Arts Ctmfnr Tpp K in 'S Reaction/ M Ixed
I ... •■ , Good mo riling . it's 3, 1^2 '■ V — ■;•••- ■■ . \ y .f* * 'V . ' ■ RI Matfjc yalley’s Home Neusfidpi^ 6 9 th y o o r , 5,] 4th issue TWIN FAUS, IDAHO c a r e frf^frm nrvtilm nninhjr^N n^^ , Irmly cnforco these regulations," he sold. n E D O s y l a k e . - “Spcclal-cnrc:: In the McGuire, who became,tho head of tho forest future mnnQgemonl of the-SaivtoDth region of j^lco.ihlBjpriDfl.-aa]djBoJorQflUctvlce will T3aho ^Vna'^odBed here Friday by ■'flunUTS. cooperate fully with National Park Sorvlccr- HI»Monn6\MTv4h&HteveV^menH>Hhfti^nerH >n- John R. McQQlro, chlofofth'o forbats florvico the potentials for hd|l6nal parlii (Toslgnotlon ' |=iqffla:-pHi«lparflpoflKor-furirig the^( ' “ wttttlTTtfio fl'reai— —----------------- the now Niitionol Sawtootli RccroatJonal Area, All four of.Idflho!s_congrcaBlonBi dologato., said tho Qgonoy has rocolvod a mandate to t^kc addrossod the coremony In the Redflsh U ko . apeclol caro In managing tho arou and has umplthoator, as did Qov. Cocll Andrus and Vern plodgod ili^U o this task. Hamre,.regional fqroster, Ogden, Utah. "Pooplo Uiroujjhout tho ontlro country should Sen. Prpnk Church, D^daho, who has worked bo proud of the manner. In which Idaho's for morQ^than, a decade toward ipeclalv lonators'ond roprosorUliflvos worked-togothof prot9ctlvolpglsl^tk>n for the Sgwtobth 6rofl, told to och^vcJfiF& iw tobth NRA blll,^.^h(Miold. about 3po’ perso n s the SNHA bill cam e In th e : McGuire said two lond manogcmont nick of time to: ^ programs will rccolvo, Immedlotc attention.
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