This Document Was • Produced As Part of the Information Dissemination Service of the Police Weapons Center Currently Being
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at as.7 SELECTED BASIC REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY Table of Contents Combat Pistol Shooting Page 1 Police Handgun Selection . .3 Shotguns For Police 4 Rifles For Police 5 Automatic Weapons 7 Chemical Weapons 9 Batons 11 Explosives/Disposal 12 Protective Armor 13 1 This document was • produced as part of the information dissemination service of the Police Weapons Center currently being operated by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc. for the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice (LEAA),US. Department of Justice. The dissemination of this document does not constitute US. Department of Justice endorsement or approval of content. Management and Research Division 0 International Association of Chiefs of Police 1319 EIGHTEENTH ST., N.W.• WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036• AREA CODE 202—TEL. 265-7227 1 COMBAT PISTOL SHOOTING BOOKS 1. Cooper, Jeff, Fighting Handguns, 1958, Trend Books, Los Angeles, California. •/ 2. Fairbairn, William E. and Eric A. Sykes, Shooting to Live with the One-Hand Gun, 1942, - Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, G.B. 3. Gaylord, Chic, Handgunner's Guide, 1960, Hastings House, N.Y.C. Jordan, William H., No Second Place Winner, 1965, W.H. Jordan, Shreveport, Louisiana. 5. Keith, Elmer, Sixguns by Keith, 1968 Stackpole Co., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Pistols and Revolvers, 1960 - Department of the Army Field Manual FM 23-35, Department of the Air Force Man- ual AFM 50-17. Roberts, Duke and Allen P. Bristow, An Introduction to Modern Police Firearms, 1969, Glencoe Press, Beverly Hills, California. Weston, Paul B., Combat Shooting for Police, 1967, Charles C.
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