NOTICE Is Hereby Given, That Application Is Intended
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4899 OTICE is hereby given, that application is bleton, Pitton and" Farley Woo'dford, Shripple, N intended to be made to Parliament in the Stratford under the Castle, Winterbourne Gunner ensuing session, for leave to bring in a Bill or Bills otherwise Winterbourne Gomer otherwise Winter- for making and maintaining the railway or railways, bourne Cherbrough, Winterbourne Dauntsey, Win- and branch railway or railways, hereinafter men- terbourne Earls, Winterbourne Ford, The Liberty of tioned, with all proper works and conveniences con- Clarendon, Laverstock and Ford, Milford, Saint nected • therewith respectively, that is to say, a Martin Salisbury, Saint Edmund Salisbury, line of railway to commence by a junction with the Saint Thomas Salisbury, Fisherton Anger, The line of the London and South Western Railway, Liberty of the Close of New Sarum, The Borough at. or near Battledown Bridge, • in the parish and City of New Sarum,West Harnham, Bemerton, of . Wootton Saint Lawrence otherwise Saint East Harnham, Britford, Netherhampton, Quid- Lawrence Wbotton, in the county of South- hampton, Fugglestone Saint Peter, Wilton, Ditch- ampton, and passing thence from, in, through, or ampton, South Newton, Grovely, Wishford, Chil- into the several parishes, townships, and extra- hampton, North Burcombe, South Burcombe, Ug- parochial or other places following, or some of them ford, Barford Saint Martin, Baverstock, Compton that is to say, Wootton Saint Lawrence otherwise Chamberlain, Broad Chalk, Little Langford, Ber- Saint Lawrence Wootton, Church Oakley, East wick Saint John, Dinton, Darlings Farm, Teffont Oakley, Oakley Hall otherwise Hall Place, Dean Magna otherwise Upper Teffont, Wily, Teffont Ashe, Overton, Laverstoke otherwise Laverstock, Evias otherwise Teffont Ewyas otherwise Lower Freefolk, Freefolk Priors, Freefolk Syfreewast, Teffont, Deptford Compton, Bower Chalke, Whitchurch, Whitchurch Parsonage, Worting, Fovant, Fifield, Chicksgrove, Ebbesborne Wake, Basingstoke, East Sherborne otherwise Sherborne Sutton Mandeville, Swallow Cliffe otherwise Swal- Saint John, Monk Sherborne otherwise West Sher- low Clift, Rudge, Chilmark, Ahsty, Fonthill borne, Ma!shatiger, Summer Down otherwise Somer Gifford, Fonthill Bishop, East Tisbury, War- Down, Clefkengreen, North Oakley, Hannington, dour, West Tisbury, Staple Tisbury, Hazledon, Woodgarston, Kingsclere, Ewhurst, Polhampton Hatch, Newtown Bridzor, Donhead Saint An- otherwise Poolhampton, Quidhampton, Southington, drew, Easton, Donhead Saint Mary, Charlton, Mitcheldever, Northington otherwise Norington, Sid- Doggers Hall, Hayston, Semley, East Knoyle other- monton, Winslade and Kempshott, Dummer, North wise Knoyle, West Knoyle, Milton, Upton, Hin- Waltham, Litchfield, Steventon, Popham, Sapley, don, Berwick Saint Leonard, Monckton Deverill, Southley, Wonston, Tufton, Charlcot otherwise Sedghill otherwise Sedgehill, Zeals, Mere otherwise Charlcott, Bullington, borough of Whitchurch, Meer Chadenwyche otherwise Chadenwick, Mere Cold Henley, Hurstbourne Priors otherwise Down Woodlands, Mere Town, Stourton otherwise Stour- Hurs'tbourne, Hurscborne otherwise -Down 'Hurst- head, in the county of Wilts ; Shaftesbury otherwise borne, Long Parish otherwise Middleton, Easton, Shaston, Shaftesbury Saint Peter, Shaftesbury Holy East * Aston, West Aston, Forton, Saint Mary Trinity, Shaftesbury Saint Barnes, Motcombe, Bourne, Swamptoh Bourne, Weeke, Chapmansford, Bourton, Preston otherwise Pierson otherwise Pear- Wherwell, Westover, Goodworth Clatford other- son, Milton upon Stour, Silton, Gillingham, Mars- wise Lower Clatford, Tuckington, Upper Clatford ton Wyke otherwise Weeke, Magiston,, Slower Pro- otherwise Up Clatford, -Abbottsaim otherwise Ab- vost otherwise Stour Provost, East Stower other- bot tsanne, Little Ann otherwise Little Anne wise East Stour, West Stower otherwise West borough of Andover, Andover, Alderman the Stour, Saint Margaret Marsh otherwise Margaret's Great, Winchester Street, Priory, Charlton, Hather- Marsh, Todber otherwise Todbere, Marnhull, Fife- den, King's Enham otherwise Enham Regis, East- head Magdalen, Stallbridge, Thornhill, Nyland, anton otherwise East Anton, Stnarinell other- Kington Magna otherwise Keinton Magna, .Little wise Swanhill, Woodhouse, Little London, Finck- Keinton otherwise Little Kington, and Buckhorn ley, Knight's Enham, Foxcott otherwise Fox- Weston, in the county of Dorset; Cucklington, cote otherwise Foxcotte, Penton Mewsey otherwise Henstridge, Whitchurch, Wincanton, South Cheri- Penitori Mewsey, Wey otherwise Weyhill, Penton, ton, North Cheriton, Stowell, Horsington, Temple Graf ton, Nutbin otherwise Nutbane, Clanville, Combe otherwise Abbas Combe, Closworth, East Ragged A ppleshaw otherwise Appleshaw Dean, Fy- Coker, West Coker, Sutton Bingham, Pointing- field otherwise Fifield otherwise Ffyfield, Redenham, ton, Sandford, Orcas, Trent Adber, Berwick other- Kimpton, Great Shodsdowti otherwise Great Shod- wise Barwick, Stoford, Goathill, Milborne Port, desden, Little Shodsdown otherwise Little Shod- Yeovil, Kingston juxta Yeovil otherwise Pitney, desden, Littleton Farm, Thruxton otherwise Throx- Wigdon and Huntley, Hendford, Yeovil Marsh ton, Monxton otherwise Monkston ' otherwise and Yeovil Borough, in the county of Somerset; Monkstown, Amport, Sarson, East Cholderton, Bishop's Caundle, Stourton Caundle, Woodrow, Mullen's Pond, Shipton otherwise Ship ton Bel- Haydon, Caundle Marsh, North Wootton, All- linger, Quarley, Grately, - Upper Wallop other- weston, Folke, Lillingjon, Yetminster, Chetnole wise Over Wallop, Wallop Moyles, Wallop Buck- Leigh, Beerhacket, Ryme Intrinseca, Oborne, Over land, Wallop Raxall, Lower otherwise Nether Compton, Nether Compton, Castleton, Purse Caun- Wallop, in the county of Southampton; West dle, Sherborne, Abbotts fee, Eastbury, Hound- Cholderton, Newtontoney, Allington, Ames- street, Nether Combe otherwise Nether Coombe, bury, Boscombe, Wilsford, Idmiston, Lake, Newland Borough, Over Combe otherwise Over Great Durnford, Porton, Winterslow, Durnford, Coombe, Westbury, Pinford, Thornfbrd, Wyke, Gumbledon otherwise Gomeldon otherwise Gum- Clifton Mabank otherwise Maybank, Bradford Abbas,.