'Baking for Hope'
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Friday, June 28, 2013 THE NORTON TELEGRAM Page 3 New signs for new gun law ‘Baking for hope’ State and municipal buildings buildings on and after Monday, new law and, therefore, con- that legally qualify and wish to July 1. cealed carry permit holders may exclude concealed firearms un- The Legislature in April ap- not lawfully carry their hand- der terms of a new state law will proved House Bill 2052, which guns in the building. have to post new and different includes a requirement that state The proposed temporary reg- signage starting next Monday, and municipal buildings al- ulations are pending approval Kansas Attorney General Derek low concealed carry licensees by the State Rules and Regula- Schmidt said today. to carry concealed handguns tions Board, which will meet In order to make clear to con- unless the building is exempt. on Friday. If adopted, they will cealed carry license holders that One way to be exempt is for take effect the following Mon- a state or municipal building the building to have adequate day, July 1. Permanent regula- has been exempted, the Attor- security measures in place. The tions have also been proposed ney General’s office has pro- Legislature allowed for several and are in the process of being posed temporary regulations other exemptions to this rule, considered. Members of the that would require a modified including allowing the govern- public will have at least 60 days “No Guns” sign be posted at the ing body or administrator of a to submit comments on the pro- entrance to exempted buildings. state or municipal building to posed permanent regulations to The modified signs will state seek six-month and four-year the Attorney General’s office. A that the posted building is a state exemptions by sending notice public hearing on the proposed or municipal building and that it to the Attorney General’s of- permanent regulations will be is exempt from the new statu- fice. Many local governments announced at a later date. tory requirement that concealed have already submitted notices Other changes to the con- carry be allowed. to the Attorney General’s office cealed carry law during the The proposed regulations and of these exemptions. 2013 legislative session in- new signs are available to down- In order to exercise its exemp- cluded the recognition of out- load and print from the Attorney tion, an exempt state or munici- of-state licenses and the privacy General’s website, www.ag.ks. pal building also must post an of concealed carry records. A gov. The old signs, which have appropriate sign. The only sign Frequently Asked Questions been in use for years, may still that will satisfy the require- document has been posted on be used on locations other than ment will be the new, modified the Attorney General’s website, state or municipal buildings, but sign that expressly identifies the www.ag.ks.gov, outlining some they no longer will have any le- building as a state or municipal of these changes. gal effect on state or municipal building that is exempt from the Providing a taste of the old west By Ron Wilson bor whose grandfather had is from scratch.” Beef, beans, Huck Boyd Institute bought it when it was brand new and biscuits are typically on Three young philanthropists decided they wanted to help out the tornado victims in The delegation of Chinese is in 1910. “Technically, we’re the the menu, along with desserts Oklahoma by “Baking for Hope.” Hayley Mordecai, Sydney Kleinschmidt and Katelyn second owners,” Becky said like vinegar pie and buttermilk visiting Kansas. They are having Skrdlant, all of Norton, held a benefit bake sale on Friday at the Jamboree Foods park- dinner with state dignitaries. Is with a smile. pie. We look for recipes that this some formal meal at a fancy Wouldn’t that make an inter- are common for the period and ing lot for the American Red Cross, with all proceeds designated for the Oklahoma Kansas City restaurant? No, it is esting ad? “For sale: One used common for the people.” tornado victims. (From left to right) Jennie Patterson looks over the ‘goodies’, as an authentic chuckwagon meal, vehicle, on second owner, 113 Family and history are impor- Catherine Cox and granddaughter Samantha Scott leave with cupcakes and smiles. prepared by historic re-enactors years old.” tant to them. “My granddaugh- In all, the girls raised $420 and wanted to thank Rich and Dawn Risewick for allowing from rural Kansas. This vehicle was an authentic ter has been rolling biscuits them to set up in the parking lot and Matt and Kelli Wyatt for the use of the trailer. Becky and John Conway are Cooper wagon. Becky and John with me since I had to bring a –Telegram photo by Mike Stephens the historic re-enactors who pro- added a chuck box of antique box for her to stand on,” Becky vided this meal. Becky works wood. Using their cattle brand said. The Conways value carry- for the annual Walnut Valley as the name, they started taking ing these traditions on to future Festival in Winfield, and John is the Rafter JB wagon to festi- generations. an electrician and working cow- vals, historic re-enactments, and Becky and John do chuck boy. But on weekends, they be- chuck wagon cooking competi- wagon meals for neighboring college notes come what they call the Rafter tions. ranches during fall roundup. JB Chuck Wagon Crew. What is a chuck wagon cook- “One day it struck me that I was The Conways live in east- ing competition? It’s about food, fourth generation and this ranch- University awards semester mester honors along with com- Kyle Mindrup, Kaylen Rossi, ern Cowley County. In 1990, but especially about historic ac- er was also fourth generation, honors to more than 3,350 stu- mendations from their deans. Bethany Roy, Dustyna Sprigg a friend invited them to go to curacy. and now our kids were doing dents The honors also are recorded and KaraJo Sprigg the National Cowboy Hall of “We are judged on three this too,” Becky said. “That’s More than 3,350 Kansas State on their permanent academic Phillips County Fame in Oklahoma City where things,” Becky said: “Number why we do this,” she said. “We University students have earned records. Agra: Kayle Holsman and a chuckwagon cooking compe- one, the condition and authen- don’t have a lot of money, but semester honors for their aca- Students earning semester Megan Suchsland tition happened to be underway. ticity of the wagon; number we sure are rich.” demic performance in the spring honors include: Logan: Paige Buss and Kath- “We met Red Steagall’s two, the camp and clothing; and The Conways have been called 2013 semester. Norton County ryn Hartman chuckwagon crew, and they number three, the food.” upon to provide these historic These are students earning a Norton: Maia Carlson, Aman- Phillipsburg: Dustin Aherin, were so nice to us,” Becky said. Typically each crew is given re-enactments for many groups, grade point average for the se- da Delimont, Mariah Farber, Garrett Kennedy and Bethany The Conways got hooked on the same ingredients and asked such as delegations from China, mester of 3.75 or above on at Tonielle Fiscus, Marcus Her- Lennemann this unique enterprise. to prepare them. Russia, Hungary, and France. least 12 credit hours receive se- man, Kent Mann, Taylor Meder, “We have a natural love of his- So John and Becky set up their “We were told that we ended tory,” Becky said. “We grew up camps, wear period clothing, up being their highlight,” Becky in cow country, in the southern and prepare food in the classic said. That’s pretty impressive Flint Hills, so this was a good manner using wood coals and for some historic re-enactors fit.” Chuckwagon cooking was Dutch ovens over campfires. from the rural community of a unique way of capturing and The Conways have won many Cambridge, Kan., population experiencing this history. competitions through the years. 102 people. Now, that’s rural. Becky and John traveled to The prize money essentially It’s time to leave this delega- Texas several years to help out covers their costs. “It’s the brag- tion of Chinese, who are enjoy- with Red Steagall’s chuckwag- gin’ rights (that are important),” ing an authentic chuckwagon WEISER REALTY ons, and his crew encouraged Becky said with a smile. supper prepared by historic re- 214 East Washington - Norton, Kansas them to try a chuckwagon cook- Most weekends from March enactors from rural Kansas. We ing competition on their own. to November, the Conways will salute Becky and John Conway 785-877-2185 The Conways started experi- be competing or simply demon- for making a difference by pre- menting and cooking for neigh- strating chuck wagon cooking at serving and sharing this history. bors. gatherings or festivals. They are providing their guests IS PROUD TO PRESENT In 1993, the Conways bought “It’s a labor of love,” Becky a taste of the old west. a historic wagon from a neigh- said. “Everything we prepare Highway accident reports will soon be online Beginning the first week of and/or the date of the accident. have. July, official copies of Kansas Payment for the reports online For several years, the Patrol Highway Patrol accident reports must be made via credit or debit has maintained online crash logs will be available through an on- card. The cost for the copy of a of injury and fatality crashes. It line system.