Rocky Horror, Monty Python, , and more! AlsoAlso presentedpresented asas partpart ofof ourour COMINGCOMING SOONSOON CLASSICSCLASSICS IlluminatingIlluminating CinemaCinema series.series. ** PleasePlease seesee pagepage 55 forfor moremore details!details! THE MAN WHO LAUGHS** Like new movies? Sun, Oct 6 @ 1:30 PM Brand New 4K restoration with a newly recorded orchestral score by the Berklee School of Music! ­ĮÐÌďĊĴìÐĊďŒÐăÅř“ðÆĴďī>ķæďșĴìðĮĮðăÐĊĴťăĉÆă­ĮĮðÆĴÐăăĮĴìÐĮĴďīřďå:œřĊĨă­ðĊÐȧďĊī­Ì“ÐðÌĴȨȘ ZīĨì­ĊÐÌ­ĊÌÌðĮťæķīÐÌÅř­Œðăă­ðĊďķĮāðĊæș:œřĊĨă­ðĊÐœ­ĊÌÐīĮĴìÐÆďķĊĴīřĮðÌЭăďĊÐķĊĴðăďĊÐÌ­ř We do, too! he rescues an abandoned blind girl (Mary Philbin). As the years go by, the two lost souls fall in love, but a greedy royal advisor threatens their future. Famous for inspiring the look of ’s}ìÐLďāÐīș ĴìðĮÅЭķĴðåķă­ĊÌì­ķĊĴðĊæťăĉðĮīðĨÐåďīīÐÌðĮÆďŒÐīřȘ

ǠǨǡǧȘUtȘǠǡǣĉðĊķĴÐĮȘ€ĊðŒÐīĮ­ăȘ#ðæðĴ­ătÐĮĴďī­ĴðďĊȘ THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH Sun, Oct 13 @ 1:30 PM The titular tale by Edgar Allan Poe (with a subplot based on his tale Hop FrogȨșæÐĴĮ­ĉ­æĊðťÆÐĊĴăř macabre treatment via the taut direction of Roger Corman, a superb script by Charles Beaumont (The Twilight Zone), and a dynamic performance by a villainous Vincent Price. While the red plague destroys the townspeople, a Satan-worshipping Prince (Price) throws a lavish feast for his hedonistic friends. However, the evening’s debauchery is about to come to an abrupt end thanks to a mysterious visitor.

1964. NR. 90 minutes. Park Circus. 35mm Projection.

TOMB OF LIGEIA Sun, Oct 20 @ 1:30 PM More macabre fun from Edgar Allan Poe, Roger Corman, and Vincent Price! Seeking escape from a mournful self exile after the death of his beloved wife, Verden Fell (Price) marries the young and vivacious Lady Trevanion (Elizabeth Shepherd). Soon, the spirit of the late Ligeia sabotages Verden’s quest for happiness! Based on Poe’s short story Ligeia, this Halloween favorite features an early script by Robert Towne (Chinatown).

1965. NR. 81 minutes. Park Circus. 35mm Projection.

THE DEER HUNTER Sun, Nov 3 @ 1:30 PM ”ðĊĊÐīďåťŒÐÆ­ÌÐĉřœ­īÌĮșðĊÆăķÌðĊæÐĮĴqðÆĴķīÐșÐĮĴ#ðīÐÆĴďīȧTðÆì­ÐăðĉðĊďȨ­ĊÌ ÐĮĴwķĨĨďīĴðĊæÆĴďīȧìīðĮĴďĨìÐī”­ăāÐĊȨșĴìðĮă­ĊÌĉ­īāĉďŒðÐÐŘĨďĮÐĮĴìÐÌ­ĉ­æÐœ­īðĊŦðÆĴĮďĊ ĴìďĮÐœìďťæìĴðĴȯ­ĊÌĴìďĮÐœ­ðĴðĊæ­ĴìďĉÐȘ}ìīÐÐåīðÐĊÌĮȧtďÅÐīĴ#ÐUðīďșLďìĊw­Œ­æЭĊÌ”­ăāÐĊȨ from a small Pennsylvania steel town enlist in the Army at the height of the Vietnam War. Even though all three survive the war, they still wage daily personal battles as they struggle with civilian life. Meryl Visit us online to see what’s playing this Fall. wĴīÐÐĨ­ĊÌÆì­ī­ÆĴÐī­ÆĴďīĴðĴ­ĊLďìĊ­š­ăÐȧðĊìðĮťĊ­ăīďăÐȨÆďȭĮĴ­īȘ

ǠǨǦǧȘtȘǠǧǣĉðĊķĴÐĮȘ€ĊðŒÐīĮ­ăȘ#ðæðĴ­ătÐĮĴďī­ĴðďĊȘ TheColonialTheatre.com 1 2 CLASSICSCLASSICS FRIGHTFRIGHT NIGHTNIGHT AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON PHILADELPHIA Fri, Oct 18 @ 9:45 PM wĨďĊĮďīÐÌÅřOÐŒÐă€ĨZķĴťĴĴÐīĮȝ Sun, Nov 10 @ 1:30 PM LďìĊO­ĊÌðĮȸďķĴă­ĊÌðĮììďīīďīÆă­ĮĮðÆīÐĴķīĊĮĴďĴìÐďăďĊð­ăþķĮĴðĊĴðĉÐåďī>­ăăďœÐÐĊȝ#­ŒðÌ­ĊÌ }ďĉ>­ĊāĮœďĊĴìÐťīĮĴďåĴœďÅ­ÆāȭĴďȭÅ­ÆāÐĮĴÆĴďīZĮÆ­īĮåďīìðĮœďīāðĊĴìðĮĉďÌÐīĊĉ­ĮĴÐīĨðÐÆÐȘ L­ÆāșĴœďĉÐīðÆ­ĊÆďăăÐæÐĮĴķÌÐĊĴĮș­īЭĴĴ­āÐÌÅř­œďăåďĊ­Å­ÆāĨ­ÆāðĊæĴīðĨȘ#­ŒðÌĮķīŒðŒÐĮ 9ðīÐÌåīďĉ­ĨīÐĮĴðæðďķĮă­œťīĉĮìďīĴăř­åĴÐīìðĮÆďăăЭæķÐĮÌðĮÆďŒÐīìðĮðăăĊÐĮĮș>A“Ɏă­œřÐīĊÌīÐœ ìðĮÅðĴÐșÅķĴL­ÆāðĮÅīķĴ­ăăřāðăăÐÌȘĮ#­ŒðÌìЭăĮðĊĴìÐìďĮĨðĴ­ășìÐȸĮĨă­æķÐÌÅřŒðďăÐĊĴĊðæìĴĉ­īÐĮ Beckett (Hanks) seeks the counsel of the only professional in town willing to take his discrimination ďåìðĮĉķĴðă­ĴÐÌåīðÐĊÌșœìďœ­īĊĮ#­ŒðÌĴì­ĴìÐȸĮÅÐÆďĉðĊæ­œÐīÐœďăåȘ#ďĊȸĴĉðĮĮĴìðĮÅЭķĴðåķă Æ­ĮÐȯìďĉďĨìďÅðÆĨÐīĮďĊ­ăðĊþķīřă­œřÐīLďÐTðăăÐīȧ#ÐĊšÐă”­ĮìðĊæĴďĊȨȘAĊ­ÌÌðĴðďĊĴď>­ĊāĮȸœðĊșĴìðĮ īÐĮĴďī­ĴðďĊďåĴìðĮìďīīďīȥÆďĉÐÌřå­ŒďīðĴÐȝwĴ­īīðĊæ#­ŒðÌU­ķæìĴďĊ­ĊÌ:īðŨĊ#ķĊĊÐȘ ťăĉ­ăĮďĴďďāìďĉЭĊZĮÆ­īåďīīķÆÐwĨīðĊæĮĴÐÐĊȸĮĮďĊæȵwĴīÐÐĴĮďåqìðă­ÌÐăĨìð­ȶȘ ǠǨǧǠȘtȘǨǦĉðĊķĴÐĮȘ€ĊðŒÐīĮ­ăȘ#ðæðĴ­ătÐĮĴďī­ĴðďĊȘ ǠǨǨǢtȘǠǡǥĉðĊķĴÐĮȘwďĊřȘ#ðæðĴ­ătÐĮĴďī­ĴðďĊȘ AlsoAlso presentedpresented asas partpart ofof ourour IlluminatingIlluminating CinemaCinema series.series. ** PleasePlease seesee pagepage 55 forfor moremore details!details! 50th Anniversary! THE EXORCIST** MODEL SHOP Thurs, Oct 31 @ 7:30 PM Halloween Night! Sun, Dec 8 @ 1:30 PM Heads spin when twelve-year-old Regan MacNeil enters a room, or at least hers does, after she’s }ìðĊæĮ­īÐĊďĴæďðĊæœÐăăåďī:ÐďīæÐȧ:­īřOďÆāœďďÌș2001: A Space Odyssey). He’s an unemployed ĨďĮĮÐĮĮÐÌÅř­ĊÐŒðăÐĊĴðĴřðĊ”ðăăð­ĉ9īðÐÌāðĊȸĮìďīīðåřðĊæ­Ì­ĨĴ­ĴðďĊďå”ðăăð­ĉqÐĴÐīă­ĴĴřɹĮ architect, with a soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend, a car threatened with repossession, and a looming draft ÅÐĮĴȭĮÐăăðĊæĊďŒÐăȘ9ЭĴķīÐĮÌřĊ­ĉðÆĨÐīåďīĉ­ĊÆÐĮåīďĉOðĊÌ­ă­ðīș'ăăÐĊķīĮĴřĊșL­ĮďĊTðăăÐīș ĊďĴðÆÐȘ9ÐÐăðĊæìďĨÐăÐĮĮ­ÅďķĴìðĮåķĴķīÐș:ÐďīæÐĉÐÐĴĮ­9īÐĊÆìĉďÌÐăœìďĉ­řÅЭāðĊÌīÐÌĮĨðīðĴȘ OÐÐLȘďÅÅș­ĊÌT­ŘŒďĊwřÌďœȘAåřďķœ­ĊĴĴďì­ŒÐīЭăăřæďďÌĮÆ­īÐĴìðĮ>­ăăďœÐÐĊþďðĊķĮåďī Ignored upon release, Model Shop has experienced a recent resurgence thanks to the documentary this chilling classic. Echo in the Canyon­ĊÌĴìÐĨī­ðĮÐďåsķÐĊĴðĊ}­ī­ĊĴðĊďșœìďÆðĴÐĮðĴ­Į­ÌðīÐÆĴðĊŦķÐĊÆÐďĊìðĮīÐÆÐĊĴ hit Once Upon a Time in… . ǠǨǦǢȥǡǟǟǟȘtȘǠǢǢĉðĊķĴÐĮȘ”­īĊÐīīďĮȘ#ðæðĴ­ăȘ ǠǨǥǨȘq:ȘǨǦĉðĊķĴÐĮȘwďĊřȘ#ðæðĴ­ătÐĮĴďī­ĴðďĊȘ PAL JOEY SLEEPY HOLLOW 20th Anniversary! Sun, Dec 15 @ 1:30 PM Fri, Nov 1 @ 9:45 PM UðæìĴÆăķÅĮðĊæÐīLďÐř'Œ­ĊĮȧ9ī­ĊāwðĊ­Ĵī­ȨÌīЭĉĮďåīķĊĊðĊæìðĮďœĊÆăķÅ­ĊÌĉ­āðĊæ­ĉðĊĴȘ}ďďÅ­Ì Tim Burton’s () interpretation of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow reimagines Ichabod Crane LďÐřȸĮĨÐĊÆì­ĊĴåďīÅÐðĊæ­Æ­ÌďåĴÐĊÌÐī­ðăĮìðĮĨă­ĊĮȘ#ÐĮĨðĴÐìðĮЭīĊÐĮĴ­ååÐÆĴðďĊĮåďīāðĊÌÆìďīķĮ ȧLďìĊĊř#ÐĨĨȨ­Į­ĨďăðÆÐÆďĊĮĴ­ÅăÐðĊŒÐĮĴðæ­ĴðĊæ­ĮÐīðÐĮďåÅðš­īīÐĉķīÌÐīĮðĊ­Įĉ­ăăĴďœĊȘ”ìðăÐ ĮðĊæÐīOðĊÌ­ȧNðĉUďŒ­āȨșLďÐřĮÐĴĮìðĮĮðæìĴĮďĊĮÐÌķÆðĊæœÐ­ăĴìřœðÌďœ“Ðī­wðĉĨĮďĊĴďÅ­Ċāīďăă Crane believes the murders have a logical explanation, the townspeople insists the evil deeds are ìðĮĊðæìĴÆăķÅȘUďœșLďÐřȸĮĴðĉЭĊÌăķÆā­īÐīķĊĊðĊæďķĴ­ĊÌìÐì­ĮĴďÌÐÆðÌÐœì­ĴȸĮĉďīÐðĉĨďīĴ­ĊĴ the calling card of a headless Revolutionary War soldier who haunts the countryside in search of in life; wealth and fame or true love. Punctuated by classic Sinatra standards (The Lady is a Tramp and his missing head. Equal parts fun and frightening, this supernatural shocker costars Christina Ricci, My Funny Valentine to name a few), this marvelous musical comedy will have you laughing while your Miranda Richardson, Martin Landau, Christopher Walken, and Christopher Lee. toes are tapping! 1999. R. 105 minutes. Paramount. 35mm. ǠǨǤǦȘUtȘǠǠǠĉðĊķĴÐĮȘwďĊřȘ#ðæðĴ­ătÐĮĴďī­ĴðďĊȘ AlsoAlso presentedpresented asas partpart ofof ourour IlluminatingIlluminating CinemaCinema series.series. THE APARTMENT** ** PleasePlease seesee pagepage 55 forfor moremore details!details! GREMLINS 35th Anniversary! Sun, Dec 29 @ 1:30 PM Fri, Dec 6 @ 9:45 PM What’s so special about cubicle dweller Bud Baxter’s average apartment? The rent’s cheap, it’s close to From the minds of producer (JawsȨșÌðīÐÆĴďīLďÐ#­ĊĴÐȧThe Howling) and writer work, and his bosses want to use it for their extramarital affairs. When Baxter’s top boss Mr. Sheldrake Chris Columbus () comes this creepy, comical classic! While searching the dangles the carrot of a big promotion in exchange for unlimited apartment use, Baxter is disappointed shelves of a mysterious shop in search of a special gift for his son, a would-be inventor (Hoyt ĴďăЭīĊĴì­ĴwìÐăÌī­āÐȸĮĉðĮĴīÐĮĮðĮ9ī­ĊNķÅÐăðāșķÌȸĮÆďœďīāÐī­ĊÌĮÐÆīÐĴÆīķĮìȘ#ðīÐÆĴďīȥÆďœīðĴÐī ŘĴďĊȨťĊÌĮÐŘ­ÆĴăřœì­ĴìÐðĮăďďāðĊæåďīȚ­Ċ­Ìďī­ÅăЭĊðĉ­ăÆ­ăăÐÌ­Tď札ðȘ­īðĊæåďīĴìðĮ Billy Wilder (Some Like It Hot, Sunset Boulevard) and his talented team of actors achieved a rare honor in ăďŒ­ÅăÐÆīðĴĴÐīÆďĉÐĮœðĴìĴìīÐÐŒÐīřðĉĨďīĴ­ĊĴīķăÐĮȚĊÐŒÐīÐŘĨďĮÐìðĉĴďÅīðæìĴăðæìĴșÌďĊďĴ ÆðĊÐĉ­ìðĮĴďīřœðĴìĴìðĮťăĉȯ­ÆďĉÐÌřĴì­ĴœďĊĴìÐÆ­ÌÐĉřœ­īÌåďīÐĮĴqðÆĴķīÐȝwĴ­īīðĊæL­Æā get him wet, and most importantly, never feed him after midnight. If any of these rules are Lemmon, Fred MacMurray, and Shirley MacLaine. ÅīďāÐĊĴìÐĊĴìÐīÐĉ­řÅÐĮÐīðďķĮȯÐŒÐĊÌðīÐȭÆďĊĮÐĪķÐĊÆÐĮȘīðĊæĴìÐå­ĉðăřĴďĴìðĮ hilarious, holiday horror favorite! ǠǨǥǟȘUtȘǠǡǤĉðĊķĴÐĮȘq­īāðīÆķĮȘ#ðæðĴ­ătÐĮĴďī­ĴðďĊȘ 3 ǠǨǧǣȘq:ȘǠǟǦĉðĊķĴÐĮȘ”­īĊÐīīďĮȘ#ðæðĴ­ă 4 ILLUMINATINGILLUMINATING CINEMACINEMA CULTCULT CINEMACINEMA THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Sat, Oct 19 Doors @ 9:30 PM | Pre-Show @ 10:00 PM | Film @ 10:30 PM Members, Seniors & Students: $20; Adult Non-Members: $25 The Colonial is once again bringing The Rocky Horror Picture Show to the stage, complete with ďĊĊÐÆĴœðĴìťăĉå­ĊĮåďīåķĊșīÐåīÐĮìĉÐĊĴĮș­ĊÌÐĊæ­æðĊæÆďĊŒÐīĮ­ĴðďĊȝ'­ÆìÐŒÐĊĴ costume contest, pre-show, shadow cast, and prop bags for sale ($5) with everything you'll need to participate. No confetti, rice, glass bottles, super-soakers, lighters, or food from the outside will ĮĴ­īĴĮœðĴìðĊĮðæìĴĮåīďĉ­æķÐĮĴĮĨЭāÐīșœìďăЭÌĮ­ÌðĮÆķĮĮðďĊ­ÅďķĴĴìÐťăĉåďăăďœðĊæ ÅÐĨÐīĉðĴĴÐÌȘ}ìðĮĮìďœðĮUZ}ĮķðĴ­ÅăÐåďīÆìðăÌīÐĊȚ­ĊřďĊÐķĊÌÐīǠǦœðăăĊďĴÅЭÌĉðĴĴÐÌœðĴìďķĴ the screening. In addition to admission, your ticket includes free small popcorn, a free a parent or guardian. 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ǡǟǟǥȘtȘǠǢǢĉðĊķĴÐĮȘ”­īĊÐīīďĮȘ#ðæðĴ­ăȘ TRADING PLACES Fri, Dec 20 @ 9:45 PM In this comedic twist on Pygmalion and The Prince and the Pauper, the roles of wealthy executive Louis Winthorpe III and homeless conman Billy Ray Valentine are switched by betting brokers TďīĴðĉÐī­ĊÌt­ĊÌďăĨì#ķāÐȘ”ìðăÐOďķðĮăЭīĊĮœì­ĴðĴȸĮăðāÐĴďÅÐÌďœĊȭ­ĊÌȭďķĴșðăăřt­ř enjoys the high life complete with a posh home and loyal servant. When Louis and Billy Ray īЭăðšÐĴì­ĴĴìÐðīÆķīīÐĊĴĮĴ­ĴÐĮ­īÐÆďķīĴÐĮřďåĴìÐ#ķāÐĮœìðĉĮșĴìÐřĨăďĴĮœÐÐĴīÐŒÐĊæÐȘ wÐĴ­ĊÌťăĉÐÌðĊqìðă­ÌÐăĨìð­șÅřÌðīÐÆĴďīLďìĊO­ĊÌðĮ(Animal House, The Blues Brothers), ĴìðĮÆďĉÐÌřÆă­ĮĮðÆĮĴ­īĮ'ÌÌðÐTķīĨìřș#­ĊřāīďřÌșL­ĉðÐOÐÐķīĴðĮșq­ķă:ăÐÐĮďĊș 9ī­ĊāZšș­ĊÌăÐæÐĊÌ­īřīďÆāÐīď#ðÌÌăÐřȘ

ǠǨǧǢȘtȘǠǠǥĉðĊķĴÐĮȘq­ī­ĉďķĊĴȘ#ðæðĴ­ăȘ GALAXY QUEST 20th Anniversary! Fri, Nov 15 @ 9:45 PM ”ìðăЭĨĨЭīðĊæ­Ĵ­å­ĊÆďĊŒÐĊĴðďĊșL­ĮďĊUÐĮĉðĴìȧ}ðĉăăÐĊȨșĴìÐĮĴ­īďåÆ­ĊÆÐăÐÌǦǟĮȸĮÆðȭť series Galaxy Quest, agrees to help a group of aliens who Nesmith believes are costumed fans. What he thinks is a publicity stunt turns out to be a real-life battle to save the aliens from evil forces. Nesmith recruits his former cast members/crew (Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shalhou, and Sam Rockwell) to join him in a quest to become real heroes. A whole lot of fun for fans of Star Trek/Star Wars, this family-friendly comedy is as exciting as it is funny! 6 5 ǠǨǨǨȘq:ȘǠǟǡĉðĊķĴÐĮȘq­ī­ĉďķĊĴȘ#ðæðĴ­ăȘ FAMILYFAMILY FAVORITESFAVORITES ANNUALANNUAL EVENTSEVENTS HOLIDAY EVENTS MONSTER HOUSE MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL Sponsored by Kevin R. Pound! Sat, Oct 12 @ 1:30 PM Traditional Version: Fri, Nov 29 @ 2:00 PM; Sat, Nov 30 @ 9:30 PM LķĮĴðĊĴðĉÐåďī>­ăăďœÐÐĊÆďĉÐĮĴìðĮ­Ċðĉ­ĴÐÌ­ÌŒÐĊĴķīЭÅďķĴĴìīÐÐāðÌĮœìďĨă­ĊĴďķĊÆďŒÐī Singalong Version: Fri, Nov 29 @ 9:30 PM; Sat, Nov 30 @ 2:00 PM the true story behind the spooky house in their neighborhood, its kid-hating owner, and the house’s }ìÐÐĊÌďåUďŒÐĉÅÐīÅīðĊæĮĉ­ĊřÆìÐīðĮìÐÌĴī­ÌðĴðďĊĮȚ}ì­ĊāĮæðŒðĊæÌðĊĊÐīșĮìďĨĨðĊæœðĴìĴìÐ ĨÐĊÆì­ĊĴåďīÌÐŒďķīðĊæÆìÐīðĮìÐÌĴďřĮȯ­ĊÌĮďĉÐĴðĉÐĮĨÐďĨăÐȝwĴÐŒÐĊwĨðÐăÅÐīæȧE.T) and Robert crazed masses on Black Friday, and gathering at the Colonial to watch one of the funniest (and most Zemeckis (Back to the FutureȨĨīďÌķÆÐÌĴìðĮìðă­īðďķĮì­ķĊĴÐÌìďķĮÐå­ŒďīðĴÐÆďȭœīðĴĴÐĊÅř#­Ċ ĪķďĴ­ÅăÐȨÆďĉÐÌðÐĮďå­ăăĴðĉÐȝqÐīì­ĨĮĴìÐqřĴìďĊĮȸťĊÐĮĴťăĉșĴìðĮÆķăĴÆă­ĮĮðÆðĮ­Ċ­ÅĮķīÌðĮĴĮĨðĊ Harmon (CommunityȨ­ĊÌĮĴ­īīðĊæN­ĴìăÐÐĊ}ķīĊÐīșT­ææðÐ:řăăÐĊì­­ășNÐŒðĊL­ĉÐĮș on the King Arthur legend complete with silly swordplay, horseless horseplay, a killer bunny, and a Catherine O’Hara, Fred Willard, Mitchel Musso, Spencer Locke, and Steve Buscemi. Å­ĊÌďåāĊðæìĴĮœìďĮ­řȵUðȶȘ”ìÐĴìÐīřďķȸīÐĮÐÐðĊæðĴåďīĴìÐķĉĨĴÐÐĊĴìĴðĉÐďīĴìÐťīĮĴĴðĉÐșĴìðĮ ťăĉœðăăĨķĴ­ĮĉðăÐďĊřďķīå­ÆЭĊÌЭīĊ­Ĩă­ÆЭĉďĊæřďķī}ì­ĊāĮæðŒðĊæĴī­ÌðĴðďĊĮȝ ǡǟǟǥȘq:ȘǨǠĉðĊķĴÐĮȘwďĊřȘ#ðæðĴ­ăȘ ǠǨǦǤȘq:ȘǨǠĉðĊķĴÐĮȘt­ðĊÅďœtÐăЭĮðĊæȘ#ðæðĴ­ătÐĮĴďī­ĴðďĊȘ II 30th Anniversary! Sat, Oct 19 @ 1:30 PM ”ìÐĊĴìÐīÐȸĮĮďĉÐĴìðĊæĮĴī­ĊæÐðĊřďķīĊÐðæìÅďīìďďÌșðĴȸĮĴðĉЭæ­ðĊĴďÆ­ăăĴìÐ:ìďĮĴÅķĮĴÐīĮȘ CITY RHYTHM ORCHESTRA – HOLIDAY STYLE åĴÐīĮ­ŒðĊæUÐœšďīāðĴřåīďĉæìďĮĴĮșæìďķăĮș­ĊÌæð­ĊĴĉ­īĮìĉ­ăăďœĉÐĊșÐŒÐīřďĊÐȸĮå­ŒďīðĴÐ Sun, Dec 15 @ 7:00 PM City Rhythm Orchestra brings you all the emotion and excitement of the season as they present Ĩ­ī­Ċďīĉ­ăÐŘĴÐīĉðĊ­ĴďīĮȧðăăTķīī­řș#­ĊřāīďřÌș>­īďăÌt­ĉðĮ­ĊÌ'īĊðÐ>ķÌĮďĊȨĉķĮĴĮĴďĨ Christmas favorites from Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole and more in a dazzling the spirit of Vigo the Carpathian from taking over the world. Sigourney Weaver, Rick Moranis performance. The swinging sounds of the orchestra and the heartfelt singing of the vocalists and Annie Potts return for more frightening fun. combine to create a magic that you won’t forget! ǠǨǧǨȘq:ȘǠǠǟĉðĊķĴÐĮȘwďĊřȘ#ðæðĴ­ătÐĮĴďī­ĴðďĊȘ

A CHRISTMAS STORY Sponsored by Valley Forge Eye Care! LAUREL AND HARDY FILM FEST: Sat, Dec 21 @ 1:30 PM The holidays aren’t complete without a screening of this classic. All nine-year-old Ralphie Parker SAPS AT SEA & THE MUSIC BOX œ­ĊĴĮåďīìīðĮĴĉ­ĮðĮ­tÐÌtřÌÐī­īÅðĊÐÆĴðďĊǡǟǟȭĮìďĴt­ĊæÐTďÌÐăðītðŦÐœðĴì­ÆďĉĨ­ĮĮ Sat, Nov 9 @ 1:30 PM Sponsored by Bill Roth! in the stock and this thing which tells time. However, his request for the toy is met with the same When was the last time that you really laughed at a movie? Our Fifth Annual Laurel and Hardy Film œ­īĊðĊæåīďĉìðĮĉďĉșìðĮĴЭÆìÐī­ĊÌw­ĊĴ­ȚȵšďķȸăăĮìďďĴřďķīÐřÐďķĴȝȶU­īī­ĴÐÌÅřìķĉďīðĮĴ Fest will provide kids of all ages a chance to laugh themselves silly at the antics of two of the funniest LЭĊwìÐĨìÐīÌȧ­ĊÌÅ­ĮÐÌďĊìðĮĊďŒÐăIn God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash), also ťăĉÆďĉÐÌð­ĊĮďå­ăăĴðĉÐȘ}ìÐďăďĊð­ă­ĊÌĴìÐ#ďœĊðĊæĴďœĊÆì­ĨĴÐīďåĴìÐAĊĴÐīĊ­ĴðďĊ­ăO­ķīÐă­ĊÌ features the world’s worst double-dog dare, a most memorable lamp, and perhaps the greatest Hardy Appreciation Society are proud to present Stan and Ollie in one of their most hilarious feature Ĩ­īÐĊĴ­ăĨÐīåďīĉ­ĊÆÐðĊÆðĊÐĉ­ìðĮĴďīřÆďķīĴÐĮřďå#­īīÐĊTÆ:­ŒðĊ­Įt­ăĨìðÐȸĮȵZăÌT­ĊȘȶ ťăĉĮșSaps at Sea, accompanied by one of their most popular short subjects, The Music Box! ǠǨǧǢȘq:ȘǨǧĉðĊķĴÐĮȘ”­īĊÐīīďĮȘ#ðæðĴ­ăȘ Saps at SeaȯǠǨǣǟȘUtǥǟĉðĊķĴÐĮȘwďĊďīȘǢǤĉĉȘThe Music BoxȯǠǨǢǡȘUtȘǢǟĉðĊķĴÐĮȘwďĊďīȘǢǤĉĉȘ

THE BLIND SIDE 10th Anniversary! IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE Sponsored by CENTURY 21 Norris-Valley Forge! Sat, Nov 16 @ 1:30 PM Sat, Dec 21 @ 4:30 PM & Sun, Dec 22 @ 1:30 PM åĴÐīřЭīĮďåĊÐæăÐÆĴðĊĴìÐåďĮĴÐīÆ­īÐĮřĮĴÐĉșTðÆì­ÐăZìÐīťĊÌĮìðĉĮÐăåìďĉÐăÐĮĮ­ĊÌ­ÌīðåĴœðĴì What can we say about It’s a Wonderful Life that hasn’t been said a thousand times before? One of no prospects for any kind of hopeful future. At school, Michael befriends a classmate and his parents, ĴìÐĉďĮĴĨďĨķă­īĉďŒðÐĮďå­ăăĴðĉÐȧĴìďķæìðĴœ­ĮĊȸĴ­ìðĴœìÐĊðĴœ­ĮťīĮĴīÐăЭĮÐÌȨșĴìðĮðĮ­ťăĉ Leigh and her husband Sean, who realize Michael’s current situation and take him in. When Leigh and Ĵì­Ĵì­ĮÆďĉÐĴďīÐĨīÐĮÐĊĴ­ăăĴìÐìďĨÐșæďďÌœðăăș­ĊÌĮÐĊĴðĉÐĊĴĴì­ĴÌÐťĊÐĴìÐìďăðÌ­řĮЭĮďĊȘ Sean become Michael’s legal guardians, it transforms all of their lives. And when Michael and his new qăЭĮÐþďðĊķĮðĊīďďĴðĊæåďīLðĉĉřwĴÐœ­īĴșă­īÐĊÆÐĴìÐĊæÐăș­ĊÌ­ăăìðĮåīðÐĊÌĮ­ĮĴìÐřÌðĮÆďŒÐī family discover his potential as a star student and football player, they do whatever they can to give Ĵì­ĴЭÆìďåķĮșðĊďķīďœĊœ­řșðĮ­ŒðĴ­ăĨ­īĴďåĴìÐœďīăÌșðăăķĮĴī­ĴðĊæĴì­ĴLďìĊ#ďĊĊÐœ­ĮīðæìĴðĊ TðÆì­Ðă­ÅīðæìĴåķĴķīÐȘ}ìðĮåÐÐăȭæďďÌìðĴðĮĨÐīåÐÆĴŒðÐœðĊæåďīåďďĴÅ­ăăĮЭĮďĊȯďī­ĊřĴðĉÐďåĴìÐ Į­řðĊæȵ­Ċřĉ­ĊȸĮÌЭĴìÌðĉðĊðĮìÐĮĉÐșÅÐÆ­ķĮÐA­ĉðĊŒďăŒÐÌðĊĉ­ĊāðĊÌș­ĊÌĴìÐīÐåďīÐĊÐŒÐīĮÐĊÌ řЭīȝwĴ­īīðĊæsķðĊĴďĊ­īďĊșw­ĊÌī­ķăăďÆāðĊìÐīZĮÆ­īȭœðĊĊðĊæīďăÐș}ðĉTÆ:ī­œș­ĊÌL­Ð>ЭÌȘ ĴďāĊďœåďīœìďĉĴìÐÅÐăăĴďăăĮțðĴĴďăăĮåďīĴìÐÐȘȶĴĴ­Åďřșă­īÐĊÆÐȝ

ǡǟǟǨȘq:ȭǠǢȘǠǡǥĉðĊķĴÐĮȘ”­īĊÐīīďĮȘ#ðæðĴ­ăȘ 7 ǠǨǣǥȘUtȘǠǢǟĉðĊķĴÐĮȘq­ī­ĉďķĊĴȘ#ðæðĴ­ătÐĮĴďī­ĴðďĊȘ 8 SPECIALSPECIAL EVENTSEVENTS COMEDY AT THE COLONIAL SPECIALSPECIAL EVENTSEVENTS THEATRE ORGAN EVENTS JOE BOB BRIGGS PRESENTS: NOSFERATU (1922) HOW REDNECKS SAVED HOLLYWOOD WITH LIVE THEATRE ORGAN ACCOMPANIMENT Fri, Oct 4 @ 8:00 PM | Tickets: $25 Sun, Oct 27 @ 2:00 PM Spend a fast-and-furious two hours with America’s drive-in movie critic as he uses over 200 clips }ìÐ}ìЭĴīÐZīæ­ĊwďÆðÐĴřďåĴìÐ#Ðă­œ­īГ­ăăÐřȧ}Zw#“ȨĨīÐĮÐĊĴĮĴìÐðī­ĊĊķ­ă>­ăăďœÐÐĊÆďĊÆÐīĴ and stills to review the history of rednecks in America as told through the classics of both and silent movie screening with Wayne Zimmerman at the console. Along with seasonally appropriate æīðĊÌìďķĮЭĊÌĉ­ðĊĮĴīЭĉĉďŒðÐĮȘLďìĊăďďĉșÅÐĮĴāĊďœĊ­ĮìðĮ­ăĴÐīÐæďșȵLďÐďÅīðææĮșȶ music, Wayne will accompany the vampire classic Nosferatu (1922). This event is sure to keep you on ðĮ­ĮřĊÌðÆ­ĴÐÌȵÌīðŒÐȭðĊĉďŒðÐÆīðĴðÆȶœìďĮÐœðĮÐÆī­ÆāðĊæĴ­āÐďĊȭĉďŒðÐĮœ­ĮåЭĴķīÐÌďĊ the edge of your seat - and may even cause a few gasps! Ĵœďă­ĴÐȭĊðæìĴĴÐăÐŒðĮðďĊĮìďœĮșťīĮĴďĊ}ìÐTďŒðÐì­ĊĊÐă­ĊÌĴìÐĊďĊ}U}Ș}ì­ĴĴī­ÌðĴðďĊÆďĊĴðĊķÐĮ with his latest series, The Last Drive-In, currently featured on AMC’s Shudder streaming platform. This show is appropriate for mature audiences. Audience members must be 17 or older. CONCERT WITH RON RHODE FOUND FOOTAGE FESTIVAL Sun, Nov 17 @ 2:00 PM Fri, Oct 11 @ 8:00 PM | Tickets: Colonial Members: $20; Non-Members: $25 }Zw#“ĨīÐĮÐĊĴĮ­Ċ­åĴÐīĊďďĊďåæīЭĴĉķĮðÆĨă­řÐÌÅř­ĊÐŘĴīÐĉÐăřĴ­ăÐĊĴÐÌĉķĮðÆð­ĊȭtďĊ Found Footage FestivalìďĮĴĮLďÐqðÆāÐĴĴȧThe Onion) and Nick Prueher (Late Show with David Letterman) Rhode! Ron has enjoyed a long career as a theatre organist with more than 20 recordings to his Ĵ­āЭķÌðÐĊÆÐĮďĊ­æķðÌÐÌĴďķīďåĴìÐðī­ăăȭĴðĉÐå­ŒďīðĴГ>wťĊÌĮȘ9īďĉĴìÐÆķīðďķĮăřĨīďÌķÆÐÌ credit. Ron’s unique style allows him to interpret the music as the writer originally intended - and ðĊÌķĮĴīð­ăĴī­ðĊðĊæŒðÌÐďĮĴďĴìÐåďīĮ­āÐĊìďĉÐĉďŒðÐĮÌďĊ­ĴÐÌĴď:ďďÌœðăășĴìÐFound Footage then jazz it up a bit. His ability to make the theatre organ sound like a full orchestra is unequaled. Festival resurrects these forgotten treasures and serves them up in a lively celebration of all ĴìðĊæĮåďķĊÌȘLďÐɪUðÆāœðăăĮĴðÆā­īďķĊÌ­åĴÐīĴìÐĮìďœĴďÆì­Ĵ­ĊÌĮðæĊ­ķĴďæī­ĨìĮȘ

This show is appropriate for ages 16+. HOLIDAY CONCERT WITH RUDY LUCENTE & GUESTS Sun, Dec 1 @ 2:00 PM LďðĊķĮåďī­œďĊÌÐīåķă­åĴÐīĊďďĊåķăăďåìďăðÌ­řĉķĮðÆ­ĊÌÐĊĴÐīĴ­ðĊĉÐĊĴȝăďĊæœðĴìďīæ­Ċ­ÆÆďĉĨ­ĊðĉÐĊĴș and possibly a short silent movie, this event will feature some very special guests!

A NIGHT WITH THE LOVEMASTER CRAIG SHOEMAKER MUSIC FOR EVERYONE GUEST PRESENTATIONS Sat, Dec 14 @ 8:00 PM I Tickets: $27.50-$39.50 Sat, Oct 12 @ 7:30 PM | 6:30 PM Reception Craig Shoemaker is a modern day renaissance man, with a show business career spanning over three Performing a wide range of works from Broadway standards, classical songs, to jazz, blues, and pop decades as a stand-up comedian, actor, author, writer, and producer. He was named Comedian of the å­ŒďīðĴÐĮșL­ššN­ĴĮ­ĊÌ9īðÐĊÌĮðĮ­ÌðŒÐīĮÐæīďķĨďåĉķĮðÆð­ĊĮœìďăďŒÐĴďĮì­īÐĴìÐðīĴ­ăÐĊĴĮĴďìÐăĨ šÐ­ī­Ĵ}ìÐĉÐīðÆ­ĊďĉÐÌřœ­īÌĮďĊșðĮăðĮĴÐÌ­ĮďĊÐďåĴìÐĴďĨǠǟǟÆďĉÐÌð­ĊĮďå­ăăĴðĉÐďĊ make our community better for everyone. These trained opera singers, have joined with talented local AT#ț­ĊÌì­Įæ­īĊÐīÐÌĴœď'ĉĉř­œ­īÌĮȘ>ðĮǨǟȭĉðĊķĴÐĮĴ­ĊÌķĨĮĨÐÆð­ă Daditude aired on SHOWTIME musicians, wow audiences while supporting select causes across southeastern Pennsylvania. UÐĴœďīā­ĊÌœ­ĮìЭÌăðĊÐÌUÐĴŦðŘåďīĮÐŒÐī­ăĉďĊĴìĮȘ

POINT ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND FIREBIRD CHILDREN’S THEATRE PRESENTS: Thurs, Oct 3 @ 8:00 PM I Tickets: $34.50-$49.50 ”ðĴì­īÐåīÐĮìÐÌăðĊÐķĨ­ĊÌĊÐœåďķĊÌÐĊÐīæřșĴìÐUðĴĴř:īðĴĴř#ðīĴ­ĊÌðĮďĊÐďåĴìÐĉďĮĴ DISNEY’S FROZEN JR. accomplished bands in American roots music. Following an extended 50th anniversary tour, the Sat, Nov 23 @ 7:00 PM & Sun, Nov 24 @ 1:00 PM ÐĊĮÐĉÅăÐæīÐœĴď­ĮðŘȭĨðÐÆÐðĊǡǟǠǧåďīĴìÐťīĮĴĴðĉÐĮðĊÆÐĴìÐðīЭīăřþķæÅ­ĊÌÌ­řĮȘ}ìÐæīďķĨ Based on the 2018 Broadway musical, Frozen JR. brings Elsa, Anna, and the magical land of ĊďœðĊÆăķÌÐĮLÐåå>­ĊĊ­ȧ­ÆďķĮĴðÆæķðĴ­īșÐăÐÆĴīðÆæķðĴ­īȨșďÅ­īĨÐĊĴÐīȧāÐřÅď­īÌĮȨșLðĉĉðÐ īÐĊÌÐăăÐĴďăðåÐďĊĮĴ­æÐȘ}ìÐĮìďœåЭĴķīÐĮ­ăăďåĴìÐĉÐĉďī­ÅăÐĮďĊæĮåīďĉĴìЭĊðĉ­ĴÐÌťăĉș 9­ÌÌÐĊȧÌīķĉĮșì­īĉďĊðÆ­ȨșLðĉqìďĴďæăďȧÅ­ĮĮș­ÆďķĮĴðÆæķðĴ­īȨștďĮĮ>ďăĉÐĮȧťÌÌăÐșĉ­ĊÌďăðĊȨș œðĴìĉķĮðÆ­ĊÌăřīðÆĮÅřNīðĮĴÐĊĊÌÐīĮďĊȭOďĨК­ĊÌtďÅÐīĴOďĨКșĨăķĮťŒÐĊÐœĮďĊæĮœīðĴĴÐĊåďī ­ĊÌL­ðĉÐ>­ĊĊ­ȧÐăÐÆĴīðÆ­ĊÌ­ÆďķĮĴðÆæķðĴ­īȨȘăăĮðŘĉÐĉÅÐīĮ­ăĮďĮðĊæș­ĊÌœìÐĊĴìÐðīŒďðÆÐĮ the production. merge, the harmonies add a powerful new component to this legendary band. 9 10 Association for The Colonial Theatre 227 Bridge Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460 Vist us online for up-to-date information (610) 917.0223 Movie Info Line ȧǥǠǟȨǨǠǦȘǠǡǡǧ}ìЭĴīÐZŨÆÐĮ on these and MORE films and events! www.TheColonialTheatre.com

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