Realization of a micrometre-sized stochastic engine Valentin Blickle1,2* and Clemens Bechinger1,2

The conversion of into mechanical is essential trapping centre and k(t), the time-dependent trap stiffness. The for almost any industrial process. The original description value of k is determined by the laser intensity, which is controlled of classical heat engines by Sadi Carnot in 1824 has largely by an acousto-optic modulator. By means of video microscopy, the shaped our understanding of work and heat exchange during two-dimensional trajectory was sampled with spatial and temporal macroscopic thermodynamic processes1. Equipped with our resolutions of 10 nm and 33 ms, respectively. Keeping hot and cold present-day ability to design and control mechanical devices at reservoirs thermally isolated at small scales is experimentally micro- and length scales, we are now in a position very difficult to achieve, so rather than coupling our colloidal to explore the limitations of classical , arising particle periodically to different heat baths, here we suddenly on scales for which thermal fluctuations are important2–5. Here changed the of the surrounding liquid. we demonstrate the experimental realization of a microscopic This variation of the bath temperature was achieved by a second , comprising a single colloidal particle subject to a coaxially aligned laser beam whose wavelength was matched to an time-dependent optical laser trap. The work associated with absorption peak of water. This allowed us to heat the suspension the system is a fluctuating quantity, and depends strongly from room temperature to 90 ◦C in less than 10 ms (ref. 15). The on the cycle duration time, τ, which in turn determines the temperature inside the cell was measured by means of a temperature efficiency of our heat engine. Our experiments offer a rare sensitive dye. (For experimental details, see Methods.) insight into the conversion of thermal to mechanical energy on Figure 1 shows the comparison of a macroscopic a microscopic level, and pave the way for the design of future and its realization in our microscopic experiment. The cycle starts micromechanical machines. at time t = 0 with step (1), where the particle is trapped at room ◦ Macroscopic heat engines operating periodically between two temperature Tc = 22 C (corresponding to the cold heat bath) −1 heat baths are described well by the , owing in a shallow potential with kmin = 281 fN µm . In analogy to a to the large number of internal degrees of freedom, which render macroscopic engine (inset Fig. 1), for 0 ≤ t < τ/2 we perform an fluctuations negligible. In contrast, fluctuations become visible isothermal compression by linearly increasing the trap stiffness −1 when the typical energy scales of engines are reduced by more to kmax = 1,180 fN µm (step (1) → (2)). Next, we suddenly than twenty orders of magnitude, down to values around kBT. This (<1 ms) turn on the heating laser with a mechanical shutter, which regime can be achieved when the typical system dimensions are leads (relative to our sampling frequency) to an instantaneous 2 ◦ scaled down from to micrometres . Such conditions are temperature jump to Th = 86 C. Because the trapping potential typically met for biomolecules6,7 and other microelectromechanical remains constant during the step (2) → (3), it corresponds to an systems (MEMS; refs 8–10) that can perform translational or isochoric process. Next, the system is isothermally expanded during rotational motion as a result of chemical reactions and electrical τ/2 ≤ t < τ, corresponding to (3) → (4), and the entire cycle of fields. Also, several types of Brownian motor have been discussed total duration τ is completed with a temperature jump back to that are able to extract useful work by rectification of thermal Tc (step (4) → (1)). noise11–13. Despite its conceptual simplicity, no attempt has been To extract thermodynamic quantities from the particle’s po- made to realize a microscopic heat engine that extracts energy sitional fluctuations we use the framework of stochastic thermo- by cyclically working between two heat baths in a regime where dynamics. For an overdamped particle, as considered here, the fluctuations dominate. increment of work dW = (∂U (R,t)/∂t)dt is directly related to Here we present an experimental realization of a , the particle’s trajectory16. With the sign convention used here, where a single Brownian particle is subjected to a time-dependent work is negative (positive) when energy is extracted (delivered) optical trap and periodically coupled to different heat baths14. The from (to) the colloidal system. Similarly, the increment of heat particle and the trapping potential replace the working gas and the dQ = (∂U (R,t)/∂R)R˙dt is positive when the heat is transferred piston of its macroscopic counterpart. As for conventional heat from the particle to the thermal bath. Integration along the stochas- engines where the periodic coupling of the working gas to a cold and tic trajectory yields the time-dependent work a hot heat bath changes and inside a piston, the t fluctuations of a colloidal particle subjected to an external optical Z ∂U (R(t 0),t 0) potential vary on changing the temperature of the solvent. W (t) = dt 0 (1) ∂t 0 As a Brownian particle we used a single melamine bead of 0 diameter 2.94 µm suspended in water and confined in a vitreous sample cell 4 µm in height. Using a highly focused From equation (1) it is obvious that—in agreement with a laser beam we exerted a parabolic trapping potential U (R,k) = macroscopic Stirling engine—the isochoric transitions in the (1/2)k(t)R2 on the particle, where R is its radial distance from the microscopic Stirling engine ((2) → (3), (4) → (1) in Fig. 1) do

12nd Physical Institute, Physics Department, University of Stuttgart, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany, 2Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany. *e-mail: [email protected].

NATURE PHYSICS | VOL 8 | FEBRUARY 2012 | www.nature.com/naturephysics 143 © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. LETTERS NATURE PHYSICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2163

° (3) (4) Th = 86 C

Isothermal Expansion

¬0.2 0 0.2 ¬0.2 0 0.2 Position (µm) Position (µm) Macroscopic Stirling cycle p (3) Transition Isochoric (4) (2) Isochoric Transition (1)

(2) (1) V

¬0.2 0 0.2 ¬0.2 0 0.2 Isothermal Position (µm) Position (µm) Compression ° Tc = 22 C

Figure 1 | Schematic comparison of a macroscopic Stirling cycle and its realization in a colloidal system. (1) → (2) Isothermal increase of the stiffness of ◦ ◦ the optical trapping potential (isothermal compression) at Tc = 22 C. (2) → (3) Instantaneous temperature increase to Th = 86 C at fixed optical potential (isochoric process). (3) → (4) Isothermal decrease of trap stiffness (isothermal expansion) at Th. (4) → (1) Instantaneous temperature decrease to Tc at fixed optical potential (isochoric process). The histograms show the measured particle probability distributions of the corresponding stationary states together with Gaussian fits as solid lines. The width of the distribution at Th is 1.11 times greater than at Tc at same potential. Originating in an increase in thermal energy this broadening provides an independent measure of the hot temperature (90 ◦C) which is in good agreement with the fluorescently measured temperature of 86 ◦C. Inset Stirling process in the pressure–volume diagram representation, where the enclosed area amounts to the work extracted by the machine. not contribute to W because U is constant and the work is (Fig. 1), it results in an average work production. For the counter- only delivered during the isothermal steps. Although work W , clockwise direction, this difference is positive, as is the slope heat Q and inner energy U are no longer sharp values but have of the work trajectory. become fluctuating quantities, energy can be neither generated nor We also studied how the average work per cycle ¯w varies destroyed, which leads to a stochastic first-law-like energy balance with cycle time τ (red symbols in Fig. 3a). With increasing τ, ¯w 1U = W −Q (refs 16,17). monotonically decreases until it approaches the quasistatic limit ¯w∞ Figure 2a shows how W (in units of kBTc) changes with time at long cycle times. In this limit, the work is easily obtained from the during the Stirling cycle (black) over the duration of a typical corresponding free along the paths (1)→(2) and (3)→(4) experiment. As the slope of the work trajectory is negative, the of the Stirling cycle. Because the free energy of a colloidal particle ∼ −19 machine extracts energy on the order of 20 kBT = 10 J from inside a two-dimensional√ parabolic potential is (up to a constant) the heat baths. To resolve the dynamics within a cycle, we given by F(k,T) = 2kBT ln k (ref. 18), we obtain show a magnified view in the inset of Fig. 2a. Obviously, W s  T  k decreases (increases) when expanding (compressing) the system = 1 +1 = − h max = ∂ /∂ ¯w∞ F1→2 F3→4 2kBTc 1 ln because the corresponding work increments dW ( U t)dt are Tc kmin always negative (positive). In contrast to a macroscopic engine, however, here thermal fluctuations in the work are obvious. which agrees well with our experimental data (Fig. 3a). Towards These fluctuations can be seen more clearly in Fig. 2b,c where smaller cycle times, we observe a reversal from negative to positive = R (n+1)τ ∂ /∂ 0 0 we show the work per cycle n, wn nτ ( U t )dt and its values of ¯w. In this regime, dissipation effects become important probability distribution p(wn), which is centred around its average and the mean work per cycle can be written as value ¯w = −0.11 kBTc. We also performed experiments where the Stirling engine was operated in counter-clockwise direction. This ¯w = ¯w∞ + ¯wdiss (2) is achieved by time reversal of the protocol that controls both the optical tweezer and the heating laser. As expected, the slope of W with ¯wdiss the mean irreversibly dissipated work per cycle. Because then becomes positive and the machine operates as a heat pump ¯wdiss > 0 and increases with decreasing τ, this qualitatively explains (red data in Fig. 2). the observed change of sign in ¯w. It has been shown14,18,19 that For a microscopic understanding of our stochastic heat engine the irreversible work can be written to first order as ¯wdiss = 6/τ, it is helpful to consider that the work increment δW of a where the coefficient 6 contains information about the protocol colloidal particle at position R inside a parabolic trap with and the coupling mechanism between the colloidal particle and time-dependent trap stiffness is proportional to R2. The fact the thermal environment. We find excellent agreement between that the particle probability distribution at higher equation (2) (solid line) and our data when the fitting parameter is broader explains the observed small difference between the Σ is adjusted to Σ = 0.95 kBTcs. work extracted during step (3) → (4) and the work spent while For most practical applications the P = − ¯w/τ delivered compressing the system (1) → (2). Although this broadening by a micro-engine is of central importance. In contrast to is hardly visible in the corresponding equilibrium distributions macroscopic heat machines, where the dependence of P on the cycle

144 NATURE PHYSICS | VOL 8 | FEBRUARY 2012 | www.nature.com/naturephysics © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. NATURE PHYSICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2163 LETTERS

a 40 a 0.05 0.2 20

0 0 0 ) w ¬1 ) ( c s k ¬20 2 c T B T

B (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) T B k ¬0.2 c k ( ) ) ( ¬0.05 c

¬40 1 P W T B k ( ¬60 0 w ¬0.4

W n (3) (4) (3) (4) (3) (4) ¬0.10 ¬80 ¬1 030 Time (s) ¬0.6 ¬100 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 500 1,0001,500 2,000 τ (s) Time (s) b 0.2 b c η∞ 1 1

η ) ) 0 c c T T B B k k 0 0 ( (

n n w w ¬0.2 ¬1 ¬1 0 10 20 30 40 50 τ (s) 0 100 0 1 n τ p (wn) Figure 3 | Power, work and efficiency versus the cycle revolution time . a, Averaged work w¯ and power as a function of the cycle time τ for the ◦ ◦ Figure 2 | Extracted work of the microscopic heat engine. a, W versus time experimental conditions Th = 76 C, Tc = 22 C, kmax/kmin = 4.4, for a heat engine in clockwise (black curve) and counter-clockwise (red w¯ ∞ = −0.27 kBTc and ηc = 0.15. The red solid line is a fit according to curve) cycle direction with τ = 12 s. In the latter case, the machine acts as a w¯ = w¯ ∞ −6/τ with the free fitting parameter 6 = 0.95 kBTcs. For τ < 3.6 s heat pump. (Inset) Magnified view where the individual steps during three the machine is not extracting energy, w¯ becomes positive and the output cycles are resolved. b, Work accumulated over one cycle as a function of power negative. b, Efficiency η versus cycle time. In the long-time limit the the cycle number n for clockwise (black) and counter-clockwise (red) cycle measured efficiency approaches η∞ = 0.14 (solid line). Note that the directions. The average work per cycle is −0.11 kBT and 0.25 kBT, efficiency at maximum power is η = 0.08. The error bars indicate the respectively, for the two cases. c, Corresponding probability distributions, standard deviations of the mean among individual cycles. p(wn), to the plots in b. effects, the efficiency becomes negative, meaning the colloidal 20 time was discussed in 1975 by Curzon and Ahlborn , only recently particle is not able to perform work below τ < ts = 3.6 s and has this dependence been theoretically investigated for microscopic the machine stalls14. At maximum power (τ = 7.2 s) we obtain 14,19 η . heat engines . To achieve the maximum power output of a heat max = 0 075, which is, within our experimental√ error, in agreement 20 machine there is an obvious trade-off between large cycling times with the Curzon prediction of ηmax = 1 − Tc/Th = 0.081. It where dissipation becomes negligible and ¯w is large, and small cycle should be mentioned that recent theoretical work has demonstrated times where the Stirling engine operates at high frequencies. Indeed, considerable deviations from this prediction for (Th − Tc)/Tc  1 such a maximum of the mean power is found in our experiments (refs 14,19). In our aqueous experiment the maximal temperature around τ = 7 s (black symbols in Fig. 3a). difference is restricted by the melting and freezing temperatures of Finally, we also investigated the efficiency of our engine, which is water and therefore (Th − Tc)/Tc does not exceed 0.3. Thus, the given by the ratio between extracted work and the average absorbed aforementioned deviations are negligible. heat ¯qh at the hot temperature, that is η = ¯w/¯qh. Using the first Depending on their range of use, future micromechanical law of thermodynamics it follows that the heat absorbed during the devices will be operated either at highest efficiency or maximum expansion at Th is ¯q3→4 = ¯w3→4 − 1¯u3→4. In thermal equilibrium, power. As shown above, these values are determined by the amount that is, in the quasistatic limit τ → ∞, the equipartition theorem of irreversible work, which depends on τ. However, they are also holds and the average inner energy at each position in the protocol influenced by the specific choice of the protocol. Because the bath is equal to kBT. Therefore 1¯u3→4 = 0 and thus ¯q3→4 = ¯w3→4. temperature and trap stiffness are externally controlled in our To perform step (3) → (4) quasistatically the system has to relax set-up, this allows the realization of arbitrarily protocols (and even into equilibrium after the sudden temperature increase (2) → Carnot cycles). It will be interesting to identify the protocol under (3). This relaxation is connected to an additional average heat which the maximum power is optimized. Furthermore, a feedback flow ¯q2→3 = −1¯u2→3 = −kBTh(1 − Th/Tc). With ¯w3→4 = 1F3→4, based on the instantaneous particle position could be added to the efficiency becomes the protocol. To what extent this will affect the maximum power remains an open question. −1 η∞ = ¯w∞/(1F3→4 −1¯u2→3) = ηc[1+ηc/ln(kmax/kmin)] Methods η / where c = 1 − Tc Th is the Carnot efficiency. It should be men- Particle trapping and tracking. All experiments were performed using melamine tioned that an identical expression is obtained for a macroscopic particles of diameter 2.94 µm (Microparticles, MF-F-S1712). A highly diluted 21 µ Stirling engine when kmax/kmin is replaced by the compression aqueous suspension was confined in a thin, 4 m high, chamber. ratio. From the experimental values given in the caption of Fig. 3, The custom-built cell consisted of two BK7 glass slides, pressed together in the η = . = . η presence of polystyrene spacer particles 4 µm in diameter (Duke, 4204A) and then we obtain ∞ 0 14 0 9 c. sealed with epoxy glue. To create the time-dependent harmonic trapping potential, As shown in Fig. 3b, the experimentally determined η indeed a laser beam (λ = 1,064 nm, Coherent Compass) was sent through an acousto-optic converges to η∞ = 0.14 at large τ. As a result of dissipation modulator (Crystal Technology, AOM 3080) and focussed to a diffraction limited

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