The Search for Meaning of Life: Existentialism, Communication, and Islam
The Search for 0eaning of Life: Existentialism, Communication, and ,slam 2. HasEiansyah ABSTRACT 0aNna merupaNan hal sangat penting dalam Nehidupan manusia. Tanpa maNna, Nehidupan aNan tanpa arah dan penuh Negelisahan. 0aNna hidup dapat dicari melalui nilai-nilai Nreatif, nilai-nilai pengalaman, nilai-nilai cara EersiNap, NomuniNasi dan partisipasi, pemahaman diri, dan pemahaman aNan aMaran agama. ,slam menawarNan aspeN nomatif Eagi pencapaian hidup EermaNn lewat pemEersihan diri, Nontemplasi, serta Nomitmen pada Neilmuan dan NemasyaraNatan. ,ntroduction was ever upset deeply, while he had a good posi- tion and future. He needed something else, that :e face our life every day. :e sleep, wake was a high meaningful life, which could make him up, eat, work, take part in communication, have a aEsolutely satisfied. He gave up all his position. rest, and so on. Events come to us and we pay Then, he was lost himself in a realm of mysticism attention to them, even involve ourselves in them, (tashawwuf). In this world, he felt a highest satis- or ignore them. In other cases, we need some- faction and a real significant life. thing, we seek it, we get it or not, then we feel At first glance it seems difficult to understand happy or sad. It takes place automatically and why, for instance, someone is very interested in routinely. :e are as though in a circle of situation. climEing up mountain, while another is pleased to However in reality, life is not as simple as that. contriEute most of his possession to others and Each of us is not always involved passively in a he chooses to lead an extremely soEer life.
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