The Catholic Girl Leader

Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic Committee on Girl Scouts ∙ Office of Catechesis and Youth Ministry

Summer, 2015

The Pope to the International Catholic Conference of Guiding: the Education of Women is Vital Inside this issue:

The Pope and the Interna- Vatican City, 26 June 2015 (VIS) - of the institution's foundation to ana- tional Catholic Confer- “Education is the indispensable lyze the theme: “Living as guides the ence of Guiding, at p.1. means for enabling girls to grow joy of the Gospel.” [The terms into active and responsible women, “Guides” and “Guiding” are common in 100 Years of Catholic proud and happy in the faith in Europe and other parts of the world, Patch, at p. 1.

Christ they live in their everyday but they mean the same as “Scouts” Divine Mercy Award Infor- life. In this way they will participate and “Scouting” here in the U.S.] mation, at p. 2. in the construction of a world im- bued with the Gospel”, said Pope The ICCG unites national associations Report from Jacquie Francis to delegates from the Inter- of Catholic guides and national inter- Gozdowiak, at p. 3. national Catholic Conference of confessional guiding organizations. Its Guiding (ICCG), whom he received aim is to help member associations to in audience this morning, gathered transform guiding into a genuine tool SAVE THE DATE in Rome on the fiftieth anniversary Celebration of Catholic Continued on page five. Scouting Saturday, April 9, 2016 Mass at 4:00 pm Archbishop Listecki, 100 YEARS OF CATHOLIC SCOUTING Presider Requirements for the Completion of the Catholic Girl Scouting Patch More info to follow

Commemorate 100 years of Catho- Mark your calendars lic Scouting. Encourage Catholic for girls to explore the rich traditions of Saturday, their Catholic faith and Girl Scouting. November 14, 2015… Below are suggested activities re- The Religious Award quired to earn this patch. Kick Off will be held at Stalk of Wheat St. Anthony Parish in •The Church has used many sym- Menomonee Falls bols throughout its history. What do from 9:30 to 3:00. you think the stalk of wheat repre- Sessions will offer sents? Family of God for •Find and sing a song that involves •Research other symbols that rep- Brownies, I Live My the meaning of wheat. Example: I resent Jesus Faith for Juniors, and am the Bread of Life, Gift of Finest •Read John 6:35 - "Jesus said to Mary the First Disciple Wheat them, ‘I am the bread of life; he who for girls in grade 7 and •Make a loaf of bread and share it comes to me shall not hunger, and older. with friends or family giving thanks he who believes in me shall never Registration infor- and then make a loaf to give to thirst.’ and John 6:51 - "I am the mation to follow in someone with a thank you card Continued on page four. September. The Catholic Girl Summer, 2015 Page 2

Besides the Catholic Religious Recognitions, there are supplemental patches that some girl scouting troops use to explore aspects of the faith. Here is one story:

Submitted by Lisa Dickman, leader, St. Jerome Parish The girls of Girl Scout Troops 2257 and 2312 earned the Divine Mercy Award and received the medal at St. Jerome Parish in Oconomowoc at a Scout Sunday Mass, February 22, 2015. There were 4 adults and 6 scouts receiving this award: Tess Stumvoll, Beth Stumvoll, Char- lene Stumvoll, Rebecca Dickman, Lisa Dickman, Diane Paar, Molly Paar, Eliana Sanchez, Ally Kysely, and Emily Moore. We all extend prayers of gratitude for Girl Scout Cadette Troop 810 of San Antonio, Texas for discerning and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit to develop this award as their Silver Award project in 2008. It is helping to spread the message of Divine Mercy and has been earned by Girl Scouts in 23 states so far. This award is designed for Girl Scouts from Daisies to Ambassadors and adults and a set of requirements for each level al- lows completion in an age appropriate manner. A patch or medal can be ordered from the Archdiocese of San Antonio and have the image of Divine Mercy on them. If you would like more information contact Lisa at 262-966-1922.

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2015 CATHOLIC ADULT AWARD RECIPIENTS! The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award was presented to Gretchen Bjork, St. Anthony Parish, Menomonee Falls Ann Meyer, St. Frances Cabrini Parish, West Bend Dr. Therese Pickart Winkler, St. Mary Visitation Parish, Elm Grove

Several Boy Scout leaders also received the St. George and the Bronze Pelican in recognition of their ser- vice to Catholic scouting among .

CALLING ALL LEADERS/VOLUNTEERS Please sign up for the NCCGSCF committee’s monthly newsletter Spark and Flame if you have not yet done so. Updates and information to support you as a youth minister to your troop. Look for the link on the left side of the page and “Like” them on Facebook!

Reminder To order Religious Medal workbooks and medals, visit to download the Religious Medal and Workbook Order Form. Questions? Contact Bonnie Bresnahan, 414-758-2242 or [email protected]. The Catholic Girl Scout Leader Summer, 2015 Page 3

Report from Jacquie Gozdowiak Chair of Catholic Committee on Girl Scouts

We welcome your suggestions pectation is completion by the and comments end of 2015. There will be a pro- The Archdiocesan Catholic ject book, medal, patch and pray- Committee on Girl Scouts is open er card available. to new ideas and support from all volunteers. Let us know what you Wearing the Medals are doing in your troop, parish or The religious award medals community. By sharing time and are worn as official insignia talents our girls win big!!!! throughout a Girl Scout’s pro- gression. For example, a Girl New Religious Medal for Scout who has earned the Family Grades 11-12 Ambassadors of God Award as a Brownie will Proposed for the Fall of 2015 move the medal to her sash or is a new award that explores our vest as a Junior, Cadette, Senior, call to spread the Gospel of Je- and Ambassador. sus. It will focus on the spirit of The awards are worn on the Coming Soon: God Is Love, mission and service and affords right side of the vest, or on the Grades K-1. the opportunity to discuss the pro- sash, below bridging insignia and cess of discerning one’s vocation. in line with other award pins. patch was created so girls may keep their pins for “dress” events God Is Love Religious Recognition Patches and minimize the risk of loss of God is Love, the new award There is now a patch that cor- pins. for Daisy Girl Scouts, is in its final responds to each of the med- stage of development. It has als. The patch is worn on the Blessings, been a long process but the ex- back of the vest or sash. The Jacquie Gozdowiak

USCCB Statement on Girl Scouting Guidance for Bishops, Leaders and Parents

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth (LMFLY), has released a resource for Catholic leaders and parents after a year of dialog with the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA).

The USCCB resource is online at teach/youth/catholic-scouting-questions.cfm. For more information, see also the USCCB website at:

For the Joint Statement of the Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee and the Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast, Girl Scouts of Manitou and Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Badgerland, see: The Catholic Girl Scout Leader Summer, 2015 Page 4

100 Years of Catholic Girl Scouting, continued from page one.

living bread which came down •Research why the daisy is a chores and other jobs I'm asked to from heaven: if any man eat of symbol for Juliette Gordon Low. do. Help me to remember how St. this bread, he shall live forever: Interview a woman who is active Joseph worked hard each and eve- and the bread that I will give is my in the Catholic Church. Find out ry day. Protect me from the temp- flesh, which I will give for the life how she lives her journey of faith tation to be lazy and disobedient. of the world." – Make a Living through her ministry. Give me the grace to be a humble Bread acrostic. •Participate in or help plan Scout servant to my family and the world •Read and pray with your leader/ Sunday for your dioceses or par- just as St. Joseph did. Amen. – group about Deut 8:3 and Mat- ish. Make a chore chart to go with this thew 4:4 (other references are in There are flowers mentioned in prayer. the- You Cat 523 and CCC 2835) the bible. Find a verse that talks •St. Kateri the Lily of the Mohawks •Pray the Our Father with your about flowers and discuss its – she found a place in the woods group out loud – Read You Cat meaning. where she could pray for an hour a 522 and the CCC 2828-2837, •Make a bouquet paper flowers day. Write a prayer, find a special 2861 - Discuss the importance of place in nature and pray your pray- the church in your daily life and Lily er. name 2 other forces where you •Read and research about each •St. Dominic – pray the joyful mys- get your strength to do the right Saint who has a lily as their sym- tery thing bol. •St. Claire of Assisi – help prepare •St. Mary – Mary said yes to God a meal for those in need Daisy – When have you said yes to God. •St. Anthony of Padua – make a •Research Juliette Gordon Low’s •St. Joseph the Worker – Pray treasure hunt in a bottle visit with the Catholic Church this prayer - Dear God, Some- •St. Agnes of Rome – patroness of ( – word search times I have trouble doing the Girl Scouts.

Activities to be completed in each section Girl Scout Level 2 Daisy/Brownie 3 Juniors 4 Cadette/Senior/Ambassador

“We are in a world where we see the spread of ideologies contrary to nature and God's design for the family and marriage. It is therefore a question not only of educating girls in the beauty and greatness of their vocation as women, in a just relationship recognizing the difference between man and woman, but also to take on important responsibilities in the Church and in society."

-Pope Francis at the International Catholic Conference of Guiding, June, 2015. The Catholic Girl Scout Leader Summer, 2015 Page 5

Pope Francis and the International Catholic Conference of Guiding, continued from page one

for education in faith and to make sential to transform habits and absolutely essential for the future, its pedagogical richness, forma- ways of thinking so as to over- and your teaching must be clear tive activities and experience in come the troubling challenges on these issues. We are in a world interconfessional collaboration that face humanity in relation to where we see the spread of ideolo- more widely known. the environment. “I think that the gies contrary to nature and God's guiding movement, which in its design for the family and marriage. The Holy Father emphasized the educational method accords an It is therefore a question not only excellence of the theme chosen important role to contact with na- of educating girls in the beauty and for the meeting and the program ture, is particularly well-disposed greatness of their vocation as it has given rise to: “proclaiming to this”, he said. “I hope that women, in a just relationship rec- to others, through the witness of guides will continue to be alert to ognizing the difference between our own life, that encountering the presence and the goodness of man and woman, but also to take Jesus frees us and heals us … the Creator in the beauty of the on important responsibilities in the opens us to other and drives us world that surrounds them. This Church and in society. In some to announce him, especially to contemplative attitude will lead countries where women are still in the poorest and most distant, the them to live in harmony with a position of inferiority, or even ex- lonely and abandoned”. themselves, with others and with ploited and mistreated, you cer- God. It is a new way of life, more tainly have a significant role to play He invited the delegates to be coherent with the Gospel, that in promotion and education. I ask faithful to the principles of their they will be able to transmit to oth- you not to forget, in your pedagog- movement and to establish a sin- ers around them”. ic approach, the necessary and cere dialogue with guides of dif- explicit openness to the possibility ferent cultures and religions, with Finally, the Pope reiterated the of a life consecrated to the Lord, respect for the beliefs of each need to ensure that the im- an area in which the guiding move- one, and serenely affirming their portance of women is recognized, ment has historically been fruitful”. Catholic faith and identity. Pope so that they take their rightful Francis then went on to speak place both in the Church and in

about his recent Encyclical society. “Here too, the role of edu- V.I.S. -Vatican Information Service. “Laudato si'”, in which he states cational associations such as Copyright © Vatican Information Service 00120 that education in ecology is es- yours, that address young girls, is Vatican City

The International Catholic Conference of Guiding supports Catholic girl scouting and in 49 countries around the world. The girl guides conference gathered in Rome in June, on the 50th anniversary of its founding, to reflect on the theme “Living as a guide for the joy of the Gospel.” For more information:

unofficial translation of pope's speech: conference-of-guiding 81499/ The Catholic Girl Scout Leader Summer, 2015 Page 6

For information on a Respect All Life Award for Girls and Adults in Girl Scouting Contact:

Archdiocese of Cincinnati Family and Respect Life Office 513‐421‐3131 Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry 937‐223‐1001 1436 Needmore Road Dayton, OH 45414

Important Links for More Information... The Catholic Girl Scout Leader Religious Recognition Programs for Catholic Girls Family of God • I Live My Faith • Mary, the First Disciple • The Spirit Alive Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic Committee on Girl Scouts Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic Committee on Girl Scouts This Committee of local Catholic scout leaders fosters faith development in Cath- olic Girl Scouts and their adult leaders. Contacts Jacquie Gozdowiak Office of Catechesis & Youth Ministry - Scout Page Chair of Catholic Committee on Girl Scouts Information on official religious recognition programs and ordering materials. [email protected] 414-517-5697 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Gary Pokorny Scouting and Catholic Youth Ministry - USCCB Director of Catechesis & Youth Ministry Archdiocese of Milwaukee [email protected] National Catholic Committee on Girl Scouts and Camp Fire 414-758-2242 The NCCGSCF, an affiliate member of NFCYM, serves Catholic youth and adults through faith-based programs, including the Catholic religious recognition programs and activity patches for girls. Editor: Ann Meyer

Frequently Asked Questions - NCCGSCF Contact Address:

National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic Scouting Girl Scouts USA P. O. Box 070912 For questions about Girl Scout policies and practices, the first source is the Girl

Scouts. Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912