Deliverable D5.2 Final Report on Implementation and Integration of Poc Components Into the Pocs and Final Poc Results
ONE5G Deliverable D5.2 Call: H2020-ICT-2016-2 Project reference: 760809 Project Name: E2E-aware Optimizations and advancements for Network Edge of 5G New Radio (ONE5G) Deliverable D5.2 Final report on implementation and integration of PoC components into the PoCs and final PoC results Date of delivery: 30/06/2019 Version: 1.0 Start date of project: 01/06/2017 Duration: 25 months Dissemination level: public Page 1 / 107 ONE5G Deliverable D5.2 Document properties: Document Number: D5.2 Document Title: Final report on implementation and integration of PoC components into the PoCs and final PoC results. Editor(s): Evangelos Kosmatos (WINGS) Authors: Gilberto Berardinelli , Rasmus Suhr Mogensen (Aalborg University) Matthias Mehlhose, Martin Kurras, Daniyal Awan (HHI), Cyril Collineau, Jean Dion (BCOM), Sergio Fortes, Carlos Baena, Ana Herrera García, Eduardo Baena, David Palacios, Carolina Gijón, María Luisa Marí- Altozano, Salvador Luna, Matías Toril, Raquel Barco (UMA), Emil Jatib Khatib (UMA, Aalborg University) Evangelos Kosmatos, Christos Ntogkas, Orestis Zekai, Andreas Georgakopoulos, Ioannis-Prodromos Belikaidis, Aspa Skalidi, Yiouli Kritikou, Panagiotis Demestichas, Panagiotis Vlaheas, Aimilia Badouna, Paraskevas Bourgos, Kostas Trichias, Eleni Giannopoulou, Konstantinos Tsoumanis, Ioannis Maistros, Evangelia Tzifa, Aikaterini Demesticha, Vera Stavroulaki (WINGS) Hanwen Cao (Huawei) Stelios Stefanatos (FUB) Contractual Date of Delivery: 30/06/2019 Dissemination level: PU1 Status: Final Version: 1.0 File Name: ONE5G_D5.2_v1.0 Abstract In this public report, we present the final results of WP5 within ONE5G project. WP5 covers the prototyping activities of the project targeting the definition, implementation, integration into testbeds and demonstration of a set of PoCs (Proof-of-Concepts) covering: a) both dense and scarcely populated 1 CO = Confidential, only members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) PU = Public Dissemination level: public Page 2 / 107 ONE5G Deliverable D5.2 areas; b) a set of relevant verticals (e.g.
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