ISSN: 2146-0353 ● © RIGEO ● 11(4), WINTER, 2021 Research Article Interactivity in E-Sport Future Learning from the Choices and Attributes Perspectives of Online News Rustono Farady Marta1 Joshua Fernando2 Master’s Degree of Communication Science, Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Mpu Universitas Bunda Mulia Tantular [email protected] [email protected] 3 Angelia Sampurna Jesus Rafael Boado Jarata4 Communication Science Department, Universitas Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University Bunda Mulia [email protected] [email protected]

Kenn Lazuardhi Syarnubi5 ter’s Degree of Communication Science, Universitas Bunda Mulia [email protected]

Abstract The development of E-Sport is no longer just for leisure and entertainment. It has already developed into a world-class competition. Hence, is not surprising that the presence of E-Sport has slowly penetrated the field of education—promising a holistic human being who can compete in the global arena. Several schools and colleges in have provided E-Sport learning curricula. SMA 1 PSKD is the first school in Indonesia to pioneer the E-Sport learning since the 2016-2017 school year. In the Philippines, the first E-sports college degree is now in the works, and is expected to be offered in the third quarter of this year. E-Sport is considered as a digital-based game that brings interaction between students in utilizing technology from various disciplines. This has been highlighted by three different national online news media in Indonesia, namely CNN Indonesia, iNews, Detikcom; and one media outfit in the Philippines, GMA News. This research aims to see the effect of E-Sport as an interactive medium of the four media agencies using the Framing Choices and Attributes method by Levin, Schneider, & Gaeth, then analyzed with the perspective of Theory of Interactive Media Effect (TIME). The results of this study indicate that it can also be concluded, there are similarities in framing information regarding positive aspects of E-Sport, which aims to build interactivity between students and teachers, both in terms of modality (or medium), message, and source effects that lead to user engagement with E-Sport future learning itself.

Keywords E-sport learning; framing choices and attributes; online news; theory of interactive media effect

To cite this article: Marta, R, F.; Fernando, J.; Sampurna, A, Jarata, J, R and Syarnubi, K, L. (2021) Interactivity in E- Sport Future Learning from the Choices and Attributes Perspectives of Online News. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(4), 1192-1202. doi: 10.48047/rigeo.11.04.114

Submitted: 16-03-2021 ● Revised: 17-04-2021 ● Accepted: 18-05-2021 Marta, R, F.; Fernando, J.; Sampurna, A, Jarata, J, R and Syarnubi, K, L. (2021) Interactivity in E-Sport Future ….. Introduction

Advances in technology not only make it easier for humans but become a good means of entertainment so that it is profitable (Nurrahmi et al., 2018). Being in front of the computer and playing video games is not the first thing that comes to mind about athletes. Conversely, the description of someone who may be physically unfit and lack athletic ability is usually an associated stereotype. Thiel & John, (2018) explained that over time, there has been a change in perspective on E-Sport. E-Sport is an abbreviation of Electronic Sport, electronics means something that works using many small components, especially microchips and transistors that control electric currents and Sport means physical activity and dexterity carried out by individuals or groups fighting over individuals or groups for entertainment (Kurniawan, 2020). Technological development era today is a very important source of information for organizations (Marta et al., 2019). The development of technology seems to be a good medium, especially for the growing development of the E-Sport industry (Kristiyono & Sirikit, 2019). On the other hand, E-Sport became very popular; such that it could be part of the 2024 Olympics. There is a wide variety of competitive electronic games; Among the most well-known formats are League of Legends, DOTA 2, Counter- Strike: Global Attack, StarCraft II, FIFA, Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, NBA2KX, Rocket League, Call of Duty, to name just a few. E-Sport can be defined as an organized competitive game. E- Sport video game can be defined as an electronic sport where there are organized and organized video game competition activities, especially for professional gamers. It becomes important when professional gamers understand data security so that science in the field of E- sports is considered very important (Marta et al., 2019). Security can also make data protected so that reliable gamers not only know about playing but know other components (Rahim et al., 2019). In Indonesia, E-Sport has developed sufficiently, as evidenced by the existence of several national and international tournaments held in various places and the recognition of the Indonesian E- Sports Association (IeSPA) as the organizer of Indonesian E-Sports in 2014, which also explained the development of this sport in Indonesia. Several schools make E-Sport one of the learning subject in their schools. In some educational institutions, it appears to have a conceptual framework for E-Sport labeling. With nuance, they all view E-Sports through two criteria: technology specificity (computers, cyberspace, electronics) and advanced competition (athletics, professionalism, sport). These criteria are directly connected to the culture of video games so that E-Sport is known as "an extension of the game" (Karhulahti, 2017).

Figure 1. E-Sport Competition Source: (Olavia & Hidayat, 2020)

Education is a fundamental need, so education can be a means to create a good E-Sport community (Chinmi & Marta, 2020). One school that has E-Sport as one of its learning subject is SMA 1 PSKD. The learning subject is a description of the materials presented in learning. It is also a very important component in an education system. All formal education in Indonesia is regulated nationally within the scope of the ministry (Simorangkir et al., 2019). The learning is a tool to achieve educational goals as well as a guide in the implementation of teaching at all types and levels of education. Thaib & Siswanto, (2015) argue that the ideal learning is adaptive to the times and science and technology. Through information, communication and technology (ICT) will stimulate an increase in one's capabilities (Tannady et al., 2020). The goal is that educational outcomes have the ability that is relevant to user needs and the challenges of the times (Prastowo, 2018). Good moral cultivation is also needed by students in understanding technology (Sudarsana et al., 1193 © RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(4), WINTER, 2021 2020). Students nowadays are a generation that is very responsive in responding to technological developments. Indeed, in terms of education and online games when juxtaposed with one another there are many pros and cons. The contra argues that the stigma that exists in society is that children often play games, so they tend to forget or ignore their education as a priority. Many parents often scold their children when playing games, so their children often hide themselves just to entertain themselves with games. Besides, many incidents of child crime can be exposed to social media for playing online games (Waldi & Irwan, 2018). In the Philippines, the gaming agency that collaborated with the Lyceum of the Philippines University to develop a curriculum for E-Sports clarified that it is not designed to develop professional players amid criticism—and that the baccalaureate degree is for those who will work on the backend operations of E-Sports. Tier One Entertainment expected that the E-Sports industry will become a 1.5 billion pesos industry by 2023—around the same period that the first potential graduates of the baccalaureate degree in the Philippines will enter as professionals in the market (Malasig, 2020). Nine universities and colleges offer only game development degree program in the Philippines. The offering of LPU makes it the first school to offer such unique college degree. Theory of Interactive Media Effect in analyzing the online news media is used in this research.Theory of Interactive Media Effect (TIME) has a starting point regarding the ability to adapt to learning communication technology. The starting point of TIME is the ability offered by the communication media. It is usually an interface feature related to media technology rather than communication sources or content. TIME predicts that capabilities can influence user psychology in two different ways namely triggering action on the part of the user and/or by serving as cues of symbolic representation on the interface. The main requirement for TIME is that it has a psychological correlation, an important role as a mediator between the actions provided by the interface and the user engagement with the content offered by the interface. This cost-driven engagement serves to moderate the effect of media content on users' knowledge, attitudes, and behavior (Sundar et al., 2015). The ability of the media in framing the process of communication psychology skills using this technology is a consideration for how the media is able to convey information about the process of implementing E-Sport learning at SMA PSKD 1 Jakarta and Lyceum of the Philippines University where the communication process involves education, individuals, and technology. The point of view of a phenomenon becomes more interesting when digital media packaging content (Marta et al., 2020). Furthermore, the communication process is packaged attractively and shaped by the media in reporting an event. The mass media selects what issues to display and remove so that framing is the most important part of the mass media because it will influence the audience to interpret the problems expressed by the mass media (Kurniasari & Aji, 2018). In this era, mass media also exist with online platform called online media or new media. Online media is a product of online journalism that functions as a fact reporter and is distributed via the internet (Lestari & Rinasti, 2020). The media seems to have their own perspective on a phenomenon (Lestari & Rinasti, 2020). Media coverage is also inseparable from interests (Sya & Marta, 2019). In risky choice framing, the subject is presented with two options in the forced-choice task wherein goal framing, the subject is encouraged to engage in several activities (Mustaffa & Ibrahim, 2018). Based on the background previously described, this study aims to analyze the video coverage of CNN Indonesia, Detikcom and iNews on SMA 1 PSKD regarding the E-sports learning with the frame and characteristics of each media. It also analyzes the news report of CNN Philippines on the opening of E-Sports as a degree rogram in the Philippines. Following the taxonomies of Levin, Schneider, and Gaeth, there are framing effects into three categories: attribute framing, risky choice framing, and goal framing. In the attribute framing, one attribute of an object is described in terms of the proportion of positive valence or an equivalent proportion of negative valence (Levin, 2002).


This study uses a qualitative method which is descriptive that aims to explain the phenomenon in more detail and depth with a framing analysis approach (Chinmi et al., 2020). The framing analysis used was the perspective Choices and Attributes of Levin, Schneider, & Gaeth. Attributes focus on the characteristics of objects and people, while others are ignored, so that information processing becomes biased in relation to the attributes in focus. On the other hand, choices focus on proposing alternative decisions in terms of either negative (losses) or positive (advantages) can make biased choices in situations involving uncertainty, this framing suggests taking greater risks in order to avoid losses rather than gain benefits (Hallahan, 1999).There are at least four news

1194 Marta, R, F.; Fernando, J.; Sampurna, A, Jarata, J, R and Syarnubi, K, L. (2021) Interactivity in E-Sport Future ….. objects in the form of audio visuals from three different media in Indonesia, namely CNN Indonesia with the title "First High School in Indonesia Making E-Sport as a School Learning", Detikcom with the title "No PR and Deuteronomy, SMA 1 PSKD Has a System. Unique Learning ", iNews with the title" SMA 1 PSKD Becomes the First School in Indonesia to Teach Online Games ". In the Philippines, the coverage of GMA News’ “Stand for Truth: Tier One Entertainment, isinusulong ang E-Sports bilang isang college degree!” [Stand for Truth: Tier One Entertainment to push for E-Sports degree] news story is also being analyzed. All of these news is available on the youtube digital media channel and webpage of each news agency. The state of the art of this research, namely:

Table 1. State of the art

Number Title Author and Year 1 Reconsidering E-Sport: Economics and (Karhulahti, 2017) Executive Ownership 2 Cirebon Gaming E-Sport Club Management (Hidayat et al., 2020)

3 Deciphering the World of E-Sport (Scholz, 2020) Source: processed by researchers

Karhulahti (2017) opined that this research focuses on a literature review that is proposed as an alternative conceptual framework based on an economic understanding of executive ownership, thus providing a theoretical basis for E-Sport as a cultural phenomenon. Hidayat et al., (2020) The research looks at how the management of the Cirebon E-Sport Gaming club starts from planning, implementing to evaluating activities carried out by the management. Scholz, (2020) shows the uniqueness of the E-Sport industry by increasing understanding of E-Sport in the context of media management. The editorial concludes by stating the potential of E-Sport research as a case way for digitizing media management and, besides, creating a sustainable business model in a digital society. The three previous studies have focused on E-Sport management to the importance of the role in digital management in E-Sport. The research gap from this research is to understand more about the three national news framing about E-Sport learning management at SMA PSKD 1 Jakarta.

Result and Discussion

This study aims to see how several online media sites such as iNews, CNN, and Detikcom in Indonesia also GMA news in the Phillippines’ frame of the E-Sport learning is reported. This study uses the framing analysis Choices and Attributes method by Levin, Schneider, & Gaeth to analyze with the perspective of the Theory of Interactive Media Effect (TIME). The problem to be analyzed is the framing carried out by the three online media sites regarding the E-sport learning at SMA 1 PSKD, Central Jakarta. In the communication process, message framing is the presentation of a message by presenting positive aspects or benefits that will be obtained if a message is implemented (positive message frame) or negative aspects or risks that will occur if a message is not implemented (negative message frame). Much needs to be aware of what and why media routinely engage in processes of framing. Similarly, the categories of framing outlined here are not mutually exclusive but are used in combination. Significant choices facing the organization or affected publics might be outlined in terms of gains or losses (framing of risky choices), whereas the tendency of subjects to make more positive evaluations of items presented in positive frames (attribute framing). Meanwhile, there's the presentation of messages in the form of negative framing or positive framing can have different persuasive effects on the subject receiving the message (goal framing). This discussion has suggested that framing is a potentially useful paradigm to examine news articles. The development of E-Sport has begun to be of interest to many people. In 2019, the number of E-Sport viewers is almost 1 billion where this industry has a higher chance of being from year to year. Various information about E-Sport also spread widely, where the news about E-Sport itself is formed with various perspectives interpreted through the media. The media can change or influence culture in society through framing messages (Muslim, 2013).Framing of messages is one of the persuasion tactics that are strategically used in communicating persuasive messages to

1195 © RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(4), WINTER, 2021 others. Framing theory explains how a persuasive message is conveyed to the recipient of the message. In the communication process, persuasive messages can be presented in the framing of a positive message, which emphasizes the aspects of the benefits that will be obtained. If the message is obeyed, or in the framing of negative messages (loss-framed messages) which emphasize the risk aspects that will occur if the message is not obeyed. This framing is part of media interaction. In technological terms, interaction are associated with primarily human- machine relations, pertaining to or being a computer or other electronic device that allows a two- way flow of information between it and a user, responding immediately to the user's inputs. A new genre of interaction has developed through participation with increasingly subjective and semi- autonomous technological devices. In Social science interactive media, it was referred also to as an ability of computer devices and software especially in a network environment that encourages interaction between users at the end of the computer terminals (Na-songkhla, 2011). The message conveyed may be about the same problem or issue, but how the media displays or presents it has different impacts or effects among users. These differences can be formed through framing that is done. There have been many studies on media framing, one of which is the Framing Choices and Attributes method by Levin, Schneider, & Gaeth. In summary, here is a summary of Methodological Differences in Risky Choice, Attribute, and Goal Framing.

Table 2. Framing Elements

FRAME TYPE What is Framed What is Affected How Effect is Measured RISK CHOICE Set of options with different Risk preference Comparison of choices for risky options risk level ATTRIBUTE Object/event attributes of Item ecaluation Comparioson of attractiveness ratings characteristics for the single item

GOAL Consequence or implified Impact of Impact of persuasion Comparison of goal of a behavior persuasion rate of adoption of the behavior

Source : (Levin, 2002)

Levin, Schneider, and Gaeth created a taxonomy that distinguishes framing effects into three categories, namely: 1) risky framing, 2) attribute framing, and 3) goal framing. The following describes the concept of the three types of framing according to taxonomy (Levin, 2002). The first framing effect is the risky framing effect. The risky framing effect is the tendency for a person to choose a lower uncertainty option when conditions are positive and a higher uncertainty choice when conditions are negative. In other words, it refers to the tendency to prefer definite choices in the positive frame and less risky choices in the negative frame. In this framing, there is a positive frame in which there is a sure thing option, which means facts or things that are saved for sure, also the risky option, which means there may some chance all saved with chance none saved. In this framing, there is also a negative frame where there is a definite choice of things, which means some lost for sure, where the risky option, means chance none lost with a chance all lost.In the message presented by the iNews media, iNews presents a positive frame with various emphases, such as at 01:20, if, in E-Sport, students are taught a variety of mental skills or soft skills including strategy development, problem-solving, computer technical skills and team development along with at 1:45 a.m. where the school claims E-Sport has even had an impact on academics. The school even includes children in international gamers competitions. Through the excerpt from the news excerpt, iNews emphasizes the facts revealed by the principal. iNews also emphasizes the word 'that', as part of the fact of the benefits that exist in the E-Sport learning. Through the positive frame, there is also a risky option which is seen at 03:02, if playing the game is fine, but anything excessive can certainly have bad consequences. Parents and teachers play an important role in dealing with children getting the positive impact of online games. iNews raises this positive frame by using the word 'okay', which is part of a risky choice, where it is followed by

1196 Marta, R, F.; Fernando, J.; Sampurna, A, Jarata, J, R and Syarnubi, K, L. (2021) Interactivity in E-Sport Future ….. the roles of parents and teachers so that there is positive framing with the suggested recommendations. Affordances of interactive media can serve as cues on the interface, triggering cognitive heuristics (or mental shortcuts) about the nature of the underlying content, shaping user judgments of the quality and credibility of that content (Rodgers & Thorson, 2017). User ratings of the quality and credibility of content can be seen through how iNews displays data in its news as seen in Figure 2. Through the perspective of the TIME cue route, it will be seen about the nature of the underlying content so that it can shape user ratings of the quality and credibility of the content. The information broadcast by iNews displays interactive communication that includes a woman demonstrating sign language, as well as a consultant's opinion, indirectly giving heuristic scaffolding cues that have a positive halo effect on the content presented through her information media. The theory is grounded upon the idea that website affordances not only motivate users to make actual use of different communication features but also offer psychologically salient cues that convey the heuristic values of the website (Hwang & Oh, 2020). In the message presented by the media iNews, there is a quote at the time of 0:48, if 'online games are often blamed for having a negative impact on children. The world health agency, WHO even defines online game addiction or game disorder as a mental disorder. This quote, through framing analysis, can be seen through a negative frame in the realm of sure thing option if iNews presents facts about things that tend to be negative about online games, where online games or game disorders have been determined by a world institution as a mental disorder which means things the bad one.

Figure 2. Scene news of iNews source: iNews, also quoted at 2:08 if observers considered there was a need for evaluation and restrictions on the implementation of the E-Sport learning in schools. The framing that iNews does by bringing in an expert, namely an observer is part of the negative risky option, where iNews emphasizes on 'observers assesses that there is an evaluation', which tends to be urgent. CNN, through its news articles, uses more positive framing. It can be seen in the footage at 02:15 if the development of E-Sport is indeed extraordinary, where according to data from the statistical research institute, the number of viewers who watched E-Sport matches in 2017 reached 191 million people worldwide. 51% of them are in the Asia Pacific region, including in Indonesia. And in the next 2.3 years, E-Sport is predicted to become an industry worth trillions of rupiah. Through these two quotes, it can be seen if CNN has put some emphasis on using positive data on the number of spectators who watched E-Sport matches in 2017, until the prediction for the next year, which is positive framing with risky options. At 2:43 a time there was a quote that with the material provided by SMA 1 PSKD, students' insights about opportunities for E-Sports were also more open. The emphasis is on the insight that is also becoming more open, which is part of positive framing with risky options. Through the risky option, there will be a chance which all saved with chance none saved. A significant property of the value function, called loss aversion, is that the response to losses is more extreme than the response to gains. The common reluctance to accept a fair bet on the toss of a coin suggests that the displeasure of losing a sum of money exceeds the pleasure of winning the same amount (Tversky & Kahneman, 2018). In framing it news in framming effects, Detikcom also tends to do more positive framing, where the audience chooses the lower uncertainty option when conditions are positive and the choice of higher uncertainty when conditions are negative by presenting what facilities exist at SMA 1 PSKD with information one way, namely interviews with the principal. The second framing effect is the attribute framing effect. This framing effect can be

1197 © RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(4), WINTER, 2021 explained as the subject's tendency to express positive conditions and the same attributes to state negative conditions which refers to the subject's tendency to make more positive evaluations of items presented in a positive frame.

Figure 3. Scene CNN Indonesia news Source:

Through the news presented by CNN and Detikcom, it can be seen that these two media raise positive framing from a one-way perspective, namely the principal and students. CNN and Detikcom, both presented interviews with the principal of SMA 1 PSKD Jakarta Pusat as well as students who joined extracurricular E-Sports as their interests, although there were differences where CNN raised the framing of games used as a means of learning system tools, where Detikcom raised more attention. to the unique Central Jakarta PSKD SMA 1 school system, where there is no homework or daily exams. Both have in common, namely the positive side of E-Sports in the academic realm through economic factors that can be studied or achieved through E- Sports. Through the news presented by iNews, it can be seen that iNews presents data both internally, namely from the school and from the consultants so that the community can choose for themselves and digest both positive and negative sides.

Figure 4. Scene Detikcom news Source:

Media tends to have a cueing effect by directly triggering cognitive heuristics about the products, services, or information presented. This effect can be understood by exploring the role of specific cognitive heuristics that govern user judgments that can induce a persuasive message indirectly (Rodgers & Thorson, 2017). The signal that shows if this E-Sport is good is the display of trophies, as well as scholarships that can be received by outstanding students who take part in E-Sport championships, as quoted by CNN News, at 00:18 if for children who are gifted in the field of E- Sports, the school even provides a scholarship program. Another cue used by the media is a pleasant classroom atmosphere for students. In Indonesia the E-Sport curriculum is still relatively new, and has only reached the high school stage. The media displays a frame of positive aspects that can be obtained through E-Sport where the audience can digest for themselves the positive impacts or benefits that can be obtained, although it does not rule out if the media can be neutral by lifting the existing negative frames. Framing can occur through various aspects such as the social conditions of a particular region, where what Indonesian media promotes is certainly different from Philippines.Philippines is one of the countries that already has an E-Sport education level in college, one of which is the Lyceum of The Philippines University - Intramuros Campus in Manila. One of the media that raises this issue is The GMA News 'coverage in the Philippines'. During the interview, Jerry was happy that the country has given attention to E-Sports, especially that the

1198 Marta, R, F.; Fernando, J.; Sampurna, A, Jarata, J, R and Syarnubi, K, L. (2021) Interactivity in E-Sport Future ….. education sector has also put this online sports as a learning program. The reportage drives engagement with gamers as future enrollees of the program to take every subject seriously and learn whatever they can learn from the experts of the industry. It also gives hope that this industry relatively young and mushrooming industry will move forward if given support from other sectors. Study hard, train hard.

Figure 5. Scene GMA News Source:

Through the interview, it can be seen that the positive frame for E-Sport in the Philippines is lifted. It can be seen that the focus is on attribute framing, where attribute framing is the tendency of the subject to evaluate a positive condition with a higher level of attractiveness which, on the other hand, away from a negative condition which means, this refers to the tendency of the subject to make a more positive evaluation of the items presented. In a positive frame, The GMA News' coverage raised Jerry as a news source where Jerry positively evaluated the condition of the Philippines which supports the E-Sport college degree. The GMA News' coverage also highlights the dream that becoming true for Filipino online gamers—as also recently E-Sports made its debut in the international sporting event like the Southeast Asian Games, where the country’s Team Sibol bagged several gold medals in the event. There are two principal differences between risk framing and attribute framing. The first difference is that attribute framing does not involve risk manipulation. Media minimizes risks by selecting diction and lifting the frame that you want to present. The second difference is that the task objectives do not choose between independent response options, but rather evaluate the acceptance of a particular item. The framing by the media towards this independent response can look different, where CNN and Detikcom have in common, namely one-way respondents who are internal parties of SMA 1 PSKD Jakarta Pusat, where CNN includes a consultant to present a neutral impression. GMA News, on the other hand, thematizes its news story on hope and assurance of progress in positive aspects. The media has the power to choose news or a phenomenon that will be given to a wide audience so that the lifting of the frame is adjusted to the objectives of the media. Through the TIME route of action which combines mechanisms from three theoretical models to propose that actions brought about by interactive media capabilities such as actions such as manipulating the interface, browsing content, and sending messages will lead to user engagement with media content. The involvement generated by user actions in an interactive media environment can range from content absorption to self-expression by making new content contributions, or user engagement with cognitive outcomes, attitudes, or behavioral outcomes of using interactive media (Wang & Sundar, 2018). Through the target framing effect, the three media generally have the same target, namely the wider public and/or the parents of students. The four media present facts and positive opinions that can be obtained by children or gamers through this E-Sport, where generally, parents have a big enough role in the choice of children, whether it is supported by parents, or prohibited for several reasons. Though CNN's framing of the news, it is clear that the main target is the parents/guardians of children who have a hobby of E- Sports. CNN raises the profile of the school as well as the expert consultants, which can be said, CNN has a target audience who is quite concerned or familiar with this issue, because it tries to present news in a balanced way, both what is needed or liked by children, as well as input and data. going to E-Sports through the experts. Detikcom and iNews, refer to the target of parents/guardians of students with a focus on providing a positive understanding of the image of the school and the advantages offered through E-Sports. E-Sports can train children's motor and cognitive, cooperation, and can even be used in academia through economic subjects because E-Sports can be used for economic aspects. This

1199 © RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(4), WINTER, 2021 particular objective refers to subjects who question the usefulness of E-Sports. GMA News in the Philippines narratives Filipino online gamers longing to be in the limelight, as this sport has not been given attention for a while. The GMA News’ coverage in the Philippines’ offering its first E-Sports college degree that provides hope and assurance that there is future in playing online games. The target framing effect is the difference in effect that states a positive frame (the opportunity to get a result or avoid a loss) and another message that states a negative frame (an opportunity not to get a result or suffer a loss) which in short can be categorized as a framing target. This is because the presentation of messages in the form of negative framing and positive framing can have a different persuasive effect on the subject of the message recipient. Through framing carried out by the three media, it can be concluded that there are similarities in information framing through positive frames which are mostly done by raising positive scenes through internal school interactions between teachers and students, as well as ways of conveying facts or data about the advantages of E-Sport. The selection of sources in processing information in conveying the advantages of E-Sport is part of the quality and credibility of the content.


Sports tends to be associated with positive meanings. Along with the development of technology, sport and technology have become a combination that has appeal to the wider community, known as E-Sport. The interest in the development of E-Sport is very fast, making E-Sport one of the aspects that need to be considered, one of which is in the world of education. Education and playing online games is a contradiction in itself in various circles, be it parents, children, academics, consultants, and so on. Because many people are not fully familiar with E-Sport in education, several media such as CNN, iNews, in Indonesia, and GMA News in the Philippines raise information about SMA 1 PSKD Jakarta Pusat’s E-Sports learning, and the opening of first E-Sports degree in Manila. Each media has the characteristics and framing of the media, with different interests. Based on the results of research that has been found, it can be concluded that each media have a different but also similar framing effort in carrying the news. Through TIME analysis, it can also be concluded that among the four media, namely CNN, iNews, and GMA News, have similarities in framing information about positive aspects of E-Sport, such as soft skills obtained by students through online games, strategy development, solving problems, technical computer skills, teamwork, and the impact of academics, namely the economic thinking that can be obtained through this E-Sport. Each media, raised existing data and facts about SMA 1 PSKD through internal parties, where CNN Indonesia also raised negative framing that many people thought about or voiced regarding the impact of this E-Sport. By bringing in a consultant and the necessary steps to protect children from the negative effects of online gaming, CNN presents itself as a neutral party, which on average raises a positive and negative frame. GMA News, on the other hand, raised positive frame in it, because of E-Sport education at the college level that gives Filipino online gamers longing to be in the limelight. The effectiveness of the impact generated by the media with risks, attributes, and targets in line with the route of cues and routes of action from Theory of Interactive Media Effect. TIME is a theory of affordances, about how users perceive and respond to those affordances, and what the user engagement of these affordances can do to their psychology, their media use, and their communications with others, leading to significant consequences for their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. To be fruitfully employed in research, the affordances of this theory have to be conceptually distinguished from the psychological states that they engender. These effects are likely to be moderated by individual differences pertaining to both the medium (e.g., power usage) and the content (e.g., involvement in message topic). Together, the actions triggered by interface features affect psychological outcomes via a series of distinct mediators pertaining to users' psychological and behavioral states during the interaction. Systematic investigation of the mechanisms involving these mediators in the action route as well as the heuristics triggered by interface features in the cue route will vastly enhance our understanding of the role played by technological affordances of modern media in our lives.

Limitation and Study Forward

This research is limited to the media framing of E-Sports learning management in SMA PSKD 1 Jakarta in Indonesia, and the first offering of E-Sports as a college degree in the Philippines. It is hoped that in the future a more in-depth study can be carried out to see the extent to which the

1200 Marta, R, F.; Fernando, J.; Sampurna, A, Jarata, J, R and Syarnubi, K, L. (2021) Interactivity in E-Sport Future ….. communication process developed between individuals, E-Sports technology, and education can collaborate massively.


Deep gratitude to the various parties who contributed to this research. We would like to thank the Directorate of Research, Development, and Community Service (Penelitian, Pengembangan, dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat-P3M) of Universitas Bunda Mulia for facilitating this research to run well. The three national media CNN Indonesia, Detikcom, iNews and GMA News have raised their perspectives on the E-Sports learning in Indonesia and the Philippines. The researchers also want to express their gratitude to the financial support from the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Innovation of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristek/BRIN), which is recorded with the document numbered 054 / LL3 / AM / 2020 on March 23, 2020.


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