Juniper Green Primary School 20 Mains Wynd, EH14 3EE Tel: 0131 442 2121

Head Teacher: Anthea Grierson E-mail: [email protected] Website: 1st February 2019

Dear Parent

Kung Hei Fat Choi 新年快乐 We were celebrating Chinese New Year today at Assembly so Happy New Year to all our families who are celebrating next Tuesday.

Safer Internet Day Safer Internet Day 2019 will be celebrated at Juniper Green on Tuesday 5th February with the theme: Together for a better internet. In the UK the Safer Internet Day campaign will particularly empower young people to take control of their digital lives and consider how consent works in an online context. It explores how young people ask for, give and receive consent online. This could be in their friendships or relationships, how they take and share images and videos or how they manage their privacy and data. Some pupils will also be looking at how to keep their money safe online. All of these activities will be delivered in an age appropriate manner. At school we constantly encourage our pupils to take steps to stay safe online and we would like to encourage parents to continue these discussions at home. The links below are all good starting points. carers?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0rvOmLeY4AIV4p3tCh3sMg5AEAAYASAAEgJrMPD_BwE 10/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIm7SWtbeY4AIVZr7tCh3hIgTqEAAYAiAAEgI65_D_BwE As a personal plea I would ask parents who allow their children to watch games like Fortnite to reconsider whether their child is emotionally able to cope with such violent games? The age for this game is 12+ and it’s set at this age because younger children find it difficult to manage their emotions and need real life adults and children to play and interact with rather than a computer. We have noticed a change in some behaviours at school that are directly linked to Fortnite. Your support with this is appreciated.

School Uniform At Juniper Green we are very proud of our school uniform. It is so unique in that it offers pupils a great deal of choice and we are definitely a colourful school. Our P7 pupils also really enjoy standing out from the crowd in their lovely, bespoke P7 red hoodies. However we have noticed that a number of pupils have started to wear hoodies to school that are not part of the agreed school uniform and are really for the sports clubs and groups that they belong to outwith school. I would be grateful for parents’ support in ensuring that pupils from P1-6 wear the school colours and allow the P7s to continue to have the slightly different school uniform of the red hoodie.

Safer Routes to School On Wednesday afternoon one of our P4 pupils was involved in a near miss with a car when walking home after school. This incident happened on Baberton Mains Wynd. Can we please ask parents who are driving to school to collect their children to park their cars on Baberton Mains Drive and then walk up to school? Dangerous parking and reversing on the Wynd is putting pupils in serious danger. Please take the time to consider where you are parking or do you need to bring your car at all? Each car that is parked on the Wynd makes it less safe for all the other children to walk. I have contacted our local police to support us with this as I am so concerned about pupils’ safety. We would encourage anyone who would like to be involved in our safer routes to school group to come along to the next meeting on Wednesday 6th March at 9am.

No Poverty Sustainability Group The Primary 6 No Poverty group are raising money for Social Bite, a charity that dedicates their time and effort to make homelessness a thing of the past. We are going to do a sleep out on the 2nd of March. This means we will be experiencing a night without a bed. For Social Bite to achieve this goal, a small donation could help make this happen. Sponsor sheets will be going home with P6s after the holidays to prepare for the Juni Wee Sleep Out. So please, help Edinburgh end poverty for good and donate! Donations can be handed in to the office or Miss Weir in P6A

Messy Church in Juniper Green on Saturday from 3.30-5pm in the Church Hall. There will be afternoon tea, crafts and other activities, and worship. The theme this week is "caring for others" and as part of that you are asked to bring an item for the church's food box going to the food bank. Mr Dewar, Juniper Green Church

Movie Night Save the date-the next family movie night will be Fri 22nd of February. We can only play U certificate films - but if you have a great one at home that’s a real crowd pleaser - suggestions are welcome. Please let the Parent Group know

Parent Group Meeting. Our next parent group meeting is Monday 4th February at 7pm in the upstairs school meeting room. If you are wondering what happens and how to get more involved- all you need to do is come along!

KIDSLOVECLOTHES COLLECTION. It’s so sad there are kids here in Edinburgh without suitable winter clothing to keep them warm- but you can help them in this cold weather. Next week Kidsloveclothes will be collecting from our school and they have especially asked if our parents have any no longer needed winter clothes for boys and girls in age group 2-3, 3-4 and 4-5 years old. Please have a clear out and bring any no longer needed clothes to the school this week. (Ideally labelled with age) Parent Group

Clothes for Care Room Our stocks of pants, tights, socks, skirts and trousers is sadly depleted in the care room especially in younger sizes. If you have any underwear, socks or tights which your child has outgrown we would be pleased to have them donated to the school.

Juniper Green Playgroup The Playgroup are holding a Family Fundraiser in the Village Hall on Sunday 3 February from 12pm – 2pm. There will be a tombola, face painting, fun with Bumblebee Sports, tea, coffee and home baking. Price £1.50 entry for all.

News Flash! Brand New Black fleece-lined coats for sale for £5 On having a clear out of our uniform stock we have found some brand new black jackets. We have a variety of sizes and they will be sold on a first come, first served basis from the office. They will be laid out on a table in reception tomorrow. Helen Galway Business Manager

Treehouse After School Club Treehouse is now able to accept bookings for February break. All the relevant information can be found on our website:

Staffing News We have welcomed Miss Eilidh Harper back to Juni this week from her travels in South America. It is lovely to have her back. She is currently teaching 3B but will return after the February break as the class teacher for P6B. We thank Miss Bowers for all her hard work with P6B and wish her well in her new post at Primary School.

Yours sincerely Anthea Grierson

Head Teacher

School Administrator Juniper Green Primary School 0131 442 2121