Key to Table Abbreviations
Key to Abbreviations Height Soil Type Height of plant, in feet1 - varies from state to state, A Average moisture, soil type soil, growing season, other factors a mixture of loam, humis D Dry soil, average type Cl Clay soil H1 Smallest average height M Moist soil, average type H2 Largest average height W Wet soil, average type .08' = 1" Wa Water's edge or in water .16' = 2" Wd Well-drained soil .25' = 3" .33' = 4" Tolerance .5' = 6" DT Drought Tolerant .66' = 8" WT Wet Tolerant .75' = 9" .83' = 10" Color Spread A All colors, see description Diameter of full grown plant, B Blue in feet, (see above) - Br Brown varies from state to state, soil, G Green growing season, other factors O Orange Determines spacing needs. Pn Pink Spr1 Smallest average spread Pr Purple Spr2 Largest average spread R Red Y Yellow Sunlight W White Amount of sunlight preferred by plant. Usually has range of Attraction sunlight requirements. Follow B Attracts birds requirements carefully. Usually H Attracts hummingbirds Partial Sun plants prefer afternoon Bt Y, attracts butterflies sun, while Partial Shade plants Y1, attracts moths prefer morning sun. GW Y, attracts general wildlife FS Full Sun N, may repel wildlife PS Partial Sun PSh Partial Shade FSh Full Shade Bloomtime Usual time plant blooms, may vary slightly from state to state Bloomtime listed by Month Page 1 TABLE 1 Partial Listing of Kentucky Wildflowers by Common Name See KEY for abbreviation explanation Common Name Scientific Name H1 H2 Spr1 Spr2 S1 S2 Bl1 Bl2 So1 So2 C1 C2 C3 B H Bt GW Aloe, American, or
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