Rank S. Jones Leave at End:Of Year New Ter-M-Contained Courses- TI-A-Jill F~Ifteen Faculty Members, Three Members of Tha
Vietnam, _ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~whatnext? at Cambodia... ph Vo urne 94, Number 2Wfi Phillips Academ-- y.- Andover; Massachusetts May 6, 1970 Atumni- Choose, Fifteen Teachers Will Senior Curriculum Provides Sh rank S. Jones Leave At End:Of Year New Ter-m-Contained Courses- TI-A-jill F~ifteen faculty members, three members of tha. ,As V rustee Administration, and four teaching fellows will leaveInoprtgchgemaeos __________PA after this year. Of the 22 men, four will retire,silbytenwrmserce- five will take sabbaticals and leaves of absence, while dasib, bydther' newrriclmster caen- 1iewlassume outsd yerwilinldt2sajrcore eNe MCouncil Bard Named Friencwinsrutsrde edpsts French .A. instructorCochran,Ccrnwoisyawlncue26mjrore whoChester is ~~~forseniors lasting one term only. presently working on his thesis, will officially retire 'A hl aoiyo h rsn 7]this year. English teacher Walter Gierasch, retiring year-long minors will remin ba- "ito Monterey, California, will pursue his hobbies of . sically unchanged, many present photography, geology, and birdwatchling. Mr. John ';y mnrcusswl eofrda Hawes,- another English Department instructor will tr-otandmjrs0 oeta it ~ ~ ~ ~ -as ev A hsya.- ten new topics will be added to the Mr. Leonard James, head of the History Depart- present course of studies. ment since 1955, will travel in Europe following Flexible Math Program le ~~~~~~~~retirement this year. English-instructor Francis Mc-ThMafDertntpoam Carthy will leave in June after 28 years of serviceTh MafDertntpoam JU~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ to Andover. withnovations, the greatestwill enable -number fourth of yearin- Otefaculty members are leaving, PA to work else- ~'sno ahsuet osic 41 ~~~~~~~where.English teacher Peter C. Johnson will asume atrtefl emfo n ah it ~~~~~~~~apost at an experimental theater in Boston called eaia oi oaohr The Proposition.
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