The No-Self View and the Meaning of Life Baptiste Le Bihan Philosophy East and West, Early Release Articles, (Article) Published by University of Hawai'i Press This is a preprint article. When the final version of this article launches, this URL will be automatically redirected. For additional information about this preprint article Access provided by Universite de Geneve (7 Jun 2018 09:39 GMT) The No-Self View and the Meaning of Life Baptiste Le Bihan Department of philosophy, University of Geneva
[email protected] I. Introduction Several philosophers, both in Buddhist philosophy (see e.g. Zahavi, Thompson, and Siderits 2011) and Western philosophy (Unger 1979a, 1979b, 1979c, Stone 2005) have claimed that the self does not exist. Such a claim may immediately be rejected because of the incredulous stares and the existential threatening it triggers. One might think that it is obvious that the self exists since one feels as though one does have a very direct access to one’s self. Or, alternatively, one may claim that if the self were to fail to exist then life would be meaningless–thereby perceiving the eliminativist claim as an existential threat. A lot has already been written about incredulous stares and the roles of experience-based intuitions in metaphysics (see for instance Korman 2009 and Benovsky 2015) so, within the scope of the paper, I shall only concern myself–so to speak–with the latter resistance, which has received far less attention. The no-self view (also called “eliminativism about the self”) might, intuitively, threaten not only our existence as a subject but also the very meaning of our lives.