DOI: 10.17110/StudBot.2016.47.1.41 Studia bot. hung. 47(1), pp. 41–139, 2016 THE GENUS FISSIDENS (FISSIDENTACEAE, BRYOPHYTA) IN HUNGARY Peter Erzberger Belziger Str. 37, D–10823 Berlin, Germany;
[email protected] Erzberger, P. (2016): Th e genus Fissidens (Fissidentaceae, Bryophyta) in Hungary. – Studia bot. hung. 47(1): 41–139. Abstract: All available specimens of Fissidens collected in Hungary and deposited in BP, and the Hungarian collections of the author (B-Erzberger) were revised, altogether more than 1500 speci- mens. Th ese collections are representative of Hungary, therefore their revision is equivalent to the evaluation of Fissidens in Hungary. As a result of this work, the following sixteen taxa were found to occur in Hungary: F. adianthoides, F. arnoldii, F. bambergeri, F. bryoides, F. crassipes, F. crispus (= F. lim batus), F. curvatus (= F. algarvicus), F. dubius, F. exiguus, F. exilis, F. gracilifolius, F. gymnandrus, F. incurvus, F. pusillus, F. taxifolius, and F. viridulus. F. bambergeri and F. crispus are reported for the fi rst time in Hungary. F. crassipes subsp. warnstorfi i is no longer distinguished from F. crassipes subsp. cras sipes, and F. bryoides var. caespitans (= F. curnovii) is excluded. Th ere are doubts with respect to the taxonomic value of F. bambergeri and F. exiguus, but these seem insuffi cient at present to warrant future neglection of these taxa. All Hungarian species are illustrated and described in detail, with notes on habitat and associated bryophytes; their records are shown in a map, and their red list status is briefl y discussed. In addition, descriptions are also provided for all Fissidens species occurring in the countries surrounding Hungary (but not in Hungary: F.