British Film Institute Report & Financial Statements 2006

BECAUSE FILMS INSPIRE... WONDER There’s more to discover about film and television through the BFI. Our world-renowned archive, cinemas, festivals, films, publications and learning resources are here to inspire you. British Film Institute Report & Financial Statements 2006

Contents The mission about the BFI 3 Great expectations Governors’ report 5 Out of the past Archive strategy 7 Walkabout Cultural programme 9 Modern times Director’s report 17 The commitments key aims for 2005/06 19 Performance Financial report 23 Guys and dolls how the BFI is governed 29 Last orders Auditors’ report 37 The full monty appendices 57 The mission To champion mov ing image culture in all its richness and diversity, across the UK, for the benefit of as wide an audience as possible, to create and encourage debate.

2 The mission


The BFI (British Film Institute) was established in 1933 to promote greater understanding, appreciation and access to fi lm and television culture in Britain. In 1983 The Institute was incorporated by Royal Charter, a copy of which is available on request.

Our mission is ‘to champion moving image culture in all its richness and diversity, across the UK, for the benefi t of as wide an audience as possible, to create and encourage debate.’


> To establish, care for and develop collections refl ecting the moving image history and heritage of the United Kingdom;

> To encourage the development of the art of fi lm, television and the moving image throughout the United Kingdom;

> To promote the use of fi lm and television culture as a record of contemporary life and manners;

> To promote access to and appreciation of the widest possible range of British and world cinema; and

> To promote education about fi lm, television and the moving image generally, and their impact on society.

The BFI’s main funder is the UK Film Council (UKFC) using resources delegated by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). It is a registered charity, number 287780.


Much of what the BFI has achieved could not have happened without the support and generosity of a number of individuals, organisations, companies, charitable trusts and foundations, to whom we are extremely grateful. The BFI has also received a number of legacies for which we are also very thankful.

Main picture: The Mission (1986); this page l-r: Trois Couleurs Bleu (1993), The Open Road (1925), Breakfast on Pluto (2005)

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 3 Great expectations The BFI recognised that it needed to modernise, become more efficient and adopt a more open, responsive and approachable spirit.

4 Great expectations

GOVERNOR’S REPORT “the new BFI Southbank

The BFI’s forward strategy sets out a plan to: meets the need of a new generation of film-goers > Signifi cantly improve the care of and access and film-makers.” to the BFI National Archive;

> Reach more and different audiences across the UK; and

> Ensure the future of an international focus for fi lm in London through the BFI Festivals and preparing the BFI to replace the NFT (National Film Theatre) with a fi t-for-purpose National Film Centre.

When this strategy was set, the BFI recognised that it needed to modernise, become more effi cient and adopt a more open, responsive and approachable spirit.

This year much progress has been made on most fronts. In some areas we have exceeded expectation, whilst in other of the more ambitious and untried new areas, we have not achieved all we aspired to.

In the year the BFI also started to come to an understanding of how the new status within the Government Accounting Net would call for some re-consideration of the forward strategy.

The Chairman and Board of Governors are also aware that in refurbishing its NFT building on the South Bank – soon to become known as BFI Southbank – they have made enormous Main picture: Great Expectations (1946); demands on the organisation both fi nancially and in staff this page l-r: Wallace & Gromit in time and capacity. There is no doubt that the commitment The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit (2005), to this exciting project will cause us an extremely lean Ballet Méchanique (1925), Tim Burton’s and diffi cult year which will show up in the accounts for Corpse Bride (2005) 2006/7. We have done this because the refurbishment of BFI Southbank meets the need of a new generation of fi lm-goers and fi lm-makers in the making. Furthermore, it is a signal of our much more ambitious and long-term intent to build a new BFI.

The BFI’s magazine Sight & Sound sold over 278,000 copies

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 5 Out of the past The BFI has taken the lead in developing a cohesive, national archive strategy.

6 Out of the past


Following the restructure concluded last year, the new “a rich array of archive Archive curatorial unit undertook several signifi cant research and development programmes, from early colour, public material has been information fi lms and advertising. We completed our fi rst selected, curated and critical milestone, ahead of schedule, in refurbishing the prepared for digitisation nitrate vaults at Gaydon and re-housing the vast majority of the precious nitrate material previously stored in sub-standard for the Mediatheque, concrete bunkers. Extensive programmes of inspection and which is to be opened as checking, carried out by newly trained staff, provided essential part of BFI Southbank.” data on the condition of the collection, to help plan the next phase of the collections stabilisation project.

As part of the major new archive access project, a rich array of material has been selected, curated and prepared for digitisation for the Mediatheque, which is to be opened as part of BFI Southbank.

Despite the international profi le of the BFI National Archive, the fi lm archive sector as a whole in the UK suffers from under investment and does not have the same level of recognition The BFI screened over afforded other cultural archives. The UK Film Council, as the lead strategy agency for fi lm in Britain, asked the BFI to take 3,000 fi lms across the the lead in developing a cohesive, national archive strategy, UK – from rare silent co-ordinating with the UK’s main fi lm archive organisations. comedies to cult The fi rst phase of that and involving the RFAs, National Council for Archives, ACE, BBC, MLA, Screen England, BL and movies and archive FAF*, has been completed and papers submitted to the DCMS television series. as part of its wider review of fi lm activities.

There is wide recognition of the need to bring investment into the BFI and that partnership-working, particularly with the Archives, should be pursued. A BFI-commissioned feasibility study investigating and testing potential partners for the Archive reported in January 2006. As well as helping provide clarity of vision for the BFI, the report validated the proposal for partnering more formally with the higher education sector and recommended a consortium to avoid concerns about institutional exclusivity. In the meantime, several welcome and benefi cial partnerships are already being enjoyed - most notably with the University of Sheffi eld working on Mitchell and Kenyon, the University of Newcastle on the public value of the Archive, and the University of Westminster on Arts Council England’s Artists’ Documentary collection. Further partnerships are in active discussion.

* Regional Film Archives; Arts Council England; Museums, Libraries and Archives Council; British Library and Film Archive Forum.

Main picture: Out of the Past (1947); The BFI Archive is the this page l-r: The Open Road (1925), largest in the world, The General (1926) and one of the busiest. We deal with 12,000 print loans a year.

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 7 Walkabout Through its regional screenings, the BFI reached an audience of 590,000, of which 66% were outside London.

8 Walkabout


2005 has seen the BFI produce a powerful and diverse launched simultaneously cultural programme, with seasons and events in the NFT across fi ve cities and choreographed alongside event screenings nationally and incorporated 40 internationally. separate events and One such example is BFI Black World, which ran over the 30 external partners.” Summer and was designed to both broaden the BFI’s reach to black audiences and bring an appreciation of black cinema to non-black audiences. The project launched simultaneously across fi ve cities and incorporated 40 separate events and 30 external partners. Black World strands featured in the London Film Festival, NFT and touring programming, and encompassed Theatrical and DVD releases, Sight & Sound and Screenonline editorial coverage. A range of online and Main picture: Walkabout (1970); learning resources underpinned the whole project and this this page l-r: DVD cover for Godzilla played to a key audience in the 16-24 age group. (1954), Double Indemnity (1944), The Open Road (1925), Tsotsi (2005) During the year, the BFI remained passionately committed to support any venue, regardless of size or how geographically remote, and it distributed fi lms to some 800 screens in every corner of the UK. Nearly two thousand titles were made available for major cinemas, fi lm clubs, universities and arts venues and through its regional screenings, the BFI reached an audience of 590,000, of which 66% were outside London.

The year also shows evidence of the BFI’s drive to reach more people through a diversifi cation of distribution channels. Partnerships with broadcasters continued to offer huge new opportunities to reach mass audiences and following last year’s highly successful co-production with the BBC on the Mitchell & Kenyon Collection, we went on to co-produce The Lost World of Friese-Greene together, transmission date in 2006. We forged a restoration partnership with Granada for the centenary and embarked on a national tour celebrating ITV’s 50th birthday.

We look forward to new collaborations with the BBC, such as a new programme looking at the history of Silent Film in Britain, again due for transmission in 2006, and a British Film Festival scheduled for the Summer of 2007. Additionally, planning is well underway with Channel 4 to celebrate its 25th Anniversary in the Autumn of 2007.

Screenonline user registrations almost doubled during the year to 6,266 schools and libraries across the UK and attracted around 7,000,000 page impressions.

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 9 Do the right thing During the year BFI Distribution released 12 titles encompassing classic rediscoveries, rarely-seen black cinema, challenging contemporary films and new archival restorations.

10 Do the right thing


Looking back in time to the cinema-going experience of a Narcissus toured the two-feature presentation with newsreel and cartoons that length and breadth of existed up until the mid to late 70s, the BFI has started a the UK, including the new scheme to present archival shorts in conjunction with the release of new mainstream features. The fi rst of these Edinburgh Film Festivals was a re-mixed version of a Mitchell & Kenyon fi lm with attracting audiences music by The Pogues and re-edited by Jonathan Glazer, of 5,000 which was shown alongside the Pathé release Mrs Henderson Presents. Four similar initiatives are now planned. The BFI is particularly grateful to distributors and cinema chains for their support with this and there is every expectation that the new UKFC-formed Digital Screen Network initiative will enable us to continue showing new archival shorts. Main picture: Do The Right Thing (1989); During the year BFI Distribution released 12 titles this page top-bottom: L’Enfant (2005), encompassing classic rediscoveries, rarely-seen black L’Armée des Ombres (1969), cinema, challenging contemporary fi lms and new archival Made in Britain (TV 1983) restorations. As part of the launch of BFI Black World there were high-profi le, simultaneous screenings of Baadasssss! in London, Manchester, Cardiff, Birmingham and Bristol, with subsequent releases of The Night of Truth and Black Orpheus screening at cinemas across the UK later in the season.

The classic Michael Powell season at the NFT featured a series of events and digital restorations of a number of his most signifi cant works, including and , and this season proved extremely popular with 96% occupancy. Black Narcissus toured the length and breadth of the UK, including screenings at the Edinburgh Film Festival and at two major public events at outdoor venues in London attracting audiences of 5,000. The season underpinned the Archive classics strand at the Cannes Film Festival and a celebration screening of a number of Powell Pressburger fi lms at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences in the USA. It was accompanied by a BFI biography of Michael Powell, a poster and design exhibition sourced from the Collections, BFI-created web materials and a BFI DVD release.

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 11 Cinema paradiso The 49th London Film Festival was a highly successful event in terms of audience, film choice and industry support.

12 Cinema paradiso


The BFI released on DVD 29 titles in total during the year. Best attended Optronica, the sellers included the extremely popular Electric Edwardians: The UK’s first ever festival Films of Mitchell & Kenyon (1900-1906); and the release of the of visual art and music.” fi rst two volumes of the much-loved British Transport fi lms. On and off the Rails (1951-1980) and See Britain by Train (1952- 1966) were both complemented by the critically acclaimed Geoffrey Jones: The Rhythm of Film (1958-1980). As part of the BFI Black World season we released Isaac Julien’s controversial Looking for Langston (1988), Burning an Illusion (1981) by Menelik Shabazz and Horace Ové’s seminal Pressure (1975). Other special releases during the year included the Classic Kurosawa box set (1949-65), which offered collectors fi ve titles in one package; the specially packaged Godzilla (1954) Main picture: Cinema Paradiso (1988); and The Free Cinema (1956-1963) box sets which included this page top-bottom: Les Parapluis de many extra features such as commentaries and additional Cherbourg (1964), Retrato de Teresa (1979), fi lm footage. DVD cover for Free Cinema (1957) We hosted Optronica, the UK’s fi rst ever festival dedicated to a convergence of visual art and music. A hybrid of fi lm festival and music festival, Optronica was designed to create a new kind of cinematic experience, showcasing emerging and established talent to bring new audiences to a blossoming artistic genre. It included the UK premiere of DJ Spooky’s Rebirth of a Nation, a spectacular live solo fi lm remix by the noted New York turntablist adding new music and meaning to DW Griffi th’s controversial masterpiece The Birth of a Nation (1915). The live performances at the NFT, IMAX and all but one other cinema sold out, reaching audiences of 4,000 predominantly under the age of 35, with a further 3,500 people downloading the content online over the following fi ve days.

The London Film Festival was a highly successful event in terms of audience, fi lm choice and industry support. This has led to increased momentum and a growing awareness and expectation of the further potential the Festival could offer in the future. Cognisant of this growing interest and with the Festival’s 50th birthday looming, we embarked on a fact- fi nding mission in a series of consultations with key industry fi gures.

The fi ndings of the consultation will report in the next fi nancial year and feed into a wider government desire for a fi lm festival strategy in the UK. Key considerations for the BFI are long term stability, reduced dependence on (uncertain) sponsorship income, growth of facilities to support fi lmmakers and the industry and an ability to present a world-class Festival in London that can compete aggressively for profi le and support against other key international Festivals. Early indications show wide recognition for the value of investing further in the Festival and this gives us a solid foundation on which to build.

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 13 Happy together A new Partnership Office has been set up to help the BFI extend impact and reach.

14 Happy together



The new Partnership Offi ce has, in seven months of existence, started to help the BFI extend impact and reach. Its initial focus was to work with the Regional Screen Agencies to achieve a better understanding of what the BFI offers regionally and to explore how this could be incorporated meaningfully into the RSAs own individual plans. This relationship-building has resulted in the development of pilot projects between BFI education and some RSAs, and the establishment of a National Archive Strategy. Also proposed is a series of events from 2006 to support specialised exhibition with a focus on programming from the archives, a look at best practice in fi lm exhibition Main picture: Happy Together (1989); in mixed arts venues, and a new national forum for this page: poster for Metropolis (1927), specialised exhibition. This last initiative is to help inform , The Sound of Music programming at the NFT so that longer-term strategic work (1965), Topsy-Turvy (1999) with Regional Film Theatres can be achieved. The Partnership Offi ce is also developing plans to support proposed regional Mediatheques, explore the benefi ts of a joint Membership scheme and provide support for funded projects – the Independent Cinema Offi ce and Film Education.


For several years, the main thrust of BFI Education has been to work towards establishing fi lm as an integral part of the primary curriculum. We took a major step towards achieving this aim in the year. Working alongside the DFES National Literacy Strategy, 40 local authorities are now training teachers using BFI classroom resources and these are in use in 7,000 schools. Showing a creative entrepreneurial streak, the education team stimulated a national, hotly-debated conversation about which fi lms all children should see as a basic entitlement.

We have become increasingly aware of the need to focus the education plan to support the wider BFI strategy. This need chimes with a wider awareness across the UKFC- funded ‘family’ of the need for a more joined-up approach to education. The BFI is leading, in partnership with the UKFC, a strategy group to evolve a cohesive forward plan that will report in the next fi nancial year and that will contribute to the comprehensive spending review submission.

“40 local authorities are now training teachers using BFI classroom resources and these are in use in 7,000 schools.”

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 15 Modern times The greatest step forward in the year was the ability to finally green light the development on the South Bank.

16 Modern times


The greatest step forward in the year was the ability to fi nally green light the development on the South Bank. Monies received from the DCMS in lieu of mortgage income (no longer permitted under Government Accounting Net rules) and a building tender within budget signalled a start on site on 1 January 2006. The aim of this modest, but strategically important, development is to create a ‘rehearsal room’ for what a future landmark Film Centre might offer. It will help ignite in visitors’ minds all the enjoyment that fi lm can stimulate and inspire, and reaffi rm why fi lm absolutely must be recognised with the same national public presence as all the other major art forms.

We started the re-branding of the BFI, working from the inside out, with the determination of a new set of values for the organisation and a plan to re-brand externally in 2006.

Turning to organisational capability: a new appraisal scheme was introduced in the Spring and a new way of working agreed with the trade unions. During the year, agreement was reached to end the discredited Performance Related Pay scheme and replace it with a new Pay and Grading scheme which is now in development.

Minimising costs, achieving economies and growing profi t are vital to the BFI’s ability to achieve its ambitious plans. Staff costs in particular have been kept under control through stringent invigilation. Profi t from BFI Trading, although up on the previous year, did not achieve planned growth. Admissions to the NFT and IMAX were negatively affected by unexpected closures for essential building work and the London terrorist attacks.

The Development Department, however, achieved signifi cant success with individual donations and special grants pledged during the year exceeding its ambitious target, with further pledges for the following year.

In last year’s Report and Accounts we outlined our aims for 2005/2006. We have made signifi cant achievements and progress during the year against these aims.

Amanda Nevill Director, BFI

Main picture: Modern Times (1936); this page: artist’s impression of BFI Southbank BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 17 The commitments During 2005 essential refurbishment was carried out to NFT1 prior to the start of major re-construction work on other parts of the building.

18 The commitments

KEY AIMS FOR 2005/06


Tour the Electric Edwardians Collection This programme of Mitchell & Kenyon fi lms was screened to as wide an audience as possible in over 40 UK venues and seen by more than 7,500 people.

Embark on a pan-BFI celebration Over 11,000 people across Britain attended Black World, of black moving image culture a six-month programme of 40 separate screenings and events. Also included in the project were DVD releases, theatrical releases and online and learning resources targeted at the 16-24 age group.

Broadcast collaboration to bring The BFI joined the BBC on a regional tour of the route Claude Friese-Greene’s The Open Road followed by the fi lm to meet locals and to research the to the small screen places and people featured in it. This reached an audience of over 2,700. A new co-production with the BBC, The Lost World of Friese-Greene, will be broadcast in 2006.

Launch the BFI database online Extensive software development and data integration work was completed to transfer the fi lm and TV database online. A fi lm download system has also been developed to launch alongside in the Spring of 2006

Introduce interactive archive Two Archive Interactive programmes were launched tours on Screenonline on Screenonline. The fi rst features Paul Merton reviewing the fascinating world of early comedy fi lm, while the second sees Jonathan Ross provide a whistle stop tour of Ealing Studios.

Work in partnership to launch A partnership between the BFI, the BBC, Channel 4 and The Creative Archive The Open University launched this innovative new scheme to give public access to footage and sound from some of the largest fi lm, television and radio archives in the UK.

Redevelop the BFI National Film Theatre (NFT) During 2005 essential refurbishment was carried out to NFT1 to improve the viewing experience, prior to the start of major re-construction work on other parts of the building. This is scheduled to be completed by the end of the fi nancial year.

Main picture: The Commitments (1991); On the Waterfront (1954), Fear Eats the Soul (1974)

During the year the BFI’s proposed list of 50 fi lms children should see before they reach the age of 14 sparked off a hot debate in the media.

http://www.bfi conferences/watchthis/top50.html#



Lead on the development of a national Working closely with the DCMS, Film Council, Regional archive strategy with key partners Screen Agencies and Film Education, the BFI has begun a rigorous project to establish the framework for a nationwide education strategy for fi lm. This is expected to go out to consultation in the Spring of 2007.

Completion of a major collections Work in rehousing all the nitrate holdings at Gaydon was stabilisation project completed ahead of schedule. A survey of the condition of the acetate collection continues.

Celebrate the centenary of A centrepiece of the BFI’s showcase of the work of Michael the birth of Michael Powell Powell was a two-month season of his fi lms at the NFT. We also worked in partnership with Granada to restore two of his fi lms, we released Black Narcissus theatrically and released a further title on DVD.

Raise awareness of the importance of fi lm During the year the BFI held a debate on which fi lms from the Archive and from around the world, children should see before they reach the age of 14. particularly in education A proposed list of the top 50 fi lms, comprised of a number from the Archive and some foreign-language works, was announced and this sparked off signifi cant interest and discussion in the media.

Undertake a major consultancy project aimed The BFI appointed CILIP (The Chartered Institute of at reviewing options to increase access to the Library and Information Professionals) to review options Archive and Library collections and the report recommended and identifi ed potential partnership models, which are now being explored.

Begin a brand redesign During the year we held a number of staff consultation and working culture change meetings to examine the organisational culture and investigate how it might be improved. From that process a set of brand values were agreed so that we could start to realign working practices in order to help the BFI better achieve its aims. By the end of the fi nancial year signifi cant progress had been made in developing a new brand identity and this will be rolled out during 2006.

DVD cover for British Transport Collection Vol 1, The Invisible Man (1933), poster for Casablanca (1942), front cover to BFI book The Cinema of Michael Powell



Audience Total number of 1,648,000 1,416,399 1,329,686 customer visits to screenings

Total take-up 661,260 622,695 701,400 of education and research opportunities

Total customer 2,309,260 2,041,094 2,031,086 take-up

TV Audience Total number 11,000,000 5,500,000 11,300,000 of viewers

Special Screenings* Total number of 750,000 n/a n/a customer screenings

Web Usage Total web page 55.8 million 46.4 million 23.5 million impressions

* Screenings of Archive material as part of other non-BFI programming e.g. Archive Shorts, BBC Big Screen

BFI staff joined the BBC Learning Bus touring the route featured in Friese-Greene’s The Open Road to research the places he visited and track down relatives of the people he filmed. http://www.bfi

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 21 Performance Income grew to £34.5m (2005: £32.1m), with additional funds from grants and donations, including UKFC capital funding of £2m.

22 Performance

FINANCIAL REPORT “The fi nancial strategy

FUNDING remains to achieve economies, re-focus Last year the BFI adopted the Statement of Recommended existing funds and build Practice (SORP) 2005 as best practice for the presentation and interpretation of the accounts. FRS 17 ‘Retirement Benefi ts’ new funds for investment was also adopted, which had the impact of reducing brought in the areas prioritised forward reserves by £16.4m from £45.0m to £28.6m as in the Forward Vision.” disclosed in last year’s accounts.

Because of the signifi cant impact of the pension charge last year under FRS17, the amount was separately disclosed on the face of the Statement of Financial Activities (SOFA) (2005: £1.9m, 2004: £0.9m). This year the charge of £2.1m has been allocated against the appropriate expenditure headings on the SOFA, as detailed in Note 7 of the accounts and the prior year fi gures restated accordingly. In addition there is an actuarial loss of £2.2m (2005: £0.7m) charged in the SOFA in the year as a result of changes in actuarial assumptions impacting the assessment of the net liabilities of the scheme.

However, the BFI has agreed a sustainable level of contributions with the London Pension Fund Authority (LPFA) to spread the funding defi cit. This will be reviewed during the year 2007/8 after the triennial actuarial valuation as at 31 March 2007. The BFI continues to review its future pension arrangements in the context of the current consultation on the future of the Local Government pension fund arrangements, under which the LPFA falls.

During the year, in line with the strategic plan, essential work began on the archive and the development of the BFI Southbank. Additional funds enabled the BFI to begin its capital investment with capital expenditure of £2.5m (2005:£0.4m) – see Note 11.

Income grew to £34.5m (2005: £32.1m), with additional funds from grants and donations, including UKFC capital funding of £2m. A good performance across a number of activities helped to generate new income for the BFI but it was another challenging year for the BFI London IMAX Cinema and also a diffi cult year for book publishing revenues. Further funding has been secured in 2006/7 from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to enable the BFI to meet objectives through key capital investments.

The fi nancial strategy remains to achieve economies, re-focus existing funds and build new funds for investment in the areas prioritised in the Forward Vision.

Main picture: Performance (1970)


Total income increased to £34.5m (2005: £32.1m). Grant-in- Aid income from the UKFC remained at £16m. Income from charitable activities fell by 3% to £11.7m (2005: £12.1m) and donated services were down to £1.0.m from £1.2m (primarily the non-recurring funding last year for the Digital Test Bed project). Other grants and lottery awards received in the year increased to £5.5m from £2.6m, the difference largely being attributable to capital funding from UKFC of £2.0m and fund raising for the development of the BFI Southbank.


Fund-raising costs of £0.5m (2005: £0.4m) represent the cost of running the BFI Sponsorship and Development Division in order to raise funds for the BFI. It was a successful year in raising funds for the redevelopment of BFI Southbank.


The BFI achieved growth in income through the continued support of the UKFC.

Looking forward we are continuing to maximise our impact on fi lm culture, heritage and education across the UK through greater management focus, partnerships, effi ciencies and increased donations.

Because of the nature of its funding the BFI does not hold large cash balances and its fi nancial investment is focussed on its property asset base and investing in people and activities to achieve its charitable objectives. The BFI aims to maximise the interest income from its cash balances and thereby yield maximum benefi t from our grants and donations.


Total expenditure was £32.4m (2005: £32.8m) after pension charges under FRS17 of £2.1m (2005: £1.9m) and restructuring costs of £0.3m (2005: £1.7m). Expenditure excluding these items was £30.0m (2005: £29.2m).

Top to bottom: Bhowani Junction (1956), Sight & Sound front cover August 2006, George Clooney and Patricia Clarkson at The Times BFI London Film Festival Closing Night screening of Good Night, And Good Luck (2005)


Net incoming resources for the year amounted to £2.1m (2005: £1.4m outgoing). This is after pension charges under FRS17 of £2.1m (2005: £1.9m credit) and restructuring costs of £0.3m (2005: £1.7m). The underlying operating result before these items was a surplus of £4.5m (2005: £2.2m) and refl ects both operational effi ciencies achieved during the year and the timing of capital fundraising ahead of associated expenditure.


Income for the year decreased to £6.9m (2005: £7.1m) due to less popular releases of DMR format fi lms available to the IMAX cinema and the impact of 7 July bombings. This and lower DVD sales masked growth in other areas of commercial income. Expenditure was £13.9m (2005: £13.2m), due to greater investment in events such as Black World and the LFF.


Income for the year remained steady at £1.4m (2005: £1.4m) with DVD sales offsetting a fall in book sales. Expenditure in this area was down slightly to £8.0m (2005: £8.1m).


Income for the year decreased to £3.4m (2005: £3.6m) as a result of lower book sales. Expenditure in this area increased in line with infl ation to £9.5m (2005: £9.3m).

Top to bottom: The Innocents (1961), Xala (1974), Brideshead Revisited (TV 1981)


The Governors are committed to maintaining an adequate level of free reserves to meet any unforeseen expenditure or fall in income, and this is incorporated into the budgets going forward and the ongoing management of activities within the available income, a signifi cant element of which is subject to market conditions. The BFI’s free reserves (net unrestricted current assets, see Note 18) were largely retained at £2.7m (2005: £3.1m). Although we are looking to improve future levels of unrestricted cash and free reserves, this remains a challenge during signifi cant capital investment.

At 31 March 2006 the BFI had total consolidated reserves of £27.4m (2005: £27.3m) after the impact of FRS 17 ‘Accounting for Pensions’, which reduces reserves by £23.6m (2005: £20.6m).

Restricted funds of £18.1m (2005: £15.3m) represents £16.5m (2005: £15.7m) invested in the BFI’s restricted fi xed assets. The balance of £1.6m of assets (2005: £0.4m of liabilities) is primarily due to £1.3m of capital funding received in the year but paid out in 2006/7 from the UK Film Council. A summary of restricted fund balances is set out in Note 18.

Top to bottom: Teddy at the Throttle (1917), Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973), front cover to BFI book The Ultimate Film


The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis. After making enquiries, the Board of Governors have a reasonable expectation that the BFI has adequate resources to continue provided that it continues to receive adequate funding and sales based on past experience. The BFI receives £16m per annum from UKFC as part of the Department of Culture, Media and Sport’s assessment of its commitment to recognising the cultural impact of fi lm, the archive and the Nation’s heritage.

Given the view of the BFI on the continuing cultural importance of fi lm and the value of the archive to the nation’s heritage, we remain confi dent that this will continue to be recognised by the government in the form of future funding: the Governors and Executive are satisfi ed that the going concern status of the charity remains appropriate. The Governors and Executive also recognise that commitment to the Southbank project will result in an extremely lean and diffi cult year, which will show up within the accounts for 2006/7.

Top to bottom: The Saint (1962), Barefoot in the Park (1967), In the Mood for Love (2000)



The BFI is governed by a Board of 15 trustees subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Charter. The Governors, who are also the trustees of the charity, submit their annual report and the audited fi nancial statements for the year ended 31 March 2006.

In preparing the annual report and fi nancial statements of the charity, the Governors have adopted the Statement of Recommended Practice, Accounting and Reporting by Charities issued in February 2005 (SORP 2005).


The Governors who served during the fi nancial year and as Governors at the date of signing these accounts are:

Anthony Minghella CBE (Chair) David Kustow (Deputy Chair) (Retired 31 January 2006) Jenny Abramsky, CBE (Retired 31 January 2006) John Akomfrah Tim Angel, OBE Eric Fellner, CBE Peter Foy (Appointed 27 June 2006) Lizzie Francke Stephen Frears Leslie Hardcastle, OBE Terry Ilott (Retired 31 January 2006) Nasreen Munni Kabir (Retired 31 January 2006) Professor Roger Laughton, CBE Caroline Michel Professor Elan Closs Stephens, CBE Peter Watson Shami Chakrabarti (Appointed 27 June 2006) Sam Taylor-Wood (Appointed 27 June 2006)


All Governors are appointed by the BFI Board of Governors, subject to ratifi cation by the UK Film Council.

Two places on the Board are reserved for Member Governors. These are nominated and voted for by the BFI’s various members and subscribers throughout the United Kingdom. Such appointments also need to be ratifi ed by the UK Film Council but that would not normally be withheld except in matters where there is a confl ict of interest arising.

All Board positions are publicly advertised and fall for re- election every three years, with a total limit of six years service being set in accordance with the BFI Royal Charter. Newly appointed Governors receive a letter of appointment and an induction programme which together covers general responsibilities, committee membership and involvement outside of formal Governors’ meetings. Emphasis is placed on close and regular consultation with Governors individually and collectively.

Main picture: Guys and Dolls (1955); this page top-bottom: Alfi e (1966), Boudu Saved from Drowning (1932), King Kong (2005)

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 29 The Chair of the Board of Governors is appointed with the approval of the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport by the Film Council with Governors being appointed by the Board, subject to ratifi cation by the Film Council.

They are men and women with a wide range of experience and interests in fi lm, television, the moving image generally, and public service, business and industry. All are part-time non-executives and meet monthly.

The Board of Governors has corporate responsibility for:

> developing the overall strategic direction of the BFI within the policy framework agreed with the Film Council;

> ensuring that the BFI as a public service body complies with any statutory or administrative requirements for the use of public funds and to maximise BFI value for money;

> ensuring that the BFI acts reasonably and prudently in all matters relating to its charity status;

> appointing the Director and monitoring senior management performance;

> ensuring that all BFI properties and assets are protected and effectively utilised in the pursuit of the BFI’s overall mission;

> ensuring commercial activities are self fi nancing and aligned to the BFI core purpose and that these activities uphold fair trading standard requirements;

> ensuring that any fund-raising activity carried out on behalf of the BFI is properly undertaken and that all funds collected are properly accounted for;

> overseeing the delivery of planned results by monitoring performance against agreed strategic objectives and targets;

> ensuring that the BFI’s rules for the recruitment and management of staff provide for appointment and advancement on merit on the basis of equal opportunity for all applicants and staff; and

> ensuring the board operates sound environmental policies Top to bottom: Baadasssss! (2004), Some and practices in accordance with the approach set out Like it Hot (1959), Sight & Sound front in the 1990 White Paper ‘This Common Inheritance’, the cover August 2006 feat. George Clooney Government’s green initiatives and other relevant guidance.


The Board of Governors delegates specifi c responsibilities to its Committees. Membership of these Committees is identifi ed below and also comprises offi cers and professional advisers. Recommendations made by Committees are presented to the Board as a whole for approval.

A brief description of each Committee and its function is given below:

> Budget and Performance Committee approves capital and revenue budgets, sets the BFI’s operational targets, and monitors performance

> Nominations and Appointments Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Governors about appointments to the Board

> Property Committee manages on-going capital development projects, considers future options, and recommends preferred options to the Board

> Remuneration Committee determines and keeps under review the levels of pay, and the terms and conditions of service, for the BFI Director and other senior managers

> Diversity Committee advises the Board to ensure that the BFI, as a public body, properly serves and refl ects the diverse audiences within the UK, by delivering its services to meet the needs of these different groups with the ultimate aim of recognising and celebrating diversity in all its activities

> Audit and Governance Committee reviews the effectiveness of the processes, structures, and controls used to direct, manage and account for the fi nancial and business affairs of the BFI. The Audit and Governance Committee considers all internal and external audit reports and recommendations

The following committees included the listed Governors during the year:

BUDGET & PERFORMANCE Terry Ilott, David Kustow, Tim Angel OBE, Lizzie Francke, Peter Watson Top to bottom: Sparrows (1926), DVD cover for See Britain by Train Vol 2 NOMINATIONS AND APPOINTMENTS (2005), Gypo (2005) Nasreen Munni Kabir, Stephen Frears, Lizzie Francke, David Kustow, Anthony Minghella CBE, Roger Laughton CBE

PROPERTY David Kustow, Eric Fellner CBE, Roger Laughton CBE


DIVERSITY Nasreen Munni Kabir, David Kustow

AUDIT & GOVERNANCE Jenny Abramsky, David Kustow, Roger Laughton CBE, Elan Closs Stephens CBE, Peter Foy


The Governors are responsible for:

> keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the fi nancial position of the funds held on trust and to enable them to ensure that the accounts comply with requirements in the Charities Act 1993;

> establishing and monitoring a system of internal control; and

> establishing arrangements for safeguarding the assets and for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption.

The Governors are required under the Charities Act 1993 to prepare accounts for each fi nancial year that give a true and fair view of the fi nancial position of the funds held on trust, in accordance with the Charities Act 1993, Regulation 3 of the Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2005 and the trust deed. In preparing those accounts, the Governors are required to:

> select suitable accounting policies and apply them on a consistent basis;

> make judgments and estimates which are reasonable and prudent;

> state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the accounts; and Top to bottom: Happy Endings > prepare the fi nancial statements on a going concern basis. (2005), The Navigator (1924), Night of Truth (1924) The Governors confi rm that they have met the responsibilities set out above and complied with the requirements for preparing the accounts. The fi nancial statements set out on pages 23 to 39 attached have been compiled from and are in accordance with the fi nancial records maintained by the Governors.

The Board of Governors has adopted the Code of Best Practice for board members of Public Bodies, and maintains a register of interests of board members. This is available for inspection, on request, at the BFI’s main administrative centre at 21 Stephen Street, London W1T 1LN.


The executive team and organisational structure comprises Directors from seven divisions, reporting to the BFI Director:

Amanda Nevill Director Eddie Berg Artistic Director, BFI Southbank (NFT & IMAX) Sandra Hebron Artistic Director, Festivals Jill McLaughlin Director of Planning and Resources Catharine Pusey Director of BFI Trading Heather Stewart Cultural Programming Director (UK Wide) Francesca Vinti Director of Development Jeanette Wilkins Finance Director

The BFI comprises eight divisions:

UK WIDE > Archive > Library > Distribution > Education > Partnerships > screenonline


BFI TRADING > fi lm sales > Sight & Sound > Publishing > DVD/Video sales



The BFI operates the UK’s largest cinema screen, the BFI London IMAX, through its wholly owned subsidiary, British Film Institute (Big Screen) Limited. Top to bottom: The Leopard (1963), Lucia (1969), March of the Penguins (2006) The BFI also conducts some overseas sales of videos and DVDs through its wholly owned subsidiary Connoisseur Video Limited.

The results of these companies are consolidated into the fi nancial statements and are also disclosed in Note 12 to the accounts. Copies of their accounts are fi led with Companies House.


As part of the Charity’s risk management process the Governors acknowledge their responsibility for the Charity’s system of internal control and reviewing its effectiveness. It is also recognised by the Governors that such a system is designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve the Charity’s objectives and can only provide reasonable, not absolute, reassurance against material misstatement or loss.

The Governors, through the Executive Directors, have set policies on risk and internal controls, which cover the following:

> the responsibility of management to implement the Governors’ policies and identify and evaluate risks for their consideration on an ongoing basis;

> consideration of the type of risks the Charity faces;

> the level of risks which they regard as acceptable;

> the likelihood of the risks concerned materialising;

> the Charity’s ability to reduce the incidence and impact on the business of risks that do materialise;

> the costs of operating particular controls relative to the benefi t obtained; and

> arrangements for monitoring and reporting on risk and control matters of importance, together with details of corrective action being undertaken.

The charity risk map and risk register, together with individual divisional risk registers, identifying strengths and weaknesses of control together with actions required and taken to rectify the latter, have been updated and reviewed by the Directors and management. The charity’s risk register and risk map are formally reviewed and updated by the directors each year, and are reviewed by the Audit & Governance Committee annually.

During the year the Governors, through the offi cers of the Top to bottom: Au revoir les Enfants Audit & Governance Committee, have received reports from (1987), Night of the Hunter (1955), the Directors and from the external and internal auditors Black Narcissus (1947) relating to risk and control. The reports have enabled the Governors to satisfy themselves that the above policies are being implemented, that signifi cant weaknesses of control identifi ed are being promptly addressed and on the overall adequacy and effectiveness of the Charity’s system of internal control at the year end.

Approved by the Board of Governors on January 2007.




Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham LLP 110 Cannon Street, London EC4N 6AR

Farrer & Co. 66, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LH

Allen & Overy LLP One, New Change, London EC4M 9QQ


Lloyds TSB Bank, 32 Oxford Street, London, W1A 2LD

Barclays Media Banking Centre, 27 Soho Square, London W1D 3QR


AHL Limited, Chartwell House, 292-294 Hale Lane, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 8NP


Deloitte & Touche LLP, London


21 Stephen Street, London W1T 1LN www.bfi

Top to bottom: Un chien Andalou (1928), Mirrormask (2004), Il Bidone (1955)



We have audited the group and charity fi nancial statements of the British Film Institute for the year ended 31 March 2006 which comprise the consolidated statement of fi nancial activities, the consolidated and charity balance sheet, the consolidated cash fl ow statement, the statement of accounting policies and the related notes 1 to 20. These fi nancial statements have been prepared under the accounting policies set out therein.

This report is made solely to the charity’s Governors, as a body, in accordance with Regulation 7 of the Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2005. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the charity’s Governors those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors’ report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the charity and the charity’s Governors as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.


As described in the statement of Governors’ responsibilities, you are responsible as Governors for the preparation of the fi nancial statements, which are required to be prepared in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice).

We have been appointed as auditors under s43 of the Charities Act 1993 and report in accordance with regulations made under s44 of that Act. Our responsibility is to audit the fi nancial statements in accordance with relevant United Kingdom legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland).

We report to you our opinion as to whether the fi nancial statements give a true and fair view in accordance with the relevant fi nancial reporting framework and are properly prepared in accordance with the Charities Act 1993, Regulation 3 of the Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2005 and the trust deed.

We read the Governors’ report and the other information contained in the annual report for the above year as described in the contents section and consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the fi nancial statements.

Main picture: Last Orders (2001); The Mad Magician (1954), Les Girls (1957), Paris nous appartient (1961)


We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the fi nancial statements. It also includes an assessment of the signifi cant estimates and judgements made in the preparation of the fi nancial statements and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the charity’s circumstances of the company and the group, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.

We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with suffi cient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the fi nancial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion, we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the fi nancial statements.


In our opinion:

> the fi nancial statements give a true and fair view of the group’s and charity’s state of affairs, in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice as at 31 March 2006 and of its incoming resources and application of resources in the year then ended;

> the fi nancial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the Charities Act 1993, Regulation 3 of the Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2005 and the trust deed.

Deloitte & Touche LLP Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors London January 2007 Top to bottom: Kirikou and the Sorceress (1974), Carmen Jones (1953) Rosetta (1999)

38 Statement of financial activities (including an income and expenditure account)

YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2006 2006 2005 Unrestricted Restricted Total Total Note £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Incoming resources Incoming resources from generated funds Voluntary Income Grant-in-aid 4 16,000 0 16,000 16,000 Other grants, legacies and donations 502 4,982 5,484 2,527 Lottery awards 5 - 50 50 33 Donated services 970 - 970 1,240 Investment income 6 157 - 157 154 Incoming resources from charitable activities Lifelong learning 3,383 - 3,383 3,591 Distribution & Exhibition 6,931 - 6,931 7,085 Cinema heritage 1,404 - 1,404 1,439 Other incoming resources 98 - 98 24

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 29,445 5,032 34,477 32,093

Resources expended Costs of generating funds Costs of generating voluntary income 588 - 588 434 Charitable activities Lifelong learning 8,567 899 9,466 9,261 Distribution & Exhibition 13,290 628 13,918 13,205 Cinema heritage 7,359 645 8,004 8,055 Governance costs 97 - 97 181 Restructuring costs 343 - 343 1,670 Total costs of activities in furtherance of the charity’s objects 30,244 2,172 32,416 32,806

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 7,10 30,24 4 2,172 32,416 32,8 0 6

Net (outgoing)/incoming resources before other recognised gains and losses (799) 2,860 2,061 (713)

Other recognised gains/losses Actuarial losses on defi ned benefi t pension schemes 9 (2,236) - (2,236) (718)

Net movement in funds (3,035) 2,860 (175) (1,431)

Reconciliation of funds Total funds brought forward 11,937 15,277 27,214 28,645

TOTAL FUNDS CARRIED FORWARD 18 8,902 18,137 27,039 27,214

All gains and losses recognised in the year are included in this Statement of Financial Activities. The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Statement of Financial Activities.

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 39 Consolidated and charity balance sheet

31 MARCH 2006 Note Group Group Charity Charity 2006 2005 2006 2005 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Fixed assets: Tangible fi xed assets 11 46,375 45,158 46,375 45,158 Investments 12 - - 94 96

Total fi xed assets 46,375 45,158 46,469 45,254

Current assets: Stocks & work in progress 13 558 440 541 415 Debtors 14 2,962 3,050 3,529 3,256 Cash at bank and in hand 5,466 5,048 5,041 4,494

Total current assets 8,986 8,538 9,111 8,165

Liabilities: Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 15 (4,717) (5,840) (4,596) (5,516)

Net current assets 4,269 2,698 4,515 2,649

Net assets excluding pension liability 50,644 47,856 50,984 47,903

Defi ned benefi t pension scheme liability 17 (23,605) (20,642) (23,605) (20,642)


Funds: Restricted income funds 18 18,137 15,277 18,137 15,277 Unrestricted income funds : Unrestricted income funds excluding pensions asset/liability 18 32,507 32,579 32,847 32,626 Pension reserve 18 (23,605) (20,642) (23,605) (20,642) Total unrestricted funds 8,902 11,937 9,242 11,984

TOTAL FUNDS 18 27,039 27,214 27,379 27,261

The accompanying notes form an integral part of this consolidated and charity balance sheet. The governors and directors of the BFI approved these fi nancial statements on

Governor Director

40 Consolidated cash fl ow statement

YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2006 2006 2005 Note £’000 £’000

Net cash infl ow from operating activities 2 2,766 147 Return on investments and servicing of fi nance 3 157 154 Capital expenditure and fi nancial investment 3 (2,505) (373)

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year 418 (72)

The accompanying notes form an integral part of this consolidated cash fl ow statement.

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 41 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


The principal accounting policies are summarised below. The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the year and the preceding year.

BASIS OF PREPARATION The fi nancial statements of the BFI are prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with the Charities Act, the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP), “Accounting and Reporting by Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (revised 2005)” and applicable accounting standards.

GOING CONCERN The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis for the reasons set out in the Governors’ report.

BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION The statement of fi nancial activities (SOFA) and balance sheet consolidate the fi nancial statements of the charity and its subsidiary undertakings. The results of the subsidiaries are consolidated on a line by line basis within the SOFA. A separate Income and Expenditure account has not been presented for the charity, as permitted by paragraph 397 of the SORP. The balance sheet and related notes, however, show the assets and liabilities of the Group as well as the Charity.

INCOMING RESOURCES All incoming resources are included in the SOFA when the charity is legally entitled to the income, entitlement is virtually certain and the amount can be quantifi ed with reasonable accuracy. The following specifi c policies apply to categories of income:

Donation of services and facilities: are included in income and expenditure at the value to the charity where this can be quantifi ed.

Gifts in Kind: are included at the value to the charity where their value is ascertainable.

Grants & Deferred Income: where related to performance and specifi c deliverables, grants are accounted for as the charity earns the right to consideration by its performance. Where income is received in advance of its recognition it is deferred and included in creditors. Where entitlement occurs before income being received the income is accrued. Capital grants are accounted for as income as soon as they are receivable.

RESOURCES EXPENDED All expenditure is accounted for on an accruals basis and has been classifi ed under headings that aggregate all costs related to the category concerned. Where costs cannot be directly attributed to particular headings they have been allocated to activities on a basis consistent with use of the resources. Premises overheads have been allocated on a fl oor area basis and other overheads have been allocated on the basis of staff numbers. Fund-raising and publicity costs are those incurred in seeking voluntary contributions and do not include the cost of disseminating information in support of charitable activities. Support services costs are those incurred directly in support of expenditure on the objects of the charity and include the planning and management of development projects. Governance costs comprise all costs identifi ed as wholly or mainly attributable to ensuring the public accountability of the charity and its compliance with regulation. These costs include external and internal audit and governors’ costs.

CHARITABLE EXPENDITURE: COLLECTIONS: FILMS ETC All expenditure on acquiring and improving the national collection of fi lms, television material, photographic stills, posters, books and other related materials held by the BFI is included in charitable expenditure in the year incurred. In the main this expenditure is of a curatorial or restoration nature and the Trustees are of the opinion that any value attributed to fi xed assets would not be material. The Collections also comprise donated material and these items are not susceptible to formal valuation. A nominal value of £1 has been placed on these collections.

INVESTMENTS Investments in subsidiaries are stated at cost less provision for impairment.

42 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION Expenditure of £1,000 or more on tangible fi xed assets is capitalised and included at cost.

Depreciation is provided on all tangible fi xed assets, except freehold land, to write off the cost less estimated residual values over their expected useful economic lives. It is calculated on a straight line basis, except freehold buildings which are on a reducing balance basis, at the following rates:

Freehold buildings 2.9-5.3% per annum Long leasehold property 2% per annum Furniture, fi ttings and equipment 10-33% per annum Motor vehicles 20% per annum

STOCKS AND WORK IN PROGRESS Stocks and work in progress are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The former consist of goods held for resale and the latter expenditure on book publications and DVD and video development costs carried forward and written off over the expected commercial life of the individual titles.

PENSION COSTS In preparing the fi nancial statements for the current year, the BFI has adopted the full reporting requirements of FRS17: Retirement Benefi ts. For defi ned benefi t pension schemes the amounts charged in resources expended are the current service costs and gains and losses on settlements and curtailments. They are included as part of staff costs. Past service costs are recognised immediately in the profi t and loss account if the benefi ts have vested. If the benefi ts have not vested immediately, the costs are recognised over the period until vesting occurs. The interest cost and the expected return on assets are shown as a net amount of other fi nance costs or credits adjacent to interest. Actuarial gains and losses are recognised in the ‘Other recognised gains and losses’.

Defi ned benefi t schemes are funded, with the assets of the scheme held separately from those of the charity, in separate trustee-administered funds. Pension scheme assets are measured at fair value and liabilities are measured on an actuarial basis using the projected unit method and discounted at a rate equivalent to the current rate of return on a high-quality corporate bond of equivalent currency and term to the scheme liabilities. The actuarial valuations are obtained every three years and are updated at each balance sheet date. The resulting defi ned benefi t asset or liability, net of the related deferred tax, is presented separately after other net assets on the face of the balance sheet.

For defi ned contribution schemes the amount charged to the Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities in respect of pension costs and other post-retirement benefi ts is the contributions payable in the year. Differences between contributions payable in the year and contributions actually paid are shown as either accruals or prepayments in the balance sheet.

OPERATING LEASE TRANSACTIONS Payments made under operating leases are charged to the SOFA on a straight line basis as they are incurred.

FUND ACCOUNTING Unrestricted funds are available for use at the discretion of the Governors in the furtherance of the general objectives of the BFI and which have not been designated for other purposes.

Restricted funds are funds which are to be used in accordance with specifi c restriction imposed by donors. The aim and use of each restricted fund is set out in the notes to the fi nancial statements.

FOREIGN CURRENCIES Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate ruling on the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities are retranslated at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date.

TAXATION BFI is a registered charity and as such its income and gains falling within s.505 ICTA 88 or s.256 TCGA 92 are exempt from corporation tax to the extent that they are applied to its charitable objectives. Its subsidiaries have not incurred a tax charge as they gift all profi ts to the BFI.

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 43 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


2006 2005 Reconciliation of changes in resources to net infl ow from operating activities: £’000 £’000

Net outgoing resources before lottery funding (225) (1,464) Lottery funding 50 33 Net outgoing resources (175) (1,431)

Less interest receivable (157) (154) Depreciation 1,282 1,412 Profi t on fi xed asset write offs 6 17 (Increase)/decrease in stocks (118) 54 Decrease/(increase) in debtors 88 (266) Decrease in creditors (1,123) (1,360) Increase in defi ned benefi t pension scheme liability 2,963 1,875

Net cash infl ow from operating activities 2,766 147


2006 2005 Return on investments and servicing of fi nance £’000 £’000 Interest receivable 157 154

2006 2005 Capital expenditure and fi nancial investments £’000 £’000 Purchase of tangible fi xed assets (2,505) (373) (2,505) (373)

2006 2005 a) Reconciliation of net cash fl ow to movement in net funds £’000 £’000 Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year 418 (72) Net funds at 1 April 2005 5,048 5,120 Net funds at 31 March 2006 5,466 5,048

1 April 31 March 2005 Cash fl ow 2006 b) Analysis of net funds £’000 £’000 £’000 Cash at bank and in hand 5,048 418 5,466

44 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


Although the UK Film Council is not a related party, being the BFI’s main funder, using resources delegated by the Department for Culture, Media and Sports (DCMS), it has been included in this category. During the year the BFI had the following material transactions with the UK Film Council:

A) UK FILM COUNCIL GRANT IN AID 2006 2005 £’000 £’000 Unrestricted funds 16,000 16,000 Restricted funds (included within ‘Other grants’, see Note 18) 3,000 800

The balances carried forward at the end of the year are £nil for unrestricted funds and £1,337,000 for restricted funds (see Note 18). Grant-in-aid is spent in accordance with the funding agreement between the BFI and the UK Film Council and is directed at published UK Film Council objectives:

Extend & improve access to fi lm culture, serving the diverse geographical needs of the UK’s nations and regions and recognising the differing needs of rural, suburban and metropolitan locations

Improve education about the moving image

Support & encourage cultural diversity and social inclusiveness

Promote fi lm activity in the nations & regions and ensure that national and regional bodies work in concert towards the Film Council’s goals

B) GOVERNORS The Governors neither received nor waived any emoluments during the year (2005 £Nil). Six Governors received reimbursed expenses amounting to £2,239 in the year (2005 £1,016). This primarily represents reimbursed travelling expenses incurred in attending Governors’ meetings. Payments totalling £Nil (2005 £Nil) were made in the year for services. There were no other material connected party transactions involving Governors in their personal capacity.

The charity has purchased insurance to indemnify the Governors against the consequences of any neglect or default on their part. This amounted to £1,596 (2005: £1,764).


Less Less lottery Lottery Gross costs lottery monies monies of projects monies b/f received BFI funded received BFI funded 2005/6 Apr 1, 05 2006 2006 2005 2005 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Heritage Lottery Fund – Film preservation project 8 - 8 - 33 - Heritage Lottery Fund – Chaplin 47 - 42 5 - - 55 - 50 5 33 -


2006 2005 £’000 £’000 Interest receivable 157 154

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 45 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


Restated Direct Allocated Allocated 2006 2005 Costs Pension costs Support costs Total Total £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Costs of generating voluntary income 588 - - 588 434 Lifelong learning 7,944 706 816 9,466 9,261 Distribution & Exhibition 11,850 1,034 1,034 13,918 13,205 Cinema heritage 6,768 349 887 8,004 8,055 Cost of support services 4,825 (2,089) (2,736) - - Governance costs 97 - - 97 181 Restructuring costs 343 - - 343 1,670 Total resources expended 32,416 - - 32,416 32,806

Support services, including staff and other costs, which are allocated across the activities of the charity, are shown in the allocated support costs column. The basis of allocation is as follows:

Restated 2006 2005 Nature of cost Allocation basis £’000 £’000 IT & Finance support Combination of Head Count and transaction volumes (based on total income & expenditure) (1,239) (1,123) Human resources Head count (307) (271) Premises and utilities Combination of Floor area and Head Count (525) (515) Communication and marketing Direct Spend & weighted staff % (263) (232) Other overheads Combination of time and departmental spend (403) (430) Total support (2,736) (2,571)

Pension costs (see Note 9) Head Count (2,089) (1,924)

2006 2005 Governance costs £’000 £’000 Audit Fees (60) (55) Legal fees (2) (53) Trustees Costs (3) (1) Corporate planning (32) (72) Total governance (97) (181)


Restated 2006 2005 Staff costs consists of: £’000 £’000 Wages & salaries 13,448 13,683 Social security costs 1,072 1,032 Pension costs (see Note 9) 1,543 1,426 16,063 16,141

46 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


2006 2005 The average number of full time equivalent employees of the BFI during the year was: Number Number Costs of generating voluntary income 11 11 Lifelong learning 128 128 Distribution & Exhibition 170 164 Cinema heritage 119 118 Governance costs 4 4 432 425

Age at 31 March 2006 2005 Director 2006 £’000 £’000 A. Nevill 49 125 110

Including bonuses totalling £25,000 (2005: £10,000). A. Nevill became an ordinary member of the London Pensions Fund Authority pension scheme on 1st January 2004. Employers pension contributions for the year amounted to £12,400 (2005: £6,300).

Other senior staff 2006 2005 (including employers’ pension contributions) Number Number £100,000 – £109,999 1 - £90,000 – £99,999 3 - £80,000 – £89,999 3 1 £70,000 – £79,999 8 5 £60,000 – £69,999 4 8

Included in the above are 17 (2005: 12) staff who are ordinary members of the London Pensions Fund Authority pension scheme. The amount of employers pension contributions attributable to these staff amounted to £142,167 (2005: £47,380).

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 47 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


The BFI is an admitted body to the London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA), which provides a defi ned benefi t pension scheme for its salaried employees. It is a funded scheme and the assets are administered by trustees and are independent of the BFI. The related costs are assessed in accordance with the advice of professionally qualifi ed actuaries. The BFI has accounted in full for pensions benefi ts in 2005/06 under the disclosure requirements of FRS17. Therefore as at 31 March 2006, a pension liability of £23,605,000 is disclosed in the BFI balance sheet. For FRS17 disclosure the full valuation at 31 March 2004 has been updated by the actuaries Hymans Robertson to assess the liabilities of the scheme as at 31 March 2006.The most signifi cant actuarial assumptions in this recent valuation are:

2006 2005 2004 % % % Per annum Per annum Per annum Rate of increase in prices 3.1 2.9 2.9 Rate of increase in salaries 4.6 4.4 4.4 Rate of increase in pensions in payment 3.1 2.9 2.9 Discount rate 4.9 5.4 5.5 Return on scheme investment: Equities 7.3 7.7 7.7 Target Return Funds 6.0 4.8 5.1 Alternative assets 6.5 5.7 6.5 Cash 4.6 4.8 4.0

2006 2005 2004 The BFI share of the net pension liability as at 31 March £’000 £’000 £’000 Estimated employer assets 40,481 32,630 31,170 Present value of scheme liabilities (61,595) (50,952) (47,555) Present value of unfunded liabilities (see Note 17) (2,491) (2,320) (2,370) Net pension defi cit (23,605) (20,642) (18,755)

2006 Asset Assets – Split of Investments by Category £’000 Distribution Assets whole fund % Equities 1,296,100 63% Target return funds 391,600 19% Alternative assets 242,400 12% Cash 126,300 6% Total 2,056,400 100%

2005 Asset 2004 Asset Assets whole fund £’000 Distribution £’000 Distribution % % Equities 1,215,776 79% 1,134,523 81% Bonds 166,489 11% 166,812 12% Property 109,781 7% 80,409 6% Cash 51,696 3% 23,673 2% Total 1,543,742 100% 1,405,417 100%

48 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


2006 2005 Analysis of the amount chargeable to resources expended under FRS17 £’000 £’000 Current service cost 1,366 1,249 Curtailment and settlement 177 177 Total operating charge 1,543 1,426

2006 2005 Amount debited to other fi nance charges under FRS17 £’000 £’000 Expected return on pension scheme assets 2,341 2,252 Interest on pension scheme liabilities (2,887) (2,755) Net costs (546) (503) Net revenue account cost 2,089 1,929

2006 2005 Analysis of amount recognised in the statement of fi nancial activities (SOFA) £’000 £’000 Actual return less expected return on pension scheme assets 5,264 914 Experience losses arising on the scheme liabilities (45) (720) Changes in assumptions underlying the present value of the scheme liabilities (7,455) (912) Actuarial loss recognised in SOFA (2,236) (718)

2006 2005 Movement in defi cit during the year £’000 £’000 Defi cit in scheme at beginning of year (20,642) (18,767) Movement in year: Current service cost (1,366) (1,249) Contributions 1,209 630 Contributions in respect of Unfunded Benefi ts 153 142 Impact of settlements and curtailments (177) (177) Net return on assets (546) (503) Actuarial loss (2,236) (718) Defi cit in scheme at end of the year (23,605) (20,642)

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 49 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


2006 2005 2004 2003 History of experience gains and losses £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Difference between the expected and actual return on scheme assets 5,264 914 4,070 (10,972) value of scheme assets 40,481 32,630 31,170 25,446 percentage of scheme assets 13.0% 2.8% 13.1% (43.1%) Experience gains and losses on scheme liabilities (45) (720) (157) 166 present value of scheme liabilities 64,086 53,272 49,925 44,260 percentage of the present value of the scheme liabilities (0.1%) (1.4%) (0.3%) 0.4% Total amount recognised in statement of total recognised gains and losses (2,236) (718) 1,144 (12,122) present value of scheme liabilities 64,086 53,272 49,925 44,260 percentage of the present value of the scheme liabilities (3.5%) (1.3%) 2.3% (27.4%)

The information for the year ended 31 March 2002 is not available therefore has not been disclosed.


2006 2005 Net resources expended before transfers are stated after charging: £’000 £’000 Auditors’ remuneration: Audit 59 55 Other services 20 - Foreign exchange gains 24 56 Depreciation 1,282 1,412 Charges for operating leases: Plant & Machinery 203 186 Other 108 88 fi equipment 11. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS ttings and Furniture leasehold buildings land and Freehold property vehicles Motor Long

Total Group and Charity £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Cost At 1 April 2005 25,555 22,699 10,527 88 58,869 Additions 1,494 18 983 10 2,505 Disposals - - (116) - (116) At 31 March 2006 27,049 22,717 11,394 98 61,258

Depreciation At 1 April 2005 (3,065) (2,449) (8,129) (68) (13,711) Charge for the year (524) (303) (448) (7) (1,282) Disposals - - 110 - 110 At 31 March 2006 (3,589) (2,752) (8,467) (75) (14,883)

Net Book Value At 31 March 2006 23,460 19,965 2,927 23 46,375

At 1 April 2005 22,490 20,250 2,398 20 45,158

There were no assets held on fi nance lease during the year or at the year end. Included within long leashold property is property with a net book value of £15m relating to the BFI London Imax Cinema building. The Arts Council has a legal charge on the property to the value of £15m in respect of original funding for the building costs.

50 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


BFI Big Conn. 2006 2005 Screen Video Ltd Total Total £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Trading Account Income 2,254 12 2,266 2,702 Expenditure (2,547) (12) (2,559) (2,750) Net operating loss (293) - (293) (48)

Balance Sheets Stocks and work in progress 17 - 17 24 Debtors 93 94 187 187 Cash at bank and in hand 425 - 425 554 Current liabilities (875) - (875) (718)

Total (BFI interest) (340) 94 (246) 47

Shareholdings in subsidiaries The BFI holds 100% of the issued share capital of the following undertakings, which are registered in England and Wales:

BFI (Big Screen) Ltd Connoisseur Video Ltd Project Rosebud Ltd (e-commerce development - dormant)

Trading subsidiaries are involved in activities wholly consistent with the BFI’s charitable aims and objectives and remit taxable profi ts to the BFI under Gift Aid. Their income and expenditure are consolidated into the group fi nancial statements.

BFI (Big Screen) Limited operates the commercial activities of the BFI London IMAX and the theatrical operations of the IMAX.

Connoisseur Video Limited comprises the BFI’s video publishing export activity.

The investment held by the Charity is summarised as follows: 2006 £’000 Cost At 1 April 2005 and 31 March 2006 150

Impairment At 1 April 2005 (54) Charge for the year (2) At 31 March 2006 (56)

Net Book Value At 31 March 2006 94

At 31 March 2005 96

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 51 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


Group Group Charity Charity 2006 2005 2006 2005 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Books and video publishing 378 254 361 229 Publications work in progress 43 46 43 46 Video work in progress 137 140 137 140 558 440 541 415


Group Group Charity Charity 2006 2005 2006 2005 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Trade debtors 1,000 1,303 959 1,278 Amount owed by subsidiary undertakings - - 661 393 Other debtors 804 870 804 870 Prepayments and accrued income 1,158 851 1,105 783 Lottery awards - 26 - 26 2,962 3,050 3,529 3,350


Group Group Charity Charity 2006 2005 2006 2005 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Trade creditors (1,009) (1,735) (950) (1,635) Amount owed to subsidiary undertakings - - (94) (94) Other taxes and social security costs (335) (345) (335) (331) Other creditors (311) (351) (222) (207) Accruals (2,797) (3,137) (2,746) (3,080) Deferred income (265) (273) (249) (263) (4,717) (5,840) (4,596) (5,610)


Group Group Charity Charity 2006 2005 2006 2005 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Balance as at 1st April (273) (119) (263) (119) Amount released to incoming resources 273 108 263 108 Amount deferred in year (265) (262) (249) (252) Balance as at 31st March (265) (273) (249) (263)

52 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


In addition to the amounts payable for current members of the pension scheme (Note 9), within this scheme the BFI has an unfunded liability to pay pensions to 44 (2005: 44) former employees and their spouses. The total actuarial valuation for this liability at 31 March 2006 is included in the pension provision. The anticipated cost falling due in the year to 31 March 2007 of £138,000 is included in the defi ned benefi t pension scheme liability. A summary of the impact on the SOFA therefore is:

2006 2005 2004 £’000 £’000 £’000 Release of costs - - 795 Charge for current year (4,325) (2,647) (553) Decrease/(increase) in overall pension accrual (4,325) (2,647) 242

2006 2005 2004 Pension liability £’000 £’000 £’000 Valuation as at 1 April 2005 (20,642) (18,767) (19,609)

Utilised in the year 1,362 767 600 Net (charge)/credit to SOFA (4,325) (2,642) 242 Net movement in year (2,963) (1,875) 842 Valuation as at 31 March 2006 (23,605) (20,642) (18,767)

Defi ned benefi t pension scheme liability (23,605) (20,642) (18,767) (23,605) (20,642) (18,767)

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 53 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


At 1 April At 31 March 2005 Income Expenditure Transfers 2006 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Unrestricted funds 11,937 29,445 (32,480) - 8,902

Restricted funds Fixed Assets 15,654 - (441) 1,306 16,519 Charitable Activities: TV Grants – recording TV programmes for UK-wide access to moving image materials 189 917 (934) - 172 TV Grants – as above for Educational purposes 20 96 (96) - 20 Digital Test Bed - 100 (100) - - David Lean Foundation - 10 (10) - - NFT Refurbishment Donations 26 - (26) - - Screenonline website - 7 (7) - - Awards for All 1 - (1) - - Chaplin Foundation 96 - (45) - 51 Heritage Lottery Fund - 8 (8) - - Heritage Lottery Fund - 42 - (42) - NIACE 1 - (1) - - London Development Authority (LDA) – LFF - 100 (100) - - Arts Council for contemporary artist fi lm & video DVD series 17 20 (4) - 33 Arts Council - LFF on Tour - 20 (20) - - Arts Council - The Gallery at BFI Southbank - 50 (50) - LFF – Discover Digital - 26 (26) - - Mediatheque project - 30 (30) - - UK Film Council – Modernisation grant (731) 1,000 (269) - - UK Film Council – Other - 5 - - 5 UK Film Council Capital Grant - 2,000 - (663) 1,337 Southbank Capital appeal – other donors - 250 - (250) - London Development Authority (LDA) – Southbank capital appeal - 351 - (351) - NFT General 4 - (4) - -

Total restricted funds 15,277 5,032 (2,172) - 18,137 Total funds 27,214 34,477 (34,652) - 27,039

Transfers represent amounts which have been expended on fi xed assets.

2006 2005 Total Total Operating statement – charity only £’000 £’000 Incoming resources 32,223 29,391 Resources expended (32,105) (30,774) Operating surplus/(defi cit) 118 (1,383) Charity only funds brought forward as restated 27,261 28,645 Charity only fund balances carried forward 27,379 27,261

54 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006

Restricted funds Description TV Grants Archiving services for both Independent Television and the BBC Digital Test Bed Research into digital projection technology David Lean Foundation Restoration work NFT Refurbishment Donations Donations specifi cally for the NFT refurbishment Awards for All Community education project Chaplin Foundation Charlie Chaplin archive and research projects Screenonline website Aid development of website Heritage Lottery Fund Film preservation projects NIACE Northern Ireland Tourist Board European education workshops LDA – LFF Support for projects associated with The Times BFI London Film Festival LDA Support for the Southbank capital appeal Arts Council Contempory artists DVD series Mediatech project BFI service utilising computer viewing stations, which allow users to select and browse fi lms & television programmes for viewing on demand LFF – Discover Digital A series of lectures aimed at young fi lm makers on the impact of new digital technologies UK Film Council Modernisation grant funding, continues into the next fi nancial year. BFI Southbank Capital appeal BFI Southbank regeneration NFT General Donations specifi cally for the use of the NFT

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 55 Notes to the accounts Year ended 31 March 2006


Unrestricted Restricted Total Fund balances at 31 March 2006 are represented by: £’000 £’000 £’000 Tangible fi xed assets 29,856 16,519 46,375 Stocks and Work in Progress 558 - 558 Debtors 2,702 260 2,962 Cash at Bank and in hand 3,449 2,017 5,466 Current assets 6,709 2,277 8,986 Current liabilities (4,058) (659) (4,717) Income funds excluding pensions asset/liability 32,507 18,137 50,644 Long term liabilities (23,605) - (23,605) Total net assets 8,902 18,137 27,039

Restricted funds are committed as directed by the donors. Unrestricted Funds are available to fund revenue initiatives identifi ed during the year and to provide a reserve against unforeseen costs arising.

2006 2005 Unrestricted Unrestricted Net free reserves £’000 £’000 Current assets 6,709 8,258 Current liabilities (4,058) (5,183) Net free reserves 2,651 3,075


At 31 March 2006 the charity had annual commitments in respect of non-cancellable operating leases as set out below: Land and Land and buildings buildings Other Other 2006 2005 2006 2005 Leases which expire: £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Less than 1 year 53 - 23 10 Within 2 to 5 years 122 88 145 163 Over 5 years - - - - Total 175 88 168 173


The BFI is a registered charity and as such is potentially exempt from taxation of its income and gains to the extent that they are applied to its charitable objectives. It’s subsidiaries’ total taxable profi ts are gifted to the Charity and therefore no tax is payable. Irrecoverable VAT is charged to the cost category to which it relates.

56 The full monty

The following titles were screened as part Dir. Timothy Neat Centennial summer (1946) of various seasons and retrospectives at The Middle of the World (1974) Danger, Love at Work (1937) the BFI National Film Theatre, distributed Dir. Alain Tanner Die Grosse Liebe (1931) theatrically, released on DVD, or published The Salamander (1971) Dir. Alain Tanner Forever Amber (1947) The Spectre of Hope (2001) Dir. Paul Carlin Hurry Sundown (1967) APRIL 2005 The Three Lives of Lucie Cabrol (1995) In Harm’s Way (1965) OTTO PREMINGER SEASON Dir. Simon McBurney In the Meantime, Darling (1944) Advise and Consent (1961) Ways of Seeing (Parts 1 & 2) (1972) Margin for Error (1943) Anatomy of a Murder (1959) Dir. Mike Dibb Otto Preminger on TV ( 1959/1972/2000) Angel Face (1952) Ways of Seeing (Parts 3 & 4) (1972) Rosebud (1975) Bonjour Tristesse (1957) Dir. Mike Dibb Saint Joan (1957) Carmen Jones (1954) Skidoo (1968) Daisy Kenyon (1947) OTHER Such Good Friends (1971) Exodus (1960) Close-Up (1989) Dir. Abbas Kiarostami Tell Me That You Love Me, Fallen Angel (1945) Dreams That Money Can Buy + The Real Junie Moon (1969) Laura (1944) Tuesday Weld (1964) Dir. Hans Richter That Lady in Ermine (1948) Porgy and Bess (1958) The Big Red One (1980-2004) The Court Martial of Billy Mitchell (1955) River of No Return (1954) Dir. Samuel Fuller The Fan (1949) The Cardinal (1963) The Interpreter (2005) Dir. Sydney Pollack The Human Factor (1979) The Man with the Golden Arm (1955) The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse The Moon Is Blue (1953) (2005) Dir. Steve Bendelack The Thirteenth Letter (1951) JOHNNY DEPP SEASON Under Your Spell (1936) Before Night Falls (2000) MAY 2005 Where the sidewalk Ends (1950) Dir. Julian Schnabel ABBAS KIAROSTAMI Whirlpool (1950) Dead Man (1996) Dir. Jim Jarmusch 10 (2002) Donnie Brasco (1997) Dir. Mike Newell (2004) HG WELLS Ed Wood (1994) Dir. Tim Burton (1976) HG Wells: A Life in Film Edward Scissorhands (1990) ABC Africa (2001) Island of Lost Souls (1933) Dir. Tim Burton And Life Goes On... (1991) Dir. Erle C Kenton Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) Bread and Alley (1970) Kipps (1941) Dir. Carol Reed Dir. Terry Gilliam Breaktime (1972) La Merveilleuse Viste (1974) Finding Neverland (2004) Close-Up (1990) Dir. Marcel Carné Dir. Marc Forster Colours (1976) Love and Mr Lewisham (1972) Dir. Pirates of the Caribbean – The Curse of Dinner for One (1996) Christopher Barry the Black Pearl (2003) Dir. Gore Verbinski (1983) The Door in the Wall (1956) What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993) First Case, Second Case (1979) Dir. Glenn Alvery Jr. Dir. Lasse Hallström First-Graders (1984) The History of Mr Polly (1949) Five (2003) Dir. Anthony Pelissier JOHN BERGER SEASON Homework (1989) The Invisible Man (1933) Dir. James Whale 12 August 2002 (2002) Dir. Milena Trivier How to Make Use of Leisure Time: The Island of Dr Moreau (1977) A Telling Eye: The Work of John Berger Painting (1977) Dir. Don Taylor (1994) Dir. Mike Dibb (1981) The Man Who Could Work Miracles (1936) About Time: Once Upon a Time (1985) (1975) Dir. Lothar Mendes Dir. Mike Dibb Solution (1978) The Passionate Friends (1948) Another Way of Telling: Views Ten Minutes Older (2003) Dir. David Lean of Photography (1989) Dir. John Christie The Birth of Light (1997) The Time Machine (1960) Dir. George Pal Crumbling Houses (2003) The Chorus (1982) The Time Machine (2002) Dir. Gianni Celati The Experience (1973) Dir. Simon Wells Drawn from Life (1962) Dir. Mike Wooler The Report (1977) (1936) Dir. William Germinal (1983) Dir. Mike Dibb The (1997) Cameron Menzies His Name Is Tyler (2001) Dir. Paul Carlin The Traveller (1974) I Send You this Cadmium Red (202) (1999) JAMES DEAN Dir. John Christie (1994) East of Eden (1955) Dir. Elia Kazan John Berger in Conversation Toothache (1979) Giant (1956) Dir. George Stevens with Michael Ondaatje (2003) Tribute to the Teachers (1977) James Dean – Forever Young (2005) Jonah Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000 Two Solutions for One Problem (1975) James Dean – The Iconic Images (1975) Dir. Alain Tanner Where Is the Friend’s House? (1987) of Phil Stern Parting Shots from Animals (1980) Rebel Without a Cause (1955) Dir. Mike Dibb OTTO PREMINGER Dir. Nicholas Ray Pig Earth (1979) Dir. Mike Dibb A Royal Scandal (1945) Play Me Something (1989) Bunny Lake Is Missing (1965)

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 57 Picture: The Full Monty (1997) 58 OTHER NEW FILMS FROM ITALY CRIME SCENE 2005 Brothers (2004) Dir. Susanne Bier The Best of Youth (2002) Alias Kurban Said (2004) Dir. Jos de Putter Inside Deep Throat (2005) Dir. Marco Tullio Giordana Anthony Horowitz and Charlie Higson: Dir. Randy Barbato The Hundred Steps (2000) Writing Thrillers for a Younger Audience Strings (2004) Dir. Marco Tullio Giordana Bullitt (1968) Dir. Peter Yates Dir. Anders Ronnow Klarlund The Gift (2003) Crime Scene Rediscovery: Blast of Silence The Big Red One (1980-2004) Dir. Michelangelo Frammartino (1961) Dir. Allen Baron Dir. Samuel Fuller Carlo Giuliani, A Boy (2002) CSI – Season 5 Finale (2005) The Consequenses of Love (2004) Dir. Francesca Comencini Dir. Quentin Tarantino Dir. Paolo Sorrentino Don Vitaliano – Nothing But a Priest Exploring Violence: Women and Crime The Dam Busters (1955) (2002) Dir. Paolo Pisanelli Je suis un assassin (2004) Dir. Michael Anderson Nanni Moretti Shorts + Italian Animation Dir. Thomas Vincent The Jacket (2005) Dir. John Maybury The Embalmer (2002) Dir. Matteo Garrone Ordo (2004) Tickets (2004) Dir. Ermanno Olmi, I Like to Work (2003) Dir. Laurence Ferreira Barbosa Abbas Kiarostami, Ken Loach Dir. Francesca Comencini Point Blank (1967) Dir. John Boorman Three Step Dancing (2003) Road to Perdition (2002) Dir. Sam Mendes JUNE Dir. Salvatore Mereu Satan Met a Lady (1936) OUSMANE SEMBENE The Spectator (2003) Dir. Paolo Franchi Dir. William Dieterle Black Girl (1964) Private (2004) Dir. Saverio Costanzo The Alzheimer Case (2004) Borom Sarret (1963) Dir. Erik Van Looy Camp de Thiaroye (1988) JANE FONDA The Axe (2005) Dir. Costa-Gavras Ceddo (1976) A Walk on the Wild Side (1962) The CSI Phenomenon Emitaï (1972) Dir. Edward Dmytryk The Grifters (1990) Dir. Stephen Frears Faat Kiné (2001) Barbarella (1968) Dir. Roger Vadim The Maltese Falcon (1931) Guelwaar (1992) Barefoot in the Park (1967) Dir. Gene Saks Dir. John Huston Moolaadé (2004) Julia (1977) Dir. Fred Zinnemann The Maltese Falcon (1931) Niaye (1964) Klute (1971) Dir. Alan J Pakula Dir. Roy del Ruth Sembene: The Making of African Cinema Nine to Five (1980) Dir. Colin Higgins The Outfi t (1973) Dir. John Flynn (1994) Dir. Manthia Diawara The Chase (1965) Dir. Arthur Penn Tauw (1970) The Morning After (1986) ROBERT MITCHUM The Money Order (1968) Dir. Sidney Lumet Angel Face (1952) Dir. Otto Preminger Xala (1974) They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? (1969) Cape Fare (1962) Dir. J Lee Thompson Dir. Sydney Pollack Crossfi re (1947) Dir. Edward Dmytryk Black World TV: Rap & Hip-Hop Tout va bien (1972) Dir. Jean-Luc Godard El Dorado (1966) Dir. Howard Hawks Hip-Hop as a Global Phenomenon Farewell My Lovely (1975) Hip-Hop Culture and the British Invasion OTHER Dir. Dick Richards The Emerging Scene: Hip-Hop Pioneers Baadasssss! (2004) Dir. Mario Van Peebles Mitchum Interviewed Dig! (2003) Dir. Ondi Timoner Out of the Past (1947) MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI Five (2003) Dir. Abbas Kiarostami Dir. Jacques Tourneur Antonioni Shorts (1943-1953) Kung Fu Hustle (2004) Dir. Stephen Chow Pursued (1947) Dir. Raoul Walsh Antonioni Shorts (1978-1997) The Cat Returns (2002) River of No Return (1954) Beyond the Clouds (1995) Dir. Hiroyuki Morita Dir. Otto Preminger Blow Up (1966) The Producers (1968) Dir. Mel Brooks The Big Steal (1949) Dir. Don Siegel Chung Kuo Cina (1972) Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973) Cronaca di un amore (1950) of Jack Johnson (2004) Dir. Ken Burns Dir. Peter Yates Documentaries about Antonioni The Locket (1946) Dir. John Brahm I vinti (1952) JULY The Lusty Men (1952) Dir. Nicholas Ray Identifi cation of a Women (1982) OPTRONICA The Night of the Hunter (195) Il grido (1957) Addictive TV: The Eye of the Pilot Dir. Charles Laughton La notte (1961) Big in Japan The Story of GI Joe (1945) La signora senza camelie (1953) DJ Spooky and Rebirth of a Nation + Dir. William Wellman L’av vent ura (1960 ) Exceeda Thunder Road (1958) Dir. Arthur Ripley Le amiche (1955) Karl Bartos Till the End of Time (1946) L’eclisse (1962) Karl Bartos Lecture: Dir. Edward Dmytryk Michelangelo Antonioni: An Introduction The Interpositions of Media Track of the Cat (1954) Red Desert (1964) Media Remixed Dir. William Wellman The Gaze of Michelangelo (2004) Optronica @ The Spitz Undercurrent (1946) The Oberwald Mystery (1980) Optronica Lab: People Like Us + Dir. Vincente Minnelli The Passenger (1975) The Sancho Plan + Skoltz_Kolgen West of the Pecos (1945) Dir. Edward Killy Zabriskie Point (1970) Optronica on Screen When Strangers Marry (1944) Plaid & Bob Jaroc + The Mellowtrons Dir. William Castle The Best of Mixmasters 2000-2005

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 59 NTI* Black World TV: From Soul to Funk Tokyo Godfathers (2003) Dir. Satoshi Kon Ian Livingstone: Black World Rough Cuts Voices of a Distant Star (2003) Lara Went to Hollywood Blacktronica DJ Session Dir. Makoto Shinkai James Newman: Curtis Mayfi eld and Stevie Wonder A License to Kill For (concert) ROBERT MITCHUM Jamie Fristrom: Soul Divas Blood on the Moon (1948) Dir. Robert Wise The Action Movie Aesthetic Soul to Funk Heaven Knows, Mr Allison (1957) Jonathan Smith: L This Is Soul Dir. John Huston ego Star Wars – Brick by Brick His Kind of Women (1951) Peter Molyneux: The Trailer OTHER Dir. John Farrow Playing with Games A Day of Magic Home from the Hill (1960) Roger Avary: The Rules of Adaption (live events and screenings) Dir. Vincente Minnelli The Pitch Antenna Macao (1952) Dir. Josef von Sternberg Valve: Written All Over Your Face Buster’s Bedroom (1991) Dir. Rebecca Horn (& Nicholas Ray) Dear Wendy (2004) Dir. Thomas Man with the Gun (1955) CAROLE LOMBARD Vinterberg Dir. Richard Wilson Bolero (1934) Dir. Wesley Ruggles Der Eintanzer (1978) Dir. Rebecca Horn My Forbidden Past (1951) Hands Across the Table (1935) John Fisher presents: 13 Mystical Dir. Robert Stevenson Dir. Mitchell Leisen Moments of Magic Rachel and the Stranger (1948) In Name Only (1939) Dir. John Cromwell La Ferdinanda: Sonata for a Medici villa Dir. Norman Foster Mr and Mrs Smith (1941) (1991) Dir. Rebecca Horn Secret Ceremony (1969) Dir. Joseph Losey Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Madagascar (2005) Dir. Eric Darnell The Angry Hills (1959) Dir. Robert Aldrich My Man Godfrey (1936) The Escape Artist (1980) The Racket (1951) Dir. John Cromwell Dir. Gregory La Cava Dir. Caleb Deschanel The Red Pony (1949) Dir. Lewis Milestone No Man of Her Own (1932) The Yakuza (1975) Dir. Sydney Pollack Dir. Wesley Ruggles AUGUST Where Danger Lives (1950) Nothing Sacred (1937) MICHAEL POWELL Dir. John Farrow Dir William Wellman 49th Parallel (1941) The Princess Comes Across (1936) (1944) Black World TV: Dir. William K Howard A Matter of Life and Death (1946) The Caribbean Connection They Knew What They Wanted (1940) Age of Consent (1969) Calypso and Ska Dir. Garson Kanin Contraband (1940) Jamaican Reggae To Be or Not to Be (1942) Gone to Earth (1950) Reggae and the British Connection Dir. Ernst Lubitsch I Know Where I’m Going! (1945) The Two-Tone Community True Confession (1937) Michael Powell: An Introduction Blacktronica DJ Session Dir. Wesley Ruggles One of Our Aircraft Is Missing (1942) Black World Rough Cuts Twentieth Century (1934) Peeping Tom (1960) Dir. Howard Hawks The Edge of the World (1937) August Bournonville Black Narcissus (1947) Dancing Bournonville CHRISTOPHER DOYLE The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943) Napoli 2046 (2004) Dir. Wong Kar-Wai The Red Shoes (1948) Far from Denmark Away with Words (1999) (1949) La Sylphide Dir. Christopher Doyle (1939) Chungking Express (1994) The Tales of Hoffman (1951) OTHER Dir. Wong Kar-Wai The Thief of Bagdad (1940) A Matter of Life and Death Days of Being Wild ( (1990) (screening at Somerset House) Dir. Wong Kar-Wai JAPANESE ANIMATION: Celebrating The Best Fallen Angels (1995) Dir. Wong Kar-Wai MANGA TO MIYAZAKI Happy Together (1997) Dir. Wong Kar-Wai Kakurenbo (2004) Dir. Shuhei Morita SEPTEMBER Hero (2002) Dir. Zhang Yimou Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989) CATHERINE DENEUVE In the Mood for Love (2000) Dir. Hayao Miyazaki 8 Women (2001) Dir. François Ozon Dir. Wong Kar-Wai Millennium Actress (2001) A Strange Place to Meet (1988) Last Life in the Universe (2003) Dir. Satoshi Kon Dir. François Dupeyron Dir. Pen-ek Ratanaruang Paranoia Agent Episodes 1-3 (2004) Belle de Jour (1967) Dir. Luis Buñuel Liberty Heights (1999) Dir. Barry Levinson Dir. Satoshi Kon Dancer in the Dark (2000) Motel Cactus (1997) Dir. Park Ki-Yong Perfect Blue (1997) Dir. Satoshi Kon Dir. Lars von Trier Noir et blanc (1986) Dir. Claire Devers Princess Mononoke (1997) Généalogies d’un crime (1997) Raúl Ruiz Psycho ( 1998) Dir. Gus Van Sant Dir. Hayao Miyazaki Hustle (1975) Dir. Robert Aldrich Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002) Dir. Philip Noyce She and Her Cat (1999) Indochine (1992) Dir. Régis Wargnier Temptress Moon (1996) Dir. Chen Kaige Dir. Makoto Shinkai Le Dernier métro (1980) That Day on the Beach (1983) Steamboy (2004) Dir. Katsuhiro Otomo Dir. François Truffaut Dir. Edward Yang

60 Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (1967) Woodstock (The Director’s Cut) BILL MURRAY Dir. Jacques Demy (1970/1984) Dir. Michael Wadleigh Broken Flowers (2005) Dir. Jim Jarmusch Les Temps qui changent (2004) Ghostbusters (1984) Dir. Ivan Reitman Dir. André Téchiné Black World TV: Jazz Groundhog Day (1993) Dir. Harold Ramis Les Voleurs (1996) Dir. André Téchiné Black World Rough Cuts Hamlet (2000) Dir. Michael Almereyda Ma saison préférée (1993) Blacktronica DJ Session Lost in Translation (2003) Dir. André Téchiné Jazz Divas Dir. Sofi a Coppola Mississippi Mermaid (1969) Louis Armstrong and His All Stars Mad Dog and Glory (1992) Dir. François Truffaut Miles Davis Dir. John McNaughton Peau d’âne (1970) Dir. Jacques Demy Thelonious Monk & Coleman Hawkins Rushmore (1999) Dir. Wes Anderson Place Vendôme (1998) Dir. Nicole Garcia Trevor Robinson Stripes (1981) Dir. Ivan Reitman Repulsion (1965) Dir. Roman Polanski The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) The Hunger (1983) Dir. Tony Scott OTHER Dir. Wes Anderson The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1965) Dr Strangelove; or, How I Learned To Dir. Jacques Demy Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1963) RESFEST 2005 Time Regained (1999) Dir. Raúl Ruiz Dir. Stanley Kubrick Beck: A Retrospective Tristana (1970) Dir. Luis Buñuel Flesh and the Devil (1926) Cinema Electronica Un Flic (1972) Dir. Jean-Pierre Melville Dir. Clarence Brown Four Seasons of Traktor: A Retrospective Garbo (2005) Dir. Kevin Brownlow, Late programme additions MAMA AFRICA Christopher Bird Mike Mills Event A Red Ribbon Around My House (2002) Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) REMIX Project Dir. Portia Rankoane Dir. Hayao Miyazaki RES Course of Action About Braids (2002) Lords of Dogtown (2005) RESFEST and the NFT Dir. Jacqueline Kalimunda Dir. Catherine Hardwicke RESFEST Feature Film Series Body Beautiful (2003) No Entry (2005) Dir. Anees Bazmee RESFEST Late Dir. Omelga Mthiyane Pride and Prejudice (2005) Dir. Joe Wright Shorts One Close Up on Bintou (2001) Rehearsals + Panel Discussion on Images Shorts Three Dir. Fanta Régina Nacro and Voices of a New Northern Ireland Shorts Two Hangtime (2001) Dir. Ngozi Onwurah (2005) Dir. Michael Grigsby Shorts: By Design Kounandi (2004) Dir. Apolline Traore Resfest 2005 Shorts: Cut & Paste Maangamizi: The Ancient One (2000) The RESFEST Seminar Series Dir. Martin Mhando OCTOBER Thumbsucker Madame Broutte (2002) MAE WEST Triple Threat Dir. Moussa Sene Absa Belle of the Nineties (1934) UK Premiere: Infamy Riches (2001) Dir. Ingrid Sinclair Dir. Leo McCarey UK Premiere: Just for Kicks Satin Rouge (2002) Dir. Raja Amari Every Day’s a Holiday (1938) Videos That Rock The Man Who Stole My Mother’s Face Dir. A Edward Sutherland XL Recordings (2003) Dir. Cathy Henkel Go West, Young Man (1936) XL Recordings: Side A The Night of Truth (2004) Dir. Henry Hathaway XL Recordings: Side B Dir. Fanta Régina Nacro Goin’ to Town (1935) Dir. Alexander Hall The Sky in Her Eyes (2001) Dir. Ouida Smit I’m No Angel (1933) Dir. Wesley Ruggles LIFE’S A HOLIDAY... Klondike Annie (1936) Dir. Raoul Walsh A Propos de Nice (1929) Dir. Jean Vigo MASUMURA YASUZO My Little Chickadee (1940) Before Sunrise (1995) (1960) Dir. Edward F Cline Dir. Richard Linklater A Wife Confesses (1961) Myra Breckinridge (1970) Days and Nights in the Forest (1969) (1969) Dir. Michael Sarne Dir. Satyajit Ray (1958) Night After Night (1932) Dir. Archie Mayo Holiday Camp (1947) Dir. Ken Annakin Kisses (1957) Sex, Drags and Diamond Lil: Husbands (1971) Dir. John Cassavetes (1966) Mae West as Author Jaws (1975) Dir. Steven Speilberg The Precipice (1958) Sextette (1978) Dir. Ken Hughes Monday Morning (2002) The Wife of Seishu Hanaoka (1967) She Done Him Wrong (1933) Dir. Otar Iosseliani Dir. Lowell Sherman Monsieur Hulot’s Hoiday (1952) BOB DYLAN & MARTIN SCORSESE The Heat’s On (1944) Dir. Gregory Ratoff Dir. Jacques Tati Don’t Look Back (1967) Dir. DA Pennebaker My Summer of Love (2004) Masked and Anonymous (2003) Black World TV: The Blues Dir. Pawel Pawlikowski Dir. Larry Charles I Hear the Blues Smiles of a Summer Night (1955) No Direction Home (2005) Nothin’ But the Blues Dir. Ingmar Bergman Dir. Martin Scorsese The Blues Keep Comin’ Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatjana (1994) Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973) Dir. Aki Kaurismäki Dir. Sam Peckinpah The Green Ray (1986) Dir. Eric Rohmer The Last Waltz (1978) Dir. Martin Scorsese The House of Mirth (2000)

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 61 Dir. Terence Davies The Major and the Minor (1942) Visit Palestine (2005) Dir. Kate Barlow They Came to a Ferry (1948) The Seven Year Itch (1955) Dir. Arl Theodor The Spirit of St. Louis (1957) DECEMBER To Catch a Thief (1955) Witness for the Prosecution (1957) BILLY WILDER Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Avanti! (1972) Tokyo Story (1953) Dir. Yasujiro Ozu ITV50 (CELEBRATION OF 50 YEARS Billy, How Did You Do It? (1992) Weekend (1968) Dir. Jean-Luc Godard OF ITV PROGRAMMING) Buddy Buddy (1981) Y Tu Mamá También (2001) Armchair Theatre Fedora (1979) Dir. Alfonso Cuarón Award-winning Documentaries: Irma La Douce (1963) A Wedding on Saturday + Beauty, Bonny, Kiss Me, Stupid (1964) OTHER Daisy, Violet, Grace and Geoffrey Morton One, Two, Three (1961) Broken Flowers (2005) Dir Jim Jarmusch Children’s Programmes Some Like It Hot (1959) Saraband (2004) Dir. Ingmar Bergman Coronation Street + Emergency – Ward 10 The Apartment (1960) Scenes from a Marriage (1974) Country Matters The Fortune Cookie (1966) Dir. Ingmar Bergman Crime Drama The Front Page (1974) The Colour of Milk (2004) Dir. Torun Lian From Start-Up to Consolidation The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970) The Constant Gardener (2005) – ITV Granada – Creating Programmes Dir. Fernando Meirelles & Formats ITV50 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the ITV Broadcast A London Weekend Show Were-Rabbit (2005) Dir. Steve Box – Commissioning & Scheduling on Skinheads (1979) ITV50 Bloody Sunday (2002) NOVEMBER Personality Comedy Brideshead Revisited (1981) MIKE LEIGH Popular Sitcoms Crime Drama: The Sweeney + Minder A Sense of History (1992) Sixties Spies: Danger Man + Callan Disappearing World Abigail’s Party (1977) Spectacular Entertainment Shows Goodnight Mister Tom (1998) All or Nothing (2002) The Arrival of Itv Harry’s Game (1982) Bleak Moments (1971) The Naked Civil Servant Hello Dali! + Francis Bacon Career Girls (1997) The Saint + The Avengers ITN50 Four Days in July (1985) The Tribe That Hides from Man ITV Futures - Debate Grown-Ups (1980) This Week and ITV Current Affairs ITV Music: The Smiths + The Stone Roses Hard Labour (1973) Two by Harold Pinter: The over + ITV News High Hopes (1998) The Collection Made In Britain (1983) Home Sweet Home (1982) Prime Suspect (1991) Life Is Sweet (1990) JULIE ANDREWS Rebus: The Falls (2005) Meantime (1983) 10 (1979) Dir. Blake Edwards Dir. Matthew Evans Mike Leigh in Conversation Darling Lili (1970) Dir. Blake Edwards Seven Up! With Michael Apted Naked (1993) Dust for One (1986) Sharpe’s Eagle (1993) Nuts in May (1976) Dir. Andrei Konchalovsky Spitting Image Secrets & Lies (1996) Mary Poppins (1964) Dir. Robert Stevenson Surreal Comedy The Five Minute Films (1975) S.O.B. (1981) Dir. Blake Edwards The Knowledge (1979) The Kiss of Death (1977) Star! (1968) Dir. Robert Wise Upstairs Downstairs Revisited The Permissive Society (1975) That’s Life (1986) Dir. Blake Edwards Who Bombed Birmingham? (1990) The Short and Curlies (1987) The Americanization of Emily (1964) Topsy-Turvy (1999) Dir. Arthur Hiller MERIAN C COOPER Vera Drake (2004) The Sound of Music (1965) Becky Sharp (1935) Who’s Who (1979) Dir. Robert Wise Dir. Rouben Mamoulian Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967) Chang (1927) Dir. Merian C Cooper, BILLY WILDER Dir. George Roy Hill Ernest B Schoedsack A Foreign Affair (1948) Victor/Victoria (1982) Dir. Blake Edwards Flying Down to Rio ( 1933) Ace in the Hole (1951) Dir. Thornton Freeland Double Indemnity (1944) OTHER Fort Apache (1948) Dir. John Ford Five Graves to Cairo (1943) 7th Disability Film Festival Opening Grass: A Nation’s Battle for Life (1925) Love in the Afternoon (1957) Night: Dancer (2004) Dir. KR Dir. Merian C Cooper, Ernest B Schoedsack Mauvaise Graine (1933) Archive Cricket Evening I’m King Kong! – The Expoloits of Merian People on Sunday (1930) Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies C Cooper (2005) Dir. Kevin Brownlow, Portrait of a ‘60% Perfect Man (1980) in the War on Terror + Year Zero: Christopher Bird Sabrina (1954) The Silent Death of Cambodia King Kong (1933) Dir. Merian C Cooper, Stalag 17 (1953) John Pilger in conversation Ernest B Schoedsack Sunset Blvd. (1950) Kes (1969) Dir. Ken Loach La Cucuracha (1934) Dir. Lloyd Corrigan The Emperor Waltz (1948) Kitty - Return to Auschwitz Little Women (1933) Dir. George Cukor The Lost Weekend (1945) Lawrence of Arabia (1962) Dir. David Lean Mighty Joe Young (1949)

62 Dir. Ernest B Schoedsack Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Madame Bovary (1933) Son of Kong (1933) Christmas (1993) Dir. Henry Sellick Nana (1926) Dir. Ernest B Schoedsack On purge bébé (1931) The Four Feathers (1929) FACE TO FACE: 3-D AT THE NFT Sur un air de Charleston (1927) Dir. Merian C Cooper, Ernest B Dial M for Murder (1954) The Little Match Girl (1928) Schoedsack, Lothar Mendes Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Tire au fl anc (1928) The Last Days of Pompeii (1935) Drums of Tahiti (1953) Dir. William Castle Toni (1935) Dir. Ernest B Schoedsack Fort Ti (1953) Dir. William Castle Tosca (1941) The Lost Squadron (1932) Gorilla at Large (1954) Dir. Harmon Jones Un tournage à la campagne (1994) Dir. George Archainbaud Gun Fury (1953) Dir. Raoul Walsh Dir. Alain Fleischer The Most Dangerous Game (1932) House of Wax (1953) Dir. André de Toth Une partie de campagne (1936) Dir. Ernest B Schoedsack, Irving Pichel Inferno (1953) Dir. Roy Ward Baker Une vie sans joie (1924) Jesse James vs the Daltons (1954) Dir. Albert Dieudonné 7TH DISABILITY FILM FESTIVAL Dir. William Castle A Women’s Face + Facial Disgurement Kiss Me Kate (1953) Dir. George Sidney MICHAEL CAINE in the Cinema Presentation (1941) Lumber Jack-Rabbit (1954) Alfi e (1966) Dir. Lewis Gilbert Dir. George Cukor Dir. Batman Begins (2005) Back to Bombay (2005) Dir. Rosa Rogers Man in the Dark (1953) Dir. Lew Landers Dir. Christopher Nolan Betvveen (2005) Dir. David Cangardel Miss Sadi Thompson (1953) Billion Dollar Brian (1967) Dir. Ken Russell Creativity Towards Change Dir. Curtis Bernhardt Educating Rita (1983) Dir. Lewis Gilbert Dancer (2004) Dir. KR (aka Keyaar) Pardon My Backfi re (1953) Dir. Jules White Funeral In Berlin (1966) Dir. Guy Hamilton Derek Jarman: Life As Art Spooks (1953) Dir. Jules White Get Carter (1971) Dir. Mike Hodges Edelweiss Pirates (2004) The Charge at Feather River ( 1953) Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Dir. Niko von Glasgow Dir. Gordon Douglas Dir. Woody Allen Königskinder (2001) Dir. Lutz Gregor The Mad Magician (1954) Dir. John Brahm Last Orders (2001) Dir. Fred Schepisi Murderball (2005) Dir. Henry Alex Rubin, The Nebraskan (1953) Dir. Fred Sears Mona Lisa (1986) Dir. Neil Jordan Dana Adam Shapiro The Stranger Wore a Gun (1953) Pulp (1972) Dir. Mike Hodges Nectar (2005) Dir Liz Crow Dir. André de Toth Sleuth (1972) Dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz The Cider House Rules (2000) MARY PICKFORD OTHER Dir. Lasse Hallström Behind The Scenes (1914) Antenna The Ipcress File (1965) Dir. Sidney J Furie Dir. James Kirkwood Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y + Art, Film The Italian Job (1969) Dir. Peter collinson Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall (1924) and Terrorism Discussion (1997) Dir. The Man Who Would Be King (1975) Dir. Marshall Neilan Johan Grimonprez Dir. John Huston Sparrows (1926) Dir. William Beaudine Hells Is a City (1959) Dir. Val Guest The Quiet American (2002) The Little American (1971) Lumière + Robin Guthrie Live Dir. Phillip Noyce Dir. Cecil B DeMille Missing Believed Wiped 2005 - Zulu (1964) Dir. Cy Endfi eld Programme One: Drama PETER JACKSON Missing Believed Wiped 2005 - CUBAN CINEMA Bad Taste (1987) Programme Two: Miscellany 4,000 ninos (1980) Dir. Fernando Pérez Brainded (1992) Cuban Cinema: A Round-Table Discussion Forgotten Silver (1995) JANUARY 2006 Cuban Cinema: An Introduction Heavenly Creatures (1994) JEAN RENOIR Death of a Bureaucrat (1966) King Kong (2005) Boudu Saved from Drowning (1932) Dir. Tomás Gutiérrez Alea Meet the Feebles (1989) Chotard et cie (1932) Estetica + Vecinos (1985) The Frighteners (1996) Jean Renoir (1995) Dir. David Thompson Dir. Enrique Colina The Lord of the Rings: Jean Renoir: An Introduction Female Is My Soul (2000) Dir. Lizette Vila The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) La Bête humaine (1938) Hasta la victoria siempre (1967) The Lord of the Rings: La Chienne (1931) Dir. Santiago Alvarez The Return of the King (2003) La Direction d’acteur par Jean Renoir Historia de una descarga (1981) The Lord of the Rings: (1968) Dir. Gisèle Braunberger Dir. Melchor Casals The Two Towers (2002) La Fille de l’eau (1924) Ire a Santiago (1964) Dir. Sara Gómez La Grande illusion (1937) La bella del Alhambra (1989) MOVIE MAGIC: SEASONAL FAVOURITES La Marseillaise (1937) Dir. Enrique Pineda Barnet The Wizard of Oz (1939) La Nuit du carrefour (1932) La vida es silbar (1999) Dir. Victor Fleming La Règle du jeu (1939) Dir. Fernando Pérez Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride (2005) La Vie est à nous (1936) Lista de espera (2000) Dir. Tim Burton, Mike Johnson Le Bled (1929) Dir. Juan Carlos Tabío Le Crime de Monsieur Lange (1936) Lucía (1968) Dir. Humberto Solás Le Tournoi dans la cité (1928) Madagasgar (1994) Dir. Fernando Pérez Les Bas-fonds (1936) Maria Antonia (1990) Dir. Sergio Giral

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 63 Memories of Underdevelopment (1968) Dir. Keaton, Eddie Cline Trelew (2004) Dir. Mariana Arruti Dir. Tomás Gutiérrez Alea The Navigator (1924) Nada (2001) Dir. Juan Carlos Cremata Dir. Keaton, Donald Crisp PAVEL JURÁCEK Now (1965) Dir. Lena Horne The Onset of Maturity A Case for the Young Hangman (1969) Omara (1978) Dir. Fernando Pérez The Paleface (1921) Every Young Man (1965) One Way or Another (1974) Dir. Keaton, Eddie Cline Josef Kilián (1963) Dir. Sara Gómez The Play House + The Boat (1921) No Laughing Matter (1966) Oración (1983) Dir. Marisol Trujillo Dir. Keaton, Eddie Cline Dir. Hynek Bocan Papeles Secundarios (1989) The Saphead (1920) Dir. Herbert Blaché The Dynamite Watcher + Black and White Dir. Orlando Rojas The Scare Crow + Neighbours (1920) Sylva + Ceiling )1960-61) Plaff, o demasiado mieda a la vida (1989) Dir. Keaton, Eddie Cline The End of August at the Hotel Ozone Dir. Juan Carlos Tabío Three Ages (1923) Dir. Keaton, Eddie Cline (1966) Dir. Jan Schmidt Por primera vez (1967) To Holloywood with Arbuckle (1918) The Jester’s Tale (1964) Dir. Karel Zeman Dir. Octavio Cortazar Dir. Roscoe Arbuckle The Key to Determining Dwarfs, or the Portrait of Teresa (1979) Dir. Pastor Vega Last Voyage of Lemuel Gulliver (2003) Que bueno canto usted (1973) JEAN RENOIR Dir. Martin Sulik Dir. Sergio Giral Eléna et les hommes (1956) Voyage to the End of the Universe (1963) Reina y rey (1994) French Cancan (1955) Dir. Jindrich Polák Dir. Julio García Espinosa Le Caporal épingle (1962) Se permuta (1983) Dir. Juan Carlos Tabío Le Déjuner sur l’herbe (1959) BRITISH ANIMATION AWARDS Strawberry and Chocolate (1994) Le Petit théatre de Jean Renoir (1971) Belleville Rendezvous (2003) Dir. Tomás Gutiérrez Alea Le Testament du Docteur Cordelier (1959) Dir. Sylvain Chomet Suite Havana (2003) Dir. Fernando Pérez Salute to France (1946) Kirikou and the Wild Animals (2005) Tales from Havana (1993) Swamp Water (1941) Dir. Benedicte Galup, Michel Ocelot Dir. Alexandra Anderson The Diary of a Chambermaid (1946) Raining Cats and Frogs (2003) The Last Supper (1976) The Golden Coach (1953) Dir. Jacques-Rémy Girerd Dir. Tomás Gutiérrez Alea The River (1951) Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride (2005) Una foto recorre el mundo (1983) The Southerner (1945) Dir. Tim Burton Dir. Pedro Chaskel This Land Is Mine (1943) Wallace & Gromit: Viva Cuba (2005) Dir. Juan Carlos Cremata Woman on the Beach (1947) The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) Dir. Steve Box, Nick Park OTHER JEAN-PIERRE & LUC DARDENNE A Cock and Bull Story (2005) Falsch (1987) OTHER Dir. Michael Winterbottom Je pense à vous (1992) Antenna Breakfast on Pluto (2005) Dir. Neil Jordan L’Enfant (20 05) Beautiful Thing (1996) Friends and Crocodiles (2005) La Promesse (1996) Dir. Hettie MacDonald Dir. Stephen Poliakoff Le Fils (2002) Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) Gideon’s Daughter (2005) Militancy Remembered Dir. Blake Edwards Dir. Stephen Poliakoff Reaching Out to the People Brief Encounter (1945) Dir. David Lean Rosetta (1999) Capote (2005) Dir. Bennett Miller FEBRUARY Starting Afresh Casablanca (1942) Dir. Michael Curtiz BUSTER KEATON Fire (1996) Dir. Deepa Mehta Baggling Butler (1926) SHEFFIELD INTERNATIONAL Free Cinema: Buster Keaton – A Hard Act to Follow DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL ON TOUR 50th Anniversary Celebration (1987) Prod. Kevin Brownlow, David Gill Avenge But One of My Two Eyes (2005) Grizzly Man (2005) Dir. Werner Herzog Convict 13 (1920) Dir. Keaton, Eddie Cline Dir. Avi Mograbi In cold Blood (1967) Dir. Richard Brooks Cops + My Wife’s Relations (1922) Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Kinoautomat: One Man and His House Dir. Keaton, Eddie Cline (2004) Dir. Alex Gibney (1967) Dir. Raduz Cincera Go West (1925) Frozen Angels (2005) Dir. Eric Black Pavee Lackeen (2005) Dir. Perry Ogden Hard Luck + The Goat (1921) Homemade Hillbilly Jam (2005) The World’s Fastest Indian (2005) Dir. Keaton, Eddie Cline Dir. Rick Minnich Dir. Roger Donaldson New York Beginnings (1917) Last Men Standing (2005) Dir. Roscoe Arbuckle Dir. Sasha Maja Djurkovic MARCH Our Hospitality (1923) Oona & Me (2005) Dir. Nora Meyer KRZYSZTOF KIESLOWSKI Dir. Keaton, Jack Blystone Pucker Up: The Fine Art of Whistling A Man Escaped (1956) Dir. Robert Bresson Seven Chances (1925) (2005) Dir. Kate Davis A Short Film About Killing (1988) Sherlock Jr (1923) The 3 Rooms of Melancholia (2004) A Short Film About Love (1988) The Blacksmith (1922) Dir. Pirjo Honkasalo Au revoir les enfants (1988) Dir. Keaton, Mal St Clair The Armwrestler from Solitude (2004) Dir. Louis Malle The General (1926) Dir. Helen Ahlsson, Lisa Munthe Blind Chance (1982) The Haunted House (1921) Things (2004) Dir. Marta Hrubá (1979)

64 Citizen Kane (1941) Dir. Orson Welles Dir. Edward M Sedgwick The Mysterians (1957) Dir. Ishiro Honda Decalogue 1 & 2 (1988) Spite Marriage (1929) (complementary release) Decalogue 3 & 4 (1988) Dir. Edward M Sedgwick The Night of Truth (2004) Decalogue 5 & 6 (1988) Steamboat Bill, Jr (1928) Dir. Fanta Régina Nacro Decalogue 7 & 8 (1988) Dir. Charles F Reisner Rebel Without a Cause (1955) Decalogue 9 & 10 (1988) The Cameraman (1928) Dir. Nicholas Ray Intimate Lighting (1965) Dir. Ivan Passer Dir. Edward M Sedgwick The River (1951) Dir. Jean Renoir Ivan’s Childhood (1962) The Frozen North + The Ballonatic (1922) Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song (1971) Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky Dir. Keaton, Eddie Cline Dir. Melvin Van Peebles (complementary Kes (1969) Dir. Ken Loach The Love Nest (1923) Dir. Keaton release) La Strada (1954) Dir. Federico Fellini The Passionate Plumber (1932) Musicians (1960) Dir. Kazimierz Karabasz Dir. Edward M Sedgwick Titles released by the BFI on DVD No End (1984) What! No Beer? (1933) during the year The 400 Blows (1959) Dir. Edward M Sedgwick Dir. François Truffaut People on Sunday (1929) The Double Life of Véronique (1991) KAY KENDALL Dirs. Robert Siodmak, Edgar G Ulmer The Kid (1921) Dir. Charles Chaplin Genevieve (1953) Dir. Henry Cornelius Tristana (1970) Dir. Luis Buñuel The Pram (1963) Dir. Bo Widerberg Les Girls (1957) Dir. George Cukor Gallivant (1996) Dir. Andrew Kötting The Scar (1976) Simon and Laura (1955) Dir. Muriel Box London (1993) Dir. Patrick Keiller Three Colours Blue (1993) The Constant Husband (1954) Robinson in Space (1997) Three Colours Red (1994) Dir. Sidney Gilliat Dir. Patrick Keiller Three Colours White (1993) The Reluctant Debutante (1958) Electric Edwardians The Films Dir. Vincente Minelli of Mitchell & Kenyon (1900-1906) GRIGORI KOZINTSEV Dirs. Sagar Mitchell, James Kenyon & LEONID TRAUBERG OTHER The Mahabharata (1989) Dir. Peter Brook Alone (1931) Army In the Shadows (1969) On and off the Rails – The British Don Quixote (1957) Dir. Jean-Pierre Melville Transport Film Collection Vol 1 Hamlet (1964) Birds Eye View festival (1951-1980) Dir. Various King Lear (1971) Devils on the Doorstep (2000) Geoffrey Jones: The Rhythm of Film Kozintsev & Trauberg: An Introduction Dir. Jiang Wen (1958-1980) The Devil’s Wheel (1926) Early American Computer Animation Looking for Langston (1988) The New Babylon (1929) Early British Computer-Generated Dir. Isaac Julien The Overcoat (1926) Art Film The Bad Sleep Well (1960) The Return of Maxim (1937) Shooting Dogs (2005) Dir. Akira Kurosawa The Vyborg Side (1939) Dir. Michael Caton-Jones Drunken Angel (1948) The Youth of Maxim (1934) Silent Britain (2005) Dir. David Thompson Dir. Akira Kurosawa The River (1951) Dir. Jean Renoir Il Bidone (1955) Dir. Federico Fellini American Structural Film The Squid and the Whale (2005) Burning an Illusion (1981) Defi ning Space Dir. Noah Baumbach Dir. Menelik Shabazz Serial Film The Three Burials of Melquaides Estrada Early Cinema: Primitives and Pioneers The American Flicker Film (2005) Dir. Tommy Lee Jones (1895-1910) Dir. Various The Weather Man (2005) Danger, Love at Work (1937) BUSTER KEATON Dir. Gore Verbinski Dir. Otto Preminger A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Tsotsi (2005) Dir. Gavin Hood What Price Glory (1952) Dir. John Ford the Forum (1966) Dir. Richard Lester Pressure (1975) Dir. Horace Ové College (1927) Dir. James W Horne Titles released theatrically during Baldwin’s Nigger (1969) Dir. Horace Ové Daydreams + The Electric House (1922) the year by BFI Distribution Highway Patrolman (1991) Dir. Alex Cox Dir. Keaton, Eddie Cline Three Businessmen (1998) Dir. Alex Cox Doughboys (1930) Dir. Edward M Sedgwick Anatomy of a Murder (1959) Straight to Hell (1987) Dir. Alex Cox Free and Easy (1930) Dir. Otto Preminger Death and the Compass (1996) Dir. Edward M Sedgwick Army in the Shadows (1969) Dir. Alex Cox Palooka from Paducah (1935) Dir. Jean-Pierre Melville Baadasssss! (2003) Dir. Mario Van Peebles Dir. Charles Lamont Baadasssss! (2003) Dir. Mario Van Peebles Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song (1971) Parlor, Bedroom, and Bath (1931) Black Narcissus (1946) Dir. Michael Powell Dir. Melvin Van Peebles Dir. Edward M Sedgwick and See Britain by Train – The British Sidewalks of New York (1931) Black Orpheus (1958) Dir. Marcel Camus Transport Films Collection Vol Two Dir. Jules White L’Ecl isse (1962) (1952-1966) Dir. Various So Funy It Hurt – Buster Keaton at MGM Dir. Michelangelo Antonioni Classic Kurosawa box-set – Stray Dog, (2004) Dir. Kevin Brownlow, Fate (2002) Dir. Zeki Demirkubuz Ikiru, I Live in Fear, Throne of Blood, Red Chrisopher Birt Five (2003) Dir. Abbas Kiarostami Beard (1949-1965) Dir. Akira Kurosawa Speak Easily (1932) Godzilla (1954) Dir. Ishiro Honda Charlie Chaplin – The Mutual Films

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 65 Volume 2 (1916-17) Dir. Charlie Chaplin Film titles from The Times The Corridor The Mysterians (1957) Dir. Ishiro Honda BFI 49th London Film Festival Creep Godzilla (1954) Dir. Ishiro Honda Crossing The Bridge: The Sound Of Free Cinema box set (1956-1963) 13 Lakes Istanbul Dir. Various 15 Park Avenue Cutting Edge Master of the House (1925) 2 Girls Dark Horse Dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer 3 Needles Dating Ray Fenwick Ordet (1955) Dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer A Travers La Foret Days And Hours Visions of Light: About Love The Death Of Mister Lazarescu The Art of Cinematography (1992) After Delwende Dir. Arnold Glassman After The Night...dawn Derailroaded After The Rainy Day Dog Tired Book titles published by the BFI Almost Brothers The Doings Of The Hippopotamus Family- during the year Amal the Fat Fish American Madness Dormouse TV CLASSICS Angels Of Sin Dreaming Of Space Dr. Who Antarmahal: Views Of The Inner Chamber Eating The Offi ce Antlion Election Buffy the Vampire Slayer Ashes Elizabethtown Our Friends in the North Autobiographical Scene Number 6882 Energy Country Backstage L’enfant FILM CLASSICS Badgered Entre Ses Mains Modern Times Ballerina Frog Estamira Los Olvidados Based On A True Story Eva On the Waterfront Be Here To Love Me: A Film About Townes Everything Is Illuminated Fear Eats the Soul Van Zandt Factotum Vampyr The Beast In The Heart Fallen Bee Season Fallen Art MODERN CLASSICS Between Showers A Farewell To Arms Bombay Beyond The Rocks The Fearless Freaks The Big Empty Feeder SCREEN GUIDES Black Sun A Film Johnnie 100 Bollywood Films The Bleeding Heart Of It / L’eclat Du Mal Film Noir 100 Anime Blood And Bones The Fish With A Smile Blood Rain The Flyer FILM MAKERS Blue Pole(S) For Interieur The Cinema of Michael Powell Bluebird For The Living And The Dead Mizoguchi and Japan Boy Called Twist For Them Ending David Lynch: Second Edition The Brothers Grimm Forty Shades Of Blue Bubble The Foster Son FILM CRITICISM Burnt Out Friday Or Another Day Theorising National Cinema Can’t Stop Breathing Fucking 14 Bringing up Daddy Capitulation Project Fugue Thinking in Images Carousel The Future Is Behind You Spectre of Sound Cave Of The Yellow Dog Geminis Fashioning Film Stars Chasmic Dance The Girl From Monday The Chihuahua Messiah Gisela BRITISH AND IRISH FILM La China Good Girl AND TELEVISION Chohon: Calling Back The Spirit Good Night, And Good Luck. Ultimate Film Choked Grand Luncheonette Christmas Merry Gravehopping ACADEMIC The Chronicles Of The Grey House The Great Art Of Knowing British Cinema Chyenne The Great Silence (Aka The Big Silence) Hollywood Studio System Cinema, Aspirins And Vultures Green Bush Tele-Visions Citizen Dog Heading South Television Sitcom The City Of The Sun Hell A Cock And Bull Story Hibernation Community Property Hidden Coney Island, 1945 The Hillers The Connection His Prehistoric Past The Constant Gardener Holiday

66 The Hours Go By Conversation Songbird How To Fix The World Mouse Heaven The Soup, One Morning The Hussar Of Death Mrs Henderson Presents The Space Between Hustle And Flow Murderball Spam-ku: I Won A Haiku Contest About I Saw Ben Barka Get Killed Nausea Spam I Turn My Face To The Forest Floor Neptune’s Release: A Shot In The Dark Special People I’m The Angel Of Death - Pusher III New York Doll Specialized Technicians Required: Being If You Were Me 2 News From Afar Luis Porcar In Orange Nostalgia (April 2001 To Present) Spying Cam Ingrid, Palle And The Sounds Not Really Ours Stalk Instructions For A Light And Sound Of Love And Eggs Stationary Music Machine Los Olvidados Stolen Eyes Isolated Once You Are Born Stolen Life Iwm Footage Oskar & Josefi ne Stoned Jerry The Troublesome Tyke Out Of Time Stranded Jerry The Troublesome Tyke Overlord Sud Express Jerry The Troublesome Tyke: Honesty Is Ox Hide Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take 2 1/2 The Best Policy The Passenger Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One The Journey Pavee Lackeen Sympathy For Lady Vengeance Journey To The Other Side Peace And Quiet Takeshis’ Kalamandalam Ramankutty Nair Peacock Tale Of Cinema Keane Perfect Day Tapas Kekexili: Mountain Patrol A Perfect Day Ten Skies Kilometre Zero The Piano Tuner Of Earthquakes Ter race 49 The King Pirate They Came Back The Kiss The Plane/ L’avion This Charming Girl Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang Portrait Of A Lady Far Away Three Times The Last Knit The Power / Touche Par La Grace Time Has Come Legal Errorist Profi les Of Farmers: Daily Life Time To Leave Lemming Proof Trilogy About Clouds Lena The Property Man Troublegum/ Der Kauboy Let Me Count The Ways: Minus 10. 9, 8, 7 The Proposition Trouville Lightman Quo Vadis Baby? Tuned Linda, Linda, Linda Rabbit Twist Of Faith Little Jerusalem Rabbit Pix The Two Minutes To Zero Trilogy Little Pig Is Flying Recycle U-carmen Ekhayelitsha Living In A Falcon Regular Lovers Ultranova Lonesome Jim Respire The Undertaker Look At Me I’m Beautiful Resurrection Unicode Look For Me Riviera Unknown White Male Lord Of The Flies Rize Ushpizin Love Sacred Heart Vent Love + Hate Sangre Violent Days Lower City Saratan Viva Cuba The Magic Lion Sea Change Waiting Major Dundee The Sentimental Bloke Waiting For Movement Man Push Cart Separate Lies Wake Up Arezoo Man Seeking Man Sergeant Pepper Walk The Line Manderlay Sex And Philosophy Way Of The Flounder Manslaughter Shanghai Dreams The Wayward Cloud March Of The Penguins Shark In The Head The Wendell Baker Story Mario’s War Shin Sung-il Is Lost What’s New At Garet? Marriage The Shoes Where The Truth Lies Mary Sholay Who I Am And What I Want The Mascot Shooting Dogs Wild Boy The Matador Shopgirl The Wind Blows Round The Mechanicals Sisters In Law A Woman In Winter Milk/ Milch The Sky Turns Workingman’s Death La Mirador The Snail Wrong Side Up Mirrormask Something Like Happiness X-mass The Moon And The Son: An Imagined Song Of Songs You Are Such A Blindfold

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 67 You Don’t Bring Me Flowers Dirtyglitter 1: Damien Lonesome Cowboys You’re Gonna Miss Me The DL Chronicles: Episode Wes The Long Firm Youngster Dreaming is for Moonrise Looking For Langston Zero Degree Drive Me Crazy The Love Show Zozo The Dykes of Hazzard Man Seeking Man Electric at the Cosmic Age Lodge Many People Many Desires Film Titles from the 20th London Lesbian Eleven Men Out Martin & Gay Film Festival Enough Man Men, Heroes, Gay Nazis Enraged by a Picture Meth 20 Centimetres Every Other Day of the Week Mi Companera 50 Ways Of Saying Fabulous Everything Good Miss-Understanding 100% Human The Ex-Factor Mock Rock 550 Jamaica Ave Exit Manhattan My Cat’s Balls About A Girl Faggot My Hustler Boyfriend The Aggressives El Favor N(either) / N(or) Aishite Imasu 1941 Feline Masquerade New Report Albrecht Becker Arsch Ficker Faust Ficker Filthy Gorgeous, The Trannyshack Story Night of the Bomb Amélie Whore Flights Of Fantasy Night Swimming Anita Needs Me Forty Guns Night Watch As Angry As Me (Selfi sh Cunt) Friday Girl Nights in Love as-Phyx It Funnel No Light At The End of The World Attack Games Not So Black Or White Auntie Mame Gay Sex In The 70s Now Backstage Gay’s The Word? NYC Dilemma Bad Object Relations Gender Play On the Low screening with The Reception Baltimore Gender Trouble 13 Bam Bam And Celeste Girl Cleans Sink Operation Invert Bären Zirkus Go Fish Outlaws And Pranksters Beautiful Thing Good Boys The Outsiders Beginners! Goodboys Overdue Conversation Between the Boys Green Stalk Passing Suburbia Between The Lines - India’s Third Gender Gum and Tea Pedagogue Bikini Gypo Pick Up The Mic Blood Happy Endings Playing A Part: The Story of Claude Cahun Blue Torn Petals Harold’s Home Movies Popular Music Bobbycrush Hey Jimmy Post Porn and New Technologies of Body Politic How to Ass Ejaculate Pleasure Born of the Wind Hung Pretty Ladies:A Super8 Explosion Boy Culture I Was a Teenage Rumpot Puszta Cowboy Boy Wonder Implication Queens Brief Lives Inclinations A Question Of Silence Bright Eyes Intervention Brokeback Mountain I n t e rviews With My Next Girlfriend Rape For Who I Am Bugcrush Invulnerable The Reception The Burger Song Isn’t She Red River By Hook or By Crook Jesse James Regarde la mer C.R.A.Z.Y. Johnny Guitar R e i m agining the Terrain Calamity Jane The Journey Road Rash Chick On Chick Jumpin’ the Broom: The New Covenant Une Robe d’été Chicken Keep Not Silent Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide Cigarettes, Reading, Masturbation and Kjell Rosario Miranda Boys La China Rugburn Clay (A Would-Be Ghost Town) The Last Day Sacred Heart The Cockettes Lesbian Bed Death: Myth Or Epidemic? The Sadness of Johnson Joe Jangles The Confessions of Babette Let the Tape Roll Saint Martin de 4th Street A Crimson Mark The Letter Sandra Dani and Alice Life in Vain - Walter Schwarze Saving Face Dare Like Brother School Boy Art Dead in the Desert Linda, Linda, Linda Scream Club’s Acnecore Video Desire: Sexuality In Germany 1910-1945 The Line of Beauty Screaming Queens: The Riot At Compton’s Desperate Remedies Loggerheads Cafeteria

68 Seafood You 2 Alexander Nevsky Search For The Yoyo Gang Alfalfa Searching for the Fourth River Zero Degrees of Separation Alfi e Secret Picnic Alfreton Carnival Seeing You In Circles An example of the many fi lm titles held in the Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore Sévigné BFI National Archive that were requested for Alice In The Cities Sex and Cloister theatrical and non-theatrical screenings during All Quiet On The Western Front A Short Chronicle of Illness the year All That Jazz Show Me All The Presidents Men ...Silenced 8 1/2 Alphaville Simon 10 Always On Sunday The Slasher 2046 Amants Du Pont Neuf Sniff 39 Steps Amarcord Something Wonderful to Say 400 Blows American Boy Sometimes You Fight For Your World, 42nd Street American In Paris Sometimes You Fight For Yourself 49th Parallel American Splendor Soothsayer 5000 Fingers Of Dr. T American Werewolf In London Stains and Sparkles A Canterbury Tale Amleto (1910) Stick it to Hetero Culture A Colour Box Amleto (1917) Strangers A Company Of Wolves Amores Perros Strip Mall Glass A Cottage On Dartmoor Amour Existe Surfacing A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia Amy Swoon A Day Of One’s Own Anatomy Of A Murder Sylvia’s Promise A Defeated People Anchors Aweigh Tall in the Saddle A Double Life Andrei Rublev Teen Screen Queens A Face In The Crowd Andrew And Jeremy Get Married The Terrorist She-Freaks of Texas A Film Johnnie Anemic Cinema The Thief and the Stripper A Fisherman’s Love Story Angel At My Table This is How I Love You A Good Little Devil Angel Face This Way Out A High Wind In Jamaica Angels With Dirty Faces Those Clouds A Kind Of Loving Anger 2 Three Of Hearts: A Postmodern Family A Life Apart Anger 3 Three A Man For All Seasons Ankur Time in Small Pieces A Mountaineer’s Romance Anna Karenina Time To Leave A Page Of Madness Annie Hall Today’s Specials A Propos De Nice Another Time Another Place Top of the World A Royal Scandal Antonio Das Mortes Torn and Twisted A Solid Explanation Aparajito A Town Called Tempest A Town Like Alice Apocalypse Now Tracy + The Plastics A Woman Rebels Appartement Transamerica A Woman Under The Infl uence Apple Transgression Abfahrt Bei Wallon Appointment In London Transparent Above Suspicion Apu Sansar Triple Minority Absolute Beginners Apu Trilogy Troubled Teens Acceptable Levels Arakimentari Tumbleweed Town Acrobatic Fly Architectural Millinery The Underminer Act Of God Some Lightning Experiences Argent Unveiled 1961-80 Army In The Shadows Video Remains Actor’s Revenge Arsenic And Old Lace Walk in the Light Adventures Of Don Quixote Art Of Lotte Reiniger What is Gay? Adventures Of Prince Achmed Ashes And Diamonds Whatever It Takes Adventures Of Robin Hood Ashik Kerib The Whiz Kids Advise And Consent Asparagus Whole New Thing Aelita Asphalt Jungle Wilby Wonderful Affl iction Assault On Precinct 13 A Woman Distressed African Queen At Five In The Afternoon Women in Love Afterlife At Land Working Portraits Age D’or Atalante World’s Worst Architecture Age Of Consent Atomic Cafe Wrestling Match An Airman’s Letter To His Mother Attention Weightlessness Writer of O Aladin Ou La Lampe Merveilleuse Au Bagne

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 69 Au Hasard Balthazar Biggie And Tupac Britannia Hospital Au Pays Des Singes Et Des Serpents Billy Liar British News No 16 Audition Bird’s Life Bronco Bullfrog August Birth Of A Flower Brothers In Trouble Auntie Mame Birth Of A Nation The Browning Version Avventura Birthday Party Buddy Buddy Baadasssss! Bitter Tears Of Petra Von Kant Bully For Bugs Baby Doll Bizalom (Confi dence) Burning An Illusion Baby Face Nelson Black Cat White Cat Bush Mama Babylon Black Five Buster Keaton Rides Again Back From Eternity Black Joy Butter In Der Normandie Back Street Black Narcissus Butterfi eld 8 Bad And The Beautiful Black Orpheus Buy Your Own Cherries Bad Luck Blackie Black Pirate Cabaret Bad Sleep Well Black Rain Cabin In The Sky Bad Timing Blackboards Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari Badgers Green Blackmail Cabinet Of Jan Svankmajer Baldwin’s Nigger Blade Runner Cabiria Ballad Of Cable Hogue Bleak House Caged Ballad Of Reading Gaol Bleak Moments Call Northsisde Ballet Mecanique Blind Chance Calling Blighty Balzac Et La Petite Tailleuse Chinoise Blind Director Camera Buff Band Wagon Blithe Spirit Camera D’afrique Bande A Part Blob The Cameraman Barotse Life & Customs Blonde In Love Camille Bateux Sur Le Nil Blood Of A Poet Canterbury Cathedral Battle For The Ukraine Blood On The Moon Canterbury Tale Battle Of Algiers Blood Sisters Cape Forlorn Battle Of The Sexes Blosh Captain Blood Battle Royale Blow Up Capturing The Friedmans Battleship Potemkin Blue Angel Caravaggio Bayan Ko: My Own Country Blue Light The Cardinal Beast From 20,000 Fathoms Blue Pullman The Caretaker Beat Girl Blue Veil Cargoes Beau Brummel Bluebeards Castle Carmen Beau Travail Blues Brothers Carmen Jones Bebe Imite St Martin Bob Le Flambeur Carriers Are Waiting Bedelia Bonaventure ( Thunder On The Hill) Carry On Admiral Begone Dull Care Bonnie Scotland Casablanca Behind The Rent Strike Bonzoby Case Of The Mukkinese Battlehorn Behind The Spanish Lines Boom Cat Concerto Belle Et La Bete Born Yesterday Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Belleville Rendez-Vous Borom Sarret Cat People Ben Hur Boucher Cat That Hated People Berlin - Symphony Of A City Boudu Saved From Drowning Catch 22 Berlin Die Sinfonie Der Gross Stadt Bout De Souffl e Caught Berlin Express Bout De Zan, Revient Du Cirque Cavalcade Betty Boops Halloween Party Bout De Zanetle Chemineau Ceddo Betty Fisher And Other Stories Boxcar Bertha Cercle Rouge Between Showers Boy Friend Chambre Between The Tides The Boy Who Turned Yellow Change Of Air Between Two Worlds A Boy, A Girl And A Bike Chant D’amour Beyond The Curtain Brainstorm Charlie: The Life And Art Of Charles Bhumika Breakfast At Tiffany’s Chaplin Il Bidone The Bridegroom, The Comedian And The Charlotte Et Son Jules Big Business Pimp Chase Film In 1903 Big Combo Brief City Cheddar Big Heat Brigadoon Chemist Big Sleep (1946) Brighton Rock Chess Fever Big Snit Bringing Up Baby Chesterfi eld & East Derbyshire Bigger Than Life Britain Can Take It Agricultural Society

70 The Cheviot, The Stag And The Black, Crime De Monsieur Lange Diamonds Of The Night Black Oil Cronaca Di Un Amore Diary For My Children Chien Andalou Crossfi re Diary For Timothy Chienne Crossing The Great Sahara Die Blume Der Kasbah Chignon D’olga Crown V Stevens Die Verlorene Chikamatsu Monogatari Cry The Beloved Country Dig! Children At School Crying Game Dim Little Island Children Playing At War Cuba Si Dim Sum - A Little Bit Of Heart Chinoise The Cuckoo Dimensions Of Dialogue Christmas Greetings Trailers Cuirasse Potemkin Dirty Dancing Christmas In July Cul De Sac Dirty Dozen Christmas Play Culloden Distant Voices Still Lives Christmas Under Fire Cumberland Story Ditto Chronicle Of A Summer Curse Of The Cat People Diva Cinema Paradiso Cutter And Bone (Cutter’s Way) Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods Of Circus Cyrano De Bergerac Haiti Citizen Kane Daisy Doodad’s Dial Divine Intervention Claire’s Knee Dames Du Bois De Boulogne Doctor Zhivago Clash Of The Titans The Damned Dog And Cat Cleaner Milk Dans Le Golfe Se Salenrne Dog Outwits The Kidnappers Clerks Dark Mirror Doll Close Up Dark Victory Dolls (2002) Closely Observed Trains Dark Water Dolores Claiborne Closet Daughters Of The Dust Domicile Conjugale Cloud Capped Star (Meghe Dhaka Tara) Dawn Of The Dead Don Giovanni Clouded Yellow Day At The Races Don Quixote Clouds Day For Night Don Shayn Coal Face Day I Became A Woman Don’t Look Back Cobweb Day In The Life Of A Coal Miner Don’t Look Now Coffee And Cigarettes Day Of The Fight/Flying Padre The Door In The Wall Colour Box Day Of Wrath Double Indemnity Colour On The Thames Day The Earth Stood Still Doulos Coma Daybreak Express Down By Law Comb Days Of Thrills & Laughter Down To The Cellar Comedian Harmonists Dead Man Downhill Comedians Dead Of Night Dr Mabuse - Part One (The Gambler) Comedie De L’innocence Deadlier Than The Male Dracula, Prince Of Darkness Common Thread Dear Phone Draughtsman’s Contract Complete Jean Vigo Death In Venice Drawings That Walk And Talk Comrades Death Of A Gun Fighter Dream Life Of Angels Condition Of Illusion Death Of Stalinism In Bohemia Dreams Of Toyland Coney Island Deathwatch Dreams That Money Can Buy Confessions Of A Nazi Spy Decamerone Drifters Consequences Of Love Decasia Drive For Life Contraband Decline Of The American Empire Drunken Angel Control Room The Deer Hunter Du Caire Aux Pyramides Conversation Defeated People Cool And Crazy Delhi Grande Ville De L’inde Superiieure Duck Soup Cool World Delicatessen Duel In The Sun Cooler Dementia 13 Dumbhounded Corny Concerto Der Kid Reporter Dunlop Welcomes Prince Philip Cottage On Dartmoor Design For Living Dying Swan Count Despair Early Disney Animation Prog 1,2 & 3 Courage Of Lassie Desperate Early Films Of Peter Greenaway 1 Cours Du Soir Destiny Early Films Of Peter Greenaway 2 Coventry Kids Devil Doll (1936) Early To Bed Cowboys The Devils Earth (Silent) Cranes Are Flying Devil’s Backbone East Anglian Holiday Crazy Mama Devil’s Wheel Eaux D’artifi ce Cretinetti Assiste Ad Un Combattimento Diaboliques Eclisse Di Galli Dial M For Murder Edge Of The World

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 71 Eel Films Of James Williamson Genevieve Effi Briest Finishing Touch Gentle Gunman Eighty Days Gentleman’s Agreement Electric Edwardians: The Films Of Fires Were Started Geoffrey Jones: The Rhythm Of Film Mitchell And Kenyon Fireworks George Washington Elonge De L’amour First A Girl Georgy Girl En Attendant Le Bonheur First Men In The Moon German Sisters En Terre Sainte-Jerusalem First Of The Few Get Carter Enchanted Cottage Fists In The Pocket Giant End Of Summer Five Gigi End Of The Century: The Story Of The Five Came Back Gilda Ramones Five Graves To Cairo Girl From Paris Engine Shed Fixer Girl Rosemarie Enginemen Flash Gordon’s Trip To Mars Girl’s Own Story English Harvest Flat Glimpses Of Stratford-On-Avon In Bygone Enough To Eat Flic Days Enthusiasm Flight From Glory Goalkeepers Fear Of The Penalty Entr’acte Flirty Birdy Godzilla Equation X + X = O Flying Down To Rio Gone To Earth Escape Me Never Flying Elephants Good Little Devil Eternity And A Day Food Good Morning, Night Etre Et Avoir Food Flash Gorgo Evergreen For Sentimental Reasons Grand Hotel Every Day Except Christmas Forbidden Planet Grand National Night Everything Happens To Me Force Of Evil Grande Illusion Exile Foreign Affair Grass Experiment Perilous Foreign Correspondent Great Caruso Exterminator Forstnutzung In Australien Great Day In Harlem Extinct World Of Gloves Fort Apache Great Dictator Extraordinary Adv. Of Mr West In Land Forty Guns Great Expectations Of Bolsheviks Forward Coventry - How A Famous Great Sacrifi ce Eye On The Ball British Motor Cylce Is Made Great Train Robbery Eyes Without A Face Fountainhead Green Cockatoo F For Fake Four Adventures Of Reinette And Gruesome Twosome Face In The Crowd Mirabelle Guelwaar Face To Face Four American Composers - John Cage Guernica Fahrenheit 451 The Four Feathers Gumshoe Faires On The Faun Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Guns In The Afternoon Fairy Of The Phone Four Hundred Blows, (Les Quatre Cent Guns Of Loos Faithless Coups) Gypsy And The Gentleman Fall Of The Roman Empire Fourth Dimension Hairspray Fallen Angel Fox Half Shot At Sunrise Fallen Idol Fox And His Friends Halloween Falls Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask Hamlet Fame Freaks Hands Over The City Fanny By Gaslight Free Cinema 1: Free Cinema Programme Hangman Far From The Madding Crowd Freedom Of The Hill Hangmen Also Die Farewell To Arms Friday The Thirteenth Hans Richter Programme Farmer Moving South Frieda Happiest Days Of Your Life Father And Son Friends And Lovers Happiness Of The Katakuris Fear Eats The Soul From Mao To Mozart: Isaac Stern In China This Happy Breed Fearless Vampire Killers Fully Fitted Freight Happy In The Morning Fedora Gaeste Des Meeres Happy Together Felix Wins And Loses Gallivant Hard Fast And Beautiful Femme Infi dele Gambit Hare Brush Femme Mariee Gaslight Harlequin Festen -Celebration Gas-S-S-, Or It Became Necessary To Harry Secombe Show Figures In A Landscape Destroy The World In Order To Save It Harry, He’s Here To Help Films Of G.A. Smith Gavotte Hatari Films Of George Melies Part One General Line Haunted Spooks Films Of George Melies Part Three General View Of The Dardanelles Haxan

72 Haydn And Mozart Hukkle Jail Bait Hazard Hull Traffi c Scenes From Monument Jail Bird And How He Flew He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Bridge Jailhouse Rock Head-On Hunchback Of Notre Dame Jamaica Inn Hear My Song Hunger Jane Eyre Heart In Winter I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang Japanese Festival Heart Of Britain I Could Read The Sky Japanese Story Heart Of England I Do Jassy Hell In The Pacifi c I Know Where I’m Going Java Head Hell Is A City I Live In Fear Jaws Hell Is For Heroes I Love You Alice B Toklas Jazz Of Lights Hell’s Angels I Married A Communist Jazz On A Summers Day Hellzapoppin I Met A Murderer Jealousy Hepworth Films Compilation I Racconti De Canterbury Jeff Keen Trilogy Her First Affaire I Was A Soldier Jesus Of Montreal Her Last Affair I Was Born But.. Jetée Hercules, Samson And Ulysses Ich War Neunzehn Jeux Interdits Heroes Of Telemark If Jezebel Hi, Mom! Il Caso Mattei Joe The Chainsmith Hidden Fortress I’m British But.. John Betjeman Goes My Train High School Imitation Of Life Johnny Angel High Sierra Immortal Story Jonah Man Or The Traveller Bewitched High Society Importance Of Being Earnest Jour De Fete High Treason In A Landscape Jour Se Leve Hill Farm In A Lonely Place Juarez Hiroshima Mon Amour In Cold Blood Jubilee His Girl Friday In Name Only Jujiro His Kind Of Woman In The Meantime Darling Julia His Last Fight In The Mood For Love Juno & The Paycock His Phantom Sweetheart In The Street Juvenile Liaison Histoire D’eau In Which We Live.... Kagemusha History Lessons In Which We Serve Kanal The History Of Mr Polly Inauguration Of The Pleasure Dome Kate Purloins The Wedding Presents History Of The Avant-Garde Incredible Shrinking Man Katzelmacher Hitchcock At War Indian Fantasy Kelly’s Heroes Hitler, A Film From Germany Industrial Britain Kentucky Kernels Hitler’s Children Industrie De L’escargot La Kermesse Heroique Hobson’s Choice Infernal Affairs Kes Hold ‘Em Jail Innocence Un Protected (Nevinost Bez Key Largo Hold Me While I’m Naked Zastite) Keys To The House Hold-Up Of The Rocky Mountain Express The Innocents Keystone Shorts Holiday Insiang Khamoshi Pani Holiday Camp Insignifi cance Kid Auto Races At Venice California Home And The World International Sweethearts Of Rhythm Kid Der Reporter Home From The Hill Intolerance Kids Are Alright Honeymoon Killers Invasions Barbares Kika Hope And Glory The Invisible Man The Killers Horseman On The Roof ( Hussard Sur Le Invocation Of My Demon Brother Killer’s Kiss Toit) The Ipcress File Killing Of Sister George Horse’s Mouth Iron Horse Kind Hearts And Coronets Hotel Reserve Island Kinder Kader Kommandeure Hotes De L’air It Kinder-Korno In Nizza Hound Of The Baskervilles It Always Rains On Sunday King Kong House (1955) It Happened Here Kings And Queen The House Of Darness It’s A Gift King’s Stamp House Of Wax It’s A Wonderful Life Kino Pravda No. 21 Housing Problems Ivan The Terrible Pt1 Kipps How Could William Tell? Ivan’s Childhood Kirikou And The Sorceress How Talkies Talk I’ve Heard The Mermaids Singing Kiss Me Kate How To Boil J.S.Bach: Fantasia Kiss Of Life Hugo And Josefi n Jack Johnson Knave Of Hearts

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 73 Knife In The Head Leonardo’s Diary Love Goddesses Knife In The Water Leopard Love Is The Devil Koko The Convict The Leopard’s Spots Love Me Or Leave Me Koktebel Les Demoiselles De Rochefort Love Nest On Wheels Konig Midas Les Girls Krapp’s Last Tape Letter From An Unknown Woman Lucifer Rising Kuhle Wampe Letter From My Village Lumber Jack Rabbit KURUTTA IPPEIJI (Page Of Madness) L’exode Lumiere Programme Kustom Kar Kommandos Liam Luna - Short L’ A rgent Liebelei Lust For Life L’ At alante Lieutenant Daring Quells A Rebellion M - Eine Stadt Sucht Einen Morder La Bibbia The Life And Death Of Colonel Blimp M\De Tod La Bouee Life And Times Of Rosie The Riveter Ma Nuit Chez Maud La Chienne Life Apart Mabel At The Wheel La Locuste Life Is A Miracle Macbeth La Maison Hantee Life Of Mozart Machinist La Marseillaise Life Of Charles Peace Machuca La Mort De Cambyse Life Of O-Haru, The Macintosh Man La Mort De Mozart Lift To The Scaffold Mad Love La Notte Light Reading Madame A Des Envies La Petite Marchande D’allumettes Like Water For Chocolate Madame Bovary La Premiere Nuit Limit Madame De.. La Ronde L’ i ndust r ie D e L’escargot Madeleine La Signora Senza Camelie Lissy Mademoiselle Fifi La Tendre Ennemie Listen To Britain Madonna Of The Seven Moons Ladri Di Biciclette Little Caesar Magic Box Lady From Shanghai Little Drummer Girl Magnifi cent Ambersons Lady Godiva The Little Foxes Mahanagar Lady Killers Little Johnny Jet Mahler Lady Of Deceit Little Match Girl Mai Land Of Promise Little Match Seller The Major And The Minor Land Of Silence And Darkness Little Miss Muddlehead Major Barbara Las Palmas Little Tinker Making Fashion Last Days Of Pompeii Little Women Making Of Broncho Billy The Last Detail Littlest Rebel The Maltese Falcon Last Laugh Living On The Edge Mamma Roma Last Life In The Universe Ljubavni Slucaj (Tragedy Of A Man And His Dog Out For Air The Last Resort Switchboard Operator) The Last Supper Loafer Man Bites Dog Last Trick Local Hero Man Escaped Last Year In Marienbad Lockerbie: A Night Remembered Man Of Aran L’at alante Lodger Man On The Eiffel Tower Late Spring The Lodger The Man Who Fell To Earth Laughter In Paradise Logan’s Run The Man Who Knew Too Much Laura Lolita Man With A Movie Camera Laurel And Hardy’s Laughing 20’s London Man With The Golden Arm Lavender Hill Mob London Can Take It Man You Loved To Hate Law & Order Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner Mandy Lawless Heart Lonely Are The Brave Manhatta Lawrence Of Arabia Lonely Passion Of Judith Hearne Manila Le Corbusier - L’architecte Du Bonheur Lonesome Luke’s Movie Muddle Manipulation Le Dejeuner Du Savant Long Haired Hare Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky Le Diable Au Corps The Long Memory And The Media Le Farceur Long Pants Manxman Le Festin De Baltazar Long Voyage Home Marnie Le Jour Se Leve Look Back In Anger Marriage Of Maria Braun Le Monde Du Silence Looking For Langston Marriage Of Maria Braun Le Spectre Rouge Lord Of The Flies Martyre Legend Of The Surinam Fortress Lost One Martyres Del’inquisition Lena O My Lena Lost Squadron Mary Leon Morin, Pretre Lost Weekend Masculin Feminin

74 Masks And Faces Murderers Are Amonst Us Norman Mclaren Collector’s Edition Massingham Compilation Music For Madame North By Northwest Mata Hari Music Of Lennon & Mccartney North Sea Mathematician Mutiny Ain’t Nice Northwest Hounded Police Matter Of Life And Death Mutter Kusters Fahrt Zum Himmel Nosferatu - Eine Symphonie Des Grauens Mauvaise Graine My Ain Folk Not A Penny On The Rent Mean Streets My Architect; A Son’s Journey Nothing Sacred Meanest Gal In Town My Baby Just Cares For Me Notorious Meatdaze My Childhood Now Voyager (1942) Medea My Favourite Year Nowhere In Africa Meditation On Violence My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend Nurse And Martyr Meet Jackie Coogan My Little Chickadee Nuts In May Meet Max Miller Myster Submarine O Dreamland Meet Me In St Louis Mysterians Oblivion Men In A Swimming Pool Mysterious Island Oblomov Mephisto Mysterious Skin Ocean Terminal Mepris Mystery In Mexico October Merci Pour Le Chocolat N Or Nw Odd Man Out Meshes Of The Afternoon Nada Off His Trolley Metropolis Naked City Offi ce Midsummer Nights Dream Naked Civil Servant Offi cer’s Ward Mighty Joe Young The Naked Dawn Offi cial Version Mildred Pierce Naked Spaces: Living Is Round Oh Rosalinda Mill Girl Napoleon Okay (2002) Millions Like Us National Anthem - The Royal Guards Old Aunt China Mining Review 21st Year No 4 Navigators Old Boy Ministry Of Fear Never Weaken Old Grey Hare Minor Mishaps Next Oliver Twist Miracle Of Bern Nice Arrangement Olympiad Miracle Of Morgan’s Creek Nice Time On And Off The Rails Mississippi Masala Night & The City On Dangerous Ground Mitchell & Kenyon - Regional Highlights Night And Fog On The Black Hill Mitchell And Kenyon: Electric Edwardians Night And The City On The Town Mixed Babies Night At The Opera On The Way To Warwick Mixed Magic Night In Casablanca Once Upon A Time In The West Model Night Mail One Froggy Evening Momma Don’t Allow Night Must Fall One Of Our Aircraft Is Missing Mon Oncle Night Of San Lorenzo Opening Night Mona Lisa Night Of The Demon Operation Chirurgicale Monday Morning Night Of The Hunter Ophelia Monkey Business Night Of The Iguana Oreos With Attitude Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday Night Of The Living Dead Orphans Of The Storm Monty Python’s Life Of Brian Night Of Truth Orphee Monty Python’s The Meaning Of Life Night On A Bare Mountain Oskar Fischinger Programme Moolaade Night On Earth Ossessione Mor Vran Night Passage Ossuary More The Merrier Night Song Othello (1920) Morocco Night Train To Munich Our Baby Mother India Night Waitress Out Of The Inkwell Mother Krause’s Journey To Happiness Nights Of Cabiria Out Of The Past Mouchette Nikita Outfi t Mouse In Manhattan Nina Santa Outfoxed Mr Smith Wakes Up! Nine Queens Outrage Mrs Dalloway Ninety Degrees South The Outsiders Mrs Miniver Ninotchka Overcoat Mughal-E-Azam No Blade Of Grass Oxford And Cambridge Boat Race 1913 & Murder No More Mr Nice Guy/ Wir Konnen Auch 1911 Murder Anders Pacifi c 231 Murder By Contract Nocturna Artifi cialia Paisa Murder My Sweet Noi Albinoi The Palestinian Murder On A Honeymoon Norma Rae Palindromes

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 75 Palm Beach Story Polish Bride Reconstruction Pals Or My Friend The Dummy Pop Goes The Easel Red And Blue Pandora’s Box Por Primera Vez Red Badge Of Courage Paris 1900 Post Haste Red Beard Paris Qui Dort Postman Always Rings Twice Red Desert Paris, Texas Powers Of Ten Red Lights Park Film Prem Sanyas Red Sea To Blue Nile Parsifal Premiere Nuit Red Shoes Partie De Campagne Pressure Red Sorghum Pas De Deux Price Of Coal Red Squirrel Passenger Priest Of Love Regeneration Passerby Princess Bride Regle Du Jeu The Passionate Friends Princesse D’ys Rehearsals For Extinct Anatomies Passionless Moments Private Hell Rembrandt Passport To Pimlico Private Parts Rembrandt De La Rue Lepic Past Perfumanced Privilege Repulsion Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid The Property Man Rescued By Rover Pathe Films Proud Valley Respiro Patinum Blonde Pschedelia And 60s And 70s Alternative Return Of Maxim Pavement Butterfl y Film Programme Rhinozerrossjagd Peche A La Dynamite Psycho Rich And Famous Peel Public Enemy Richest Girl In The World Penal Colony Public Voice Riddles Of The Sphinx Pennies From Heaven Puce Moment Rien Que Les Heures Penny Journey Pull My Daisy Rifi fi Chez Des Hommes People On Sunday Pumpkin Eater Right Girl? Peoples March For Jobs Punch And Judy The Ring Pepe Le Moko Pursued Rising Of The Moon Performance Putting Pants On Philip Riso Amaro (Bitter Rice) Perils Of Pauline Pygmalion Ritual In Transfi gured Time Pesnya Katorzhanina (Prisoner’s Song) Quad The River Peter Greenaway Programme Quadrophenia River (He Liu) Petite Marchande D’allumettes Quatermass And The Pit River Called Titas Petites Coupures Que Viva Mexico! Roadblock Phantom Carriage Queen Christina Roaring Twenties Phantom Light Queen Kelly Robinson In Space Phantom Of Crestwood Queen Of Spades Rocco And His Brothers Phantom Of The Opera Quiet Week In The House Rockaby (Homage To Beckett) Phil Mulloy: Extreme Animation Rabbit Of Seville Romance In A Minor Key Philadelphia Story Rabbit’s Moon Rome Open City Piano Teacher Rabid Ronde Piccadilly Rabindranath Tagore Rosenkavalier Pickpocket Radio On Rosetta Picture Of Dorian Gray Raid Paris - Monte Carlo Endeux Heures Round Up Picturesque Roumania Railrodder Royal River Pimple’s Battle Of Waterloo Railway Children Ruggles Of Red Gap Pimple’s Wonderful Gramophone Rain Russian Ark Pineapple Industry Rainbow Dance Ruttmann Opus Pink Floyd The Wall Raise The Red Lantern Ryan’s Daughter Pink String And Dealing Wax Random Harvest Pioneers Of The British Film Rashomon S.O.B. Pirate Rasputin The Mad Monk Sabotage Pit Rat Trap Saddest Music In The World The Pit And The Pendulum Raw Deal Safety Last Planet Of The Apes Reach For Glory Salo Platform Rear Window Saltwater Play Me Something Rear Window Salvatore Giuliano The Playhouse Reassemblage Samuel Beckett (Silence To Silence) Playtime Rebecca San Francisco Plein Soleil Rebel Without A Cause San Pietro Point Blank The Reckless Moment Sandman

76 Sanjuro Sid And Nancy Spring Ofensive Sankofa Silence Of The Lambs Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter...And Sans Soleil Silent Bell Spring Sansho Dayu Silent Shakespeare Springtime In A Small Town Satan Met A Lady Silent Village Spy In Black Saturday Night & Sunday Morning Silent War St Peter’s Wolverhampton Fabric Fund Say It With Flowers Silver City Appeal Scandal In Bohemia Since Otar Left Stagecoach Scaramouche Sing Your Way Home Staircase Scarface Singin’ In The Rain Stalker Scarlet Pumpernickel Singing Fool Star Scarlet Street Singing In The Rain Starlings Of The Screen Scent Of Green Papaya Single Line Working Stars Sciuscia (Shoeshine) Sinking Of The Lusitania The Stars Look Down Scorpio Rising Sir Henry At Rawlinson End Steamroller And The Violin Scorsese Package Sixteen Years Of Alcohol Stolen Life Scotch Myths Ski Running Storm Over Asia Scott Of The Antarctic Skidoo The Story Of Gilbert And Sullivan The Scoundrel Skupljaci Perja ( I Even Met Happy Story Of The Late Chrysanthemums Scrooge Gypsies) The Story The Biograph Told Scrooge; Or Marley’s Ghost Slap Happy Lion Strada The Search Slave Of Love (Raba Lubvi) Stranger On Horseback Search For Evidence Sleep, My Love Stranger On The Third Floor The Searchers Slick Hare Stranger Than Paradise Seashell And The Clergyman Sloane Square: A Room Of One’s Own Stratford-On-Avon Seaspeed Across The Channel Small Back Room Straw Dogs Sebastiane Smile Orange Stray Dog Seconds Smiling Madame Beudet Street Secret Ballot Smith Street Angel Secret Du Corsaire Rouge Smouldering Fires Street Of Crocodiles Secret People Snow White Strength And Agility Of Insects Secrets Of A Soul Snowman Strike Serpent Solarfl ares Burn For You Stromboli Servant Solaris Study In Choreography For Camera Seven Brides For Seven Brothers Solas Study In Terror Seven Keys To Baldpate Soldier And The Lady Subarnarekha Seven Samurai Some Like It Hot Sudden Fortune Of The Poor People Of The Seventh Seal Some Women Kombach Sex And Lucia Sullivan’s Travels Shadow Of A Doubt Sommarlek Summer Madness Shadows Sommer Des Falken Summer With Monica Shaft Son Of Kong Sun Shakespeare Land Song Sunrise Shakespeare’s Country Song Of Ceylon Sunset Boulevard Shall We Dance Sons And Lovers Sunshine Fun And Laughter Shanghai Express Sorcerers Sunshine In Soho She Sound Barrier Sunshine Susie Shifting Units Sous Le Sable Super Size Me Shirt Factory South Sur Un Air De Charleston Shock Corridor Southampton Into The Seventies Surname Viet,Given Name Nam Shoot For The Contents The Southerner Suzhou River Shooting Of Dan Mcgoo Soviet Toys Svengali Shooting Stars Soylent Green Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song Short Cuts Spare Time Swing Time Short Film About Killing Speak Like A Child Swinging The Lambeth Walk Short Film About Love Spellbound Sympathy For The Devil Short Sharp Shock SPIDER AND THE FLY (Mosca E Il Ragno) Symphony In Slang Show Called Fred Spider’s Stratagem T.V. Of Tomorrow Showboat Spiral Staircase Taking Off Sick: The Life And Death Of Bob Flanagan, Spirited Away Tale Of Love Supermasochist Spite Marriage Tale Of Two Sisters

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 77 Tales From The Crypt The Men Through The Olive Trees Tales From Vienna Woods - Stille Nacht Iii The Mill Girl Thumbelina Tales Of Hoffmann The Morning After Thursday’s Children Tales Of Mens Shirts The October Man Ticket Of No Return Tango The Palestinian Tie Me Up Tie Me Down Tango Lesson The Passing Of The Third Floor Back Tiger Bay Tansy The Passionate Friends Tiger Hunting In Delhi Taris The Perfect Woman Tiger Of Eschnapur Tarzan And His Mate The Playhouse Tillie’s Punctured Romance Taste Of Cherr y The Plow That Broke The Plains Tilly’s Party Taste Of Honey The Rat Time Bandits Taxi Driver The Reckless Moment The Time Machine Teddy At The Throttle The Red Shoes Time Of Our Lives Teddy Brown And His Xylophone The Reluctant Debutant Tin Drum Telly Savalas Looks At Birmingham The Ring Tiny And Ruby: Hell Divin’ Women Tempest The Sandpiper Titas Ekti Nadir Naam Tender ness Of The Wolves The Score Titfi eld Thunderbolt Terence Dav ies Tr ilog y The Scoundrel To Be Or Not To Be Terra Trema The Search To Beep Or Not To Beep Ter r itor ies The Seventh Victim To Have And Have Not Tess The Silent Village To Kill A Mockingbird Testament Of Dr.Mabuse The Silent War To Sleep With Anger Thais The Southerner Together The Stars Look Down Tokyo Stor y That Sinking Feeling The Story Of The Wheel Tom Thumb The Bad And The Beautiful Tommy The Bamboo Blonde The True Story Of Lili Marlene Tonespor The Big Steal The Vip’s Tontolini Ruba Una Bicicletta The Big Swallow The Vyborg Side Too Long A Sacrifi ce The Blue Lamp The Way To The Sea Top Hat The Citadel The Way To The Stars Topical Budget No 3 The Commitments The White Caps Tor remolinos 73 The Day The Earth Caught Fire Their Majesties Lambeth Way Toto The Hero The Edge Of The World Theorem Touki- Bouki The Farmer’s Wife These Foolish Things Tour Prog: Transport Films The Flame Of Love They Drive By Night Tous Les Garcons S’appellent Patrick The Gateway They Live By Night Tout Va Bien The Gay Divorcee They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? Trade Tattoo The Great Mr Handel They Won’t Forget Traffi c In Souls The Great Waltz They’re A Weird Mob Train Time The Haunting Thief Of Bagdad Trans Europe Express The Hurricane Things To Come Travelling Painters Of Russia The Informer Third Avenue El Travels With My Aunt The Innocents This Happy Breed Traviata The Invisible Man This Is Not A Love Song Treasure Of San Teresa The Kid Reporter This Is Spinal Tap Treasure Of The Sierra Madre The Ladies Man This Sporting Life Tristana The Lady From Shanghai This Week (3.7.58) - Leamington Spa & Triumph Des Willens The Lady Vanishes The Teddy Boys Triumph Of The Rat The Life Of Emile Zola Thousand Eyes Of Dr Mabuse True Heart Susie The Little Foxes Three African Shorts True Story Of Lili Marlene The Lodger Tudor Rose The Lost Weekend Three Colours Blue Tumbleweeds The Maggie Three Colours White Tunes Of Glory The Magic Apple Tree Three Crowns Of The Sailor The Tunnel The Magic Box Three Faces Of Cuba Tusalava The Major And The Minor Three Knights Twelve Tasks Of Asterix The Malvern Hills Three Musketeers Twenty-Fifth Hour The Man In Grey Threepenny Opera Twilight Samurai The Man Who Could Work Miracles Thriller Two O’clock Courage The Manxman Throne Of Blood Two Or Three Things I Know About Her

78 Two Stage Sisters Water Wrackets Xmas Greetings Trailers Two Women In A Garden Watership Down Yaaba Typically British Wavelength Yazgi (Fate) Ugetsu Monogatari Way To The Sea Yeelen Ukigusa Way To The Stars Yellow Caesar Umberto D. We Are The Lambeth Boys Yellow Earth Un Chien Andalou Weak And The Wicked Yes Men Unbelievable Truth Weekend At Bernie’s Yojimbo Under Capricorn Welfare Of The Workers Yolanda And The Thief Under The Bridges Went The Day Well You Only Live Once Under The Skin Werckmeister Harmonies You Oughta Be In Pictures Under Your Spell West Side Story Young And Innocent Underground Westworld Young Magician Underworld U.S.A What A Day Young Soul Rebels Unearthly Stranger What Have I Done To Deserve This? Young Stranger Unfaithfully Yours What Price Hollywood? You’re Darn Tootin’ Untold Scandal What’s Opera, Doc? Youth Of Maxim Unusual Match When The Cat’s Away Yoyo The Unwritten Law When The Pie Was Opened Zabriskie Point The Usual Suspects Where Danger Lives Zatoichi Uzak Where Eagles Dare Zazie Dans Le Metro Va Savoir Where The North Begins Vagabonde Where The Sidewalk Ends Vampire While The City Sleeps Vanishing Street Whirlpool Variety Whisky Vendredi Soir Whispering Corridors Veronika Voss White Heat Vertical Features Remake Whitney Brothers Programme Vertigo Who Cares? Very Eye Of Night Whom The Gods Love Viaggio In Italia Wicker Man Victor, Victoria William Booth Inspects Girls Victorian Cinema 14:Boer War Biograph Winchester ‘73 Victory Parade Winstanley Viktor Und Viktoria Winters Tale Village Of The Damned Witchfi nder General Ville Est Tranquille Wittgenstein Virgin And The Gypsy Wizard Of Oz Virgin Spring Woman Between Virile Games (Muzne Hry) Woman In Question Virtuous Isidore Woman Of The Dunes Visit Of King George V And Queen Mary Woman Of The Year To Colne Woman On The Beach Vitelloni Woman On The Verge Of A Nervous Vivre Sa Vie Breakdown Voice Of A Child Woman’s Angle Vormittagspuk Woman’s Secret Voyage A Travers L’impossible Women Voyage Au Congo Wonderful Britain - Away To The West Voyage To Italy Wonderful World Of The Brothers Grimm Vyborg Side Wonderful Wye W.R. Mysteries Of The Organism Woodsman The Wages Of Fear Work Made Easy Wakefi eld Express Workers And Jobs Walk On The Wild Side Workers Films Of The ‘Thirties Walk Through H Working The Land War Game Workshop Of The World: Birmingham War Story Written On The Wind Warning Shadows Wrong Again Water Babies Xala

BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 79 The BFI would like to thank the following for generously supporting the ongoing activities of the BFI during the fi nancial year 2005/06:

UK Film Council Accenture Department for Culture, Adobe Media and Sport (DCMS) Alfred Dunhill Limited Arts Council England BBC London Carlton Screen Advertising British Telecom Creative London City Pink Heritage Lottery Fund Cobra Beer Ltd Simon W. Hessel Coca-Cola ITV Network Ltd Diva London Development Agency Divine Chocolates Mayor of London Film London Renault UK Limited Gay Times The David Lean Foundation Green & Blacks The Weston Family The Guardian/The Observer Times Newspapers Ltd Guinness Foreign Extra Stout and others who wish to Haagen Dazs remain anonymous Hayward Gallery Highland Spring Ltd The Eric Anker-Petersen Charity Hire-A-Phone Ltd The British Board of Film Classifi cation The Hollywood Reporter David Furnish The Hospital Paul Gambaccini HSBC Grand Classics/Indyssey Entertainment Illy Coffee The Japan Foundation Jacquesson Champagne Sir Elton John CBE Kixin Energy Drinks Jude Law LGBT Interbank Diversity Forum The Henry Moore Foundation L’Oreal (UK) Ltd The Wolfson Foundation Mayfair Cellars Midnite Express Millivres Prowler Ltd MTV Networks UK & Ireland Odeon Penguin Group Sky Movies Sofi tel St James London Soho House Stella Artois Thistle Hotels Turner Classic Movies TV5 White Star Line

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