
Design Goal: Remake the Swashbuckler, and tune it for: realistic stuff from level 1-7, superhuman shenanigans from 7 to 11, then wuxia shenanigans from then on

BaB: Full Good Saves: Reflex, Will 6 Skillpoints per level Same Class Skill List

Can now do cool wuxia shit and still fight Level Special 1 Swashbuckler Style, Swashbuckler Finesse, Deeds, Panache, Swashbuckler Technique 2 Charmed Life 1 3 Deeds, Nimble +1/+2, Finesse Technique 4 Bonus Feat 5 Swashbuckler Style +1 6 Charmed Life 2 7 Deeds, Nimble +2/+4 8 Bonus Feat 9 Swashbuckler Style +2 10 Charmed Life 3 11 Deeds, Nimble +3/+6 12 Bonus Feat 13 Swashbuckler Style +3 14 Charmed Life 4 15 Deeds, Nimble +4/+8 16 Bonus Feat 17 Swasbuckler Style +4 18 Charmed Life 5 19 Deeds, Nimble +5/+10 20 Bonus Feat, Swashbuckler Style Mastery

Swashbuckler Redone

Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armor, all Simple and Martial Weapons + Buckler

Panache : More than just a lightly armored warrior, a swashbuckler is a daring combatant. She fights with panache: a fluctuating measure of a swashbuckler’s ability to perform amazing actions in combat. At the start of each day, a swashbuckler gains a number of panache points equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Her panache goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than her Charisma modifier (minimum 1), though feats and magic items can affect this maximum. A swashbuckler spends panache to accomplish deeds (see below), and regains panache in the following ways.

Critical Hit with a Style Weapon: Each time the swashbuckler confirms a critical hit with a style weapon, she regains 1 panache point. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the swashbuckler’s character level doesn’t restore panache.

Killing Blow with a Style Weapon: When the swashbuckler reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a style weapon attack while in combat, she regains 1 panache point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the swashbuckler’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points doesn’t restore any panache.

Performing a Daring Act: When the swashbuckler performs a skill check in combat and rolls a natural 20, she regains one point of Panache. She may only regain one point of Panache per round this way. If she performs a skill check outside of combat that may have severe repercussions if she fail (such as turning a creature hostile, activating an unknown magical item, or performing a stealth check against an unaware creature) she regains one point of panache if she succeeds with a roll of a natural 20.

Deeds: Swashbucklers spend panache points to accomplish deeds. At 1st level, the Swashbuckler gains one Style Deed (as determined by their Swashbuckler style), and may select three more from a list of those available to all 1st level Swashbucklers. At 3rd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, they gain one Style Deed and may select two more from any deeds available to Swashbucklers of that level or lower. Unless otherwise noted, he DC of any deed that calls for a saving is 10 + 1/2 the Swashbuckler's level + the Swashbuckler's Dexterity modifier (if it is a Reflex or Fortitude save) or the Swashbuckler's Charisma modifier (if it is a Will save).

Most deeds grant the swashbuckler a momentary bonus or effect, but some provide longer lasting effects. Some deeds remain in effect while the swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, but do not require expending panache to be maintained. Unless otherwise noted, a deed can be performed multiple successive times, as long as the swashbuckler has or spends the required number of panache points to perform the deed.

Deeds can be found at the end of the document.

Swashbuckler Finesse: When using a Style Weapon, the Swashbuckler gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat. This ability counts as Weapon Finesse for the purpose of Prerequisites.

Swashbuckler Technique: The Swashbuckler may use her Charisma in place of her Intelligence score in order to meet prerequisites for feats and prestige classes.

Swashbuckler Style: Beginning at 1st level, a Swashbuckler learns how to use the most of her quickness and agility. In addition, the Swashbuckler selects one fighting style from the list below. Depending on what fighting style she picked, she gains a small boon, proficiency with all weapons listed as a Style Weapon and may select Bonus Feats from the list of bonus feats associated with her Swashbuckler Style without needing to meet their prerequisites. This style becomes her Swashbuckler Style, and she gains style-specific deeds in addition to those she normally selects. Unless otherwise noted, he DC of any deed that calls for a saving throw is 10 + 1/2 the Swashbuckler's level + the Swashbuckler's Dexterity modifier (if it is a Reflex or Fortitude save) or the Swashbuckler's Charisma modifier (if it is a Will save)

Ascetic Style Weapons: All weapons in the Monk fighter weapon group, unarmed strikes. Bonus Feats: Catch Off-Guard, Dodge, Deflect Arrows, Throw Anything. At 8th level, she adds Improved Bull Rush, Improved Feint, and Improved Disarm to the list. At 12th level, she adds Snatch Arrows and Spring Attack to the list. To Kill Takes Discipline: At 1st level, the Swashbuckler gains Stunning Fist (DC 10+1/2 the Swashbuckler's Level + CHA modifier) as a bonus feat, and can spend 1 point of Panache in order to use it even if she has no more daily uses left. To Walk Away Unharmed: At 3rd level, the Swashbuckler treats all falling damage she takes as if she chose to deliberately fall. Every 4 swashbuckler levels thereafter, she treats all fall damage as if she had fallen 20 feet shorter, up to a maximum of 80 feet shorter. Only to Win: At 7th level, the Swashbuckler may take an additional 5ft step every round. At 15th level, she may take two additional 5 ft steps each round. Once a around, she can spend 1 point of panache to take an additional 5 ft step. This is a free action that can be taken even when it is not her turn. Disciples Walk on Water: At 11th level, the Swashbuckler's acrobatic moves enable her not just to fly- but to move in the air as if she were born in it. She may spend 1 point of panache in order to treat all Acrobatics and Fly checks she makes as if she had rolled a 20 for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier. During this time, she ignores difficult terrain, can stand on surfaces that would not normally be able to support her weight (such as thin glasses, feathers, small tree branches, and liquids) and gains a fly speed of 30 feet with maneuverability (good). If she already possesses a fly speed, she instead gains a +30 enhancement bonus to her fly speed and increases the maneuverability of her fly speed to (good)- if it is already (good), it becomes (perfect). And Some Have Learned To Fly: At 15th level, once per round even when it is not her turn, the Swashbuckler can spend 1 point of panache to gain the benefits of a freedom of movement spell for one round. In addition, she ignores all difficult terrain when moving: if she provokes an attack of opportunity from movement, enemies must roll twice on the attack roll made against her, taking the worse result. For Better Tomorrows: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler's ascetic training coms to a head. Her attacks with style weapons overcome any DR or Hardness, and she reduces all miss chances she suffers to half what they normally would be. If she deals any additional energy damage with her style weapons, this energy damage bypasses all immunity. She gains a constant true seeing and freedom of movement effect: she may spend 1 point of panache to have these effects be treated as (Ex) abilities instead of (Su) abilities.

Buccaneer: Style Weapons: Boarding Axe, Cutlass, Blade Boots, One-handed Firearms, Rapier, Scimitar, Whip Bonus Feats: Deadly Aim, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Snap Shot, Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus. At 8th level, she adds Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Sword and Pistol, and Shot on the Run to the list. At 12th level, she adds Greater Two Weapon Fighting and Signature Deed to the list Deft Hands: At 1st level, so long as the Swashbuckler is using a Style Weapon in their other hand, she may reload a firearm without needing a free hand. If she threatens an enemy with a style weapon wielded in her main hand, she may make attacks with a firearm wielded in her off-hand against that target without provoking attacks of opportunity. Gun Handling: At 3rd level, the Swashbuckler treats all one-handed firearms as light weapons for the purpose of Two-Weapon Fighting. In addition, she may make attacks of opportunity with firearms against opponents she threatens in melee without provoking attacks of opportunity herself. When using her Deft Hands deed, she treats light firearms as light maces, and one-handed firearms as clubs for the purposes of determining their damage. She adds the enhancement bonus of the firearm she uses to melee attacks she makes. Lucky Dog: At 7th level, the swashbuckler may spend 1 point of panache after misfiring with a firearm or rolling a natural 1 when making an attack with a melee style weapon. If she does so, she rerolls the attack, taking a -4 penalty on the attack roll. Lightning Reload: At 11th level, the swashbuckler reduces the time it takes to reload a light or one-handed firearm by 1 step (to a minimum of a free action). If she may already reload a firearm as a free action, she instead gains the ability to Salt in the Wound (Ex): At 15th level, whenever the Swashbuckler makes an attack with a firearm or , she may make an additional attack against the same target with the weapon in her other hand as a swift action. Such an attack deals no damage, but depending on the weapon she uses, she can inflict an additional effect if it hits: if she attacks with a firearm, she can choose to either permanently deafen an opponent or stagger them for 1d4+1 rounds on a failed Fortitude save, or make a bull rush attempt against them (using her attack roll as her CMB). If she attacks with a melee weapon, she can choose to permanently blind an opponent or paralyze the target for 1 round on a failed Fortitude save, or inflict bleed damage equal to her Swashbuckler level (this stacks with other sources of bleed damage). Lord of the Seas: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler becomes a master with her weapons. She can spend 1 point of Panache in order to add her Charisma modifier to all attack rolls she makes with Style weapons for a number of rounds equal to her Swashbuckler leve. She increases the critical threat range of all Style weapons she wields by 1. This stacks with effects like Keen or the Improved Critical feat.

Boozehound: Style Weapons: Clubs, light maces, daggers, blade boots, clubs, greatclubs, improvised weapons, unarmed Bonus Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Drunkard, Divine Fighting Technique (Blade and Tankard Style), Disposable Weapon, Chairbreaker. At 8th level she adds Improvised Weapon Mastery, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Superior Dirty Trick to the list. At 12th level she adds Greater Two-Weapon Fighting and Dirty Trick Master to the list. Crack a Bottle: At 1st level, the Swashbuckler can wield improvised weapons without penalty. She may treat alcohol containers as if they were improvised weapons: an alcohol container equal to the swashbuckler's size is treated as a 2-handed weapon, a container one size smaller than the swashbuckler is treated as a 1-handed weapon, and a container two sizes smaller is treated as a light weapon. She may drink an alcoholic beverage, potion, or other such drink (but not an extract) from an alcoholic container as a move action. She may spend 1 point of Panache in order to reduce the time it takes to drink to a swift action. When she drinks an alcoholic beverage, she gains a temporary point of Panache that lasts until the start of her next turn. This point of Panache is spent first, and if it is not used by the start of her next turn, it is lost. She may only have one point of Drunken Panache at a time. At 7th and 15th levels, she retains her point of Drunken Panache for one additional round before it is lost. Spill the Wine: At 3rd level, the Swashbuckler gains additional benefits when wielding improvised weapons. She can choose to deal Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing damage when wielding an improvised weapon, which she can change as a free action at any time during her turn. While she possesses 1 point of Drunken panache, when an enemy successfully attacks her and deals damage, the Swashbuckler can give an improvised weapon she wields the broken condition in order to reduce the damage she takes from that attack by her Swashbuckler level. Tubthumping: At 7th level, the Swashbuckler can select one of the following special features when she first picks it up, and can change it once a round as a free action: blocking, brace, deadly, disarm, distracting, double (this may not be applied to improvised light weapons), grapple, nonlethal, performance, reach (this may only be applied to two handed improvised weapons), sunder, or trip. The Swashbuckler can spend 1 point of panache before performing any combat maneuver with an improvised weapon- she gains a bonus equal to her Charisma modifier to her CMB, and she does not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing that combat maneuver. No Way to Hold My Head: At 11th level, the Swashbuckler adds her swashbuckler level + her charisma score to her constitution score to determine her maximum negative hitpoint total before she dies. While the Swashbuckler has 1 point of drunken panache, she gains the benefits of the Diehard feat- and can spend her Drunken Panache as a move action in order to immediately heal herself to 1 hitpoint. I Like Drinking: At 15th level, the Swashbuckler gains two points of drunken panache instead of one when she uses Crack a Bottle. She may spend 1 point of drunken panache in order to consume two alcoholic beverages, two potions, or one beverage and an alchemist extract or one potion and one alchemist extract as a move action. When the Swashbuckler would confirm a critical hit with an improvised weapon, they can give it the broken condition in order to increase the damage dealt by 50%, or give the weapon the destroyed condition to give it 100% bonus damage. If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler gains three points of drunken panache instead of one when she uses Crack a Bottle. When an enemy's attack would reduce her to 0 hitpoints or fewer, she can give an improvised weapon she wields the broken condition to instead be reduced to only 1 hitpoint. If she has given it the broken condition, she can then make an attack against the enemy that hit her that automatically threatens a critical hit.

Bushi: Style Weapons: Katana, Wakizashi, Tanto, Nodachi, Naginata Bonus Feats: Quick Draw, Lightning Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Weapon Focus. At 8th level she adds Cut from the Air, Snatch Arrows, and Lunge to the list of bonus feats. At 12th level she adds Smash from the Air and Spring Attack to the list. Martial Aura: At 1st level, the Swashbuckler threatens all adjacent squares even when her weapon is sheathed. If she has the Quick Draw feat, or otherwise benefits from it, the swashbuckler may sheath her weapon as a swift action, or spend 1 point of panache to draw or sheathe her weapon as a free action at any time once per round. Iajutsu Slash: At 3rd level, if the Swashbuckler draws her weapon and then makes an attack with that weapon in the same round, she adds double her Swashbuckler level as bonus precision damage to that attack. Challenge: At 7th level, the Swashbuckler gains the ability to issue a challenge to a single creature by spending 1 point of Panache. The targeted creature suffers a penalty on all attack rolls and saving throw DCs equal to the Swashbuckler's Charisma modifier against targets other than the Swashbuckler themself. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the Swashbuckler's level. Only one creature may be targeted by this effect at a time. Speed of Thought: At 11th level, the Swashbuckler may always take 10 on Initiative checks, so long as they have at least 1 point of panache. They may spend 1 point of panache in order to treat their initiative as if they had rolled a natural 15 instead. A foe that attacks the swashbuckler when they have a weapon sheathed provokes an attack of opportunity from the Swashbuckler, and the Swashbuckler can draw her weapon attack, then sheath it as a free action. A creature can only provoke one attack of opportunity per round in this manner, regardless of how many attacks they make. Flash Step: At 15th level, the Swashbuckler can perform a flash step. So long as she has 1 point of panache, she may complete any movement she takes using any move speed she possesses without passing through the intervening space, simply moving from one space and appearing at her destination. This is a supernatural teleportation effect, but it does not provoke attacks of opportunites Delayed Slash: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler can perform a delayed slash by spending 1 point of panache. She selects one target she threatens, and makes a single attack against that target as a stanrdard action: she may roll Sleight of Hand or Stealth in order to obfuscate the fact she has performed the slash. If she succeeds on the attack roll, she may choose to either deal damage as normal or delay the damage up to a number of rounds equal to 10 + her Charisma modifier. For each round she chooses to delay the damage, she adds double her swashbuckler level to the damage roll. If this damage would exceed the target's maximum HP, then the duration immediately ends and the damage takes effect: otherwise, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10+ 1/2 Swashbuckler level + the swashbuckler's Charisma modifier) or immediately die. A target killed in this fashion can only be brought back by a Wish, Miracle, or other effect of similar power. Alternatively, the Swashbuckler can choose to deal nonlethal damage with this talent, and instead of killing the target, it knocks them unconscious for 24 hours. Dervish: Style Weapons: Scimitars, unarmed strikes, katars, daggers, double weapons Bonus Feats: Dazzling Display, Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus, Dirty Fighting At 8th level, she adds Improved Trip, Whirlwind Attack, and Wind Stance to the list. At 12th level, she adds Lightning Stance and Sun Striker to the list Blade of Mercy: At 1st level, when using a Style weapon, the swashbuckler may always choose to deal nonlethal damage without penalty. If she does so, she deals additional nonlethal damage equal to her Swashbuckler level. Desert Wind: At 3rd level, the swashbuckler gains a +10 bonus to all movement speeds they possess. At 11th and 19th levels, this bonus increases by +10 (to a maximum of +30 at level 19). Whirlwind Dance: At 7th level, a swashbuckler can through her opponents’ lines like a cyclone. As a full-round action, she can spend 1 panache point to move up to her speed. She can make attacks against creatures within her reach during this movement, up to the number of attacks she’s entitled to with a full attack. Each attack is made at her highest attack bonus, and must target a different creature. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Dance of Dawn: At 11th level, whenever the swashbuckler is in conditions of dim light or brighter and hits with a melee attack, she can spend 1 panache point to reflect the light off her blade into the eyes of her target. That opponent is blinded for a number of rounds equal to the Swashbuckler's charisma modifier. A successful Fortitude save reduces this duration to 1 roudn. Sandstorm: At 15th level, the Swashbuckler no longer needs to spend Panache to use her Whirlwind Dance or Dance of Dawn deeds. By spending 1 point of panache, she can make twice as many attacks when she uses her Whirlwind Dance deed, or target all hostile creatures within 30 feet of her when she uses her Dance of Dawn deed, rather than just the target she hit. Dance of Mercy: At 19th level, when a swashbuckler confirms a critical hit with a style weapon, in addition to the normal damage, she can spend 1 panache point to immediately incapacitate her target. The target immediately takes nonlethal damage equal to their current hitpoints +1 and be paralyzed for 1 hour. A successful Fortitude save reduces the paralyzation to one round per Swashbuckler level. Targets immune to nonlethal damage are instead immediately reduced to 1 HP and then paralyzed. Performing this deed doesn’t grant the swashbuckler a panache point.

Duelist: Style Weapons: Dueling sword, longsword, bastard sword Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus, Dueling Sword Disciple, Dueling Sword Mastery, Dirty Fighting, Quick Draw. At 8th level, she adds Duelist of the Falls, Duelist of the Shroud, and Shatter Defenses to the list. At 12th level, she adds Dreadful Carnage and Falling Water Gambit to the list. Feats that apply to only dueling swords apply to all style weapons Powerful Stance: At 1st level, the Swashbuckler's stance shows all that needs to be shown. She treats any style weapon she wields as if it were wielded in two hands to determine the effects of any feat she has. Inevitable Victory: At 3rd level, the Swashbuckler's technique is all about flair, making those of lower- breeding reconsider picking a fight. She gains Dazzling Display as a bonus feat, but may only activate its effect while wielding a style weapon. If she already possesses the dazzling display deed, she may instead spend one point of Panache in order to reduce the time it takes for her to use the Dazzling Display feat by one step (Full-round to standard to move to swift to free, in that order). Terrible Aura: At 7th level, the Swashbuckler radiates an aura of pure killing intent. All foes within 10ft of her take a -4 penalty on all saving throws against fear effects. Creatures normally immune to fear lose their immunity to fear while within this area. This deed only functions while she is conscious. Rage of the Drake: At 11th level, whenever the Swashbuckler makes an attack action or full-round attack, she may spend 1 point of panache to make an additional attack at her highest base attack bonus. If this attack would reduce an opponent to 0 or fewer hitpoints, she regains 2 panache, instead of 1. Terror of the Wyrm: At 15th level, whenever the Swashbuckler regains panache because of her Rage of the Drake deed, she may use her Inevitable Victory deed as a free action. Killing Aura: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler’s sheer skill shows in her stance. All foes within 30 feet of her must make a Will save once a round or be stunned; foes with fewer than ½ the Swashbuckler’s HD automatically fail this save. If she strikes a foe that has been stunned because of this aura, they are automatically frightened. Both parts of this deed are a mind-affecting fear effect. Cutthroat Style Weapons: Whip, dagger, sap, rapier, short sword, hand crossbow, short bow, Unarmed Strike Bonus Feats: Cloak and Dagger Style, Quick Dirty Trick, Quick Steal, Fox Trickery, and Graceful Steal. At 8th level she adds Cloak and Dagger Subterfuge, Kitsune Vengeance, and Dirty Trick Master to the list. At 12th level, she adds Cloak and Dagger Tactics and Dirty Critical Hit to the list. Thief's Confidence: At 1st leve, once per day per enemy, when the Swashbuckler succeeds on a Steal or Dirty Trick combat maneuver on her turn, she regains one point of panache. If she can perform multiple dirty trick or steal combat maneuvers on her turn, she only regains one point of panache. Dazing Technique: At 3rd level, once per day per enemy, when the Swashbuckler succeeds on a Steal or Dirty Trick combat maneuver, the target is dazed for one round on a failed Will save. The swashbuckler can spend 1 point of panache to use this deed an additional time against an enemy. In addition, the Swashbuckler does not provoke attacks of opportunity when performing Steal or Dirty Trick combat maneuvers. This deed counts as the Improved Dirty Trick and Improved Steal feats for the purpose of meeting prerequisites Scoundrel Training: At 7th level, whenever the Swashbuckler succeeds on a dirty trick combat maneuver, they may select one additional condition to apply to a target. Whenever the Swashbuckler succeeds on a Steal combat maneuver, she may steal an additional item, ignore the CMD bonus granted by fastening an item (such as a cloak, sheathed weapon, or pouch), and enemies do not notice that an item has been stolen unless they succeed on a Perception check opposed by the swashbuckler's result for their check made to steal that item. Dirty, Rotten Scoundrel: At 11th level, the Swashbuckler increases the duration of any dirty trick maneuver she performs by a number of rounds equal to her charisma modifier. In addition, the Swashbuckler may spend 1 point of panache in order to move at twice her base land speed after making a steal combat maneuver against an enemy, and perform a stealth check in order to hide. Pilferer: At 15th level, whenever the Swashbuckler performs a Steal combat maneuver, she can also perform a Dirty Trick combat maneuver against the same target, and vice-versa. She can spend 1 point of panache in order to perform both a Steal and Dirty Trick whenever she performs another non-Dirty Trick or non-Steal combat maneuver. Impossible Thief: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler becomes a paragon of pilferers. She may steal items that are closely worn (such as armor, backpacks, boots, clothing, or rings) with a Steal combat maneuver at a -5 penalty. If she's successful, she steals the item.

Gladiator Style Weapons: All weapons with the performance weapon quality, trident, battleaxe, lasso, pilum, scizore, short sword, whip. Bonus Feats: Performance Weapon Mastery, Dazzling Display, Murderer's Circle, Spectacular Exit. At 8th level, she adds Second Wind, Savage Display, and Dreadful Carnage to the list. At 12th level, she adds Shatter Defenses and Masterful Display Celebrity Combatant: At 1st level, so long as she has at least 1 point of panache and is wielding a style weapon, the Swashbuckler treats all combats she is in as a performance combat- her allies are considered a small, indifferent crowd to determine what benefits she receives. Break a Leg!: At 3rd level, the Swashbuckler may spend 1 point of panache in order to roll twice on a performance combat check, taking the better result. She always begins a performance combat with 1 victory point. King of the Ring: At 7th level, the Swashbuckler can make Performance combat checks as free actions. Her reputation precedes her- she treats crowds and battles as one category smaller and halves the increase in DC for improving the attitude of a crowd because of cheating, outnumbering her foes, or having an unfair advantage. Legendary Performer: At 11th level, the Swashbuckler begins a performance combat with a number of victory points equal to 1/2 her Charisma modifier, and can spend two points of Panache in place of one victory point. She can gain victory points when she succeeds on a performance combat check even when the crowd is only friendly to her. Superstar: At 15th level, the Swashbuckler's reputation spreads ever farther- getting the crowd riled up to see more bloodshed. She treats crowds and battles as two categories smaller and once again halves the increase in DC for improving the attitude of a crowd because of cheating, outnumbering her foes, or having an unfair advantage. She spends half as much gold when she wants to bribe or coerce a crowd. Legendary Performer: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler need not spend panache to roll twice on a performance combat check. She can gain Victory Points when she succeeds on a performance combat check even when the crowd is indifferent to her. Falcata Style Weapons: Falcata, Buckler Bonus Feats: Improved Shield Bash, Power Attack, Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus. At 8th level, she adds Cornugon Smash, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, and Shield Slam to the list. At 12th level, she adds Greater Two Weapon Fighting and Shield Master to the list Nimble Basher: At 1st level, the Swashbuckler may make a shield bash with a buckler, treating it as a light weapon for the purposes of Two-Weapon Fighting, and dealing damage as a light shield. Shield Catch: At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, the falcata swashbuckler gains a +4 bonus on all combat maneuver checks to disarm that she attempts with her buckler, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a disarm combat maneuver with her buckler. She adds the enhancement bonus of her buckler (if any) to all Combat Maneuver checks made to disarm, and to her CMD against disarm attempts made against her buckler. Rondelero Chop: At 11th level, when the falcata swashbuckler hits with a melee attack using a style weapon, she can perform a Sunder combat maneuver as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity. In addition, the swashbuckler ignores hardness when attacking objects with a style weapon, and reduces the DR or Hardness of an enemy by half when determining how much damage she deals to them. Shattering Chop: At 15th level, while the falcata swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, she can attempt a shattering chop as a full-round action, pooling all of her attack potential into a single sunder combat maneuver with a style weapon. When she does, she gains a +4 bonus on her combat maneuver check, ignores all hardness of the item she sunders, and rolls twice for her attack roll, taking the better result. If she breaks the target of her Shattering Chop, she may then make an attack against the wielder or target of her Shattering Chop. If she destroys the target of her Shattering Chop, she immediately threatens a critical hit against the wielder or target of her Shattering Chop. Touch of the Destroyer: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler can wreak absolute havok, destroying everything in sight. She bypasses all forms of DR/- and immunity to damage types when using style weapons. She deals twice as much damage whenever she successfully uses her Rondolero Chop deed against an enemy, and doubles the damage dealt to objects when she uses her Shattering Chop deed. She may spend 1 point of panache in order to make a sunder combat maneuver against any target she threatens as a free action, even when it isn't her turn.

Flying Blade: Style Weapons: All weapons in the fighter's "Throwing" weapons category. Bonus Feats: Deadly Aim, Distance Thrower, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot. At 8th level, she adds False Opening, Point Black Master, and Wind Stance to the list. At 12th level, she adds Lightning Stance and Shot on the Run to the list. Subtle Throw: At 1st level, the swashbuckler may spend a panache point to resolve a melee or ranged attack within 30 ft with a style weapon as a touch attack. Precise Throw: At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, a swashbuckler gains the ability to strike precisely with a style weapon, adding her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt with thrown style weapons, regardless of range. Any creature that is immune to sneak attacks is immune to the additional damage granted by precise strike. This additional damage is precision damage, and isn't multiplied on a critical hit. As a swift action, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point to double her precise strike's damage bonus on the next attack. This benefit must be used before the end of her turn, or it is lost. This deed's cost cannot be reduced by any ability or effect that reduces the amount of panache points a deed costs (such as the Signature Deed feat). Disrupting Counter: At 7th level, when an opponent within the first range increment of a style weapon the swashbuckler wields attempts to cast a spell or make an attack against the swashbuckler or an ally, the Swashbuckler may make a single attack of opportunity against that target as an immediate action If the target was casting a spell, they must make a Concentration check as normal in order to not lose the spell. If the target was making an attack against the swashbuckler or an ally, the Swashbuckler instead may use the attack roll of their attack of opportunity in place of their AC or their ally's AC, if it is greater. Rain of Knives: At 15th level, the swashbuckler may make a single ranged attack with a thrown weapon against every enemy within first ranged increment of a style weapon she wields as a standard action. She only rolls to attack once, then compares it to the AC of all targets. If she threatens a critical hit, she chooses which target to confirm it against, then rolls to confirm it as normal. She may spend 1 point of panache to increase the range of this attack to all enemies witin range: she reduces her attack roll as appropriate for all range penalties she would take if an opponent is outside her first range increment Supreme Precision: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler may spend 1 point of panache in order to target touch AC with all ranged attacks made with style weapons for one round.

Fencing: Style Weapons: Rapier, Dueling Sword, dagger Bonus Feats: Improved Feint, Twinned Feint, Sly Draw, Two-Weapon Feint, Disengaging Feint. At 8th level she adds Greater Feint, Improved Two-Weapon Feint, and Disengaging Flourish to the list. At 12th level she adds Falling Water Gambit and Disengaging Shot to the list. Distracting Blade: At 1st level, the Swashbuckler’s fast and lightning-fast blade can confound foes. She adds ½ her level as a bonus to all skill checks she makes in order to Feint. Before performing a skill check made to feint, they may spend 1 point of panache in order to increase the bonus granted by this deed by 50% for one skill check. Precise Maneuvering: At 3rd level, when the swashbuckler wields a one-handed style weapon in one hand, she may spend 1 point of panache in order to perform a feint or perform a dirty trick, steal, or disarm combat maneuver as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Blade Dancer: At 7th level, the Swashbuckler gains the benefits of the Sidestep and Improved Sidestep feats so long as she has 1 point of panache available. She may spend 1 point of panache to make a 5ft step at any time, once per round. Follow-up: At 11th level, whenever the Swashbuckler successfully feints an opponent, the next attack she makes against that target deals an additional +2d6 precision damage. For every 5 by which the result of her feint check exceeds that of her opponent's opposed check, she adds the bonus damage from this feint again, up to a maximum number of times equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Shimmering Feint (Ex): At 15th level, the Swashbuckler's feinting can leave her opponents swinging at thin air. Opponents she feints against suffer a 50% miss chance on all attacks they make against the Swashbuckler, and a 20% miss chance on all other attacks. All other opponents suffer a 20% miss chance on all attacks they make against the swashbuckler. This effect lasts for one round. She may spend 1 point of panache to extend the effects of this deed for a number of rounds equal to to her Charisma modifier. This is a mind-affecting effect. Astounding Feint: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler's fencing becomes nigh-impossible to compete with, as all who see her skill cannot comprehend what they see. Opponents she feints against not only suffer the effects of her Shimmering Feint deed, for one round they roll twice on all d20 rolls (taking the worse result), and must make a Will save a succesful save, they instead become staggered for one round. In addition, the Swashbuckler's allies gain a bonus on all saving throws against all abilities from any opponent currently under the effect of her Astounding Feint or Shimmering Feint deed. This bonus is equal to the Swashbuckler's Charisma modifier

Ranger Style Weapons: Rapiers, Scimitars, Two-Handed Firearms and crossbows, Bows, Longswords Bonus Feats: Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload, Opening Volley. At 8th level, she adds Point-Blank Master, Snap Shot, and Furious Focus to the list. At 12th level, she adds Improved Snap Shot and Circuitous Shot to the list. Switch-Hit: At 1st level, as a free action once per round, the Swashbuckler can sheath a melee style weapon and draw a two-handed ranged style weapon, and vice versa, without provoking an attack of opportunity. She may spend 1 point of panache in order to do this any number of times per round. Opening Strike: At 3rd level, the Swashbuckler may make an Opening Strike with a style weapon. As part of an attack action, the Swashbuckler can deal additional damage equal to her Swashbuckler level using either a one- handed melee style weapon or a two-handed ranged style weapon, once per turn. She must then use her Switch-Hit deed to draw the type of weapon she did not use. The Swashbuckler may spend 1 point of panache before making an Opening Strike in order to make an additional attack with the weapon she switches to, at a -2 penalty. This additional attack deals additional precision damage equal to one half the Swashbuckler’s level Load Step: At 7th level, the Swashbuckler may perform a Load Step. As an immediate action the Swashbuckler can take a 5ft step then load a two-handed firearm or crossbow, or sheath a one-handed melee style weapon and draw a bow. In either case, the next attack of opportunity the Swashbuckler choose to make adds their Charisma modifier to the attack roll. She may spend 1 point of panache in order to treat this attack of opportunity as an attack action. Reactive Shooter: At 11th level, the Swashbuckler threatens an additional 5ft with all weapons she wields. She may make attacks of opportunity with ranged weapons within the first range increment or within 15ft around herself, whichever is shorter. Ranger Critical: At 15th level, whenever the Swashbuckler confirms a critical hit, she may use her Switch- Hit deed and make an additional attack against the target of her critical hit, then use her Switch-Hit deed again to return to her original weapon. This additional attack cannot threaten a critical hit.

Scholar Style Weapons: Dagger, Heavy Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike, Shortspear, short sword Bonus Feats: Kirin Style, Fox Style, Skill Focus, Mirror Move, Barroom Brawler. At 8th level, she adds Kirin Strike, Fox Insight, and Master of Knowledge to the list. At 12th level, she adds Kirin Path and Fox Trickery to the list Scholarly Pursuits: At 1st level, the Swashbuckler's natural inclinations lead her to the trappings of the arcane. She treats her Swashbuckler levels as her caster level for the purposes of meeting prerequisites. In addition, she adds all crafting feats to the list of bonus feats she can select. Scholar's Luck: At 3rd level, the Swashbuckler's vast array of training lets her do things on the fly much more competently. She adds her Charisma modifier to all spellcraft and knowledge checks she makes, and can spend 1 point of Panache to reroll a failed knowledge check made to identify a creature as an immediate action. She may only do so once for each failed knowledge check she makes. Practice Makes Perfect: At 7th level, the Swashbuckler's repetition of her techniques enables her to use them more often. If she has spell-like abilities, feats, or any other ability (that is not from a spell or deed) that specifies it may be used only once a day or a specified number of times a day (such as 3 times a day, or once a day per every 4 levels she possesses), she may use each of those abilities an additional time per day, and gains an additional use of those abilities at 11th, 15th, and 19th levels. Knowledge is Power: At 11th level, the Swashbuckler's vast anatomical knowledge enables her to make precision strikes. After successfully identifying a creature with a knowledge check, as a move action she may make a Scholar's Strike against the target. A Scholar's Strike is made with any weapon the Swashbuckler wields and it resolves against touch AC, but it deals no damage. Instead, the Swashbuckler can choose any of the following effects: blinded, entangled, or staggered. The target of her scholar's strike must make a Fortitude save (DC= 10 + 1/2 Swashbuckler level + Swashbuckler's DEX mod) or suffer that effect for 1 round. Smarter, not Harder: At 15th level, the Swashbuckler adds their Charisma modifier to their attack and damage modifiers, and can spend 1 point of panache in order to either use their Scholar's Strike as a swift action or extend the duration of the effect from it to a number of rounds equal to the Swashbuckler's Charisma modifier. I Diagnose You With Death: At 19th level, after the Swashbuckler has successfully inflicted a negative condition with her Scholar's Strike, she may make a single attack as an attack action. This attack adds 1/2 the Swashbuckler's level to the critical confirmation roll and increases the critical multiplier by 1x (2x becomes 3x, 3x becomes 4x).

Spear Dancer: Style Weapons: weapons in the polearm, double, and Spears fighter weapon group. Bonus Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Spear Dancer, Double Slice, Combat Patrol, Just Out Of Reach. At 8th level, she adds Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Lunge, and, Two-Weapon Rend to the list. At 12th level, she adds Greater Two-Weapon Fighting and Strike Back to the list Advanced Grip: At 1st level, the swashbuckler learns how to adjust her grip with her style weapons rapidly. When using a Style weapon that has the reach property, she may choke up as an immediate action, losing the reach property but letting her attack enemies adjacent to herself. When using a Style weapon without the Reach property, she may extend her grip, granting the weapon the Reach property but reducing the damage she does as if she was wielding it in one hand. Alternatively, when using a style weapon without the reach property (or one she has choked up on, causing it to lose the reach property) she may grant it the double property, using the weapon's normal statistics for its main-hand end and the statistics of a light mace for its off-hand end. Spear Expert: At 3rd level, the Swashbuckler adds ½ their Swashbuckler level as precision damage to all main-hand and off-hand attacks she makes using a style weapon with the double property. When using a style weapon with the Reach property, she adds her Swashbuckler level as precision damage. The Swashbuckler may spend 1 point of panache in order to increase her precision damage by 50% until the end of her turn. Tempest: At 7th level, as a full-round action, the Swashbuckler may spend 1 point of panache and make a single attack at her highest base attack bonus, comparing her result to the AC of all opponents within her threatened area. If she exceeds their AC, she may make a single attack against that target. In addition, while using a style weapon with the double weapon property, enemies do not gain flanking bonuses against the Swashbuckler. If using a style weapon with the reach property, the Swashbuckler instead can make one additional attack of opportunity per round. Spearpoint Precision: At 11th level, the Swashbuckler's superb handling of spears grants her even more benefits. Once on her turn, the Swashbuckler can substitute an attack roll made with a style weapon with either a line attack (if wielding a style weapon with the reach property) or a burst centered on herself (if wielding a style weapon with the double property). Each effect has a range equal to her threatened area. All enemies caught within the area of this effect take damage as if the swashbuckler had successfully attacked them. A successful reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 Swashbuckler level + Swashbuckler's Dex modifier) reduces this damage by 1/2. She may not apply any damage bonuses from the power attack or piranha strike feat, if she possesses them, Spear Style Strike: At 15th level, the Swashbuckler gains supernatural skill with her spears. She may designate one attack she makes each round as a Spear Style Strike. While wielding a Style Weapon with the reach property, the target she hits with her Spear Style Strike must make a Fortitude save (DC= 10 + 1/2 the Swashbuckler's Level + Swashbuckler's Dex modifier) or be stunned. While wielding a Style Weapon with the double property, the target she hits with her Spear Style Strike must make a Will save (DC= 10 + 1/2 the Swashbuckler's Level + Swashbuckler's Cha modifier) or be confused. The duration of each of these effects is 1 round. Spear of Longinus: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler increases her reach with all Style Weapons by 10 ft.

Charmed Life: Beginning at 2nd level, the Swashbuckler gains greater control over her own fate.She selects any of the following categories: AC and CMD (this bonus functions similarly to the Monk's AC bonus and is lost in the same situations), Fortitude Saves, Reflex Saves, Will Saves, CMB, or DC to cast spells defensively. She may add her Charisma bonus to that category. At 6th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Swashbuckler may select an additional category to add her Charisma modifier to. If the Swashbuckler's Panache ever reaches 0, she immediately loses the benefit of this class feature until she regains at least 1 point of Panache.

Nimble: At 3rd level, the swashbuckler gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor. Anything that causes the swashbuckler to lose her Dexterity bonus to AC also causes her to lose this bonus. Additionally, this bonus is doubled against attacks of opportunity provoked by movement. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of +5/+10 at 19th level). This ability counts as the Dodge and Mobility feats for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites.

Finesse Technique: At 3rd level, the Swashbuckler may use her Dexterity modifier rather than the normal damage modifier for a Style Weapon weapon, but does not deal additional damage when wielding such a weapon in two hands.

Bonus Feats: At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the Swashbuckler may choose either a bonus combat feat she meets the prerequisites for, or a feat from those associated with her Swashbuckler Style, which she does not need to meet prerequisites for. Regardless of Style, the Swashbuckler may always select Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat.

Swashbuckler Style: At 5th level, the Swashbuckler gains a +1 bonus on all attack and damage rolls with their Style Weapons. This bonus increases by +1 at level 9 and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +4 at level 19. This class feature counts as the Fighter Weapon Training class feature for the purposes of prerequisites, magic items, and if the Swashbuckler can select Advanced Weapon Training options.

Swashbuckler Style Mastery: At 20th level, the Swashbuckler becomes highly proficient with their weapons. They regain Panache whenever they successfully strike with a weapon and whenever they perform a skill check. They select three deeds that cost at least 1 point of panache, and reduce the cost of these deeds by 1 point, to a minimum of 0.


1st-level deeds

Swift Target: As long as the Swashbuckler is wearing light or no armor and has no more than a light load, and has at least 1 point of Panache, they gain a +5 enhancement bonus to all movement speeds they possess. This bonus increases by +5 for every 5 levels they possess. Daring Teamwork: The Swashbuckler gains one Teamwork feat she qualifies for, and may now select teamwork feats she qualifies for with her Bonus Feats class feature (if she has it). She may spend 1 point of panache to grant one teamwork feat she knows to all allies within 30 ft for a number of rounds equal to 3 + 1/2 her Swashbuckler level. This effect ends if, during it, the Swashbuckler falls to 0 Panache.

Sympathetic Panache: The Swashbuckler regains 1 point of panache whenever her allies reduce an opponent to 0 or fewer hitpoints, so long as that opponent has at least 1/2 the Swashbuckler's HD. She may only benefit from this deed once per ally per round..

Close Assault : If a foe whose size is at least one size category smaller than that of the swashbuckler's is adjacent to her and misses her with a melee attack, the swashbuckler can as an immediate action spend 1 panache point to move 5 feet into an area of the attacker’s space. This movement does not count against the swashbuckler’s movement the next round, and it doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. While the swashbuckler is within a foe’s space, she is considered to occupy her square within that foe’s space.

While the swashbuckler is within her foe’s space, the foe takes a –4 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks not made against the swashbuckler, and all of the swashbuckler’s allies that are adjacent to both the foe and the swashbuckler are considered to be flanking the foe. The swashbuckler is considered to be flanking the foe whose space she is within if she is adjacent to an ally who is also adjacent to the foe. The swashbuckler can move within her foe’s space and leave the foe’s space unhindered and without provoking attacks of opportunity, but if the foe attempts to move to a position where the swashbuckler is no longer in its space, the movement provokes an attack of opportunity from the swashbuckler.

Derring-Do: The swashbuckler can spend 1 point of panache to add 1d6 to an Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check. She can do this after she rolls the check but before the result is revealed to her. If the result of the d6 is equal to 6, she rolls another d6 and adds it to the check. She may do this for as long as she rolls natural 6s, a number of times equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Social Panache: This deed functions in an identical manner as the Derring-Do deed, however, it applies to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks instead of the skills indicated in the Derring-Do deed.

Fast Hands: The Swashbuckler may draw a style weapon she has sheathed as if . She only benefits from this feat so long as she has at least 1 point of Panache.

Kip-Up: Whenever she has at least 1 point of Panache, the Swashbuckler can stand up from being prone as a move action without provoking attacks of opportunity. She may instead spend 1 point of Panache to stand up from prone as a free action.

Spell Dabbler: The Swashbuckler gains the ability to cast a number of 0th-level Wizard/Sorcerer spells. She selects 4 cantrips. She gains the ability to cast these spells as a spell-like ability at-will, treating her Swashbuckler level as her caster level for these cantrips.

Mesmerizer: You gain Mesmerizing Feint as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisites. In order to use this feat, you must spend one point of panache as a swift action and select a single creature within 30 ft. This creature is treated as if they were under the effects of a hypnotic stare for the purposes of this feat for 1 round. This effect lasts for 1 round per 4 swashbuckler levels.

Opportune Parry and Riposte: When an opponent makes a melee attack against the swashbuckler, she can expend one panache point and expend an attack of opportunity. The swashbuckler makes an attack roll as if she were making an attack of opportunity; for each size category the attacking creature is larger than the swashbuckler, the swashbuckler takes a –2 penalty on this roll. If her result is greater than the attacking creature’s result, the creature’s attack successfully parries and the attack misses. The swashbuckler must declare the use of this ability after the creature’s attack is announced, but before its attack roll is made. Upon performing a successful parry and if she has at least 1 panache point, the swashbuckler can expend another use of an attack of opportunity to make an attack against any target she just parried, provided that creature is within her reach- such an attack is a riposte. This deed's cost cannot be reduced by any ability or effect that reduces the number of panache points a deed costs.

3rd-level deeds Adroit Step: The swashbuckler can spend a swift action to treat a 5-foot square of difficult terrain as if it were normal terrain. If she also spends a panache point, she can treat all difficult terrain as though it were normal terrain until the end of her turn.

Wall Run: So long as the Swashbuckler has at least 1 point of panache, they may traverse vertical surfaces such as walls as if they were horizontal surfaces as part of any move action they make. They are not restricted in any way by this movement, but they must start and end their movement on a horizontal surface that supports their weight. If they do not, they must make a climb check to cling to the wall (if applicable) or fall prone, taking falling damage as appropriate for their height above the ground. Passing from wall to floor or floor to wall costs no movement

Monkey See, Monkey Do: The Swashbuckler can spend ten minutes with one ally in order to share her expertise. At the end of these ten minutes, she selects one skill: whenever she or her ally rolls a check using that skill, she may use her ally's ranks or the Swashbuckler's ranks in that skill to determine her bonus on the roll.

Clandestine Expertise: The Swashbuckler gains a +2 bonus on Stealth and Disguise checks. When she reaches level 10, these bonuses increase to +4. When she reaches 20th level, they increase to +6. At any time, he may spend 1 point of panache to double the bonuses he gains with this deed for one skill roll.

Silence is Golden: Whenever the Swashbuckler has at least 1 point of panache and succeeds at a trip, grapple, or dirty trick attempt, the target is rendered mute for a number of rounds equal to the Swashbuckler's Charisma modifier. For every 5 points by which the Swashbuckler exceeds their targets CMD, the target is mute for 1 additional round. A mute creature cannot speak, make use of any language-dependant effects, provide verbal components, or issue command words. This is an extraordinary effect.

Quick Steal: As a swift action the swashbuckler can attempt atempt a steal combat maneuver check against the creature she hit: she must be either adjacent to or within that creature's space in order to use this deed. Using this deed does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This deed requires Close Assault.

Incredible Awareness: The swashbuckler Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.

Hidden Blades: A swashbuckler with at least 1 point of panache can hide a light or one-handed weapon as a swift action, gaining an insight bonus on her Sleight of Hand check equal to 1/2 her Swashbuckler level.

Swashbuckler Initiative: As long as the Swashbuckler has at least 1 point of panache, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus increases by +1 per 5 swashbuckler levels. In addition, if she has the Quick Draw feat or otherwise benefits from it with regards to her style weapons, she may draw a style weapon as a free action as part of the initiative check.

Spell Enthusiast: The swashbuckler further refines their magical dabbling. They select one 1st-level Wizard/Sorcerer spell. The Swashbuckler may cast this spell three times a day, as a spell-like ability (DC = 10 + 1/2 Swashbuckler level + CHA mod), treating her swashbuckler levels as her caster level. This deed requires Spell Dabbler

Provoke: When the swashbuckler makes a successful melee attack with a style weapon against an opponent, they may then spend a point of panache in order to demoralize or antagonize their opponent as a swift action. Demoralizaiton functions as the intimidate skill, while antagonize functions as the Diplomacy option of the Antagonize feat.

Overkill: The swashbuckler may spend 1 point of Panache in order to gain a +1 insight bonus on her attack rolls and a +1 competence bonus on the saving throw DCs of Swashbuckler class abilities for 1 round. She may spend additional panache on this deed to increase the bonuses by +1, up to a maximum equal to her Charisma modifier.

Precise Strike: At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, a swashbuckler gains the ability to strike precisely with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon (though not natural weapon attacks), adding her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt. To use this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield other than a buckler. She can even use this ability with thrown light or one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapons, so long as the target is within 30 feet of her. Any creature that is immune to sneak attacks is immune to the additional damage granted by precise strike, and any item or ability that protects a creature from critical hits also protects a creature from the additional damage of a precise strike. This additional damage is precision damage, and isn’t multiplied on a critical hit.

By spending 1 point of Panache as a free action at the start of her turn, the swashbuckler can elect to treat the damage gained from this talent as if it were not precision damage, instead adding it as bonus damage that is multiplied on a critical hit.

The bonus damage from this deed does not stack with any style deed that also grants precision damage: the swashbuckler only takes the higher of the two bonuses, if applicable.

Magic Item Dabbler: The Swashbuckler selects one of the following classes at the start of each day: Wizard, Cleric, or Psychic. Whenever she uses a spell-completion or spell-trigger item, she may treat her swashbuckler level as levels in the class she selected for the purposes of determining whether she may use that item without needing to use the Use Magic Device skill. The Swashbuckler may choose to treat staves and wands as style weapons. When used as style weapons, staves are treated as quarterstaves and wands are treated as light maces, and have an enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to 1/5th their Caster Level (maximum +4 at level 20)

Opportunistic Evasion: Whenever the Swashbuckler succeeds on a Reflex save against an effect that still deals damage on a succesful save, she may spend 1 point of panache to instead take no damage from the effect.

Sundering Defense: When the swashbuckler successfully parries an attack, instead of performing a riposte, she may make a Sunder attempt against the weapon she parried without provoking an attack of opportunity. If she parried a natural attack, she may still sunder the natural weapon used. She deals damage normally if she succeeds on the Combat Maneuver check. Until the creature she parried receives healing equal to the damage she dealt, it treats that natural weapon as if it were broken, taking a -2 penalty on attack and damage rolls and only threatening a critical hit on a natural 20, with a critical multiplier of x2. This deed requires Opportune Parry and Riposte.

Star of the Show: The Swashbuckler has a way with crowds, and can steal the hearts of even her most heartless of critics. At the start of a performance combat, she increases the starting attitude of the crowd by one step. In addition, she adds her Swashbuckler Style Training bonus to all Performance Combat checks she makes,

7th-level deeds

Monkey See, Monkey Do, Improved: The Swashbuckler can select two skills when using her Monkey See, Monkey Do deed, and can use the higher of the attribute bonuses to that skill between her and her ally to determine the bonus she gets in addition to the ranks in that skill.

Air Cutter: With incredible precision, the Swashbuckler can slice the air in such a way that it transfers the force of her blow to a target that may not even be within reach. So long as she has 1 point of Panache, the swashbuckler may make ranged attacks (dubbed Air Cuts) using melee style weapons at targets within close range (25+5 ft per two Swashbuckler levels). These attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity and they resolve as melee attacks. She may only benefit from this deed on her turn.

Phantasmic Disappearance: The swashbuckler can spend 1 point of panache to use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as he is within 10 feet of some sort object, condition, or effect that he could use to gain cover or concealment, the swashbuckler can hide himself from view in the open without having anything to actually hide behind. He can remain hidden in this manner until the end of his next turn, after which all creatures that he does not have cover or concealment from automatically notice him.

Superior Feint: By spending 1 point of Panache, the Swashbuckler may feint as a swift action.

Dodging Leap: As an immediate action, the Swashbuckler can spend 1 point of Panache in order to jump 10 feet in any direction: this ability may be used before a spell or attack would effect the Swashbuckler. If it would put the Swashbuckler outside of the area of effect or range of a spell, or render their attacker unable to attack them, the spell fails to effect the Swashbuckler and the attack is treated as a miss. Daring Teamwork, Improved: The Swashbuckler gains an additional Teamwork feat. Her Daring Teamwork ability no longer costs a point of Panache to activate. She may spend 1 point of Panache in order to activate it as a swift action. This deed requires Daring Teamwork

Harrier: Once a round as a free action at the start of her turn, the Swashbuckler can perform a Dirty Trick combat maneuver on a foe she occupies the space of with Close Assault. This deed requires Close Assault.

Incredible Aspirations: Whenever the Swashbuckler uses their Derring-Do or Social Panache deeds, she rolls another d6 whenever he rolls a result of a natural 5 or 6, up to a maximum number of rolls equal to her Charisma modifier. This deed requires either the Derring-Do or Social Panache deeds.

Plunder: Once on her turn, whenever the Swashbuckler would succeed on an attack roll against an opponent while using a style weapon, the Swashbuckler may also perform a steal combat maneuver as a free action against that target.

Incredible Awareness, Improved: The Swashbuckler gains Improved Blind-Fight as a bonus feat. They may spend a move action in order to gain Blindsense out to 15 ft for 1 round. They may spend 1 point of panache to use this ability as a free action.

Hidden Compartments (Su): The swashbuckler gains access to a small extradimensional storage space. This space may hold up to ten pounds of equipment per Swashbuckler level. A swashbuckler may draw or stow an item from this extradimensional storage space as a swift action, and may obfuscate such an act with a Sleight of Hand check opposed by a Perception check. Creatures examining the swashbuckler with magic will find only a faint universal magic aura on the swashbuckler. This deed requires the Hidden Blades deed.

Targeted Strike: The swashbuckler can spend 1 point of panache as a swift action in order to make a targeted strike using a style weapon. The swashbuckler selects either their target's head, arms, legs, or torso (and wings, if applicable), then makes an attack. If the attack is succesful, the Swashbuckler deals no damage, but the target suffers one of the following effects: Target Effect Arm The target drops one carried item of the swashbuckler's choice, even if it is wielded or held in two hands. Items held in a locked gauntlet cannot be chosen for this deed. Head The target is confused for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. Legs The target is knocked prone. Creatures immune to trip attacks are immune to this effect. Torso or Wings The target is staggered for one round.

Mesmerizer, Improved: You gain Greater Mesmerizing Feint as a bonus feat. This deed requires Mesmerizer.

Mind Games: While the swashbuckler has at least 1 point of panache, they do not provoke attacks of opportunity from opponents that are flat-footed, frightened, panicked, shaken, or denied their dexterity bonus to AC, or if they have been successfully antagonized via the Antagonize feat or Provoke deed. This deed requires the Provoke deed.

Rapid Striker: As long as the Swashbuckler has at least 1 point of Panache, whenever she makes a full- attack action, she may also choose to move up to half her movement speed either before or after making the full- attack. She may spend 1 point of Panache in order to move at her full movement speed. This deed requires Swift Target.

Ride the Wind: As long as the Swashbuckler has at least 1 point of Panache, she gains a fly speed equal to her base land speed with maneuverability (good). She must start and end her movement on terrain that can support her weight: otherwise, she immediately falls. The Swashbuckler may spend 1 point of panache to ignore this limitation for one round per two swashbuckler levels.

Spell Parry: The Swashbuckler can parry even magical effects. She may use her Opportune Parry and Riposte deed on touch attacks or ray attacks made as part of a spell. If the spell or ability does not require a touch attack but specifically targets her (such as magic missile), the caster of the spell must make a Caster Level check. It uses the result of this Caster Level check as its attack roll. She cannot parry a spell that has an area of effect (such as fireball) She may only riposte against a target that is within her threatened area when she successfully parries with this deed. This deed requires Opportune Parry and Riposte.

Keen Gaze (Ex): While the swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, she can ignore the miss chance from concealment and total concealment caused by normal and magical fog, smoke, and undergrowth, but not other sources of concealment or a miss chance, such as blur.

11th-level deeds

Cloak of Shadows (Sp.): With a flourish, the Swashbuckler can take on shadowy, ephemeral qualities, allowing her to travel through shadows. So long as she starts within an area of dim light or lower and her destination is within an area of dim light or lower, she may use Dimension Door as a spell-like ability to travel between those two points at will. This deed costs 1 panache to use each time, and counts as the abundant step class feature and the ability to cast dimension door for the purposes of determining prerequisites.

Cyclone: As a standard action, the Swashbuckler can swing her blade with such incredible force and speed that it generates a whirlwind of sharpened air. She may choose a 30ft cone or 60ft line: whatever her choice, all creatures within the area she chose take damage as if the swashbuckler had made a single attack against them, with a Reflex save (DC= 10 + 1/2 the Swashbuckler's level + the Swashbuckler's DEX modifier) to reduce the damage by half. She may spend 1 point of panache in order to use this ability as an immediate action. This deed requires Air Cutter.

Evasive Tongue: The swashbuckler can deceive even truth-detecting magic. The caster of any sort of magic that forces the swashbuckler to tell the truth (or which would otherwise extract information directly from the Swashbuckler) must make a Caster level check vs a DC of 15 + the Swashbuckler's class level + the swashbuckler's charisma modifier: failure means the magic does not detect the swashbuckler's lies, force him to speak only the truth, or that the information directly taken from him is completely truthful.

Bleeding Wound: As a free action, the Swashbuckler can deal extra bleeding damage equal to her Charisma modifier whenever she strikes with a style weapon. This bleeding damage stacks with that of any other bleed damage a target may have, and it stacks with itself. Alternatively, the Swashbuckler may spend 1 point of panache in order to deal 1 point of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution bleed damage (Swashbuckler's choice). Creatures immune to sneak attacks are immune to these types of bleed damage.

Authoritative Bluffing: The Swashbuckler can spend 1 point of panache in order to substitute a Bluff check for an intimidate check, or roll a Bluff check twice, taking the better result. In addition, the Swashbuckler gains a +20 bonus on Disguise and Bluff checks when impersonating a noble, military officer, or other authority figure.

Incredible Awareness, Greater: The swashbuckler gains Greater Blind-Fight as a bonus feat. They may spend a move action in order to gain Blindsight out to 30 ft for 1 round, and can spend 1 point of panache in order to use this ability as a free action.

Unshakable: As long as the swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, she becomes completely immune to all fear effects, magical and non-magical. If a creature has an ability that penetrates fear immunity, the Swashbuckler still receives a +4 bonus on saves against such effects. This deed requires Fearless.

Precise Thrust: While the swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, she can perform a perfect thrust, pooling all of her attack potential into a single melee attack made with a style weapon. As a full-round action, she makes a single attack against the target’s touch AC, rolling her attack roll twice, and ignores all damage reduction, hardness, and miss chance possessed by the target. This attack may be modified by effects that normally cannot be used on touch attacks.

Subtle Weapon: While the swashbuckler wields a style weapon, they are immune to sunder, disarm, or steal attempts made against their style weapon. They may extend this benefit to another item on their person by expending an attack of opportunity, once per round. Lunging Reach: So long as the swashbuckler has at least 1 point of panache, she increases her threatened area by 5ft.

Warp Cutter: The Swashbuckler's precision cutting can rip open the fabric of reality. She may spend 1 point of Panache in order to substitute an Air Cut with a Warp Cut. She may use a Warp Cut in one of two ways, moving herself or a target. A target struck by a Warp Cut takes damage as normal for an Air Cut. They must then succeed on a Will saving throw or be teleported to a square of the Swashbuckler's choice that is within range of the Swashbuckler's Air Cutter deed.

The swashbuckler can reduce the damage she deals when making a Warp Cut by half in order to increase the saving throw DC by +4. She may also choose to deal no damage to a target that willingly fails their Saving Throw against a Warp Cut.

When used to move the Swashbuckler, the Swashbuckler selects one square she can see that is within range of her Air Cutter deed. She does not need to make an attack roll; she immediately teleports to that square.

Both uses of this deed are teleportation effects. This deed requires Air Cutter

Rider on the Storm: The Swashbuckler's maneuverability with all fly speeds she possesses increases by one step. She adds her Charisma modifier to all Fly checks she makes. In addition, she is treated as two size categories larger when determining how wind effects her when flying.

15th-level deeds

Daring Teamwork, Greater: The Swashbuckler gains an additional Teamwork feat. The Swashbuckler may now grant two Teamwork feats when using her Daring Teamwork ability. This deed requires Daring Teamwork, Improved.

Dizzying Defense: At 15th level, the swashbuckler can fight defensively as a swift action instead of a standard action. When fighting defensively in this manner, the dodge bonus to AC gained from that action increases to +4, and the penalty to attack rolls is reduced to –2.

Perfect Thrust: The Swashbuckler may use their Precise Thrust deed as an attack action, rather than a full- round action. If she may make multiple attacks as part of an attack action for any reason, she only selects one attack to benefit from the effects of Precise Thrust.

Daring Edge: While the swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, she can take 10 on any Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check, even while distracted or in immediate danger. This deed requires the Derring-Do deed.

Social Edge: This deed functions identically to Daring Edge, save that it applies to the skills affected by Social Panache, rather than those of Derring-Do. This deed requires Social Panache.

Massive Ego: The Swashbuckler rolls twice when making a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, taking the better result. She only gains the benefits of this deed while she has at least 1 panache point. This deed requires Unshakable

Relentless Pursuer: The swashbuckler may make multiple attacks of opportunity against a creature moving within her threatened area. An opponent provokes one attack of opporunity for each of the threatened squares it moves out of. The swashbuckler may even make attacks of opporuntity against creatures leaving one of her threatened squares via the withdraw action or the 5-ft step action. She only gains the benefits of this deed when she has at least 1 point of Panache. This deed requires Lunging Reach.

Opportunist: Whenever an ally damages an enemy, the Swashbuckler may make a single attack of opportunity against that enemy, once per round. She may spend 1 point of panache in order to make this attack of opportunity count as an attack action instead. Jetstream Cutter: The swashbuckler increases the range of her Air Cutter deed to medium range (100 + 10 ft per Swashbuckler level). She may spend 1 point of panache to instead increase the range of her Air Cutter deed to long range (400 ft + 40 ft per Swashbuckler level) until the end of her turn. This deed requires the Air Cutter deed.

Warp Cutter, Improved: The Swashbuckler no longer needs to spend a point of Panache in order to make a Warp Cut that teleports a willing target or herself, and can spend 1 point of Panache in order to replace any number of Air Cuts she makes with Warp Cuts, rather than just one attack. This deed requires Warp Cutter.

Explosive Air Cutter: The swashbuckler's blasts of air become even more violent. When making attacks using her Air Cutter deed, the Swashbuckler can instead replace her attacks with Explosive Cuts. She selects one square within the range of her Air Cutter deed. This square becomes the center of a 15ft-radius burst. All enemies caught within this burst are knocked prone and deafened for 1d4+1 round, and they take damage as if the Swashbuckler had successfully attacked them. A succesful reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the Swashbuckler's level + the Swashbuckler's Dex mod) reduces the damage by 1/2, prevents being knocked prone, and reduces the duration of the deafened effect to 1 round. The swashbuckler may choose to reduce the damage she deals to enemies by 1/2 in order to increase the radius of the burst effect to 30 ft and increase the saving throw DC of the Explosive cut by +4. This deed requires Air Cutter

19th-level deeds

Cheat Death: Whenever the swashbuckler is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, she can spend all of her remaining panache to instead be reduced to 1 hit point. She must have at least 1 panache point to spend. Effects that kill the swashbuckler outright without dealing hit point damage are not affected by this ability.

Deadly Stab: When the swashbuckler conf irms a critical hit with a style weapon, in addition to the normal damage, she can choose to inflict a deadly stab, ensuring their target's demise. The target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or die. The DC of this save is 10 + 1/2 the swashbuckler’s level + the swashbuckler’s Dexterity modif ier. This is a death attack. Performing this deed does not grant the swashbuckler a panache point.

Stunning Stab: Whenever a swashbuckler hits a creature with a style weapon, she can stun the creature for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier. The creature must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the swashbuckler’s level + the swashbuckler’s Dexterity modifier). If the creature fails, they are still stunned for 1 round. Creatures that are immune to critical hits are also immune to this effect.

Explosive Air Cutter, Improved: Double the burst radius of all Explosive Cuts. Enemies caught within an Explosive Cut are staggered for 1d4+1 rounds (1 round on a succesful save) in addition to the normal effects of an Explosive Cut. This deed requires Explosive Air Cutter

Elemental Stance deeds.

1st level deeds

Elemental Stance 1: The Swashbuckler selects one of the elements from the list below. As a move action, they may enter an Elemental Stance for a number of rounds equal to their Charisma modifier. The Swashbuckler can select this deed multiple times, each time selecting a new element. If they have multiple elements for their Elemental Stance deed, they select only one element to gain the benefits from when they enter their Elemental Stance.

When the Swashbuckler enters their Elemental Stance, they add damage as appropriate for the element they selected to all attacks they make with style weapons while in their Elemental Stance- the damage and damage type is indicated on Table: Elemental Stance 1, 2, 3. At 7th and 15th level, this damage increases by the amount indicated in the parantheses.

Table: Elemental Stance 1, 2, 3 Element Damage Type Resistance Movement Air Electricity (+1d6) Electricity Resistance 5 (10) Fly 30ft (good maneuverability) Earth Acid (+1d6) Acid Resistance 5 (10) Burrow 30ft Fire Fire (+1d8) Fire Resistance 5 (15) +20 enhancement bonus to land speed Water Cold (+1d6) Cold Resistance 5 (10) Swim 30 ft Aether Force (+1d4) Force Resistance 5 (10) Self-Telekinesis as the Kineticist Wild Talent Void Negative Energy (+1d6) Positive Energy Resistance 5 (10) Self Gravity as the Kineticist Wild Talent Metal Bludgeoning OR DR 1/Bludgeoning OR Piercing Spider Climb as the spell (when Piercing OR Slashing OR Slashing (2) climbing metal surfaces, doubled, (+1d6) and the swashbuckler does not need to have their hands free) Wood Positive Energy (+1d6) Negative Energy Resistance 5 (10) Earthglide equal to land speed (only able to glide through unworked wood and plants)

3rd level deeds:

Elemental Stance 2: The swashbuckler's Elemental Stance improves, inoculating them against certain attacks. When they enter their Elemental Stance, consult Table: Elemental Stance 1, 2, 3. While in their Elemental Stance, the Swashbuckler gains resistance to a type of damage as indicated on the table. At 11th and 19th level, the Swashbuckler increases their resistance to damage by the amount indicated in the paranthesis. This deed requiers Elemental Stance 1.

7th level deeds:

Elemental Stance 3: The swashbuckler's Elemental Stance grants them more ways to move about the battlefield. When they enter their Elemental Stance, consult Table: Elemental Stance 1, 2, 3. While in their Elemental Stance, the Swashbuckler gains the move speed or movement ability as indicated on the table

11th level deeds:

Elemental Stance 4: The swashbuckler's Elemental Stance grants them unique special attacks. While in their Elemental Stance, the Swashbuckler can spend 1 point of panache in order to use their element's special ability, as listed on Table: Elemental Stance 4.

Table: Elemental Stance 4 Element Special Attack Air The swashbuckler charges their weapon with the fury of a storm. As part of an attack action, the Swashbuckler can deal an additional amount of electricity damage on one attack equal to 1d6+1 per two Swashbuckler levels they possess and be deafened for a number of minutes equal to the Swashbuckler's level. A successful fortitude save halves the damage done by this attack and reduces the duration of the deafness effect to one round per swashbuckler level Earth The swashbuckler drives their weapon into the ground, then extracts it- and with it, primal, caustic earth. As a standard action the Swashbuckler can make an attack against the ground, then select a number of enemies within close range (25 ft +5 ft per two swashbuckler levels). Spikes of earth shoot up to impale and trap these targets, dealing acid damage equal to 1d6 per two swashbuckler levels and entangling the target on a failed Fortitude save for a number of rounds equal to the Swashbuckler's charisma modifier. A target that succeeds on their save takes half damage and is entangled for only one round. Fire The swashbuckler wreathes themselves in terrible, burning hot flame. As a swift action, the Swashbuckler becomes covered in flame until the end of their Elemental Stance. Any foe that attacks the Swashbuckler (even with a reach weapon) takes fire damage equal to the swashbuckler's level + the swashbuckler's charisma modifier. Foes adjacent to the Swashbuckler take twice as much fire damage. The swashbuckler ignores half the fire resistance of any target they strike while in their Elemental Stance, and treats fire immunity as if it were fire resistance 30 for the purposes of determining damage. Water The swashbuckler commands tidal forces, washing away the opposition. As a swift action, the swashbuckler can imbue their attacks with tidal force until the end of their Elemental Stance. Enemies struck during this time must make a Fortitude save or be moved 5ft + 5 ft per point of the swashbuckler's Charisma modifier in any direction the Swashbuckler chooses and is knocked prone. A target that fails this save is still moved 5ft. Aether The swashbuckler wraps their weapon in telekinetic force. As a swift action, they can imbue their weapons with telekinetic fields until the end of their Elemental Stance. Half the damage they deal with their attacks is converted to force damage, and the Swashbuckler adds their Charisma modifier to the damage they deal with all attacks. In addition, weapons wielded by the swashbuckler gain the dancing weapon property for the duration of the Swashbuckler's elemental stance Void The swashbuckler channels the terrible power of the void. As a standard action, they call upon entropic energy, dealing 1d8+1 negative energy damage to all living, non-construct foes within close range (25ft +5ft per two swashbuckler levels). This negative energy damage is particularly volatile- undead foes are not healed by this negative energy, and instead take half damage as normal. All targets of this ability are entitled to a Will save to reduce the damage by 1/2 (or 1/4 if they are Undead). Constructs are immune to the damage from this attack. Metal The swashbuckler calls upon their metallic soul, turning steely determination into iron-hard strikes. As a swift action, the swashbuckler coats their body in a special magnetic field that repels attacks and guides her strikes. She gains a +3 bonus on all attack rolls made against targets wearing metal armor, and gains a +3 untyped bonus to her AC against all attacks made with manufactured metal weapons. She may make a disarm attempt as a free action whenever a foe attacks her in melee (even if she does not have a hand free). If succesful, the foe is disarmed, but the weapon is attached to the swashbuckler. To remove the weapon, the enemy must make a disarm check opposed by the swashbuckler's CMD to retrieve it. Wood The swashbuckler channels the volatile energy of the positive energy plane. This functions like Void's special attack, save that it deals positive energy damage, undead take full damage and living targets take half damage.

15th level deeds

Elemental Stance 5: The swashbuckler can enter her elemental stance as a swift action or a move action, and can spend 1 point of panache to enter it as a free action on her turn. In addition, while in their elemental stance, they gain one of the following benefits, depending on their element- as indicated on Table: Elemental Stance 5. If an ability has a saving throw, set it as if it were the saving throw of a Swashbuckler deed.

Table: Elemental Stance 5 Element Benefit Air You gain the ability to create a Whirlwind, as a huge air elemental Earth You gain the ability to Earthglide as an earth elemental Fire You gain the Burn ability of a fire elemental, dealing Burn damage equal to 4d6+8 Water You gain the Vortex ability of a huge water elemental- but you can form the vortex so long as there is at least one 5ft cube of water within close range (25 ft + 5 ft per Swashbuckler level). Aether You gain the Telekinetic Invisibility ability of an Aether Elemental Void You gain perfect control over your gravitational field, and are treated as if you were always in a subjective directional gravity plane. You do not need to make a wisdom check when you decide to set a new direction of gravity- you always succeed on it. Metal You may use Telekinesis at-will on any metal object or creature wielding a metal weapon or piece of metal armor, with a caster level equal to your swashbuckler level Wood You may use Dimension Door at-will, however, your starting point and your destination must be adjacent to at least one tree.

19th level deed

Elemental Blade 6: When entering your Elemental Stance, you become immune to critical hits, sneak attacks, and precision damage.


Dares are similar to deeds in that they grant a gunslinger or a swashbuckler extra abilities based on either grit or panache, but unlike deeds, dares become active when a member of these classes runs out of her respective pool, and become inactive until the character regains points of their respective pool. They grant the character a benefit and a new ability to regain or increase the ability to regain either grit or panache.

A dare can be taken in place of one of the bonus feats a gunslinger or a swashbuckler gains at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter. A gunslinger or a swashbuckler can choose to have multiple dares, but can only pick one to be active each time she reaches 0 grit or panache points. Once chosen, the active dare cannot be changed until the gunslinger or swashbuckler reaches 0 grit or panache points again. Alternatively, the swashbuckler may choose to gain a dare in place of their 5th, 9th, 13th, or 17th level feat gained from advancing in HD. The following is a list of dares a Swashbuckler may select

Desperate Evasion (Ex): While this dare is active, you gain the evasion class feature. If you already have this class feature, you gain the benefits of Improved Evasion. If you already benefit from Improved Evasion, you instead roll Reflex saves twice when benefitting from this dare, taking the better result. You regain 1 grit or panache point when you succeed at two Reflex saving throws while using this dare. Frantically Nimble (Ex): While this dare is active, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. You regain 1 grit or panache point when any enemy making a ranged or melee attack against you misses you three times. The attacks need not come from the same enemy. Out for Blood (Ex): While this dare is active, your critical threat range with firearms (for gunslingers) or style weapons (for swashbucklers) increases by 1 (20/x4 becomes 19–20/x4, 19–20/x2 becomes 18–20/x2, and so on). This effect stacks with similar effects that increase critical threat range. Run Like Hell (Ex): While this dare is active, your speed increases by 10 feet, and you retain your Dexterity bonus to your AC while running. You regain 1 grit or panache point the first time you are more than 100 feet away from your closest enemy. Archetypes

Common Archetype Features

Many Swashbuckler archetypes possess one or both of the following class features.

Limited Deeds: A swashbuckler Archetype with limited deeds loses one deed at 1st, 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th level.

Delayed Style: A swashbuckler Archetype with Delayed Style gains their style deeds later than other swashbucklers do. They still select a Swashbuckler style at 1st level, but they gain their 1st level Style Deed at 3rd level, the 3rd level Style Deed at 7th, the 7th level Style deed at 11th, the 11th level Style Deed at 15th, the 15th level Style Deed at 19th, and they never gain their 19th level Style Deed.

Limited Style: A swashbuckler archetype with Limited Style may only select from a certain list of styles, or must select one particular style when they first gain their Swashbuckler Style class feature.

Unique Style: A swashbuckler archetype with a Unique Style has a style that normally cannot be selected by other kinds of swashbucklers.

Limited Style and Delayed Style: A swashbuckler Archetype that has Delayed Style is not incompatible with one that has Limited Style. Simply apply the effects of Delayed Style to one of the styles that the Swashbuckler must select.

Unique Styles and Delayed Style: A swashbuckler archetype that has a Unique Style is not incompatible with one that has a Delayed Style. Simply apply the effects of Delayed Style to the Unique Style that the swashbuckler archetype gets.

Multiple Archetypes with Limited Deeds: A swashbuckler can have up to two archetypes with Limited Deeds (so long as they are compatible in other ways). They may combine an archetype with Limited Deeds with an archetype that loses a specific deed at a certain level, so long as they have at least one deed at levels 1, 3, 7, 11, 15, and 19 to lose.

Additional Bonus Feat Options: A Swashbuckler archetype with this feature adds Bonus Feats to the list of those the Swashbuckler can select whenever they gain a bonus feat. This feature does not render it incompatible with any other archetype that has the Additional Bonus Feat Option feature, as both archetypes simply add additional options for bonus feats to those the swashbuckler can select. It is also compatible with those that specify the Swashbuckler gains a specific bonus feat or has their bonus feats replaced at that level.

Additional Deed Options: A swashbuckler archetype with this feature functions in a similar manner to the Additional Bonus Feat Options feature above, applied to unique deeds from an archetype rather than additional bonus feat options.

Elemental Blade

Elemental Blades are special Swashbucklers that sacrifice their usage of weapons in order to harness elemental power- a curious mix between mystic and dandy.

Limited Deeds: Elemental Blades have Limited Deeds.

Elemental Finesse: Elemental Blades gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat, but they can only apply it to their Kinetic Blast gained thruough their Kinetic Swashbuckler Style Deed This alters Swashbuckler Finesse and Swashbuckler Technique

Unique Style: Elemental Blades gain the Elemental Blade Style, listed below

Elemental Blade Style Weapons: Kinetic Blasts Bonus Feats: The Elemental Blade style does not grant Bonus Feats Kinetic Swashbuckler: At 1st level, the Swashbuckler gains a simple blast belonging to their Elemental Focus, as the Kineticist class feature of the same name- their kinetic blasts (simple and composite) deals damage as if the Swashbuckler were a kineticist of 1/2 their swashbuckler level. While in their Elemental Stance, the Swashbuckler gains the Kinetic Blade infusion without having to accept burn. This deed counts as the Kinetic Blade infusion for prerequisites Kinetic Blademaster: At 3rd level, the Swashbuckler can make Attacks of Opportunity using her Kinetic Blade. Admixture: At 7th level, the Swashbuckler can select two Elements to gain the benefits from when she uses her Elemental Stance, rather than one. Composite Strike: At 11th level, the Swashbuckler can spend 1 point of Panache in place of accepting the Burn cost of a Composite Blast. Advanced Admixture: At 15th level, the Swashbuckler can select three Elements rather than one when she uses her Elemental Stance. Supreme Elementalist: At 19th level, the Swashbuckler's Elemental Stance lasts an additional number of rounds equal to half her Swashbuckler level. She can spend 1 point of panache to extend the benefit of it to one minute per Swashbuckler level.

Elemental Stance Specialist: At 1st level, the Swashbuckler gains the Elemental Stance 1 deed- the element they select must be one that matches their elemental focus (Earth may select either the Earth elemental or the Metal element).

At levels 3, 7, 11, 15, and 19, the Swashbuckler gains the respective Elemental Stance deed listed at that level.

At level 7 and 15, they gain Elemental Stance 1 an additional time, selecting an additional element that matches their Expanded Element they select at the same level.

In addition, the Elemental Blade reduces the Burn cost of all infusions she uses by her Swashbuckler Style Training bonus, but she may not select Advanced Weapon Training techniques using her Swashbuckler Style Training class feature.

This replaces Nimble, Charmed Life 2, Charmed Life 4, all Bonus Feats, and alters Swashbuckler Style Training class feature

Additional Deed Options:

3rd-level Deeds:

Infusion: The Swashbuckler gains one Kineticist Form or Substance infusion of their choice, using their Swashbuckler level in place of their kineticist level to determine what infusion they may select. The infusion's DC is equal to the Swashbuckler's Deed DC, as appropriate for the type of saving throw.

11th-level Deeds:

Supercharge: The Swashbuckler gains the Supercharge class feature.

Red Mage

Some Swashbucklers choose to dabble in the magical arts, mixing it with their flamboyant, exotic . Such swashbucklers are known as Red Mages.

HD and BaB: A Red Mage uses d8s for their hitdie, and has a BaB equal to 3/4ths their Swashbuckler level, rather than their full swashbuckler level. This alters HD and BaB

Skillpoints Per Level: A Red Mage gains 4+INT skillpoints per level. This alters skillpoints per level

Skills: A Red Mage adds Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device to their list of class skills. This alters class skills.

Panache: The Red Mage does not regain panache when she successfully reduces an enemy to 0 hitpoints with a style weapon. Instead, whenever an enemy with HD equal to at least half the swashbuckler's HD fails a saving throw against one of her spells or is reduced to 0 hitpoints because of the damage from a Red Mage's spell, she regains 1 point of Panache.

Spells: A Red Mage casts spells in an identical manner as a bard, save that instead of using the bard spell list, they use the Magus spell list. The Red Mage adds all Cure spells to their list of spells known as soon as they become able to cast them.

Swashbuckler Style Training: The Red Mage may not select Advanced Weapon Training options with her Swashbuckler Style Training, though it still counts as Weapon Training for feat prerequisites and magic items

This alters Swashbuckler Style Training

Delayed Style: A Red Mage has a Delayed Style.

Limited Deeds: A Red Mage has Limited Deeds.

Additional Bonus Feat Options: The Red Mage can select Metamagic Feats she qualifies for in place of Bonus Combat Feats.

Additional Deed Options: A Red Mage adds the following deeds to the list of those they may select.

1st-level Deeds

Spell Combat: The Red Mage gains Spell Combat, as the Magus class feature. However, they do not need to have a hand free, and may use it even while wielding a style weapon that would normally be incompatible with Spell Combat.

Wizardly Bond: The Red Mage gains the Arcane Bond class feature as a Wizard of their level, with the option to select either a Familiar or Bonded Item.

3rd-level Deeds

Spellstrike: The Red Mage gains Spellstrike, as the Magus class feature.

Bloodline Mage: You gain the 1st-level power of a Sorcerer Bloodline, using your Red Mage level as your sorcerer level to determine its benefits. You may not take this deed if you have the School Specialist deed.

School Specialist: Select a single Wizard school. You gain the 1st-level powers of that school, using your Red Mage level as your Wizard level using your Charisma modifier in place of your Intelligence modifier as appropriate. You may not take this deed if you have the Bloodline Mage deed. You may choose to take a Focused school instead.

7th-level Deeds

Improved Familiar: The Red Mage gains the Improved Familiar deed Dualcast: The Red Mage gains the Quicken Spell feat as a bonus feat. Instead of using a higher-level spell slot, the Red Mage can spend Panache equal to the level increase of her Quicken Spell feat (if she has feats or other class features that reduce the Level Increase of the Quickened Spell feat, she also applies these reductions to the Panache cost she must pay.) The Swashbuckler may only Quicken a spell via paying Panache a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier.

Bloodline Mage, Improved: You gain the 3rd-level power of a Sorcerer Bloodline. This deed requires Bloodline Mage.

11th-level Deeds

Bloodline Mage, Greater: You gain the 9th level power of a Sorcerer Bloodline. This deed requires Bloodline Mage, Improved.

Advanced School Specialist: You gain the 8th level power of the Wizard school you selected with Advanced School Specialist.

Devastating Spellstrike: Increase the saving throw DC of any spell cast through the Spellstrike class feature by the Red Mage's Swashbuckler Style bonus.

15th-level Deeds

Bloodline Mage, Master: You gain the 15th level power of a Sorcerer Bloodline.

Special: When using the Spheres of Power system from Drop Dead Studios, the Red Mage instead gains the Casting, Magic Talents, and Spell pool class features. She is considered a Mid-caster and uses Charisma as her Casting Ability Modifier. She gains either Destruction or Life sphere as a bonus sphere at 1st level.


Worshippers of gods of alcohol, bravery, merrymaking, and other sorts, Sangrianites gain a measure of divine power from their escapades with alcohol. While not entirely wholesome, most Sangrianites prefer to spread merriment wherever they go... which may land them in more trouble than its worth.

Alignment: The Boozehound must be Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Good in order to remain a Sangrianite.

Aura of Good: The Boozehound emanates an aura of Good, as a cleric equal to their Sangrianite level.

Code of Conduct and Associates: The Sangrianite must maintain an alignment that is Chaotic Good or one step away from Chaotic Good. If they fail to maintain this alignment, they may not take additional levels as a Sangriante Swashbuckler, but they retain Sangriante class features.

In addition, the Sangrianite's code requires that she act with courage, avoid falling under illegitimate authority (and questioning legitimate authority, should they encroach on individual liberty), encourage people to participate in merrymaking activities, and drink a healthy amount of alcohol (never drinking to excess)

Special: A Sangrianite may ally with those whose alignment is opposed to hers (if there is a mutual enemy, threat, or extenuating circumstance), but she must seek an atonement spell periodically, and must break off the agreement if it leads to more harm than good. A Sangriante may only accept henchmen, followers, or cohorts that are within one step of being Chaotic Good.

Iron Liver: At 2nd level, the Swashbuckler adds their Charisma modifier to all Fortitude saves they make. At 8th level, the Swashbuckler becomes immune to all poisons (but may choose to voluntarily lower this immunity when drinking alcohol). At 12th level, the Swashbuckler becomes immune to all diseases, magical and non-magical. This replaces Charmed Life 1 and the bonus feats gained at 8th and 12th level.

Limited Deeds: The Sangriante has the Limited Deeds feature

Limited Style: The Sangriante must select from the Boozehound, Buccaneer, Duelist, Fencing, or Flying Blade Swashbuckler styles.

Spellcasting: Sangrianites cast spells as a Paladin of their class level. They add the following spells to the list of spells they may prepare.

1st level: Tears to Wine, Pick Your Poison 2nd level: Heroism, Drunkard's Breath 3rd level: Free Spirit 4th level: Freedom of Movement

Special 1: If using the Spheres of Power system from Drop Dead Studios, the Sangrianite instead gains the Casting, Magic Talents, and Spell Pool class feature, treating their class levels as low-caster levels and using Charisma as their Casting Ability Modifier. They gain the Enhancement sphere as a bonus sphere at 1st level.

Dancing Blade

Proficiencies: The Dancing Blade is proficient with light armor, simple weapons, and bucklers only. If this is the character's first level in any class, she may select a martial tradition

Limited Deeds: The Dancing Blade has the Limited Deeds class feature

Combat Training: The Dancing Blade may combine combat spheres and talents to create powerful martial techniques. Dancing Blades are considered Adept combatants and use Charisma as their practitioner modifier.


Unique Style: The Psy-Skirmisher gains the Psionic Style instead of her normal Swashbuckler style.

Psionic Style Style Weapons: Mind-blades, daggers, quarterstaves, clubs, shortspears, unarmed strikes, crossbows Bonus Feats: Deep Focus, Fighter's Blade, Mixed Combat, Up the Walls, Psionic Shot, Psionic Weapon. At 8th level, she adds Deep Impact, Intuitive Fighting, and Fell Shot. At 12th level she adds Deep Impact and Return Shot to the list. Always Armed: The swashbuckler may form an ectoplasmic weapon at 1st level as a move action. This weapon takes the form of a Style Weapon: it is treated as a masterwork weapon, and generates its own ammunition if it is a . The Swashbuckler may spend 1 point of Panache in order to grant this ectoplasmic weapon a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls for every 4 levels they possess for 1 round (up to a maximum bonus of +5 at level 20). If the Swashbuckler has levels in a class that grants the Form Mind Blade class feature (or an ability that replaces it but "counts as Form Mind Blade for the purposes of prerequisites or requirements"), she may instead choose to use that class feature as a swift action by spending 1 point of panache. Psy-Intuition: At 3rd level, the Psy-Skirmisher gains the benefits of the Uncanny Dodge class feature so long as she has at least 1 point of panache. At 11th level, this becomes Improved Uncanny Dodge. Charming Hit: At 7th level, the Psy-Skirmisher may charge a single Style weapon as if using the Psychic Strike class feature as a Soulknife of her Swashbuckler level -4. She may spend 1 point of panache in order to count as her full Swashbuckler level for the purposes of this deed. If she already possesses the Psychic Strike class feature, she instead can spend 1 point of panache to reduce the action step to use Psychic Strike by 1, to a minimum of a free action. Psionic Reflexes: At 11th level, the Psy-Skirmisher may expend her psionic focus in order to roll twice when making a reflex save. Charming Focus: At 15th level, the Psy-Skirmisher may expend psionic focus to reduce the panache cost of a deed by 1 point, or spend 1 point of Panache in order to regain Psionic Focus as a free action, once per round. Psionic Flurry: At 19th level, whenever the Psy-Skirmisher makes a full-round attack, she may expend her Psionic Focus in order to roll twice on the first attack she makes, taking the better result. She may spend 1 point of Panache in order to do this with an additional attack, and may continue to do this until she no longer has any Panache or until she runs out of attacks to spend Panache on, whichever comes first.

Additional Bonus Feat Options: The Psy-Skirmisher adds all Psionic Feats to the list of those she may select: unlike the bonus feats listed within the Psionic Style's bonus feats, she must meet the prerequisites for these feats. In addition, they gain the Wild Talent feat as a bonus feat at 1st level, and can use her Charisma modifier in place of her Wisdom modifier to qualify for Psionic feats and determine their effects.

Additional Deed Options: The Psy-Skirmisher adds these deeds to the list of deeds she may select.


Mind-Blader: The Swashbuckler counts half her Swashbuckler levels as Soulknife levels for the purposes of determining her Mind Blade's enhancement bonus, her Psychic Strike damage, and what blade skills she may select

Rakish Outlaw (Initiating Archetype)

Rakish Style: The Rakish Outlaw does not gain a Swashbuckler Style

Limited Deeds: The Rakish Outlaw has Limited Deeds.


A rakish outlaw begins her career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to her are Fool’s Errand, Golden Lion, Piercing Thunder, and Scarlet Throne. Once she knows a maneuver, she must ready it before she can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by a rakish outlaw is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in its description. Her maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and she does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she initiates one. She learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as shown on Table 1-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. The rakish outlaw must meet a maneuver's prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use chapter from Path of War for more information.

Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered rakish outlaw level after that, she can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one she already knows. In effect, the rakish outlaw loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. She can choose a new maneuver of any level she likes, as long as she observes her restriction on the highest-level maneuvers she knows. The rakish outlaw need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. The rakish outlaw can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A rakish outlaw’s initiation modifier is Charisma, and each rakish outlaw level is counted as a full initiator level.

Maneuvers Readied:

A rakish outlaw can ready all three of her maneuvers at 1st level, and as she advances in level and learns more maneuvers, she is able to ready more, but still must choose which maneuvers to ready. A rakish outlaw must always ready her maximum number of maneuvers readied. She readies her maneuvers by performing weapon drills or regaling others with tales of her exploits for ten minutes. The maneuvers she chooses remain readied until she decides to practice or tell stories again and change them. The rakish outlaw does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready her maneuvers; any time she spends ten minutes practicing or bragging about her deeds, she can change her readied maneuvers.

A rakish outlaw begins an encounter with all her readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times she might have already used them since she chose them. When she initiates a maneuver, she expends it for the current encounter, so each of her maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless she recovers them, as described below).

In order for the rakish outlaw to recover maneuvers, she must spend a round in boastful proclamation, annoying her enemies and emboldening her friends as a full-round action. When she does so, she can move up to half her speed without provoking attacks of opportunity, and she also gains a climb speed for 1 round equal to her base land speed. She recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to her initiation modifier (minimum 2); also, each enemy within 30 feet that can see and hear her takes a morale penalty on attack rolls that do not target her equal to her initiation modifier (minimum 1) for 1 round, and her allies gain the same value as a morale bonus on attack rolls for the same duration. Alternatively, the rakish outlaw can bask in her own self-importance and regain a single maneuver as a standard action.

Stances Known:

A rakish outlaw begins play with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to rakish outlaws. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, she can select an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances gained through rakish outlaw levels is limited by those listed in Table 1-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the rakish outlaw does not have to ready them. All the stances she knows are available to her at all times, and she can change the stance she is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description.

Unlike with maneuvers, a rakish outlaw cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one she already knows.

This ability replaces, Charmed Life 1, Charmed Life 3, Charmed Life 5, and Nimble

Veiled Dandy (Akashic Swashbuckler)

It's a well-known fact that to be a Swashbuckler, one must be stylish. Stylish fashion, stylish combat- but some take this even further, carving out magical veils and wearing them to enhance their appeal.

Veilweaving: At level 1, the Veiled Dandy gains knowledge of any one veil chosen from the Daevic's list of veils. She may shape this veil at the start of the day. She uses Charisma as her Veilweaving Modifier and her Veiled Dandy level as her Veilweaver level.

This replaces Swashbuckler Finesse.

Essence Pool: At 3rd level, the Veiled Dandy gains an Essence pool equal to 1/2 her class level (minimum 1). In addition, they may spend 1 point of panache to treat an essence receptacle as if it were fully invested for a three rounds.

This replaces Finesse Technique.

Additional Deed Options: Instead of gaining a deed at levels 3, 7, 11, 15, and 19, the Swashbuckler may choose to gain an additional Veil from the Daevic's list of veils. Each time she does so, she increases her maximum veils shaped by 1.

Additional Bonus Feat Options: The Swashbuckler adds Akashic Feats to the list of Bonus Feats she can select. She must still meet the prerequisites for these feats.


Some swashbucklers forgo finesse, instead finding that brute force and a charming personality can get them further in life

Brutal, yet Charming: The Raider does not gain the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat when making attacks with style weapons. She does not double her normal bonus from the Nimble class feature when determining her AC vs Attacks of Opportunity.

This alters Swashbuckler's Finesse and replaces Finesse Technique

Man of Steel: Beginning at 2nd level, the Raider replaces his Dexterity modifier to AC and Reflex saves with 1/2 his Strength modifier. Beginning at 6th level, he adds his full Strength modifier in place of his Dexterity modifier to AC and Reflex saves.

This replaces Charmed Life 2.

Strength in Arms: At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, the Raider can choose any one Dexterity- or Charisma-based skill. She adds her Strength modifier in addition to her normal modifier to that skill.

Additional Bonus Feat Options: The Raider adds Power Attack, Furious Focus, Dazzling Display, and Vital Strike to the list of bonus feats they may select, regardless of Swashbuckler style.

Additional Deed Options: Raiders gain access to special deeds, as befitting their brutish style. Any Swashbuckler deed that uses Dexterity to determine its effects or saving throw DC instead uses Strength to determine its effects or saving throw DC when used by a Raider.

3rd-level deeds

Muscle Memory: The Swashbuckler gains Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat, save that they instead use their Strength modifier to determine the number of attacks of opportunity they may make.

Powerful Throw: The Swashbuckler may use their Strength modifier instead of their Dexterity modifier when making attack rolls with thrown weapons, and may apply the effects of the Power Attack feat to the weapon as if it were a melee weapon instead.

7th-level deeds

Duelist Stance: Whenever the Swashbuckler gains additional precision damage from the Precise Strike deed, they may add an additional 1/2 of their Strength modifier to the damage they deal. This deed requires the Precise Strike deed.

Inspired Blade

Some swashbucklers aren't nearly as charismatic, or as charming, or as handsome as others. They make up for this by having actually hit the books.

Class Skills: The Inspired Blade adds all Knowledge skills to their list of class skills.

Inspired Panache: Inspired Blades use their Intelligence modifier in place of their Charisma modifier to determine all their swashbuckler abilities. They determine the size of their panache pool with their Intelligence modifier, rather than their Charisma modifier. If they have other archetypes (in addition to the Inspired Blade) that add abilities whose effects are determined by the Swashbuckler's charisma modifier (such as the Red Mage's spellcasting), those effects are then determined by the Inspired Blade's Intelligence modifier.

The Inspired Blade does not regain panache from killing an enemy. They can only regain panache from scoring a critical hit with a style weapon or performing a daring act.

This alters Panache Limited Style: The Inspired Blade must choose from the Duelist, Fencing, or Scholar style.

Inspired Techniques: Inspired Blades may use their Intelligence modifier in place of their Charisma modifier for the purposes of meeting prerequisites.

This modifies Swashbuckler Technique.

Smarter Life: Inspired Blades may not choose Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saves when they gain an iteration of charmed life. They add their Intelligence modifier to their AC and CMD at 2nd level, and this bonus is lost in any situation in which a Monk would lose their AC bonus.

This alters Charmed Life and replaces Charmed Life 1. The swashbuckler may still take other archetypes that replace iterations of Charmed Life: this ability simply alters the list of what they may select with that ability if they gain an iteration of Charmed Life.

Additional Deed Options: Inspired Blades may choose from the following deeds in addition to those they normally gain from class levels. This does not render the Inspired Blade incompatible with other archetypes that alter the list of deeds a Swashbuckler may select.

1st-level deeds

Inspiration: The Inspired Blade gains an Inspiration pool, as the Investigator class feature of the same name. This Inspiration pool is equal in size to her Intelligence modifier. The Inspired Blade does not gain free uses of inspiration on trained Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft checks. Once per round, if she rolls the maximum result for her Inspiration die (or the maximum result on any one inspiration die, if she rolls more than one), she regains 1 point of panache. If the Inspired Blade already possesses an Inspiration pool from another class, in place of the normal effects of this deed, she instead adds her full Inspired Blade levels to her levels in that class to determine the size and effects of her Inspiration pool.

3rd-level deeds

Investigator Talent: The Inspired Blade may only select this deed once at 3rd level. She gains an Investigator Talent. This talent must be one that alters an Investigator class feature she possesses. She may select this talent one additional time when she reaches 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th level, gaining one investigator talent each time. Inspired Blades treat their class level as their Investigator class level for such talents.

Second Chance (Ex): When the Swashbuckler uses their Inspiration, derring-do, or social panache, he can spend 1 panache to reroll either the inspiration die or the derring-do or social panache die. If he rolls a 6 or higher on this reroll, he does not regain panache, and no matter what he rolls on either roll, he must keep the rerolled result, even if it is lower. This deed requires the Inspiration deed or the derring-do or social panache die.

11th-level deeds

Inspired Strike: The Inspired Blade may spend 1 point of panache when making an attack with a style weapon in order to add her Intelligence modifier to the attack roll and ignore 20% of the miss chance a target may possess because of cover or concealment (or the swashbuckler herself having a 20% chance to miss an attack.) She may spend 1 additional point of panache in order to make this attack an automatic critical threat. If she confirms this critical threat, she does not regain panache.


Extra Deed Prerequisites: 3rd level Swashbuckler, Deeds class feature.

Benefits: You gain an extra Deed that you qualify for. Special: You may select this feat an addititonal time at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th level.

Expanded Style: Prerequisites: Swashbuckler Style, 3rd level Swashbuckler

Benefits: You may add three weapons you are proficient with to the list of Style Weapons of your Swashbuckler style.


We're on Version 0.3, here's the skinny on it >Magic Item Adept gains a bonus to attack/damage rolls with wands and staves when used as style weapons >NEW DEED TREE: Elemental Stance- This series of Deeds runs from 1st to 19th level, with one deed at each increment. The Elemental Stance trees are the Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Aether, Void, Metal, and Wood trees, each giving thematic powers. >Elemental Blade archetype added, kineticist themed- gains the most usage out of the Elemental Stance deeds, and can even combine them later on! >Extra Deed buffed, can now be taken at 3rd and every 4th level thereafter. >Akashic archetype added, gains one veil and can select a veil instead of a deed. Compatible with the Psionic Swashbuckler style only. >Initiating archetype added

Previous Version Changelog: >New Styles, Barroom and Scholar. Barroom focuses on improvised weapons and getting drunk as fuck. Scholar can ID enemies and make knowledge checks, and can pose as a faux wizard >New non-combat deeds, with more of a focus on non-combat utility. Your Swashbuckler can now use magic items more proficiently, can share skill ranks with allies. Starting at 7th level, the Swashbuckler can gain a fly speed. >New combat deeds, these ones really dipping into the Wuxia territory past 7th level. Air Cutter enables ranged attacks using melee weapons, and can be upgraded into Warp Cutting (teleportation based shenanigans) or Explosive Cutting (ranged AoE explosions) for instance. >New Archetypes, including Inspired Blade, the INT-based conversion that has heavy synergy with Investigator, Sangrianite, a Caydenite-themed archetype that gets Paladin-style spellcasting, and Psiblade, the Soulknife-Multiclass fodder archetype that I really need better deeds for. >Swashbuckler features more finely granulated to enable better archetype stacking (Swashbuckler Finesse has split into Finesse and Technique) Issues I foresee: wording on some deeds being either overly complex or overly vague, some archetypes not being compatible with each other due to wording. There's also a severe choking of deeds past 15th level, and I've got a feeling I'm going to need to either recost or rearrange where some deeds are. Fun Stuff: Inspired Blade can stack with Raider, enabling you to become true /fitlit/, or Red Mage, which (RAW) it overwrites into being INT-based. Or you can stack all three of them together, and become a /fitlit/ Magus, if that appeals to you. Raider also stacks with either Sangrianite or Magic Duelist, meaning you can be /fit/ and either champion the cause of BOOZE or parry the fuck outta spells. Red Mage, Dancing Blade, Inspired Blade, and Raider should all stack together. You're left with a class that only has a few extraneous Swashbuckler features, but you can totally do it.