MEI Policy Focus 2016-10 Can ’s Stability Outlive Qaboos?

Giorgio Cafiero, Theodore Karasik

Middle East Institute Policy Focus Series

April 2016 Geopolitical risk analysts Giorgio Cafiero and Theodore Karasik examine the challenges of a political transition in Oman after Sultan Qaboos. The sultan has yet to name a successor, and regional threats could undermine Oman’s stability. The Sultanate’s overreliance on oil, the terrorism threat emanating from neighboring Yemen, and the ongoing geopolitical rivalry between and are culminating into a perfect storm as the possibility of a transition beckons. The challenges presented in this paper will test whether Oman can resist the flames of regional turmoil, and maintain its stability in the event of a change of guard. Key Findings

♦♦ Of all G.C.C. states, Oman’s economy has suffered the most from low oil prices, with the country’s credit ratings falling as a result.

♦♦ Sultan Qaboos has no officially named heir, raising concerns for a potential power vacuum,

♦♦ Despite terror threat from Yemen, Oman’s social traditions render Omanis less susceptible to extremist ideology.

♦♦ Oman is likely to benefit from the lifting of sanctions on Iran, as looks to deepen economic ties with Tehran

♦♦ The United States might see greater value in its relationship with Oman should its friction with other G.C.C. states continue. Giorgio Cafiero Giorgio Cafiero is the Introduction C.E.O. and founder of Gulf State Analytics, s political and humanitarian crises de- a Washington, D.C.- Astabilize many Arab states, the Sultan- based geopolitical risk ate of Oman is a beacon of tranquility in consultancy. Cafiero is a foreign affairs analyst who a tumultuous region. The nation’s unique regularly contributes to cohesion and stability is largely attributable The Institute, to the legitimacy of Sultan Al Monitor, The National Al Busaidi, the longest serving Arab ruler Interest, and LobeLog, among other outlets. still in power. Since ascending to the throne in 1970, Qaboos has transformed Oman Theodore Karasik from an impoverished state into a wealthy Theodore Karasik is the country with first-world infrastructure, a senior advisor at Gulf vibrant tourism industry and a military al- State Analytics. Based in liance with the United States and Britain. the U.A.E., Dr. Karasik also serves as a senior Yet, as Qaboos ages, the Gulf Arab nation advisor at Risk Insurance will in the near future transition to a new Management in Dubai and the Russian Business sultan, and the timing could not be more Council, Dubai. He has inopportune. Oman’s next ruler—still yet worked on Central Asian, to be determined—will inherit the lega- Russian, Caucasian, and cy of Qaboos, as defined by his domestic Arabian Peninsula issues for over 30 years. governance and foreign policy, which has placed Muscat at the center of regional and global security issues. The sultan is popular Sultanate lacks the enormous gas and oil and Omanis revere him to the point of high supplies of other Gulf Arab states, which emotion. However, Qaboos’ successor will adds urgency to Oman’s need to accelerate face a host of domestic and international this transition. Politically, there are con- challenges that represent threats to stability cerns about the country’s succession pro- in a post-Qaboos Oman. cess, which raises questions about Muscat’s ability to ensure stability under the rule of Internally, economic problems appear to be Qaboos’ successor. the most difficult challenge. Low oil pric- es have severely damaged Oman’s state fi- Externally, extremist groups in Yemen nances, further underscoring the economic such as al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsu- dangers of overreliance on the petroleum la (AQAP) and the Islamic State (ISIS) will sector. As with the other five G.C.C. na- threaten Oman’s security in the post-Qa- tions, Oman is determined to diversify its boos era. It is troubling to Muscat officials economy away from hydrocarbons. Yet the that AQAP controls Yemen’s Hadramawt

Can Oman’s Stability Outlive Sultan Qaboos? 1 region, including the main seaport of the acy, while Oman’s fellow G.C.C. members region’s capital city, Mukalla, situated only may prefer that the next sultan realigns 370 miles from Oman’s port.1 Nev- Muscat more closely with the Gulf Arab ertheless, the Sultanate is in a relatively states. However, if Oman maintains sta- safe position given robust border controls. bility and national cohesion after Qaboos’ Oman also lacks the common attributes of reign, the Sultanate will likely deny outside extremist growth, where the national fab- actors an opportunity to influence Muscat’s ric’s pillars of tolerance, dialogue, and non- foreign policy orientation. Oman has pre- violence have defined relations between the viously resisted pressure from Saudi Arabia country’s diverse religious and tribal com- and other G.C.C. states to tow the party line, munities throughout Sultan Qaboos’ reign. particularly when it concerns Iran. This in- dependent attitude is firmly engrained in In the grander geopolitical context, Muscat Muscat’s thinking and will be difficult to serves a unique role in the Middle East’s sway in a post-Qaboos environment. balance of power as a diplomatic channel between the Islamic Republic of Iran on one side, and Oman’s fellow G.C.C. states and Economic Challenges their Western allies on the other. In recent years, Oman and Iran have deepened coop- The 70 percent slide in oil prices since mid- eration in numerous diplomatic, economic, 2014 has truly underscored the risks of energy, and security spheres. Although the Muscat’s overreliance on the Omani petro- strengthening of Muscat-Tehran relations leum sector. Of all six G.C.C. states, Oman’s has not cost Oman its ‘good member stand- economy has suffered the most from tum- ing’ in the G.C.C., other council members bling oil prices. Dependent on hydrocar- have accused Qaboos’ independent foreign bons for 84 percent of its revenue, cheap policy of often undermining the council’s oil has pushed Oman into an era of auster- collective security. ity.2 In recent months, Muscat officials have implemented belt-tightening measures such as increasing “Of all six G.C.C. states, Oman’s corporate taxes, lifting fuel prices, hiking expat visa fees, economy has suffered the most removing utility subsidies, and from tumbling oil prices” indefinitely ending bonuses for state employees.3

In all probability, the Islamic Republic will The recent downgrading of Oman’s sover- look to the Sultanate’s next ruler for a con- eign ratings from Standard & Poor’s, which tinued relationship based on Qaboos’ leg- lowered Oman’s rating two steps to BBB-

2 Cafiero & Karasik stable from BBB+ negative, and Moody’s, Oman was one of the first G.C.C. states to which lowered Oman’s rating by two implement a robust long-term vision. Vi- notches to A3, is indicative of the mount- sion 2020 is a road map outlining Muscat’s ing financial pressure that falling oil prices plans for achieving specific economic and have imposed on the Sultanate, which is spreading to non-oil “the next sultan must continue driving sectors. Another fac- tor behind both rat- national efforts to diversify the ing agencies’ down- grading of Oman country’s economy away from oil” concerned the size of the country’s financial reserves in pro- social goals over the span of 25 years. The portion to population, which is remarkably main objectives include achieving econom- smaller than , , and the United ic and financial stability, increasing the pri- Arab Emirates.4 vate sector’s role in the overall economy, enhancing revenue beyond hydrocarbon In the 1990s, the Omanis discovered that sectors, integrating the Sultanate with the their nation’s oil reserves were smaller than global economy, and developing the human previously thought, which prompted Mus- capital potential of Oman’s workforce. cat officials to accelerate plans for a transi- tion to a post-oil economy. Indeed, Oman’s Regardless of when Sultan Qaboos’ succes- 5.15 billion barrels of crude oil in its prov- sor ascends to power, the next sultan must en reserves today are far more modest than continue driving national efforts to diver- Saudi Arabia’s 268 billion, Kuwait’s 104 bil- sify the country’s economy away from oil. lion, the ’ 98 billion, Sectors that appear most promising to col- or Qatar’s 25 billion. Oman ranks 21st in lectively save Oman from cheap oil include the world in daily oil production at 943,500 liquefied natural gas (L.N.G.), tourism, barrels per day (bbl/day), quite far behind sea and land-based logistics, agriculture, 2nd ranked Saudi Arabia at 9.7 million bbl/ and fishing. Given that Oman has rough- day and the United Arab Emirates and Ku- ly 20 years before it depletes its proven oil wait, ranked 8th and 9th respectively, with reserves, such economic reforms must be between 2.6 and 2.9 million bbl/day. pursued urgently and with a firm hand in the current fiscal and economic environ- In 1995, Oman decided to take on the chal- ment.6 The next four years are critical. lenges stemming from the nation’s more modest reserves of oil and production rates An optimistic outlook on Oman’s gas sector when officials announced the Vision 2020.5 has led many to see L.N.G. as a promising

Can Oman’s Stability Outlive Sultan Qaboos? 3 path toward Oman’s transition away from an are also expanding to allow more docking oil-based economy. Since the Dolphin Gas space for commercial and naval vessels Project began nearly a decade ago, Oman from a variety of countries. Such a geospa- has been importing natural gas supplies tial trend highlights Oman’s historic role from Qatar, which has freed up the Sultanate linking traders from Asia to Europe along to increase L.N.G. sales to large Asian mar- the ancient Maritime Silk Road. kets such as China, , , and South Korea. As Oman begins importing Iran’s Succession in Muscat natural gas, it will be in a stronger position to export more L.N.G. to the Far East. This In G.C.C. states, the ruling monarchs typ- year, the Sultanate’s gas sector accounts for ically have designated heirs. To prepare roughly 20 percent of national revenues. younger generations to rule, royal family To further integrate into the international members in line to the throne gain sub- economy, the Sultanate seeks to take advan- stantial administrative experience. Oman, tage of its geographic location from where however, has no officially named successor. it aims to establish itself as an increasingly Sultan Qaboos, who has no living brothers, important trading hub. The Omani govern- had a brief marriage which produced no ment’s plans to construct a major transit offspring. As Oman’s political system con- hub at al- (situated along southern centrates much power in Sultan Qaboos’ Oman’s Indian Ocean coast), featuring a hands, the other members of the royal Al Said family mainly hold symbolic positions.

Some observers “... there is valid reason to worry that the speculate that one of Qaboos’ cous- next sultan will lack enough legitimacy ins will be his suc- cessor, although in the eyes of the Omani public” the topic remains largely a mystery to the public and $6 billion refinery, petrochemical trans- one that Omanis do not discuss outright.8 fer facilities, a dry dock, and, among oth- Analysts warn that there is valid reason to er facilities, a container port, which would worry that the next sultan will lack enough connect the other five G.C.C. states to the legitimacy in the eyes of the Omani pub- Indian Ocean, bypassing the Strait of Hor- lic to rule the Sultanate. Inevitably, Oman’s muz.7 According to local sources, other next monarch will have less legitimacy ports such as , will expand in the near than Qaboos—certainly, at least, when he term to accommodate more traffic. Berths

4 Cafiero & Karasik “regional observers note that a first assumes power—and this could prove problem- succession crisis may result from a atic if the successor fails to garner enough support potential power vacuum in Muscat” from power centers in the nation’s political establish- deprived of supreme decision making by ment, security apparatus, commercial elite, individuals who do not belong to the Al Said family and who owe their position or the population at large. To be sure, the to Qaboos only? Moreover, in spite of the next sultan will have his work cut out for precautions taken by the ruler, is there not him. a risk of contradictory messages emerg- ing, a situation which would involve polit- Two decades ago, Qaboos updated Oman’s ical confusion? In Qaboos’ absence, there constitution to provide the royal family does not seem to be any patriarchal figure in the Al Said family who could oversee with three days to choose a successor. Un- the succession process and ensure that der the law, if the ruling Al Said family fails disagreements remain contained.”11 to reach a decision, a council of military and security authorities, Supreme Court The Omanis have never put this codified chiefs, and members of Oman’s two qua- succession process to the test and the major- si-parliamentary advisory assemblies—the ity of the population can only recall life un- Majlis al-Dawla, which is the upper house der Qaboos, who himself came to power in of the , and the Majlis a British-orchestrated and Iranian-backed al-Shura, which is its lower house—are to bloodless palace coup in which he over- open and read a letter containing the name threw his father Sultan Said bin Taimur Al of the monarch’s personal choice penned Said, who ruled from 1932-1970. However, by Qaboos.9 In 1997, the Sultan stated in there is also the possibility that His Maj- an interview that he has written two names esty will simply pick a successor at the last in two envelopes placed in different re- moment and thereby negate any succession gions of Oman.10 Although the process has issues. After all, Sultan Qaboos still retains the potential to proceed smoothly, it is not absolute power through the Omani De- clear whether the two names are the same fense Council, the highest decision-making or different, and it’s not clear what would body in the Sultanate. happen if the council does not accept Qa- Nevertheless, regional observers note that a boos’ choice after his death. Such infighting succession crisis may result from a potential could raise the specter of a power struggle power vacuum in Muscat, prompting tribes amid a vacuum within the Sultanate. Marc of the interior to push for a restoration of Valeri wrote: the Ibadi Imamate. This was the power “If the royal family cannot make a de- center that ruled Oman’s interior when cision, up to what point is it ready to be

Can Oman’s Stability Outlive Sultan Qaboos? 5 the Sultanate only controlled the country’s Oman’s South coastal territory from the 1850s to 1950s. Throughout these years, the Imamate and Dhofar, Oman’s largest and southern most the Sultanate’s forces clashed with the lat- governorate, shares a 187-mile border with ter’s survival attributable to British support. Yemen. Officials in Muscat are concerned Questions regarding the Ibadi Imam’s legit- about the potential for Sunni extremists in imacy have been the source of much con- Yemen to infiltrate Dhofar. To counter the flict among Ibadi Muslims, of whom the threats of extremism and terrorism in Ye- majority live in Oman. Given that historical men, the Omanis have deployed a strong memory and grievances are tearing apart military force to the Omani-Yemeni border, the national fabric of many MENA states, where they have also built a fence enhanced analysts must watch this factor carefully. by the latest border control technologies. Following the discovery of oil in the Sultan- Despite an uptick in smuggling over the ate’s interior during the mid-20th-century, border to include small arms and automat- this tension manifested into violence that ic weapons, Omani border guards are well 14 would later define the contemporary Oma- equipped to intercept such illicit trade. ni nation-state. In 1957, the Saudi-backed Given the location of Salalah—Oman’s Imamate launched a rebellion against the second largest city and a major tourism Sultanate, which Sultan Qaboos’ father hub for the nation—only 95 miles from had defeated in 1959 with British back- the Yemeni border, the Omanis have high ing, bringing an end to the Imamate. For- stakes in terms of maintaining tranquili- eign experts wonder if Oman’s last sultan ty in the historically neglected south, and permanently crushed the Imamate. John fortressing Dhofar from Yemen. When Wilkinson wrote that the Imamate “always Qaboos came to power in 1970, a South declined into dynastic power, but equally Yemen-sponsored Marxist rebel group in inevitably re-emerged as the national ide- Dhofar, the Dhofar Liberation Front (later 12 ology reuniting the state.” In 2005, Oma- named Popular Front for the Liberation of ni authorities accused a faction of 31 “Iba- the Occupied Arabian Gulf), waged an up- di activists” of pursuing plans to restore rising against the Al Said family in a cam- 13 the Ibadi Imamate. Some local observers paign aimed at toppling all Gulf Arab king- thought that this event signaled the infil- doms. With British, Iranian, Jordanian, and tration of foreign extremist ideas with ru- Rhodesian support, the Sultanate crushed mors circulating that al-Qaeda had entered the rebellion by 1976. The Dhofar revolt Oman by hijacking Ibadi thinking. Noth- was the last major challenge to the Al Said ing could be further from the truth. family’s legitimacy in Oman and a histori- cal experience that largely influences Mus-

6 Cafiero & Karasik cat’s perception of Yemen and its impact on Navigating Geopolitical stability in Dhofar. Oman’s creed is to never allow such an uprising to occur again. Tensions

Oman’s social traditions suggest, however, The Sultanate plays a special and influen- that extremist groups may not find fertile tial, albeit quiet, role in the Middle East’s ground in the country. Many attribute the balance of power. Oman is geographically Sultanate’s norms of nonviolence and dia- situated near some of the world’s most sen- logue to the Ibadi sect of Islam, which Sul- sitive geopolitical fault lines and most stra- tan Qaboos and the majority of Omanis tegically prized energy corridors. Located practice. Ibadis only represent 0.03 percent in the southeastern corner of the Arabi- of Muslims worldwide, and their brand of an Peninsula, it shares borders with Saudi Islam is thus unknown to most Sunnis and Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Ye- 15 Shiites in the Islamic world. men, as well as sharing a maritime border with Iran, which includes the vital Strait of Ibadism, which the Omanis of the interior Hormuz. A key pillar of Qaboos’ foreign adopted in the eighth century, is charac- policy has been to maintain friendly ties teristically tolerant.16 The Ibadis stress the with all states in the region and the inter- “rule of the just” and condemn violence in national community. To protect this princi- pursuit of political objectives.17 The influ- ple, Muscat has taken neutral positions on ence of such cultural and religious norms most Middle Eastern conflicts. in the Sultanate’s political and social struc- tures is evident by the extensive protections Situated on the periphery of the Arab-Israe- that the Omani legal system offers religious li conflict, the Sultanate never deployed its minorities, such as Hindus, Christians, military to fight in the wars between Israel Sikhs, and Buddhists. Oman has historical- and its Arab neighbors in 1948, 1967, and ly maintained a sizable presence of South 1973. Unlike most Arab states, Oman nev- Asian minorities, which has contributed to er severed diplomatic relations with its tolerant culture. Authorities in the coun- following the 1979 peace agreement with try imprison and fine people found guilty of Israel. Furthermore, in 1994, the Sultanate “defaming” any religion or promoting sec- was the first G.C.C. nation to host Israeli 18 tarian strife. In contrast to most MENA Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.20 states, the U.S. State Department’s 2012 Re- port on International Religious Freedom Muscat preserved cordial relations with notes the absence of “reports of societal Tehran despite its membership in the most- abuses or discrimination based on religious ly anti-Iran G.C.C. and its strong military affiliation, belief, or practice” in Oman.19 alliance with Washington. The Omanis do not believe that strong ties with Iran must

Can Oman’s Stability Outlive Sultan Qaboos? 7 come at the expense of Muscat’s alliances between Iranian and Iraqi officials.22 Since with Western and G.C.C. states. Specifical- that war ended, the Sultanate has mediat- ly, Oman has positioned itself as a diplo- ed diplomatic crises between Iran and sev- matic bridge between Iran on the one side eral states, including Saudi Arabia (1991), and the other G.C.C. states and their West- Egypt (2009), and Britain (2012-2014).23 ern allies on the other. As one Omani inter- Oman also functioned as a platform for locutor stated, “Oman already had its em- negotiations between several G.C.C. states pire stretching from India to Zanzibar. We when disputes broke out, for example when see ourselves above the rest of the debates Saudi Arabia, , and the United Arab surrounding us.” The most recent example Emirates withdrew their ambassadors from of Oman’s successful diplomacy was from Qatar in March 2014 over Doha’s support 2011 to 2015, when Muscat hosted talks, for the Muslim Brotherhood. beginning with secret meetings, between Iran’s towering presence next to Oman, and the “Oman has never shared Saudi two countries’ shared control of the Strait of Arabia’s view of the Islamic Republic Hormuz, have prompted Muscat officials to favor as a threat to regime survival” addressing tensions in Gulf Arab-Iranian rela- American and Iranian diplomats, which tions through dialogue, culminated in last year’s landmark Iranian compromise, and pragmatism. Although nuclear agreement, the Joint Comprehen- Omani officials have taken actions to in- sive Plan of Action (J.C.P.O.A.).21 dicate concerns about potential political agendas on the part of Iranian religious fig- Oman is the only G.C.C. state to have stayed ures visiting the Sultanate, Oman has never out of the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, shared Saudi Arabia’s view of the Islamic and the only one to have maintained official Republic as a threat to regime survival.24 diplomatic relations with President Bashar Rather than siding with Riyadh in an es- al-Assad’s regime. Retaining its neutral calating geo-sectarian rivalry with Tehran, posture, Muscat has hosted and sponsored Muscat is determined to balance the inter- peace talks between various sides in both ests of its two larger neighbors in the Gulf the Syrian and Yemeni civil wars in an ef- off each other to advance Oman’s national fort to reach a cease-fire in both conflicts. interests. In the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), Oman was the only neutral G.C.C. state, and Mus- Officials in Muscat see a cordial relation- cat hosted secret cease-fire negotiations ship with Tehran as the only viable option

8 Cafiero & Karasik for maintaining security in the strategical- officials in the government. The Baharna, a ly prized artery where 35-40 percent of the smaller Omani Shiite community, came to world’s sea borne oil transits.25 Sultan Qa- the Sultanate from Bahrain, Iraq, and Sau- boos has carefully navigated the region’s di Arabia. Despite only numbering several geopolitical fault lines to position Muscat as thousand, this group of Shiites currently an ally of all states which have a significant plays major roles in the Omani economy military presence near the Sultanate. Oman and political establishment.29 is the only MENA state to conduct multiple maritime exercises with both Saudi Arabia Of course, the next sultan’s approach to for- and Iran, while also enhancing defense ties eign affairs cannot be predicted. Yet, given with other geopolitical rivals—such as In- the extent to which Sultan Qaboos’ strate- dia, China, —in the Persian Gulf gies on the international stage have secured and Indian Ocean. the nation’s stability, there is no reason to expect his successor to radically alter Mus- Oman’s ruling elite han- dle sectarian matters “Oman is the only MENA state to relatively well due not only to history, but also conduct multiple maritime exercises Oman’s warm relation- ship with Iran. In con- with both Saudi Arabia and Iran” trast to other G.C.C. states, most notably Sau- di Arabia and Bahrain, relations between cat’s position in the MENA region’s geopo- Oman’s ruling establishment and the na- litical order. The Sultanate prioritizes main- tion’s Shiite minority are healthy. Omani taining autonomy from Saudi Arabia far Shiites, who account for roughly five per- more than the other smaller G.C.C. states. cent of the Sultanate’s population, carry In recent years, Oman’s Foreign Minister substantial influence in political and eco- Yusuf bin Alawi has stated that the Sultan- nomic spheres.26 The wealthiest Shiites in ate will pull out of the G.C.C. if the council the country are the Lawatiyya, who began were to transform the G.C.C. into a union their migration to Oman from India in the as Riyadh has suggested.30 Muscat has also 18th century.27 In the past, the communi- voiced its opposition to a single currency ty held large shares in major state-owned for the six G.C.C. states.31 Such positions enterprises such as the National Bank and are demonstrative of the Sultanate’s unwill- Petroleum Development Oman, and ran ingness to compromise its geopolitical in- large successful firms including the W.J. dependence and ability to maintain a neu- Towell Group.28 Members of the Lawatiyya tral position on regional conflicts. community have served as high-ranking

Can Oman’s Stability Outlive Sultan Qaboos? 9 Oman’s Ibadi Muslims are also not wel- Mohammed al-Rumhy said that he expects coming of Saudi Arabia’s ultra-conserva- both sides to complete the FEED (Front- tive Wahhabi clerical establishment. Saif End Engineering Design) by mid-2016: al-Maskery, a former Muscat diplomat, “I am very optimistic that now the sanc- once stated, “From time to time, we see tions have been lifted, the gas pipeline Wahhabi sheikhs on Saudi television chan- project will move in a faster track than nels branding Ibadis as heretics and that before... We were facing lots of difficulties. doesn’t go down very nicely.”32 This im- Now we can order compressors, we can order pipes, seek consultancy help, we can portant dynamic in the Omani-Saudi rela- talk to banks about financing. Things have tionship will surely remain relevant in the changed.”34 post-Qaboos era, which suggests that the next sultan will likely continue to position This pipeline represents not only an oppor- Oman as relatively independent of Riyadh, tunity to secure gas supplies from Iran, but while maintaining close ties as a member of also from gas-rich Central Asian states via the Saudi-led G.C.C. Iran. At the same time, this Iranian gas is not entirely for Oman’s domestic consump- tion. The plan is for Oman to re-export Burgeoning Relations this gas after liquefying it, not only to oth- with Iran Post- er MENA states, but also to states in East Africa and the Indian sub-continent. There Sanctions has long been much discussion about the formation of an Iran-Oman-India energy The Sultanate’s long-term energy consid- triangle, with the Iranians exporting gas erations are another force driving Oman’s to the two countries via subsea pipelines. growing partnership with Iran. In March One could argue that Oman is seeing its 2014, Muscat and Tehran signed a $1 bil- historical destiny repeating with the estab- lion deal to construct a 162-mile subsea lishment of energy linkages based on trade natural gas pipeline linking Sohar to Iran’s routes first established centuries ago. Hormuzgan province. Several issues such as pricing, Western-imposed econom- Of course, Cold War history is an import- ic sanctions on Iran, and U.S. pressure on ant factor shaping Omani-Iranian relations. Muscat vis-à-vis Tehran have slowed down Both states supported the other when exis- the project. A former Omani diplomat stat- tential threats loomed. During the 1970s, the ed that Omani officials quietly complain Shah deployed Iran’s military to help Sultan that the Iranians, despite discussing the Qaboos crush the foreign-backed Dhofar pipeline frequently, are moving too slowly insurgency. Shortly after the Iranian Revo- on it.33 Yet several days after the J.C.P.O.A.’s lution, some Iranian leaders were resentful implementation day, Oman’s Oil Minister toward the Sultanate for its close ties with

10 Cafiero & Karasik the Shah’s regime and military alliance with Iranian Press TV reported that in early 2016 the United States. However, Sultan Qaboos’ Iran Khodro, the Middle East’s largest au- decision to keep Muscat neutral in the Iran- tomotive company, signed a memorandum Iraq war enabled Oman and Iran to main- of understanding with Oman Investment tain the warm relations that defined ties be- Fund (O.I.F.) to establish a venture, Orchid tween the two states prior to 1979. Rooted International Auto, to manufacture cars at in the legacy of Iran coming to the aid of a plant in al-Duqm. The company’s depu- Qaboos during the Dhofar revolt, Omani officials see Iran as a defense partner, not an existential threat. Within this context, “Oman is likely to be a major it was not surprising that Oman and Iran beneficiary of the lifting of signed a defense pact in August 2010, 12 years after Muscat and Tehran officials sanctions [on Iran]” signed a Memorandum of Understand- ing to address criminal activities across the Strait of Hormuz.35 Since signing the de- ty head for export and international affairs fense pact, a joint Omani-Iranian military stated that Iran Khodro will produce 20,000 commission meets biannually.36 cars by March 2018.39 From the Iranian side, Orchid International Auto offers Iran great- Analysts contend that Oman is likely to be er opportunity to enter African markets via a major beneficiary of the lifting of sanc- the Sultanate. According to Iran Khodro’s tions not only due to the Sultanate’s close Chief Executive, of the 20,000 units, 5,000 geographic proximity to Iran, but also are intended for Oman with the remaining Muscat’s diplomatic role in the removal of 15,000 for markets in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Su- sanctions, having brought American and dan, Yemen and other African states.40 Iranian officials to negotiate in late 2011. Since the J.C.P.O.A.’s implementation, Ira- Given the stakes, there is always the poten- nian officials have talked about bilater- tial for Oman to be squeezed in the cur- al trade increasing from $370 million in rent Saudi-Iranian power struggle raging 2015 to $4 billion by 2021.37 On March 28, across the MENA region, if there is weak al-Bawaba reported that the Central Bank leadership in Muscat. But Omanis are high- of Oman (C.B.O.) approved a request from ly opposed to outside interference in their Bank Muscat to open an office in Iran, po- affairs. Therefore, it remains to be seen the sitioning the Sultanate as one of the first extent to which foreign powers will be able countries to have its financial institutions to influence Oman’s regional policies. establish a presence in the Islamic Republic after the J.C.P.O.A.38

Can Oman’s Stability Outlive Sultan Qaboos? 11 U.S. Relations with Freedom in 2001 and 2003, respectively.43 Since 2004, however, the United States has Oman After Qaboos not used Omani facilities for operations in either the Afghan or Iraqi theaters.44 Clearly, Oman has a cautious yet optimistic future. The stability that has defined Oman Oman has helped the Obama administra- since the quelling of the Dhofar revolt is tion empty out the Guantanamo Bay de- largely due to the Sultan Qaboos’ leadership tention facility by accepting about half of 45 and growing legitimacy and his state’s stra- the inmates released since January 2014. tegic investments in infrastructure, trans- Given Yemen’s ongoing political crisis, the forming the Gulf Arab nation into a robust release of Yemeni prisoners remains a diffi- state within a relatively short span of time. cult issue. Oman has also helped broker the Yet as Oman feels the economic effects of release of Western nationals imprisoned in 46 cheap oil—and has a limited amount of oil Iran and held captive by militias in Yemen. left—the Sultanate must transition away Militarily, Oman maintains a deep histor- from its reliance on hydrocarbons. The suc- ic bond with Britain. Sandhurst-educated cession issue represents a number of risks Sultan Qaboos relied on the British for sec- to political and social stability during a pe- onded officers to command Oman’s armed riod in which instability in global energy forces during the early era of his reign, markets poses major economic challenges. and for arms supplies.47 Throughout the Given Washington’s alliance with Mus- past 25 years, British officers in the Sultan- cat and the Sultanate’s useful and effective ate have assumed primarily advisory roles mediation in matters concerning key U.S. with Muscat turning closer to Washington 48 interests, America is among many nations for major combat systems. The Gulf Arab with high stakes in Oman’s future. Oman state, however, continues to host British became the first Gulf Arab state to enter a military assets and coordinates closely with 49 formal defense relationship with Washing- its military. Both the United States and ton, signing a “facilities access agreement” Britain still access to vary- in April 1980, which granted U.S. military ing degrees as deemed necessary to support 50 forces access to the Sultanate’s military bas- Muscat. In fact, in late March 2016, Brit- es.41 U.S. and Omani officials have renewed ain’s defense secretary, Michael Fallon, vis- the agreement four times.42 The U.S. mili- ited the Sultanate and explained that Lon- tary, which has three bases in Oman (Thum- don seeks to establish a permanent army 51 rait Naval Air Base, Masirah Air Base, and base for British officers to train Omanis. International Airport), used its po- U.S. officials should take stock of the -ex sitions in the Sultanate during Operation tent to which their counterparts in Muscat Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi

12 Cafiero & Karasik take pains to decrease “the next president might see a real the visibility of the Gulf benefit in further developing relations state’s military partner- ship with Washington with Muscat, particularly if friction and London. The risk of extremists portraying with other G.C.C. states continues”

rorism, and ballistic missiles, the fact that Asian and European competitors are rush- the Sultanate as a Western ‘puppet’ is always ing into Iran may pressure Washington to a factor that Omani authorities consider in pursue a greater opening with Iran on com- terms of Muscat’s alliance with Western mercial grounds. Clearly, Oman’s indepen- powers. Although the Sultanate remains a dent streak will play well with the United close U.S. ally, Oman is known to disagree States in this scenario. with the United States on a host of regional There is an overall concern that Oman after issues, ranging from the invasion of Iraq in Qaboos will be unstable, with the country 2003 to Washington’s tactics for combating dividing between north and south, and be- ISIS. tween Wadi and coastline. Although there Numerous factors will certainly influence is the perception of local self-identity in this the future of Oman’s alliance with the Unit- case, the overarching allegiance and gov- ed States. Whoever is sworn in as the 45th ernance of Oman makes this scenar- U.S. president in January 2017 will likely io unlikely. Nevertheless, it is necessary to see Oman as a critical ally in the regional remain prudent, particularly in the current equation. Critical remarks of Saudi Arabia toxic regional climate of conflict, sectarian- made by both President Barack Obama and ism, and terrorism. The Middle East can- Republican front-runner Donald Trump, not afford further instability, and it will be including calling on the Saudis to do more a tragedy indeed should the region’s flames to fight ISIS and alleging that Riyadh has catch onto one of its rare success stories in been a “free rider,” is negatively impacting Oman. To help encourage a smooth transi- U.S.-G.C.C. relations.52 U.S. officials, how- tion, the United States will need to take into ever, do not see Oman as a free rider and consideration intra-G.C.C. reactions with the next president might see a real ben- regard to developments in post-Qaboos efit in further developing relations with Oman, while keeping a keen eye on what Muscat, particularly if friction with other is actually happening in the Sultanate itself. G.C.C. states continues. Although the U.S. government has maintained some sanc- tions on Iran related to human rights, ter-

Can Oman’s Stability Outlive Sultan Qaboos? 13 Endnotes

1. See Ayisha Amr, “How al Qaeda Rules in Yemen,” Foreign Policy, Oc- 8. Martin Dokoupil, “Succession question fuels uncertainty in Oman,” tober 28, 2015, accessed April 4, 2016, https://www.foreignaffairs. Reuters, May 23, 2012, accessed April 4, 2016, com/articles/yemen/2015-10-28/how-al-qaeda-rules-yemen; Saeed article/oman-succession-idINDEE84M0D620120523. Al Batati, “Yemen: The truth behind al-Qaeda’s takeover of Mukalla,” 9. Martin Dokoupil, “Succession question fuels uncertainty in Oman,” , September 16, 2015, accessed April 4, 2016, http://www. Reuters, May 24, 2012, accessed April 4, 2016, article/us-oman-succession-idUSBRE84N0K420120524. kalla-150914101527567.html. It should be noted that ongoing kinet- 10. Marc Valeri, “Simmering Unrest and Succession Challenges in Oman,” ic operations by U.S. and Saudi-led forces are attempting to weaken Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (2015), accessed April AQAP’s hold in this critical region. 4, 2016, 2. “Oman,” International Analysis, U.S. Energy Information Administra- rest-and-succession-challenges-in-oman/i0s3 tion, Updated January 28, 2016, accessed April 4, 2016, https://www. 11. Marc Valeri, “Oman and the Succession of Sultan Qaboos,” Hurst, De- cember 3, 2014, accessed April 4, 2016, http://www.hurstpublishers. 3. See Fahad Al Mukrashi, “Oman to introduce 15% corporate income com/oman-succession-sultan-qaboos/ tax,” The Gulf News, January 12, 2015, accessed April 4, 2016, http:// 12. Mark N. Katz, “Oman: Will the Imamate Return?,” Travels and Obser- vations, November 5, 2014, accessed April 4, 2016, https://katzeyeview. income-tax-1.1652562; E. James, “Deregulation of fuel prices to create inflationary pressure, say experts in Oman,”The Times of Oman, January 13. Peterson, “The Solitary Sultan.” 2, 2016, accessed April 4, 2016, 14. Interviews with UAE-based defense security consultants, 2015-2016. Oman/Government/Fuel-prices-deregulation-to-prop-up-inflation- 15. Ibid. in-short-run-say-experts-in-Oman; Fahad Al Ghadani, “Expat visa 16. Ibid. fees to bring Oman extra millions,” The Times of Oman, January 13, 17. Ibid. 2016, accessed April 4, 2016, 18. “Oman,” The U.S. Department of State, 2012 Report on International Oman/Government/Expat-visa-fees-set-to-add-more-than-OMR15- Religious Freedom, May 20, 2013, April 4, 2016, million-extra-into-Oman%27s-coffers-every-year; “Oman subsidy, drl/rls/irf/2012/nea/208406.htm spending squeeze could boost PPPs in real estate, says Cluttons,” Mus- 19. Ibid. cat, January 20, 2016, accessed April 4, 2016, http://www. 20. Ana Echagüe, “Oman: the outlier,” Policy Brief 210 (2015), accessed April 4, 2016, could-boost-PPPs-in-real-estate-says-Cluttons-4k47; Lubna Ham- pdf dan, “Oman indefinitely stops bonuses for gov’t employees,”Arabian 21. Byran Bender, “John Kerry Opened a Secret Channel to Iran,” The Bos-, December 30, 2015, accessed April 4, 2016, http://www. ton Globe, November 26, 2013, accessed April 4, 2016, https://www. ployees-616771.html#.VvmYQTj5PmR. cret-dialogue-with-iran-through-oman/rRBZZ8aeDrsP2Q2HdoW- 4. See Marc Jones, “S&P cuts Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Oman, Kazakhstan, JEJ/story.html Bahrain, spares Russia,” Reuters, February 18, 2016, accessed April 22. Basma Mubarak Saeed, “Oman, Iranian Rapprochement and a GCC 4, 2016, Union,” Al Jazeera (2014), accessed April 4, 2016, http://studies.alja- 15W58W; “Moody’s cuts Oman credit rating two notches before bond issue,” Reuters, February 27, 2015, accessed April 4, 2016, http://www. 23. See Valeri, “Oman’s mediatory efforts;” “Oman looks to cement its place as the Switzerland of the region,” Gulf State News, September 30, 2011, 5. “Oman: Focusing on diversification,” The Telegraph, March 8, 2010, accessed April 4, 2016, accessed April 4, 2016, ment-its-place-as-the-switzerland-of-the-region. tions/7361955/Oman-Focusing-on-diversification.html. 24. Ahmad K. Majidyar, “Is sectarian balance in the United Arab Emir- 6. Interview with a former U.S. State Department Official, 2016. ates, Oman, and Qatar at risk?,” American Enterprise Institute for Public 7. Kenneth Katzman, Oman: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy (CRS Re- Policy Research 6 (2013), accessed April 4, 2016, port Number: RS21534) (Washington D.C.: Congressional Research publication/is-sectarian-balance-in-the-united-arab-emirates-oman- Service, 2016) and-qatar-at-risk/.

14 Cafiero & Karasik 25. Chris Zambelis, “China and the Quiet Kingdom: An Assessment 43. Katzman, Oman: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy. of China-Oman Relations,” China Brief 15, Issue 22 (2015) ac- 44. Ibid. cessed April 4, 2016, 45. “Transfer Countries,” The Guantanamo Docket, The New York Times, single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=44602&cHash=1da0ddabf- accessed April 4, 2016, 47606f30a7e7457b036b7bd#.VvtTcDj5NYc. transfer-countries. 26. Majjdyar, “Is Sectarian Balance.” 46. See Tim Lister, “Oman in ‘honest broker’ role again as U.S. seeks free- 27. Lawrence G. Potter, eds., Sectarian Politics in the Persian Gulf (Ox- dom of Iran hikers,” CNN, September 15, 2011, accessed April 4, 2016, ford: Oxford University, 2014), accessed April 4, 2016, https://books.; Jay Solomon and Asa Fitch, “U.S. Met Secretly With Yemen Rebels,” The q=Lawatiyya+oman+pakistan+india&source=bl&ots=5QOVdyfTP- Wall Street Journal, June 1, 2015, accessed April 4, 2016, http://www. P&sig=dL8lk_G8Sub5VowqNmct4Kpbp9I&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0a- hUKEwjq2vri5evLAhXM1BoKHQRpAaYQ6AEIQDAH#v=onep- houthi-rebels-1433178829. age&q=Lawatiyya%20&f=false. 47. Katzman, Oman: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy. 28. Majjdyar, “Is Sectarian Balance.” 48. Ibid. 29. Ibid. 49. Zambelis, “China and the Quiet Kingdom.” 30. Richard Spencer, “Britain returns ‘East of Suez’ with permanent Royal 50. Interviews with GCC interlocutors, 2015-2016. Navy base in Gulf,” The Telegraph, December 6, 2014, accessed April 4, 51. See Muscat Daily staff writer, “UK looks to set up permanent army 2016, training base in Oman,” Muscat Daily, March 31, 2016, accessed April draw-from-gcc-if-a-union-is-formed-foreign-minister. 4, 2016, 31. Ghazanfar Ali Khan, “GCC tries to persuade UAE, Oman to join cur- set-up-permanent-army-training-base-in-Oman-4nvn#ixzz44ShkzSiX rency talks,” Arab News, June 29, 2014, accessed April 4, 2016, http:// 52. Turki al-Faisal, “Mr. Obama, we are not ‘free riders,’” Arab News, March 14, 2016, accessed April 4, 2016, 32. Sami Aboudi, “Analysis - Domestic concerns drive Oman’s newly as- news/894826. sertive foreign policy,” Reuters, December 23, 2013, accessed April 4, 2016, M04C20131223. 33. Conversation with a former Omani diplomat, 2016. 34. Rania el-Gamal, “Oman to speed up gas import plans from Iran post-sanctions,” Reuters, January 21, 2016, accessed April 4, 2016, 35. Valeri, “Oman’s mediatory efforts.” 36. “Senior MP: Iran-Oman Joint Drills Set Model for Regional Conver- gence,” Fars News Agency, April 7, 2014, accessed April 4, 2016, http:// 37. “Oman-Iran trade may hit $4bn in 5 years,” Trade Arabia, March 24, 2016, accessed April 4, 2016, IND_303480.html. 38. Tasnim News Agency, “Bank Muscat to open branch in Tehran,” The Iran Project, March 29, 2016, accessed April 4, 2016, http://theiranproj- 39. “Iran to begin producing cars in Oman in 2017,” PressTV, March 28, 2016, accessed April 4, 2016, tail/2016/03/28/457977/Iran-Khodro-Oman-production-line-gas/. 40. Ibid. 41. Kenneth Katzman, Oman: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy (CRS Re- port Number: RS21534) (Washington D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2016) 42. See Ibid.; Zambelis, “China and the Quiet Kingdom.”

Can Oman’s Stability Outlive Sultan Qaboos? 15