New Policy for SMC Registration No Plan Yet for Payment of Damages
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Mostly sunny IRISH EXTRA: Alabama Preview Mostly sunny and mild today, high in the upper 50s. Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday, VIEWPOINT: Football memories low tonight in the middle 30s. L iu High Saturday around 55. VOL. XXI, NO. 52 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1987 the independent newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's New policy No plan yet for SMC for payment registration of damages By LISA M. MONTPETIT By CHRIS BEDNARSKI News Staff News Editor A new registration procedure for The Hall Presidents’ Council decided Saint M ary’s students begins next week T hursday to ask the classes and student in the south lounge of Regina Hall. government to help pay the $1,400 in Before students can register for core food fight damages but did not come classes and electives for the Spring se up with a specific plan for dividing the mester, they must complete an advise bill, said Bob Daley, HPC co-chairman. ment form to be signed by their ad HPC members w ill meet before Mon visors, said Sister Francesca Kennedy day’s student senate meeting to devise of the Registrar’s Office. Students who a form u la , he said. arrive at registration without a com Last Friday, HPC members met with pleted and signed form will be turned John Goldrick, associate vice president away, she said. for residence life. Goldrick said the stu The new registration procedure also dent body as a whole should take enters all class selections directly into responsibilty for the damages which a computer. Students will no longer resulted from the food fights following have to stand in separate lines to obtain the victory over Michigan because as computer cards for each class. Each many as 800 students were involved, student will leave registration with a HPC members said. printed copy of her completed schedule. Registration begins next Monday Goldrick placed no restrictions, guid- with the seniors. The signed advise lines or a deadline on how or when the ment form will be stamped for admit bill should be paid, Daley said. tance into the south lounge. At one of A plan to collect the money through five computer terminals students’ se a fundraiser was rejected, Daley said. lections will be checked for openings. “ That would draw too much attention,” If available, a space in the class is then he said. “ We want to get it out of the reserved. way as soon as possible.” Any pre-registration that took place Though Daley said he hoped the in the departments will already be on whole student body would go along w ith file. The Observer / Mike Moran the plan, “ It’s more important that the The Registrar’s Office recommends The pipe organist at Sacred Heart Church practices for mass this student leaders agree,” he said. weekend. The Church has been undergoing renovations to preserve and see POLICY, page 9 protect its beauty. see DAMAGES, page 9 Hare Krishnas also tricked on-campus students By SCOTT BEARBY firmed reports of solicitations Consciousness (ISKCON), who they believed the people to beday and began to talk to him Assistant News Editor before and after October have been distributing Notre from Notre Dame Appalachia about what a $10 donation break. Notre Dame Assistant Dame hats and stickers in ex groups, but later found out they would mean to a starving fam Notre Dame students on- Director of Security Phil change for donations at football were Hare Krishnas. ily. campus reportedly have been Johnson said his department games. Solicitors opened with the When pressed for informa solicited by the same group of received information “ from a The Observer reported last line, “ We’re going to have to tion by another Fisher resi Hare Krishnas who have con couple of halls.” week that m em bers of ISKCON issue you a citation for having dent, the man said he was from ducted door-to-door campaigns The individuals claim to rep conducted door-to-door cam too much fun,” according to Appalachian Projects and was at Campus View Apartments. resent Appalachian Projects, paigns on Campus View resi Chris Dahlen, a Fisher Hall based in South Carolina. Residents of Alumni, Fisher, an umbrella group of the Inter dents before and after break. sophomore. He said the man Pangborn and Grace H alls con national Society for Krishna Many of those solicited said handed h im a sticker last Tues see DUPED, page 4 A Weekend with Alabama FRIDAY: 4:30 p.m.: Band Rehearsal at Washington Hall. Cease-fire plan is ‘concrete’ 7 p.m.: Pep Rally at Stepan Center. SATURDAY: Associated Press Nicaraguan Cardinal Miguel and Ortega left the impression Obando y Bravo, who has been that the speaker may have 9 a.m. -5 p.m.: Alumni Hospitality Center in the JACC North WASHINGTON -Nicaraguan designated intermediary in agreed to play a role. Dome. Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s alumni, family and President Daniel Ortega, after pending cease-fire talks be friends are cordially invited for refreshments, entertain talks with House speaker Jim tween the Sandinista forces ment, films and information. Wright, said Thursday he has and the Contras, was heading Wright has been an influen 9:30 a.m.: Alcoholics Anonymous. A closed meeting of the come up with a “ concrete pro for Washington and was ex tial figure on the Central Amer AA fellowship will convene in the Center for Social Con posal” for achieving a cease pected to take part in the ican issue and the signs of cerns. fire with the Contra rebels. Friday announcement. cooperation between him and Noon: Performance by Notre Dame cheerleaders and the Ortega, here for a meeting of Congressional sources said Ortega contrasted sharply with Dancin’ Irish in front of the bookstore. the Organization of American last week that Wright had Reagan administration efforts 12:30 p.m.: Perform ance by Shenanigans in the JACC N orth States, told reporters he will declined an offer to serve as a to shun diplomatic contacts Dome. announce his plan on Friday. cease-fire intermediary be with the Sandinistas. 1 p.m.: Glee Club Performance in the JACC North Dome. There were stong hints that tween the Sandinistas and the 1:30 p.m.: Band Concert on the steps of the Administration the proposal would include a Contras because he did not At a news conference B uilding. role for Wright in the efforts tohave the time and felt that such Thursday morning, Ortega ac 2:25 p.m.: Pre-game program in the stadium. reach a cease-fire, but Ortega a role was inappropriate for cused President Reagan of 2:45 p.m.: Football -The Fighting Irish vs. Alabama Crim said he could not provide someone outside of Central reneging on a promise Reagan son Tide. details because “ we’re still Am erica. was alleged to have made last A fte r the game: Alumni Hospitality Center in the JACC refining all of this.” But meetings Wednesday August to hold direct talks with North Dome. As Ortega spoke, and Thursday between Wright Sandinista authorities. page 2 The Observer FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1987 In Brief Market crash should get The first installment of a five-year $1 m illion pledge from Houston Endowment Inc. for the Jesse Jones Faculty Research Development Program has been received by the us to reduce the deficit University. The program funds a computer database for corporate research in the College of Business Administra tion and awards grants throughout the University for fac As long as you’re not an economist, it should ulty research, equipment and travel. Jones was a Houston be clear that a particular Monday during last businessman who served as Secretary of Commerce. The Chris break has spelled the end of an era. Jones program is directed by Dr. Robert Gordon, vice Only a few days after Wall Street laid its president for advanced studies. -The Observer Julka second egg, it looked like some of Our Mother’s very own had taken it right through the nose. Assistant News Editor I had never seen such a deathly quiet crowd of football fans as the one watching the band Of Interest before the USC game. Of course, my fellow busi ness and econ majors continue to reassure me that although Wall Street has gone to the bears, A March for Life information meeting w ill be held all talk about an upcoming depression is a on Sunday at 7 p.m. for all those interested in the annual bunch of bull. But then President Reagan kept march against abortion on Jan. 22 in Washington, D C. repeating “ the economy is fundamentally The meeting will be in the game room of the Haggar sound” while the index fell even further-much College Center at Saint M ary’s. -The Observer like the Wizard of Oz saying, “ Ignore that man behind the curtain.” “Rock Around the World”a m u ltic u ltu ra l Economists ’downplay Crash II because they celebration w ill be taking place at Theodore’s tonight from are in the business of faith -that’s why they 10 to 11:30. It w ill feature Lebanese, Philippine, Hawaiian, call the foundation of our economy a fiduciary Latin, and soul music. -The Observer system. True the stock market has stabilized at a level $1 trillion poorer. To ensure this, Alfred Stepan of Columbia University w ill lecture on however, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan has “ Empowering Civilians in New Democracies: The Role had to lower interest rates-all of which of the M ilitary in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Spain,” amounts to nothing more than another form of at 4:30 p.m.