Arts Ctmfnr Tpp K in 'S Reaction/ M Ixed
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I ... •■ , Good mo riling . it's 3, 1^2 '■ V — ■;•••- ■■ . \ y .f* * 'V . ' ■ RI Matfjc yalley’s Home Neusfidpi^ 6 9 th y o o r , 5,] 4th issue TWIN FAUS, IDAHO c a r e frf^frm nrvtilm nninhjr^N n^^ , Irmly cnforco these regulations," he sold. n E D O s y l a k e . - “Spcclal-cnrc:: In the McGuire, who became,tho head of tho forest future mnnQgemonl of the-SaivtoDth region of j^lco.ihlBjpriDfl.-aa]djBoJorQflUctvlce will T3aho ^Vna'^odBed here Friday by ■'flunUTS. cooperate fully with National Park Sorvlccr- HI»Monn6\MTv4h&HteveV^menH>Hhfti^nerH >n- John R. McQQlro, chlofofth'o forbats florvico the potentials for hd|l6nal parlii (Toslgnotlon ' |=iqffla:-pHi«lparflpoflKor-furirig the^( ' “ wttttlTTtfio fl'reai— —----------------- the now Niitionol Sawtootli RccroatJonal Area, All four of.Idflho!s_congrcaBlonBi dologato., said tho Qgonoy has rocolvod a mandate to t^kc addrossod the coremony In the Redflsh U ko . apeclol caro In managing tho arou and has umplthoator, as did Qov. Cocll Andrus and Vern plodgod ili^U o this task. Hamre,.regional fqroster, Ogden, Utah. "Pooplo Uiroujjhout tho ontlro country should Sen. Prpnk Church, D^daho, who has worked bo proud of the manner. In which Idaho's for morQ^than, a decade toward ipeclalv lonators'ond roprosorUliflvos worked-togothof prot9ctlvolpglsl^tk>n for the Sgwtobth 6rofl, told to och^vcJfiF& iw tobth NRA blll,^.^h(Miold. about 3po’ perso n s the SNHA bill cam e In th e : McGuire said two lond manogcmont nick of time to: ^ programs will rccolvo, Immedlotc attention. — "Extend necessary protection tD.^hfl _ those, ho sold, are minerals managomont and rnagnlflcont mountain region and Us iconic 1^— de.velopment-and^e-o^p^lvnte-londs: alues;--------— ^--------: ----------- ---------------- “The ehtlrc area la pcrniunently withdrawn ‘‘Protect4ho'8fl\»tbolh Valley foreground _ (fom (urlhcr minornl entry so there cnn be no from jinplannod.ccumser^l and subdivision new m lnfng claim a locatcd. \Ve m u s t , uWo development. ' • develop regulnlions for control and use to (C ontinued on P .3) President New life on Albion cniii|ius plans q u i^ : Labor BWy arts ctmfnr ^ . SAN CLElMENTE, ’ ,(UPI)~Presidunl Nixon Ills vacation hnme here Satur- ' day fDllowing. a Jo p an e se i l h i _____au n u n ll^ w lilp li_ u fn c ia ls at^ir inn Tpp f . roiht;,. thon. ...solved V - and - other problems By DAVID HOHSKMAN Magic Valjey Christian<Jolh!Be: botween the two allies. TimeS'N'ews w riier’ . ■ The Teenies brothers obtained a 99-ycar lease Tlie_President spent most of “rttUtON — This town muy bccome a nalionur bn the property fr^m the city of Alhlon, whTch tlu* day preparlnfi a Ijibor Day center for tho s tudy {ind p ra ctice of fine-arts if bought the campus from.the state of Idaho in address hu will tape for radio ■ ■■ all ' Hocs well (or the T ceples lirothers. , 1060 for J l , - broadcast throughout the nation For the past year.and a half. Doug feoples Their plans now call for opening three schools Sunday. ( -^ ■ Lynh Teeples. .‘M, have been rcnovaUcpInc next summer, each withJts.ownTqsident artist,' He returned here Friday pannimpus which has served throe colleges in this According to Lynn Teeples, each of the small. night'-from Hawaii following ■ ■ -itf;l;finls-wilUKr.ti>,,s. own p l» re w ltb lo -lh e. two days of Uilks witli Jojlananesc _ .Now.known us uie urc«on:ijaili^eairval of the . framework the festival, the Bizea of the Prime Minister-Kakuel ,'fanukir The accident occurred about nine hilles west flashing his lights ond honking his horn but fc ts, they are planning for a day when all facets ;lloo which focused primarily various scliools MU be. d eterm ined b y -th e ....... r - t~ f y ^ e i r’D ^ HM.TtrH te b wny £&.. d ing* tu” ■fntmtrti---------------------d O |^ p .. - — - --------- — ------------------ JoUJWMitiuo^ttrtr-mlh-twTT rcglOenr nrtlST ffl'gnflVg^', bi^T ecplqs es'timntFs ways oi eliminating the clironh: jOIJN A.M eGl ini; Gooding County sheriff's bfflcors, a truck .Applegren’s wife was followlpgjier husband campus which utis at the turn of the century that 50 students for each school is a feasible size, trade imbalance between the towing a trailec and driven by Raymond T. In on dther vehicle and-nlso was o witness to the Albion State Nprmal School, loiter il became • . tw’o nations, Japan’s moves to ! . k o y n o l t T Amoureux, 17, Jerome, apparently crossed tjie accident, officers said. ............. Idoho State Teachers College and more recently ■ (Continued on P.3U * .establish diplomatic relations . ce n ter line of th e roadw ay an d ra n oyer a station ------------ ^ ^ ---------------------------------------j _ _ -witt'Poklng-flncnheTOlG'Japan- wnBOii tuwiiig a fuurnjvh«jl:drive-vehiel^The—-^poordlngrt<>-th®-Goodlng-Gounty-fihBrlff^ 5h6uld play as a new economic atatloii wagon was being di-ivpn by the victim. office, Amoureux wos not injured In the superpower. ■» Tanaka Applegren worheaded' w^st and Amoureux accident but ls;under sedation, White House press secretary was going east. Sheriff's Officers Jom es Burke and Bill Boyer POW fam ily gro\ip asks Honald Ziegler, meantime, said The Jerome youth was traveling in a cara,van' ^ d Sheriff Earl V. Brown are continuing the -Nixon, was pleased-vvith-NQclli- depunts — oLvehlcIca^ill Swan, who’wris'driving behind investigation of thfc.QCCi.dentr_________ ^_________ VietnamVdecision to release three Amerirun pMsoners of Hanoi for more r^iairres war but pftlnted out that this was only an "infinitesmal” for home Forbidden poison use ay United PresstolccwHlo^nn' ' Tlie telegram suggested that didnte Sen! Ueorge S. McGov- portion of the more than 1,500 A prominent Mgunliatloh'-Q{ long-term U.S. captives or ern also expressed ■gratification Americans captured or missing, HONOLULU lUPl) -Japa famlires'of m i& g 'and cap-' those with health problems be over tho promised releases, but in Indochina," . nese Prime Minister Kakuel tured U.S. servicemen ex- - transferred to some nieutral again criticized President "We will not rest until there Tanaka left for home. Saturday, m-essed gratitude Saturday country for internment^. It^Nixon’jj effort? to end the war is a complete accounting for all in a special Jyt flying American on predal6rsjihargedl over North Vietnam's promise Irnplicd that this would protect and get all prisoners refeased. missing in action and release of and Japanese flags, after two •to-wlei>ne thref yj^QWsr 'but— North-Vtetnnm ftoni ixjasiblc' - “I ealHipon Pfeaident-Nl»OTr «»>H)piaoneftrihm <ghouHtitkwH- Pfeaident Nixon -1 ‘^?0?®*'VQtjonisi group charged Ji^ rtm ^ t snld__s^ychBlne Umlted to atCQS^'horc large urged Hanoi to follow up with exploitation of th^prlM ^rs by.,_/y}d Hs ndylsQr.s to_ give' up inn,” he.said, names and n?T OCCountlng'orall Uie U.S.' government while Uleir obsession wUh p'erpetuat- G ^ John A. Burns and Other ^turday the' Interior Depart-^Raioids were being used to numbers burrowing into the’ other Americans lost to Ihuir alfonllng the men beltei- living the corrupt Thleu ceglme Hawaii ond-milUary\mclals la stUl WUlng prorlft dogs control th*i burrowing prolrle ground were considered a forces. , condilion.s. - ’ (in South Vie^am) and t£lurn__ bade farowolt^to-Uio-promlar— >^^h-8^fyclinlnc .despite Pres- docs but Bftld_Uilfl-«aa-bclnc_inenace_io land, conscnvatlon • u/JiHp hiiin «7iris In nrnHQ nHru ident Nlxon's Fcb. -2 Order to done under • strict rules to Garrett, In his letter to Reed, In 0' telegrynrZ rQ __NorUr ^ u c li il jnovc "would provldi) ' WoIl ntfpntioii jfi_Uie_m dnl_ whUa hula girls in grasa.sklrts . hdU Uie use .of (Mlsohs on provonl the -polsoning-af^ther aaid OWS officials haU told him .Vietnamese President Ton Due convincing- evidence of your ..American fighting men who swayed to ukeleles. -wilHni^pM. sfiU.sfnp,tprlly .InnguiSh ^ ven now In Jlie jail' President Nixon returned to federal lands' for ' predator anlmols. ’ about 200,000 acres of land wlUi control. The department spokesman prairie dog colonies were being ' Evelyn Grubb of the National Resolve the prisoner Issue and cells of Hanoi," McGovern said *San Qemente, Calif, on Friday says Friends of the Earth, a said poisoned grains were "treated” this-ycnr with-the- League of Families of Amcri- thus - encourage the Amcrlco Other Pentagon sources also night. W ashingtonbased onvironm en- p laced .d irectly lnjp_prniriff_dbg ,p(USQnfld.grol|i.----------------------------------- ;— ..can Prisoners_and Miaalng;In people tD.demandTicw lnlUaUvc defiled fln.allegotion-by DeUln- -'The squad of-W lilte-House: talist organlzaiion, sallTln &- .|)urrows and that U was the ^le result, he'sold, would be ‘ Soutticast Aalo aold.that despUo—on tho parl-qf Ihe-Unlted-States' ger thnt -the-UtSnnnitory had trtmfipetecrs ployed-a spociaL- oii~AmoikaWi'i oo k letter' to Asslstont Interior nature of the anlmnl to die In Its the loss of other endangered- tho new releases her group was representotivds at the Paris “ brainwashed" previous relea- eomposition called '‘Tonaka"— Ityrward t<) tho day Secretary Nathaniel P. Reed hole rather than to come out nnlmols, such na the blackrbot- concerned about the health and peace talks,v the telegram aces and caused them to report « sprightly marching tune when all POW‘% will bo that , the practice was o < during its deaUi flgqny.. ed forrqt and the kit fox, and of weU-being of oUier Americans said. • , ' they had’ been inhumanely w ritten for^the su m m it—a s Uie home again. violation of tl)c presidential Thci)nly predator ttiat was birds such as tlie burrowing o^l Htlll prisoner.