Windows OS: Windows XP and above, 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended), 400 MB free disk space.

Mac OS: Intel Platform. 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended), 400 MB free disk space, MacOS Leopard (OSX 10.5) and above.


Windows Users Double-click the file FizaraAlbumDesigner_Installer.exe to install Fizara Album Designer. After installation, Fizara Album Designer will be added to your “Programs” menu.

Mac Users Double-click the file to extract the Fizara Album Designer application.

After un-archiving the file, you can drag the app to your desired location (usually your Applications folder), and delete the file.



Upon launching Fizara Album Designer, you will arrive at the main screen. The welcome page is in the center with access to helpful links like an FAQ, User Guide, Pricing, and Special Offers. At the top left, you will find a list of the types of products you can create.

The product list on the left is where you can start one of your fully-customizable projects: Select the type of product you want to create by clicking on the appropriate button on the left. Each one of the buttons leads to a project start page from which you manage your projects.


The home button loads the application home page. From the home page you can also access important up-to-date resources and information about your projects and new offers on the right-hand menu. Most importantly, this menu includes: My Cart which opens up a web browser and takes you to the shopping cart at to pay for and finalize orders you have uploaded but never ordered.


Once you have selected a project type to work on, the main area will switch to a projects view.

We use the word project to describe a product you plan to create. You can have album projects, photo book projects, Gallery Wrap projects, and so on.

The project area on the right shows all projects that were created and saved in the system. The buttons on the left of the project area allows you to perform the desired task on the selected project.


The project area on the rigth shows all projects that were created and saved in the system. The buttons on the left of the project area allows you to perform the desired task on the selected project.

Use “Create New” to start a new project.

Use “Open” to open the selected project. You can also double-click the project to open it.

Use “Import” to import a previously exported project file.

Use Export to export a project to a file. You can use it to backup your projects or to move a project from one computer to another.

Use Delete to delete the selected project.


To create a new project, start by selecting the project type from the Fizara project buttons (on the left) and clicking the “Create New” button. This will open the new project wizard. The wizard steps might vary based on the project type. Follow the wizard steps to create a new project.

Following is the new album wizard screen:


Projects are managed and saved in the application database. You can Export a projects as a stand-alone package for backup purposes. You can later import those packages back into the application.

To export a package, select a project and click on the export button and follow the export wizard. The package will be saved on your hard drive as a .dlp file.

To import a package, click the Import button, and follow the Import Package wizard.



The project window will vary between the projects, based on the specific project needs. However, the all project windows will follow the same layout.


The project toolbar allows you to cycle between the different available projects types (, photo books, gallery wraps, etc.). When a project is open, the project tool bar will collapse to use less screen space. When clicked or when the mouse hovers over it, it will open to its normal size.

You can go back to your open project by using the “Open Projects” tray located on the bottom left corner of the program window or the project menu link located in the top menu bar.


The image tray holds the image assets you plan to use in your project.

Use the tools on the left of the tray to perform the following tasks:

Add individual images to the image tray Add a folder of images to the tray Hide the images used in the project Remove all images from the tray

To use images for you project, simply click on the image, drag it to the desired location, and drop it over that location.

If you move the mouse over an image and leave it there for a while, a zoomed version of the image will open.

Use the rotate arrows on this view to rotate the image if needed.


Use one of the following cursors

• Select objects - used to select items on the page, drag them, or resize them.

• Add picture frame - allows you to add an empty picture frame on the page. Click the mouse and drag it while holding the left mouse button pressed to mark its location.

• Add/ edit caption - allows you to add a text box Click the mouse and drag it while holding the left mouse button pressed to mark its location.

• Insert a new page – allows you to add 2 pages to your album.


Once an image that has been dragged-and-dropped into the project is selected, the Image Task Specific Toolbar appears above the project (also accessed by right-clicking the photo). This toolbar offers several options to manage those images. Most of those options are also available by right-clicking the image or form the menu commands.

This toolbar offers the following commands:

Alignment - When two images are selected at the same time (by holding the Shift key and clicking both images one after the other) then their alignment can be changed with the alignment tool. The images will align with THE FIRST IMAGE SLELCTED as the reference point

• Align Left- moves second selected image horizontally so that the left side aligns with the left side of the first selected image. • Align Right- moves second selected image horizontally so that the right side aligns with the right side of the first selected image. • Align Horizontal Center- moves second selected image horizontally so that the center of its width is lined up with the width center of the first selected image. • Align Top- moves second selected image vertically so that the top aligns with the top of the first selected image. • Align Bottom- moves second selected image vertically so that the bottom aligns with the bottom of the first selected image. • Align Vertical Center- moves second selected image vertically so that the center of its height aligns with the height center of the first selected image. NOTE: alignment can cause pictures to overlap, depending on their positions.

Center Image

• Center on Page - moves selected image to vertical and horizontal center of page

• Center Horizontally on Page- moves selected image horizontally so that its horizontal center matches with the horizontal center of the page

• Center Vertically on Page- moves selected image vertically so that its vertical center matches with the vertical center of the page

Order - Control the order (layers) of objects on the page

• Bring Forward- brings photo one level more in front

• Send to Front- sends photo all the way in front of the other photos

• Bring Backwards- brings the photo one level behind

• Send to Back- sends the photo behind the other photos

Rotate image

• Rotate Clockwise- rotates the photo clockwise 90

• Rotate Counter-Clockwise- rotates the photo counterclockwise 90

• Cancel Rotations- returns photo to original position

Add Drop Shadow - inserts a shadow behind the photo

Zoom Image

• Zoom In- zooms in the photo within the image box

• Zoom Out- zooms out the photo within the image box

Fit Frame to Image - fits the image box so that it shows the entire image

Apply color filter to the image

• Remove Filter- removes all filters from the image • B&W Filter- applies a black and white filter to the image

• Sepia Filter- applies a sepia filter to the image

Image Fading - increases the transparency of the image selected

Perfectly Clear Image Enhancement - Automatically enhance the image color, skin tone and sharpness.


The following image is a selected image in an photo album project. The gray rectangles around the image are the selection points. You can resize any graphic object by selecting it, and placing the mouse on one of the object selection points until the curser becomes a resizing tool.

NOTE: Pictures may also be resized, and they will retain their original width/height proportion regardless of how large or small they appear on screen

On image rotation tools allow you to rotate the image within the frame. You can rotate clock-wise, counter clock-wise or free rotation.

Selecting the central area of an image, allows you to move the image inside the image frame. When combined with the zoom feature (accessible from the image tool bar or rolling the mouse wheel). You can zoom the image and place it in the frame, cropping it to your needs.

The swap image tool allows you to swap locations of two images. Select this tool and drag from one image to another to swap location of the images.


Once a text object is selected, the Text Task Specific Toolbar appears above the project (also accessed by right-clicking the photo). This toolbar offers several options to manage text. Most of those options are also available by right-clicking the image or from the menu commands.

This toolbar offers the following commands:

Alignment - When two objects are selected at the same time (by holding the Shift key and clicking both objects one after the other) then their alignment can be changed with the alignment tool. The images will align with THE FIRST IMAGE SLELCTED as the reference point

• Align Left- moves second selected object horizontally so that the left side aligns with the left side of the first selected object . • Align Right- moves second selected object horizontally so that the right side aligns with the right side of the first selected object .

• Align Horizontal Center- moves second selected object horizontally so that the center of its width is lined up with the width center of the first selected object .

• Align Top- moves second selected object vertically so that the top aligns with the top of the first selected object .

• Align Bottom- moves second selected object vertically so that the bottom aligns with the bottom of the first selected object .

• Align Vertical Center- moves second selected object vertically so that the center of its height aligns with the height center of the first selected object .

NOTE: alignment can cause pictures to overlap, depending on their positions.

Center Image

• Center on Page - moves selected object to vertical and horizontal center of page

• Center Horizontally on Page- moves selected object horizontally so that its horizontal center matches with the horizontal center of the page

• Center Vertically on Page- moves selected object vertically so that its vertical center matches with the vertical center of the page

Order - Control the order (layers) of objects on the page

• Bring Forward - brings the object one level more in front

• Send to Front- sends the object all the way in front of the other photos

• Bring Backwards- brings the object one level behind

• Send to Back- sends the object behind the other photos

Rotate image

• Rotate Clockwise- rotates the object clockwise 90

• Rotate Counter-Clockwise- rotates the object counterclockwise 90

• Cancel Rotations - returns the object to original position

Add Drop Shadow - inserts a shadow behind the photo

Font properties

• Font - drops down a menu of different font options

• Size - drops down a menu of different font sizes

• Style - Select the text style (regular/bold/italic)

Text Alignment - Align the text within the text box

• Align left - aligns text inside box to the left edge of the box

• Align center - aligns text inside box to center of box.

• Align right - aligns text inside box to the right of the box.

Text color - drops down color palette for selecting font color.


In most cases there are multiple ways to accomplish the same task. Everything is easily accessible from the menus, the keyboard shortcuts, the various toolbar, or the context sensitive popup menu (right-click on mouse). Placing the mouse over an object,- or anywhere on a project screen and clicking the right-mouse button will bring up a context sensitive menu. This menu will include those commands that are relevant to the object/area. These menu commands have the same functionality as the similar commands previously described. They also include Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Duplicate, as applicable.

It is easy to be creative by simply dragging and dropping anything (from images to backgrounds, and even clipart) from the image tray or the toolbar. There are no complex dialogs or modes, just click, drag, and drop directly where you want things to be placed. If you made a mistake, simply use the undo command. The application has multiple undo/redo capabilities.


To order a project, click the green Send To Fizara button at the top right of the window, or use the Send To Fizara menu command under the File menu. This will initiate the process of uploading your project file to a shopping cart where you will select the cover material, color and other options for albums, and complete your transaction. You will be able to preview your project file before your purchase is completed.

Once your project file is uploaded to the Fizara server, a dialog box will come up where you will be able to view your project file in a PDF format as it will be sent for printing. It is highly advisable that you proof your project at this stage. Check for typographical errors, fonts used, missing or low quality images, image alignment and placement, or any element that may not be displayed properly on the page―anything that does not look right to you. The way your project appears in the PDF file is exactly how it will appear when printed. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. If this is not already installed on your computer, select the Get Acrobat button to download it from the web.

Once you have examined the proof for errors, and you are satisfied, click the check box at the bottom of the dialog box and choose Continue to upload your order to a shopping cart. If you wish to make corrections to your project, click Cancel to return to your project to make the necessary changes.

Once your project file has been uploaded, a web browser window will open with the Fizara shopping cart. This is where you will select your cover material and color, add duplicate or companion books to the order, provide information about the order, such as the quantity of copies desired, the shipping & billing addresses, and the preferred shipping method; you will login to your account, or create an account, provide billing information, and approve the purchase.

Your order will be processed in a few seconds and should move into production soon after.



To start your photo album project, click on the Create New button from the project workstation menu. This will bring up the first page of the wizard in which you will specify your album type and dimensions.


Page backgrounds give you the ability to add a background image, color, or pattern to your page. Simply click on the “Page Backgrounds” tab and then drag-and-drop your desired background from the background tray to the desired page on the book.

When applying the background you can

• Apply as “Single Page Background”- applies selected background only to the page it is dropped on.

• Apply as “Two Page Background”- applies selected background to both pages of the open book.

• Apply as “Background Overlay”- applies selected background over the current background, adding the new background as a lighter pattern on top of the existing background.

To remove a page background, simply right click on the page, go to “Edit” and select “Remove Page Background”

You can also use any image (or clip art) as a background.


Page layouts provide many options for pre-designed layouts of images (and text). To add a page layout from the layout tray, simply click on the "Page Layouts" tab and then drag-and-drop your desired layout unto the page. To replace a page layout, simply drag-and-drop your new desired layout onto the page and it will replace the current layout. Once you have applied a layout, you can edit the layout by moving the images and text boxes around by selecting and moving them around the page.


Picture Borders allows you to add a border to the pictures in your album. Simply click on the “Picture Borders” tab and then drag-and-drop your desired border from the border tray onto the desired picture. You can place several borders on top of each other by dropping another border on top of a picture that already has a border.

There are several different style options for borders: Line, Frames, Corners, Brushes and Ornaments. To change between the different styles, click on the drop down menu at the top of the border tray and select the desired style.

To remove a border, right click the image, go to “Edit” and select either “remove border” or “remove outer border.”


Mask & Vignettes allows you to add a shape to the pictures in your book. Simply click on the “Mask & Vignettes” tab and then drag-and-drop your desired shape from the shape tray onto the desired picture. You can place a shape and a border together by dropping both on the image to get your desired shape with your desired border.

There are three style options for Mask & Vignettes: Shapes, Letters, and Grids. To change between the different styles, click on the drop down menu at the top of the shape tray and select the desired style.

To remove a shape, right click the image, go to “Edit” and select “Remove Shape.”


Clipart allows you to add pre-made animations to your book. Simply click on the “Clipart” tab and then drag- and-drop your desired clip art from the clipart tray onto the desired page

In dropping the clipart you can drop as:

• Single Page Background • Two Page Background- • Background Overlay- • Add Picture applies selected clip art as a clip art on page.

The clip art are sorted into several different themes, such as Flowers, Holidays, Kids, Letters, Occasions, Ornaments, Travel and Vacation

To remove a clipart animation, right click the image, go to “Edit” and select “remove shape.”


Book themes apply predefined backgrounds and picture borders to your entire album. When you start creating your project you can select a theme from the wizard.

There are 15 different theme options to chose from: Clean and Modern, Classic White, Classic Black, Love, Linen, Lush, Bollywood, Denim Mix, Thin Stripes, Swirls, Subtle Dots, Baby Boy, Baby Girl, Full Page (Locked), and Full Page (Editable)>

If you wish to select a different one at any point during your editing process, head to the cover of your project, click on “Themes” tab, and drag-and-drop the new theme on the cover.

WARNING: Save your project before applying a new theme. Once you drag a new theme unto a page, your design will automatically switch to the new theme. There is no undo option available for this change. To go back to your previous design, close your project without saving it, then reopen the previously saved version.


You can share your project online with friends and family without printing by following these steps:

Click on File->Share Online menu command or click on the Share Online button on the task bar. The shared book will be created and uploaded and you will be directed to a new window requiring you to fill in the title and description of your shared book as well as your email address and the email addresses you wish to share your project with. Separate the addresses with a comma.

A link that allows access to the project will be emailed to the addresses, opening the link will open the Internet browser where you, your friends, or family can view your creation


When dealing with digital images and printing, the main question is “Will my printed image look exactly as it does on my computer monitor?”

The answer is “Close, but not exactly.” There are differences between computer generated images and printed images:


Scanners and digital cameras create images using combinations of just three colors: Red, Green and Blue (or "RGB"). These are the colors that computers use to display images on your computer screen. Printing presses, on the other hand, print full color pictures using a different set of colors: Cyan (blue), Magenta (red), Yellow and Black (or "CMYK"). So, before printing can commence, your RGB images will be translated to CMYK. There are RGB colors that cannot be created with CMYK — such colors are said to be "out of the CMYK color gamut.” These colors cannot be reproduced in print exactly, but are approximated as close as possible to their RGB cousins. Often times, this kind of color shift is not noticeable.


The captured digital image is built out of pixels. The amount of pixels used to create the image is known as the image DPI (or Dots Per Inch). Traditionally, Images are displayed on a computer screen using a 72-96 dot-per-inch metric (or screen DPI). Printing allows for better image resolution (Printer DPI). Printers can get a resolution of anywhere from 300 to 1200 DPI. However, printer technology is different than screen technology, and printers differ one from another. As color is created on the page by applying a combination of 4 colors (CMYK) per dot, the actual DPI depends also on the printer technology being used (i.e. Inkjet, Toner, Ink) and the color space. When printing, the printer will take the original image and stretch it over the printer space. In other words, if you have a 72 DPI image and you print it on a 300 DPI printer, an inch will still be an inch — the 72 image DPI will be used to fill in the 300 Printer DPI.

It is always better to start with higher DPI. As a rule of thumb, a 150 DPI image should print fairly well, while a 300 DPI image should look just as good as a traditional photograph. Keep in mind that most people will not be able to tell the difference between 150 DPI and 300 DPI unless they examine the image from close up and are looking for discrepancies.

To sum it up

If your images are of sufficient quality (300 dpi is the gold standard) and moderate compression, your images should turn out very nicely. If your images are low quality or too compressed, the results will be inferior. However, keep in mind that too much is not always better. A 4”x6” 300 DPI non-compressed image and a 200 DPI JPEG compressed image will probably produce similar results such that most people will not be able to see a difference between them. When you actually print though, transferring the image over a network using a 56KBps modem will take approximately 18 minutes vs. 25 seconds (for a compressed image), just for this single 4x6 image alone!