had already ad­ lll'M-ti*. \\ IIIKI Vt INUH riaa . BJCVO VX*M II Afiw nu*i»a yarn- pr***\mei tm t-cliat Repealer, In National ap Rntrrtila Southern university cagers ex­ Pmmn at *\**U*) num. Ittt it* MM* Pt'ttrn vanced $30,000, however, and the tended their winning streak to Irani *oa tkn* will aaia M ******* *f "***• Only two Nai'l League clubs TICKETS AT HIATON'S MUSIC STORI \ tm* Mat Mntag, ptat tM ****** et yaret yxm government 'got only $10,000. H-IIM-Dlt-Tu l»rl. M»a Orttora a*r**t*m Sa_l u reached the million mark in at­ five games when they bopped I tt)«_) »ll! kart I M*i«« •» U» *****, aatf tendance this past season, com­ -f I *•*•<,***,*******9**t'********r 1 il tb» taw lot ar *ki cwMnUM* mi UM *f*jemmi*W _ U_ Mttctio* W *iamm* MM. pared with four in 1954. Even so, Here's hopiflg tttat all thc joy J Commiini mvrt IMM a:i 11 wl*ct_« __ the gate was only 339,000 off last *-4>aA«i» i caeca tt uam to «• • (to mcit year's figure, with a total of SPORTSMAN'S GRILL _K j*r***t itpntat •ilk tto premtxia* a* i*e tl of thia Holiday season will be amy* art y*r*ap* paimi ay r-ntda* ami pania*. 7,674,000. Milwaukee and Brook­ a* PrtM year *****, Urtti m****\ cUr, **** •? •Md Hat* m* y**r retry, Mick ***** MM b* lyn repeated. The Cardinals and • "YOUR FAVORITE DOWNTOWN SPOT" your, in fullest measure... and that tonooall- il«__|. CMry MM4 to tmataAit* Giants dropped from the million »! M a pcixai tat* (MM II M ******** u: class. (OR. LONG AND THIRD . (A. 4-0652 the New Year wifl be ricWr rcwarclmg in THC F00TBA-L BOWL COMTCST BHTOa. F. 0. BM 11, Sa UBH \ *a. * • Copy Ito ton* ***** an * poaul tari. Ap tax/at <-«*-«<_. it* ts* ___• i' * *l*.'ft *t********tm*A*'l***t<*\****tie*t*r*\*a*e*f*i*eta*************-**!* far MU to rttpirtd. Voar **ruy rmr.t to la tht f atnea a THE St-OftWrO, NEWS -» TO. at **** S _ ****** 30, 1«55. • 9 : In twM If pettpemtintal t* KT ***** '_* » ******* ia Ito IdtltMt MCMUUtlaa IU »__S >-l*. ** * e*y tnart i**e u.r*e*\-4 at DM < e ***** Hart* priat M ca___ ***il'u* ar tern- I- tnt aat ktlfl* pllyt. Ii Ittt*., .MM «Ktl ***** i *• •tn__Mi_.]'7 htMM fro* Ua* tppt***. / A tint mitt Pt S2O0 »tH br *m*rP*4 im* * m4mie**l ***** eeiry ****** men p******* ta-mity. If mer« Uai eat ewwuunt ****** -f mini •Imtf* t*-r*ctly, Vm tint prim ariaaar r- Will ** ttlmtimt by cfcKfci*- I a* Pttmty Pt ita a t.am umt- te aaia tht man y*r**a*. eat *f «0r_r«t»* hOW CtCM tM MAtntint _M5 *» it* carmt prdMt iw*. Ii Mt* et ******** I t»i eaplxnt prim -III ka ********. U U- ***** ** tMry ******* iii anpmttm WIM |i- ******* ******* et tarttxt tHctioM -fit , (WW tnt ptti*. S*tca_ ft*** et $100, iMri * pit* el $75, ftwrtti trim *t ISO, ftftlt artM 1 at J3S.an* tn prim et K •_. _*tt k* * t_ar.lt. U tontHtMU -kMt wUctWW MM mfe mt la M-rr- ef * Wi--r* _• tMf cwMatt trill ka —i—« ki THE SWUTIW HEWS Wd tWt mtrntta-r **. a **ty \\, 1?*J6. OfdiiOM if th* Stdan wilt N iiaatinga haU la Mt __*». ef Elc- naUtUai If li_*_. - 0U M - We wish to thank! i I MtKll*M M f.h_m U Man. -Ml «_U7 t§ srsrtlbdp Ma, year httldajr _# MI_ k* MaaMtUd aa • petut ******, M aa our many friends 0 •aMlopa, tat mt* _» p*ne**»t tintie ** tat ! and patrons for *) I Plaza Hotel & Apex /Recreation Parlor ! foMotMrt. .Mrtrt wt p_r_M.tr t-par. ly MB* fell at fej and jeee* telle** this. _".t_H» wilt art b* MMpU.. your loyal support. A V, I mM **U*r t-K _*_**_, ef cfe "SS • Trie SKKTIIIC mri Frank Drungold, Prop. **WA*[r*nwnd *j n*m ; e>pw»M^B FL4MIKG0 CLUB and GRILL | STUART'S T»W. MKR M IfMNl. WftrVtM St 9mmBB*r* Jam*» Dixon. Prop. £ mdk aa^***Smaa-mm BM ^^,^iaJ VV_L HiBa ^__^__|__M f 7M^740E.Lo__ JJt ^ CSfumbus. Ohio l nena1 f * ._,-.V".••YourJ/ Friendl*y' NeighborhooNeighborhood CrediCreditt StorStoree " a te^w «M Mt if iiinatw IMIM m - j , 790} E. Long St Columbus, Ohio £ *m**t***>**u*9**i&*t* 4 1082 Mt Vernon Ave. Columbus, Ohio 5 PAGE 20 THE OHIO SENTINEL. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24. lfrSg i&TUftPAY, bfccEMBER 24. .rift. THE OHIO SENTINEL LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICES CHURCH SERVICES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE fkciiv •**n*^*m«meat******a*at*m*ta\*mfw tf .TV _s > i ... w Hn m Bernice Marie Garrett, whose _,._,.. __ NITE CLUB In Chillicothe, <>., READER-ADVISE ?*^*'*****'*'*' ''*'* '*** *t****m*<**»-t>^^*_>^^^^^^^^*.^^«>«t>«t> gross neglect of duty and ex­ a. m. or 1:39-3:30 p. m. Presbyterian CHAIN LINK M 405 Cleveland Avo. Columbus, Ohio * treme cruelty. HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES ALUMINUM Said cause will be for hearing BELLBOYS. Only steady, reita- PATRONIZE OHIO ORNAMENTAL Call For Reservations on or after Jan. 14. 1956. ble workers need apply. Apply Church CA. 8-3078 WOOD MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Harvey M. Boston. Atty. In person. Hotel St. Clair, S3b 206 N. Garfield Ave. SENTINEL ADVERTISERS v FREE 12-3, 10. 17. 24. 31. 1955, 17, 1956. St. Clair Ave. Columbus, Ohio OXFORD MANOR ESTIMATES Mary Ellen Burke, whose last EXPERIENCED beauty opera* Rev. John B. Quick, | &Ultt*lies Has a Paint For Every Purpose! address is unknown, will Uke tors wanted at the Flamingo Minister Private Rooms and Bath TIME / notice that on Nov. 28, 1955, Ira Beauty Shop, 1230 E. Long St. I**&****-*»•>»**<*-**-*,***** > MISC. SERVICES Reasonable Rates — 24 Hour Serviea { ... AND THBSt'S SBAUTY IN EVt&Y BRUSHFUL PAYMENTS Burke filed his petition in the FA. 5317. Fine location. Mrs. Transient — Permanent Rooms •••' Common Pless Court of Frank­ Johnny Mae Pugh, Prop. NATHAN (NATE) GREEN, Proprietor lin County. Ohio, Division of •'Singing from the Sky," the LONG & GRANT Domestic Relations, in Cause SUBSTITUTE TEACHER would traditional sunrise Christmas serviee at Caldwell Temple USED CLOTHING STORfc 96 LEXINGTON AVE. KRESKE No. 82385. praying for a divorce tike elderly lady to care for Columbus, O. from her oa the grounds of five-year-old son one-half day. AME Zion church, Columbus, We buy and sell ladies and PLUMBING CO. gross neglect of duty. Reside Hilltop. BR. 9-6779. will be held on Sunday, Dee. men's used slothing. 46*1 E. Main St. Said cause will be for hearing 25, at 5:45 a. m. Cor. Long A Grant • Columbus, O. on or after Jan. 14. 1956. Columbus. O. Repairing and Remodeling Y0UMG MEN TO LEARN RE8: DO. 1062 William H. Brooks. Atty. THE HAWKINS OFFICE: CA. 4-1338 12-3, 10. 17. 24, 31, 1955, 1-7, 1956. MOLDING TRADE 65 N. MONROE AVE. FJL 4811 R. E. COUSINS COAL YARD V Colura-ua. Ohio . Virginia Westerfleld. whose Age 2127. Day shift. Sick, acci­ Coal By Basket and Ton We Welcome Old and- New Patrons EDWARD P. ZIPF last address is unknown, will dent and life Insurance pro­ take notice that on Nov. 25.1955, .60 Per Basket (Delivered) .50 Per Basket At Yard Transient Guest Welcomed Bicycle .ires sod Supplies vided by company. Rigid phy- Wo Continue to Render the Same Exclusive, Richard L. Westerfleld' filed his slcsl examination required. 276 W. GOODALE ST. CA. 4-4465 Sharpening of Lawamowers, petition in the Common Pleas Efficient Service r • Scissors snd Halves Court ot Franklin County. Ohio, !•' •„'.,!," _ . . ',. -_•!•.. .. •',!•! All Kinds of Keys Msde Columbus Malleable Iron Co. —_.__—•—-M_a-_a——W» J Riocles for Rent Division of Domestic Relations 760 Curtis Ave. Z \./ vV*/-*- sl//*__fW_i \./ - in Cause No. 82373, prsying for ET. 9569 - SD S. OHIO AVE a divorce from ber on the NEW FORD HOTEL NO. 2 Columbus, O. grounds of wilful sbsence. BRIDAl SERVICE 452} E. LONG ST. Tel. CA. 4*0421 Said cause will be for hearing ENGRAVED W E D D IN G sn- Colombus. O. on or after, Jan. 14. 1956. THE COAL MAN SAYS: o o u n e e m ents, invitations. Transient and Permanent Guests Welcome 7_. PobttcrU"PctUt _ L. P. Henderson. Atty. Choice! Catering Dept. Hotel 12-3, 10. 17. 24. 31, 1955, 1-7. 1956. St. Clair. FA. 1181. Ford Hotel No. J Still Operated at 179 North 6th St MBS *-*• B FOKP.^OP**-*-**'*" i CA 1-J4» 810-338 REIT MERCHANDISE MART William Pettiford, Jr., whose " 1013 MT. VERNON AVE.—FE. 1.328 * last known address Is 426 Sun- APfS. TOR RENT BROOli^AUTO crest Drive,_ Yellow Springs, MISaiUWEOUS SERVICES Ohio, will take notice that on ONE AND TWO-ROOMS, wit ELECTRIC SERVICE Nov" 25, 1955, Orajanet Petti­ accept children, also welfare STARBUCK PRINTING (0. Repairing Generators, ford filed ber petition in the (relief orders) clients. Benja­ Regulators, Starters ~ RANSOM COAL C0.~ Common Pleas Court of Frank­ min Franklin acco m m o d a* Quality Service Since 1931 466 S. Washington Ave. lin County, Ohio, Division of Hon*. Several convenient locs- Office and Factory Forms — Advertising snd Business Cards CA. 4-5654 24 Hour Serviee Big Lump Ohio 8C West Virginia Domestic Relations in Cause tions. Reasonable rates dsy Letterheads and Envelopes ai I.u» Prices * FUNERAL HOME!No . 82371, praying for a divorce snd night. B. F. Horn proprie­ 455 jt MAIN ST. CA. 4-4S31 • Sold By Ton, One-Half or Ba$ket {.George Brooks - Grafton £ from him on the grounds of tor. Office: 244 N. Garfi-U STOP AT M Saunders - R. D. Smith £ gross neglect of duty and ex­ Special: 10 Baskets _ $4.50 (Delivered) g S. D. Lee 5 Avs. FE. 4279. JEFF'S POOL ROOM treme cruelty. ERNIE'S AUTO SERVIEE 1216 MT.VERNON AVE. Handy, Convenient Yard Service $1108 E. Long St. FE. 1411$ Said cause will be for hearing Columbus, O. on or after Jan. 14. 1956. ROOMS EOR RENT" Complete Service Oa All Makes ef Cars Cigars. Candies and Ice Cold Day & Night Special Yard Prices 5 Columbus, Ohio . **} Harve- M. Boston, Atty. 4J5 BUTTLES AVE. (REAR) CA. Mill Soft Drinks .70 A Hundred .55 A Basket ^»V>«*»-.*V>V>V>'./V*'.*V#V^ 12-3, 10. 17. 21, 31, 1955, 1-7. _956 FURNISHED. Two single rooms Ernest W. Stewart, Prop. IS Years Practical Experience C. JEFFERSON, Prop. Credit Arrsaged Througb Certified Automobile Service 383 N. 20TH ST. FA. 4041 for men only. FA. 9561. ef EAST. Room for employed man "******• #*«*»« MAC'S ar woman^. Kitchen and lauar « " Columbus, Ohio * m dry privileges. EV. 4011. 7p%*ra»*****me^p-gper*e-s*e-m * I BODY -FENDER & PAPIER'S SHOE STORE sr i READER AND ADVISOR PAINT SHOP Factory Returned Sample Shoes • Men's Army Work Apis., Rooms For Rent 9 Shoes • Men's Dress Shoes • Women's St Children's W 938 E. Gay St. - FE. i-.'.e liiriifaluM apartments ami Doe Mae Your Body Maa Shoes • Women's Handbag Overshoes, .50 parr ilft-piut; rooms. 121 IV. Long MADAM WALKER Columbus, O. Children'* Cowboy Boots $1 to $1.45 parr si CA. Ii.:*-.. Gifted Character Reader And Advisor Hath way & Ferguson 529*531 N. 201 h St., Cor. Leonard Columbus. Ohio Seventh daughter born with a veil. Reads ROOKING past, present and future. ^« FURNACE WORE SPECIAL READING—51.00 •73 ML V_r_,__ Aee ef Samuel D. Hooker This lady has just arrived at your city to Colambas, Ohio * Real Estate do good for the public by her wonderful Tetrnpt, ee FE 3414 Cornute Coal Co. Sales * Msnsgement • Rentals powers in reading the history of one's West Virginia Coal ., Ion $1_.8» !-N> life. When doubtful, discontented or un -~~ 768 Mt. Vernon Ave. * Ohio Coal ia 3 Ton Lata , ten 99.5 FE. 4331 Col's. O. happy. don't fail to consult this gifted lady. Advise on all affairs INTERIOR DECORATING 5 FE. KM er Interior 2c Exterior Painting Tea er Basket — Special 10 Baskets S5.-0 ef of life, business, love, marriage, wills and divorces, and specu- DtJivery Service — ROY CORNUTE, Prop. lations of all kinds. Answers aU and any questions—don't fail to Ci» the *t*sK*a to he jolly..and happy sre ]-***** W Floor Sanding, Repairing & ef WeU furnished, clean with Shellacking. 622 £. LONG ST. CA. 7 -4722 consult this gifted lady. Advice on all affairs put at ease. One , Clsi.nmat. ./ W i very modern hotel 'acuities. will convince you that she is far superior to any other Complete Home Cleaning BROOKS AUTO ELECTRIC Known from coast to coast fo sitting reader you have consulted. Hours 10 to 9 Daily and Sunday— EV. 5441 alter 6 P.M. d Mr. and Mra. E. N. Brooks "homelike atmosphere.*' CA 4-96M Celumbas. O. af And Sons, Maurice and Sonny All Welcome. Located at 363V. South Central Ave., earner of IS. E. MAIN ST. •5 + Cooper's Tourist Sullivant (over Essex Drug Store). Tske Sullivant Ave. bus, get UPHOISIFRY ef 466 S. Washington Avo. CA. 4*5654 259 N. 17th St. FE. 5111 off at South Central. Columbus, O. A. W. BURNS & SONS MIU.R'S FURNITURE STORE Columbus, O. BOB WEBSTER'S UjAoistery. Complete Use et Used Fur-hare aad Rugs Columbus, Ohio Cu-lom-built furni.-ir. Reeav* } JAMES,COOPER, Mgr. C0NSTRUOI0N (0. - Ranges, Refrigerators. Washers. Sewhag Machines •J**uK**t*-**-**aL*-*u-*t**& £ 411 Wcc-H-nd Ave. Columbus. Ohio V ered and repaired. Work gaar* EAST TERMS FREE DELIVER! READ All THE ADS aateed. Early -PeBvery. EA. ¥**r*mt****m*m*-e******^ WE BQT AND SELL mat. ______-_-----_-__-_-_--•

sn»«BagB8i«'iyMt.ii--i..i,.in jr. nnmff)ii«w-.j.mm i i»w**m*> .* i ' *a-V .•

.,.% - -. -r*-... ;.-• • a*_^*^l*^t»M«pa><'-*ii«a«l*flB»<»->> a^g;tiijg).p SATURDAY. DECEMRFR g^ ic. SATURDAY. DECEMBER ul'tpts' THE OHIO SENTINFt j»AC_22 THE OHIO SENTINEL ^ai^^^^fc^^^sfc^^^^siaai^^^^^ ^ 1 " ___2__lu___e_\__&ai

MISCELLANEOUiCEU S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE K ' * J* *^-*<-HQlf-*ffc/*#ft*fcf'^»^fia'ai'i-'».*-.'«.^ ***** *-*fr*i*kfii*n*n£ DEAL WITH DEAN! SAVE WITH DEAN! SAVE WITH DEAN! OLD-FASHIONED •9 HRISTMAS If yon want logo Home for Christmas ... ride in style in a i Gay as the decorations on To all our .'loads. From members of your Christmas tree are tha $To all our friends wh0 mad* II wtehea Wo extend to aU of you wo extend warm g possible for a suecessfal year. WAITERS & R-UMAJQ tbJ-'Season. May your Holiday he • merry one! wishes for a Holiday (UIB I | GEORGE'S DYE SHOP AVENUE PHARMACY (hat ..-. (-all vt whose first Interest 1s service 981 ML Vernon Ave. to oar community and friends. FA. 1200 ROGER DEAN i 0 718 E. Long St. FA. 0153 898 E. Long St. at 17th love and joy. $****» Tod Greene, Prop. * RECONDITIONED USED CAR. A Morry _• HELLO! _*i 'SS BUCK Special. Hardtop. R&H $1699 Christmas to alii ef -. 5 We're all wishing yon i very Edward G. Watson — •52 NASH 4-Dr gtm 'SI FORD 4-Dr. Blue Broker; Mrs. Edward _• 5 •54 FORD *!•« Ton Pick-up. •50 CADILLAC 4-Dr. Sharp .. G. Watson — Sect'y; MERRY CHRISTMAS Very sharp $-*1- 'tf FORD Fairlane. Lite Daniel Lewis —- F.V. \ *f •50 CHEVROLET t-Dr. RAcH .... $.99 new OKI; George W. Page -f — FA. J721 Merry Christmas To Oar *54 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. »!it LINCOLN Capri. Hardtop. 9 Maay Friends and Pa|rons Really nice •MS .Sharp tf 'fit FORD 2-Dr. Blue, 1 '55 CHEVROLET Bel .\ir V-«. EDWARD 6. WATSON REALTY (0. j* Echoing through tha land . . . Sharp « RA.H $199- Licensed Real Estate Broker v Joyous chanty of hope aad As sa expression of our thanks LEWIS' CAR •54 CHEVROLET Hardtop $12*1 'Si FORD 2-Dr. Sharp £?cbeer. May wa Join the ring- and good will wa are extend­ The air te filled with the magt- 436 N. Monroe Ave. Columbus, O. 1000 Mt. Vemon Ave. Columbui, Ohio •53 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Verv "83 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2-Dr. • £ing chorus la wishing yon and ing to all our friends and eal spirit of the Toletide. And (G-cyl.) J.IG99 Bus. FE. 3135 Res. FE. 7127 neighbors our very best wishes Frank Lewis, Mgr. Walter Lewis, Prop. Clean $799 i *your loved ones all the warmth our hearts are filled with sin­ for a Joyous aad memorable ->.**-* **» •**•** *•*> S*!_l______^^ *****B _ £and merriment the season cere good wishes for al] af oar Coffers 1 yuletide season. friends aad neighbors! E. H. Baaseom Happy Holiday Season ROGER DEAN CHEVROLET I SUPERIOR BIG SALE AUTOMATIC JOHN I. FRANCIS MINIATURE FOOD MART •51 HENRY J $295 | DRY (LEAKERS Hi 622 E. BROAD al LEXINGTON OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. (A. 8-6565 I'55 OLDS ••-_•' 4-Dr. R&H $2695 1013 ML Vernon Ava. Columbus, OU '53 LINCOLN Caprj RA.H $1495 SPRINKLER CORP. Seventh Ward |*52 CHRYSLER Saratoga . 26. Taylor Ave. FA. 0889 Sedan $745 '53 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-Dr. Cincinnati, Ohio Committeeman Walter Lewis and John Samuel*, Props. jg DEAL WITH DEAN! SAVE WITH DEAN! DEAl WITH DEAN! Is '55 OLDSMOBILE *'98" HT R_l bealtby cooperation extended us during the Factory Keturned Sample Snoes • Men's Army Work rlage., enemies aad business. PAUL DAVIES (HEVROIEI Caterer. Feed aad Grain Dealer I can remove evl» u-.nuer.ce 5 year past. j Shoes • Men's Dress Shoe* • Women's St Children'* '**.* Years Your Downtown 1846 Highland Ava. Roars ..-9 dsily sod Sunday. ML Sterling, Ohio ' * f Shoes • Women's House Slippers .SO to $1.00 While Chevrolet Dealer « Wurren, Ohio m Bus stop* st door. »w «t. • _ >», ******m w They Last • Baby Shoes .50 and $1.00. Open Eves Till If P. M. *•» *** -a* 9gn •**§ eg, **u egg 529*531 N. 20th St.. Cor. Leonard Columbui, Ohio 170* rievetsnd Ave. 22 Cleveland Ave. CA. 3-55.7

r7~~-rw*>j*3i.«x?-r- i,^:!,^-pB_i_»>.> miXtViSX\