Of Troop 4, Notes Badges Scranton~ Pa., Is the Recipient of the Lou
, ..... lle __.EADER ===~~ AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 1933 VOLUME X Tl1e Artist Looks at Plant Life NUMUP.R 7 "'c:·\\ \Iuseum of Art j.; • THl Yor~ .~lc~.ropolitan continent .. , ''here nature could never have carried . ~ (lltit:l .._ .~ n e-xluhtt Plan~ Form' m Ornament," them unJ c,-, ~he had been aided by hum~n h d " ht'- h l'mbod te' su~~r,tton" of 111terest to .1ll Girl Scout . • ,, an 5, 1t . I" a 11t stor>: of ind ivid ual experience. Perhaps ~~ ·•·P"- The C\:hibit, hdd from \I:n 8 to St>ptcmher that 1s the most Important aspect of all. ~ I O!.t of u.., ll ', ' .urangrd b" the \let 't' t ) lv~; .l.tll l\ I lN'\Un, th<' "\ t'W kno.w that artist'i of manr ') <'Irk BM .mt~'. ll (~udt·n ..l!ld nat tons h:l\ c made each his em n u... c of motl\ e,c; ltke the th<- Rm~.,'kl ~ n Bot ani... Gar \ peon}', ro.;c, bamboo, cherry, ,l <'t' " . · h C>oopcr:uion from lotu,, papyrw., grape, laurel. the "'~ 1' York Puhli'- Li ac-anthu ._, oak, ltl), and oth br~ ' . Ji,t of book, 1nd l er-.; and that the cho1ce and ani ~. .l" ,m plant fomb in 1 u~e of moti\'e ~ arie<> accord orn. 1 .... :1: ) and t 1e.• \mer ing to the medium--cer Jean ~Iu-.eum ot "'.uural amics, glas:., ivory, metal, H :i-.tot) (an exhthttion of ~ton e , text iles. " ood. In ornam('nt d e r i v e d from th i~ exhibit one fin d.
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