Rank S. Jones Leave at End:Of Year New Ter-M-Contained Courses- TI-A-Jill F~Ifteen Faculty Members, Three Members of Tha

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Rank S. Jones Leave at End:Of Year New Ter-M-Contained Courses- TI-A-Jill F~Ifteen Faculty Members, Three Members of Tha Vietnam, _ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~whatnext? at Cambodia... ph Vo urne 94, Number 2Wfi Phillips Academ-- y.- Andover; Massachusetts May 6, 1970 Atumni- Choose, Fifteen Teachers Will Senior Curriculum Provides Sh rank S. Jones Leave At End:Of Year New Ter-m-Contained Courses- TI-A-jill F~ifteen faculty members, three members of tha. ,As V rustee Administration, and four teaching fellows will leaveInoprtgchgemaeos __________PA after this year. Of the 22 men, four will retire,silbytenwrmserce- five will take sabbaticals and leaves of absence, while dasib, bydther' newrriclmster caen- 1iewlassume outsd yerwilinldt2sajrcore eNe MCouncil Bard Named Friencwinsrutsrde edpsts French .A. instructorCochran,Ccrnwoisyawlncue26mjrore whoChester is ~~~forseniors lasting one term only. presently working on his thesis, will officially retire 'A hl aoiyo h rsn 7]this year. English teacher Walter Gierasch, retiring year-long minors will remin ba- "ito Monterey, California, will pursue his hobbies of . sically unchanged, many present photography, geology, and birdwatchling. Mr. John ';y mnrcusswl eofrda Hawes,- another English Department instructor will tr-otandmjrs0 oeta it ~ ~ ~ ~ -as ev A hsya.- ten new topics will be added to the Mr. Leonard James, head of the History Depart- present course of studies. ment since 1955, will travel in Europe following Flexible Math Program le ~~~~~~~~retirement this year. English-instructor Francis Mc-ThMafDertntpoam Carthy will leave in June after 28 years of serviceTh MafDertntpoam JU~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ to Andover. withnovations, the greatestwill enable -number fourth of yearin- Otefaculty members are leaving, PA to work else- ~'sno ahsuet osic 41 ~~~~~~~where.English teacher Peter C. Johnson will asume atrtefl emfo n ah it ~~~~~~~~apost at an experimental theater in Boston called eaia oi oaohr The Proposition. Mr.wll . eacRnni anEngishMathmatcsMeuilin epatmet Cai~a Rihar S.Pieers In addition to the program of Mr.wll R.Renni teah Mc~uikinan nglishMatheatics epartent CaG~ Rihfour. calculusorcoursescu andsfourforyear course at Abbot Academy next year. Mr. Otto formulated five new term-long math majors, long minors, the- Math Department e ~~~~~~~Vehrenkampf, who has taught here 11loffer a minimum of five term- for one year, will become a Ger- SOULE NAMED NEW DIRECTOR contained majors each trimester. man instructor at Phillips Exeter Mr. Frank S. Jones, PA '46 Academy and later return to OF ISHAM INFIRM ARY-HOSPITAL Topics of the new one term majors Phillips Academy's alumni re- his native Germany. icueAnalytic Geometry, Prob- cently elected Mr. Frank Jones Faculty Sabbaticals Dr. Francis G. Soule, Jr., will Chief of Medicine and Director of ability, Polynominal Calculus, and PA '46 -as this year's Alumni Four instructors are taking be the new head of the Isham Clinical Services at the U.S. Naval Computer Math. Trustee. Phillips Academy's first sabbaticals. History instructor Infirmary - Hospital effecieHstainBhsdMrld. I ech raexptomur black trustee, Jones will serve for Wayne Frederick will attend the August 1. He will succeed Dr. Currently, Dr. Soule is a prac- Mthilnb poilefora aunut three years. University of Australia. Mr. Julian Kaiser, the present Medical ticing internist in Andover and is i ilb osbefrasuett Mr. Jones graduated from Meredith Price will study English Director. Director of the Lahey Clinic pursue the equivalent of a year Harvard College in 1950 and from at the Haivard Graduate School Navy Doctor --Foundation in Boston. An Andover long major by taking term majors the Harvard Business School in of Arts and Seiences and also plans Dr. Soule, a graduate 6f Dart- resident, Dr. Soule has been a in the same field for three succes- 1957. He served as Assistant Dean lo observe English courses taught mouth College, received his degree member and past President of the sive terms. ofteHarvard Business School at high schools in suburban Boston. in medicine from Ne Yok shmIfray edcltf. The English. requirement for 40 from 196-0 until 1962. Jones is Mr. Thomas - Lloyd and his University. He also studied at the Commenting on why he accepted terms, will be met either in fall- presently the Executive Director wife will write a book to help University of Pennsylvania School the post, Dr. Soule said that he winter or fall-spring" sequences. of the Urban Systemis Laboratory students and parents select private of Medicine. After serving in the likes the manner in which the However, 40 "regular" students and Director of the Technology, schools. Mr. Philip Weld will Medical Corps of the U.S. Navy members of the infirmary staff may study English all year by Race and Poverty project at M.I.T. spend the year working with for over twenty years, he retired show great interest in the skliool. 'electing three term majors to ap- Also a member of_ the Advisory (Continued On Page Four) as a captain. Dr. Soule was recently ' Replaces Kaiser proximaltethe present English 4R Council of the Black-Big Brother Dr. Soule replaces--Julian Kaiserj~- - -(Continued On Page Four) Alliance of Boston, Mr. Joines is Andover Students, AVIS WVill ConductL for five years head of the Isham the Director of the Roxbury~ Infirmary. Dr. Kaiser, PA '43, Phillipian 'W i ns Fea d e r a t i o n of Neighborhlood -Shawsheen River Cleanup On Sunday attended Yale University and Houses of Boston.,. Columbia Medical School. He First Place Rank NhewAlumni Council, Peint an'-rcevd~dae riig a THE PHILLIPIAN last week re- Thein Alumni its an- Council, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1S- Id..f A Hartford Hospital, where he cie is lc aigi h iual spring meeting, elected Mr. assistedac intngtheh ceivd Anthony M. Schulte PA '47 as it , 2 ~atfca eeoeeto nannual Columbia Scholastic Press President - for 1970-1971. Mr. --- laea kinyDrKisrwsAssociation competition of 1969-70. Schulte is a 1951 graduate of Yale -- ,'' -nerpyhaicofcrn Nearly 2000 newspapers from and a 1953 graduate of the Har- the Army Medical Corps. colleges and high schools across vard Business School. - u- - j the country submitted entries. 916 out of 1000- -_(Continued On Page Four) O er 1i20 Couples Attend ~~~Outof a total of '1000 possible ParentsWill Visit Will Attend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Prompoints, THE PurI LIPIAN scored 916. - The newspaper's content, based on CampusMay16 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ance,the 1970 Spring Weekend out of 300 possible points. M~ke-thp, Alrproximately 250 parents of will be held from Friday afternoon involving the physical appearance lUPP r and Lower Middlers will -to Sunday night. Offering a great- of the paper, was awarded 178 out Visit the campus on Parent's Day, ~ ~ -er diversification in program than of 200 points, -wNhile writing and Satu 'day, May 16. Activities will _- _., last, the Spring Weekend will editing earned 3?3 ot of'- 400 ocule discussions in the morning, " feature two bands, The Bunch and poits. ithle ~ic events in the afternoon, PA students will help clean the banks of the Shawsheen River- Suna.The Pillar and will include an pIngeracosdatn, a-- Carnival the annual spring They also will participate in a project to determine the river's chemclouting to Crane's Beach. The cost -aIngtenea caracteravion ad mnd pollution. utn h hrcevso 'n ilusi 'al; in the evening. .of the weekend -will be about $15 achievement of the paper, THE Pa'-ents will register between In conjunction with the-Andover a public reservation, per couple. PHILLIPIAN received 90 out of,100 9:00 and 10:15 in the Underwood V ill a g e Improvement Society This afternoon, Mr. Smith and Because dates will be arriving points.. Roon S a t ur day morniffg. (AVIS), a 'group of 40 PA stu- several others will go to the at. various times on Friday af- Last year, THE PHILLIPIAN F 0 1 1 o w inr g the registration, dents will conduct a cleanup of Reichhold Chemical Company to ternoon, no activities are planned scored 920 points out of'-1000, and Read master John Kemper, Dean the Shawsheen River Sunday. find out what waste products they for this time, was awarded a Medalist Ceitificate if 'Students John Richards, and Logs and Tires discharge into the Shawsheen. Concert at Evans "based on intangible qualities Dean of Faculty Simeon Hyde will - P A biology students will Dinner for the couples will be which could be characterized as Speal. on the topic "Andover Looks According to mateaisi- distribute a newsletter downtown served in Commons at 6:00. From the personality of the 'paper."1 tthe- Future." structor Nathaniel Smith, the and' on campus this weekend 6:45 the night's activities will Picnic at Phelps House cleanup will draw atten~tion to the concerning the state' of the river, center in Evans Hall, with a N~ From 11:45 am. until 12:15 P.M., potential beauty of the river by At present, Shawsheen waters are cobntoo oisaddning No PhIlipian- Next Week piarents are invited to attend clearing the shore of debris and classified as unfit for swimming. to the music of Jim Garret and displays at the Arts Center, Evans freeing the water of tires and Also, students' - under the Brad Upton. Events at Evans will Because of the Spring Week- aland' the Oliver Wendell floating logs, guidance of biology instructorenat1:0adesoswilhv edadtesueqntes oles Library. A picnic for Project participants will meet at Tholna. Cone will'- subject riverenat130adesrswilhv edadtesueqntes arnts, sbons, and faculty will be 10:00 a.m. and at 1:00 p.m. at the water to the " Coloform Test" with 30 minutes to walk dates, back to vacuum which preceeds each boat' Phelps House starting at Horn Bridge, Shawsheen Plaza, a newly acquired apparatus to thiwesiudeiene.lo end
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