NOTICE Is Hereby Given, That Application Is Intended
4899 OTICE is hereby given, that application is bleton, Pitton and" Farley Woo'dford, Shripple, N intended to be made to Parliament in the Stratford under the Castle, Winterbourne Gunner ensuing session, for leave to bring in a Bill or Bills otherwise Winterbourne Gomer otherwise Winter- for making and maintaining the railway or railways, bourne Cherbrough, Winterbourne Dauntsey, Win- and branch railway or railways, hereinafter men- terbourne Earls, Winterbourne Ford, The Liberty of tioned, with all proper works and conveniences con- Clarendon, Laverstock and Ford, Milford, Saint nected • therewith respectively, that is to say, a Martin Salisbury, Saint Edmund Salisbury, line of railway to commence by a junction with the Saint Thomas Salisbury, Fisherton Anger, The line of the London and South Western Railway, Liberty of the Close of New Sarum, The Borough at. or near Battledown Bridge, • in the parish and City of New Sarum,West Harnham, Bemerton, of . Wootton Saint Lawrence otherwise Saint East Harnham, Britford, Netherhampton, Quid- Lawrence Wbotton, in the county of South- hampton, Fugglestone Saint Peter, Wilton, Ditch- ampton, and passing thence from, in, through, or ampton, South Newton, Grovely, Wishford, Chil- into the several parishes, townships, and extra- hampton, North Burcombe, South Burcombe, Ug- parochial or other places following, or some of them ford, Barford Saint Martin, Baverstock, Compton that is to say, Wootton Saint Lawrence otherwise Chamberlain, Broad Chalk, Little Langford, Ber- Saint Lawrence Wootton, Church
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