'ED 259 791 ETC 850 425 4

AUTHOR Campbell, William Ee; Hemenway,'David A.. TITLE Survey of Montgomery County' Public SchoolEleventh Grade High School Students. INSTITUTION -"Montgomery Coll., Rockville, Md. Office of Institutional Research. PUB DATE Jun 85 NOTE 94p. PUB TYPE Reports Research/Technical (143) -- Testil/Evaluation,Instrumentts (160)

EDRS PRICE MF 1/PC04 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS tE liege Bound Students.; Educational Attitudes; . Wucational Needs; High Schools; *High School Students;.. Questionnaires; School Surveys; *Student Educational Objectives; *Terminal Stgdents IDENTIVUERS Montgonlery County Publi% Schools MD

ABSTRACT In spring 1984, a survey was conducted by (MC) to ascertain the' postsecondary educational goals of gontgomery County Public School (MCPS) 11ih grade students; to understand students' perceptions of MC; to identify thecriteria students use in college selection; and to.assess the'needs of entering students. Students at 18 of the 22 MCPS high schools participated in the survey, and 2,672 (42%) of the 6,301 questionnaires distributed were returned. Study findings included the followi4g: (1) 63% of the students planned to enroll full-time at a four-year college or university, 25% planned to get a job and continue their education, and 14% planned to attend a community college either full- or part-time; () when asked, to rate MC's overall reputation, 7% said it was excellent, 36%good, and 21% poor; while 14% said they did not know how. to rate the college's overall reputation; (3) Asian and Black studentS did not rate MC as positively as Hispanic and White students; and (4.) only 3% heard of MC through a college representative; (6) only 6% of college-bound Students expected their highest degree to be an associate degree or certificate from a community college; (7 73% bf those planning to attend MC'chose the college for reasons; and (8) 37% of, 519 MCPS students were interested in att ding afternoon classes at MC. (LAL)


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Survey of Montgomery S County Public School Eleventh Grade High School Students'


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( Montgomery. College' . kr) Office of Institutional Research QK) o t.gomery.County,

Jung 1985 ,

2 /

Survey of Montgomery County.Public School, Eleventh. Grade High School Students


Montgomery. College Office of Institutional Research Montgomery County.,. Maryland June, 1985

William E. Campbell/ Director . David A. HemenOW, Consultant


h 4 Executive Summary


Montgomery College is a public, multicampus, comprehensive community college established for the primarypurpose of. providing appropriate and essential education and training beyond high school:. In order to maintain its excellent comprehensive educational programs and meet the diverse andchangingneeds of the community which it serves, the Montgomery Collegp Office of Institutional,Research is undertaking .a Cbmmunity AssOssment Study.

The MoPritgomery.College Survey of Montgomery CountyPublic School, of one of five ' EleventhGrade High Sohool Students is part components of the Montgomery College Community Assessment Study. The goals of this survey are to ascertain the post-secondary educational goals of MCPS eleventh'grade students; to understand their, perceptions of Montgomery College and its reputation; to understand the criteria students Use in selecting a post- secondary. educational institution; and to understand the needs and characteristics of students planning to attend Montgomery College.


During the. winter of 1984 MontgomeryCollege personnel, in conjunction with MCPS, developed the questionnaire which was distributed to MCPS. eleventh grade high school students in spring 1984. Eighteenof the 22 MCPS high schools participated in the survey. Fbrty-two percent of the surveys from the 18 schools (2671 of 6301) were returned in a usablevform. The response rate of the individual schools ranged froM a low of four percent to a high of 75%.



Part I: Questions for All Students '.

Approximately 61% of the surveyed MCPS students' current area of study was academic or college preparatory, while 28% were in the general education area. Another seven percent of the stude were in the commercial (business) area and four percent were-.... the vocational program.

The vast majority of MCPS students plan on continuing their formal education after graduating from high school;Sixty-three percent plan on enrolling full-time in a four-yearcollege or university while 25% plan on getting a job and continuing their education. Only three percent of 'the students plan on getting a job and discontinuing their education. Another 14% plan to attend a community college eithe? full-time (8%) or -part-time (6%). There are no major differences betweenmale and female responses to this question except that a,higher percentage of female students (67%) than male students .(61%) plan to enrollip a four- year college or university, full-time. A higher percentage of black (32%) and hispanic (36%) students than white (24%) or-asian (20%) students plan to get a job and continue theireducation. In contrast, altighe:epercentage of asian students (76%) and. white students (68%) than black students (58%).or hispanic students (44%) plan oh enrolling in a four-year college, or university full-time.

When asked what their educational goal was, 64% of the students said they wanted to earn.a college degree and 24% desired to earn a certificate in a technical orprofessional field''. The remainder 4 of the students had other educational goals.'

The following Montgomery College attributes were rated as positiveby more than 80% of the students: it prOvides support services such as counseling, basic skills and vocational-

assessment, and special services for handicappedstudents; it Tips 4 career counselors to assist students in making career:decisiod's; Ft-has transfer counselors to assist students,in transferring to upper division colleges and universitiesvit has a. financial aid office to assist students who qualify; the libraries 'on- each campus are Open-en the weekend; and students can work on campus-. during hours which -are convenient to their class schedUle. The only attribute rated negative by more than 20% of the students was that approximately 20,000 students are enrolled in credit courses at MontgomeryCollege.

When asked to rate Montgomery College's overallreputation, 43% of the students said pit was either excellent (7%) or good (36 %), while 21% of the students rated the College's overallreputation as poor. The College's overall reputation is the only attribute of the College to be' rated as poor by. mbre than '.11% of the students. It is; interesting to note that only 14% of the students said they did not know how to rate the College's overall 11. 'reputation. .Th4.s percentage (14%)..4s 'significantly lessthaA he percentage of students who said ,they. did not knc% bow to rate. other aspect Of-the Collegei:: Students had an opfnion, on the quality of the College's reputation and they expressed it.

Between 54%'and 62% of the students rated thefollowing aspects of the College either.excellent or good while 11%. or less rated them as poor: transfer and lgeneral education academic programs, vocational programs, factjlty, administrators, and tacifities. 'tudents gave these aspects of the College similar ratings.

When asked whether Montgomery. College would be a good place 'to start their college career, 10% of the students said definitely, eyes; 38% said possibly.yes; 36 said no; and 16% did not know: There are no major differencebetween male and female students on this queStion. While 58% f the hispanic students and 48% of the white students said Mon gomeiy'College is a good{ place to start' a college career, o ly 34% of the asian and44% of the black! students said this. Conversely, a higher percentage .of asian 4.students (48%) than white (38%), black (33%) or hispanic (23%) students said Montgomery College is not a good place to start acolleg4Itcareer.

When asked whether MOntgomery College isia good place to getIn inexpensiveeducation, 25% of the students said definitely yes;. 53% said. possibly yes; seven percent said no; and 15.% of the did not know whether Montgomery College is a good place students . to get.an inexpensive edUcation.

The two major ways students found out about Montgomery. College were through friends (63%) and through teachers, counselors or other high school personnel (20%).

Part II Questionsfor'College Bound Students

When college bound students.were asked what .type of college theydan to attend after graduating from high sitiool, 51% said a publi1 four-year' college or university, 28% said a private college or university, and 23% said a public two-year community college such as Montgomery College. The remaining students said'a trade or vocational school or a private two-ye college. There aTe no significant differences betweenmale4a female students responses to this question. A higher perc ntage f hipanic students (46%) than black (20%), asian (16 ) or white (21%) students plan to start their college careers at a public two- , year community ci4lege,such as Montgomery College. The majority of the black (55%), asian (56%) and 'white (53%) students plan to attend a public four-year college or university. Only 37% of the 'hispanic students plan to attend a public four-year college or university.


Lie r I. :it ;". . "'; .,, Students' said .the, five mostimport4nt criteria Obey used to selftetpa college oeuniversity were: acad4mic reputation (44%), reputation' of desired availability . desired courses (41%), of. program (30%), location of college (19%), and availability finapal aid (14%).

'Seventy-three4wpercent of the college-bound students. plan to- attend college full-time and tenpercent plan to attendpart-time while 17% were, uncleci ed 'about theircollege attendance status. ,

Twenty-even percent of the college bound. students' highest degreelikpectaXion was a bachelor's degree, 20%.desire a master's, degree, 19% desire a professionaldegree and the remainder either were undecided about their degkeeaspiratialps or they selected other degrees. Only six percent of the students desiZe, as. community college 'degree as their highestdegree.- 51% of the ' When asked who will pay for theircollege education, students said their .parents/guardians, 37% said self with parent's/guardian's help,'27% said student financial aid, 17% said self, and 11%'said it ,was undetermined atthis time.

Sixty-seven percent of the.collegebound students plan on, working 1 part-timewhile attending' college, six percent plan onworking full-timewhile 27% do not plan on working while they attend their college.(Table 33)

Part III Questions for StudentsInterested IK Attending Montgomery College

When students who wereinterested in attending Montgodery College were asked what typeof general program they were mostinterested in, 35% said a trapsfer degree, 26% said a career aegree, %even percent said a career certificate, and 35% were undecided about their program Of study.

Thirty-seven percent of the students who wish 'to attend MontgomeryCollege plan to attend the semester aftertheir high school graduation. Of the high school studentswho plan on' attending' Montgomery College, 2'8% do not plan on attending the fall semester following theirhigh school graduation and 35% are undecided about when they willattend'Montgomery College. Of the 2671 student who responded.to the survey, 317 (12%) plan to attendMontg mery College the fall semesterfollowing their high school gradu tion. 0

When asked hich campus Montgomery Collegebound' students were planning to attend, 17%,thaid the Germantown Campus, 62% said the .Rockville ampus, 11% 'said the'Takoma'Park Campusand 16% are undecided n whichicampus theywill'attend.


iv they When asked why they chose the Montgomery College campus campus's selected to attend, 73% of the students said the convenience, 15% said the program of interest16 on that ca-mpus, saidmost of their friends go to that campds, and other . 10% reasons were selectedby less than ten percentof.the students.

While 32% of the studiehte plan to requestfinanci'al aid .from Montgomery College, 31% do not, and 37% have not determined wheher they will be requesting anyfinancial aide

Part IV Recombendations graduating from high 1) When asked what their plans were after school, 39% of the students saidthey were planning 0 either get in a community a job and continue their education or enroll college. Efforts should be made to ensurethat these students are adequately informed of the eductional opportunities -at Montgomery College. College, 2) When asked to rate various aspects of Montgomery 'between 17 and 74 percent of the students wereundecided on .how to rate the College. This indicates that these high school students do not have a clear perceptionof the, College, how well their it is carrying out its mission, or hoW it may serve educational needs. A greater effortshould be made to inform MCPS students about Montgomery College, its accomplishmentsl.and what it can do for them.

3) The College's overall reputationis the only attribute of the College to be rated poor by morethan 11% of the students. Only the 14% gq the students said they did not know how to rate College's overall reputation. Students have aclear perception of MontOmery College's reputation. Efforts should be made to enhance the College's reputationwith SCPS high school students.; black 4) Further research should try toascertain why asian and and MCPS hj..gh school students were not aspositive ashispanic white students were aboutMontg5mery College as a place to start their college careers. It is particularly' interestingthat asian- high school stu ts did not think as highly of Montgomery College oth r ethniC groups because MontgomeryCollege' asian student's tend to ate the College higher thanother ethnic groups on various Montgo eryCollege suryeys.

5) When asked how they heardaboUt Montgomery College, only three percent 'of the students hive heard of it through a College representative. The College may wish to furtherinvestigate ways to increase the impact of College representatives on MCPS high school students.

Illoada gifts*

8 V A AA, I

Jr what .their highest 6) Whencollege bound students were asked degree expectation was, onlysix percent said theyexpected their highest degree to be an associate orcertificate from a 'community a. low college. Further research should investigate why such percentage 'Of MCPS highschool students seek acommunity college their highest degree= Is this because theywant to degree as they Obtain an AA and continuefol. a, bachelors or is itbecause do not see the valueof" an associate degree as aterminal degree?

7) When students coo wereplanning to attend aMontgomery: College campus were. asked whythey chose that campus,73% of the students, The indicated the convenient of the campus they chose. of the 'major convenience, attending.Mbntgomery College is one drawing cardS o the College. Further study should investigate waysof.further improving the conveniencefor studentsattending MontgomeryPC011ege' since. it is soimportant to them. , interested 8) A Si,gnificant percentage(37%) of MCPS students are Morning in attending afteknoon classes at Montgomery College. classes have been scheduledfor traditional students.The College.. like- to should investigatewhich classes these studentswould take, in theafternoon/when.the College facilities are utilized. less than in the morning hours.



9 vl. 11.1

61 ,r 4, "l

Table of Contents


ExecutiVe'Summary 4 Table of Contents . 4 8 ) ./ List of Tables I. Introduction

Methodolocty 1

Findings From the MCPS Vey Grade , 4 High School' Student Survey

Part Questions for All 4 Part (II. Questions for Colle 18 Bound Students Part Questions, for Students 23 Interegled in Attending Ifrontgomdry College

IV. Recommendations 33 S

V. Appendix I 35

VI. Appendix II 72



Table 1 2 High School dkesponse Rates Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey

Table 2 Characteristics of Students Who Responded to the Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentStlelloy

Table 3 4 Student's Current .Area of Study- Montgqmery College MCPS High'SchoolStudthlt survey.

T.able 4 5 Student's Plans ImmediatelyAfter, Completing High School Montgomery. College MCPS High School StudentSurvey.

Table 5 6 Student's Plans ImmediatelyAfter Completing High School Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey

by Sex .

Table 6 t 7 Student's Plans ImmediatelyAfter' Completing High School Montgomery College ,MCPS High School Student Survey by Race

e Table 7 8 sis Student's Educatipnalaal MontgomeryCollegg MCPS High School ,StudentSukypy

Table 8 Student's Ratings ofMontgoMery College Attributes MontgoMery College MCPS tligh ZchoolStudentSurvey


11' vi

1 10 Table 9 Student's Perception of ; Montgomery College' WerallReputation ,Montgomery College MCPS High SchoolStpdent Survey

u , 11 Table 10 a Student's Rating of MontgomeryCollege's Transfer and Geral EducationAcademic Programs

Montgomery COlege t MCPS High SchoolStudent Survey

Table 11 , StUdent's Rating of MontgomeryCollege's * Vocational. Programs *.mic..., MonUjomery College , 'MCPS High SchoolStudent.Survey

Table .12 Student's Rating of MontgomeryCoilege Faculty Montgomery College MCPS High SchollStudent Survey

Table 13 12 Student's Rating of MontgomeryCollege. Administrators Montgomery College' MCPS High SchoolStudent Survey 12 - Table 14 Student's Rating ofMontgomefrEollege Facilities Montgomery College i MC High School Student Survey

Table 15 13 tudent's Evaluation ofMontgomery College As a Good College To StartCollege Career Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey , r Table 16 114 On. I Student's Evaluation of MontgomeryCollege As a Good.C61lege To StartCollege reer,

Montgomery Colley* - MCPS High School' Student,Surfey by'Sex .., 14 Table. 17 A Student's Evaluation ofMontgomeryCtialege Asa Good College. To StartCbllege Career Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey , bY Race

qh J.12 '

Table 18' 14 Does Student Think Montgomery{College Is a Good Place to Get an:Ine!cpensive

Education'' .* Montgomery College MCPS High schbol StudentSurvey


!Tqle 19 . .How Student First Learned Ab9ut Montgomery,College

Montgomery College ' MCPS High School Student Survey . OP

Table' 20 0 15 Student's Favorite 1Cadio Station Montgomery College, MOPS High.School Student Survey

16 Table 21 . When Students Listen' To Radio Montgomery College MCPS HighSchool Student Survey

Table 22 16 Student's Favorite Television Station' Montgomery College . MCPS High $chool Student'Survey

Table ,23 16 When Student's Watch Television Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

Table 24 '17. StudIplei Favorite Newspaper Montgomery College "MCPS ,High School' Student Spivey

-4 17 Table 25 A Have Any Members of Studerkt'sFamily Attended Montgomery Collegb MontgOmery College MCPS High School.Student Survey

Table 26 Iv 18 Type of College Students Plan to Start Their College Career At. u Montgomery College -' MCPS High Scho81,StOent Survey Ii,

Table 27 19 Type of College StudentsPlan to Start Their College Career At Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey by Sex /Table 28 20 Type of College StudentsPlan to Start Their College Career At Montgomery College MCPS High SchoolStudentc'Survey by Race

Table 09 21 Criterion Students Feel IsMost.Impoftant In Selecting a College orUniversity Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey

Table 30 . 21

Student's Planned College Attendance IlL MontgomerY'College MCPS -High School Studerit Survey Ir Table 31 22 Student's Highest DegreeExpectation Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey

Table 32 22 Who Will Pay For,Student's College Education? Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

rf Table 33 23 Does Student Plan on Having ajob While Attending College? Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey

Table 34 23 Type of Program Student IsMost I,nterestedIn 14. Montgomery College MOPS High School Student'Surey 24 Table 5 Student's Major Area of Study Montgometiy College ,MCPS High School StudentSurvey

4, 14xi 1

26 Table 36 Does Student Plan toAttend Montgomery College The Fall aomesterFollowing Graduation?'" t Montgomery College MCPS High 'SchoolStudeitt Survey 26 Table 37 Which Montgomery CollegeCampus Does Student Plan on Attending? Montgothery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey

Table 38 Student's Reason ForChoosing Mon!tgomery College Location Montgomery College Student Survey t MCPS High School 4 27 Table 39 Days StudentsPrefer to AttendMontgomeri'College Montgomery College MCPS High SchoolStudent Survey 28 Table 40 , When Students Prefer,toAttend Montgomery College Montgomery College MCPS High SchoolStudent Survey 28 Table 41 Studeqt's PreferredClass Schedule For a Three CreditCourse Montgomery College tCPS High SchoolStudent Survey. 29 Table 42 How .Students WillCommute to MontgomeryCollege Mohtgomery College MCPS High SchoolStudent Survey 29 Table 43 4/. Time of Student's Commute toMontgomeryCollege MontgOmery College MCPS High SchoolStudent Survey

Table 44 30 Will Student peRequesting.Financial Aid? Montgomery College MCPS High SchoolStudent Survey 30' Table 45, If Handicapped,Efts Studeht Need Afiy Special SupportServices? Montgomety College MCPS High SchoolStodent Survey

xii 15 6'

Table 46 31 Will Handicapped StudentRequire Special Support' Services? Montgomery College `. MCPS High School StudentSurvey

Table 47 3110 If Handica ped,Whatikssistance Will Students Need In Im rovi g One or Moreof the Following Skills? Montgo College MCPS High School StudentSurvey 31 Tatble 48 Is English StudentsFirst Language? Montgomery College MCPS High SchoolStudent Survey

.32 Table '49. Does Student WantMontgomery CollegeInformation? Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey

Table 50 32 Type of MontgomeryCollegeInformation Requested by Student, Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey


Montgomery College is a public, multicampurs, comprehensive community college established for the primary purpose of prov.iding appropriate and essential educationand training beyond high school. In order to Maintain its excellent comprehensive education41 programs and meet the diverse and changing4nebds of the coMmunitywhich it serves, the kontgomery College Office of Ipstitutional Research is undertaking a Community Needs Assessment Study.

The Montgomery College SurVey of Montgomery CountytPublic School Eleventh Grade High School Students is part of one of five components of the Montgomery College Community 'Assessment Study. The goals of this survey are to ascertain the post-secondary educational godls ofMCPS eleventh grade students; to understand their perceptions of Montgomery College and its reputation: to understand the criteria' students use n selecting, post- secondary educational institution; and to nderstand the needs and characteristics of students planning toattendMontgomery College.


During the winter of 1984 Montgomery College personnel, in conjunctionwith MCPS, developed the questionnaire which was distributed to.MCPS eleventh grade high school studentsin spring 1984. Eighteen of the 22 MCpS high schools participated in the survey. Forty-two percent of the surveys from the 18 schools (2671 of 6301) were returned in a usable form. The response rate of the individual schools that participated in the studyranged from a low of four .percent toa high of 75%.(Table 1)

Forty-five percent 'of the students who responded to the survey were male. The race/ethnicity of the respondents was: american indian, three percent; black, 11%; asian, eight percent; hispanic, four percent; white, 70%; and other,' four percent. Seventeen percent of the respondents had an "A"average; 49% had. a "B" average; 32% had a "C" average; and two percent had a "D" average. Twenty-five percent of the respondents lived in the upper section of the County, 46% lived in the middle section of the County, and 29% liv4 in the lower section of thecounty. (Table 2)


1 17 Table 1, High School Response Rates Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

. High School, Number Number Percent Distributed Completed C'ynpleted

Bethesda Chevy Chase 456 208 46% Blair 439 222 51% Damascus 269 111 41% Gaithersburg 47Q 64 14% Kennedy 380 176 46% Magruder 296 213 72% 195 65% NOrthwood . 298 52% Paint Branch 359 / 1+87 Peary 235 125 53% Poolesville 107 75 70% Richard Mqntgomery 236 ;67 28% Rockville 417 312 75% Seneca Valley 639 173 27% Sherwood 290 129 44% Springbrook 490 122 25% 'Walter Johnscin 251 122 49% ,C Wbedwaid 257 11 4% Wootton 412 159 39% 6301 2671 42% Total 40.


2 18 Table'2 Characteristics of Students Who Responded to The Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

Number Percent Sex

Male 1039 4145% Female 1268 55%

Total 2307 100%


American Indian 67 3% Black 242 11% Non-Hispanic . Asian 173 Wt.' Hispanic 90 .. 4% White 1570 70%

Non-Hispanic L. Other 97 4%

Total 2239 100%

Student's Current Grade Average

A 381 k 17%. B .1065 49% C .706 3.2%

D . 51 2%

Total 2203 100 %,'

Student's Home Zipcode *

Upper Area 534 25% Middle Area 977 46%

Lower Area 619 . 29%

Total 2130 100%

* The upper regibn includes zip codes:20703,20704,24720,2:0734, 20750,20753,20760,20767,20833,20837,20838,20839,20841,2082, 208.55,20871,20812,20874,20877/20878,20879,21771.

The middle region includes zip codee: 20034,20702,20727,20729, 20730 ,20731,20810,20832,20.850, 20851,20852,24853,20854,,20860,

20861,20862,20866,20868,20880,20904,20906. . kt.'"

The lower region includes zip ebdes: 20012,20014,20015,20016, , 20.766,20795,20812,20814,20815,20816,20817,20818,20895,20896, 20901,20902,20903,2090520907,20910,20912,20914,20937,20951, 20953,20954,195720960,20963,2G966,20985.


e Part I: Questions for All Students

Approximately 61% of e surveyed MCPS students' current area of study was academic or college preparatly, 28% were in the general education ea. Another seven percent of the students were in the commercial (business) areawhile four percent were dr the vocational program. (Table 3)

Table 3. Sptident's Current Area of Study Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

Number. Percent

Academic or college preparatory 1552 6.1% Commercial (business) 171 7% General 'education 717 28% Vocational program' 104 4%

Total 2544 100%

The vast majority of-MCPS students plan on continuing their formal education after graduating from high school. Sixty -three percent plan on enrolling full-time in a tour-year college or university '.while 25% plan on getting a job and continuing their education. Only three percent of the students plan on getting a job and discontinuing their edbcation. Another 14% plan toattend a* community college either full-time (8%) or part-time (6%). There are no major differences between male andfemale responses to this question except that a higher percentage of female students (67%) than male students (61%) plan toenroll in a four year college or university full-time. A higher percentage of black (32%) and hispanic (16%) students than wtrrt-&-(24%) orasian (20%) students plan to get a job and continue theireducation. In contrast, a higher percentage of asian (76%) and white (68%) black (58%) or hispanic (44%) students plan onenrolling in Lour-year college or university full-time. (Tables 4,5,6)

, 411444:;-,,

4 20 Table 4 Studeneb Plans Immediately After CompletingHigh School Montgomery College MCPS )sigh School Student Survey

Number Percent

Get a job; discontinue 80 3%

formal .education

Get .0 job; contipue education 669 25%

Go into the military Service 1313 *5%

Enroll in a two-year community 171 6% college; part-time f

Enroll in a two-year community . '205 8% college; full-time

Enroll'in a four-year college or 149 6% university; part-time

Enroll in a'fodr-yearcollege or 1687 63% university; full -time

Enroll in' a technical Or 140 5% trade school

Undecided 272 10%

2663 * .Total , * Percentages are based upon total number ofstudents responding to the question; therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may make mire_than one responge.



5 21 1

Table 5 Student's Plans Immediately AfterCompletin High School Montgomery College MCPS,High School ,Student Survey by Sex

Male Female Total

Get a job; discontinue1 3% 3% 3% foimel education

Get a lob; continueeducation 26% 25% 25%

Go into the militaryservice ,9% 2% . 5%

Enroll in a two-yearcommunity 7$ 7% 7% collegeo part-time / , . Enroll in a tWo-yearcommunity 7% 9% 8% college; full-time

Enroll in a four-year college or 6% .5% 5% university; pirt-time

Enroll in a four-yearcollege or 61% 67% 65% university;. full-time

Enroll in a technical or 7% 4% 5% trade school 10% Undecided 12% 9%

Total Number * 1035 1268 2303**

* Percentages are based upontotal number of studentsresponding one to.the question; therefore, percentages total more than hundred percent since students maymake more than one response.. did not ** Since 360 students who did respondto this question respbnd to the question asking'fortheir sex, they could not be included in this table.


6 6 Student's 'Plans Immediately AfterCompleting High School re Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey. by Race Black Asian Hispanic White OtherTotal

Get a job; discontinue 3% .2% .3% 5% 3% formal education 25% 16ta job; continueeducation 32% PO% 36% 24% 7% Go into the military service 12% 2% 11% 3% '% 5%

Enroll in a two-year community 8% 2% 12% 6% 0% 6% college; part-time

Enroll in a two-year community 5% 4% 11% 8% 7% 8% college; full-time

Enroll in a four-year college 5V. 8% 8% 5%, 6% 5%

or university; part-time ,

Enroll in a four-year college 58% 76%, 44% 68% 51%.- 66% or university; full-time

Enroll in a technical or 10% 6% 8% 5.% 5% . 5% trade school

Undecided 7% 4% 11% 10% 17% 10% 2235** Total Numicipr * "241 172 90 1568 164

* Percentages are based upontotal num6er of students responding to the question; therefore, percentages total more thanone hundred gprcent since students maymake more than one response. not ** Since 428 students who did respond tothis question did respond to the question asking fortheir race, they could not 4 be ipcluded in this table.

7 S 23 64% of the students . Whenasked what their educationl goal was, said they wanted to earn a collegedegree and 24% desired to earn a certificate.°T0 atechnical or professionalfield. The remainder of the .students. had' other educationalgoals. (Table 7) Table 7 I Student's Educational Goal Montgomery College MCPS HigH SchoolStudent' Survey. Number Percent

Prepare for a vocation 158 6% Take college courses for 91 4% self enrichment Take college courses to improve 1A3 t% certain vocational skills Earn a certificate in a.technical 618 24% o. or professional field r Earn a college degree 1672 64% Other 154. 6%

Total 2635 * Percentages are based upon totalnumber of students responding to the question; therefore, percentages total mofe than one hundred percent since students maymake more than one response.

The following Montgomery' College -attributeswere, rated as positive by more than 80% of the students: it provides support services such as counseling, basic skills and vocational assessment, apd special servicesfor handicappedstudents; it has -career counselorso-assist_students.in making. career decisions; it has transfer counselors_ to' assiststudents in transferring to upper division colleges anduniversities; it has a financial aid .office to assist students who qualify; the libraries on each campus are open on the weekend; and'etudents can work on'caMpUs hours convenient to their class schedule. The onlyattribute rated negative by more than 20% q the studentswas that approximately 20,000 students are enrolled incredit) courses at Montgomery College. (Table


8 24` Il

1 Table:"8 Student's Ratings of Montgomery CollegeAttributes Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

Feel It Is . No Positive 'Negative Opinion

ApproAMately 20,000 students are 44%- 21% 35%. enrolled in credit courses 15 %' 27% It has three campuses ' 58% The College offers a*two-year . 56% 11% 33% (AA) degree , A typical three-credit course costs 55%. :14%. 2%

approximately $100 in tuition ,

and fAs .,' it provides support services such as. 83:% 3% .14% counseling, basic skills_apd voca- tional assessment, andspetial services for handicapped students. Approximately 72%.of its students 56% t5%. combine work and school , ',. It has career counselors to assist ,89%. 3% students in'making career decisions. It hap transfer counselors toassist 86% 3% students in transferring to upper division colleges and universities 18% Its.voseational-oriented programscan .40 78% 5t, enable most students to gain employment Over 50% of its graduates transferto 68% 9% 23% "men upper divigdon'college . It has an extensive athletic program 66% 7%.: 27% It has an extensive cultural arts 61% 6% 33% program The average class size is under 25 79% 8% It has a financial aids office to 86% 3% assist students who qualify The libraries on each campus are 87% 3% 10% open on "the weekend Students can wok on campus hours 87% 2% 11% convenient to their class, schedule .

Ilk.. The .number of stud76 responding to eachof these questions is between 2,544 and 2, 88.

ti When asked to rate various aspects of Montgomery, College.; opinion tended to rate theCollege positively a st4dentS, who had ah (excellent or good) or neutrally(fairj..While a large percentage the College, of students said -they didn't-knowenough to rate very few rated anyaspect of.theCollbge as poor. The percentage who either did not know how torate the College or of students to' 74%. were .undecided how they,would rateit ranged from 17% Because of this anadjusted percentage based Uponthose students, computed for each of these who did- rate the College has been questions. 43% Whenasked to rate MontgomeryCollege's overall reputation, good (J6%) of the students said it waseither excellent (7%) or reputation while 21% of the students ratedthe College's overalr attribute A as poor. The College's overallreputation is the only 11% of the of the College to be rated as poor by morethan students. It is interesting tonote that only 14%oftthe students College's 'overall said they did not 'know how .torate the This percentage (14%) issignificantly less than the reputation. rate percentage -of students who 'said they did notknow how to on the other aspects of the College. Students had am opinkah quality of the College'sreputation and they expressedit. (Table 9) 54% and 624 of the studentsrated the followingaspects Between less grated of the College either excellentof good while 11% or them as poor: transer,arrd generaleducation academi programs, facilities. vocational programs, faculty, administrators, an Students gave'these aspectsof the College similar atings. (Tables 10,11,12,13,14) Table 9 .Student's.Perceptio,n Of. MontgomeryCollege's. Overall'Reputation Montgomery College 0' JCPS,High School StudentSurvey

Number Percent Adjusted 0 Percent

Excellent 140 5% 7% Good 787 30% 36% Fair 789 30% 36% Poor 450 18% 21% Undecided 69 3% Don't know 368 14%.

Tbtal 2603 , 100% 100%


26 '10 44. I

Table 10. Student's Rating of MontgomeryCollege's Trahsfer and General Education AcademicPrograms Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Sufvey

Number Percent Adjusted Percent 4 3% 7% Excellent 74 - 546 21% 55% Good ' .4 ,. 31% Fat r 314 : 12% 7% ' 3% Poor 1: 67 Unddcided 125 - 5% amor 4 . 0811. Don't know 1467 56% 100% .Total 2593 100%

Table 11 Student's. Rating of MontgomeryCollege's Vocational Programs . Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

number - Percent Adjusted .Percent 0

Excellent 63 2% 8% Good 430 17% 53% 33% Fair 11% Poor 49 2% 6% Undecided 17300 Don't know 41669 :41\ I 2584 100% . 100% Total' .

Table 12 gtudent's Rating of Montgomery'College Faculty Montgomery College MCPS High School StudentSurvey

Number Percent Adjusted. 'Percent

Excell.eA. 80 3% 11% -Good 371 14% 488 Fair 234 * 9% 31% Poor 75 3% 10% 67 3% 11001 . Undecided Don't know .1756 L§P% awl



6 4% I 11_ 27 "4

r. ,'. 0 ILA_ AO

Table 13 Student's Rating ofMontgomery CollegeAdministrators Montgomery College MCPS High SchoolStudent Survey Number Percent Adjusted Percent

9% 5.9 2% Excellipt 45% 298 . 12% GOod .35% F4ir , ?28 9% : 11% Poor /,' 72 3% 83 3% Undecided - Don' know 1847 71% 2587 100% . Total

Table 14 Student's Rating ofMontgomery CollegeFacilities Montgomery College f MCPS High SchoolStudent Survey Number Percent Adjustell Percent

11% Excellent 152 6% 723 28% 54% Good , 383 15% 29%. Fair 6% Poor 80 3% Undecided 77 3% =MP Dolft know. 1165V 44k 100% , 100% Total . 2580

,,,t tot Whether Montgomery Collegewould beagood place When asked " dbfinitely start their college career, 10% of the studentssaid 36% said no; and 16% did not know. yes; -38%said, possibly yes; students are no majordifferences between maleand female There students and488 of on'this question. While 58% of the hispanic students said MontgomeryCollege is a good place to the white of the college career, only 34% of the asianand 44% start a a higher percentage of black students said this. Conversely, (48%) than white (38%), black (33%), or 'hispanic a Jan' students place to students said Montgomery Collegeis not a good reputation among a t a college career. Igo gomery College's ,41 as it is among/'other ethnic groups. .2'1 ,-. students is not as goo (Ta Or es .0,16,17) *





lf . Table 15 Student's Evaluation of MontgomeryCollege As a Good College To Start College 'Career Montgomery College 4 MCPS High Schoc4 Student Survey Number Percent.

62 10% ' Definitely, yes Possibly yes 974 38% No 941 36% .Do not knoIW 406 16%

Total 2583 100%

A Table 16 Student's Evaluation of MontgomeryCollege As a Good College To Start College Career

Montgomery College: . MCPS High SchOol Student Survey by Sex it

Male Female Total

Definitely yes 9% 11% 10% 38% Possibly yes = 39% 38% 34% 38% 36% . No . Do not know 18% 13% 16% 100% Total Percent 100% , 100% 1252 ,2270 * 40tal Number . 1018 thisquestiondid not * .Since 401 students.41.46 did ,respond to respond to the question askingfor their sex, thelly could notbe included in this table. #



1?? '.' ; V .

Table 17 Student's Evaluation of MontgomeryCollege As a Good College To Start CollegeCareer Montgomery College : MCPS High.School Student Survey by Sex

'Black Asian Hispanic WhiteOther Total

Definitely yes 9% 7% 16% 10% 14% 10% Possibly dies 35% 27% 42% 38% 44% 38%. 37% No 40k 33% 48% 23% 38% 27% Do not know 23% 18% 19% 4% 15% ' 15%

Total Percent 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Total Number* 239 170 88 1550 159 2206 this question did not * Since 465 students who did respond to respond to the question asking their race, they could not be included in this table. °

lb. When asked whether Montgomery Collegeis a good place to getan inexpensive education, 25% of the students saiddefinitely yes; 53% said possibly yes; seven percent said no; and 15.% of the students did not know whether MontgomeryCollege is a good place to get an inexpensive education.(Table 18) Table 18 Does Student. hink MontgomeryCollege Is a Could Place To Get anInexpensive Education? Montgomery College' MCPS High School Student Survey

Number Percent

Definitely yes 637 25% Possibly yes 1366 53% No 179 . 7% Don't Know 398 15%

Total 2580 100%

14 30. rr

t, The two major ways students found 'out about MontgOmeryCollege were throUgh friends (63%) and through teachers, counselors or other high school personnel (20%).(Table 19)

Table 19 - How Student First Learned About Montgomery College Montgomery College MCP$ High School Student Survey

Number-Jo' Perdent

This questionnaire 110 4% Material mailed to home address 172 7% Through teachers, counselors 502 20% or other high school personnel From a college representative 87 3% From the news media 104 .4% Through friends 1596 63% Other 554 .22% IP Total 2553 * * Percentages are based upon total number of studentsresponding to the question; therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may make more than one response.

The three most popular radio stations that studentslisten to are WAVA (31%), WWDC (29%), and WKYS (17%). TweAty-nine percent of the students listen to the radio in the morning, 28% listen in the afternoon, and 43% listen in the evening. (Tables20,21)

Table 20 Student's Favorite.Radio S't'ation Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey Number Percent

WASH 149 6% WWDC (DC101) 751 29% WINX 20 1% WAVA 783 31% WKYS 446 17% WMAL 28 r% WTOP 35 1% 41% Other .1 . 1047

Total 2571 Percentages are'based upon total number of students responding to the question; therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may make more than one response.

31 ti Table'21 When Students Listen To Radio Montgomery College MCPS High School'Student Survey Number Percent

Morning 206 29% Afternoon 195 28% Evening 302 43%

Total 703 100% When asked what their favoritetelevisionstations are, students said` WJLA (49%), WRC (32%), WDVM (20%), and WTTG (16%). The /majority of the students watch television' during the evening . v(83%).(Tables 22,23)

Table 22 Student's Favorite Television Station Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

'Number Percent

4 (WRC) 809 32% 5 (WTTG) 407 16% 7 (WJLA) 1222 49% 9 (WDVM) 489 ,20% 26 (WETA) 81 3%' Other 275 1L% 2497 . Total * Percentages are based upon total numberof students responding to the question; therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may make more than one response.

Table 23 When Studen Watch Television MontgeryoN College MCPS High School Student Survey Number Percent

Morning 21 1% Afternoon 248 16% Evening 1317 83%

1586 100% . Total


16 32 The two newspapers read most by students arethe Was-hington Post (78%) and the Montgomery Journal (18%).Other newspapers are.read by ten percent or less of. thestudents. (Table 24)

Table 24 Student's Favorite New4paper* Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey Number Percent

Gaithersburg Gazette 231 9% Washington Times 72 . 3% USA Today 133 5% Montgomery Sentineil 72 3% Washington Post 2002 78% Montgdmery Journal 470 -I 18% Student's high-school paper 251 .10% Other 124 5% ar Total 2560 *

* Percentages are based upon 'totalnumber of students responding to the question; therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may plaice morethan one response.

Thirty-four percent of 'the students said members of their immediate families had attended MontgomeryCollege. .(Table 25) Table 25 Have Any Members of Student'sFamily Attended MontgoTery College Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey Number PercAt

Yes 01 859 34%, No 4 1629 64% Do not know 53 2%

Total 2541 100%


17 33

ar:1111 Part IIQuestions for College Bound Students

When college bound students were asked what type of college they plan7to attend aftergraduating from high school, 51% said a publicfouf-year oollege or university, 28% said a private college or university and 23% said a public two-year community college such as Montgomery College. Theremaining students said a trade or vocational school or aprivate two-year college. There are no significant differerIcesbetween male and female students responses to this question. A higher percentage of hispanic students (46%) thanblack (20%), asian (16%) or white (21%) students plan to start their college careersat a public two- year community college'such as Montgomery College. Themajority Of the black (55%) , asian (56%) and white-(53%) studentsplan to attend a public four-year college oruniversity. Only 37%.of the hispanic students, plan to attend a public four-yearcollege or university. (Tables 26, 27, 28)

Table 26 Type of College Students Plan toStart Their College Career. At MontgoMery College MCPS High School Student Survey Number Percent

Private two-year college 41 2% 4Public two-year community college 548 23% such as Montgomery College Private four-year college 675. 28% or university Public four-year college 1227 51% or university Trade or vocational school 94 4%

Total 2585

* Percentages arebaied upon total number of students responding to the question;' therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may. make morethan one response.

18 34 4, Table 27 Type of College Students Plan to Start Their College Career At

Montgomery College , MCPS High School Student Survey

by Sex .

Male Female Total

Private. two-year college 1% 2% 2%

. .. Public two-year community college 24% 22% 23% such as Montgomery College I

Private four-year co114ge . 28% 27% 27% or university

Public four-year collige 50% 54% 52% or university

Trade or vocational school -5% 3% .4%

Total Percent * Total Number ** 938 1195 2133

* Percentages are based upon total number of students responding to the question; therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may'make more than one response.

* * Since 260 students who did respond to this question did not respond to the question asking for their sex, they could not be included in this table. Table 28 ' Type of College StudentsPlan to Start

Their College Career At , Montgomery College MCPS High School; Student Survey by Race

Black Asian Hispanic White Other Total

Private two -yeat college 1% 1% 7% 1% 3% 2%

Public two -year community college 20% 16% 46% 21% 3% 23% such as Montgomery College .

Private four-year college 22% 31% 13% 29% 22% 278 or university

Public fouiyear collegf 55% 56%. 37% 53% 48% 53.% or university

Trade or vocational school 6% 284 2% 701 8% 4%

* * * * totalotal Percent * - * Number ** 216 160 84 1474 143 2077

* Percentages are based upon total numberof students responding to the question; therefore, percentagei total more thanone hundred percent since students may make morethan one xesponse.

** Since 316 students who did respond tothis question, did not respond to the question asking for their race,they could not be included ih this table.

20 36

1.1 Students said the five most important criteri they 'used to select a college or university were: academic r putation. (44%),' availability of desired courses (41%), reputa ion of desired program (30%), location of college (19%), and availibility of financial aid (14%). (Table 29)

Table 29. Criterion Student's Feel Is Most Imp Irtant 4

In SeleCting a, College or University .

..-, Montgomery College 'MCPS High School Student Survey ,40 Number Percent

Academic reputation 1034 44% Reputation of faculty 215 9% Reputation of desired program 702 30% ,,Location of college 457 19% Availability of housing 160 7% Availability of desired courses 953 41% Dsirability of class schedule 199 9% Availability of financial.aid 323 14% Availability of athletic program 180 8% Other 122 5%

Total 2350

* Percentages are based upon total number of students responding to the question therefore, percentages total more than* one hundred percent since students may make more than one response.

Seventy-three percent of the college bound students plan to attend college full-time and ten percent plan to attend part-time while 17% were undecided abdut their college attendance status. (Table 30)

17 Table 30 Student's Planned College Attendance Montgomery College MCPS High School. Student Survey

Number. Percent

Full-time 73% 1731 , (12 credit hours or more per semester) 44 Part-time 242- 10% (less than 12 credit hourse # per semester) Undecided 399 17%

Total 2372 100% Twenty-seven percent of the collegebound students'. highest degree expectation was a 'bachelor's degree, 20% desired a master's degree, 19% desireda professional degree and the remainder either were undecided. about theirdegree aspirations or they selected other degrees. Only six percent of the students desired a communityt college award as theirhighest degree. (Table 31)

Table 31 Student's. Highest Degree Expectation Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey Number Percent

Cqrtificate (one year) 22' 1% AA degree (two years) 113 5% Bachelor's degree (four years) 603 27% Master's degree 433 20% Doctorate degree 152 7% Professional degree 428 19% (law, medicine, etc.) Undecided 473 21%

Total 2224 100%

When asked who will pay for their collegeeducation, 51% of the students said their parents/guatdianse 37% said self with parent's/guardian's help, 27% said student financial aid, 17% said self, and 11% said it was undetermined atthis time. (Table 32) Table 32

.11 *9 WilljPay For Student's College Education?

. Opntgomery Col lege . I- .. . ) .., ,.:1 : :'..MOSICHigh S4'hool Student Survey .:IPIA .: 4 . . '114 ::: u..: ! 7..', .. Number Percent V:: 1 . / 46, .q ; , '..- , . 6 4 , : 17% ::..;:! H . 400 1 ' *eft 51% Parents40a0iians: ' 1215 Self Withpnt's/g4ardian's.help 876 37%., Student tinaitOal:aid 644 27% Undetetmined, atthis time 252 11% ,

i . * Toad;.`,' 2366 Percentages are.basedupon total number of students responding to the question; therefore,: percentages total more thanone hundred percent since students, may make more than one response.

. '


ti Sixty7seven percent of the college bound student@ plan.on working part-time and six percent plan on working full-time 4pile attending colleges. Twenty-seven percent of the students do .not plan on working while they attend their college. (Table 33)..

. Table 33 .Does Student Plan on Having a Joh While. Attending College? Montgomery College M9DS High School Student Survey

Number Percent

Yes, work full-time 145, 6% (35 or more hours/week) 41 Yes, part-time 1511\ 67% Don'tiplan to have a job 614 27%

.11 Total 22.70 100%,

Part III Questions for Students Interested In 'At,tending Montgomery College

WOen stuclents who were interested in attending Montgomery College were asked what type of general program they were most interested in, ,35% said a transfer degree, 26% said a career degree, seven percent said.a career-certificate, and 35% were undecided about their program of study. (Table 34)

Table 34 Type of Program Student ..Is Most Interested In Montgobery College MCPS High School Student Sure

Number Percent

Career certificatp 57 7% (one year). Zransfer,degree 3)02 35% , (two year prOgram) Career degree 224 26% (two year program) Undecided 303 35%

.0" Total 858

* Percentages are based upon total number of students responding to the question; -therefore, percentages more than one hundred percent since students may make ore than one response.

P 23 39 Six hundred twent -eight students selected amajor area of study o pursue at MontgomeryCollege; More than twenty, , they would.lik students selected each of the followingmajdr areas of study business administration, accounting, computer science- business,' engineering, criminal. justice-law enfOrcement, early chilOhood education, and pre - 'medicine. (Table 35)

Table 35 Student's Major Area of Study Montgomery College

MCPS.High School Student Survey .

Number Percent ,

H/SS_Commun Planning 2 1.8% Art . Business Admin, 69 "11.0% Accounting 34 5.4% Computer-Businewk, 23 3.7% .Computer Operator, 14'1 Computer- Sci -Math 13' 2,1% Theatre- Performance 12 1..9% Dental Assis Deg' 5 Dental Lab .Tech 1- .2% Theatre-4rechnical 1 '.21 Teacherilem Ed 6 1.01 Teacher Secretarial 1 .2% Teacher Secondary .2% Advertising D6sign 16 2.5% Illustration 3 .5% Photography 6 1.0% Architectectural Tech '12 1.21 11 1.8% Electronics Tech . Computer Technician Civil Eng Tech .4 .6% .Engineering 39 6.2% ,General Engineering .2 .31 Mech Engin Tech 5. .8% .Child Care Aide 3 .5i Fire Science Deg 4 .61. Management- General 5 .8% Management- Behavior 1 . .2%. 1.5% management- Marketing . GS-Humanities/.SS 14 2.2% ,Crim Just Corr Deg 7 1.1% Crim Just Corr Cert 1 -.2% GS- Science/ Math ,4 ' .6% Geography 1 ,21 Home Economic 2 .3% Management Fo d/Bev 4 .6% Mananagement t/Mo ..7 1.1% 1.0% Liberal Arts- Ar, 6 e Electromech Tech' 1 .2% Scienc /Math 5 .8W Med Lab Technician 1 ..2%

24 40 or% Q. Number Percent

Mental Health Assoc 7 1.1% ; Management Bank/tin 8 1.3% Secretarial- 0 Assist 3 Secretarial-, 41$ 5 .85) Teacher Music 9 1.4% Medical Technology 4 .6% Medical Aseist Deci°0 5 .8% Art.Hiet.ory 2 .3% NuFsibge Registered' 19 3.0% StUdi0 5 v.8% Handidapped 'Assist 4 .6% Teacher Phys'Ed 9 1.4%, Crim4just Law'Enf 30 4.8% Management Flash Mer 12 1.9% Pre-Dentistry le 2 .3% Legal Assist 4 .6%4 H/SS'Pre-Law 12 1.0% Early Child Ed 24 3.8% Television 5 .8% Pre-Medicine 28 4.5% Radio 3 .5% Pre-optometry 1 .2% Crim Just R/I Sec 2 .3% Pre-Pharmacy .8% Auto Tech Degree 12 1.9% Auto Tech! .Cert 3 .5% Radiologic Tech 4 .6% Sperttarial Gen Bus 2 .3% Secretarial- Exec .6 1.0% Secretarial- Legal 1 .2% Secretarial- Sh Hand',1 1 .2% Recreational Lead 4. 1 .2% Radio/ Tv Broadcast 18 2.9%

Total P 628 100.0%


V17%,IN-440. 9 Is

ft O


'541 to attend .:. Thirty-seven percent of the students who'wish p(.! Montgomery College plan. to attend the semester.afteritheir high Lirchool ,gradUaticin. Of the high school students wflo plan on the A attending Montgomery"Collegei 280do npt plan on attending fall semester following their high school graduationand 35% are undecided about when they will attend Montgomery-College. Of the 2671 students who responded to thtsurvey, 317 (12.%) plan to attend. Montgomery College the fallobemester followin. their.high school graduation. (Table. 36).

Table 36 Does Student Plan to Attend Montgomery College The Fall Semester Following Graduation? Montgomery College MCPS High Schoil Student,Survey

"Niumber . Percent .1 46 Yes 317 37% No 240 2%8 Undecided 300 35%

Tdtal J357 100% N., When asked which campus Montgomery College bqund students were planning to attend, 17% said the Germantown Cainpus, 62% said the RockvilleCampus, 11% said the Takoma Park Campus and 16% are undecided on which campus they will attend.,1Table 37)

Table 37 Which Montgomery College Campus Does Student Plan on Attending?

. Montgomery-College MCPS High School Student Survey

Number Percent

Germantown Campus 142 17% Rockville Campus 509 62% Takoma Park Campus 92 11% Undecided 128 16%

Total j 871

*Percent4s-arebased upon total number of students responding to the question; therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may make more than one,response.


42 26 When asked. whythey 'chose the Montgomery College campus they selected to .a,ttend, ,73% of the students said the campus' convenience, 1.5% said the program of interest ison that campus7 10% said 'most of 'their friends go to that campus', and* other reasons were selected by,lens :than ten percent ofthe students.

(Table 38) f f 'Table 38 Student's Regason For Choosing Montgomery College Location. , Montgomery College ,- MCPS High School Studpnt Survey

Number Percent

Convenience 555 73% Program'of interest 1311 . 15%.. is on tflat campus Most of my friends 79 108 go to that campus Choice of faculty 25 3% Recommended 69 91

Other 55 , 7%

- . Total 759 * Percentages are based upon total number of students responding to the question; therefore; percehtages total more than one hundred percent aince students may make more than one response.

Fifty-two percent of the students who plan on attending. Montgomery, Collegeoprefer to attend the College any days Monday through Friday; 10% prefer Tuesday, Thursday classes; 16% prefer Monday,' Wednesday,,, Friday classes, and the remaining '27% preferother times or were undecided when they prefer to attend the College. (Table'39) Table 39 Days Students Prefer to Attend Montgomery College Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

Number Percent

Any days Monday through Friday 424 52%

Tuesday, Thursday 84 10% ft Monday, Wednesday, Friday' 134 16% Sunday 18 2% Saturday. 8 1% Undecided 197 24%

Total 823

* Percentages are based upo% total number of students responding to the questionl- therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may make more than one response.

4327 When asked when they prefer to attend classes, 69% of the students said in the morning, 37% said in the afterno9n, nine percent said in the evening, two percent said on the weekends and 13% said anytime. (Table 40)

Table 40 When Students Prefer to Attend Montgomery College Montgomery College. MCPS Mich School Student Survey

,Number Percent

Morning 535 41111 69% Afternoon No 37% Evening 69 9% Weekends 14 2% Anytime 102 13% 0

Total . 776 *

, - * Percentages are based upon total number of students responding

to the question; therefore, percentages total more than one . hundred percent since students may make more than one response.

When- asked whatclass schedule they preferred, 30% of the MontgomeryCollege bound students said they preferredone hour classes three times a week; 26% said one and one-half hours twice a week; 12% said three hours once a week; and 34% were undecided about the class schedule they preferred. (Table 41)1'

Table 41 Student's Preferred Class Schedule For a Three Credit Course, Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

N4mberi, Percent 1 One hour three times aweek 241 30% One and one-half hours 205 26% twice a week Three hours once a week 95 12% Undecided 271 34%

Total. 798

* Percentages are based upon total Kumber of studeets responding to the question p therefore, percentages total ore than one hundred percent since students may make,more than onA response'. Eighty-three percent-of the students said they will commute to MontgomeryCollege by car; 21% said they will use 'public transportation; 15% will be driven by a member oftheir family or a friend,; 13% plan, to car pool; and the remainder of the students plan to use other methods.to commute tcrtheCollege. (Table 42) Table 42 How Students Will Commute to MontgomeryCollege Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey Number Percent

Public transportatift 169 21% Be driven.by member of 121 15% family or friend Bicycle, motorcycie 59 8% Car pool 99 13% 650 83% 4 Car Walk 42 5%

Total 788 * Percentages are based upon total number ofstudents responding to the question; therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may make more than one response.

Thirty-two percent of the students said their commute to Montgomery College will be less than 15 minutes; 49%said it will be 15 to 30 minutes; 17% said it will be 30 to 45 minutes; and the remainderof the students said their commute toMontgomery College will be longer than 45 minutes. (Table 43)

Table 43 Time.of StUdent's Commute To Montgomery College Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

Number Percent

Under 15'minutes 246 32% 15 to 30 minutes 373 49% 30 to 45 minutes 130 17% 45 to 60 minutes 31 4% 604. minutes 26 3%

Total 769 *.Percentages are based upon total number of students responding to the question; therefore, percentages total more' thanone hundred percent since students may make more than one response.

45 29 \t,

from While 32% of the students plan to requestfinancial aid Montgomery College, 31% do not, while 37% have not determined whether they will be requesting anyfinancial aid. (Table 44) Table 44 Will Student Be RequestingFinancial Aid? Montgomery College MCPS High School Student Survey

Number Percent

Yes 260 32% No 254 31% 296 ` 37% Undete'rmined .

Total 810 100%

While only 23 handicapped students laidthey would be requesting special support services from MontgomeryCollege, 88 handicapped students listed a type or types of special supportservice they will need and 165 handicapped studentslisted one or 'bore skills they will need help improving. Nineteen (22%) handicapped students will need a reader, 18 (21%) will need an interpreter, 22 (25%) will need a mobilityaide, and 36 (41%) will need other special upport services. Thirty-eight(23%) handicapped students will nee help kimprovin, their readingskills, 47 (29%) will need help imoving their writing skills, 78(47%) will need help with their their m th and 75 (46%) will need helpimproving study habits. (Tables 45,46,47) Table 45 If Handicapped,Does StudentNeed Any Special SupportServices? mmilei\ Moritgomery College ,MCPS High School Student Survey 9 Number Percent

Yes 23 3% No 142 19% Not handicapped 571 78%

Total 716 100%


30 46

h.. t Table 46 Will Handicapped Student Require SpecialSupport services ?. Montgomery. College MCPS High School Student ,Survey Number Percent 0 4 Reader 19 22% Interpreter 18 21% Mobility aide 22 25% Other 36 41%

0. Total 88 0 2110P * Percentages are based upon total number ofstudentswresponding to the question; therefore, percentages total ?thanone hundred percent since, students may make more th- response.

A,.Table 47, If Handicapped, What Assistance WillStudents Need In Improving One or More of theFollowing Skills? IM Montgomery College 4 MCPS High School Student Survey

Number. Percent

Reading 23% Writing L34.1 '29% 47% Math . 78 Study Habits 75 (u 46%

Total 165 * Percentages are based upon total numberof students responding to the question; therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may makemore.than one response.

Ninety-onepercent of the-students said theirfirst language is. Englishwhile nine percent (196 students) said English is not their first language. (Table 48) r. Table 48 Is English Students First Language? Montgomery College MCPS High School Student'Survey Number Percent

Yes 2115 91% No 196 9% 100% Total . 2311

4 7 31 Forty percent of the students would like to have additional ,information about Montgomery College. Of these, 73% would like a College catalog, 43% would like a current class schedule, 61% would like a brochure on a specific program, and ten percent 'would like to talk to a College representative. (Tables 49, 50)

Tab 49

1 Does Student Want Mont mery College Informa tion? Montgo erytollege MCPS High hool Student Survey

Number Percent

Yes 883 40% No 1334 60%

Total 2217 100%

Table 50 Type qf Montgomery College Information Requested by Student Montgomery College. MCPS High School Student Survey

Number Percent

College catalog 656 73% Current class schedule 388 1438 Brochures on specific programs $44 61% Would like to talk to College '89 10% representative

Total 899

* Percentages are ibased upon total number of students responding to the question; therefore, percentages total more than one hundred percent since students may make more than one response.



32 Part IVRecommendations graduating from high 1) When asked what their plans werempfter school, 39% of the students saidthey were planning toeither get a community a job and _continue their education orenroll in college. Efforts should be made to ensurethat these students are at adequately informed_ of the educational opportunities Montgomery College. College, 2) Whdn asked to rate various.aspects of Montgomery between 17 and 74 percent of the students; wereundecided On 'how to' .rate the College. This indicates that thesehigh school students do not have a clearperception of the College, how well it is doing its mission or how it may serve their educational needs. A greater effort should be made toinform MCPS students about Montgomery College, itsaccomplishments,.a9d what it_can do for them:

3) The College's overall reputationis the only attribute of the College to be rated poor by more than11% of the students. Only 14% of the students said they did not'know how to rate the College's overall reputation. Studentshave a clear petception of MontgomeryCollege's reputation. should be made to enhance.the College's reputation!with MCPS high school students. black 4) Further research should try .toascertain why asian and MCPS high schal students were not aspositive ashispanic and white students were about MontgomeryCollege as a place to start their college careers. Ifts particularly interesting thatasian high school students drePnotthink as highly of Montgomery Collegeas other ethnic groupsbecause Montgomery College asian studemps tend to rate the College,higher than other ethnic groups on various .MontgomeryCollege surveys.

5) When, asked how they heard about MontgomeryCollege Aly three. percent of the students have hear it through 1( College representative. The College may wi . to.further investigate ways to increase the impact of Colle representatives on MCPS high school students. highest 6) When collegebound students were asked what theit degree expbctation was, only six perCentsaid they expected their highest degree to be an associate .orcertificate from a community. college. .Further studyshould investigate why such a low percentage of MCPS high school, studentsseek a community college degree as their highest degree. Is this because theywant, to obtain an AA.and continue for abachelors or is it because they do not see the value of.an aSsoci.40edegree, as a terminal degree?


33 7) When students whd wer; planning'to attenda Montgo ry College campus were asked why they chose that campus, 73% of t e students said the'Gonvenience of the campus they chose. Thecoenience of attending Montgomery College is one of the major drawl9 cards of the-College. Further research should investigate ways f further improving the convenience for students attending Montgomery College since it is so Important to them.

8) A significant percentage (37%) of MCPS studentsare interested inattendingafternoon classes at MontgomeryCollege. Morning classes have been scheduled for traditional students:The College should investigatewhich .classes these students would like to take in the afternoon when the College facilities are utilized less than in the morning hours.


34 Pt

4 4 Appendix 1

Introduction to Appendix

In Apit)endix 1 of this report are summaries of the individual 4 findings of the 18 MCPS high schools which pafticipated in this survey. In each ofthese summaries, major differences between the individual high schools and the total for all high schools are outlined for the following questions: question 2, "What are the student's plans immediatelyaftercompleting, high school?"; question 20, " Compared to other. colleges, How is Montgomery College's overall reputation "; question 26, " Does student believe Montgomery ,College would bea good college to start their colrege. career?"; question 27, " Does student think Montgomery Colleges is a.. good place to get an inexpensive education?"; question 33, " At what type of college will student most probably starttheir college career?"; question 34, " What criterion do students feel is the most importantlin selecting a college or university?"; question 37; " Who will cover the expense of student'scollege education? "; question 39, "In what type of Montgomery College general programwilt student be most interested? "; question 41, "'Does student anticipate attending Montgomery College the fall, semester immediately graduation?"; question 42, " Which'of thecampuses of the College Will'student most likely attend?",; question 43," Why did student pick the Montgomery College campus he/she picked?"; and question 49," Will student be requesting some form of financial aid?":

Differences of more than ten percentagepoints between the individual high school4and.the total for all high schools that participated in the study will be shown when the differences are meaningful.

For some questibris, the percentages total more thanone hundred percentbecause percentages are based upon the total number of students responding to the question. Since students could make // more than one response, percentages may total more than one/ hundred percent. // 17, When the term countywide students is used in theA ppendix/ it' refers to all MCPS high school students who participatedin/ this study.

Oh 35


1 t".

'''' ,:r",\`4".n.:.* ''''''


,Jlethegda Chevy Chase High School 0

. . Of the 46 surveys 01.4tribiatedto Bethesda Chevy Chase .High' School, 208 (46%) were ,.returned in a usableform for this report.

Part I. Questions For All Students

When asked whattheir-platie'are.immediat ly,,;after completing high school, BethesdaChevy Chase sigh Scho 1 students responded: enroll full-time in a.four-year college or niversity, 66%; get a job and continue education, 19%; and lessthan ten percent of the students selected the remaining choices. There' are no major differenceg betweenBethesda Chevy Chase studentsnd all: high school students on this question.

When asked. to rate Montgomery College's reputation, Bethegda Chevy Chase High School studentsresponded: excellent, 3%;.good, *21%; fair,* 25%; poor, 35%i undecided, 3%;andido not know, 14%. When compared to countywide students, a higher percentage of Bethesda Chevy Chase High School studentssaid poor (35% to 17%) and a lower percentage said good(21%. tO.30%).

Whenasked whether Montgomery College wouldbe a good place to 'Netart their .ctellege.career, Bethesda Chevy Chase High School students responded: definitelyyes, 5%; possibly yes,-28%;' no, 46 %; and do not know, 21%. When compared to countywidestudents,. a higher percentage of Bethesda Chevy ChaseHigh School students' said ntioe(46% to 36%) and a lower percentagesaid .pdssibly yes (28% to '1'8%). 3

Whenasked whether Montgomery College wouldbe a good place to get an inexpensive education, Bethesda Chevy Chase High School students responded: definitely yes, 19%; possibly yes, 44%; no', 13%; and do not know, 24%. There are no major differences :between Bethesda Chevy Chase High Schoolstudents andcountywide \high school students on this question.

-Part II Questions for College Bound Students

Of ", the BethAda Chevy Chase High Schoolstudents who plan to go to 'college, 49% plan to attend aprivate'four-year co141.ge or university; 41% plan to attend a public four-year college or university; 15% plan to attend a public two-year. community college such as. Montgomery College; and the remainder plan. on attending -other'types of colleges. Wheb compared with all MCPS high scebol students, a higherpercentage of Bethesda ChevyChase High School students plan, on attending a private four-year college akr 'university (49% to 28%) and' alower percentage of them plan on attending a publiccommunity college such as Montgomery or College,(15%. to 23%) or 'attending a public four-yearcollege lffiversity (41% to 52%).

36 ...

When asked whatcriteria were most important in selecting a college or university, Bethesda Chevy Chase High School students respohded: academic reputation, ,52%; course availability, 3494- program reputation, 26%; 'location.of college, 18%; financial aid available, 11%; and other criteria were choosen byAess thah ten percent tof the studehts. There are no major differences between Bethesda :Chevy Chase. High School students and county-wide studepts odthis question.

When asked who will cover.the*expense of their collegeeducation, Bethesda ChevyChase High School students responded: parents/ guardians, 53%; self with parent's/guardian's help, 34%; student finanCial aid, 25%; self, 17%; and 11% said it was unde.termined at this time.. There are no major differences between Bethesda Chevy Chase High School students and county-wide students on this, question.

Part III Questions for Students Interested in Attending Montgomery College

WhenBethesda Chevy Chase High School students wereasked what type of general program they were most. interested in at MontgomeryCollege, they responded: undecided, 41%; career degree, 35%; transfer degree, 21%; and career certificate, 14%. Whencompared to countywide students, a higher percent of Bethesda Chevy Chase High, School students said theywere interested in a career degree (35% to 26%) and a lower percentage of Bethesda Chevy. Chase High School students wereinterested a transfer degree (21% to 36%).

Whenasked whether they anticipate attending MontgomeryCollege the fall semester immediately after graduition, Bethesda.Chevy Chase High School students said: yes, 35%; no, 46%; and undecided, 19%. In comparison with countywide students, ahigher percentage of Bethesda Chevy Chase students said that they would not be attending Montgomery College the semesterfollowing their high school .gradua,tion (46% to 28%).

Whenasked which Montgomery College campus they would like to attend, Bethesda Chevy Chase High School studentg said:RockAille Campus, 42%; GerMantown Campus, 15%; Takoma Park Campus,15%0 and undecided 35%. ''A higher percentage of Bethesda Chevy Chase 'High School students than countywide students are undecided apout which campus they will attend (35% to 16%) sand a lower percentage of Bethesda Chevy Chase High School students plan to attend the Rockville Campus (428 to 634).

When asked Why they chose the Montgomery College campus they plan on attendig, BethesdaChevy Chase High School- Students responded: convenience, .67%; program at that campus, 29%; recommended, 25%; friend's go to that campus, 21%; and other reasons were selected by less than tenptrcent of the students. There are no major differences between Pethesda Chevy ChaseHigh School 'students and county-wide students on this question.

37 53 op a

Blair High School

Of the 439 surveys distributed to. Blair.High School, 222 (51%) were returned in ausable form for this report.

Part I Idustions For All Students

When asked what their plans are,immediatelyafter completing high school, Blair High School students responded:.enroll in a four- year college or universityfull time, 49%; get a job and continue education, 37%; undecided, 11%; go:into military,1110.enroll in a community college part-time, 10%; enroll in a techhical or trade school, 10%; and less than 10% of the students selected other plahs. A lower percentage of"Blair High school students than, countywide students plan onenrolling full -time in a four- year college or university (49% to 64%) and a higherpercentage of Blair High School students than countywidestudents plan,on getting a job and continuing theireducation (37% to 25%)..

When asked to rate Montgomery College'sreputation, Blair High School students responded: excellent, 4%; g8td, 29%; fair, 35%; poor, 9%i undecided, 6%; anddo not know, 18%. There are no major differencesbetween 'Blair High School studentsand countywide high school students on thisquestion.

When askedwhether Montgomery College would be a goodplace to start their collegecareer,"BlairiHigh School students responded: definitely.yes, 11%; possibly yes, 41%; no,29%; and do not know,ad, 19%. There are no majordifferences between Blair High ScaMallfr students and countywide igh school students on this question.

When askedwhether Montgome College would be a upd place to get an inexpensive education, .$1air HigJ School students responded: definitely yes, 21%; pos ly yes, 57%; no, 3%; and Ad' not know,. 19%. .There are no major differences between Blair High School students and countywide high schoolstudentson this ,,, , question. ..., Studehts Part II Questions for College Bound I r Of the BlairHighSchool students who plan to(JO to college.; 46% plan to-gti to a public four-year-college or,university; 33% plan oh going to a publiccommunity college like Montgomery College; 21% plan to go,to a private four-yearcollege .or univeTsity; and less than 10% plan on 'going to a, private two-yearcollege or a trade or vocational sch,p01. A higher percentage of Blair High School students than countywide students plan onenr911ing at .a public two-year community,coltege .like Montgomery.College (33% to

23%). .


54 38 At 4

When asked what oriteria were most.important in ..selecting a *, *college, ok- university, Blair High School- students,responded: academic .reputation, ..41%; courseavailAPility, 4D%; program reputation, 29%"; financial aid mailable,, 20%;colleOg location, 17%; faculty reputation, 10%; And othercriteria were choosen.by. less than'10% of the students. There are no .majok differences between Blair High School studentsand'county-wide high school- students on 'this question. I When asked who will cover theexpense of theincollege education,,.. -Blair High School students`'responded: self with parent' /guardian's help, 42%;, parents/guardians,.36%;'student. financial aid 13%; self, 21%; and undetermined-.,at this time, 15%. A lower percentage' of Blair High' School students than countywide'students paents or guardians were covering heir ,college expenses (364 to 52%).

. , Part III Questions forStudents. Interested-in AttOding Motgomery College

. . WhenBlAik High School students were askeditihat type of general program they.were most interestedin at Montgomery College, they responded.: dndecidied, 37%; transfer degtee,.33%; Career degree, 26%; an#career certificate, .5%. There"are nomajor differences between Blair... High'School students and county-widehigh school stUdeAts-on this question.

When asked whether they anticipateattending-MontgomeryCollege the fall semesteo immidiately aftergradVatign, Blai- High School students saiOr yes, 40%; no, 20%; and undecided, 401.There are no '#ajordifferencesbetween Blair High School students. 'and( `countywide high school,studehts on.rthis question. 41 Wheii asked which Montgomery College'dampus they would.111p toy attend, Blair High School students responded:Takoma Park.Campus, 55%;. Rockville.CaMpubj 32%; Germantown Campus, 1%;and-undecided 18%..When compared to couttywidestuftnts, a lgpwer'percentage of, mBlairA. High Schobl students plan to. attend the Rockville Campus, (32% to638)'or -the Germantown Campus,,,,(1% to 16%) and a higher` percentage' of. Blair High school, students areplanning to.attend

the TakomaParirCampus (5% to 12%). oft, it 'When asked why they chose the MontgoberyCollege campus they plan, on attending, Blair:High S6hool students responded: convenience, 61%; program,at that'campus, 24%; recommended, 13%; friends got to that campus, 11%; and other reasons wereselected by Jess than tenpercent df the students.' A lower percentageof Blair, High School students than countywide students responded ,'convenience: of campus selected c614 to 73%1 . s

39 .55 Damascus. High-SchoOl SchoOl, 111 (41%) Of the 269 surveys_distributed to Damascus High wereieturned in a usable formfor this report. 0 Part I Questions ForAll Students their plans are immediatelyafter .completio, high When asked what enroll full-time school, Damascus HighSchool students responded: college or university,51%;.get a job andcontinue at a *four-year college, 16%; education, 32%; enroll full-time at a community community college, 141,undecided, .14%; and enroll part-time at a of remaining choices wereselected byloiess.than tenpercent the a lower students. Whencompared to countywide student's, the planning to percentage of Damascus High Schoolstudents were at a four-yearcollege or university (51% to enroll fult.-time students 60) 'and a, higher percentageof were-planning to enroll at a community ..tharn countywide students college full orpaA-time (30%. to 3.4%). High When asked to rateMontgomery College'sreputation, Damascus 5%; good, 45%; fair, 25%; School students responded: excellent, 3%; and do not know,17%. In comparison with poor, 6%; undecided, School countywide students, a. higher'percentage of Damascuc.Hig students responded good(45% to 30%). to whetner MontgomeryCollege would be a goodplace When asked students college career,. Damascus High School start their 43%; no, 28%; and responded: definitelyfyes, 20%; possibly yes, comparison with countywidestudentsp.a higher do not know, 9%.-In definitely percentage of DamascusHigh School studentsresponded yes (20% to 10%).

. i . would be a good plate to When asked whether Montgomery College education, DamasCbs High School students get an inexpensive 4%; and do re''sponded:. deftnitely yes, 29%;possibly ye6, 56%; no, 12%. There are nomajor differences. betweenDamascus not know, this High School students andcountywide high schoolstudents on question. , .

Part II Questionsfor College Bound Students School students who planto go to college, Of 'the 'Damascus High 38% 46% plan to attendNapublic four-year college oruniversity; as Montgomery plan to attenda publicdommupity college such A.. four-year college or' College; 17% plan to attend a private university; and less tpan tenpercent plan onattending a private compared two-year college or atrade or vocational school. When of :bamascus High to countywide students, a higher percentage. enroll at a publiccoMmunityllege i(38% School students plan to students 23%) and a lowerpercentage ,of Damascus High School to .college or Univergity(l7 plofi onattending a priliate four-year "i to 28*). v4)

When asked whatcriteria were most important in selecting a' : college university, Damascus 'High School"students responded :, 4 course. a ilability, 42%4 academic reputation, .' 38%; program reputation, . 31%; college location, 22,%; financial aidavailable, 14%;' class schedule, 12%;and the'remainder of the criteria were Selected by less than ten paident of the students. There are no major differencesbetweenDamascus High School students and , countywide high school students on this question. i .

When asked who will cover the expense oftheir college educatfo 0' . Damascus High School student,responded:s parents/guardians, 53' 1 self with parental/guardians' help, 43%; student. financial aiif 27%; self, 26%; and 10% said it was undetermineskatthis. time. Whencompared to countywide students, a higherwpercentage of . Damascus HighSchool students are planning to cover their own college expenses (26% to 17%). ,

Part III Questions for Students Interestedin Attending Montgomery College

When Damascus High, School students were askedwhat type of general prbgramtheywere post interested in at Montgomery College, they responded: undecided, 34%; transfer degree, 32%; career degree,. 281; and career certificate, nine percent. There are no major differences between Damascus High School 'students

.and countywide high school students on thisquestion. .

When asked whether they anticipate attending MontgomeryCollege \ the fall semester immediately after graduation, Damascuif High School students said: yes, 39%; no, 19%; and undecided, 42%. There are no major differences between Damascus High chool students and countywide high schogl students onthis

When .askedwhich Montgomery College campus they would like to attend', Damascus High School students said: tGermantown Campus, 70%; RockvilleCampus 30%; undecided, 11%; and Takoma Park Campus, 0%. In comparison with countywide students, a higher percentage of Damascus High School students plan to attendthe Germantown Campus (70% to 16%) and a lower percentage plan to attend the RockvilleCampus (30% to 63%) or the Takoma Park Campus (0% to 12%),.

When asked why they chose the Montgomery College campusthey plan on attending, Damascus High School studentt responded: convenience, 77%; program at that campus, 19%; recommended, 15%; *friends go to that campus, 10%1 and other reasons were selected by less than ten percent of the students. There are no major differences between Damascus High School students andcountywide high school.students on this question.

p 41 Sdhool, 64 Of the 470 surveys distributed toGaithersburg High (14%) were returned, in ausable form for this report.

Part IQde;tions For All Students ,.

) When asked what their plans areimmediately after completinghigh school, Gaithersburg High Schoolstudents responded: enrollfull-, and time in a four-year college oruniversity, 50%; 4eta job continue education, 31%;undecided, 16%; enroll in atechnical or trade chool, 14%; enroll part-time in acommunity college,. 13%; part-time in enro full-time in a communitycollgregei, 11%; enroll r-year college or university, 11%. When 'compared to a f High countywide students, a lower percentage ofGaithersburg School students plan on enrolling full-time in a four-year college or university(501io 64%), When asked to rate MontgomeryCollege's reputation, Gaithersburg High School students responded: excellent, 9%; good,. 53%; fair, 21%; poor, 7%; undecided, 0%;and do not know, 11%. Incomparison Gaithersburg with countywide students, a higher percentageof a lower 'High School students respohded good (53%to 30%) and pertentage responded poor (7% to17%) to When asked whether Montgomery Collegewould be a good place students start their college career, Gaithersburg High School 20%; and responded: definitely yes, 21%; possibly yes, 39%; no, fr. a do not know, 20%. In comparison withcountywide 'students percentage of GaithersburgHigh School students responded higher no definitely yes (21% to 10%)and a lower percentageresponded (20% to 36%). to ' When askedwhether Montgomery Collegewould be a good place get an inexpensiveeducation, Gaithersburg High School students responded; definitely yes, 32%;possibly yes, 50%; no, 4%;,anddo High not know, 14%. There are no majordifferences between students. on this School students and countywide high school question.

Part II Questions forCollegeBotind Students to go to Of the Gaithersburg High School students who plan or college, 56% plan to' go to a public tour-year college university; 32% plan to go to acommunity college like Montgomery or College; 16% plan to go to.aprivate four-yearcollege university; and eight percent plan ongoing to a private .two-year to college, or a trade or vocationalschool. When compared High countywide studentA a lower percentage of Gaithersburg School students plan onenrolling in a private four-year co] 1.ege,t on or university (16% to 28%) aid a highet percentage ,plan etlrolling in a community collegelike Montgomery College(32% to 23%).

42 5d ir


When as whatcriteria were most important kin selecting. a college' -or university, Gaithersburg Hip School students responded: academic 'reputation, 44%; course availability, 44%; program reputation, 31%; college location, 27%; faculty reputation,. 15%; financial aid available, 15%, housing availability, 13%; athletics availability, 13%; class schedules, 10% and other, 2%. There are no majori differencesbetween Gaithersburg High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked who will cover the expense of their college educatioh,. Gaithersburg High School students responded: self with parent's/guardian's help, 47%; .,parents/guardians, 41%; student

financial aid, 22%; undetermined now, 22%; and-.self, 16%. When compared to countywide students, a higherpercentage of Gaithersburg High School students responded self with parent's/guardian's help (47% to 37%) and a lower percentage responded parents/guardians (41% to 52%).

When Gaithersburg High School students were asked what type of general program they were most interested, Vh at Montgomery College, they responded: transfer degree, 48S; undecided, 31%; and career degree, 24%. In comparison with countywide students, a higher percentage of Gaithersburg HighSchool students were interested in a transfer degree (48% to 36%).

Part III Questions for Students Interested in Attending Montgomery College When Gaithersburg Hligh $chool'studentswere asked what type or geheral program they were most interested in at Montgomery College, they responded: transfer degree, 48%; undecided, 31%; and career degree, 24%. In comparison with countywide high school students, a higher percentage of Gaithersburg High School students selected transfer degree (48% to 35%).

When asked whether they anticipate attending Montgomery College the fall semester immediately after graduation, Gaithersburg High School students said: yes, 36%; no, 14%; and undecidedc, 50%. In comparison with countywide students, a higher percentage of Gaithersburg High Sg6hool students responded undecided (50% to 35%) and a lower perc,htage responded no (14% to 28%).

When asked which Montgomery College campus they would like to attend, ,Gaithersburg High School studentsresponded: Rockville Campus, 75%; ,Germantown Campus, 46%; Takoma Park Campus, 4%; and undecided, seven percent. A higher percent of Gaithersburg High Schdol students than countywide students Want *t0 attendthe Germantown Campus (4.6% to 16%) and the Rockville Campus (75% 'to 63%).

56 43 When asked why they chose theMoritgomet, College campus they plan on attending, GaithersburgHigh School students responded: convenience, 93%; program at camPus, 19%;recommended, 11%; and each of the remaining reasons were selectedby less than teen percent of the students. A higher percentageof Gaithersburg High School students than countywide studentscited convenience (93% to 73%).




44 Kennedy High School

Of the 380. surveys 'distributed to Kennedy High School, 176(46%)' were returned in a usable form for this report.

Part I Questions For All Students When asked what their plans are immediately after completing high school, Kennedy High School students responded: enroll full -t in a four-year college or university, 71%; get a job and co inue education, 26%; and other plans 'were selected by less thap ten' percent of the studepts. There are no major differences between Kennedy High School students and'countywide high school students On this question. 0 *then asked to rate Montgomery College's reputation, Kennedy High School students responded: excellent, 1%; good, 22%; fair, 36%; poor, 19%; undecided, 2%; and do not know, 20%...Theme are no -major differences between Kennedy High.SXool students and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to start their College career, Kennedy High School students responded: definitely yes, 7%; possibly yes, 29%; no, 51%; and do not know, 13%. In comparison with countywide students, a higher percentage of Kennedy High School students responded no (51% to 36%).

Whenasked whether Montgomery College would be a good plage to get an inexpensive education, Kennedy High School students responded: definitely yes, 21%; possibly yes, 53%; no, 6%; and do not knowy 20%. There are'no major differences between Kennedy High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

Part II Questiqns for College Bound Students

Of the Kennedy High School students who plan to go to college, 55% plan to go to a public four-year college or university;f 30% plan to go to oa private four-year college or university; 17% tolba # community college like Montgomery College; and seven percent to either a private two-year colZege or a trade or vocational school. There are no major differences between Kennedy High School students and countywide high school students on thfs question.

When asked what criteria were most important in selecting a college or university, Kennedy High School students responded: academic reputation, 506 course availability, 42%; program roputation 34%; finanbial aid availability, 18%; ollege location, 14%; and ,other criteria were chosen by less than ten percent of the students. There are no major differences between Kennedy High School students and countywide high school students / on thisiluestion.

45 0

When asked who will cover the expense of their collegeeducation, Kennedy High School students responded:'p4rents/guhrdians, 58%; self with parent's/guardian's help, 33%; student financial aid, 33%; self., p5%; and undetermined at this time, 12%. Thereareno majordifferences between Kennedy HighSchool- students and countywide high School students on this question.:

Part III Questions for. Students Interested in Attending Montgomery College

k, When Kennedy High School students were asked what typeof general program they were most interested in atMontgomery College, they responded: undecided,42%; transfer degree, 31%; career degree, 23%; and career certificate, 6%. There are no major differences betweenKennedy High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked whether they anticipate attending MontgomeryCollege -the fall semester immediately after graduation, Kennedy High School students said: yes, 23%; no, 43%; and undecided, 34%. In comparison with countywide students, a higher percentage of Kennedy High School students responded no (43% to 28%). and a lower percentage responded yes 123% to 37%).

When askedwhich Montgomery College campus they would like to attend, Kennedy High School students said: Rockville Campus,63%; Takoma Park Campus, 17%; Germantown Campus, 4%; and undecided, 19%. When compared to statewide students, a lower percentage of KennedyaHigh SoolO students wanted to attend the Germantown Campus (V% to 1610.

When asked why they chose the MontgomeryCollege campus they plan on attending, Kennedy High School students responded: convenience, 73%; program 4t campus, 17%; and each of theother reasons were selected byle4sthan ten percent of the students. There are no major differences between Kennedy High 'School students and countywide high school students, on thisquestion..



46 62 J.,


.0 Magruder High School

Of the 296 surveys distributed to Magru &er High School, 213 (72%) were returned in a usable, form for this report.

Part I Questions 'For All Students

When asked what their plans are immediately after completing high school, Magruder High School students responded: enroll full-time in a four-year college or university, 59%r geta joi2 and continue education, 24%; undecided, 10%; and other plans were selected by less than ten percentof the students. Thereare no major differences between Magruder High School students andcountywide high school students on this question.

When asked to rate Montgomery College's reputation, Magruder !Ugh School students responded: excellent, 6%; good, 32%; fair, 31%; poor, 18%; undecided, 1%; and do not know, 13%. There are no major differences between Magruder High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

When askedwhether Montgomery College would be a good place to start 'their college career, Magruder High. 'School students responded: telefihitely yes, 10%; possibly yes, 45%;no, 36%; and do not know, 9%. There are no major differences between Magruder High School students and countywide high school studentson this question.

Whenasked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to get an inexpensive educatiob, Magruder High School students responded: definitely yes, 26%; possibly yes, 56%; no, 6%; andsdo not know, 12%. There-are no major differences between Magruder. High School students and countywide high school studentson this question.

Part II Questions for College Bound Students

Of the Magruder High School students who plan togo to college, 54% plan to go to a public four-year collegeor university; 28% plan to go to a private four-year collegeor university; 22% to a community college like Montgomery College; and two percent to either a privatetwo-year college or a trade or vocational. school. 'There are no major differences between Magruder High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

Whenasked what criteria were most important in selecting a college or university, Magruder High School studentsresponded: academic reputation, 41%; course availability, 34%; program reputation, 25%; college location, 18%; and other criteriawere chosenby less than ten percent of the students. There are no' major differencesbetweenMagruder High School students and countNide high schoolstudents on this question.

47 63 When asked who will cover the expense df their college education, Magruder'High Schobl students responded:- parents /guardians, 52%; self with parent's/guardian's,help, 37%; ptudent financial aid, 20%; self, 15%; and undetem)ihed at this time, 11%. There,are no .major differencesbetween Magruder High School students and countywide high school students on this question. 1 Part III Questions for Students Interested in Attending Montgomery College,

When Magruder High School students were askedwhat type of general program theywere most interested in at Montgomery College, they responded: transfer degree, 46%; undecided, 34%; career degree, 16%; and career certificated 9%. In comparison to countywide students, a higher percentage of Magruder High School students were interested, in a Montgomery College transfer degree (46% to 36%) and a lower percentage of Magruder High School studentswere interested; in a'Montgomery College career degree. (16% to 26%).

Whenasked whether they anticipate attending Montgomery College the fall semester immediately after graduation, Magruder High School students said: yes, 42%; no; 22%; and undecided, 36%. There are no major differences between Magruder High School students and countywide high school students on this question,

When asked which Montgomery Celliege campus they would like. to attend, Magruder High School qt dentb said: Rockville Campus,. 84%; undecided, 11%;'Takoma Park Campus, 1%; Germantown'Campus,

4%. When compared to statewide students, a higher percentage of . Magruder High School students said they wanted toattend the Rockville Campus and a lower percentage of Magruder High School students wanted to attend either the Germantown Campus (4% to 16%) or the Takoma Park Campus.(1% to 12%). When asked why they chose the Montgomery College campus they plan on attending, Magruder High School students respondedf convenience, 74%; program atfampus, 103; and each of the other reasons were selected by less than ten percent of the students. There. are no major differences between Magruder High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

11 0. 48 04 I no Northwood High School

Of the '298 surveys distributed o Northwood. High SchObl, 195 (65%) were returned in a. usable form for this report.

Part .L Questions For All Students

When asked what their plans are immediately after completing high, school, Northwood High School students responded: enroll full- time; in a four-year college o university, 54%; get a joband continue education, 31%; unddcided, 1090. and other plans' were selected by less, than ten percent of the students. When compared to countywide students, a lower percentage of .Northwood High School students said they were planning on enrolling full-time'In a fodr-year college or university .(54% to 64%):

When asked to rate Montgome ry College's reputation,. Northwood High School Students responded: excellent,'6%; good, 33%; fiir, 31%; poor, 11%; undecided, 3%; and do not know, 10. There ate no major differencesbetweenNorthwood High School students!' and countywide high school students on this question. il When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to statt theircollege career,. Northwood High School students responded: definitely yes, 11%; possibly yes, 41%; no, 27%; and ao not know,. 22%. There, are no major differences between Northwood High School students and,countywide high school, students on this question. V Whenasked whether Montgomery College woul be a good.place, to get an inexpensive education, Northwood igh School students responded: definitely yes,'27%; possibly ye 50%; no, 8%; and do not know, 16%. There are no major differ ces between Northwood High School students and countywide high,chool students on this question. is

Part II Questions for.College Bound Students

Of the Northwood High School students whplan to.go to college, 52% plan to go to a public four-year co/lege or university; 28% plan to go to a community college lik Montgomery College; '19% plan to go to a private four-yeak col ge or university; apd five percent to either a private two- ar co lege .or a trade or vbcational school. There are no majo differences between Northwood High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

49 65 S When asked "whatcriteria were most important in selecting a College or university, Northwood High School students responded: .academic reputation, 42%; course availability, 40%; program reputation,. 31%; college location, 24%; financial aid availability, 12%; and other criteria were choosen'by less than ten percent of"" the. students. There' are no major-differences between Northwood High SchoolStudents and countywide high school students on this question.

I. *lb' When asked who will cover the expense'of their college education, Northwood. High .School students responded: self with parent's/guardian's help, 44%; parents /guardians.,'40%; student financial aid, 33%; self.,' 23%; and undetermined at this time, 8%. When compared to countywide students, a lower percentage of Northwood High School students said their parents/guardians are planning to cover their college expenses.

Part III Questions for Students Interested in Attending Montgomery College

When Northwood, High School students were askedwhat type of general programthey were' most interested in at Montgomery College, they 'desponded: transfer degTee, 43%; undecided, 32%; career degree,' 25%; and career certificate,three percent. There are no major differences betweenNorthwood High School students and countywide high school students on this question. when asked whether they anticipate attending MontgomeryCollege the fall semester immediately after graduation, Northwood High School students said: yes4 35%; no, 28%; and undecided,.. 37%. There areno major differences between'Northwood High School students and countywilpe high school stude ts onthis question.

When asked which Montgomery College camp s they would like to attend, Northwood High School Students sa d: Rockville Campus, 75%; Takoma Park Campus, 8%; Germantown Ca pus, 2%; and undecided, 16%. When compared to countywide studentsa lower percntage of. Northwood High School students like toattending the' Cermantown Campus (2% to 168). When asked why they chose the Montgomery Cllege campus they plan on attending, Northwood High School students responded: convenience, 56%; recommended, 21%; prgram at campus, 20%; friends go to that campus, 15%;ether,12% and choice of faculty 7%. In comparison to countywide students, a lower percentage of Northwood High School students cited conveience (56 to 73%) and a higher percentage citedrecommendation ( 1% to 9% . .'

50 . 66 G. Of the 359 surveys distributed to Paint Branch High Schpol, 187 *(52%) were returned in a,usable form for this report.

Part I Questions For All Students

When asked what their plans are immediately after completing high school, Paint Branch.pigh School students responded: enroll full- time in a'fours-year college or university, 64%;, get a. job and continue education, 25%; enroll full -time in a community college; and other plans were selected by less than ten percedt of the students. .There areno major differences between Paint Branch rHigh School students and countywide high sdhool students on this question.

Whfn asked to rate Montgomery- College's reputation, Paint Branch 0 High School students responded: expellent, 5%; good, 28%; fair, _30%; poor, 20%; undecided,\ 2%; and do not know, 15%. There are

no major differences betviee Paint Branch High School , students and countywide high school st ents 'on this question.

When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place .to start their college career, Paint, Branch High School students responded: definitely yes, 9%; possibly yes, 36%; no, 38%; and do not know, 17%. There are no major differences between Paint 'Branch High School students and countywide high school students an this question.

When askedwhether Montgomery College would be a good place to gpt an inexpensive education, Paint Branch High School students' rtsporyded: definitely yes, 22%;. possibly yes, 51%; no, 8%; and do not know, 20%. There are no major differences between ,Paint Branch High. School students and countywide highschool students on this question.

A-Part II.64pstians for College Bound Students

4 Of the Paint Branch High School students who.plan to go mko college, 55% plan to go to a public fotir-year college m5r university; 24% plan to go to a private four-year college or university; 21% to a community college like Montgomery College; and seven percent to either a private two-year college or a trade

or vocational school. . There are no major differences between Paint Branch' HighSchool students and countywidehigh school students on this question.

51 6 7 NIL

I. When asked what criteria were most important in selecting' a college or university, Paiht 5ranch High School students responded:. course availability, 47%; academic, reputation, 4.2%; program reputation, 31%; college loCation, 17i; financia availability, 12%; faculty reputation, 10%; and other,c era werechosen by less that ten gercent of the istudents. re nó major differenos betWeen Paint Branch High School ts and countywide higlrschool students on this"Auestion.

When asked who will cover the expense of their college education, Paint Branch High School students responded: parents/guardians, 53%; self with parent's/guardian's help,, .37%; student financial aid, 25%; self, 14%; and undetermined at this time, 9%. Thereare no ,major differences between Paint Branch High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

Part III Questions for. Students Lnterested in Attending MontgOmery College

WhenPaint Branch High School students were asked what type of general program tAy were most interested in at Montgomery College, they responded: undecided,. 37%; transfer degree, 28%; career degree, 28%; and career certificate, 9%. There are no -major differences between Paint Branch High School studentsand countywide high schopl'students on this question.

When asI4d whether they anticipate attending MontgomeryCollege the fall semester immediately after graduation, Paint Branch Vigh School students said: yes, 41%;. no, 31%; and undecided, 29%. There are no major differences between Paint Branch HighSchool students and countywide high school students on this question.

\ When asked which Montgomery College campus they would like to attend, Paint Branch High School students said: Rockville Campus, 72%; undecided, 20%; Takoma Park CaMpus, 17%; and Germantown Campus, 4%. In comparison"to countywide students, a lower percentage of Paint Branch High School students desired to attend the Germantown Campus (4% to 16%)'. There are no major differences between Paint Brhhch High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked why they chose the Montgomery College campus they plan on attending, Paint 'Branch High School students responded: convenience, 80%Lrprogram at campus, 13%v other, 11% and each of the other reasons were selected by less than ten percent of the students. There are no major differences between Paint Branch. High School students and'countywide high school students on this question.

52 68 t

!eery High School-. .... 4f the 235 sUrveys distribUted to Pearyifigh'-school, 115 (53%) erereturnedin,a usableuformilor this report.' v (\ Nipart I Questions For All Students

. high/.4 '17.,2,. i' When asked what their plans are immediatelyafter, completing

.:, , enkoll :',.;:,,.'.. . school,Peary High School students responded: full - time. in ',6 a four-year college or university, 48%; get a job' and contiTiue: , %.,.\. 'Aeducation, 26%; enroll: full-time in a community college; '" r. undedided, 14%; and other plans were selected by less than ten ,:\, perOent of the students. .When compared to countywide students, a lower percentage of ileary High Schoolustudents were planning tO A'. . enroll, full-time.i,n a four-year college or universiti ,(48% to 64%).',

,'When asked 't. Montgomery College's reputation, Peaty-,High. School studentble, sponded: excellent, 6%; good, 42%; lair, 32%; pobr, 6A/ undec ded,A; and do not know, 12 %. In comparfSonwith countywide,students, a' higher percentage of PearyHigh'fSchool students :reSponded good,. (42%. to 10%) and A lower percehtage responder poor (6% to 17%)...

It" e% When'.asked'whether Montgomery College would be a goodkplace -dbo 'start their college career, Peary High School studentsresponded: definitely yes, 2211possiblyyes, 47A; no, 21%; anddo not know, 11%. In comparison with countywide student a higher percentage of Peary H h School students responded' d initely.yes (2'2% to percentage responded no (21t to 36%00 , 10%) and: When aske whether Montgomery. College would be a good place to get an inexpensive education., Peary High School Students responded: definitely yes, 33%; possibly yes, 53%; no, 2%; and do notknow, 12%. There are no major 'differences between Peary High t and countywide high school students on this question. Part II Questions for College Bouhd Students a- Of the Peary High SCNOO1 students who plan to gO.to c2llege, 44% plan to goto a-community college like MontgomeryOglege; 37% plan to go to public four-year college or university; 22% plan to go toa-private-four-year college or university;. and 'six percent, to .either. a private two-year collegeor a trade.or vocational school. In .comparison to countywide students, a higher percenteige -Of Peary:High School students-plan to enroll in a communitycollege.21ike Montgomery College (44% to 23%) and a lower percentage plan. on enrolling in a public tour-year 'college "41 or ,,university (37% ,to 52%).

'53 , , . .... ,-%;.-,' . When asked What- ciV-eria were most ,inipo.rtalit in selecting.zb '' --.college Or 'untveratearyAtiWSCh661,T. stikaeptq responded: ,t 4 . 451. program, ;xeputatiori, 35%; acgdemic ... *Utte aiiailab41itY, roputatione, 291; 7lcolle.ge*- 1.0caion:I5%; -,.financial 'aid '4 ''. aVailabijitY', 141; and otheY criteria were-chosen, 41,less than'A , ten per.ent of t.hv studentr. In comparis6n:-.14ith. countwid4 studentp, A lower percentage .'of: Peary High 'School student0,:saia.. ...

or .:, academic reputation ts a criteria-tn selOctingHa-.coiiege-

universityunit29% (29% 'fo,444).': 'f .., s n'( , . JThen_askedwhowill.pbver.the eiPense,ipf4 their coliege,educatiOn;% .., / Peary High '.5chool.. studenis.--responded:. : self ',!.,With' / 14arent's/guardtan's. help,. 40p parentS/40Tdiansv 434,. sttiOnt ;'1. financial atdf,;.29%; self, 17%.; aAd:7undebOrminea,at.fhiA time:, -. 19%. There ore, no itikjor differgnces betwe4n7yearS;:iiigh 4hool::,

students%pd tountywidetaghschool:.ptudents on thlt quOtioh,. '-'

.. , .',7.,. . Part III Questions for Studegs"iAtereeted i -T. . .

Atteilding'- ,Montgomery".0ollege . .. f v 1, . : ' . . . I . . .. 00 . When':Peary,High$Chool std4011ts*Oce_pkiced what typeof "gengral -YprOram khey.weie most interbid-in. at MontgomeryColtdgel they retkeOnded4 undecided, 4`51; transferdegree, 34; 'ca'reeFdegree . 27%; and Career certificate;,,.0%", 'Thereoarene ma= ot7A4fftreilces between PearYHigh SchOol students 'anobcpuntYwide, ' .104hschool- . - .o.f; . °students ton this question:, k-/: . 4 ,

, . . - When -asked. whether they anticipate attending MontgomeryCollege the,:fall, semester immediately after graduation, Peary High school students .said: yep, 49%; no, 20%; and undecided, 31%. In comparison with countywide students, a higher percentage of Peary High School students responded yes (49% to 37%).

When asked which Montgomery College campus filmy would like to attend, gft-ry High School students said: Rock Campus, 85%; Takoma Park Campus, 5%; Germantown Campus, 2%; and undecided, 8%. In comparison with,cOuntywide students, a higher percentage of Peary Hilh'School students plan to attend the Rockviille Campus (85%) and a lower percentage plan,on enrolling at the Germantown

Campus- (2% 'to 16%) .

When asked why they.chose the Montgomery College campus they plan on attending, Peary High School students responded: convenience, 84%; .ffiends go toethat campus, 161; program at campus, 13%; and each of the ,other reasons were seidted by less than tenpercent ,of the students. There are no major differences between Peary High Schoo.1:atudents and countywide high school student's on this question.


.54 7o


S ,

Of the 107 surveys distributed to Poolesville High School, 75 (70%) were returned in a usable form.for this report.

Part I Questions For All Students

. , ,7 ) When asked what their plans are immediately after. completing high

. if. school, Ppolesville High Sch6O1 students responded: enroll full-

A . ,;411. time in a four-year college or university, 4M; get a job and .A1. F. continue education, 378; undecided, 12%; enroll in a technical or 0;/14'.,/ trade school, 10%; enroll paTt-time ina communitybcollege; and fitv.''1.; otherplans were selected by less than ten percent of the .y, q-ii*, students'. In comparisonwithcountywide students, a higher ,pati.,,., percentage of Poolesville. High School students planned.to get a 41.1-A. job and continue their education (37% tot25%) and a lower ., -0.4. percentage planned to enroll, full-time in a four-year college or'.

A'i'. university (.48% to 63%)_, ,. M When asked to rate Montgomery College's reputation, Poolesville High School students responded: excellent, 3%; good, 39%; far', 32%, poor, 3%; andecided, 3%; and do not know, 20%. In comparison with countywide students, alower percentage of Pooles(iille High School students responded pOor (3% to 17%).

When asked whether t4 n gomery College would)1a good-place to start their college ca eer, Poolesville High School students resTonded: definitely yes, 12%; possibly yes, 44%; no, 22%; and do. not know, 23%. In comparison with countywide high school -students', a lower percentage of Poolesville High School` students responded no (22% to 36%).

. When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to "get an inexpensive education, Poolesville High School students responded: definitely yes, 16%1 possibly yes, 60%1 no, 6%; and do not know, 194. There are no major differences betw en Poolesville High School students 41nd countyWide high school st dents on this question, ,f

. Part' II Questions" -fOr College Bound Studs

.- Of the Poolesville -High School students who plan to go to

college, 42% plan to go to a public . fo -year. college or university; 36t plan to enroll at:a com city college like Montgomery Coljege; 17 -% plan to go to '.a411private four-year college or un,iversity; and 11% to either a private two-year college or a trade or vocational school. In comparisonwith countywide students a higher percentage° Of Poolesville High School students plan to enroll, 'at a communitycollege like Montgomery ,College (364 to 234) and a lows l percentage plan to enroll in a private four-year college ,sr uniVersity (17% to 28%).



55 1,1

71 Whet asked ',what criteria were ost important in selecting a dollege or university, Poole ille High School students responded: codtse %; .academic reputation, 33%; 4 college rOcation, 28%; program reputation, 20%; financial aid availability; 18%; class schgdule, 13%; athletics availability, 12%; housing availability, 10% and other criteria were chosen by less than ten percent of the students. In comparison with countywide students, a higher percentage of Poolesville High School students cited college. location (28% to 19%), a lower percentage cited academic reputation (33% to 44%) and program reputation (20% to 30%).

When asked who will cover the expense of theit college education, PoolesvilleHigh SchoolAptudents responded: parents/guardians, 46%; student financial 'Aid, 43%;, self with parent's/guardian's help, 24%; self, 11%; and undetermined at this time, 18%. In comparisonWith countywide students, a higherpercentage of Poolesville High School students cited student financial aid (43% to - 27%) and a lower percentage cited self with parent's/guardian's help (24% to 37%).

Part III Questions for Students.I6terested in Attending Montgomery College

When Poolesville High School students were asked what type of general program they weremost interested in at Montgomery ^'College, they responded: undecided, 41%; career degree, 38%; "transfer degree, 19%; and career certificate, 9%. In comparison with countywide students; a higher percentage of Poolesville High School students cited career degree (38% to 26%) and a lower percentage cited transfer degree (19% to 35%).

When asked whether they anticipate attending MontgomeryCollege the fall semester immediately after graduation, Poolesville High School students said: yes, 36%; no, 19%; and undecided, 45%. Thereare no major differences' between PoolesvilleHigh School° students and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked which MontgomerS, College campus they'woWld like to .attend, PooThsville High School students said: Rockville Campus,' 31%; Takoma Park Campud, 3%; Germantown Campus, 66%; and undecided, 16%. In comparison with countywide students, a higher percentage of Poolesville High School students said the Germantown Campus '166% to 17%) and a lower Oercentage said the Rockvik.11e Campus (31% to 62%).

When asked why they cho'the the Montgome4y Co4lege campus they plan on attending, Poolesville High School students responded: convenience, 66%; other reasons, 14%; friends go to that campus, 10%; and each of the other reasons were selected by less than ten percent of the students. There are no ajo differences between Poolesville High School students and'.cotintywlde high school students on this question.

5k Richard Mbntgomery_High School

Of.the 236 surveys distributed to Richard Montgomery High School, 67 (28%) were returned in a usable form for this report.

* Part I Questions For All, Students

When asked what their plans are immediately after completing high schooll.Richard Montgomery High School students responded: enroll full-time in a four-year college or university, 10%; get a job and continue education, 27%; undecided, 18%; enroll full-time in -.a community'coklege, 12%; and other plans were selected by less than ten percent-of the students.

Whenasked to rate MontgomeryCollege's' reputation, Richard MontgomOry High School students responded: excellent, 8%; gobd, 35%; fair,. 28%; poor, 15%; undecided, 0%; and do nOt know, 10. There are no major differences between Richard Montgomery High School students and countywide high school students on this , , question. ,

When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to start their college career, RichardMontgomery High School students responded: definitely yes, 14%; possibly yes, 38%; no, 30%. an do not know, 18%. There are no major differellces between Richard Montgomery High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to get an inexpensive education, Richard MontgomeryHigh School students responded: definitely yes, 33%; possibly yes, 52%; no, 6%; and di) not know, 9%. Thew are no major differenceb between Richard 'Montgomery High Schdol students and countywide, high school students on this question.

Part II Questions for College Bound Students

Of the Rickard Montgomery High School students who plan to go to college, 56% plan to go to a public four-year college or university; 28% plan to go to a:private four-year college or university; 25% to a community college likd Montgomery College; and six percent to either A private two-year college or a trade or vocational school. There are no major differences between Richard Montgomery High School students and countywide 'high school students on this question.

. .4 Whenaskedwhat criteria were most important in selecting a college or university, Richard Montgomery High School, students responded: course availability, 51%; academic reputation, 42%. program reputation, 37%; financial aid, availability, 22 %; college lo ation, 22%; and other criteria were choosen by less than'ten peLent of the students. In comparison with countywide students, a h er percentage of Richard Montgomery High School students said course availability (51% to 40%). k '


73 , When asked who will cover the expense of their collegeeducation, d° Richard Montgomery High students responded: parentsguardians, 45%; self withwith parent's/guardian's help, 44%; student financial aid, 39%; self, 22%; and undetermined at this time, 8%. When compared to countywide- students, a higher, \percentage of Richard Montgomery High _School ,students cited student financial aid (39% to 27%).

Par0IIIQuestions for Students Interested in Attending Montgomery College

When Richard Montgomery High School students were asked whattype of general program they were mostinterested in at Montgomery College, they responded: transfer degree, 47%; career degree, 25%; undecided, 28%. Whencompared to countywide students, a higher percentage of Richard Montgomery High School studentssaid they wanted to earn a transfer degree (47% tq36%).'

Whenasked whether they anticipate attending MontgomeryCollege the fall semester immediately after graduation, Richard Montgomery High School students said: yes, 37%; no, 23%; and undecided, 40%. There are no major differences betweenRichard Montgomey High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

Whert asked which Montgomery College campus they would like to attend, Richard, Montgomery High School students said: Rockville Campus, 77%; Germantown Campus, 10%; itpd Takoma Park Campus, 7%; undecided, 13%. When compared to countywide students, a higher perdentage of Richard Montgomery students said they wanted to attend,the Rockville Campus (77% to 63%).

When asked why they chose the Montgomery College campusthvy'plan on attending, Richard MOntgomery High School students responded: convenience, 77%; program at campus 13%; and each of the other reasons. were selected by les% than ten percentof the students. There are no major differences betweenRichard Montgomery High School students and countywide high school students on this, question.


58 74 r

Rockville High School .00

Of the '4ftsurveys distributedto RoCkville High School, 312 A75%) were 'returned in a usable form for this report.

Part I Questions Fox All Students

When asked what their plansaAimmediately after completing high school, Rockville High School:students responded: enroll full- time in a four-year.college or university, 73%; get a job and continue education, 22%4 " and other plans were selected by less than ten percent of the students: There are no major differences between Rockville High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked to rate Montgomery College's ,deputation, Rockville High School students responded: excellent, 11%; good, 33%; fair, 31%; poor, 14%; undecided, 2%; and do not know, 9%. There are no major differences between Rockville High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to start their college career, Rockville High School students responded: definitely yes, 8%; possibly yes, 40%; nov 39t; and do not )(low, 13%. There are no major differences between Rockville. High School' students and countywide high school students on this questign.

When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to get an inexpensive education, Rockville High School students responded: definitely yes, 32%; possi ly yes, 56%; no, 6%; and,do not know, 7%. There are no. or 'differences between High School students and .countywide high school students on this question.

Part II Questions for College bound Students

Of the Rockville High School students who plan to go to college,

58% Plan to go to a public four-year college or university;. 28% plan to go to a private four -year college or university; 15% tooa community college like Montgiemety College; and five percent to either a %private two-year college or a trade or vocational school. There are no major differences between Rockville High School students and countywide high school students on this question.



# 59 I


When asked what criteria were most important in selecting a college or university, Rockville,High School students responded: academic reputation, 45%fcourse availability,' 43%; program reputatiqp, 30%; college location, 20%; financial aid availabirity, 14%; class schedule, 10%; faculty reputation, 10%; and othercriteria were chosen by less than ten percent of the students. There are no major differences between RockvilleHigh School studtpts and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked who will cover the expense of their college education, Rockville High School students responded: parents/guardians, 58%; self with parent's/guardian's help, 33%; student financial aid, 25%;,.. self,. 18%; and undetermined at this time, 8%. There are no major differences between Rockville High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

Part III Questions for Students Interested in Attending Montgomery College

When Rockville 'High School students.wereasked what type of general program, theywere most interested in at Montgomery College, they responded: transfer degree, 47%; career degree,26 %; undecided, 24%; and career certificate, five percent. In comparisonwith countywide students, a higherpercentage of Rockville 'High School students were interested in a transfer degree (47% to 36%) and a lower percentage were undecided (24% to


When asked whether they anticipate attending Montgomery College the fall semester immediately after gradtiation, Rockville High School students said: yes, 39%; no, 32%; and undecided, 29%. There are no major diffevenceS between Rockville High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked which Montgomery College campus they would like to attend, Rockville High School students said': Rockville Campus, 89%; Takoma Park Campus, one perCent; Germantown Campus, ,seven percent; and undecided, five percent. In comparison with countywide students, a higher percentage of Rockville High School students pj;3n to enroll at the Rockville Campus (89% to 63%) and

a lower Vercontage are either undecided (5% to IA%) or plan 0 . attend the Takipma Park Campus (1% to 12%).

When askedwhtthey chose the Montgomery College oampus they plan on - attending, Rockvil High Schbol students resOondlsd: convenience, 88%; and ea h of the othi!r reasons were soleCted by less 'than ten percent bf the studepts. When compared to countywide students a higher percentage of,Rockville High .School students cited convenience (88% to 73%)


76 -4 ,

iv Seneca Valley High sehooi

, Of. the 639 surveys distributed to Senecsa,Valley High 'School, 173 (27%) were returned in a usable form f0;thisreport.

Part I Questions For All Students* #1 r I t When asked what their plans are immediately After completing high school, SenecaValley. High School studentS responded: enroll full -time in a four-year college or university, 57%; get a job' and continue education, 24%; undedided, 14%; enroll part-time in a community college, 12%; enroll full-time in a community college, 10%; and less than ten percent Of the students selected one of the remaining choices. There are no major differences between SeneCa Valley High S6hool students and countywidehigh school students on this question.

When asked to rate Montgomery College's reputation, Seneca Valley High School students responded: excellent, 9%; good, 36%; fair, 24%; poor, 13%; undecided, 1%; and do not know, 17%. There are no major differences between Seneca Valley High School students and countywide high School students on this questio.

When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to start their college career, Seneca Valley High School students responded: definitely yes, 14%; possibly yes, 45%; no, 30%; and do not know, 11%. There are no major differences between Seneca Valley High School students and.countywide high school students on this question.

When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to get an inexpensive education, Seneca Valley High - School students responded: definitely yes, 36%; possibly yes, 48%; no, 410' and do not know, 12%. In comparison with countywide.students, a\highero, percentage of Seneca Valley High School students responded definitely yes (36% to 25%).

Part II Questions for College Bound Students

Of the Seneca Valley High School students who plan to go to college, 46% plan to attend a public four-yearcollege or university; 33% plan to attend a community college like' Montgomery College; 23% plan to attend a private four-year college or. university; and five percent plan to attend either a private two-year college or a trade or vocational school. When compared to countywide students, a higher percentage of SeneCa Valley High School students plan on attending a community college such as Montgomery College (33% to 23 %).

When asked what criteria, were most important in selectinlaa4 college or university, SenecaValley High Schooltudents responded: course availability, 47%; academic reputatioh, 38%; program reputation 31%; college location, 22%; financial- aid availability, 17%; faculty reputation, 12%; class schedule, 12%; and other criteriawere chosen by less than ten percent,of the


77'7: ?" I students. There ore no major differences between SenecaValley High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

'When asked who will cover the expenses of their college. education, Seneca Valley High School students responded: parents/guardians, 46%; self with parent's/guardian's help, 40%; student financial aid, 34%; self, 16%; and 11% said itwas undetermined at this time. There are no major differences/between Seneca Valley High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

Part III Questions for Students Interested in Attending Montgomery College 1 When Seneca Valley High School students were asked what typeof general program they were most interested in at Montgomery 'College, they responded: transfer degrees 49%; career degree, 26%; undecided, 24%; and careec certificate, 4%. When compared to countywide students, ahighetpercentage tif Seneca ValleyHigh School students were interested in a transfer degree (49% to 36%) and a lower percentage of Seneca Valley High School students were undecided about what general program they were interested'in (24% to 35%).

When asked whether they anticipate 'attending Montgomery College the fall semester immediately after -graduation, SenecaValley High School students said: yes, 38%; no, 21%; and undecided, 41%. There are,no major differences between High Schoolstudents and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked which .Montgomery College -campus they would like E6- attend, Seneca ValleyHigh School students said: Germantown Campus, 64%; ROckville Campus, 21%; Takoma Park Campus, 6%; and undecided, 16%. When compared to countywide students., a higher percentage of Seneca Valley students were planning to attend the Germantown" Campus (64% to 16%) and a lower percent of Seneca Valley, High School students were planning to attend either the -Rockville Campus (21% to 63*) or the Takoma Park Campus (6% to 12%).

When asked why they chose the Montgomery College campus they plan on attending, Seneca Valley High Schoo4 students responded: convenience, 70%; friends go to that campus, 21%; program at that campus, 18%; recommended, 10%; and each of thy otherTeats.were selected by less than ten percent of the students.When ompared to countywide students, a higher percent of the SenecaValley High' School students said they chose the campus they selected because their friends go there 21% to 11%). Sherwood High School

Of the 296 surveys distributed to SherwoodAighSchool, 129 (44%) were returned in a usable form for this report. Part I Questions For All Students \ When asked what their plansare immediately after completinghigh school, Sherwood High School students responded,: enroll full-time in a four-year college or university, 54%;get a job and continue education, 28%; undecided, 12%; and other plans were selected by less than ten percent of the students. When- compared to countywide students, a lower percentage of SherwoodHigh School students were planning to enroll fual-time at a four-09.3rcollege or universi-ty (54% to 64%).

When asked to rate Montgomery Colege's reputation, Sherwood High School students responded: excellent, 3%; good,.35%; fair, 28%; poor, 19%; undecided, 2%; and do not know, 13%. There are no major differences between Shfrwood gigh School students and countywide high school students on this question.

Whet asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to start their college career, Sherwood High School students responded: definitely yes, 10%; possibly yes, 43%; no, 30%; and do not know, 16%. There. Ore no major differences between Sherwood High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good place to get an inexpensive education, Sherwood High School student responded: definitely yes, 16%;.possibly yes, 58%; no, 10%; d do not know, 16%. There are no major differences between SherWood High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

Part II Questions for College Bound Students

w. Of the Sherwood High School students who plan to go to college, 68% plan to go tO a public four.-year college or university; 22% to a community college like Montgomery College; 19% to a public four-year ,college or university; hand five percent to either a private two-year college or a trade or vocational school. In comparison to countywide students, . a higher percentage of Sherwood High School students p an to attend a public four-year college or university (68% to 5 %) and a lower percentage plan to enroll at a priv,Ite four-year c liege or university (19% to 28%).

63 p9 0111. When asked what criteria were most important in selecting a college or university, Sherwood High School students responded: academic 'reputation, 51%; course availability, 39%; program reputation, 32%; college location, 19%; faculty reputation,15%; financial aid availability, 12%; housing availability, 10%; and othercriteria were chosenby less than ten perceht of the students. There are no major differences between Sherwood High School students and .countywide high school students on this question.

When asked who willcover the expense of their college education, Sherwood High School students responded: parents/guardians, 51%; self with parent's/guardian's help, 40%; student financial aid, 22%; self, 17%; and undetermined at this time, 7%.There are no major differencesbetween Sherwood High School students and countywide high school studentson this question. Part III Questions for Students Interested in Attending Montgomery College

When High School students were asked what type of general pr gram they were most interested in at Montgomery College, they responded: undecided, 44%; transfer degree, 21%;. `career degree, 21%; and career certificate 14 %. In comparison with countywide students, a lower percentaqt of ,Sherwood High School students selected transfer digree (21%to 36%).

When asked whether they anticipate attending MontgomeryCollege the fall semester immediately after graduation, Sherwood High School students said: yes,. 30%; no, 41%; and undecided, 30%.. In comparison to countywide students, a higher percentage of Sherwood High School students responded'no (41% to 28%)

When asked which Montgomery College campus they wou2'd like to attend, SherwoodHigh School students said: Rockville 'Campus, 74%; Takoma Park Campus, 3%;HGermantown Campus,. '%; and undecided, 26%. In comparison with coanty*ide students a,higher percentage of Sherwood High School selected, the Rockville Campus (74% to 63%) and a lower percentage selected the Germantown Campus (5% to 16%).

When asked why they chose the Montgomery Collegecampus they plan on attending, Sherwood High School students responded: convenience, 74%; other, 11%; and each of the otherreasons were selected by leSs than tem percent of the students. There are no major differences between Sherwood High Schoolstudents and countywide high school studentson this question.

64 80

Of the 490 surveys distributqlt to Springbrook High School, 122 (25%) were returned in a usabrg form for this report. 4

Part'I Questions For All Students

When asked what their plans are immediately after completing high school, Springbrook'High School students responded: enroll full- time in a four-year college or university, 72%; get a job and continue education, 23%; and other plans were selected by less than ten percent of the students. There are no major differences between Springbrook'High School students anditcountywido high school students on this question.

When asked to rate Montgomery College's reputation, Springbrook High School students responded: excellent, 3%; good, 25%; fair, 28%; poor, 27%; undecided, 5%; and do not know, 12%. There'are no, mayor differencesbetween High School students and countywide high school students on this questioni

When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good placeto start their college career, Springbrook High School students reqponded: definitely yes, 6%; possibly yes, 3310 no, 46%; and do not know, 15%. In comparison to countywide students, ahigher perCentage of. Springbrook High School students respondedno (46% to 36%).

When asked whether Montgomery College would be a good placeto get. an inexpensive education, Springbrook Hi Y? School students responded:.definitely yes, 19%; possibly yes 57%; no, 10 %; and do not ,know, 14%. There are no major differences. between Springbrook High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

Part II Questions for College Bound Students

Of the Springbrook Hijh School students whoplan to go to college, 54% plan to go to a public four-ydar college or university; 132% plan to go to a private four-year college or university; 1" to a community college like Montgomery College; and four petcent to either a private two-year college or,a trade or vocational school. There are no major .differenc es between Springbrook High .School studentt and,countywide high school students on this question.


When asked what criteria were most important in selecting a college or university, Springbrook High School students responded: academic reputation, 43%; course availability, 37%; program reputation, 22%; college location, 20%; finanCial aid availability, 11%; and other criteria were chosen by less than ,den percent of the,students. There are no major differences between. Springbrook High School students and countywide high school students on this question.

65 When asked who will cover the expenseof their college education, Springbrook High School students responded; parents/guardians, 60%; self with parent's/guardian's help, 30%; student financial 9%. There aid, 23 %; self, 10%; and undetermined at thistime, are no majordifferences betweenSpringbrook HighSchool students and countywide high schoolstudents on, this question.

Part III Questions for StudentsInterested in

Attending Montgomery College .

When SpringbrookHigh School students were askedwhat type of general program they- were most interested in at Montgomery College, they responded: career degree, 47%;undecided, 41%; and transfer degree, 18%. In comparison with countywidestudents, a higher percentage of Springbrook High School said theywere interested in a career degree (47% to 26%)and a lower percentage were interested in atransfer degree (18% to 36%).

When asked whether they anticipateattending Montgomery College the fall semester immediatelyafter graduation, Springbrook High School students said: yes, 32%;' no, 32%; and undecided, 35%. There are no major differencesbetween Springbrook High School students and'-countywide high schoolstudents on this question.

When askedthi Montgomery College campus theywould like to at nd, Springb1ok High.School students said:Rockville Campus, 0%; and 6 Takoma Paik Campus, 13%; Germantown Campus, undec ded, 23%. In comparison with countywidestudents, a lower percen age of SpringbrookHigh School students wereinterested in attendi g the Germantown Campus (0% to16%).

When asked why they chose the MontgomeryCollege campusthey plan Springbrook. High School students responded: on . attending, convenience, 54%; friends go to that campus, 27%; program at campus, 19%; other reasons, 12%; and each of the other reasons were selected by less than ten percent of the students. In co rison with countywide students, a higher percentage of (27% S ngbrook High School students said fribnds goto campus 11%) anda lower percentage said convenience(54% to 73%).

66 82 . !. / a

. .41 , . ..1 ~Walter.7Ohnsop High. School ,.) '' 4 .. :11;.; e ' pf the 251: surveys distributed.! to Walter'! 4, ! A -Johnson . High Schodl, '.:1. (49% :iverereturned i:Va ti,stob101form, for thisreport. PartI -Questions For AU studenti 4 . . When asked what. theirplanslireimmediately..After completing. school high -Walter .. J.phnspn School student High k esposndedl. . enrF4,11, full-time ina-four-irearo,11egte or 82%;.!,) getalob.' ..and continue- eduqaipt 11%; and other..planSI:\were.,;Wected by less than perceot 'the:students '/I'0-4.comparison .With countywide'.students 'oi higher.; pe,ioentage-9fWitterjohrison Schoolstidents 4.1ere planning toenroll fu 1 I-'16.rneinJa f oyr,lear. col legs : or '4111..vgrsitY,. ,(82.11.kto'..844).*an4A lower :ii-Cen'tage- l ter Sch0o.1 ''students planned' 40- ge a job and ,V;.";- continue their r. education(111% to 25 %). 44 I iy; When.. asRed`:;. MontgdiKery. COllege 's repti 0 ..JohnsonHkg'hSchool' studentsresponded:excellent,3 %r pod,. 20%; VI fair, 2.6%; poor ,.;:, 31% ti unOecide/01:, 7%st -and, do, not knOiti:12*.. ,.ln ro compii>risoti with C.ountywi'de .St`u'deht.S, 4 ^ tperceiltage waiter-' ..,dotin'Son students.. r:espO6dedpoor (31% to 17%Y ani4;!..0-. lower percentuge retp.opded:gdPA:IZP.**)3.4)i).

ith Atikeawhether Montgomery, wi:5-t-.44.:,,be good....kilip,eto -s.tar -;;Wa,i ter JohriSOn High"SchOol stt der is respon ed:40.10:tell? 51; possibly 11**),,; 27tj, rio.o.5.2% = 4 (3,0, tot khowi lik, ari son countywidestudents,.;, a higher percetrtage'Of.Wa/ter Oohnson studentsreeponded no (52%4.t.:0, 36%1 ,1.0Wer percentage refipondedpossibly yes (27.f: :.t9 8 . '.; whe0asked *opt* Montgomery would S'a,,466d a.c3e 63 get .?.p:;"4:pexpens irv-6 educaA, ton, Wa.lter,.Johnson. High- Scl?ool:. students responded.:- def in i te.1/y y04,, no, 17. % .,not know.. M dcimpar Am. with cou:ntywi9r6 , highezz.,-percentpgeof :.,Waiter' school tut:4ets . reS,prinded,.no .(17% to: 7%), fand- ..percentagea or (43%.7t.o . .

.. , . . .14,0'.1.1 QU'eStirOiP.I:r.OK'C011qge%00q0dS*U.kWilAt. -... ''''':: . , . . W : . pLi .0V; _2.%:.' . r . . ':':12 1!VI a. i' V ,! '117.: (71 .the',. ,Wal ter ,..John.s4Hiifili. :,Schody, -a...it:dent:8.whp,/..Flap, .f 6goto .,1: . %,0 co'Ylege,)".'.48% plan to enrqlf":::0:''ar.,,pr iVate 'f.our#4..year''Oolleset;. i.'461.. ...,r, uhiliersityc. '431 Flan ;.t41040.1.in .4 public 104t:-year .90f1:ette,dt,..b. Ahlversityr. '..,1%. 7p14`.,17p:.,to. 'enroll' .A.:t .4 :::OtiiilltAqt,)r'"0.1, i ege ..;').ike-!,:;::.:::, 'liont:16,04ry... 'CO11040s ,..f.h-veb ..:04r,P00...ic:n.. to ,ent..9,11!i'.ai',.4'1!::pniva-*,: ^-,7 teo-ydarC.0 ilegeci ori *:: 'a t ., 414.1-...:t tade:.;;, -or:..,V0CA:::I.ori0,.;, school,.., inli;.:,:.., '. compa'ris.ok,- wi.th.:; 9 :.:ill.)telAii:le litUcl-it,hs ,, ,5, a ,....bile*ei. :p.ek4*ntage',...of .,;::'.i,,V.' .-.. 'dal te:t ,.101ins.an 141,4hi. echo .-4'01.00.nto..,.14itt.on .entollin.4.:. in' . ,. . :A .'fpr ivai'e fotii-yoarcol,lige ot,,t,in,itfelisley percentage (4.84%fox2",3%'), and 6 :.1.1!Otiier':.... of ,tielteg....;,:..70-40144On :'HighSchool- . .Stutiefb.eSt, .p./.0-6-s-L:ont;i:/-' .r.,i ,, i '04 i 6 p ; :: a ... R u ii; ,11 c. enrolling ; ,fin -four ."yeiiii 'col 1.00- or- unive,i,pd.ty-,.:( 4.3%. "-',;,';.,':.,. ... lo \'5214. ,:',..'or Pa Commtinliter-'.`0.'otipOi!,.lik.e..146t1t.g6iiiet.y ,.., Col leFje. . (12.0 ',','t.cist 2' 21%) r. i 7, " . . ka . I F tk .,l, 5', 0/4..

; . ttI . . .

a WhenaskedwhatCiteiia. were mosip. importantinselecting collegeax .:11nir'stervitlf` 'WaterJohnsonHighSchoolstudents course availability,32%; . reAponded:': academic, reputdtiont. ; .5:7%; progranc.reputation4 ,36%.;-college. .:O.cation',. 1.9%; finaialnc aid .availablt-,,'-:1 1.2%; faCUlty 'reputationi,i1%; housing availability, 11%; asii147 other. Criteria wAlie.choosenby lesb than ten percent of 'the -students.Ini:..cortparison Wit.)1i,,69untywide 'students, ahigher. percentage.. of thb Jo.hnsOn High . Schoolstudentssaid 1 acadeMic. reputation i4t0' 44%).. rl , is ... i , When .ask who'Agl:il.cover the expense of their'College education; .. Watter'.Vdrhson 'High School',4students renonded:parents/guardians, 42%;self 'with parene.s/gua'rdi:an's Wiil:p.,,`30%; student financial undetermined at :thistime,eight ai'd-; . 23.,%;...Self,,1.2%;. and percept.In coMparison with, countyWid,estudents a higher percent ,.ofWalterJohnson' High Schpol... studentssaidparents/guardians :,462% to 524)). - .. 4 , ...... , Part IjI Questions.'. For. StudentsInterested in' . Attepaing-Matitgomeiy Collette. I) y fr...... I what 'When':Walter,:Johnsorrili.4.gh*School?'s.tudents were asked type of general-, prograiti"the9: were mostinterestedinatMontgomery , pollege'; they reipOndeth,.-:.transferidegree,33%; undecided, 33%; career certifAcatCy' 19%;careerdegree, 19%. lIn,.comparilion- with countywide studenti'i 4,higher'pei,centaser of Walter Johnson'High Sqh6O1 students were interested ',.,in, 'a cateer.certificate 119%to 1' . %Whet ske4 whether theyanticipat`e,..attending,i'Vontgomeiy..College falr,peplester immedigtely, aftet,-graduAtion,\Walter .Jonson High School Otudents said:y'est: -'36;-nol, 3-2%; .andundecided; 132ii. ,,Ther.e',are no:, majOr,idierences between 'WalterJoknson, High Sdh:ool ';students and,;Oountywidhigh:sachool studs/484°n , 41 . 4' , ,0 1,. . ., .,.. ' N When s 'asked,wh'ith Montgotery Co legecampus they worldlike-: to a'et,-end, Walter ,JohnSon.: HitIlp,Scho tudents responded:.., Rockville ."'' Taktima.Park Campus, 8%; Germaptown Camp-4;:; 4%;and -tami-3use 65,41 ; . .; .::-.unde"ciaedl, -,'23V.Thereare no major'differences between' Wa,lter JOhnson?4''ffigh Sd.hc;p1 students andcountywide high school' students .. , . i "ei n w 4, . oph.is quest,iope 4 - . , .. . '. e'f, .. .. t .... .:4 4 When aSked 'WI*iheY'Ychose.. the: Montgomery College campus they.....-pran' -on ik, a tt.t,nding , ",::Walter ',,t7oh-nsonHigh-Sdbodlstudentsresponded: ..!, c'efNen:iery;'0 64; other, . 19%; . ckaice of fa.,-)u 1 ty;:.12%; *other ";, 'rearsonS'' wk,'*eachselected by :4160s. thanten..pe-fcent.if of'the ituden,ts.In ',4qomparisonwith, coUnpf1de,iitudents,: a'lower 'percentage ..;lof Wa I t e r 'JohnsonHighSctiool:: students ::SeleCted , ,., .>:. . .. ,.. cnvenite nce (62% to 73%) . . . w , i) . .z. . '.4,: 4. .. *A . ''" ; ! ..., h.'

....t, !4'4 4. ,,,' ( .

- i a. s'

ro .

P a. 4e;:t. 7.1. ;* 1 7., ;14 : I .. o `. Ir ..t14 Woodward High School

Of the 257 surveys distributed to Woodward High School, 11 (4%) were returned in a 14-sable form for this report. Because of the small number of returned surveys, an executive summary of the results for_Woodward High School has not been completed.


4 4 4 if

$4,4. e

Wootton High School , . Of the 412 surveys distributedto Wootton High School, 159 (39p) were returned in,,ausable form for this report. 4,-.. Part I Questiops For All Students When asked what their plans areimmediately after completinghigh school, Wootton High School students esponded: enroll full-time in a four-year college oruniversity, ;11%4- get a and continue 'less.ehan ten education, 15%; andother plans were selected b percent of the students. In comparison tocountywide students, a they higher percentage of Wootton High School students said planned to enroll full-time at afour-year college or university a job and (91% 64%) and a lower percentage wantedto get their education (15% to 25%). continaltOL 4 lk When asked ,oto rate MontgomeryCo lee's reputation, Wootton Hi. la School students responded: exce lent, 3%; good, 14%; fair, 40%; comparison poor, .26%; undecided, 4%; an do not know, 13%. In High with .countywide "-students, a hi her percentageof Wootton School students respdnded poor(2 Cto 17%). w place to When asked whether Montgomery,coqege' would be agood School students, start...'.their college career, tton High definitely.yes, 4%;possiblyyes, 23%; no,50%; and' responded: a 231..In comparison.with countywidee students, .do':not know, no higher- percent:age of Wootton High Schoolstudents responded responded possibly yes (23% (50% to'',3-.§%) and a lower percentage to 18%). . 0 N 216.64 to Whent askedwtethervMontgomery College wouldbe a good place Wootton High School students get an 1.inexpensiVe education, responiled: definitely yes, 19%; possibly yes,57%; no, 9%; and (!lo a lower 20%.. In comparison tocountywide students, not. Iknow, definitely percentage of Wootton'High Schoolstudents responded

n. yes (15% to 25%) . :

%Part II Questkans forCollege Bound Students

. . , Of- the Wootton High 'Schoolstudents who plan to go tO college, 58%1 plan to go to apublic four-year college oruniversity; 43% six to go to a private four-yearcollege or university; plan and two operpent to4community college like.Mont5omeryCollege; trade or percent to either a private two-yearcollege or, a students, a \ vocational. schobl: In ...comparison withcountywide higher per6entage"of WoottonHigh School 'plan to attend aprivate college or :university (43'% to28%). 0,08$01.'


81;- 70"


A When asked what criteria were most important in seleCting a college of university, Wootton High School.gtudents resporided: "academic reputation, 53%; course availability, 36%; program. ',.reputation, 34%; college location, 22%; finantial aid availability, 10%; and other'priteria were choosen by less than ten percent of the,studentl%! There are no major diff4ences between Wootton High School.stOents and countywide high school students on this question.

When asked who will cover theexpense of their college education, Wootton Nigh School students responded:Tarents/guardians, 64%; selfwith parent's/guardian's help, 34%; student finanCial aid}, 18%;, self, 14%; and undetermined at this time, sixpercent. Part III Questions for Students Interested in Attending Montgomery College

When WoottoHigh School studentswere asked what type of general 4 program they were most in at Montgomery College, they responded: undecided, '50%; career degree, 25%1career certificate, 18%; and transfer degree, 14%. In comparison with countywide students, a higher percentage of Wootton High Schoolstudents wereundecided about their general program (50% to 35%), a higherpercentage were interested in a career certificate (18%to 7%) and a lower perdentage were interested ina transfer degree (14% to 36%).

Whenasked whether'they anticipate attendingMontgomery College the fall semester immediately after graduation, WoottonHigh School students said: yes,. 20%; no, 53%1. arid undecided, 27%. In comparison with countywide students, elower percentage of Wootton High School students responded no (53%to 28%). 0 'When asked which Montgomery College campus they would like'. to attend, Wootton High Schbol students said: RockvilleCampus, 64%; Takoma Park Campus, 5%; Germantown Campus, 9%; and, undecided, 23%. There are no major differences between Wootton High School students and countywide high school studentson this question.

When asked why they chbose the Montgomery College campus they plan on attending, Wootton High School students responded: convenience, 78%1 program at campus, 11%; and each of the ether reasons. ware selected by less than ten percent of the students. There are no major differences between WoottOn High School _students and countywide high schoolstudents on this question.

I ,


71 7 APPENDIX IL High School Code: !. (01,02) MONTGOMERY COLLEGE HIg1:1 School Student Survey Questionnaire

Dear Student:

The mission of Montgomery College is to provide appropriateand essential education beyond high school to the diverse population it serves.

In an attempt to learn how we might better serve you, we areasking you and other high school students to assist the College tounderstand your educational aspirations and your opinions and perceptions aboutMontgomery College. -

Your responses on the following survey will be held inconfidence.

Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely,ki Robert E. Parilla41 President



(003) 1. What is your current area of study? 3. 1. Academic or college preparatory General education Com.merclal (business) 4 Vocational program

(004.013) 2. What are your plans ImMedlateN atter completing high school? (Check as many as apply) t Get a Job; discontinue formal education 2 Get a job; continue education 3 Go Into the military service 4 Enroll in a two-year cznmunity college; part-time Enroll in a two-year carnmunity college; full-time

o . Enroll in a four-year college or university; part-time 'Enroll In a four-year college or university; full-time s, Enroll In a technical or trade school 9 Undecided to Other, please identify:

(014 019) 3.What is your educational goal? (Check one) Prepare for a vocation Ik, . Tako.pollege courses for self enrichment aT ke'college courses. to Improve certain vocation skills rn a certificate in a technical or professionalfield i..m a college degree Other 72 a f For the following statement, p se Indic*. If yika feel It Is a positive or negative attribute for; the college.

Fool No. Positivs Nigative oploion'

(0201 4: Approximately 20,000 students are enrolled in credit courses. 1 1 . 2

11. 1021) 5. It has three Campuses. 1 2.

(0221 6. The college offers a tWolear (AA) degree. 1.1__ 2.

(023) 7. A typical three - credit course costs approximately $100 in tuition and 1, 2. fees. (024) 8. It provides support services such as counseling, basic skills and 1. 2._ 3. _ vocational assessment, and special services for handicapped students.

(OM 9. Approximately 72% of Its students jmbine work and school. 2.

(02e) 10. It has career counselors to assist students in makings3reer decisions. 2. 3.

4027) 11. It has transfer counselors to assist students in transferring to upper 1. 2. V 3 _ division colleges and universities.

(0261 12. Its vocational-orient s can enable most students to gain 1._____ 2. 3 _ employment.

(029 13. Over 50% of its graduates transfer to an upper divisioncollege. 2

(0301 14. It has an extensive athletic program. 2

(031) 15. It has an extensive cultural arts program. 2

10321 16. The average class size is under 25. 1.

(0331 17. It has a financial aids office to assist students who qualify. 1 2.

(034) 18. The libraries on each campus are open on .the weekend. 111 2.

(038) 19. Studen4 can work on campushourvotvenientto their class 1. _ 2. 3 _ schedule. i $

(036) 20. Compared to other colleges, do you believe Montgomery College's overall reputatiori is: 1. Excellent 4 0 3. _ _ __, Fel r 5 _ _ Undecided 2. __ Good Ale 444_ Poor e. ____ Don't know

(0371 21. How would you rate the College's transfer and 'General Edtwation aoademic programd? 1. Excellerfro"'"4 3. Fair Undecided

2. Good . 4. Poor 6. Don't know

(036) 22. How would you rate the College's vocational programs? 4 _Excellent 3._ __Fair Undecided

2 _ Good 4. Poor 6._ . Don't know A (03) 23. How would4ou rate the qoality ofe faguli0

t Excdlent , 3. ..1_ F4.00r 5. , Undecided . \ '` 2. ,f ___Good ' 41 t Poor , Don't know . ..) 1 . ... ,,. (0401 24. Howwouldyou rate the.quatItyf MO administrators?'

1. _, )(collet* 1. _'.._Fair f "5 4..., Undecided , 2. '1`. L _ .1 cod . 4. Poor '6.*____._ Don't , ., 4 \, ,6 (a9 25. How would you rate the quality of the tacilit03? t

1 Excellent 3. Fdir .... Undecided 2.,,,, Good 1100, 4 t Poor ., 41,11'...,_.Don't know 11 . (o4i 26. Do you believe Montgomery College would begood college to start your college career?

sot ..Definitely yes , 3. _ No, 2._ _ _ .Possibly yes 4. __ Don't know ;11 614 416 3 I 27,Do you think Montgomery College is a good place tq'get an inexpensiveeducation? ' I Definitely yes , , 3 . . _ . _N * 2. Possibly yes 4. Don't know

10444350) 28. How did you first learn about Montgomery College? This questionnaire

2. _ . . Material mailed totoine address.

3.. . _Through I/lechers, counselors or fer high sch4001 personnel 4. From a college represehtative, 5. Frog) the news media

. Through friends

IP. Other, please explain id ,

cosisel 29. To.what radio station do you most frequentlylisten?

__ WASH WKYS 2 WWDC (DCI01) 8. WMAL 3 WINX WTOP k I 4. WAVA & ___ Other, please specify:

(0591 When? morning 2. ___ afternoon 3 evening mow 30. What televItion station do you most frequently watch? 1. _ 4.(WRC) 4.____.9 (WDVM) 2. _ 5 (WTTG) 5._____ 26(WE-TA) *- r 3. 7 (WJLA), e. ___ Other, please specify 4

3. (006) When? 1.___..: morning 2 _ __aftewoon . _evening

(087074r 31. What newspaper do you most frequently read? 1- Gaithersburg Gazette 5. _ Washington Post

2. Washington Times e. _ Montgomery JOUitiO 3, U.S.A. TOday 7 your high:sztool paper 4 MontgoMery Sentinel 8. __Other, pleasespecIfy:

(0Th) 32. Have any members of yourimmediate,mily evee:attnded Montgomery College? Yes 2. No Don't know

Part II

COLLEGE BOUND STUDENTS (If you do not plan to attend college goto Part IV)

10/8 000) 33. At what type of college will you most probably start your collegecareer?

J 1 Private two-year c011096 ., 0

. 2 Public two-year4community college such as Montgomery College ff 3 Private four-year college or university 4 Public four-yeir college or university s 'Trade or vocational school

Mel 0901 34. What criterion do you feel is the most important in selecting a college oruniversity? Academic.lreputation & _ pf detired courses 2 ,Reputatipof faculty 7 . _ Desirability of Class schedule. Reputation of desired program a. Avallipliity of financial aid 4 Location of College 9 Avalliallity of athletic progr 5 A)allabliity of housing' Other, please explain:


74 90 11111=.=

- 1001 315. On what basis would,you be attending college? 1 FUI1411110 (1? creciit hours or more per semester) PartIlme (lees than 12 credit hours per semester) 3. Undecided

10921 38. What is your highest degree, expectation? 1. Certificate (one year) 2 AA degree (two years) 3. Bachelor's degree (four years) 4.______Master's degree b. Doctorate degree e Professional degree (law, medicine, etc.) Undecided

(003-097) 37. Who will cover the ex of your college education? (Check all that apply) Self 2. Parent ardlans 1 h parent's/guardian's help 4 Student financial aid 5. .__ Undetermined at this time

(0010 38. While attending college, do you plan to have ajob? 1. Yes, work fulltime A35,Vore hours/week) 2. Yes,`part-time 3 Don't plan to have a lob I


STUDENTS INTERESTED IN ATTENDING MONTGOMERYCOLLEGE (If you do not plan to attend Montgomery College, pleasego to Part IV.)

(099.102) 39. In what type of general prograM will you be most interested? .1. career certificate (one year) 3. . career degree (two year pro?riam) 2 _ transfer degree (two year program) 4. undecided i

(103.104) 40. What will be your major area of study/ Please specify bynumber:

Accoundng BlO10gicki1 44Physicel Science Criminal JUitice 07.... Accounting 42` -Roehe ectifidr60-- 37Corrections Degree Medici Tschnoroge-_-;.,i,.., 38Corrections Certificate Advertising rreDentletry 67 Law Enforcement 19 Advertising DesIg0 .77 3PreMedlcIne SO Retail/Industrial Security 20 Illustration 70PreOptometry 81PrePharMaCy al Assisting /Architecture and Construction Tech. , Dental Assisting Degree 23Archltecturel Technology 08:' Business Administration _.Dental_Assisting Certificate 82ManageMent of Construction Mc 26'' Civil Engineering Technology 13 -Mittal Laboratory Technology Arts and' Sciences .1-, x 03 Art Communication* and toadies** Early Education 50Art History TV/Birth). 75Early. dhood Education 82Studio Art, 93- Radio and TV Broadcasting 30Child Aide 48Liberal ArtsArts 78Radio 48 Science/Mathematic( 78Television 24 Mectronedeiteohnology 11 Theatre Performance 14Theatre Technical 00Computer Operator 47 "Ehlditfltittliiiiilcal Technology Automotive Technology Computer Science 1' MP Drafting and Design Technology 83Automotive Tech. Degree 06Business 85Automotive Tech. Certificate 10Science/Mathematics Engineering Transfer 27Engineering 25Computer Technician Piro Selene, Management 22Photography 1 Fire Science Degreetree 61 Banking and Financial Fire Sciece 34 Behavioral 97Printing Technology 70 Fashion Merchandising 88Radloiogic Technology 28General Eng 43 Food and' Beverage Management 73Dietetic Tech. Management Cert. tilniral Studies 66Dietetic Assistant Certificate 92Recreation Leadership 36Humanities/Social Science 66Food Management Certificate 3g SciencelMathematice 33General Secretarial 46General Merchandising 88Executive 89Legal. 130911PIW CerhigrePtlY and 44 Hotel/Motel Management Community Planning 36 Marketing 91 Medical 40 Geography 96Supermarket Management 62Office Assistant 63Word. Processing 04Cartography 06 Community Planning nMechanical Engineering Tech. 90Secretarial, with Shorthand 87General Business Studies 63Handicapped Assistance Medical Assistant 58Medical Assistant Degree Teacher Education Humanities and Social Sciences OS Medical Assistant Certificate 60Art Education 15 Elementary Education 41 Geography 17General Business Education 01 Community Planning 49Medical Laboratory Technician 18Secondary Education 02Community Planning 16Secretarial Education 74PreLaw 50Mental Health Associate 21 Education for industry Legal Assistant 61 Nursing, Registered it4Music 72 UPhysical Education

College the fall semester immediately aftergraduation? (105) 41. Do you anticipate attending Montgomery 3. ____ Undecided i_. __. Yes 2. _____ No '

42. Which .one of the campuses of the Collegewill you most likely attend? (106-109) ,., 1-:.)- Germantown 3. ______Takoma Park Rockville 4. _ _,_ Undecided

(110.115) '43. Why did you pick the above. location? of faculty 1. Convenience Choic

2. Program of Interest is on that campus . Reco mended

3. Most of my friends go to that campus 'a. -Other; pfeasespecify:

11161221 44. What days would you.be interested ip attendingclasses? (Check more than one response if appropriate) 5. Saturday 1. Any days Monday 3 Monday, Wednesday, through Friday , Friday 6.. Undecided 2. Tuesday, Thursday 4 - _ Sunday

(123.127) 45. When would you prefer to attend classes? (Check all that may apply) Morning 3 Evening 5._ Any dime 2 Afternoon 4 _ ___Weekends

(126.131) 46. What time schedule during the week would youlike to attend class foE a three'credit course? 3 Three hours once a week 1. _ One hour three times a week 4. 2 One,,and one-half hours twice a week Undecided..

(132.101) 47. How will you commute to the campus? (Check all that mayapply) Public transportation 4. Car pool 5. . 2. Be driven by member of family or friend Car Bicycle, motorcycle'' O. Walk

142)' 48. How long do' you estimate it will take you to commute thethe campus indicated in Question 42 above? .5. 60 +, minutes T Under 15 minutes a 30 to 45 minutes 2 15 to 30 Minutes, +?___L 45 to 60 minutes 1 0 92 76 T

X19. ,WIII you be requesting some form of financial aid? 1._ Yes 2. No 3.. Undetermiped

50. If handicapped, will you requireany spec1# support services? 1. _ Yes 2 _ _ No 3. Not handicapped

(145.148) if yea, what type, if any, of support services willyou require? Reader 3 Mobility aide 2. Interpreter 4. Other,-speciNt

049.152 If yes, will you need assistance in improvingone or more of thefollo+.4ingskills? (Check all that may apply)

1 ReadIncp 3. Math 2. __Writing 4. Study habits

/UP Part IV (The information requested in this section is forresearch purposes only.) I 51. ZIp code (home address):

52. Sex:t maks.2. female

(159) 53. Race/ethnicity: 1. _ American Indian A person having origins In any of the original peoples of NorthAmerican, and who maintains cultural identificatiop through tribal affiliation or communitierecognition. 2. ___Black Non-Hispanic A person having origins in any of the black racialgroups 01 Africa. 3. Asian A person having origins in any of the original pobpios of the #arEast. Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, of the Pacific islands. this area includes, for example, China, India,Japan, Korea, the Phillippine Islands and Samoa. 4. Hispanic A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Centralor South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.

5. White Non-His . A person having Igins in any 01 the original peoples of Europe, North Atticaor the Middle East. Other !

(150.161) 54. is English your first language? Yes 2...

(162) 55. What is your current grade average? 4. A 2. _ C 3. __B 1.. D a.

Part V

0631 56. Would you, your parents or guardians like to r44011,additional information concerning the College? 1, Yes 2. No

(164167) If so, what type of information Is desired? (Please complete the address Information requested below) . College catalog 2. Current class schedule s Brochures on specific programs - which programs

4. Would like to talk wIth+a college representative *' 1 would Tike additional Information about MontgomeryCollege.


.Street (Apt. #)

City. State _ Zip Code

Your assistance in completing the questionnaire isappreciated. Thank you.


ERIC Clearinghouse forJunior Colleges $ EP 1. 9 1985