Mapping Human Resources for Health Profiles from 15 Pacific Island
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Mapping Human Resources for Health Profiles from 15 Pacific Island Countries Report to the Pacific Human Resources for Health Alliance From the Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub April 2009 Contents Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................. 3 Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 8 Background ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Section 1: Human Resources for Health Country Maps ................................................................. 14 Cook Islands.......................................................................................................................................... 15 Federated States of Micronesia ............................................................................................................. 19 Fiji ......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Kiribati .................................................................................................................................................. 27 Niue ....................................................................................................................................................... 35 Palau ...................................................................................................................................................... 39 Papua New Guinea ................................................................................................................................ 42 Republic of the Marshall Islands .......................................................................................................... 45 Samoa .................................................................................................................................................... 48 Solomon Islands .................................................................................................................................... 52 Tokelau ................................................................................................................................................. 55 Tonga .................................................................................................................................................... 59 Tuvalu ................................................................................................................................................... 65 Vanuatu ................................................................................................................................................. 68 Section 2: In-Country and Regional Education Institutions .......................................................... 71 Section 3: External Partners Providing Assistance in HRH ........................................................... 84 Discussion ............................................................................................................................................. 96 Conclusion and Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 98 References ............................................................................................................................................. 99 Appendices ......................................................................................................................................... 100 Appendix 1: Terms of Reference ........................................................................................................ 101 Appendix 2: Survey Questionnaire Instrument ................................................................................... 102 2 | P a g e M a p p i n g H uman Resources for Health P r o f i l e s f r o m 1 5 Pacific Island Countries Acknowledgements The HRH Hub@UNSW wishes to thank all of the people of Pacific Health Ministries who have helped to progress this document. Thank you for your support, your time, and your valuable contributions. The HRH Hub particularly wishes to acknowledge the guiding support of Dr Ken Chen, Dr Juliet Fleischl, and Ms Monica Fong from the World Health Organization, Suva, Fiji. Special thanks to the project team in developing the mapping profiles: . Ms Jacqui Davison . Ms Michele Vanderlanh Smith . Associate Professor Rohan Jayasuriya . Associate Professor John Hall . Dr Augustine Asante (Ph.D) . Mr Alan Hodgkinson We also wish to thank Ms Lorraine Kerse, who provided technical review assistance, and would like to acknowledge the assistance provided by Ms Michelle Imison, Dr Angela Dawson (Ph.D), Ms Vanessa Traynor and Ms Waireti Amai. If you would like to discuss any of the information in this report or find out more about the HRH Hub then please contact: Associate Professor John Hall, Director, email: [email protected] or telephone: 61 2 9385 8464 Vanessa Traynor, Manager, email: [email protected] or telephone: 61 2 9385 8459 For copies of the report contact Waireti Amai via email: [email protected] or telephone 61 2 9385 8464 or why not download a copy from our website: The Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub is funded through a grant from the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) under the Strategic Partnerships Initiative. 3 | P a g e M a p p i n g H uman Resources for Health P r o f i l e s f r o m 1 5 Pacific Island Countries Acronyms AusAID Australian Agency for International Development ADB Asian Development Bank ADS Australian Development Scholarships ARDA Anglican Relief Development Agency BE Bachelor of Education B Med Bachelor of Medicine BN Bachelor of Nursing CBR Certificate in Community Based Rehabilitation CDC Centre for Disease Control and Prevention CDU Charles Darwin University (Australia) CEO Chief Executive Officer Cert Certificate CHIPs Community health Information Profiles CHE Commission for Higher Education CN Community Nursing CPE Continuing Professional Education CWM Colonial War Memorial Hospital DAC Development Assistance Committee DFaT Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia) DfID Department for International Development (UK) DHA Demographic Health Survey DHS Department of Health Services Dip Diploma DoH Department of Health DOTs Directly Observed Treatment, Short DPH Diploma Public Health EHW Environmental health Worker EN Enrolled Nurse 4 | P a g e M a p p i n g H uman Resources for Health P r o f i l e s f r o m 1 5 Pacific Island Countries FSM Federated States of Micronesia FSMed Fiji School of Medicine FSoN Fiji School of Nursing FTE Full Time Equivalent GDP Gross National Product Gvt Government HSIP Health Sector Improvement Program HR Human Resources HRH Human Resources for Health HRD Human Resource Development IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illness INTV Institute National de Technologie de Vanua IT Information Technology JCU James Cook University (Australia) JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency KANI Kiribati-Australia Nursing Initiative KANGO Kiribati Association of NGOs KIR-EU Kiribati European Union Health Improvement Project KSoN Kiribati School of Nursing LDCs Least Developed Countries LPNs Licensed Practical Nurses MBA Master of Business Administration MBBS Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery MCH Maternal and Child Health MDG Millennium Development Goal M Med Master of medicine MoE Ministry of Education MoH Ministry of Health MoU Memorandum of Understanding MTS Medical Treatment Scheme 5 | P a g e M a p p i n g H uman Resources for Health P r o f i l e s f r o m 1 5 Pacific Island Countries NA Nurse Anaesthetist NCDs Non-Communicable Diseases NDoH National Department of Health NZRDS New Zealand Regional Development Scholarships NGO Non government organization NP Nurse Practitioner NSA Non State Actors NUS National University of Samoa NZAID New Zealand Agency for International Development NZ New Zealand OGI Outer Gilbert Islands OUMS Oceania University of Medicine Samoa PacLII Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute PBL Problem based Learning PCC Palau Community College PHC Primary Health Care PHN Public Health Nursing PHRHA Pacific Human Resources for Health Alliance PICs Pacific Island Countries and Territories PIP Pacific Islands Project (AusAID) PIHOA Pacific Health Officers Association PMU Project Management Unit PNG Papua New Guinea POLHN Pacific Open Learning Health Network POHW Primary Oral Health workers PPP Purchasing Power Parity PPHSN Training in Communicable Disease Surveillance PPTC Pacific Paramedic Training Centre (New Zealand) PREPP Training on pandemic preparedness and outbreak investigation. RAMSI Regional Assistance to the Solomon Islands 6 | P a g e M a p p i n g H uman Resources for Health P r o f i l e s f r o m 1 5 Pacific Island Countries RMI Republic of the Marshall Islands ROC Republic of China RN Registered Nurse SICHE Solomon Islands College of Higher Education SIS Small Island States SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community (New Caledonia, Fiji) SWAp Sector Wide Approach UoA University of Auckland ( New Zealand) UoF University of Fiji UoG University of Guam UoO University of Otago (New Zealand) UN United Nations