GB 0085 DD/8, DD/478

Hammersmith and Archives and Local History Centre

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NRA 6477

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V 6477 iiHORT TITLE OF ACCUMULATION ;.: ruacrim th Brid ^ oo4^CQMMi6S!

KOIS AKD AffiCRBSJS 09 OWRERi Presented to the Central Library, donor unknevnri, :*beut 193** ABBSUiiSS OF CUSTODlAHt Central (Carnegie) Library, Brook Croon Read, , £.6. CLASSIFICATION! ^EKI-PUBLICi Local.

a oollectlon of three hundred and twenty-nine bundles and documents relating to the adminie tr?*tion, and business and estate management of the undertaking of the Haaneremith Bridge Company, 1824-1881, 1888, containing Minute books, letter books, correspondence, share certificates, transfer certifiestee? specifications and tenders for work connected with the building and Maintenance of the bridget bridge and road plansf and material connected with the sale of the undertaking to the Metropolitan Board of orks In 188G. He record of the provenance of this accumulation can be traced and It Is poeeibls that eons its as, notably printed newspaper reports, have cons from other sources and have been added to this collection, sons preliminary sorting had soon dons already, hut as any original arehlvs order had long been lost, the archive olnssificntien and grouping as now carried out is conjectural, although any bundle h-ving the appearance of originality Is described as such, and has been loft intact.

Acts of Parliament 1* 1824, 1840. Bound copy of act 1824 for building a bridge over the River Thanes from Rammer emith to Bamesf with, at end, manuscript index and, inserted, smell printed booklet containing the rules and orders of the committoo of manage­ ment, sub-titled Bye-laws of the Hamneremith Bridge Company. 1840. Wotsi Binding contemporary with the exception of the end papers and the booklet, added in 1954.

2. 1824. Four bound copies of act as above. Bound 1954* Hotel Cue copy has pp. 2645-2648 missing.

3* 1828 printed 1846. Bound copy of the xt to alter and amend Act 5 George IV 1824 for building a bridge at Hammersmith over the ? with the Act of 1024* Binding contemporary, with the exception of the end papers.

001 J - 2 -

AMlNlSTfUTIOH, continued

4* 1828. Printed 1828* Copy (bound 1954) of Mf for altering and amending an Act passed 5 George XV 1624 for building a bridge over tho River Tbaaaee at Hammer ami tli --* mm contemporary marginalia.

5* L1824, 1828j. 1832, 1344* Two bound printed copies of c%* for building a bridge over the River Thanes from Hammersmith to Barnes 1824, printed 1832, and for altering and avenging the Act of 1824, 1828 printed 1646. Manuscript index at end of one volume. Botet Qontemperary binding, with the exception of the eng.

6* 1328* Fragments of printed copy of act for altering and amending a t 5 George XV 1824 for building a bridge over the River Thames at Hammersmith.

7* 1825* Printed copy of the Rules and Orders of the Goseaittee of Management of the Company. Hotet Bound 1954.

Minutes 8. 1824*1827. Volume containing original draft minutes of the committee of management.

9* 1854*1866, 1866*1880* Two volumes containing draft minutes of the committee of management.

10* 1828*1850* Volume containing signed minutes of the estate and roads eommitteee, committee and subcommittee of accounts and other sttb*oommitteee*

002 - 3 -

ABWHISIRAnOfft, continued.

11* 1828*133$* Volant being "Attendance Book, Committee of Management" containing signatures of those precent at meetings, a ires place of mooting and sometimss Mentions the reason for mooting,

12* 1850-1863* Attendance book of the committee of management and special sub-eommi t tee s*

13* 1842-1850. Volume of committee and special sub-committee attendances containing signaturea of these present with place of mooting and sometimes referring to the reason for the meeting.

Correspondence 14* 1863*1881* Register of copies of outgoing letters all written by George 01asson as secretary of the company.

15* 1864-1880. Volums being register of incoming letters. Personal names index.

General 16* Undated [1824, 1825] Manuscript memorandum of resolution 1824 and of rules and orders 1825 relating to method of financial transactions of the company.

17* 1824* Agreement to pay residue of the shares or sums of subscribed in the company in the event of the passage of the Bil l for building the bridge. Schedule of signatures of subscribers and amount of shares.

18* 1831* Appointment of agent to represent the company at Teatries in Hammersmith, Barnes, Fulham, with full voting powers particularly concerning Poor Hate assessments of Hammersmith end Barnes. Partlest Hammersmith Bridge Company, 11 Ham Matthew Thiselton, Oreat Russell street, Ittoomsbury. AJ3MIHISTRaTIC^T, continued

19* I834*l843t and undated. Original bundle containing draft minutes and resolutions of the meetings of the eoanittee of i.r.rnr.:;:ovt of fm Wmiwrn^mM mrttgo Bessjany, - it* notices of BIOtions and other papers relating, defers tot proposed ftoueduot upon and through the rood from Hammersmith Brldgo to bo Bade lay Chelsea Water worksf state of Hammersmith Bridge roadf ereotien of hoas near bridge for secretary l&34f stats of the bridge, and repairs, orders sf committee relating to tenders for material 18361 pier tolls.

20* 1835* £attracts from the Minute books of the Committee of the Hammersmith Bridge Company about appointment of ** T* Clark as engineer.

21* 1840* Four printed copies of booklet containing the bye-lcwa of the Hammersmith Bridge Company.

22* 1868* Ksmorandum about proposal for rsoommendation of lnsrs&ss of allowance to the oomeittee with names of supporter and oppoeer.

23* l86f* Rough memoranda of matters to bo attended to by the secretary arising out of the minutes with resolutions.

24* 1879* Original bundle of incoming letters! proposed sals to Metropolitan Board of orksj dividend warrants and payments1 tolls 1 notice of vestry meetings draft resolutions about celebrating the freeing of the bridge by the irince and Princess of Walesf gratuity of £$00 to the sectstnry George ^-lM.ueon*

25* 1880* Bundle of Incoming letters to the secretary George Glasson concerning shareholders, upkeep of bridge, sale of bridge*

26. 1881* Printed copy of Act for enabling the Metropolitan

****u * ** ******* construct a S*w Bridge ever the Thames at x Zn9ZJ** ********* **t* 0 ***** and reconstruct and ^ptford Creek Bridges for amending the metropolis foil Bridges Act 1877* ... Jotsi Bound 1954*

004 APMtfflS TR ATI CK * oontlnuod

ale of Brldgse 27* 1880* taper being? memorandum to consider trie offer of Metropolitan Bourd of works at the next meeting.

28* 1880* Notice inserted in the Daily im ef special General meting ef Proprietors te agree to price and terms for sale ef Hammersmith Bridge Company undertaking te the Metropolitan Board of orks.

29* l88o* copy letter from George 01asson te Edgar Baggstt about employees' pensions, and claims for commissions on sales of shares.

* 30* 1800* Bundle of papers containing rough calculations sbout appointments, length of service, salariee, and emoluments of employees.

31* 1860* Paper eontainlng the eignaturee ef the Proprietors present at the special General nee ting 3rd Jttne*

32* i860. Two papers being copy resolutions of the managing comsiittee about the sale of the company4s undertaking to the Metropolitan Board of works, tale priee £112,(00. Draft list of the Conedttee members, undated.

33* lQ8o* File of fire papers containing rough figures about the state of the liabilities and assets of the company, with a liet of claims against it.

34* 1824, 1825. Bundle ef share certificates of the Hammersmith Bridge Company giving name and address of share holder, and number of share held.

35* 1828, I637, 1847* Origiiial bundle containing three transfers of Hsjestrsmith Bridge Company sharee with letter about transfer [I83I] end receipt 1828* - 6 -

IPiWPt o** tinned,

36* 1826*1876* Bundle of chars transfers. Gives names and addreesss of vendor and purchaser with the no*t n of the

37* Undated o*l370* Paper volume containing manuscript skeleton copy of original script certifieatee for one share each en parchment * notst Bound 1954*

38* Undated ndd-r, th century. Paper veluwe. being a eehedule of current chareholders with names of original holders and signaturee end addreeeee of current holders and smmbora of sharee*

mS^MmMm ^ Centrao^y MtM 39* l£?4-l82e* llemerendum of progress in the design off and building off the bridge, at Hit meetings of the Committee.

40* 18?4* Tender for brick and rubble work to be dene in eresting the bridge? Signatures of ths contractor 0. Bird & Co. and B* Tierney Clerk for the Company, with the Company's seel.

41* 1824* tee papers being estimate and tender by Thomas Handell contractor for excavating, building and removing the oof for Bam end timbere for the foundation of the Hamaoremith Bridge, One endorsed * Accepted" *

43* 1824* Contract between Thomas Randall of Hammersmith and Ttswserssjltti Bridge Company for excavations for the foundation

43* 1824* Tender for stone work by 9* Bird & Ce* with signature of s* Tiemey Clerk, and the Company*s seal.

44* Undated [1024]* specification and particulars by contractor Bdwd* lance of timber to be out into scantlInge, with the seal of the Company? 4. f m

mzim^t continued

- 45* Undated c.1824. file of details of o on tracts for building tfaawjerstaith Bridge with naaa of oontmotor, work to bo dona and ooet.

44* 1827* Specification, lian i by tha contractor Sdoerd Lance, of work to bo dona in tasking and fixing a fonoa te tho longi­ tudinal t inhere each a Ida of tha bridge.


4f* 1827* Srmft specification of work to bo dona at tha 11 "suepenaiOR bridge at Jia*amereauth for caulking tba platform of tba bridge, signed by oon tractor Robert Bye.

48* 1827* specification end particulars of works In painting all wrought iron work in chains t plates, bolts * a toe signed by flat contractor Thomas Moore with tha Conpany*a eeal, and tha secretary as witness*

i i

49* 1827* apeoifiOHtion and particulars of work to be dona in building four toll houses on the Haawersattth bridge * signed by contractors, o.*. at s. Bird and by V* Tierney Clark far tha Company, with ita seal.

*fc* 1842* Paper containing copy lot tare on tha part of tha

secretary of tha Company, 0. * Jonasf to tha Brentford One Light Company about a contract for supply of light oh tha bridge.

SU 184?* specification and particulars of works te ba dona in painting HamaarBiaith bridge steamboat pier, toll houses, and bridge office. Includes use of fedd's Protoxide paint. Signed by contractor Jn. Temple fapley.

53* 1849* Setimnte by John f* Taylor for pointing bridge, tell houses, bridge office, and steamboat pier.

53* f 0*1849. Letter from w. Tierney Clerk) te G* Long aheut a specification for painting.

54* 1849* Acceptance by J. Kammon of the specification far the repair of the Bridge office, bridge, and toll houses and pier , according to the specification of w. T . Clark, at tho mm 8umtiened* * 8 m

55* c.l8*9, 1865* Two pros pec Uses for palntt one for fedd*s Potent metal Lie Protoxide p int 0*1849* end the other for *tht original anti-corrosion paint" made by falter Careen & mm 1865* Gives samples of ooloore and prices per ewt*

56* 1849* Draft specification of repairs to be done to the interior of the four toll houece of the Hammsr smith bridgs.

gyofl flections, roads 57* 1826* Bvmft epeoific tion and particulars of works connected with making roods and foot paths to connect with the bridge. Signed by J-raee fiwraone.

$8* 1048* tietlmntv of cost of curbing from bridge to by contractor Messrs. Coat * Chalker,

59* 1865* Bttmdlo containing tenders for supplying two hundred yards of Broken Guernsey granite, in answer to an advertisement by the Hammersmith Bridge Company, for the repair of the roods.

60* 1878*1880* File of notices from the 10*8 KmBtv works to the Bridge Commissioners ordering the relaying of paving in Bridge Head.

Tolls 61* 1827* Bond * William Lawrence of 7 Brat Place Camden Town and Charles stable of Bedford Street, Bedford square to Hammersmith Bridge Company that William Lawrence perform the dutiss of toll collector.

68* 1831*1868* Two leases of the tolls on Hammersmith bridge &83&1 1836. Partleet Hammersmith Bridge Company, Lewis Lsvy, Crssoont BUce Biackfriars. Snglosinm manuscript schedule of Fier toll for 1844, memoranda sni queries about summensee for having taken tol l when exemption was claimed mmdatedf copy afplication for post of ehiof toll collector 1868*

008 - 9 *

63* 1828*1878* Bundle of copies of statements of dividends, bridge ehergee and market price of shares.

64* 1828-1878* statement of dividends paid, bridge chargee and market pries of shares.

65* 1832*1876* Bundle containing printed nnnmal balanoe sheets of the company, thorns the amounti of the varieue tell collections throughout the yearst expenditure on bridge

charges, read ebargecv pier chorges, etc., assets in hand end money, sales of land.

66* 1847*18SD* file relating te Hammersmith bridge containing "Bevemme accounts" in manmserlpt 1867*77 annotated printed balance sheets 1868*77* Inclosed file of copies of CJroes ieveaue accounts receipts and diseureemente 1847* 1876*71 repairs te roede end bridges 1847*7C-7i printed balance sheet 1855* endorsed in pencil *Br* 01eeeen*e copy" , loose printed tedanee sheete for 1867, 1868, 1880.

67* 1869* Draft of the annual balance chest of wages and costs relating to the Hammersmith bridge company*

68* 1880* Balance sheet being the audited "Annual cash aooount" of the Company.

69* 1860* two papers containing statements te be made up for dividend receipts and disbursements.

70* undated? e*l88D* three papers containing jottings of financial accounts posclbly te be incorporated in the financial statemsnta.

71* Undated? e*l88o* Paper containing draft of item te be inserted in Balanoe sheet.

72* 1881* Balance sheet being e statement of the accounts of the Company for the Special General meeting of Proprietors.

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BtffflWfti. w i l l .* J. r. $ * m i - * * * * 73* i860, 1881* Two draft statements of oath accounts of tho

1880*81* Draft Belsnee shoot of oath accounts of the Company.

75* 1881* Manuscript draft statement of oath aooount prepared for tho spoolal General Mooting 3rd February*

76* 1869, 1888* four letters (2 ooploe) about investments between George 01asson secretary of the Oompany and Reverend J* Arrowsmith*

77* 1878* Two papersi Broker's receipt for purchase of now 3£ stock and note debiting the amount in the no serve fund of the Company.

78* 1880* Report drawn up 7th May of the Trustees of the Reserve fund to the Proprietors at the annual General Meeting 3rd June, about investments in three per cent annuities.

IsMBfcl 79* 18?6* Original bundle of Incoming letters numbered consecutively, subjects include abolition of tolls, general business, shares, use of and closure of bridge en Meat Rase days printed form of the Cerpe of Commissionaires with tariffs announcing the despatch of a sergeant and nine men te Hammersmith bridge 8 Aprilf receipts of share transfers.

80* 1078* Original bundle containing incoming letters numbered in sequence, subjects general business connected with shares and the bridge. -

31. Undated? t.l840. Manuscript schedule of the welghte of beams made by A . Bnglleb.

- 12* Undated ?c.l862 . Original bundle containing manuscript notoo On the strength ef and rough drawing of Xambath iron bridge en sheet of paper headed with Hoaee of Cssseone crest.

83* 1865-1880* *ive detailed reperte en the state ef the etructure of the Hatsesrsedth bridge, principally so to bearing the weight ef Multitudes wntoning the Unlvereities boat race. Bnglaeers H. D. cryetall, R. 1U Ordieh, Colonel *. felland (2 copies).

84* 1678. dopy ef the engineered report en the state of the Banner smith bridge (Rawkeham ft Barlow).

85. Undated ve.l82$. fee exterior viewe in perspective of the ledge or gate house.

86* 1834* Coloured plan in wash being "A plan ef the Post and tell fencing erected by llr. ifeare at Barnes - shewing the Sew Towing Path new forming by the City ef , an well ae the Hew Bead belonging to the Hammersmith Bridge Company, surveyed etc. by 1* 8* Leenard. 1034.* Compass rose.

8?. ?c.l838. lien in ink shewing sections of the Hammersmith bridge and the csfeankmsnt. Endorsed "plane relating to the improvement ef the Draw Beck at Banes end the load ever the earns.­

' 88* Undated a. 1840. Pencil drawn plan by Thomas Bird showing exterior frentagee ef two houses at the Bammsrsmith bridge and block seetione ef the same.

89* 1842. Plan in colour described as "Ie*l. Hammersmith bridge Coy. Us tail for abutting plates for receiving struts from main pilee. part, full siee." signature ef v. Tierney Clark * 12 *

90* Undated, 1040'** Two plans, coloured, numbered 1 and 2, eteowing structural details of the *Proposed Plot and Belphin for Hammsrcmlth Bridge Company" B* Castle A Sens Contractors.

91* 1860* Plan shewing structural details ef IT inswivntilth bridge and proposed road ewer it. * Drawing no*2 referred te in Mr.

Page t v report Wwwr* 23rd 1860*. In manuscript "Sjchibited te comms 23rd Sewr. 1860* ft.w.3. Seey."

92* 1863* Plan ef the alterations ef fate House for the Hsjsesrsadth bridge company, by kaneell*

93* Undated 19th century. Pencil drawn plan ef a pediment with pencilled inscription "Tee made for Lord leuu*dwwm**

- . ' * £ ft I

94* 1834* Paper containing pencilled notee ef timber used In repairing the bridge, by 0* Lanee.

95* 1837* ietmerejemiim about timber used in repairs to the platform of the bridge, with 0011%*

96* 1840* memorandum ef structural material required for Hameersmith bridge, probably for repairs.

97* 0*1840* Report on the condition of beams and planks between the main piers and the shore1 and en the number ef beams and planks te be removed.

98* 1843* Bil l with receipt for inspection of and plans for repair of the bridge by ** T. Jlcurk iu 1841 and 1842*

1 - II *

Biy.33JSB.lfeS. Mf^fjj^^liif^ QOntlnued

lit&sjyi 99* undated 0.1824* $our papers containing measurements of the distances from *%da Pork corner to Hammersmith oror tho Intended Bee Bridge thro' to Richmond."

100* 1874*1878* Manuscript notee of tho amount ef Macadam and gr-rel used on Lenedale road and at certain houses in Bamee including Caatelnau gardens and villas.

101. I874-1S78. Manuscript no tee on quantities of gravel.

m m tUtm 102.* Bndatod between 1824 and 1827* £"Ian in colour of the *?'repeeed lin o of Bead and deviations therefrom to lead from the Broadway Hammersmith lid&x ewer the Intended Bridge of

suspension to ereee fjhm fhamee at B a m Blme and to peas through tho village ef Bamee te meet the Bead from te Beet sheen and Richmond *-Landowners and proprietors namedf shows the windmill on Barnes Common. Compass reee. Xnolosure in manuscript, undated, states that plan was not carried out. Sieet 5*61* x 1*U* approx.

e 103. Undated Between 1024 and 1827. Coloured plan of the line of Bridge road through Bamee to meet the Richmond road chewing the property which hounded it* fields named. Shows the holdings of 1. H. Roare ese,., leaseholder of the Bams lime estate under the Dean and Chanter ef St. Pauls. Alee shows additional pencilled line of new reads. note1 see first and second schedule of heueee an d property Who purchased and used in Act $ George IV 1824 for building a bridge ever the Hirer Thamee. stem 3*21* x 2*1* apprex.

o ^ 104. Undated between 1824 and li27* ^lan shewing the direction of the proposed road from hammersmith bridge to Join the Hichmend and Bast £been road, yields named and preprletere named, mainly land of K. H. Hoars, i*ellinge in block colour. Compass rose. Inclosed three draft ink drawd plane en paper ef "roads to Berne lime estate" undated, contemporary, being the original drawings far the final coloured plan, sises 4*91* x 1*9* approx.

105* Undated 0*1825* :^lan with, buildings in block colour of suspension bridge chewing lodgee and the proposed road to nsmaar smith Broadway.

(* see oTorleaf) Plan deposited x%2$ with Clerk at the Peaee fer Middlesex ofilled *A Plan ef the Proposed Lines ef Rend and Deviations therefrom to lead from the Broadoof letJeWeuVifc Mddleeex over the intended Bridge of Suspension to Cross the Thameo at Barnes Kims and pass through the Tillage of Barnes to moot the Bead from Putney to &aet sheen and Richmond, murrey". * 14 *

1827* Flan ef the road from uoehamptem Lane to Hsmuei smith bridge showing roads leading to and from it* lemarks added in manuscript.

0*1027* Plan in colour showing skeleton ef roads in Hie amend, miner area and draft outline of the proposed road from Hammersmith bridge to Barnes Common and ltotmny with lines of ether proposed roads added in pencil. North of B* amenta 1th bridge the road extends to King street! this area la treated in greater detail and parts are identified giving names of proprietors, buildings In block including let .iMdeor tie, tljojl -nd iajVIVl Mansion I mxm ocr/demy, the Mutation, Hod Lion9 the Cannonf the iihip.

1833-4* Sectional plan of the "Preeeat eld Bead from lames Terrace to the wow Head leading to the suspension Bridge*" Includes linos of lew water end of tides.

1834* Coloured plan of tho " path belonging to the River Thamee from Barnes terrace to the tow Bead lately Made by the Hammersmith Suspension Bridge Company * Jeny 1834 shewing the Wow Carriage Bead proposed to be made or added to the oald towing Path**

18$C* Plan in colour showing the line of the proposed alteration in the read from Heammrsmith Broadway to the bridge and "proposed Bead through askew Bead estate l£% inoerted by A* 0* Bean". Endorsed "Kiddleeex .4ppreahee**

18^3* Coloured plan, wash on paper ef Upper Bridge Bead from Hammersmith Bridge to the end of Book Lane "next Borneo Common4' showing tho entrance to Lens dale Bead, Beileau *rms and Castelnam gardens and villas in bloom. Surveyor w. Hugheo. wK*B*Ce*"

1860* flan in seotlone of ffaiaiarsmiih Bridge eempuny shewing dettlle of the "pressnt* roadway* "Drawing no*l referred to in Mr. ?ageas report wevr. ?3rd 1860*" Added in manusoript "Exhibited to Oomme 23rd wov. 1860* 0*f.s* scey**

014 . 15 -

U3* Undatedi ?e*1780* Ink drawn plan en paper ef lande between i&iag street] Sold Lome end Sxbridge Read. Fields and properties named.

114a. 1830*183$* small volume containing secretary*e petty each

exwpw wvm** wept P

114b. 1024*1835. Volume containing audited summary accounts of the company'a business* both internal and external. Sndereed "Hammersmith Bridge." Journal.

115* 1827* Swe vouohore and bills for e**penter*e work dene by Thomas Ceekett. Examined and passed by to Tiemey Clark.

116* 1827, 1829* Bill s and voucher by wiUimm Slkin for oast iron work. Items include lamp pests and gates at eaoh entranee ef the bridge and lamps en the bridge ami under arohway* Examined and passed by ** T* 01ark*

117* 1827* Two bill e en the Hammersmith Bridge Company by ill lam Slkin for timber and castings. £Examined and passed by w* T* Clark.

118* 1829* Bill ef Jessop and Bloy en Hammersmith Bridge Company. Items include making a read to Hil l Perm, fencing and other matters connected with read makings elee comments on and. examination of each item by tho secretary *A* Smith" In cheeking and passing the bill.

119* 1831* Two bille, examined and passed by tho secretary of the company, by Jessop a Blip fi r making a mew read from Hill farm road to Barnes.

120* 1837* Abstract ef work dene for the Hammersmith Bridge Company by 0* J* Imnee In repairing beams, etc.

121* 1845* Bil l with voucher for plane made by em Tiemey Clark, oeneerning steamboat pier, beerne, ete* * 16 *

BmWBBS M^fOBafSBSTt continued,

122* 1830*6** Original bundle containing vouchers for each transactions including land taxi miscellaneous meiaoranda*

123* 1028*61* Original bundle containing printed ferae * papere end Touchers, relating to payment ef taxes end ratee mainly land tax oharges en the Hammersmith Bridge Company for the Rammsrsmith bridge, with copy eaee and opinion about lend ten 1896*


124* 1878*1880* Volume bding the weekly "Time and wages account of the Labourers on the Beade".

125* 1879*1880* Volume containing details of the dally employment of labourers, dives name, place end type of work.

jcjrmo i^me estate 186* Bndatsdf 0.1824. Ooloored plan ef Bern £2ms [estate] In the parish ef Barnes belonging to the deem end Chapter of St. Paul's. R. R* Hears*s leaeeheld emitted. Fielde named, end shows Hammersmith sluice, buildings is block outline, with table of reference, relating to holdings of Croat Perry, Mill farm and in hand. [Possibly a copy ef en earlier plan and made for the Hammereeith Bridge Co. when first contemplating read making j.

127* [1825] Three copies of printed sale particulars.

120. 1025* Printed sale particulars with conditions ef sale of Berne Bine estate and Maneien house formerly the property of Henry Hugh Bo are to be sold by direction ef Hammersmith Bridge Company, wijh detached engraved plan of Berne Mime Benslon , park, pleasure grounds etc.f endorsed with sgreement 1826 to lease the maneion for three years with option to purchase at £10,000, and the timber end fixtures at g6oo instead of £970. loesses include w. Prater, W* Venning, P* Per ring, It. v* Knight, Jo. 141110* - 17 -

S0TAI8 m t H K k 00"tintW)4

129* [18253* Another engraved plan ef Same Mime eetate with the relewant part ef the proposed sew read te Uchaond added In peneil*

130* 102$* Printed particulars end cenditiene for letting Same &lme farm.

131* 1826* Two eepiee printed eale particulars ef the eetate and maceion.

132* Undated ?o*l826* Draft resolution about eale price ef Mansion house grounds end farm.

133* 1826* Fire Insurance policy of the Albion Fire & Ufe Zneurance Ce* of Hew Bridge Street leaden to the Hamneremith Bridge Company of 104 8t* Martin9e lane Charing Gross, em private dwelling heueee and buildingo at Mill farm.

134* 1829* Twelve printed copies (2 bound 1954) ef en -ct *lwr enabling the Deem and Chapter ef the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul in London to grant building Leases ef certain Land of the said Dean end Chapter at Barnes *-"

135* 1829* Printed abstract of lease - Dean end Chapter ef at* Pauls and Hammersmith Bridge Company! articles ef agpsomen11 aeeignment from Hemmeremith Bridge Company te purehaeerf surrender to Dean and Chapter.

136* to.1830* Five eoplee of printed particulars of lease of family residence on read from Hammersmith suspension bridge to aoehampton et c with manuserlpt additions. Endorsed "Cartels House e**

137* 3-832* Printed eale particulars of freehold copyhold and leasehold estates at Hammersmith end Barnes, with manuscript additions about priese of sales. 1th. inclosed, surveyors plan of lets adjoining read from Hammersmith Broadway to Riohmend * endorsed "Pempard near the Gate Fulham Bead." * 18 *

BSTAfH IBMHWtl OQ" tinned

138* Undated ?e.l83$* Bundle ef papere Being memoranda end netee aheut plots ef lend fer sale adjoining fuueeeremitfc te Barnes ready being pertione ef fields sailed Seaglende end Shepherd'e Gloes.

139* 1838. ?lan in ink and wash en paper ef "land sold by the Hammersmith Bridge Company te ff* M. Watte Esq. situate in the parish ef Bamee [fronting Rammersmith bridge read] - survey *d by f. B* Leonard." Added in manuscript * Laid before the committee loth !?ovr* 1838 0. s* Jenee seey. Chao. le Boileaa Chairman. *

140* 183S. Plan of estates at Hammersmith and at Bamee for sale by Mr. Lay ton Cooho. being plots (numbered) ef ground adjoining read from Broadway to bridge and from bridge along Bridge Bead Bamee. Added in manuscript "Chae. L* Beiloatt Chairman Boor. 21st 1838." end "sold lots 1 --9. " with throe copiee of engraved plan ef eetatee at Bammsritmith and at Barnee fer sale by Mr. Lay ton Cooks.

141* 1830* Bemorandum of agreement to lease ground at the comer of the Bridge Bead, Barnes.

Partioot -1111am Bosley a tta, Byfold House Barnes,

ji. Jones of Barnee9 idiceman, wltA copy memoranda about purchase of field by "Mr. v,atte* and inclusion of easts

142* 184?* Agreement to le^ee land and cottage and land in Caetelnam Bead. Partloot i* o. Jones secretary of tho Kammeremith Bridge ecsDnny, Mlliam IMH of CaatelNeu "o--&, "r,mes.


143* 1849* Agreement about lease ef land in Bridge Bead. iartiest 0. w. Jenee secretary of Hammersmith Bridge companyt Samuel Jetffreye of Barnee*

144. 1872* 1077* 1878* Cancelled agreement made 1872 cancelled 1877, to let field near Bed Lion Inn in Upper Bead, with letter I878 giving notice ef Intention te relinquish tenancy. Patient a. to Groan hill ef Priory Lodge Bamee, Frederick Jamee Savenereft of 200 Hcgente treat, Pope Beach, 3t* James'e street, *****

145* I875, 1879* Leeee papers concerning tenancy of strawberry Cottage, used as nursery and then ae a shop. i If­

146* iS^ i undated, Three papere beingt Agreement te let garden ground between the private road next te 40 Oaetelnatt Villas . lartleft George Glassenf oeunterpart agreement te let Graee field near led Lion Inn in Upper Bridge Road. Partiefi George $lessen eeeretnry of the Hammersmith Bridge company. Alexander tteebltt of Barnee* Surrey. Memorandum of appointment to see Chairman written m paper headed with the ereet of the

Metropolitan Polios Offie*f Seated.

147* 1640* mm of * Ground situate on the Hammersmith Bridge read. Barnes mm for sale by ,^aetien by Mr* 3* 3. Gemme en 21et day ef %gft*t 1840.*

148. 182$. Printed eale particulars with eondltione of sale of estate copyhold ef the manor ef fulham being the reetory house in the poeseeelea of Reverend Mr. Atweed and connected with the direct line ef the new bridge at Ksmmeremlth*

Brides 14f* 182?. 1331* Copy of fire insurance policy * l*eteeter fire ineuronee company te the Gcmmittee of Management of the Kammersmith Suepenslon Bridge * on the Hammersmith Bridge

for a f 8o0 and on the four toil heusee for £200* Incidental information. Engine stations near St. Paneras

few Church, lew Koad9 comers town. Resident fireman Thomas Mostynf end near Union street sewthwarfc Bridge Mead. Feroman Sdward syer. On deree proepeetus ef the Goamanyi illustrated heading.

150* 1835* Bundle containing copies of printed salt particulars end sketches relating to six copyhold plots ef building ground at the -south end of the west Middlesex side of Bammsrsmith Bridge &oad**

151* 1835. Firt ineuranee policy made out by the Proteotor Fire Insurance Company London to the Kemmersmith Bridge oompany on their brick built lead cowered house at the bridge, for £500* Illuetrated heading. - 20

B3TATB liABAOUaSKT. continued

152* 1836* Printed and manuscript policy of firo insurance for £500 made out to tho Hammersmith Bridge Company by tho Phoenix Assurance Company of London on dwelling house at Hammersmith Bridge with printed conditione of insurance. lp*3* IB37. Printed and msnusoript policy sf tho Fire Officet King street, Cerent Cardon, made out to the Hammersmith Bridge Company insuring bridge toll houses and offloe for £1,000.

154* IB37. Fire insurance policy for £5&0 by Westminster Firo Office to Hammersmith Bridge Company en Hammsrsmith Bridge of floe £400 and household goods £100.

155* 3ot used.

156. I837. Printed policy of fire assurance made out to the Hammersmith Bridge Company by the Westminster Firs Office on Hammersmith bridge mrd platform mode Of "stone, timber, pitch, tar and felt" for £1,800 and tho four toll houses, brick built and each £50, in all £2,000. On dorse prospectus and conditions. With postal oower.

157* lemma septennial 1 olicy for buildings sad goods by the Westminster Fire Office to Hammersmith Bridge company on Hammersmith bridge platform £300, feur toll houses £200, house called Hammersmith Bridge office £400 and household goods, plate and appnrel £100.

laaWi 158. 1756-1830. johedulo of deeds belonging to the Haaasrcmith C&jjjfljm^ ws^^oam^^Ma^^y (

159* 1838. Kxtraet of resolution at committee meeting about inclusion of waste land at Chlswlck Ferry Lane in lease by Dean and Chapter of St. Pauls, i&doreedt "Mr. &atts* purchase. *

020 * 21 *

Bating v ,

160* 1845* Card containing eharefe rate aeeessment at a nanny In at 415, bridge at Mf$ eni Beaumont land at *f* tn all JM*1. ? St. Peter*s Obarwh.

161* 1860* Schedule of the rental value and aeeessmwct of owners or occupiers i n Baawrowltti being voluntary contribution for repair of church In lien of church rate.

162* 1868* two papers (attached) about poor rate assessment.

163* * 1869* Hetiee ef lighting and sewer rate m the Hojermrsmltli Bridge) Company.

Igftaft General 164* 1843* Bundle of correspondence about action between J-mes Bird plaintiff against a. e* Jones secretary ef the Company defendant for unwarrantable assault with intent to exclude plaintiff frois the bridge at the time of the Thames Begatte* The defendant warn found guilty but the suit was settled amicnbly. U Bathurst assumed role of mediators with part - of the newspaper the Homing Herald for Bee. 23rd reporting the proceedings in court.

165* 1845* Copy letter between losers. Lowell * Baileyt sbeut Hammersmith bridge appeal.

166* 1848-1849. rile ef eepiee ef letters and depeeltiene in evidence for defenee, Hammersmith Bridge Coim^any, in aetien . for cost ef repairing an emmibue belonging to the siehmeni Conveyance Company whieh wae alleged to have been broken through the horeee* fright at a fire lighted en the bridge.

16?* 1847*1849* Manueeript eepy ef Prose on ter's eeote to emit the queen against Hammersmith Bridge Company in the %ueen*e

168. 1849. Judgment (with copy) in case in ueen*o Bench ef the queen against Bnmmsrsmith bridge eompany about rateable value ef the bridge. ** 12 *-

169* 1849* Manuooript copy from notes of too Judgment about apportionment of the rateable value of the bridge between the parishes. -

170* Undated. ?1860. Draft ease for opinion of counsel eoneeming injury to the bridge by a steam traction engine drawing an overladen train ef oarriagee from Cewan*e works in Barnes.


171* Undated, lain 19th Century. Memorandum about settlement of a case relating to Increase of eewer rate between the Coma any and Hie oarish.

172* Undated, late 19th Century, copy petition to Parliament by the Hammersmith Bridge Oempeny against the proposed "Richmond Hallway­ from Hiehmond to as crossing one ef the Company's roads.

173* 1850*1861* Bundle ef fourteen papers containing copy 1st tore and reeolutions c. fe Jones to the clerk ef the fuliam ££stric t Beard of works in negotiations to transfer the upkeep ef the reed from Hammersmith Bridge to Humesrsmith Broadway to the sistric t Beard ef works, fer the parish.

174. Undated e.1861. Paper containing pencilled draft ef resolution about reed from Hammer smith Bridge to Broadway concerning reepouebillty for repair and upkeep, between Hammersmith bridge company and Pulhmm Board of orks.

175* 1861* turn papers containing memoranda of the oemnittee of the Bridge company about a dispute with the parish concerning the dedication and upkeep of the read with recommendation ^fe^e^ ^o^^9^8*^(s^ ^e^^s^e^30^^S^^^^eb ^fi^ ^fl^j^ ieJKs/^^^S^J^t-m^

176* 1861* Part ef the west London Observer containing a report of the proceedings before Pulham Beard of works eoneeming the controversy between the Bridge Company end the Board about taking over Bridge Heed end its repair, sith a report in a later issue. 177. 1879* olicitor's opinion whether the parish ef Barnes wee entitled to eomponsatlon for repairing the reed in Barneej ^^*^*n*c*fii n^(J3? SJS^^^GQ^^ j^ft. ^t&'Jt JB^ftjfcne^P^

178* 1879* ^riwted eon/ ef the e to toner, t of defence of Mortl ike Die trie t Highway Beard in enit in Chancery between Metropolitan Board of 'orke, Rammer *** lb Bridge Company, fulham Beard ef ^erfcs and the Highway Beard fo r Borneo about the defendants' liability and responsibility under Act 5 George XV 1824 for building a bridge over Hirer Thanes fron Hamewrsa&th to Barnes.

Bridef 179* 1869* Draft memo sal from the Coned ttee ef Msnagement to the metropolitan Board of *orfce regretting proposal to free lew bridge ef tell.

180. 1869* Papers containing memoranda about freeing Hammersmith bridge fron tolls under the metropolitan Tell Bridged Act before Parliamentary committee. Comparison with bridge.

181* 0.1870* Looee papers containing notes en Huemermmith bridge in connection with it being freed from tell and e comparison with as a basis for defence against the Metropolis Tell Bridges Aet.

182* 1873* Draft statement ef tells received fcr six months when Kew bridge was thrown seen.

mim^m^ w** *a ^ta^Jfw wc(W ^**a* ****** *jl*iif

I 183* 1075* Hot ice to the secretary of the Hammersmith Bridge Company ef the intention of the Metropolitan Board ef forks to apply for a bill to free from toll all brldgee including Hammersmith bridge with agreed compensations

184* 1076* Three printed copies ef the report from select committee on tol l bridges (River Thames) together with the ftroUOUilngl of the ucmltte'?, Mlmuwee of -ividence and Appendix. Hotei Tun bound in 1954*

185* 1868 - 1876*7* Kanusorlpt table ehewiag the total revenues end eetgeittge ef bridge. - 24 *

- 186. 1877* Printed copy of petition "by George 01aston secretary ef Hammersmith Bridge Company sgelaet abolishing hie appeint­ ment with Insufficient compensation under the hetropelitan tell Bill.

187* 1877* Letter from the Metropolitan Beard ef *erke to George Glaseen refusing te ineert a clause inte the proposed Betrepolitan foil Bridge giving him the ease peneien ae the bil l provided for the Clerk of the Company.

188a. 1877* Printed copy ef tho Report on the setropoiH toll Bridgee Blllj together with the proceedings ef the Committee and minutes of en do nee. C We tot Bound 1954)* 188b. 1877* Printed copy ef tho ketropolie Toll Bridges BUI (ae amended by tho Select Committee). (Hotel Bound in 1954*)

189* 1878. Copy of the particulars of claim and notice of desire for eettlement by arbitration of the Hammersmith Bridge company to the Metropolitan Board of werke asking sole price Of £160,000.

190. 1879* Printed copy ef tho statement Of claim in emit in Chancery between tho Metropolitan Board ef *orke end the Rammeremith Bridge Company concerning the tale of Hammersmith bridge, tho telle and appurtenancee.

191* 1879* Printed copy of the statement of defence in suit is Chancery between the Metropolitan Beard ef .orke and the Hammeremith Bridge Company about the roede, tell gateo and their reeponeibilitiee and liahilitiee thereto.

192* Bay 1879 - **ea*l88o* original Bundle of tell returns giving amount collected each hour of tho day. lech sheet endorsed with a note of the weather conditions.

193* Jan.- April 1880. Bundle of toil returne giving amount collected during each hour ef tho day. Been eheet endorsed with note of weather conditions. l$4* 1880* Fart ef Hie Times newspaper fer Friday Jan.30 giving a report of the action brought by the Metropolitan Board of works against Hammersmith Bridge company concerning the freeing of the bridge from tolls and whether the value of the reads aside by the company was to be included in the value of the under taking bought by the Board.

195* Undated late 19th century. Manuscript copy of eohedule laying out smeunt and manner ef tolls at Hammersmith bridge.

196. undated late 19th century. Hough note ef the original cost of the Themee bridges. - 1

197* March 1880. Part of the Globe newspsper containing report ef the freeing ef the landeworth bridge from tol l with a cutting of a report from another newspaper reporting "landsworth Bridge Arbitration."

198. 1880. Solicitor4 e account for services rendered between 1077 and 1880. Meted that account paid July 21st 1880. Begine with Metropolis Toll Bridges Bill of 1877. and ende with claims en the Company on the ealo of the undertaking 1880. Motet Bound in 1954.

199* l879-l88o. Mill of emote en the Hammersmith Bridge Company in notion in the High Court of Justice. Chancery Division, between Hammersmith Bridge Company end the Metropolitan Board of Works to free the bridge from tolls.

200* 1880* three letters of Attorney giving power to receive monies on behalf of the shareholders on winding up the assets of the Companyt one with covering letter from the bankers. Parti set Ann Ward late of Borneo, of 8 Bonsall Terrace, Mextod Read, ieckhem. Robert Fits Minnie, 19 Surrey street strand, solicitor! 1111am aobineen, 18 Charterhouse square, Anthony Float, Laurel House, Brodriok Read, ^andsworth Common1 Cicely Ann nelson Float, Meet lodge, Bradbeurne Fale, ceveneake, , illism Howell, 18 Charterhouse Square; 8iM Samuel ft. swithin Burden vhelley Kt. of Ate lee Bainst France, Kerriee Imrejuer & Co. baakere, St. Jsmee*e Street, London.

\ - gg ­

201* 1725-1863* Threw copies ef printed Aetet 1725 *et te hnild bridge frem Fulham te Putney. Printed 1855$ 1727 Ait to amend not 12 Qeerge I to build bridge from fttlham te Putney. Printed I8f5i 1782 Aet for building stone bridge eereoe River Themoo frem Baling to Kewf 1797 Act for £ranting m aid to Hie Majesty by a land tax erne) for the year 1798f 1863 Aet te Incorporate * company for making a new bridge from Putney to Fulham.

202* 1825* Hot lee in the Courier Wednesday may 4 ef the 1 tying of the foundation ate e of Haamsrtmith bridge by the Burnt ef amesex em the following Saturday. *ith a short desorintion ef the event in the Courier of Hay 9th.

203* Undated. IB3I. Two printed postal covers of the Protector fire Insurance Company addressed te the Hammersmith Bridge Company ami giving a list ef the engine stations ef tho London Engine Betabliohment at which there was attendance day and night.

204* 1844, 71848* Two printed prospectuses of the Borwioh Union Fire insurance society.

26p* 1888* letter te George G las eon about Instruction in "Exception cases" under the Health sub-commit tees from Jrmes Cook ef the Chelsea Hi vision ef the school Board for London, Flora Gardene school.

206* 1824-1880* Hade up volume containing miscellaneous printed items relating te Hammersmith bridge. (1) 1024* Report of tho Committee ef Management about purchase of Bame Sine estate, and expenditure. (:) 1824* Circular pressing eubseribere te * lobby* Hombere of Parliament te support tho bridge eehems. (3) 1827. Circular letter stating that the bridge would be opened by public advertisement in the absence ef the Pukes of clarence and cusscau (4) 1825, 1827* Two tickets of admission te laying the foundation stone and Opening the bridge. (5) 1829* Statement of faote relating te the approaches ef Hammersmith suspension bridge. (6) notice of auction ef tolls. (7) 1880* Programme and newspaper reporte relating te freeing tho bridge from toll. * 27 ­

207* 1827* Tiro miscellaneous itemet Beehanica Uagaelnet shaft article on tho 1100001* and weight of Iron work article need In the construction ef tho bridge! London Genettet notice of application to bring in a bil l to divert and extend roado proposed in original Act and to increase tolls.

208* Undated, late 19th oentury. Fire copies of printed hill advertising tho service of iron steamboats between the Glty and KOW, Brentford and Hammersmith.

2*9. 118373 Becipe In ewsisaerlpt for making Grape wine.

210. 1845* Bngraved illustration of tho liver fnamee published with the Illustrated London wewe. ACCESSION NDMBERs 8 SHORT TITLEs Records of the Hammersmith Bridge Company REFERENCES DD/8/1-1525? see also ED/16, 277/29, 359 PROVENANCE Presented to Hammersmith Central Library about 1934, donor unknown; see Introduction


Introduction iii-v

Descriptive List Acts of Parliament 1 Share certificates, transfers and registers 2-3 Minutes and attendance records 3-6 Accounts and financial statements 6-8 Account books 9 Bill s and receipts 9-11 Material relating to reserve fund 11 General correspondence 11-13 Specifications, tenders, and contracts 14-17 Planss Bridge, toll houses, bridge office and steamboat pier 17-18 Plans: Roads and proposed roads etc. 19-21 Pire insurance policies 21-22 Title deeds 22 Sale particulars, tenancy agreements and related plans etc. 23-30 Reports on fabric of Bridge and materials 30-32 Material relating to agents and employees 32-33 Papers relating to Bird v. Jones and Jones v. Barrett 34 Tollss leases and returns 34- 35 Tollss miscellaneous material 35 Material relating to roads 35- 36 Rates and taxess receipts and miscellaneous material 36- 39 Material concerning legislation opposed by the Company 40 Material concerning legal actions against the Company 40- 41 Material relating to the Metropolis Toll Bridges Act, and the end of the Company 41- 44 Printed material relating to Bridge 44 Miscellaneous material relating to other Thames bridges 45 Personal correspondence of George Glasson / 46-47 Miscellaneous 47 ii

CONTENTS (continued) Page

Appendices I Share certificates s DD/8 A4-106 49-50 II Share transfers; DD/8/107-147 51-58 III Contents of DD/8/291-392 59-69 IV Registered correspondences no/8/400-528, 540-673 71-73 V Unregistered correspondence and associated materials DD/8/529-537, 674-686, 687-724, 725-859 75-92 VI Contents of DD/8/l500/l-15 93-94 VII Keylist of former references 95-101 iii


1. The Company and its records

The Hammersmith Bridge Company was established by Act of Parliament in 1824. (This was before the introduction of the principle of the limited company.) The Bridge, designed by William Tierney Clark (or Clarke), was completed in 1827. A second Act, amending some sections of the first, was obtained i n 1828.

Land was compulsorily acquired i n accordance with the provisions of the Acts for making the approach roads, which included Hammersmith Bridge Road and what is now Castelnau in Barnes. A special clause in the first Act meant that the whole of the Estate had to be purchased. Most of the surplus land i n Barnes and Hammersmith was subsequently soldi but some properties were retained and let to tenants.

The Company's income came largely from tolls on users of the Bridge and the roads in Barnes. Tolls were not charged on users of Hammersmith Bridge Road. A floating steamboat pier was later built to increase profits. It was attached to the downstream side of the Surrey suspension pier.

In 1880 the Bridge and pier were purchased by the Metropolitan Board of Works, under the terms of the Metropolis Toll Bridges Act. The Company*s roads were transferred to the local authorities, its properties were sold, and it was wound up. The Bridge was at once freed from tolls and was re­ placed by the present bridge a few years later.

The collection of documents listed here is obviously incomplete. Important series of records, such as the signed minutes, the register of share transfers and all the ledgers are missing. Other series, such as the correspondence registers and out-letter copy books, are represented only by the last volumes. Most of the engineering records from the time of the construction of the Bridge were already missing, i t seems, i n 1869. (See DD/8/L009-1010.) Tierney Clark had possibly kept them himself.

The Company's record keeping practices were fairly simple. Tinder the terms of its Acts its accounts, with the related vouchers, had to be produced every year at Michaelmas before the justices of the peace at the Surrey quarter-sessions for audit. The fact that comparatively few bills and receipts and account books survive may indicate that they were normally discarded after this had been done. In the Company's last years, and probably earlier, a simple system for keeping correspondence was used. Out-letters were copied in full into copy-books. Incoming items were kept in annual bundles and their date, and brief details of their contents, iv entered in a register. Many of the items received in 1879 and 1880 were never entered, although the notes of their contents endorsed on them indicate that it had originally been intended to do so.

2. Provenance

The documents listed here were received by the Hammersmith Central Library i n about 1934* By 1954* when the first sorting was carried out, the identity of the donor was no longer known. It appears, however, that they represent some, or all, of the records retained by the last secretary of the Company, George Glasson, when it was wound up. This is indicated by the presence of items of his personal correspondence dating from 1888, and by the fact that only the less formal records (for instance rough minutes, but not signed ones) are present. No other records of the Company have been located i n any of the likely places.*

In 1954 the material was absorbed into the Hammersmith Local History Collection. It was given the number SSR (*Special Stock Register') 181, which appears on many of the items. In 1957 the records were transferred to the care of the archivist of the Metropolitan Borough of Hammersmith. It is possible that certain printed items not originally from the same source were in­ advertently amalgamated with the deposit at this time. (See DD/8/1524-1525.) A descriptive list was made, and the items numbered individually, or by bundle. The present list replaces the one made at that time. Two items which are known to have formed part of a, different deposit, which was originally numbered SSR 144, and which were given the numbers DD/8/167 and 169 in the former list, have been removed and placed with other items from SSR 144.

3. Editorial practice

In making the present lis t items have been grouped, as far as possible, in series. However, the fragmentary nature of the collection has necessitated the creation of some artificia l subject groupings. Bundles which appear to have been created during the Company^ existence, and which may reflect its record keeping practices, have been kept intact.

* There are none among the private deposits at the Public Record Office (where most of the surviving records of the Fulham Bridge Company are found) or among the records of the Metropolitan Board of Works at the Greater London Record Office. There is no record of any at the National Register of Archives. V Share certificates and transfers, and the contents of large bundles of receipts and correspondence, have been listed in appendices. An attempt has been made to give as much detail in the lists of unregistered correspondence as the original register gives for registered items.

Throughout the list "Bridge', unless further qualified, means Hammer­ smith Bridge, 1 Company' the Hammersmith Bridge Company, and "Secretary1 its secretary.

4. Studies of the Company

The documents listed here were the main source material for A First History of Hammersmith Bridge Company, an unpublished dissertation by Mrs. J. Farebrother. A copy of this can be seen in the Archives Department Students' Room. Ref. Date Description DD/8/ Acts of Parliament (Dates in date column are of printing)

1 Volume containing: ND [1824] 5 Geo.IV [c.112] (1824); for building a bridge over Thames from Hammersmith to Barnes I846 9 Geo.IV c.52 (1828)5 to amend 5 Geo.IV c.112; 2 copies

2 Volume containing: 1832 5 Geo.IV c.112 (1824) I846 9 Geo.IV c.52 (1828)

3 Volume, indexed, containing: 1832 5 Geo.IV c.112 (1824) I846 9 Geo.IV c.52 (1828)

4 ND [1824] 5 Geo.IV c.112 (I824)

5 ND [1824] 5 Geo.IV c.112 (1824)

6 Volume containing: 1824 5 Geo.IV c.112 (1824) ND MS index, notes, and plan I84O *Rules and Orders of the Committee of Management *

7 1824 5 Geo.IV c.112 (1824) pp. 2645-2648 missing

8 number not used -

9 1828 9 Geo.IV c.52 (1828) Endorsed: Purchased at K[ing*s] P[rinter's] Office 24 April 1834'

10 a-b 1828 9 Geo.IV c.52 (1828) fragment 2.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ Share certificates, transfers and registers

11 13 May 1824 Agreement 1. 66 subscribers 2. Thomas Neill, Turnham Green, co. Middsx., esq. George Scott, Hammersmith, esq. John William Horsley, , co. Middsx., esq. To pay residues of £50 shares on passing of Hammersmith Bridge Bill

12 ND [?1824] Agreement to take shares Gives: Numbers of certificates Names of persons to whom shares originally assigned Signatures and addresses of first holders Dates of payment Numbers in register

13 ND [?1870] Register of original script certificates Gives: Numbers of certificates Numbers of certificates 'now in the office1 Some names of holders Column for proprietor on 1 Mar. 1870' not filled in

14-106 Nov.1824 Share certificates - Feb. 1825 Nos. 131-145, 157, 291-294, 308-310, 639­ 643, 735-750, 896-900, 1037-1038, 1057­ 1076, 1263-1267, 1437-1440, 1463-1465, 1483-1485 (See Appendix i)


o - 3.

Ref. Da te Description DD/8/ 107-147 Dec. 1828 Share transfers - July 1876 Nos. 65, 72, 99, 107, 137, 150, 151, 167, 222, 227, 246, 298, 299, 345, 348, 354, 359, 361, 363, 365, 366, 374, 376, 389, 395, 400, 418, 456, 516, 537, 543, 545, 546, 553, 557, 566, 58O, 582, 619, 628 (See Appendix II)

110 9 Dec. 1828 Receipt 1. A. L. Leith, [Secretary] 2. Samuel Turner Purchase price of shares nos. 819-823 and 1186-1190, stamp, commission and registration fee

115 ND Letter John Guyon to William Hedges Sends all papers left by father; was only registered by Jones on production of probate Endorsed: 'John Guyon, Surplus Certificates, Exor. William Hedges Esq.*

Minutes and attendance records

148 Aug. 1824 Volume containing rough minutes of: - Feb. 1827 General meetings of proprietors Committee of Management Sub-committees

149 Nov. 1828 Committee members1 attendance book - Jan. 1835

150/l May 1828 Volume containing signed minutes of: - June I85O Estates committee and sub-committee Roads committee and sub-committee Bridge committee Accounts sub-committee Ad hoc sub-committees 150/2 25 June 1879 Enclosed: Envelope addressed to Secretary 4.

Ref. Bate Description BB/8/

151 June 1842 Committee members1 attendance book - June 1850

152-192 Bundle of "original minutes of Committee1

152 Aug. 1850 Bundle label endorsed on card advertising

steam boat services from Bridge

153 KB Note concerning income tax assessment

154 NB W. Gray to retain occupation of gate house

on Barnes Common

155 KB Note of property owners in Ship Lane

156 NB Purchase of property of Miss W[?aring]

157 NB Replacement of wooden by iron bearings

158-161 NB Provision of seats on Bridge for regatta

162-163 NB Proposed erection of steamboat pier

I64-I69 NB Freedom from Bridge tolls for users of pier

170 NB Wood-paving roadway of suspension piers

171-172 NB Repairs to Bridge platform

173 ND Trees were not cut down by Company

174 NB Resurfacing roads

175 NB Secretary to live in new office

176 NB Clearing of debts

177 NB Affixing seal to lease of tolls

178 NB Check to be kept on toll takings Ref. Date Description DD/8/

179-180 ND Secretary^ duties

181-182 ND Procedural matters

183 20 June 1834 Provision of home for secretary

184 20 Feb. 1835 Request of Chelsea Water Works Co. to lay main under road nr. Red Lion, Barnes

185 20 Feb. 1835 Negotiations with clerk of works of City concerning construction of road to Barnes Terr. 20 Feb. 1835 Endorsed: note that above not to be entered in signed minutes

186 26 Aug. I836 Secretary to visit suppliers of timber and flints

187 July-Aug. [?1842] Table of results of check on tol l takings

188 10 Nov. I843 *Mr. Jones has received indirectly an advantage from the letting of the cottage on Barnes Common* (Signed minute of special meeting)

189 ND Copy minutes of [?Haramersmith] Vestry concerning Company's church rates

190 ND Note concerning [?abuses of freedom from toll] by 'Mr. Tirrell', Master of Gardens at Hampton Court and Kew, and Arnold Aldridge, foreman at Kew

191 ND Note concerning double tolls

192 ND Note of [?building costs]

193/1-2 June I85O Committee members' attendance book - Mar. I863 Note of starting times of meetings and holders of keys of deed box pasted at rear 6.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 194 Sep. 1854 Volume containing rough minutes of: - Jan. 1866 Committee of Management Sub-committee of roads General meeting (5 June 1862) to elect new member of Committee of Management

195 Feb. 1866 Volume containing rough minutes of: - May 1880 General meetings Committee of Management Sub-committee of roads Ad hoc sub-committee (21 Oct. I872)

196 4 June 1868 Note of motion at annual general meeting

197-200 Mar. I869 Notes for minutes, Committee of Management

201 3 June 1880 Signatures of proprietors at special general meeting and annual general meeting

202-204 ND [3 June 1880] Draft resolutions of special general meeting

205 8 June I825 Rules and orders of the Committee of Management (printed)

206-209 4 July 1840 By-Laws of the Hammersmith Bridge Company (4 copies; printed)

Accounts and financial statements

210-257 May 1832 Bundle of printed circulars announcing - May 1876 ­ annual general meetings 1 with copies of audited annual accounts

Addressed to 210 May 1832 H. Clarke, Upper Stamford St. , Blackfriars

Addressed to 213 May 1835 Mrs. Frances Farrand, Richmond, Surrey 7.

Ref. Date Description ED/8/ 227 May 1849 MS annotations to accounts

24O-24I May 1862 Also announce special general meetings, - May 1863 same day as annual general meetings

243-250 May I865 As above

- May 1872

(2 copies) 251-252 May 1873

As DD/8/24O-24I 253-256 May 1874 (2 copies for each year) - May 1875

257 May 1876 As DD/8/24O-24I

258-261 May 1859 Printed circulars as in DD/8/210-257 - May 1880

260 May 1868 MS annotations to accounts

261 May 1880 Addressed to Mrs. Mary Ann Church, 9 Marlborough PI., Brighton, Sussex

262 30 Apr. 1869 Draft annual balance sheet

263/1-13 263/1 ND Account of net annual revenues, 1867-1877 263/2 ND Account of annual expenditures, 1867-1877 263/3 ND Account of gross annual revenues, 1867-1877 263/4-13 May 1868 Printed circulars as in DD/8/210-257? - May 1877 accounts annotated in MS

264/1-6 264/1 ND Gross revenue account (receipts) for 1867-1877 Marked: 'Appendix 2a' 264/2 ND Gross revenue account (disbursements) for 1867-1877 Marked: 'Appendix 2b' 8

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 264/3 ND Net revenue and balance account for 1867-1877 Marked: 'Appendix 3* 264/4a-b ND Account of expenditure on repairs to Bridge, 1847-1877 Marked: 'Appendix 4 1 264/5a-c ND Account of expenditure on pier, I847-I877 Marked: Appendix 5' 264/6a-o ND Account of expenditure on road repairs, . 1847-1877 Marked: *6I

265/1-12 265/1-10 ND [?1878] Statement of dividends paid, bridge charges and market price of shares, I828-I878 (10 copies, printed) 265/H Proof of above Marked: '26 copies1 265/12 3 Apr. 1878 Envelope, addressed to George Glasson, Hammersmith

266/1-2 1880 Draft accounts Endorsed: '1880 Statement for Dividend1

267 12 May 1880 Audited annual cash account

268/1-3 1881 Draft accounts for special general meeting, 3 Feb. 1881

269/1-3 1881 Draft accounts as above

270 1881 Note for accounts as above

271 ND [?l88l] Draft accounts

272-275 ND [?l88l] Rough financial calculations Ref. Date Description DD/8/ Account books

276 July 1824 -.- ­ Journal May I835 Chronological record of suras debited under various heads Audited (earliest items originally entered as Mar. 1824)

277 Oct. 1830 . . Secretaryf s petty cash book - Nov. 1835

Bills and receipts

278/1-5 Nov. 1827 Bills and receipts - Feb. 1828 Thomas Cockett Carpentry work, Nov. 1826 ­ Mar. 1827 Assisting f Mr. Gardner1 in surveying work, Mar. ­ July 1824


279 Aug. 1827 Bill William Elkin Iron castings supplied Feb. ­ June 1827

280 Aug. 1827 Bill William Elkin Timber and cast iron caps for bridge platform, supplied Aug. 1827

28l/l -3 Oct. ­ Dec. 1827 Bills and receipt William Elkin Iron castings supplied July ­ Oct. 1827

282 ND Bill Messrs. Jessop and Eley Making road 'to Mill Farm1 , hedging, fencing and drain-laying, Oct. 1829 - Mar. 1830 10.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 283/1-2 ND Bills Messrs. Jessop and Eley Making 'a new road from the Mill Farm Road towards Barnes', embanking, fencing, and hedging, Aug. and Oct. 1831

284 ND Abstract of Bills Work on bridge platform, May-June 1837, viz.: Surveying by Edward Lance Carpenters' work by 'Gomme' Smiths' work by 'Jordan' Watermen's work by 'Chandler'

285 ND Copy bil l Edward Lance Prepared timber used in repairing Bridge platform, June 1837

286 24 June 1837 Copy bil l Edward Lance Timber as above

287/1-2 21 June 1843 Bill and receipt W. Tiemey Clark Examining bridge platform, and drawing up plans for repairs, I84I-I842

288/1-2 9 Oct. 1845 Bil l and receipt W. Tierney Clark Travelling to Chesterfield to examine iron beams, Nov. I842 Making specifications for cast iron beams Making drawings and specifications for steam boat pier

289 July 1880 Account S. F. Miller and Son Legal fees in connection with sale of Company's undertaking to Metropolitan Board of Works, Oct. 1877-July 1880 11.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 290 ND Account S. P. Miller and Son Legal fees in connection with Hammersmith Bridge Company v. Metropolitan Board of Works, Apr. 1879-July 1880

291-392 1830 - 1861 Bundle of receipts and notes (See Appendix III)

Material relating to reserve fund

393 ND Copy resolutions of Committee (4 Mar. I824) and annual general meeting (2 June 1825), concerning Company^ bank account

394 8 May 1878 Bill Heseltine, Powell and Co., 6a Austin Friars, Old Broad St., London E.C. to London and County Bank £310 Is. 7d. new % Stock Price: £291 9s. 6d.

395 9 May 1878 Debit slip of London and County Bank, for purchase of stock as above for Company*s reserve fund

396 7 May 1880 Report of trustees of reserve fund for annual general meeting

General correspondence

397 May I864 Register of incoming correspondence - Mar. 1880 Gives name of correspondent and brief note of content Covers letters numbered 5410-7060 Index incomplete

398 Aug. 1863 Volume, indexed, containing copies of - Apr. 1881 outgoing correspondence 12.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 599-537 Jan. ­ Dec. I876 Bundle of incoming correspondence and other material

399 Bundle label endorsed on card of John Williams, ship and insurance broker, 47 Mark Lane, London E.C.

400-528 1876 Registered items nos. 6552-6667, with gaps (See Appendix IV)

529-537 Mar. ­ Oct. I876 Unregistered items (See Appendix V)

538 WD Fragment of letter connected with DD/8/419 and 530-531

539-686 1877 ­ 1879 Bundle of incoming correspondence and other material

539 KD Bundle label endorsed on card of J . Golding, poulterer, 38 South St.,

540-673 Dec. 1877 Registered items nos. 6768-6892, with gaps, - Dec. 1878 and 6928-6950 (See Appendix IV)

674-686 Nov. 1878 Unregistered items - Jan. 1879 (See Appendix V) and ND

687-724 Jan. ­ Nov. 1879 Bundle of unregistered incoming correspond­ and ND [?1879] ence and other material (See Appendix V)

725-868 1868 ­ 1881 Bundle of incoming correspondence and other and ND material

725-858 Jan. 1880 Unregistered incoming correspondence and - Feb. 1881 other material and ND [?1880] (See Appendix V) 13.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 859 9 Sep. 1868 Letter Matthew Piercy, 74 Queen St., Hammersmith to' Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. Application for post of Chief Toll Collector! has been Night Collector 9 years

860 28 Mar. 1872 Circular announcing ordinary general meeting of The Gas Light and Coke Co., with accounts and Governor1 s report

861 17 June 1879 Letter Catherine Humphrys, 8 Periera PI., Shepherds Bush to 'Mr. Glasson' Please send *my littl e dividend1 , unable to leave home

862-866 14 May 1880 Circular containing copies of advertisements announcing special and ordinary general meetings of Hammersmith Bridge Co. (5 copies)

867 ND [?1880] Printed Valuation for the company1 in Co. v. Metropolitan Board of Works (in arbitration)

868 ND [?1823] Draft letter Correspondents not named Apologies for not writing more often [Apparently a love letter]

869 50 Jan. 1881 Letter Arthur Francis Greenhill, The Lawn, Barnes S.W. to Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. Has changed address from 5 The Grove, Hammersmith [Originally with DD/8/399-537] 14-

Ref. Bate Description DD/8/ Specifications, tenders, and contracts

870 ND [?1879] Abstract of contracts (1824-1827) for work on construction of Bridge toll houses and roads Marked% *Appendix 7'

871 ND [1824] Signed specification 1. Edward J. Lance 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Supply and erection of timber and minor iron work of Bridge

872 14 June 1824 Signed specification 1. Messrs. Bird and Co. 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Supply and erection of stonework of Bridge

873a-c ' 14 June 1824 Signed specification 1. Messrs. Bird and Co. 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Supply and erection of brick and rubble work of Bridge

874 BD Part of specification Excavation and construction of coffer dam

875-876 22 Sep. 1824 Estimate Thomas Randell Excavation and construction of coffer dam 2 versions

877 15 Nov. 1824 Contract 1. Thomas Randell, Hammersmith, excavator 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Excavation and construction of coffer dams

878 11 Oct. 1826 Signed specification James Simmons Making roads and footpaths from Hammersmith Broadway to Bridge and from Bridge to ,Brumage*s cottage1 , Barnes 15. Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 879 28 Mar. 1827 Signed specification 1. G., W. and S. Bird 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Building 4 toll houses at Bridge

880 18 July 1827 Signed specification 1. Thomas Moore 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Painting Bridge

881 25 July 1827 Signed specification Edward J. Lance Fixing fence along sides of Bridge

882 8 Aug. 1827 Signed specification Robert Dye Caulking Bridge platform

885 7 Mar. 1828 Extracts from minutes (Feb. - Oct. 1824) relating to supply of wrought and cast iron

884 May - June 1842 Copy letters , G. W. Jones, Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. to W, Devey Contract with Brentford Gas Co.

885 20 Jan. 1848 Estimate Messrs. Coat and Cfaalker, masons Supplying and laying kerb stones along Bridge Rd., Hammersmith

886 14 Mar. 1849 Tender John T[emple] Taylor, 62 York Terr, to Hammersmith Bridge Co. Painting Bridge, toll houses, bridge office -; . and steamboat pier 16.

Ref. Date Description . DD/8/ 887 MD [?1849] Note W. Tierney Clarke to G. W. Jones Specification for paint work

888a-b 26 Apr. 1849 Signed specification John Temple Taylor Painting as in DD/8/886

889 14 May 1849 Specification Repairing interiors of 4 tol l houses

890 16 May 1849 Estimate J . Hammon Repairs to Bridge, tol l houses, bridge office and pier

891 1861 Part of prospectus for Todd's Patent Metallic Protoxide Paint

892 I865 Prospectus of Walter Carson and Sons, La Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill, London E.C., manufacturers of *the Original Anti-Corrosion Paint1 ? with colour chart

895-904 Letters and tenders concerning supply of broken granite

893 16 Mar. I865 Letter from R., L. and J . Fennings, Chambers, Pennings Wharf, , S.E. Cannot supply granite

894 17 Mar. I865 Copy advertisement inviting tenders

895 KB Rough calculations concerning granite 17.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 896 30 Mar. I865 Tender Samuel Trickett, Victoria Stone Wharf, Isle of Dogs, London

897 30 Mar. I865 Tender - Tildesley and Son, 2 Iron Gate Wharf, -

898 30 Mar. I865 Tender : R., L. and J . Pennings, Wellington Chambers, Pennings Wharf, London Bridge, S.E.

899 31 Mar. I865 Tender Henry Benthall, 14 Chatham PI., Blackfriars, London E.C., and Stangate Wharf, Lambeth, S.

900 j 31 Mar. I865 : Tender Lenne Coat, 14 Bridge Rd., Hammersmith

901 31 Mar. I865 List of tenders received

902-903 Apr. 1865 Letters from Richmond Union Cannot supply granite

904 3 Apr. I865 Letter from Henry Blackwell, Master, St. Mary Abbotts, , Workhouse Will submit request for granite to Guardians

Plans; Bridge, toll houses, bridge office and steamboat pier

905 ND Drawing [?Ornamental lantern] Marked; "Two madefbr Lord Lansdown' 18.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 906 ND [?1834] Plan and elevation Thomas Bird Bridge Office and 1 tol l house Scales approximately 1 inch s 4 ft.

907 ND Elevations and section Small, 2 storey, building [? bridge office]

908 Nov. 1842 Drawings W. Tierney Clark "Detail for abutting plates for receiving struts from main piles' [? steamboat pier] Scale? Is4

909 ND [?1842] Plan and elevation H. Castle and Sons,- contractors Proposed pier and dolphin Scale; 1 inch s 5 ft.

910 ND [?1842] Plans and section H. Castle and Sons, contractors Proposed pier Scales 1 inch s 5 ft.

911 I860 Plan and sections Bridge: existing road surface and sub-structure Marked: "Drawing no. 1 referred to in Mr. Page*s report Nov. 23, I860' Scales 1 inch s 1 ft.

912 I860 Plan and section Bridges road surface and sub-structure showing proposed improvements Markeds "Drawing no. 2 ... (as i n above)" Scale: 1 inch ; 1 ft. 19.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ Planst Roads and proposed roads, etc.

913 ND [?1824] Plan Hammersmiths area bounded by King St. West, Broadway, Queen St., River and Creek Barnes; area running from River opposite Hammersmith to Putney Park, including High St. and Church St., showing proposed new roads; MS additions Scales 1 inch s 4 chains

914 ND [?1824] Plan Barnes and Mortlakes proposed new road from Hammersmith Bridge to Richmond road in Mortlake Common Field, crossing High St. w. of Barnes Green; gives names of landowners, distances from Hyde Park Corner; MS additions Scales 1 inch s 3 chains

915-917 ND [?1824] Copies of above

918 ND [?1824] Plan Barnes; proposed new road from Bridge to Baomage^ cottage at s. end of Chiswick Ferry Rd. and area between i t and river to w.; names of fields and occupiers given; MS additions Scale; 1 inch ; 3 chains

919 ND [?1824] Plan and longitudinal section Hammersmith, Barnes and Mortlake: proposed new road from Hammersmith Broadway to Bridge and from Bridge through Barnes Green to Richmond road in Mortlake Common Field, alternative route to junction of Church Rd. and Chiswick Ferry Rd.; gives names of occupiers, shows houses Scale: 1 inch ; 3 chains 20.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 920 1827 Plan - J* Fawcett, 3 New Ormond St. '\ Barnes and Putney; road from Bridge to Lane and connecting roads off i t Scales 1 inch s 4 chains

921 ND [?1834] Plan and sections Barness proposed road from Bridge to Barnes Terr. Scale of plan and langitudinal sections 1 inch s 200 ft. Scale of transverse sectionss 1 inch s 10 ft.

922 ND [?1834] Plans and sections Barness riverside n. of Barnes Terr., showing proposed improvements to draw dock and road

923 ND [?1834] Plan and sections Barness draw dock, showing proposed improvements

924 Jan. 1834 Plan Barnes s towing path between Barnes Terr, and new road made by Company, showing new road to be added Scales 1 inch s 2 chains

925 1834 Plan W. S. Leonard Barnes s towing path under construction by and new road made by Company, showing post and rai l fencing erected by 'Mr. Hoare1 Scales 1 inch s 20 ft.

926 11 Mar. 1853 Plan and longitudinal section M. W. Hughes Barnes s 'Upper Bridge Rd.1 from Bridge to end of Rocks Lane by Barnes Common Scales 1 inch s 200 ft. 21.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 927 Sep. 182[?4] Plan Hammersmiths proposed road from Bridge to Broadway, with alternative route to King St. Scale: 1 inch s 2 chains 1850 Additions Proposed road through 1 Askew's estate1 [Bridge Ave.]

928 ND [?1824] Plan Hammersmiths Bridge and Bridge Rd.

929 KD [?1824] Sketch plan Hammersmiths area between Broadway and Uxbridge Rd.? names of land owners given

930 Mar. I863 Plans and section [?W.] Mansell [?Barnes]s gatehouse built against fabric of a bridge, showing proposed alterations Scales 1 inch s 5 ft.

Fire insurance policies

931 11 May 1826 Policy for £6,185 Albion Fire and Life Insurance Co. Barness mansion, outbuildings, hothouses, and lodge in "Barns Elms Park*i 10 dwelling houses with outbuildings? house and farm buildings on Mil l Farm; occupiers given

932 20 Feb. 1831 Copy policy for £2,000 (18 Dec. 1827) Protector Fire Insurance Co. Platform of Bridge and 4 toll houses

933 19 Feb. 1831 Postal cover for above

934 15 Aug. 1835 Policy for £500 Protector Fire Insurance Co. Hammersmiths house at Bridge 22.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 935 19 Aug. 18[55] Postal cover for abovei gives lis t of London fire stations

936 6 July I836 Policy for £500 Phoenix Assurance Co. Hammersmiths house at Bridge

937 26 Jan. 1857 Policy for £2,000 Westminster Fire Office Platform of Bridge, and 4 toll houses

938 31 Jan* 1837 Postal cover for above

939 13 July 1857 Policy for £500 Westminster Fire Office Bridge office and contents

940 25 Jan. I844 Policy for £1,000 Westminster Fire Office Platform of Bridge, 4 toll houses, bridge office, and contents

941 23 Jan. 1851 Renewal of policy for £1,000 Westminster Fire Office Platform of Bridge, toll houses, bridge office and contents

942-943 Sep. I844 Prospectus of Union Fire Office, Norwich 2 copies

Title deeds

944 [?1836] List of deeds (I756-I836) belonging to Company! later emendations 23.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ Sale particulars, tenancy agreements, and related plans etc. (Dates given for sale particulars are dates of auctions)

945 ND Plan Barness f Barn Elms1 estate (owners, Dean and Chapter of St. Paul"s); fiel d names given? taae of reference; MS additions Scales 1 inch s 12 perches

946/1-3 ND [?1824] Particulars (sale by private contract or letting on lease) Hammersmith Bridge Co. Barness mansion at "Barnes Kims1 , gardens and park, total 102a. 2r. 19p., leasehold under Dean and Chapter of St. Pauls; 7a. Or. 39p. meadow, copyhold (Barnes Manor); and 2a. Or. lip. meadow, freehold Putneys 14p. meadow, copyhold (Barnes Manor); and 15a. lr . l6p. meadow, freehold Al l late the property of Henry Hugh Hoare, esq. (3 copies)

947 [29 July 1825] Plan from sale particulars as in DD/8/950/2, below

New road added i n MS

948-949 6 July 1826 SalMessrse particular. Robins for Hammersmith Bridge Co. Barnes and Putneys "Barnes Park", i.e . property as i n DD/8/946/I-3 (2 copies)

950/1-2 950/1 29 July 1825 Sale particulars "Mr. Rainy' for Hammersmith Bridge Co. "Barnes Elms", i.e. property as in DD/8/946/1-35 MS annotations 24- Ref. " Date - Description DD/8/ 950/l (continued) 1 July 1828 Eadorseds Draft or copy letter [Writer"s name illegible] to [?C.] Hodgson Is instructed to inform Hodgson, for information of [?Dean and Chapter] of St. Pauls that Company have decided to dispose of [?residue of lease] to [?P.N.G. Man], 5 John St., Adelphi 950/2 [29 July 1825] Plan to go with above 24 Nov. 1826 Endorsed; Draft agreement to lease for 5 years 1. [Hammersmith Bridge Co.] 2. [Not given] Property Comprised in this particular1 Rent: £700, with option to purchase for £10,000 ' About 75a. of the land now occupied by Major Close" Rent: £5 per acre, with option to purchase for £100 per acre

951 ND [?1826] Draft committee minute concerning Barn Elms estate

952 1825 Particulars and conditions for letting Hammersmith Bridge Co. Barnes; "Barne Elms Farm' Table of reference to (missing) plan

955-964 1829 Act of Parliament 10 Geo.IV [0.46]? to enable Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's to grant building leases in Barnes (10 copies)

965 ND [?1833] Printed abstract and model deeds "A" Lease (25 Mar. 1829) 1. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. "Frontage land and Pipon's, Ryde"s and Glover"s cottages and lands thereto" 25.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 965 (continued) 'B ' Agreement (25 Mar. 1829) Parties as above Company to procure act to enable Dean and Chapter to grant building leases '1! Assignment 1. Company 2. "Purchaser' '2' Surrender 1. 'Purchaser' 2. Dean and Chapter '3' Agreement 1. Dean and Chapter 2. 'Purchaser'

966/I-5 ND Handbill advertising letting on lease 'Mr. Carter', 4 George St., Grosvenor Sq. Barnes: "family residence' on road from Bridge to "Roehampton, Richmond etc.' (5 copies) 966/I Endorsed: 'Carter*s Houses'

967 ND [?1838] Draft description of property for deed Barnes: land with frontages of 840 ft. on Bridge Rd. and 840 ft. on ChiBwick Perry Ed. s Land Between this and property of 'said William Moseley Watts' (a school play ground); with sketch plan

968-973 ND [1838] Copy Committee minutes, notes and sketch plans concerning dimensions of property described as 'Lot 10* conveyed to William Moseley Watts, i.e. property described in DD/8/967

974 16 Nov. 1838 Plan W. S. Leonard Barnes: land i n angle between Hammersmith Bridge Rd. and Chiswick Perry Rd. sold by Company to W[william] M[oseley] Watts Scales 1 inch s 130 ft. 26.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 975 [1838] Extract from committee minutes (16 Oct. 1838) concerning defects in lease from Dean and Chapter of St. Pauls to Company of property as in DD/8/967-973, and moving of "occupation road1 "between 'lots 10 and 11 of Company1s frontage ground'

976 29 Sep. I838 Memorandum of agreement to let 1. William Mosley (sic) Watts, Byfeld House, Barnes, gent. 2. John Jones, Barnes, policeman Barness l^a. ground at comer of Bridge Rd. Rents £10 p.a.

977 25 Mar. I849 Memorandum of agreement to let 1. Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. 2. Samuel Jeffreys, Barnes, gardener Barnes s land in Bridge Rd. late in occu­ pation of John Jones Rents £10 p.a.

978/1-2 978/1 14 Oct. I875 Letter F. Spratley, Yew Tree Cottage, Pinchamp­ stead, nr. Wokingham, co. Berks. to 1 Bridge Committee, Hammersmith' Offers to take over tenancy of Strawberry Cottage, Barnes from *Mr. Jeffrey1 , nurseryman, at rent of £22 p.a. Stamped to make tenancy agreement 978/2 15 Oct. 1875 Copy reply to above

979 25 Nov. 1875 Copy letter Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. to P. Spratley, Strawberry Cottage, Castelnau Rd., Barnes Conditions of tenure of Strawberry Cottage 27. Bef. Bate Description DD/8/ 980 4 Dec. 1875 Letter F. Spratley, Strawberry Cottage, Castelnau Rd., [Barnes] to "Bridge Committee1 Agrees to conditions of tenure Stamped to make tenancy agreement

981 6 Jan. 1879 Letter S. P. Miller and Sons, 4 King St., St. James's Sq., S.W. to Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. With agreement with 'Mr. Foulger' for signature

982 15 Nov. 1879 Letter Reuben Poulger, Strawberry Cottage, Barnes to tHammersmith Bridge Committee' Wishes to rebuild shop in front of Strawberry Cottage

985 ND Letter R[euben] Poulger, Strawberry Cottage, Barnes to 'Mr. Glasson' Is he to pay 'Mr. Sale's' bill for repairing roof of cottage?

984 25 Mar. I849 Memorandum of agreement to let 1. Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. 2. William Pre win, Castelnau Rd., Barnes Bamess cottage and land ' lately in his own occupation' Rents £12 p.a. 28.

Eef. Date Description DD/8/ 985/1-2 985/1 20 Sep. 1872 Memorandum of agreement to let 1. George William Greenhill, Priory Lodge, Barnes, co. Surr. esq. 2. Frederick James Ravenscroft, 200 Regents St., esq. Barnes: grass field nr. Red Lion, Upper Bridge Rd., late i n occupation of Mrs. Greenhill, deed. Rent: £28 p.a. 10 Apr. 1877 Endorsed: cancellation of agreement [1878] Altered to make draft agreement to let as from 25 Dec. 1878 Parties not given 985/2 5 Aug. 1878 Notice of intention to quit Pope Roach, 8 St. James * St., S.W., pharmaceutical chemist to G. W. Greenhill Barnes: land adjoining 40 Castelnau

986 19 Sep. 1878 Memorandum of agreement to let 1. Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. 2. Pope Roach, 38 Castelnau Villas, Barnes co. Surr. Barnes: garden between private road next 40 Castelnau Villas and hedge next land occupied by William Pharo Rent: £16 p.a.

987 19 Sep. 1878 Memorandum of agreement to let 1. Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. 2. Alexander Nesbitt, Barnes, co. Surr. Property as in DD/8/985/l Rent: £28 p.a.

988 21 Aug. I84O Plan from sale particulars Barnes: land on either side of Hammersmith Bridge Rd. ND Endorsed: sketch plan of small building 29.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 989a-c 11 July 1832 Sale particulars Layton Cooke for Hammersmith Bridge Co. Hammersmiths "building plot at corner of Bridge Rd. and Broadway Fulham Manors building plot on e. side Angel Lane, Hammersmiths 3 building plots on either side Hammersmith Bridge Rd. Barnes (leasehold)s orchard called Lord's close nr. Chiswick Ferry Rd. ; 6 tenements on road from Richmond to Putney nr. Barnes Common1 tenement on road from Bridge to Richmond on Barnes Green1 reisdence on above road 'nearly opposite' church; 8 building plots on either side Hammersmith Bridge Rd.; purchasers and prices marked

990 [11 July 1832] Plan to go with above Endorseds 'Poupard- Near the Gate, Fulham Road'

991 [11 July 1852] Plan as DD/8/990f coloured; lots sold marked 21 Dec. 1838 Signeds 'Chas. L. Boileau. Chairman'

Plan as DD/8/990 992/1-3 [11 July 1832] (3 copies)

Sale particulars 993 21 June 1825 Messrs. Robins Fulham Manors residence 'for many years occupied as the Rectory House' with 3a. grounds on line of new bridge

994a-b 14 July 1835 Sale particulars 'Mr. Gomme' Fulham Manors 6 plots building ground on w. side of s. end of Hammersmith Bridge Rd. Plan given, showing suggested development 30.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 995-999 14 July 1835 Sale particulars as above (5 copies without plan)

1000-1001 14 July 1835 Plan as i n DD/8/994; MS annotations

1002 14 July 1835 MS version of plan as in DD/8/994, larger scale, some differences

1003 14 July 1835 Proof poster advertising auction as i n DD/8/994

Reports on fabric of Bridge and materials

1004 ND [?1834] Note of defective beams and planks i n Bridge

1005 17 Mar. 1840 Note of length of suspension chains and other statistics concerning iron­ and wood work of Bridge Marked: "With Mr. Wilkinson'

1006 9 Oct. 1843 Table [?part of letter] Addressed to 'Mr. English', Bridge Office, Hammersmith Weights of various bearers Notes 'No. 128 is the Beam I spoke of to you (signed) A. English'

1007 18 Aug. 1865 Report H. D. Crystall to *Gentlemen of Hammersmith Bridge Committee' 1Pathways side timbers, nosings, rails etc.' of Bridge Register no. 5528a

1008 ND [?1869] Copy report (12 Mar. I869) R. M. Ordish, 18 Great George St., Westminster to Committee of Management *Strength, stability and state of repair' of Bridge 31.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1009 ND [?1869] Copy report (15 Mar. I869) Col. N. Yolland, Railway Department, Board of Trade, to Home Office Examination of stability of Bridge with assistance of R. M. Ordishs tests on ironwork from bridge by "Mr. Kirkaldy1 , The Grove, Southwarks with particular reference to weight of Boat-Race crowds Register no. 5892

1010 ND [?1869] Copy of DD/8/IOO9

1011 ND [?k865] Note of contents of reports on strength of Chelsea Bridge submitted i n pursuance of order of House of Commons of 1 Aug. 1862

1012a-b ND [?1865] Copy report (12 Jan. I863) [?Daspector], Railway Department, Board of Trade to [?First Commissioner of H.M. Works] Statistics in Parliamentary Paper no. 506 concerning "suspension bridges generally and Chelsea Bridge in particular1

1013 ND [?1865] Note on strength of Chelsea Bridge

1014 ND [?1865] Table of results of trials at , Sep. 1862 ("Mr. Sharp present") of iron from various manufacturers

1015 Nov. 1878 Copy report John Hawkshaw and W. H. Barlow, 2 Old Palace Yard, Westminster to "Directors", Hammersmith Bridge Co. Strength and state of repair of Bridge 32.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1016/1-2 12 Mar. 1880 Letter and envelope R. M. Ordish, 2 Middle , Whitehall, S.W. to Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. Cannot add anything to his last report of 20 Mar. 1879

1017 ND Sketch of the Surrey pier of Lambeth Iron Bridge, on House of Commons notepaper

Material relating to agents and employees

1018 8 Oct. 1827 Bond 1. William Lawrence, 7 Prat PI., Camden Town, co. Middsx., yeoman (in £100) Charles Stable, Bedford St., Bedford Sq., co. Middsx., esq. (in £100) 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Conditions proper performance of duties of tol l collector by Lawrence

1019 2 Oct. 1831 Deed of appointment 1. Hammersmith Bridge Co. 2. William Matthew Thiselton, Great Russell St., Bloomsbury, co. Middsx., esq To be agent of Company at vestry meetings of Hamlet of Hammersmith and Parish of Barnes, co. Surr.

1020 20 Feb. 1835 Extracts from minute books concerning appointment of W. Tierney Clark as engineer, subsequently consulting engineer, his salary and fees

1021 2 Sep. 1868 Letter John Franklin, 29 New Bridge St., Black­ friars, E.C. to Directors, Hammersmith Bridge Co. Application for post of chief tol l collector, was pay sergeant i n Royal Artiller y 33.

Ref. Date ­ Description DD/8/ 1022 Aug. 1878 Volume containing weekly time and wages - June 1880 accounts for labourers on roads Gives names of labourers, how employed, wages and signatures or marks

1023 Mar. 1879 Volume containing daily memoranda of - June 1880 employment of labourers Gives names, where and how employed, number of horses used

1024 2 May 1877 Letter W. M. [?Lesmith], Solicitor^ Dept., Metropolitan Board of Works, Spring Gardens, S.W. to George Glasson, Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. Parliamentary Committee cannot consent to addition of clause to Metropolis Toll Bridges Bil l to give Glasson same pension as clerk and assistant clerk to Waterloo Bridge Co.

1025 1877 Petition (printed) of George Glasson to House of Lords against Metropolis Toll Bridges Bil l

1026 20 Nov. 1880 Copy letter George Glasson to Edgar Dogget Wil l withdraw claim for [?pension in lieu of] commission on sales of shares; Matthew Piercey*s returns are ready for inspections men anxious to know what pensions wil l be

1027-1033 ND[?1880] Rough calculations [?pensions due to Secretary and other employees] 34.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ Papers relating to Bird v. Jones and Jones v. Barrett

1034 23 Dec. 1843 Morning Herald pp. 3-6 Contains report on hearing of Bird v. Jones (Queen1s Bench)

1035-1042 May 1845 Correspondence "between G. W. Jones, Castelnau, Barnes; L. Bathurst, p-2] Vale PI., Hammersmith and James Bird, 5 New Inn Unsuccessful efforts of Bathurst to mediate in Bird v. Jones

1043 May 1845 Draft authorisation by parties for L. Bathurst to notify court of decision not to proceed

IO44/I-7 July I845 Pile of correspondence between G. W. Jones and James Bird, 5 New Inn, and Jones v. Barrett! Jones wishes to compensate Barrett, whose solicitor is Bird, for mis­ taken prosecution

1045 19 Nov. 1845 Copy counsel's opinion E. Smirke Bird v. Jones 5 plaintiff unlikely to succeed List of both sides' witnesses given

Tollss leases and returns

1046 25 July 1831 Lease for 1 year 1. Hammersmith Bridge Co. 2. Lewis Levy, Crescent PI. , Blackfriars, gent. Bridge tolls Rents £2,520 p.a. 35.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1047 29 Oct. 1836 Lease for 1 year Parties as above Bridge tolls Rents £2,90 0 p.a.

1048-1306 May 1879 Bundle of collectors' daily returns of tolls; - Jan. 1880 totals given for each hour; endorsed with notes of prevailing weather

1307-14H Jan. ­ Apr. 1880 Bundle of returns as above

Tollss miscellaneous material

1415 ND Tables of tolls to be charged for overweight vehicles

1416 ND [?1844] Draft case for [?counsel's] opinion con­ cerning summonses issued against Secretary and tollman by William Joseph Goodwin for taking toll on Queen's horses

1417 Apr. ­ Oct. I844 Table of pier tolls collected

1418 15 Aug. 1873 Statement of tolls taken in 6 months after freeing of Kew Bridge from tolls (8 Feb. 1873) compared with same period in 1871 and 1872

1419a-b I860 Case for counsel's opinion concerning questions raised by passage over Bridge of heavy steam traction engine and train

Material relating to roads

1420-1423 ND [?1822] Notes of distances between various places by proposed new road over Bridge, compared with existing routes

1424-1435 ND [?186l] Copies of minutes and correspondence (1851-1861) concerning negotiations between Hammersmith Bridge Co. and Surveyors of Parish of Hammer­ smith and Fulham Board of Works for transfer of responsibility for Hammersmith Bridge Rd. 36.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1436-1437 30 May 1861 Note [?by member of sub-committee of roads] of outcome of meeting with deputation from Fulham Board of Works concerning Hammersmith Bridge Road? and instructions to Secretary on further action

1438 11 May 1861 West London Observers report on 'The Bridge Road Controversy1

1439 25 May 1861 West London Observers report as above

1440-1441 ND Notes of quantities of gravel and Macadam used on roads i n Barnes, 1874-1879

1442/1-8 1442/1-7 May 1878 Notices from West Middlesex Water Works to - Feb. 1880 reinstate paving i n Hammersmith Bridge Rd. 1442/8 1880 Note of materials used i n reinstatement of paving

Rates and taxes s receipts and miscellaneous material

1443 ND Bundle labels "Hammersmith land tax to L[ady]day 18331 [original contents of bundle not known]

I444/I-5 I444/I-4 July 1829 Receipts - Apr. 1830 1. W. Roberts, collector 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Land tax and male servants tax (on 2 clerks) I444/5 22 May 1837 Note of land to be redeemed from land tax viz. s Hammersmith; land on which are built "hold­ down pier' of Bridge, tollhouses, office or Secretary's residence, and tollman's resi- dence, and land ad joinings sketch plan given 37. Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1445 31 Jan. 1829 Receipt 1. W. Morison, overseer 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Hammersmith Poor Rate

1446 ND Receipt 1. V. Roberts, collector 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Hammersmith land tax (due Ladyday 1831)

1447 ND Rough calculations and extracts from account hook concerning rates and taxes 1829-1835

1448 ND Demand 1. W. Roberts (coal merchant), collector 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Land tax (Hammersmith) and window duty due 1836

1449A-2 I449/I ND Demand 1. W. Roberts, coal merchant, Hammersmith, collector 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Land tax and window duty due Michaelmas I836 1449/2 ND Receipt 1. [Not signed] 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Land tax (Hammersmith) due Lady Day I836

1450 Aug. 1857 Notification of assessment 1. James H. Green, 8 King St. and John C. Lindsey, 11 St. Peter's PI., Hammersmith, collectors 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Land tax on Bridge

1451/1-2 1451/1 ND Demand 1. John C. Lindsey, address as above 2. Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. Land tax due 20 Mar. 1858 38.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1451/2 ND Note [?from John C. Lindsey] that "the authorities at " say that tax on tolls not redeemed

1452/1-2 1452/1 ND Demand 1. John Thompson, Hammersmith Printing Works, Broadway, collector 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Land tax due 20 Mar. 1857 1452/2 ND Extracts from collector"s duplicate land tax assessment I856

1453 I856 Copy case for counsel "s opinion; whether * land tax on Hammersmith Bridge tolls has been redeemed

1454-1457 Income tax return forms (James Henry Green, King St., Hammersmith, assessor); not fille d i n

I454-I455 29 July 1861 For assessment of house under Schedule A; addressed to "Mr. Jones"

1456 29 July 1861 For assessment of profits i n trades, professions etc. under Schedule D? addressed to "Mr. Jones"

1457 29 Aug. 1861 For assessment of lands, tenements and hereditaments under Schedules A and B; addressed to Hammersmith Bridge Co.

1458 ND Final demand Stephen Scarbrow, 10 Cary Villas, Angel Rd., Hammersmith, collector, East District Hammersmith Sewers Rate and Poor Rate, made June 1861 39.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1459 July 1868 Notification of assessment 1. James Henry Green, 72 King St. West, Hammersmith, collector 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Dshabited house duty

1460 14 Aug. 1868 Note by Hammersmith Vestry Clerk of rateable value of Bridge office

1461 ND Demand 1. S. Scarbrow, 6 Cary Villas, Angel Rd., Hammersmith, collector, East District 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Hammersmith Lighting Rate and Sewers Rate, made Dec. 1868

I462 ND Demand 1. 'Mr. Robins', St. Peter1 s Sq., church­ warden 2. Hammersmith Bridge Co. Hammersmith Church Rate, made Feb. 1845

1463a­b I860 List of voluntary contributions to repair of Hammersmith Parish Church in lieu of Church Rate

I464 ND Extract from Waterloo Bridge Act (49 Geo.III c.191, section 119) concerning freedom from rates

I465/I-3 File of Acts of Parliament concerning land tax (Dates in date column are of printing) I465/I 1819 58 Geo.III c.5 (1797) 1465/2 1802 42 Geo.III c.116 (1802) 1465/3 1814 53 Geo.III c.142 (1813) 40.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ Material concerning legislation opposed by the Company

1466 ND [?1843] Copy petition of Hammersmith Bridge Company to House of Commons against Richmond Railway Bill , with particular reference to proposed bridge to carry Company^ road over line

1467 27 Jan. I869 Draft petition T. W. Davies and A. J . Roberts, members of Committee of Management to Metropolitan Board of Works Against proposed legislation to free Kew Bridge from tolls

1468-1474 I869 Notes made i n preparation of case to be made before committee of House of Commons on bill to free Kew Bridge from tolls

Material concerning legal actions against the Company

1475/1-9 Pile of papers relating to Richmond Conveyance Co. v. Hammersmith Bridge Co. over damage to omnibus i n accident on Bridge, 29 Nov. I848 1475A ND Copy summons 1475/2 Dec. I848 Copy letters between G. Tolley, Secretary, Richmond Conveyance Co. and G. W. Jones, Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. Liability for damage 1475/3 17 Jan. I849 Copy notice James Baker Roberts, , co. Surr., attorney for Joseph ELlis , Joseph Seaton and James Darnill, trustees of Richmond Conveyance Co. to Hammersmith Bridge Co. Intention to institute proceedings i n county court of Surrey 41.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1475/4 ND Copy bil l 1. Henry Gray 2. Richmond Conveyance Co. Repairs to omnibus 1475/5 2 Dec. I848 Note [?by Secretary] concerning above bil l and circumstances of accident 1475/6-8 ND Draft statements concerning accident by Benjamin Collins, James Gibbs and Thomas Grinsted 1475/9 Pile cover

I476 Oct. I845 Copy correspondence between Charles W . H. Lovell, Grays Inn and E. S. Bailey, 5 Berners St. 'Hammersmith Bridge appeal'

1477-1478 2 Feb. 1849 Judgement of Lord Benman in R. v. Hammersmith Bridge Co. (Queen's Bench) concerning rate liabilit y of Bridge 2 MS copies

1479 51 Jan. 12 Viet. Copy orders i n R. v. Hammersmith Bridge Co. [1849]

1480 ND Note of committee resolution concerning legal action over increased sewer rate

Material relating to the Metropolis Toll Bridges Act, and the end of the Company

1481 1 Dec. 1874 Printed notice W. Wyke Smith, solicitor to the bill, Metropolitan Board of Works, Spring Gdns., S.W. to Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. Metropolitan Board of Works will seek, by Metropolitan Bridges and East and West Perry Roads (Poplar) Bill , to throw open various bridges, including Hammersmith 42.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1482-1484 26 May I876 Report of select committee of House of Commons, Toll Bridges (River Thames) (3 copies)

1485 12 Apr. 1877 Report of select committee of House of Commons, Metropolis Toll Bridges Bil l

1486 1877 Metropolis Toll Bridges Bill (as amended by select committee)

1487 28 Nov. 1878 Copy particulars of claim by Hammersmith Bridge Co. to Metropolitan Board of Works under terms of Metropolis Toll Bridges Act (1877) and notice of desire for settlement by arbitration

1488 1879 Copy letter Eb[?eneeze]r C. Morley, Morley and Shirreff, 13 Palmerston Buildings, Old Broad St., London E.C. to M. Horridge, J.P. In accordance with desire of [Barnes] Vestry, has consulted solicitors of Metropolitan Board of Works and Hammersmith Bridge Co. over liability of Company for repairs to roads under Metropolis Toll Bridges Act? gives opinion that Vestry should appoint committee to negotiate

1489a­c May 1879 Statement of claim of plaintiffs in Metro­ politan Board of Works v. Hammersmith Bridge Co. (High Court, Chancery Division)

1490 1879 Statement of defence in above case

1491 25 Oct. 1879 Statement on defence of Mortlake District Highway Board (as board for district comprising Barnes) i n Metropolitan Board of Works v. Hammersmith Bridge Co., Fulham Board of Works and Mortlake District Highway Board (High Court, Chancery Division) 43

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1492 30 Jan. 1880 pp. 1-4 and 13-16; report on Metropolitan Board of Works v. Hammersmith Bridge Co.

1493 ND [?4 Mar. 1880] Note of intended motion 'to take into consideration the offer of the Metropolitan Board of Works1

1494 12 May 1880 Daily News pp. 7-8; notice of special and annual general meetings to he held 3 June

1495/1-5 1495/1-4 [?June] 1880 Notes concerning settlement of Company's liabilities and payment to shareholders out of sum to be received from Metropolitan Board of Works 1495/5 ND [?June 1880] List of claims against Company by 'surveyors and others1 in connection with sale of 1 Bridge undertaking' to Metropolitan Board of Works

1496 6 July 1880 Power of attorney 1. William Robinson, 18 Charterhouse Sq., co. Middsx. gent. Anthony Vicat, Laurel House, Brodrick Rd., , co. Surr., gent. Cicely Ann Nelson Vicat, East lodge, Bradboume Vale, Sevenoaks, co. Kent, spinster 2. William Howell, 18 Charterhouse Sq., co. Middsx., gent To receive dividend or* or prior to, dis- solution of Company

1497 30 July 1880 Power of attorney 1. Sir Samuel St. Swithin Burden Whalley, kt., Aix-les-Bains, Prance 2. Herries, Farquhar and Co., St. James's St., London, bankers To receive dividend as above 44-

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1498 4 Aug. 1880 Letter Berries, Faxquhar and Co., 16 St. James's St., London S.W. to Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. With above power of attorney for registration

1499 30 Sep. 1880 Power of attorney 1. Ann Ward, late Barnes, now 8 Bonsall Terr., Maxted Rd., , co. Surr., spinster 2. Robert Fitz Finnis, 19 Surrey St., Strand, and Turnham Green, co. Middsx., solicitor To receive al l money due from Hammersmith Bridge Co. to her in own right or as executrix of sister Caroline Ward

Printed material relating to Bridge

1500/1-15 ND Scrapbook containing printed material 1824-1831 and 1880 (See Appendix VI)

1501 4 May 1825 Couriers contains announcement of ceremony of laying foundation stone of Bridge, 7 May

1502 9 May 1825 Couriers contains report on above ceremony

1503 17 Nov. 1827 Mechanics' Magazine (vol.VIII no.221)5 contains article on Bridge, with picture [Appears to have been removed from bound vol.]

1504 23 Nov. 1827 London Gazettes contains notice of Bil l to amend 5 Geo.IV c.112 [Appears to have been removed from bound vol.]

1505-1509 ND Handbill announcing service of iron steam boats between City and Kew (5 copies) 45.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ Miscellaneous material relating to other Thames bridges

1510 1782 Act of Parliament 22 Geo.III c.42 (1782) Kew Bridge

1511 1855 Act of Parliament 12 Geo.I c.36 (1725) Fulham Bridge

1512 1835 Act of Parliament 1 Geo.II c.18 (1727) Fulham Bridge

1513 I863 Act of Parliament 26 and 27 Viet, c.211 (I863) New bridge from Putney to Fulham

1514 ND [?1862] List of original costs, types of construction and dimensions of London, , Black­ friars, Waterloo, Hungerford (suspension), Westminster (old and new), Vauxhall, and Chelsea (suspension) bridges

1515/1-2 I515/I 8 Mar. 1880 Globe pp. 3-61 contains report on sum to be paid by Metropolitan Board of Works for

1515/2 ND Cutting from newspapers report on discussions at meeting of Metropolitan Board of Works concerning Wandsworth Bridge

1516 ND Table of revenue and outgoings of , 1868-187?

1517 1845 Panorama, i n 2 parts of London from s. of rivers given with Illustrated London Newss shows bridges between London and Vauxhall 46.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ Personal correspondence of George Glasson

1518 2 June I869 Letter W. H. Whiffin, Office of West Middlesex Water Works, 19 Rd., N.W. to George Glasson, Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. Would not be desirable to propose increase i n committee allowances at present; con­ suited Major Boileau after [?West Middlesex Water Works] board meeting, 1 between our­ selves1 he does not seem to favour increase

1519 21 Mar. 1888 Letter James Cook, School Board for London, Chelsea Division, 8 Russell Gdns., Kensington, S.W. to G. Glasson [?as member of Health Sub Committee for Flora Gardens School] Forwards 'Preliminary list of Exception Cases1

1520 20 Mar. 1888 Letter [?Revd. ] J. Arrowsmith, Stoke Row Vicarage, Henley on Thames to G. Glasson Can *we* as trustees of estate of late 'Miss Ball' authorise transfer of capital from 3% to 2f% Consols? Is consent of "the three societies1 necessary? Lower interest will not produce enough for Mrs. [Hannah] Knight1 s annuity

1521 21 Mar. 1888 Copy letter George Glasson, 2 Hammersmith Terr, to Mr. Arrowsmith, Stoke Row Vicarage Will consult societies 47.

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1522 ED [22 Mar. 1888] Copy letter [George Glasson] to Mr. Arrowsmith British and Foreign Bible Society agree to transfers Society for promoting Christianity amongst the Jews and Church Missionary Society are considering i t


1523 ND [?1843] Two recipes for "grape wine', one copied from Gardeners' Gazette, Oct. 1937

1524 5 Feb. 1933 Envelope addressed to 'The Borough Librarian, Borough of Hammersmith Public Libraries, Central Carnegie Library, Hammersmith, W.6.' Contained DD/8/1501-1502

1525 10 Aug. 1934 Envelope addressed to 'The Borough Librarian, Hammersmith Central (Carnegie) Library, W.8*; same handwriting as above Contained DD/8/1503-1504 49.

Appendix I

Share certificates % DD/8/14-IO6

Bef. Nos. of shares Date Holder DB/8/ 14-28 131-145 3 Nov. 1824 Matthias Koops Knight, Berners St., co. Middsx., esq..

29 157 " Sir John Scott Lillie, Pulham

30 I69 9 Feb. 1825 Joseph Jessop, Sutton Court, Chiswick, co. Middsx.

31-34 291-294 3 Nov. 1824 William Prater, Noble St., City of London, esq..

35-37 308-510 George Pring, Hammersmith, esq.

38-42 639-643 10 Nov. 1824 Joseph Grout, Gutter Lane, City of London, esq.

43-47 735-739 " Richard William Silvester, The Strand, esq.

48-58 740-750 10 Nov. 1824 Mrs. Frances Farrend, Barnes, co. Surr

59-63 896-900 " William Penning, Stamford St., Blackfriars, esq.

64 1037 " Mr. Thomas Youde, Hammersmith

65 1038 " Illegible [?as above]

66-85 1057-1076 " Jeffery Ludlam Barton, Bishops­ gate St., esq.

86-90 1263-1267 11 John Thomas, Brunswick Sq., esq.

91-94 1457-1440 " Thomas Steward, Great Deans Yard, Westminster, esq. 50.

Appendix I (continued)

Hef. Nos. of shares Date Holder DD/8/ 95-97 1463-1465 10 Nov. 1824 John Satchell, Eiver Terr., Islington, esq.

98-100 1485-1485 " Charles Edmonds, Change Alley, City of London, esq.

101-102 1561-1562 9 Feb. 1825 Joseph Jessop, Sutton [Court, Chiswick], co. Middsx.

103-106 Illegible Illegible Illegible [?as above] 51.

Appendix II

Share transfers; DP/8/107-147

Ref. No. of Date Nos. of Holders transfer shares BD/8/ 107 65 4 Jan. 1828 981-987 1. John Pycroft, Chiswick, co. Middsx., esq. 2. Matthias Koops Knight, Berners St., Oxford St., London, esq.

108 72 17 May 1828 308-310 1. George Scott, Ravenscourt, Hammersmith, esq. 2. Marianne Knight, wife of Matthias Koops Knight, Bemers St., Oxford St., London, esq.

109 99 10 Dec. 1828 819-823, 1. Roosilia Sutton, Bottesford, 1186 co. Leic., widow, adminis­ - 1190 tratrix of late Sir Charles Sutton, K.C.B., Bottesford 2. Samuel Turner, Haymarket, London, esq.

110 (See main list)

111 107 12 Jan. 1829 291-294 1. Henry Prater, Church Yard Court, Middle Temple 2. Mary Ann Knight, Grove End Rd., St, Marylebone, spinster

112 150 23 Oct. 1830 316-320, 1. William Pater, Hammersmith, 708-717, wax and tallow chandler 1380-1381, 2. Si r Samuel St. Swithin I468, Burden Whalley, Avenue Rd., 1486-1487 Regents Park, co. Middsx., kt. 52.

Appendix II (continued)

Ref. No. of Date Nos. of Holders transfer shares DD/8/ 113 151 8 Nov. 1830 286-290 1. William Prater, late Noble St., , London, now Dealby Terr., City Rd., co. Middsx., esq. 2. As 2. above

114 167 30 Nov. 1831 863-872 1. Thomas Wetherell, Hammer- smith, esq. 2. Capt. John Guyon R.N., Rich­ mond, co. Surr.

115 (See main list )

116 222 13 July 1835 896-900 1. William Penning, Stamford St., Blackfriars, co. Surr., esq. 2. Marianne Knight, wife of Matthias Koops Knight, 20 Nottingham PI., New Rd., esq.

117 227 24 Oct. 1835 609-613 1. Sir Samuel St. Swithin Burden Whalley, St. John! s Wood, co. Middsx., kt. and M.P. 2. Matthias Koops Knight, Nottingham Place, New Rd., co. Middsx., esq.

118 246 17 Apr. 1837 773-774, 1. Thomas Lotherington, 1372-1374 Southwood Hall, nr. Tun­ bridge, co. Kent, esq. 2. Si r Samuel St. Swithin Burden Whalley, St. John's Wood, co. Middsx., kt. 53.

Appendix II (continued)

Ref. Mo. of Date HPS, of Holders transfer shares DD/8/ 119 298 27 Sep. 1841 295-296, 1. Charlotte Slack George, 1221-1224 205 Fleet St., City of London, spinster 2. Matthias Koops Knight, 20 Nottingham PI., New Rd., co. Middsx., esq..

120 299 30 Sep. 1841 II6-I25, 1. Charles Lestock Boileau, 901-920 Castelnau, Banres, co. Surr., esq.. 2. As 2. above

121 345 30 July I846 91-95 1. Caroline Elizabeth Windham, Felbrigg, co. Norf., spinster 2. Marianne Knight, wife of Matthias Koops Knight, 20 Nottingham PI., New Rd., co. Middsx., esq.

122 348 20 Feb. 1847 1297-1301 1. William Roper Weston, Thomas Long, Robert Latter, executors of Revd. Richard Samuel Dixon, Upper Barley St., London 2* William Hedges, Hill , , gent.

123/1-2 137 2 June 1830 1546-1550 1. John Clarke, Grove End Rd., St. jQhn*s Wood, and Stock Exchange, gent. 2. John Hopcraft, 65 Berkeley St., gent. 54.

Appendix II (continued)

Ref. Mo. of Date HPS, of Holders transfer shares DD/8/ 123/3 354 31 July 1849 I.546-I55O 1. Elizabeth Hopcraft, widow and executrix of John Hop­ craft, Cheltenham 2. Marianne Knight, wife of Matthias Koops Knight, Nottingham PI. , New Rd., co. Middsx., esq.

124 359 26 Nov. I849 829-833 1. Sarah Warde, 2 Calcott PI., Regents Park, widow, Richard Quincey, 7 Basing Lane, City, merchant, John Huskisson, Swinton St., Grays Inn Rd., co. Middsx., chemist, executors of Ambrose Warde, esq. 2. Robert Low, Lower Mall, Hammersmith, esq.

125 361 6 Feb. 1850 591-593 1. Thomas Martyn, Whitechapel Rd., co. Middsx., linen draper 2. As 2. above

126 363 2 Apr. 1850 688-690, 1. James Lovett Jones, Renfrew 976-980 Lodge, , co. Surr., esq. 2. Robert Low, Lower Mall, [Hammersmith], co. Middsx.

127 365 30 Aug. 1850 458-46I, 1. Revd. Charles Perring, 1598-1600 administrator of late Philip Perring, Devonshire PI., New Rd., esq. 2. Marianne Knight, wife of Matthias Koops Knight, 20 Nottingham PI. , New Rd., ao. Middsx., esq. 55.

Appendix II (continued)

Ref. No. of Date Nos. of Holders transfer shares DD/8/ 128 366 30 Aug. 1850 1236-1245 1. As 1. above 2. Matthias Koops Knight, 20 Nottingham PI., New Rd., co. Middsx., esq.

129 374 12 Aug. 1851 94I-96O 1. Admiral Sir Charles Ogle, kt., 46 Eaton PI. , Belgrave Sq., co. Middsx. 2. Dr. Neil Arnott, 38 Bedford Sq., co. Middsx.

130 376 20 Jan. 1852 889-890 1. John Roberts, Avonhill, Midford, nr. Bath, co. Som., esq. 2. Matthias Koops Knight, 20 Nottingham PI., New Rd., CO. Middsx., esq.

131 389 30 May 1853 1263-1267 1. Le Marchant Thomas, esq., executor of John Thomas, Tokenhouse Yard, City of London, esq. 2. Marianne Knight, wife of Matthias Koops Knight, 20 Nottingham PI., New Rd., co. Middsx., esq.

132 395 27 Jan. 1854 116-125, 1. Marianne Knight, widow, 131-145, Neil Arnott, doctor of 295-296, medicine, executors of 609-613, late Matthias Koops Knight, 889-890, 20 Nottingham PI., New Rd., 901-920, esq. 1221-1224, 2. Marianne Knight, 20 1241-1245, Nottingham PI., New Rd., 1286-1290 widow of said M. K. Knight 56.

Appendix II (continued)

Ref. No. of Date Nos. of Holders transfer shares DD/8/ 133 400 21 Aug. 1854 413-414 1. Charles Ward, Barnes Green, co. Surr., esq. 2. Miss Caroline Ward, Barnes Green, co. Surr.

134 418 31 Mar. I856 728-729 1. Thomas Hill, Windsor, co. Berks., William Bird the younger, Brook Green, executors of Francis Robinson, Richmond, administrator of effects of George Robinson jnr., his brother 2. Caroline Ward, Barnes, co. Surr., spinster

135 456" 3 Oct. 1859 1437-1440 1. Elias Bremridge, 17 Blooms­ bury Sq., co. Middsx., esq. 2. Robert Low, Lower Mall, Hammersmith, esq.

136 516 20 Apr. I864 1168-1170 1. Anne Steward, Francis John Steward, executors of late Thomas Frances (sic) Steward 2. Edward Swinborne Chalk, The Lodge, Barnes, co. Surr., esq.

137 537 25 Apr. 1866 II76-II8O, 1. Frances Pemell, widow and 1375-1379 executrix of Edmund Pemell, 6 Lonsdale Terr., Barnes, co. Surr., civi l engineer 2. Robert Low, 21 Bedford Sq., Bloomsbury, co. Middsx., esq. 57. Appendix II (continued)

Ref. No. of Date Nos. of Holders transfer shares DB/8/ 138 543 1 Feb. 1867 1417-1422 1. Ernest Oswald Coe, Brook St., Grosvenor Sq., gent. 2. As 2. above

139 545 16 Sep. I867 649-653, 1. Revd. Arthur Gibson, Ched­ 763-767 worth, Northleach, co. Glouc., executor of Revd. John Gibson, Newbold Pacey, co. Warw. 2. As 2. above

140 546 16 Sep. 1867 659-648 1. As 1. above 2. George Glasson, Bridge Office, Hammersmith, gent.

HI 553 10 Apr. I869 485-489 1. George Edward Cook, Latymer Cottage, Hammer­ smith, esq. 2. Edgar Leuchars, Mil l Lodge, Barnes, co. Surr., esq.

142 557 19 June I869 69I-692, 1. As 1. above 873-874, 2. Robert Low, 21 Bedford Sq., 975, Bloomsbury, co. Middsx., 1022-1026, esq. 1166-1167, 1563-1565

143 566 1 Dec. I869 331-335, 1. Thomas Hart, Hemel Hempsted, 1280-1282 co. Hertf., George Reed, 5 Hampton St., Walworth, executors of Margaret Prater, South­ borough, Bromley, co. Kent 2. As 2. above 58.

Appendix II (continued)

Ref. No, of Date NOB, of Holders transfer shares DD/8/ 144 580 6 Dec. 1871 276-285 1. Jane Leuchars, William Leuchars, Edgar Leuchars, executors of William Leuchars, , esq. 2. Jane Leuchars, Elm Wood, Upper Richmond Rd., Putney, widow

145 582 6 Dec. 1871 1196-1200, 1. As 1. above 1489-1493 2. Edgar Leuchars, Elm Wood, Upper Richmond Rd., Putney

146 619 19 Aug. 1875 941-960 1. Marianne Arnott, 2 Cumber­ land Terr., Regents Park, co. Middsx., widow Alexander Bain, University of , esq., Alfred Swaine Taylor, 15 St. James*s Terr., Regents Park, co. Middsx., M.D., esq., executors of late Dr. Neil Arnott 2. Marianne Arnott, 2 Cumber­ land Terr., Regents Park, co. Middsx., widow

147 628 3 July I876 690-692, 1. Mary Ann Church, 27 Nor­ 873-874, folk Sq., Brighton, widow 976-980 2. John Beal, 55 East St., Brighton, stationer 59.

Appendix III

Contents of DP/8/291-592

A. Bills and receipts for payment for goods and services (all receipts unless otherwise specified)

Ref. Date Prom Goods or services supplied DD/8/ 291 31 Jan. 1857 R. Vardy [?Repairing lamps]

292 21 Nov, 1840 George Chalk Unspecified

295 5 Feb. I84I James Slade Hire of van

294/1-2 25 Sep. I840, J. Ellis and Sons, 11 dinners with drinks etc. 16 Feb. 1841 Star and Garter Hotel, (Bill and receipt) Richmond Hill

295 17 Dec. I84I John Braithwaite, Gloves currier, Hammersmith, 'Near the Mansion House'

296 4 May 1842 [?W.] Parker String

297 11 May 1842 F. Hicks Ladder

298 12 May 1842 H. Penny, stationer Paper and pens etc., 8 , London

299 17 May I842 Morning Chronicle Advertisement

300 17 May 1842 The Times Advertisement

301 23 June 1842 Frederick Barry unspecified

302 13 July 1842 W. Flack Looking after notice board 'at Richmond Corner'

303-304 15 July 1842 "Ellis', Star and 15 dinners with drinks etc. Garter Hotel, Richmond (bill, 2 versions) Hill 60.

Appendix III (continued)

Ref. Date Prom Goods or services supplied DD/8/ 305 21 Sep. 1842 William Wood Repayment of toll collector^ security deposited 4 Apr. 1842

306 5 Nov. I842 James Purday Gravel

307 8 Nov. 1842 James Hunt Garden cord

308 4 Jan. 1843 W. Flack protecting Notice Board comer of Lower Road Richmond'

309 16 Feb. 1843 H. Adams Fetching barge ^ukey1 from London

310 8 Mar. I843 Richard James Adams Chains for mooring barge at bridges looking after barge

311 23 Feb. 1843 William Abrahart Emptying privy at tollhouses

312/1-5 312/1 24 Mar. I843 William Abrahart Emptying cesspool at tollhouse 312/2 ND Joseph E. Redknap Attendance with man, boats etc. 'with Messrs. Croker and Leef , April I843 312/3 ND Richard Adams Attendance with 2 men, boats etc., as above 312/4 9 May I843 The Times Advertisement 312/5 9 May 1843 Morning Chronicle Advertisement

313 22 Apr. 1843 G. Cordery Hire of horse and cart (bill)

314 3 June 1843 James A. B. Punton, Petty cash book stationer, 13 Piccadilly

315 16 June 1843 As DD/8/303-304 13 dinners with drinks etc. Endorsed? names of diners

316/1-4 316A 30 June I843 Morning Herald and Advertisement English Chronicle 61.

Appendix III (continued) Ref. Date From Goods or services supplied DD/8/ 316/2 30 June 1843 Morning Advertiser Advertisement 316/3 30 June 1843 The Times Advertisement 316/4 30 June I843 Morning Chronicle Advertisement

517 Nov. 1843 F. Hicks Lamplighting ladder, lengthening another ladder

318/1-3 318/1 29 Dec. 1843 W. Flack Looking after post on his premises 318/2 1843 Revd. R. E. Copies ton 1 year's rent charge [Rector of Barnes] 318/3 15 Jan. 1844 As DD/8/295 Gloves

319 Jan. I844 Shoolred Cook and Co., Glass cloth Tottenham House, 144* 145 and 146 Tottenham Court Rd.

320/1-7 320/I 13 Feb. [I844] Charles Lahee Making copy of plan of soundings in Thames at Hammersmith 320/2 18 Feb. I844 The Times Advertisement 320/3 19 Feb. I844 Morning Advertiser Advertisement 320/4 19 Feb. I844 The Builder Advertisement 320/5 ND ^ing^s Head' Meal 320/6 24 Feb. I844 James Lynn Gratuity for father, George Lynn Endorsed on letter from George Lynn, Church Court, Kensington, of *Kensington Turnpike', soliciting 'Christmas box1

320/7 2 Mar. I844 J. Gomme [TValuing timber]

321 30 Mar. 1844 William Porter Beer, bread and cheese 62.

Appendix III (continued)

Ref. Date Prom Goods or services supplied DD/8/ 322/1-3 322/1 29 -Apr. 1844 The Times Advertisement 322/2 29 Apr. I844 Morning Advertiser Advertisement 322/3 29 Apr. 1844 The Builder Advertisement

323 9 May 1844 The Times Advertisement

324 9 May I844 Morning Chronicle Advertisement

325 3 July I844 James Ston, smith New hinge for gate in Bridge Rd., Barnes, etc.

326 28 Sep. 1844 W. Porter Beer

327 5 Oct. 1844 John Swain Beer

528 25 Oct. 1844 R. Baker L[?am]p oil and cotton

329 25 Dec. 1844 Henry Wale Unspecified

330/1-5 550A 14 Oct. 1845 John Knight Candles and oil (hill ) 330/2 20 Dec. 1845 Kensington Board of Broken granite Guardians 330/3 5 Jan. I846 T. S. Thoreshey [?Legal fees]

551 20 Apr. I846 [?William] Wale Unspecified

332 5 June I846 Morning Chronicle Advertisement

555 15 Aug. I846 The Times Advertisement

334/1-7 334/1 5 Dec. I846 R. Aspin 2 horses and vans to Paddington (hill) 334/2 8 Dec. I846 R. Aspin Unloading flint barge 354/5 8 Dec. I846 J . Bone, Boileau Arms, Porter [Barnes] 554/4 12 Dec. I846 John Braithwaite, Gloves currier etc., Hammer­ smith 63.

Appendix III (continued)

Ref. Date From Goods or services supplied DD/8/ 334/5 5 Dec. [?1846] Note of payments to *Caucut', 1 Christ[oph?]er', "Wilson1 , "Matthews" and "Porter" 334/6 12 Dec. [?1846] Note as above, also payment for beer 334/7 ND E. Millwood Cleaning bonnets for "Mrs. Jones'

335 19 May 1847 Morning Chronicle Advertisement

336 19 May 1847 The Times Advertisement

337 1848 Robert Vardy Painting notices

338 15 May I848 Morning Chronicle Advertisement

339/1-4 339/1 14 Dec. 1848 John Finchett, linen [?Lace] draper, silk mercer etc., Broadway, Hammersmith 339/2 2 Jan. I849 J . Braithwaite, Gloves currier, etc. 339/3 15 Dec. 1848 Henry Wale unspecified 339/4 30 Dec. 1848 William Flack Looking after sign post on his premises in Mortlake Lane, Richmond

340 14 Oct. 1850 B. Jones "Old bottles for wall"

341 28 Dec. 1850 Westminster Pire Office 7 years" insurance on "Hammersmith Bridge and Offices'

342 11 Nov. 1854 R. Vardy Painting notice

343 27 Dec. 1854 William Flack As DD/8/339/4


344 9 Jan. 1855 J. Braithwaite, Gloves currier etc., Hammersmith 64.

Appendix III (continued)

Ref. Date From Goods or services supplied DD/8/ 345 ND [?1843] T. Ware, Blackfriars '1ntroducing' Secretary to Pier the Barge "Sukey'

346/L-l l ND Slips bearing names of drinks5 probably associated with one of the bill s from Star and Garter Hotel

B. Rate demands and receipts (demands unless otherwise specified)

Ref. Date Rate Collector DD/8/ 347 18 Jan. 1838 Hammersmith Poor Hate W. J. Morecraft, Westcroft PI., Hammersmith (overseer)

348 5 May I842 Hammersmith Poor Rate Frederick Clark, King St. (overseer)

349 2 July I845 Hammersmith Highway W. D. Salter, 2 Waterloo St. Rate (assistant surveyor)

350 21 May I846 Hammersmith Highway As above


351 21 June I847 Hammersmith Poor Rate W. D. Salter, 2 Waterloo St.

352 29 Mar. I848 Hammersmith Poor Rate As above

353 ND Hammersmith Poor Rate, W. Lovely, Brook Green Lane made Mar. 1854 (demand addressed to Hammer­ smith Bridge Co.)

354 ND Hammersmith Poor Rate, As above made Mar. 1854 (demand addressed to 'Mr. Jones')

555/1-2 10 May 1861 Hammersmith Metropolis - Main Drainage Rate and Sewers Rate (summonses) 65. Appendix III (continued)

Ref. Date Rate Collector DD/8/ 356 18 Feb. 1843 Barnes Poor Rate James Roseblade (receipt)

C. Tax demands and receipts

Ref. Date Tax Collector DD/8/ 357 Apr. 1844 Property Tax, Barnes G. Alchin (receipt)

358 12 Oct. 184[?4] As above As above

359 20 Oct. I846 Property and Income George Alchin Tax, Schedule A, Barnes (receipt)

360 26 Oct. I846 As above As above

361 ND Assessed taxes on house William Akhurst, Bridge Rd., in Bridge Rd., due Hammersmith Sep. I847 (demand)

362 Aug. I856 Land tax John Thompson, Broadway, (notification of Hammersmith assessment)

363A-4 363/1-2 ND Land tax on Bridge John Charles Lindsey, tolls (2 demands 11 St. Peter's Place, with incorrect sum) Hammersmith due Sep. 1857 363/3 ND As above (demand with As above corrected sum) 363/4 ND Note from J . C. Lindsey concerning error i n DD/8/363/1-2 ,,*t


Appendix III (continued)

Ref. Date Tax Collector DD/8/ 364 ND Land and assessed A. J. Roberts, coal merchant, Taxes, property tax nr. Broadway, Hammersmith (demand)

D. Other receipts

Ref. Date From For DD/8/ 365 2 July 1830 G. Hallam, White Barns, Dividend Furneux Pelham, co. Hertf.

366 11 Oct. 1839 John Jeffreys Tithes [par. ?] Fill ham Boat Charity

367 26 June I842 M. Adams (for Rector) [Rectorial tithe] rent charge, [par. Barnes]

368 17 July I844 As above As above

369 Dec. 18­ ! Mrs. Burke' Weekly instalments of £5 - Jan. 18- gratuity

E. Other material

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 370 16 Feb. 1831 Letter Secretary to M. Thiselton Esq.. Committee of Management authorise Thiselton to attend Land Tax Commissioners as Company1s representative

371 ND Draft sign, for display at Shepherd's Bush, advertising Bridge 1834 Endorsed on blank form for authorising attendance of 'Mr Christie', surgeon, Holland St., Brixton Rd., on sick pauper at expense of [?Brixton] par. 67.

Appendix III (continued)

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 372 ND Draft sale particulars of land to be let on building leases by Company 1837 Endorsed on handbill advertising sale of entire stocks of wine of Jerusalem Coffee House

373 KD Draft sale particulars as above

374 1843 List of soundings of river taken 20 Apr. [I843] in connection with steamboat pier

375 1843 List of soundings as above, taken 25-27 Apr. 1843

376 ND ­ Note of distances between Bridge and Hammer­ smith Broadway and "end of (Barnes) Common1 via Red Lion 28 Apr. I845 Endorsed on; draft letter ^oileau1 to 1Kempsens' A lease

377 ND Note of distance between Bridge along *new road1 to White Hart [?Barnes]

378 16 May I845 Printed circular announcing annual general meeting

379 1846 Thames Regatta; printed results of races, account of expenses and list of subscribers, including Hammersmith Bridge Co.

380 May 1847 Note accompanying above or similar

381 ND [?1847] Note of rate assessments on Secretary1 s house, I844-I847 68.

Appendix III (continued)

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 382 KD [?1847] Note of Company's rates i n Hammersmith, 1844-1847

383 10 July 1847 Notes 'Stark, Yeoman Rider to the Queen, a boy on one horse and a man on the other, 5 to 6 P.M.1

384 Feb. 1849 Account of Hammersmith Poor Rates due and paid, for 1844-1848 Endorsed; , Dalrimple, Grosvenor St. occulist,

385/1-2 385/1 26 Feb. 1849 Promise to pay £15 1. J . Jones, William Carpenter 2. G. W. Jones, Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. 385/2 16 Mar. 1849 Promise to pay £5 1. Thomas Beaumont 2. George William Jones, Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co.

386/1-2 KD Abstracts of checks taken against takings of Henry Wale, night toll collector, Mar.-June 1849

387 KD Copy of resolution of Hammersmith Vestry, 5 Dec. 1850, concerning dedication of Bridge Rd. to public

388 KD Note concerning Hammersmith general rate, 1856

389/1-9 ND Notes of [?tolls] collected and collector's salaryi DD/8/389/2-8 on slips cut from sheets of blank 'Stamp Office Exchange Tickets' (Wm. IV) 69.

Appendix III (continued)

Ref. Date Description DD/8/

390 ND Notes '1 Parcel 9d. , W, Moon'

Endorseds *Mr. Watts, card to Mr. Hedges1

391 ND Note concerning [?dividends]

392 ND Cutting from newspaper relating to R. v. Painter, concerning rating liability of in Putney pax. 71

Appendix IV

Registered correspondence; DP/8/400-528, 540-673

Ref. Register no. Ref. Register no. Ref. Register no. ED/8/ DD/8/ DD/8/ 400 6552 436 6587 472 6617 401 6553 437 6588 473 6618 402 6554 438 6589 474 6619 403 6555 439 6589a 475 6619a 404 6556 440 6590 476 6620 405 6557 441 6590a 477 6621 406 6559 442 6591 478 6622 407 656O 443 6591a 479 6623 408 6560a 444 6592 48O 6624 409 6560b 445 6593 481 6624a 410 656I 446 6593a 482 6625 411 6561a 447 6594 483 6626 412 6562 448 6595 484 6627 413 6562a 449 6596 485 6628 ­ 414 6564 450 6597 486 6629 415 6565 451 6598 487 6630 416 6566 452 6599 488 6630a 417 6567 453 6600 489 6631 418 6568 454 6601 490 6632 419 6568a 455 6602 491 6633 420 6572 456 6602a 492 6634 421 6573a 457 6603 493 6635 422 6574 458 6603a 494 6636 423a-c 459 6604 495 6637 6575 - - 424 6576 460 6605 496 6638 425 6577 461 66066066 497 6638a - - 426 6578 462 66066077 498 6639 427 6579 463 6608 499 6639a 428 6579a 464 6609 500 6640 429 658O 465 6610 501 6640a 430 658I 466 6611 502 6641 431 6582 467 6612 505 6642 432 6583 468 6613 504 6643 433 6584 469 6614 505 6644 434 6585 470 6615 506 6645 435 6586 471 6616 507 6646 Appendix IV (continued)

Ref. Register no. Ref. Register no. Ref. Register no. ED/8/ DD/8/ ED/8/ 508 6647 557 6783 596 6822 509 6648 558 6784 597 6823 510 6649 559 6785 598 6824 511 6650 560 6786 599 6825 512 6651 561 6787 600 6826 513 6652 562 6738 601 6827 514 6653 563 6789 602 6828 515 6654 564 6790 603 6829 516 6655 565 6791 604 6830 517 6656 566 6792 605 6831 518 6657 567 6793 606 6832 519 6658 568 6794 607 6833 520 6659 569 6795 608 6834 521 6660 570 6796 609 6835 522 6661 571 6797 610 6836 523 6662 572 6798 611 6837 524 6663 573 6799 612 6838 525 6664 574 6800 613 6839 526 6665 575 6801 614 6840 527 6666 576 6802 615 6841 528 6667 577 6803 616 6842 578 68O4 617 6843 540 6768 579 6805 618 6844 541 6769 580 6806 619 6845 542 6770 581 6807 620 6846 543 6771 582 6808 621 6847 544 6772 583 6809 622 6847a 545 6772a 584 6810 623 6848 546 6773 585 6811 624 6849 547 6774 586 6812 625 6850 548 6775 587 6813 626 6851 549 6776 588 6814 627 6852 550 6776a 589 6815 628 6853 551 6777 590 6816 629A-3 6854 552 6778 591 6817 630 6855 553 6779 592 6818 631 6855a 554 678O 593 6819 632 6856 555 678I 594 6820 633 6856a 556 6782 595 6821 634 6857 - Appendix 17 (continued)

Bef. Register no. DD/8/ 635 6857a 636 6858 637 6859 638 6860 639 6862 640 6863 641 6864 642 6864a 643 6865 644 6866 645 6867 646 6868 647 6869 648 6870 649 6871 650 6872 651 6873 652 6874 653 6875 654 6876 655 6877 656 6878 657 6879 658 6880 659 6881 660 6882 661 6883 662 6884 663/1-2 6885 664/1-2 6886 665 6887 666 6888 667 6889 668 6890 669 6891 670 6892

671 6928 672 6929 673 6930 75.

Appendix V

Unregistered correspondence and associated materials ED/8/529-557. 674-686. 687-724. 725-859

A. Correspondences DP/8/529-537

Ref. Bate From Subject BD/8/ With transfers for registration 529 21 Mar. I876 G. [?N] Barron Report on police arrangements 550 10 Apr. 1876 Districintendent t SuperCol. ­R.L.0. on Bridge on Boat Race Day Pearson (copy)

531 20 Apr. 1876 Home Office Forwarding above

552 22 Apr. 1876 T. White Davies, Copy reply to DD/8/550-551 Chairman

533 28 Apr . 1876 p. H . [?Frith] Thanks for note concerning probate

534 2 May I876 House of Commons Order to George Glasson to Select Committee on attend on 5 May Toll Bridges (Thames)

555 12 Sep. 1876 David S. Moree Will send all share certi­ ficates and transfers of late Mrs. Amott, formerly Mrs. Knight Reply endorsed -

536 16 Oct. 1876 T. White Davies Does not wish to buy late Dr. Amotfs shares

557 29 Dec. I876 Secretary Copy letter to Morris and Co.s How many shares has Mrs. Mary Ann Church transferred to John Beal? 76.

Appendix 7 (continued)

B. Correspondences DP/8/674-682

Ref. Date From Subject DD/8/ 674 19 Jan. 1878 Flux and Co. Request transfer of shares of late James Chettle Gomme from executors to granddaughters

675 ND Sarah Martha Gomme, Order to effect above transfer Dinah Chapman

676 31 Jan. 1878 London and South Repairs to road over railway Western Railway bridge near Barnes Station al­ ready paid for

677 6 Apr. 1878 John Mowlem and Co. With payment for permission for barge to lay alongside pier

678 24 Apr. 1878 Secretary Copy letter to T. White Davies: With correspondence relating to Orleans Club coach Note of Davies1 reply

679 21 June 1878 Charlotte Caldwell Has received dividend cheque

680 15 July 1878 George Findlay Gave toll collector sovereign in mistake for 6d. [?originally sent to collector]

681 23 Nov. 1878 M. Horridge What provision made for repairs to roads in Metropolis Toll Bridges Act?

682 25 Jan. 1879 London Guarantee With receipt for £5 and Accident Co. Ltd. 77

Appendix V (continued)

C. Other material; DP/8/683-686

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 683 30 Apr. I878 Envelope addressed to G. Glasson, Bridge Office, Hammersmith Postmarked *Woking Station1

- -

684 2 Dec. 1878 Notice Burchells, 5 Broad Sanctuary, Westminster to Hammersmith Bridge Co. Application is to he made to Parliament for West London Suburban Tramways Act; will affect Bridge, Bridge Rd., Hammersmith and Upper Bridge Rd., Barnes

685 ND [?1878] Note of terms of wil l of Mrs. Prances Waterhouse (died 1849) and of dividends paid to her and to John Waterhouse

686 ND [?1878] Note of leasehold land held under Ecclesiastical Commissioners

D. CqCTespopdoncet Dl/8/687-715

Ref. Date . From Subject DD/8/ 687 5 Mar. 1879 G. [?Wilds], Implementation of Second Vauxhall Bridge Co. Section1 [? of Metropolis Toll Bridges Act]

688 29 Apr. 1879 C. S. Miller Metropolitan Board of Works have issued writ against Company

689 15 May 1879 S. P. Miller and Son Nothing further from Metropolitan Board of Works 78.

Appendix V (continued)

Ref. Date Prom Subject DD/8/ 690 18 May 1879 William Franklin Miss Parrott wants railings repaired

691 29 May 1879 John E. Hughes, West Will repay borrowed flints Middsx. Water Works

692 31 May 1879 S. F. Miller and Son With Metropolitan Board of Works' statement of claim

693 5 June 1879 Burton, Yeates and With administration of late Hart J. W. Waterhouse for registra­ tion

694 9 June 1879 Thomas King Holmes Has received dividend warrant

695 10 June 1879 John Guy Has received dividend cheque

696 10 June 1879 Thomas Valentine Smith Has received dividend warrant

697 10 June 1879 Gurneys and Co. Acknowledging letter of 9 June

698 10 June 1879 W. H. Budden Has received cheque

699 11 June 1879 H. L. Harper Has received dividend cheque

700 18 June 1879 Charlotte Caldwell Send dividend cheque

701 18 June 1879 Catherine Humphreys Has received dividend warrant

702 19 June 1879 S. F. Miller and Son With Metropolitan Board of Works' statement of claim

703 28 Aug. 1879 Stephen Gurbs Change of address

704 29 Aug. 1879 R[euben] Foulger Wishes to postpone payment of rent

705 27 Oct. 1879 S. F. Miller and Son Proposed agreement with Mr. Phillips 79.

Appendix V (continued)

Ref. Date Prom Subject DD/8/ 706 2 Oct. 1879 R[euben] Poulger Appointment to see Secretary

707 28 Oct. 1879 R. Price Williams Increase of tolls, Metropolitan Bridges, facts revealed in Wandsworth Bridge Arbitration

708 5 Nov. 1879 Westcott D. Laurance Wishes to continue occupation of piece of land next 38 Castelnau

709 11 Nov. 1879 0. [?Wilds] Pensions to employees of Vauxhall Bridge Co.

710 13 NoVi 1879 S. P. Miller and Son Solicitors of Wandsworth Bridge Co. ask for statement of growth of tolls

711 14 Nov. 1879 As above Mr. Phillips objects to 2 clauses i n agreement; do not have lease referred to

712 15 Nov. 1879 As above Enclosing statement of defence of Mortlake District Highway Board and Fulham Board of Works

713 20 Nov. 1879 Edgar Doggett, Will call to obtain amount of Metropolitan Board tolls taken in last 2 or 3 of Works months

714 20 Nov. 1879 C. S. Miller Mr. Forbes, Chairman of , a good witness for Company

715 20 Nov. 1879 S. F. Miller and Son Want copies of Company*s Acts of Parliament 80.

Appendix 7 (continued)

E. Other materials DP/8/716-724

Ref. Date Description nD/8/ 716 16 Jan. 1879 Receipt 1. West London Steam Printing Works 2. Secretary Printing

717 21 Aug. 1879 Receipt W. D. Calliss and Co., ironmongers, I64 Drury Lane W.C. Rule and chisel

718 6 Dec. 1879 Copy notice of meeting of Barnes Vestry, 11 Dec. 18791 to consider preemption of Railway Arms

719 ND Copy resolution [?of committee] awarding gratuity to George Glasson

720 ND Draft minutes [?of general meeting] relating to employees' gratuities

721-723 ND Draft minutes and rough notes and calculations

724 ND Draft resolution concerning decoration of Bridge on occasion of freeing ceremony

F. Correspondences DP/8/725-850

Ref. Date Prom Subject DD/8/ 725 17 Jan. 1880 Stephen Gurbs Wil l he engaged on 10, 17 and 27 Feb.

726 19 Jan. 1880 Guarantee Society Policy to be endorsed for smaller sum

727 26 Jan. 1880 William Luckhurst Has loaded barge with flints 81.

Appendix V (continued)

Ref. Date From Subject DD/8/ ... 728 30 Jan. 1880 Edgar Doggett, Metro- Proposes to continue in­ politan Board of Works vestigating books

729 17 Feb. 1880 Southwark and Yauxhall Plug pitching will be attended Water Co. to

730 ND Sketch plan of Company^ road in Barnes with plugs marked

731 24 Feb. 1880 Thomas Bull Has agreed with Ecclesiastical Commissioners for £550 for lease of frontage land

732 27 Feb. 1880 William Luckhurst Barge has started

733 10 Mar. 1880 Stephen Gurbs Encloses key of deed box padlock

734 12 Mar. 1880 T. W. Davies, Notice to cal l special meeting G. W. Greenhill of Committee

735 15 Mar. 1880 Southwark and Vauxhall Leakage of hydrants Water Co.

736 15 Mar. 1880 Mary Parkinson Order to pay dividends to Thomas Parkinson Hi

737/1 17 Mar. 1880 Stephen Gurbs Please return deed box key Reply endorsed


737/2 18 Mar. 1880 Registered letter counterfoil

738 18 Mar. 1880 Gunner and Renny Miss [Mary] Ainge, executrix of Miss [J.P.] Ainge, has not received dividend 1 Reply endorsed

739 April 1880 Anne Adamson Are there any shares standing in name of late James Green? 82. Appendix V (continued)

Ref. Date From Subject DD/8/ 740 1 Apr. 1880 Gunner and Renny With order to pay dividends to them

741 3 Apr. 1880 James Grant Thinks he paid rent due Oct. 1879

742 22 Apr. 1880 S. F. Miller and Son With form of declaration as to non acceptance by Dean and Chapter and [Barnes] Church­ wardens of offer of preemption of Railway Arms

743 22 Apr. 1880 Brentford Gas Co. With receipt for £50

744 28 Apr. 1880 Fulham Board of Works What is planned i n Barnes to celebrate freeing of Bridge? Addressed to [?T.W.] Davies as Chairman. Barnes Local Board

745 29 Apr. 1880 S. F. Miller and Son Have completed sale of Railway Arms to Mr. Phillips, balance of money sent to bank

746 29 Apr. 1880 London and County Has received above money Bank

747 1 May 1880 S. F. Miller and Son Have settled terms of agreement with solicitors of Metropolitan Board of Works

748A-2 1 May 1880 Press copy of above and covering letter to T. White Davies

749 1 May 1880 Arthur J. Scollick When are dividends payable? Reply endorsed

750 May 1880 Mid-Surrey Times Soliciting advertisement

751 3 May 1880 Revd. F. H. Slocock Has Bridge been sold? Reply endorsed 83.

Appendix V (continued)

Ref. Date Prom Subject DD/8/ 752 4 May 1880 S. P. Miller and Son Solicitor of Metropolitan Board of Works requires resolutions to be passed by Committee before con­ sideration is paid

753 7 May 1880 William Henry Clarke Can audit accounts on Wednesday [?12 May]

754 10 May 1880 S. P. Miller and Son Have written to London Steam Boat Co. for payment of £70 14s. 6d.

755 10 May 1880 As above Advertisement for special general meeting ready tomorrow

756 12 May 1880 Walter E. Greenhill Will audit accounts on Wednesday

757 17 May 1880 Stephen Gurbs Has received circular which he does not understand

758 18 May 1880 As above Is coming to London

759 18 May 1880 Sandilands, Humphry Require details of shares of and Armstrong late William Paynter

760 20 May 1880 E. P. Roberts New valuation, Hammersmith par.

761 25 May 1880 Richard Clewin Forward dividend cheque, Griffith crossed Bank of

762 26 May 1880 S. P. Miller and Son Discrepancy as to size of Mr. Pharo's holdings

763 26 May 1880 Money C. Fisher Children of late John Gunter, with life interest only i n shares, would benefit from declaration of bonus 84.

Appendix V (continued)

Ref. Date From Subject

DD/8/ ­ 764 26 May 1880 W. and C. R. Liddle Send dividend warrants for executors of late S. A. Severine

765 1 June 1880 S. F. Miller and Son With proposed resolutions for special general meeting

766 1 June 1880 As above Send counterpart leases to complete abstract of titl e of land held under Ecclesi­ astical Commissioners

767 ND [?Mrs.M.] Church Give dividend cheque to Mr. [Zachary] Brooke Endorsed; copy covering letter for cheque

768 4 June 1880 Z. Brooke Has received Mrs. Church's cheque

769 5 June 1880 Stephen Gurbs What has been settled about sealing documents?

770 7 June 1880 S. F. Miller and Son Counterpart, not original, leases required! send copy minutes to assist prepara­ tion of declaration for Metropolitan Board of Works

771 7 June 1880 Robert Sabine Send dividend warrant for estate of late Sir C. [?Wheatston]

772 7 June 1880 G. H. Wollaston Has not seen reports of general meeting i n press! pay dividend to bank account Reply endorsed 85.

Appendix V (continued)

Ref. Date From Subject DD/8/ 775 8 June 1880 S. F. Mille r and Son Have exchanged agreements with Metropolitan Board of Works; should see minutes of Committee and general meetings before signed

774 8 June 1880 Lord Digby What are terms agreed at general meeting for sale of Bridge? Reply endorsed

775 8 June 1880 Gunner and Renny How can Miss Ainge avoid collecting payment for shares i n person?

776 9 June 1880 [?John] Scollick Has received dividend cheque

777 10 June 1880 Catherine Humphrys Send dividend and information about settlement

778 11 June 1880 [?G.W.] Jones Has seen "the 2 gentlemen" and Joseph Mountain; send list of Committee members and officers of Company

779 11 June 1880 Thomas Parkinson When wil l Mrs. Parkinson's dividend and compensation be paid?

780 12 June 1880 Stephen Gurbs Cannot be sure who proposed motion

781 13 June 1880 Mrs., Miss, and Have not received dividend K. W. Hedges warrants

782 14 June 1880 London and Westminster Has received £30 for Miss Bank Agnes Anne Marter

783 15 June 1880 W. H. Clarke Send dividend 86.

Appendix V (continued)

Ref. Date Prom Subject DD/8/ 784 16 June 1880 S. P. Miller and Son Mr. Bull and Mr. Forbes have not submitted claims for charges, Mr. Price Williams' claim disputed; lis t of other claims sent, draft minutes returned

785/L-2 16 June 1880 As above Copy correspondence with Metro­ politan Board of Works concerning appointment for receiving pur­ chase money, and covering letter

786 17 June 1880 As above Suggest realising part of reserve fund to pay off liabilities before payment to shareholders

787 19 June 1880 Fulham Board of Works Thanks for permission to 'break roads etc.' for decorations

788 21 June 1880 S. F. Miller and Son Appointment for receiving pur­ chase money altered; draft declaration approved

789 21 June 1880 Mrs. [CM.] D'0yly What will she receive for shares? Reply endorsed

790 22 June 1880 Sandilands, Humphry With fee for registering pro­ and Armstrong bate of William Paynter

791 23 June 1880 A. Vacher Requests tickets Jbr freeing ceremony for sister and 2 friends

792 23 June 1880 W. H. Clarke Has received fee for audit

793 23 June 1880 Stephen Gurbs How are Committee members' tickets for ceremony to be shared? 87.

Appendix V (continued)

Hef. Date From Subject DD/8/ 794 24 June 1880 [?Thomas Store] When are ceremony and lunch? How many tickets?

795 26 June 1880 S. F. Miller and Son Have paid Mr. Price Williams' fee1 Mr. Bull willing to refer his fee to Mr. Clutton

796 28 June 1880 Pidgeon, Stebbing Send particulars of purchase and Taylor of Bridge

797 29 June 1880 S. F. Miller and Son Have received cheque for £1500; What are Committee's views on Mr. Bull's fee?

798 29 June 1880 G. H. Wollaston Cannot collect payment in person Reply endorsed

799 29 June 1880 Thomas Parkinson When wil l payment be made?

800 29 June 1880 A. Vacher Cannot collect payment in person

801 30 June 1880 MISB and Mrs. Hedges When wil l payment be made?

Miss Coe Cannot collect payment in

802 30 June 1880 person Reply endorsed

Gunner and Renny Miss Ainge cannot collect

803 30 June 1880 payment in person Reply endorsed

James Pope Kitchen Has not received dividend

804 30 June 1880 Reply endorsed

805 30 June 1880 Charles F. Greenhill Make cheque out to bearer Reply endorsed 88.

Appendix V (continued)

Ref. Date From Subject DD/8/ 806 1 July 1880 Pidgeon, Stebbing IB witness required to identify and Taylor proprietors collecting payment? Reply endorsed

807 1 July 1880 W. H. Budden Cannot collect payment in person Reply endorsed

808-810 1 July 1880 Circulars announcing first pay­ ments to proprietors on account of shares

808 Addressed to Mrs. Harriet Hedges

809 Addressed to Mrs. Caroline M. D'0yly

810 Addressed to Hon. and Revd. K. H. Digby, care of bankers

811 2 July 1880 James P. Kitchen Has received dividends cannot collect payment in person Reply endorsed

812 2 July 1880 6. H. Wollaston Has taken Secretary1 s advice

813 2 July 1880 Ewart S. Mounsey Will get power of attorney from brothers as co-executors Reply endorsed

814 2 July 1880 Charlotte Caldwell Can payment be made to bank?

815 2 July 1880 John Guy Cannot collect payment in person Reply endorsed

816 3 July 1880 Stanton and Atkinson Send form of power of attorney for W. H. Budden Reply endorsed

817 3 July 1880 Finnis and Wylie Why is only £65 to be distributed? 89.

Appendix Y (continued)

Ref. Date Prom Subject DD/8/ 818 3 July 1880 James P. Kitchen Will collect in person

819 5 July 1880 Robinson, Son and Pay dividend due to estate Edmonds of late James Vicat

820 5 July 1880 Montague H. Turner General Custance wants form of reoeipt for trustees * signature

821 5 July 1880 Finnis and Wylie Send statement of accounts as to distribution of assets

822 5 July 1880 Revd. P. H. Slocock Will collect payment on 8 July

823 5 July 1880 Herbert J. Greenhill With power of attorney of C. P. Greenhill

824 5 July 1880 H. L. Harper Will collect payment at later date

825 6 July 1880 W. J. Lucock Can wife collect payment?

826 7 July 1880 T. W. Davies, Stephen Notice to call special meeting Gurbs [?G.W.] of committee Greenhill

- 827 7 July 1880 W. E. Greenhill Is there any other day for collecting payment?

828 8 July 1880 Copy letter (l Feb.1866) to T. B. Vacher with transfer of Mr. Brittain's shares; note that payment for registration remitted

829 8 July 1880 Pidgeon, Stebbing Arrangement for paying clients and Taylor went smoothly 90.

Appendix V (continued)

Ref. Date Prom Subject DD/8/ 830 12 July 1880 G. H. Wollaston Has received particulars of shares

831 13 July 1880 Sandilands, Humphry Major Paynter will collect and Armstrong payment due to estate of late Mr. Paynter

832 15 July 1880 W. H. Clarke Cannot collect payment in person

833 16 July 1880 W. and C. R. Diddle Will use power of attorney

834 17 July 1880 H. L. Harper Will collect payment on 30 July

835 19 July 1880 S. P. Miller and Son Payment for shares of late John Gunter should be made to Paymaster General i n Chancery

836 19 July 1880 As above With summary of their bills and bill for work in con­ nection with agreement with Mr. Poulger; Mr. Bull will not accept 100 gns.

837 19 July 1880 Robert Sabine Co-executor has signed power of attorney, wil l collect payment Wednesday

838 21 July 1880 S. P. Miller and Son Have received cheque for £665 14s. 9d.

839 21 July 1880 [?Prith] and Co. Hotel do not know of meeting (telegram)

840 24 Sep. 1880 T. W. Davies, Notice to call special Stephen Gurbs, meeting of committee [?G.W.] Greehhill 91. -

Appendix Y (continued)

Ref. Bate From Subject BB/8/ 841 4 Oct. 1880 S. F. Miller and Son Have received account of rents received and due in respeot of property to be surrendered to Ecclesiastical Commissioners

842 4 Oct. 1880 Edgar Doggett, Has not received application Metropolitan Board for pensions of Works

Has received share of sum 843 6 Oct. 1880 R. Low voted to committee

Is any further payment to 844 14 Oct. 1880 [Revd.] F. H. Slocock be made?

Expect surrender of leases 845 18 Oct. 1880 S. F. Miller and Son to Ecclesiastical Com­ missioners to be completed on 20 Oct.

846 20 Oct. 1880 As above Above surrender not completed

Statement of rents not al l 847 30 Oct. 1880 As above understandable

Wants *a littl e information1 848 1880 Mrs. M. A. Church about Bridge

With cheque for sum 849 4 Feb. 1881 S. F. Miller and Son recovered from London Steam Boat Co.

G. Other material BP/8/851-859

Ref. Bate Description ED/8/ 850 ND [?July 1880] Rough account of money paid to shareholders 92.

Appendix Y (continued)

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 851 22 Nov. 1880 Envelope London and County Bank, Hammersmith to Secretary

852 27 Nov. 1880 Debit slip of London and County Banks £6483 12s. 7*1. to Company's deposit account

853-855 ND [?1880] Notes of payments to shareholders and cheques issued

856 ND [?1880] Extracts from minutes relating to res­ ponsibility of Richmond Railway Co. and South Western Railway Co. for repairs to roads i n Barnes

857 ND [?1880] Printed extract from minutes of Pulham Guardians concerning use of Kensington and Hammersmith Reporter for advertising Markeds "Conservative Paper'

858 ND [?1880] Notes relating to duties of [?executors] of 'Mrs. Back' 95.

Appendix VI


Contents of DD/8/l500/1-15

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1500/1 July 1825 Reports of Committee of Management, and of sub-committee examining accounts relating to passing of Bridge Act

1500/2 15 Mar. 1824 Circular Blake, White, Ainge and Blake, 14 Essex St., to Subscribers Subscribers should individually canvass 1 their friends in Parliament* i n support of Bridge Bill

- . " 1500/5 4 Oct. 1827 Circular from Secretary, Hammersmith Bridge Co. Bridge opening oeremony and dinner cancelled as Dukes of Clarence and Sussex, and most other noblemen etc. invited, cannot attend

1500/4 5 Oct. 1827 Fragment of [?envelope] with postmarks

1500/5 1825 Admission ticket to "Masonic Ceremony" of laying foundation stone of Bridge, 7 May 1825

1500/6 1827 Admission ticket to opening ceremony, 6 Oct. 1827

1500/7 10 Feb. 1829 Handbill defending width of strips of land purchased by Committee for approach roads to Bridge on either side of river

1500/8 [1827] Handbill advertising engraving of, and article on, Bridge to be published in Bell'3 Life in London 94.

Appendix 71 (continued)

Ref. Date Description DD/8/ 1500/9 12 July 1831 Poster advertising auction of 1 year lease of Bridge tolls

1500/10 June 1827 Annual balance sheet and engineer1 s report

1500/LL 8 Sep. 1827 The Mirror p.169? report on and engraving of Bridge

1500/L2 1827 Page from periodical; article on Bridge

1500/13 June 1880 Official programme for visi t of Prince and Princess of Wales to declare free from toll Fulham, Hammersmith and Wands worth Bridges, 26 June 1880

1500/14 1880 Cutting from newspaper; report on above visi t and ceremonies

1500/15 1880 Illustration from periodical showing proces­ sion leaving Hammersmith Bridge on occasion of above visit 95.

Appendix VII

Keylist of former references

Former ref. Hew ref. Former ref. Mew ref. DD/8/ DD/8/ DD/8/ DD/8/ 1 6 . 32 202-204 2a 5 33 1495 2b 4 34 14-106 2c 7 35 109-110, 114, 122 3 1 36 107-108, 111-113, 4 9 115-121, 123-147 5a 5 37 13 5b 2 38 12 6 10 39 883 7 205 40 873 (part) 8 148 41 874-876 9a 194 42 877 9b 195 43 872-873 (part) 10 150 44 871 11 149 45 870 12 193 46 881 13 151 47 882 14 398 48 880 15 397 49 879 16 393 50 884 17 11 51 888 18 1019 52 886 19 152-192 53 88? 20 1020 54 890 21 207-209 55 891-892 22 196 56 888899 .-'.-'00 23 197-200 57 878788 24 687-724 58 885 25 725-868 59 893-904 26 (Not used) 60 1442 27 1493 61 1018 28 1494 62 1021, 1046-1047t 29 1026 1416-1417 30 1027-1033 63 265/1-2, 4-12 31 201 64 265/3 96.

Appendix VII (continued)

Former ref. New ref. Former ref. New ref.

ED/8 / DD/8/ ED/8/ ED/8/ 65 210-257 102 919 66 258-261, 263-264 103 918 67 262 104 914-917 68 267 105 928 69 266, 273 106 920 70 272, 274-275 107 913 71 271 108 922 72 269/2 109 924 73 268,270 110 927 74 (Not identified) 111 926 75 269/1, 3 112 911 76 1518, 1520-1522 112a 921 77 394-395 115 929 78 396 114a 277 79 399-537, 869 114b 276 80 539-686 115 278 81 1006 116 281 82 1011-1014, 1017 117 279-280 83 1007-1010 118 282 84 1015 119 283 85 907 120 284 86 925 121 288 87 923 122 291-392 88 906 123 1443-1458, 1464 89 908 124 1022 90 909 125 1023 90a 910 126 945 91 912 127 946 92 930 128 950 93 905 129 947 94 286 130 952 95 285 131 948-949 96 1005 132 951 97 1004 133 931 98 287 134 953-964 99 1420-1423 135 965 100 1441 136 966 101 1440 157 989-990 97 Appendix 711 (continued)

Former ref. New ref. Former ref. New ref, ED/8/ DD/8/ ED/8/ ED/8/ 138 967-972 174 1435 139 974 175 1436-1457 140 991-992 176 1438-1439 141 973,976 177 1488 142 984 178 1491 143 977 179 1467 144 985 180 I468-I469 145 978-983 181 1470-1474 146 558, 986-987 182 1418 147 988 185 1481 148 993 I84 1482-1484 149 932 185 1516 150 994-1003 186 1025 151 934 187 1024 152 936 188a 1485 153 941 188b i486 154 939 189 1487 155 (Not used) 190 1489 156 937-938 191 1490 157 940 192 1048-1306 158 944-945 193 1307-1414 159 975 194 1492 160 1462 195 1415 161 1463 196 1514 162 1459-1460 197 1515 163 146I 198 289 I64 1034-1045 199 290 165 1476 200 1496-1499 166 1475 201 1465, 1510-1513, 1525 167 (Transferred, see 202 1501-1502, 1524 Introduction) 205 933, 935 168 1477-1479 204 942-945 169 (Transferred, see 205 1519 Introduction) 206 1500 170 1419 207 1505-1504 171 1480 208 1505-1509 172 I466 209 1523 173 1424-1454 210 1517 Appendix 711 (continued)

New ref. Former ref. New ref. Former ref. DD/8/ DD/8/ DD/8/ DD/8/ 1 3 263-264 66 2 5b 265/1-2, 4-12 63 3 5a 265/3 64 4 2b 266 69 5 2a 267 68 6 1 268 73 7 2c 269/1, 3 75 8 (Not used) 269/2 72 9 4 270 73 10 6 271 71 11 17 272 70 12 38 273 69 13 37 274-275 70 14-106 34 276 114b 107-108 36 277 114a 109-110 35 278 115 111-113 36 279-280 117 114 35 281 116 115-121 36 282 118 122 35 283 119 123-147 36 284 120 148 8 285 95 149 11 286 94 150 10 287 98 151 13 288 121 152-192 19 289 198 193 12 290 199 194 9a 291-392 122 195 9b 393 16 196 22 394-395 77 197-200 23 396 78 201 31 397 15 202-204 32 398 14 205 7 399-537 79 206-209 21 538 146 210-257 65 539-686 80 258-261 66 687-724 24 262 67 725-868 25 99. Appendix VII (continued)

New ref. Former ref. Hew ref. Former ref. DD/8/ DD/8/ DD/8/ DD/8/ 869 79 925 86 870 45 926 111 871 44 927 110 872 43 928 105 873 40, 43 929 113 874-876 41 930 92 877 42 931 133 878 57 932 149 879 49 933 203 880 48 934 151 88] 46 935 203 882 47 936 152 883 39 937-938 156 884 50 939 154 885 58 940 157 886 52 941 153 887 53 942-943 204 888 51 944 158 889 56 945 126 890 54 946 127 891-892 55 947 129 893-904 59 948-949 131 905 93 : 950 128 906 88 951 132 907 85 952 130 908 89 955-964 134 909 90 965 135 910 90a 966 136 911 112 967-972 158 912 91 973 141 913 107 974 139 914-917 104 975 159 918 103 976 141 919 102 977 143 920 106 978-985 145 921 112a 984 142 922 108 985 144 923 87 986-987 146 924 109 988 147 100.

Appendix VII (continued)

New ref. Former ref. New ref. Former ref. DD/8/ DD/8/ DD/8/ DD/8/ 989-990 137 1443-1458 123 991-992 140 1459-1460 162 993 148 1461 163 994-1003 150 1462 160 1004 97 1463 161 1005 96 1464 123 1006 81 1465 201 1007-1010 83 1466 172 1011-1014 82 1467 179 1015 84 I468-I469 180 1016 83 1470-1474 181 1017 82 1475 166 1018 61 1476 165 1019 18 1477-1479 168 1020 20 1480 171 1021 62 1481 183 1022 124 1482-1484 I84 1023 125 1485 188a 1024 187 i486 188b 1025 186 1487 189 1026 29 1488 177 1027-1033 30 1489 190 1034-1045 164 1490 191 IO46-IO47 62 1491 178 1048-1306 192 1492 194 1307-1414 193 1493 27 1415 195 1494 28 I416-I417 62 1495 33 1418 182 1496-1499 200 1419 170 1500 206 1420-1423 99 1501-1502 202 1424-1434 173 1503-1504 207 1435 174 1505-1509 208 1436-1437 175 1510-1513 201 1438-1439 176 1514 196 1440 101 1515 197 1441 100 1516 185 1442 60 1517 210 101.

Appendix VII (continued)

New ref. Former ref. DD/8/ DD/8/ 1518 76 1519 205 1520-1522 76 1523 209 1524 202 1525 201 ACC&SSICH ),*J.iJ;Jt$ 478 (BXA 1900) SHORT TITLEi further records of the Haacaerami th Bridge Company; see also Dfl/8 Li/476/1-52 Deposited on pernan&nt loan by ^lter^o, 7 Lower James Jtreet, London V.1, 22 February 1977 (originally aoceaeioned by the Greater London Record Office, 10 ixioeaber 1975)

Kef. Ms. jescri,pt Ion DD/478/ 1 27 May 175b Counterpart lease for 21 years 1. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral, London 2. ill chard Hoare, Barnes, co. Surr., esq. Surrey, Barnes, Putney, ?*ortlake, Vimbledon. and iioehaaptont Manor House of Barnes, otherwise called Barn £IBS , with b^ros, stables, dovihouaes, outhouses, buildings, courtyard, gardene, orchards and fishponds (19a.)1 The Great workes (o. 42a.)i the Little Vorkes (o. 2a.)i the Long Croft (c. 26a.): Hone Field (c. 62a.)f Middle rield alias Sheppards Close (o. 3a.); ^heephouae Fluid (o. 18a.) and the cottage thereupon standing; Broadfield (o. 53a.)i Rawfield (o.26a) ann the cottage thereupon atandingi Tine Grove (o. 11a.), The Warren (o. 44a.), Chiswiok rleld (c. 50a.) and the cottage thereupon standing; Windmill Field (c. 11a.), 1 messuage with garden, outhouses etc., sac the Windmill and parcels of arable and pasture ground called Indmillhill Fields and Broomfields (c. 10a.); Thistle/ Close (c. 10a.)$ Horsloy and Uorsley's viead (o. 16a.) 1 Hanroerarlth Head called Seven Acres Head, Brad head and Dock Mead (o. 21a.) and four cotta es built on the corason of the manor of Barnae, al l osier and reed grounds (o. 5a.) lying between the Creek called Haa.erBi.ith Wharfe on n.w. Du/478/ 1 (cent.) and a pastu. ground called The Work on a., osier tround (c. 1a.) between too Works on n. side end Beverley Creek, and a parcel of (ground called The Grove (6a, 1r. 2Jp.) lying near Charles Head Henti £60 p. a. Certain rights e.g. to profits and rents, and to fell timber, reserved by the Deen and Chapter [Seal and part of Richard Hoare'8 denature cut fro foot of document]

2/1-2 2/1 23 liov. 1771 Counterpart laa e for 21 years Parties and property as stove £lent £60 p.a.

2/2 23 hay, 1771 Attaohedi bond in ttOO 1. Richard Hoare, as above 2, Dean and Chapter of 3t. hul'f Cathedral, as above Condition: that rent payment and conditions in DD/478/2/1 are met and fulfilled

3 2a War. 1625 Copy marriage settlement (18 Aug. 1784) 1. Hugh Ackland, for&erly of Killerton, co. evon, now of Lath, co. 3osu, esq. 2. lixabeth Ackland, Mnehead House, co. 3om., widow of rtiur Aokland late of Pet) erton P-rk, co. Som., esq. 3. Karia Palmer Ackland, spinster, daughter of Arthur Ackland as above 4. Richard H^are, Bam £las , co. : urr., esq. 5* Henry Hugh Hoare, Bam Kins, co. Surr., esq., son of Richard Hoare as above 6. John Fownes iuttrel, Dunster Castle, co. an\,, esq. 7* Sir Charles Lesays Tynte, Hasweil, co. 3offi., Bart. DD/478/ 3 (cont.) 8* Hlohard Wyat, Erfham, co. Surr., eaq. Henry Ho&re, Grafton at., St, George,

Hanover 9%m$ co. . i usx.t esq. 9. Sir fhoaaa Uyke Ackland, kiilwrton, co. Levon, Bart. Charles fenruddook, Coapton Chaaberline, oo. Wilts., aaq. (a) oo. Soaeraeti various laasahold properties (details driven) (b) Property as i n DD/478/l 1. to convey (a) to S. to be held in trust for 3. until her marriage to 5. and there­ after to be sold and the proceeds invested In trust for 5* and specified heirs 2. to pay i1,40C (to whioh 3. ia entitled under marriage settlenont of Arthur Aokiaad deed, ana 2.) to 8. to be held la trust for 5* and s ecified heirs 4* to grant to 9. £400 p .a. in rents froir. (b) in trust for 5. anc after his death 3.

4 25 Hex. 1625 Copy extracts froa probate one couiclla (50 Oct. 17671 will 30 Oct. 1784) Kich-xd .:o re, Barn biases, oo. ^urr., eaq. Executors and legateesi 1. Kichard Colt Honrs (son) 2. Henry Hugh Hoars (son) 3. Henry loare (brother) 4. Henry Hoare (cousia) Other legateesi 5. Prances Ann Roars (wife) 6. Charles Hoxre (son) 7. Henry Merrik Hoare (son) 8. P* ter Richard ilo ire (son) 9. Hu*h Aoklrsnc to 5. uring lifetimei Surrey, Scxnas or.i "Mtnoy: 3a. freehold Hef . Date Uesoription DD/478/ 4 (cont.) To 2* and male lnsus, remainder to 6., 7* and 9. and mala issue In turn, remainder to 1. and heirsi ^urxey, Barnes and rutneyi al l freehold and copyhold property, and above 2a. [slo] freehold meadow in B- m rimes after death of 5.

To 1.v 2., J, and 4* in trust for 2. and male issue, remainder to 6. and 7* end taale issue in turn, remainder to 1. and assl ss v sajsst scream! states condition.), Surrey, Barnesi manor house of B mes and all other property held under leene of 24 Oct. 1778 Codioil (23 Aug. 1785) To 2. and male issue, remainder to 6., 7* and 8. and male issue in turn, remainder to 1. and heirst Surrey, Kingston! copyhold farm and land (subject to stated conditions)

5 23 Oct. 1792 Counterpart leass for ?1 years 1. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral, London 2. Sir Richard Colt Hoare, atouxhead, co. Wilte., Bart. Henry Hugh iioare, tit. J3q., CO. Middsz., esq. Henry Hoare, ftitchnm Grove, 00. Surr., executors of will of late Sir Richard Hoare Property as in Iiij/478/1 Aenti -.60 p.a.

6 30 oep. 17 9 Lease for 21 years Parties, preparty and rent as in BV47-/5 ite£. Date jjegcri ptlop DU/478/ 7 4 Oct. 1806 Draft lease for 21 years 1. Lean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral, London 2. Henry Hugh Hoare, St. James's 3q., oo. Middsx., esq. Property as in Ronti £60 p.a. ( &£104 9a. land tax)

8 30 Sep. 1813 Draft lease for 21 years Parties snd property as in DD/478/7 Renti £60 , .a. ( &£104 9s. land tax)

9 21 Apr. Assignment of residue of lease for 21 years 1. Henry Hugh Hoare, St. James*s bq., co. Kiddsx., esq. 2. Hugh Richard Hoare, Fleet St., City of London, esq. 3* Ann Drake Tyrwhitt Drake, Warfield Grove, oo. Berks., widow Ann Tyrwhitt Lrake, V.arfield Grove, oo. Berks., spinster 4* Thoaas Tyrwhitt Drake, Shardloss, par. Aaershara, oo. Bucks., esq. Henry Charles noare, Fleet St., City of London, esq. Property as in DJ/47H/1

10 2V 4*e. 1620 Lease for 21 years 1. Lean and Chapter of Jt. Paul's Cathedral, London 2. Henry Hugh Hoare, St. James's bq., co. MiJdsx. property as in LL/47b/l scents £60p.a(i£104 9s. land tax j^Seal and signature out from foot of document]

11 19 Kay 1825 Surrender of leases 1. Thomas Tyrwhitt Drake, Shardeloes, 'r:*\r:?rco . ucke., *sq. Ijfr jjate -aacriotlon ^/476/ 11 (cont.) Henry Charlee Hoars, fleet St., City of London, eaq.

2. Henry Hugh Hoare, St. Ja*ea*s Gq,t co. Middax., eaq. 3. Dean aal Chapter of 3t. Paul*e Cathedral, London Property aa in Lr;/478/1

12/1**4 1?/l-2 BatJ Jure 1826 Lease and release and covenant to surrender copyhold lands 1. H^nry riagh Hoare, float St., City of London and at. Jam**9 Sq., co. rt dea., esq. 2. The Hasgaaread th Bridge Co. Jurroy, freehold laafl in Barnes and rutneys Puot Mead, including pert of the road leading to Barn Bias Lodge (1a. ?5p.)t iodge Acre including rest of the road leading to Barn fins Lodge (1a. ??p.)f i. dftdowa formerly called Ferrers, Baweona sad Lents (8a. 2*. 36p.)i M&rlpit Mead (otherwise called HagWMt Hill Head, 1a. 2r. Barnsa Meadow (13a. fr. 7?)I 2 l-acrea of lsnd In Vast ?*aedi plen and abuttals iven Const ieratJ ont t$%-[\& Surrey, co.yhold land In Barnes and lutneyi Moor Head (5a. 2r.)$ "La Hook" meadow (I4p.)f fanner"s Head (1a. 2r. 39p*)l strip of land forcing sort of Barnaa Meadow (la. 3r. 30p.)$ plan and abuttals given Consideration! £1,0,^0

12/3-4 L15 Kay 1B2?] Attachedi final concord (2 CO]lea) Is John Goble Make, gent. 2. Henry Hu^h Sioare H*rla Paliser Hoare Annual tajrt of 1440 fro­ roperty (aui-*aria*d) i n par. Strati, Putney, Hortlake, Wimbledon, and 8o..^*, ton Consideration! £2, ,60 flaf. Date joscrjptlog SD/478/ 13/1-2 13/1 7 Aug. 1804 (appears as Counterpart lease for 12 years 1805 in text of 1* Henry Hugh Hoare, Bam Elms, 00* 3urr., document) esq. 2. George Chapman, Putney, co. Surr., gent. Surrey, Barnes; Mill Farm; schedule given Rents C675 p.a. Particulars in above lease have been struck out and replaced as below [? as draft for new leaseJ

13/2 16 May 1816 Counterpart lease for 12 years 1. As above 2. George Chapman, Barn £1ms, co. Surr. Property as above

14 30 JKOV. 1813 Counterpart lease for 14 years 1. Henry Hugh Hoare, Barn Elms, co. Surr., esq. 2. James Goodenough, Barnes, co. Surr., gardener Surrey, Barnesi messuage, stables, garden etc. (6a. 2p.) and garden (5a. 35P*) abutting w. on land belonging to Henry Hugh Hoars, a. on land occupied by Thomas i is.Ice, e. on Eorton Lane leading to Chiawick Perry and on n, by land occupied by John Biggs uentt £55 p.a.

15/1-3 15/1-2 17 May 1820 bSSSjS SSi counterpart for 1 y^aSs 1. Henry Hugh Hoare, Barn Elms, co. Surr., esq. 2. John i.yke and Thomas Dyke, Wsndovorth, 00. Surr., felltuongers kef. Dais muUMm B2/47B/ 15/1-2 (cont.) Sur ey, 3-xneei oaier ground (23a.) extending from Barnes Creek and abutting n. on river Thames, s. on estate of vtmt Frances Ann Hoare late in the possession of George Chapman Rents £118 15*. p.a.

15/3 13 Leo. 1B26 baiclosed in Di/478/15/2: notice to quit Five members of com Ittee of management, Hammersmith Bridge Co. (named) to John and Thomas :;yke Property as above

16/1-2 16/1 20 July 1624 Counterpart lease for 21 years 1. Elizabeth Canton, B mea, co. Surr., widow 2. Joseph Talbot, Threadneedle . t., City of London, gent. Surrey, Barnesi property at B mea Green Formerly -nown as Essex House Kent1 £95 p. a. [ eala and signatures cut from foot of document]

16/2 11 Oct. 1827 endorsed! assignment of residue lease for 21 years 1. Thomas Hotohkin, ixover, 00. Hutl., esq. James Scott, Broad At,, co. Micdsx., wine merchant 2. Joseph falbot, as above 3. Andrew Leighton Leith, Hamaeroruith, gent. Consideration! £25 Ref. Bate Description DD/478/ 17 25 Mar. 1829 Agreement for building leases 1. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral, London 2. The Hammersiviith Bridge Co. Property in Barnes, co. Surr., detailed in lease of 25 Mar. 1829 between above parties i.e. portions of fields known as The Upper Warren, The Eleven Aores, Harman' Fields, Broad field Shepherds Close, Seaglands Shepherds Close, Garden Field, Mew Field, West Home Field and Sromages Garden Renti 1st 4 yearsJ £32 p.a.j next 3 years £64 p.a.; next 3 years £105 p.a.; residue of term: £160 p.a. See also DD/Q/953 ­ 965

18 ND Draft conveyance (23 Mar. 1829) 1. The Hammersmith Bridge Co. 2. Thomas Somers Cocks, John Biddulph and Robert Biddulph, al l of Charing Cross, co. Miadsx., bankers and treasurers of the said company 3. Henry Hugh Hoare, St. James's 6q., 00. Middsx., esq. 4. Company and proprietors of the Middlesex Water Works Surrey, Barnes and Putney: property formerly attached to Barnes Manor House 1 details given; plan given [not with this draft]; schedule of deeds given Consideration! £8,518 Kef. Date Description DD/478/ 19 ND List of deeds of The H anmersmith Bridge Co. property in Hammersmith (1806-1830)

20 14 Mar. 1827 Mortgage to secure £15,000 1. The Hammersmith Bridge Co. 2. Thomas Somers Cocks, John Biddulph and Robert Biddulph, Charing Cross, co. Middsx., bankers Hammersmith Bridge, toll houses and tolls 1828 ­ 1834 Endorsed! several receipts for payments of tells received

21 14 Mar. 1827 Appointment of receiver for payment of interest on £15,000 loaned i n DD/478/20 1. The Hammersmith Bridge Co. 2. Thomas Somers Cocks, John Biddulph and Robert Biddulph, Charing Cross, co. Middsx., bankers 3* Henry Archer Raymond, Linoolns Inn, co. Middsx., gent. Schedules of company property and of titl e deeda to company property given

22/1-2 22/1 19 Kov. 1828 Appointment of receiver as in DD/478/21 Parties as i n DD/478/21 Schedules of company property and of title deeds to company property given

22/2 1 June 1625 Enclosed! promissory note 1. The Hammersmith Bridge Co., 103 St. Martins La. 2. "Messrs. Hoares" Payment of £5,000 ^ith interest 13 Mar. 1827 Endorsed on DD/478/22/2t receipt for £5,156 ML' Date Joscription Dl/478/ 23/1-2 23/1 22 Apr. 1629 Alignment of a debt for securing arrears of rent 1* John Glaysher, Hammersmith, Ironmonger 2. Charles Pilgrim, Cateefield, co. Hants* 3* Janes Pilgrim, Church Court, Lothoury, City of London, gent. 1* assigns debt of c. £100 owed hla by The Ha:smersraith Bridge Co. to 2. in lieu rent arrears

23/2 -June 1B29 Snolosedi receipt for £110 16s. 10d. 1. Ja[me]s Pilgrim 2. The H suneranith Bridge Co.

24/1-2 24/1 12 Aug. 1843 Agreement 1. The Hyan-eraai th Bridge Co. 2* Martin Cubitt, 200 High Hoi bom,

co. Hiudsx.v builder Substituting cast iron beams for existing wooden ones on Hammeramith Bridgs

24/2 KD Attached! apacification and conditions for above work

25 31 J^so. 1861 Bond in £1,000 for faithful services of Secretary 1. George Glaeson, Hammersmith, gent, and 2 surities 2. The H-, ijuasraml th Bridge Co.

26, 27/1-2, Jan. 1862- Proposal form, certificates, etc. re 26/1-2, 29 **b. 186J guarantee insurance for secretary of The Hammersmith Bridge Co. i George Glaason 1 Re£. Sate ascription JJD/478/ JO 27 Oot. 1868 Bond in £25 1, John Lilburn, 94 bridge Rd., Hamnerscith 2. The Haausersfflith Bridge Co. Faithful service of tollman Matthew Piercy

51 28 Apr. 1850 Deed of covenants for the title and for production of title deada 1. Elizabeth Waring, irancea faring and Eleanor Waring, oarnea, co. Jurr., spinaters 2. Tho aaid /ranees Waring 5. The Hame- smith Bridge Co. Surrey, Barnes: (a) piece of land at corner of Barnes Terr* and road to Priests Bridge, part of property held by 1. at Coles Corner (b) piece of land in B raes Terr., part of property held by 2, on a. aide of Barnes Terr, formerly part of the waste of the Manor of Barnes and abutting on River Thames $ plan given Consideration! £460 and £20 Schedule of deeds given

52 1854 Abe raot of title Williaun, Earl of Lonadale Surrey, 3 mes Manor, Barnes: (a^ copyhold olosa called "the close by Joseph atavena's" (1$a.) abutting e. an Kx. Hastaetfs, n. and

w. on the highway near the e reat pond and a. on Mr. Woolay*s (b) triangular piece of waste on Barnes Coestton abutting on s. comer of Mr. Hoare's grounds and adjoining copyhold field of Ann Carter Kef. OaU Description XD/478/ 33 19 Max. 1869 Conveyance 1. Wi liaa, £arl of Lonadale 2. The Hammersmith Bridge Co. Surrey, B meat piece of land on e. side of Lonadale Rd. (29p.)l plan and schedule) of deed8 given

34 KB Copy extract from probate (2 Apr. 1768$ will 26 Kar. 1766) Susanna Sharp, Hammersmith Legatee1 Mary Fry (cousin) To legateei Hammer mith! "all my estate" [property

aa in DB/47&/37]

35 SB Copy extract from probate (21 Apr, 1797l will 8 ^1793) Mary Fry, Colebrcok, co. Middax. * xecutora! 1. Adas Scott, aunuerland 2. John Thompson, Chiswick 00. Middsx., brewer Legatees! 3. William Seott (eon) 4. Adaa Scott (son; ?aa 1.) 5. Mereur L?sio] Caterina Ceraphena Beedleooiab (daughter)

To 3** 4. and 5*i Freehold, leasehold and copyhold estates, and al l other personal estate and effects [inc. property aa in DD/478/37]

36 26 July 1314 Certificate of grant of auuinistration Thoaaa Wetherall, Administration granted to: Thomas Vetherell esq. (son) and Revd. Charles Wetherell (son) f ef,. frsjsj

37 24 July 1619 Deed of covenants on surrender of copyhold preioises 1* Charles Wsthersll, Byfield Rectory* near uavantry, co. Lortht., clerk 2. voseph : ountain, Friday St., City of London, tavern keeper Fulhaia Manor, Hamseramiths piece of land in Lower Mall abutting n. on Ship La. , s. on Lower Mall, e. on land of Joseph mountain and on v. on land of Adam Askew and Mary Cory, formerly the site of a house occupied by Lady Westmorland and then 1 Madame Cotton

36 29 Rev. 1819 Admission Joseph Mountain, Friday St., City of London, tavern keeper Property as in LD/478/57 Consideration! £395

39 U1825] Abstract of title Joseph Mountain Property as in D0/478/37

40 4 Jan. 1825 Undertaking and declaration 1. Joseph Mountain, Coswell Rd., co. Xlcdsx., wine merchant 2. The Hammersmith Bridge Co. 1. having sold his copyhold property in Lower Mall, Hammersmith to 2. undertakes to clear possible outstanding charges (stated) on the property and to provide oopiss of various surrenders and admissions, eto. (listed)

41 4 Apr. 1b25 Surrender Joseph Mountain, Little Distaff La., City of London, wine merchant, and Cath rine his wife To use of Ths Ha maramith Bridge Co. Property as in ttb/478/37 Consideration! £1,500 h-sf. B. te .. -*r;::ri pti nr:

42/1-3 42/1 2 Oct. 1832 Copy baptismal certificate (4 Sep. 1784) Charles, son of Tho.uas and Mary Vetherell Eapticsd at St. Botolph, Aldersgate

42/2 2 Oct. 1832 Copy marriage certificate (14 Oct. 1769) Thomas Wathere11 and Mary restoreufeh Married at St. Rotolph, Aldsragate

42/3 20 Nor. 1832 Affidavit Mary Gilbert, Saris Court, oo. Middsx., widow Swears that she is secono daughter of Thomas Wetherall, late copyhold tenant of Manor of Fulhaa (d. 1814) and that Charles tfetherell, Byfield ^ctory, nr. Baventry, co. Kortht. is his youngest aon out of 10 children and succeeded to the copyhold estates in Kulhao on loath of his father

43 18 July 1825 Surrender Mary Cary, Wlmpole St., Cavendish Sq., oo. Kiddsx., spinster Adam Askew, address as above and Amy Ann his wife To uue of The Haiamt-rsmith Bridge Co. Fulham Manor, Hamut rsmithi orchard called Pin^aworih Close (1a.) on e. side of Angel La. Sonsidsrationt :-600

44 13 Nov. 1826 Surrender Thomas Graham, Tumhaa Green, oo. Kiidax., eaq. To use of The Bridge Co. Fulhaa Manor, Hamaeranithi land adjacent to that in 78/431 plan given Consideration! £105 Dl/478/ 45 22 Uov. 1650 Admission The Hauysersaith Bridge Co. Fulhaa ftaaar. laaeterajaitfai property ae in li/478/57f 43 and 44 and the following property surrendered on 13 Nov. 1826 by William Black, Doctor of Physic Fulham Manor, Haameraalths 5 places of land adjacent to land acquired by The Haifuuers&ith Bridge Co. frora the Girdlers Co-, and formerly occupied by Charles Vhlttley, William Borwood and Thomas Conolly; abuttals given

46 1 . to. 1806 Counterpart leass for 194' yaars 1. Master and Wardens of the Art or Mystery of Girdlers, London 2* William Charlton, Queen St., riami&ere 1TH, painter sjsj £l?-vivr Haimersmitht tenement i n uueen plan ftiven ftentt , p.a.

47 1 Doc. 1b06 Counterpart lease for 191 yo*ro 1. Mater and Wardens of the Art or Kystery of Girdlers, London 2. William Smith, Queen St., Hammersmith, chandler Hammersmith: tenement in Queen St.f Plan given Rentt £15 p.a.

48 1 JJmc. 1006 Counterpart lease for 193 years 1. Master and wardens of the Art or Mystery of Girdlers, London 2. Robert Mcholl , Aylesbury St., Clorkunwell, co. Kiddex., oil and colouruan Hastsermaithi tenement in Queen St.; plan given lientt £12 p. a. Kef. Pate Inscription


49/1 23 May 1821 Lease for 21 years 1. Master and Wardens of the Art or l[f: trey of uirdlers, London 2* rtmothy daily, Ruianorsaith, plasterer Haw ,orsmitht 3 cottagee at baok of houses

belonging to Gird lens Co. in Hueen St. ; plan given Rents £14 p.a.

49/2 3 Mar. 1026 Endorsedt surrender of above lease 1* As 2* above 2. The Uaiamerumith Bridge Co. Considerations £130

50/1-3 50/1 15 Boos 1025 AgreeoMmt fer sale 1. Master and Wardens of the Art or Mystery of Girdlers, London 2. The flasaaaramlth Bridge Co.

- ersaith: (1) property i n ­vueen t. bounded n. partly by premises of John Gervis and partly by Girdlers Co. premises occupied by [ ] Jerje&nt, coal merchant, on s. by premises of Dr. dlack, on e. by ^ueen St., and on w. by a garden belonging to the Girdlers Co. occupied by [ ] Ross, and let to William Charlton (occupied by [ ] Kooley), James Goaoa (occupied by [ J Haslewood, ironmonger), Timothy Daily isie], Sarah Hallet, Kobert M oh oils (occupied by [ ] Crabb, hairdresser), James Gosste (occupied by [ ] Scott, tailor) and William Smith, chandler (2) part of the Girdlers Co. garden occupied by [ ] Rosa (as above) (3) parts of gardens behind Pi I, and behind houses occupied by [ ] Wilda and [ ] Killett Considerations £3,000 -

BD/478/ 50/1-3 (cont.) 50/2 H*J Copy ^exchequer decree (25 Jan. 1826) "It it ordered that. . . £3,000, . . standing in the name of the. . . Accountant General in the Books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Sogland to his Account there Kxparte 'The Hammersmith Bridge Company' be laid out in the purchase of £3 per cent reduced annuities in the naae and with the privity of the said Accountant General in trust in this matter -"jcparte "The Hammers; ith Bridge Company' (the Account of the Master and Wardens or Keepers of the Art or . yetery of Girdlere London). And it is further Ordered that the ditideads free time to time to accrue due thorefrom be paid to Mr. William Walton the Clerk of the said petitioners" [The Girdlera Company]

50/3 KB Copy certificate of purchase [2 Mar. 1826]

of t)9eee 5* annuities The Hammersmith Bridge Co.

51 1 Oct. 1608 Counterpart lease for 21 years 1. John Lewis, [Hammersmith, yeomae] 2. George Shoobridge, ^Hammersnith, draper] Ha!'*,.erisraithi tenement on v. aide of the Broadway Bents [Notes thia document was received with the rest of DD/478 but subsequently disappeared. The above details have been partially reconstructed from

Dh/478/52 ] Kef. Pate inscription Di/478/ 'j2 12 Hay 1839 Conveyance 1. John Lewie, Baaner ? ii th, yeoman 2. The tt.jw remith Bridge Co.

r. -. ithl teneaeat or. i a ai,.e of the Broadwayi plan given ConsiJerationi £400