Hammersmith and Fulham Archives and Local History Centre

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Hammersmith and Fulham Archives and Local History Centre GB 0085 DD/8, DD/478 Hammersmith and Fulham Archives and Local History Centre This catalogue was digitised by The National Archives as part of the National Register of Archives digitisation project NRA 6477 The National Archives SI HISTORICAL M88. V 6477 iiHORT TITLE OF ACCUMULATION ;.: ruacrim th Brid ^ oo4^CQMMi6S! KOIS AKD AffiCRBSJS 09 OWRERi Presented to the Central Library, donor unknevnri, :*beut 193** ABBSUiiSS OF CUSTODlAHt Central (Carnegie) Library, Brook Croon Read, Hammersmith, £.6. CLASSIFICATION! ^EKI-PUBLICi Local. a oollectlon of three hundred and twenty-nine bundles and documents relating to the adminie tr?*tion, and business and estate management of the undertaking of the Haaneremith Bridge Company, 1824-1881, 1888, containing Minute books, letter books, correspondence, share certificates, transfer certifiestee? specifications and tenders for work connected with the building and Maintenance of the bridget bridge and road plansf and material connected with the sale of the undertaking to the Metropolitan Board of orks In 188G. He record of the provenance of this accumulation can be traced and It Is poeeibls that eons its as, notably printed newspaper reports, have cons from other sources and have been added to this collection, sons preliminary sorting had soon dons already, hut as any original arehlvs order had long been lost, the archive olnssificntien and grouping as now carried out is conjectural, although any bundle h-ving the appearance of originality Is described as such, and has been loft intact. Acts of Parliament 1* 1824, 1840. Bound copy of act 1824 for building a bridge over the River Thanes from Rammer emith to Bamesf with, at end, manuscript index and, inserted, smell printed booklet containing the rules and orders of the committoo of manage­ ment, sub-titled Bye-laws of the Hamneremith Bridge Company. 1840. Wotsi Binding contemporary with the exception of the end papers and the booklet, added in 1954. 2. 1824. Four bound copies of act as above. Bound 1954* Hotel Cue copy has pp. 2645-2648 missing. 3* 1828 printed 1846. Bound copy of the xt to alter and amend Act 5 George IV 1824 for building a bridge at Hammersmith over the River Thames? with the Act of 1024* Binding contemporary, with the exception of the end papers. 001 J - 2 - AMlNlSTfUTIOH, continued 4* 1828. Printed 1828* Copy (bound 1954) of Mf for altering and amending an Act passed 5 George XV 1624 for building a bridge over tho River Tbaaaee at Hammer ami tli --* mm contemporary marginalia. 5* L1824, 1828j. 1832, 1344* Two bound printed copies of c%* for building a bridge over the River Thanes from Hammersmith to Barnes 1824, printed 1832, and for altering and avenging the Act of 1824, 1828 printed 1646. Manuscript index at end of one volume. Botet Qontemperary binding, with the exception of the eng. 6* 1328* Fragments of printed copy of act for altering and amending a t 5 George XV 1824 for building a bridge over the River Thames at Hammersmith. 7* 1825* Printed copy of the Rules and Orders of the Goseaittee of Management of the Hammersmith Bridge Company. Hotet Bound 1954. Minutes 8. 1824*1827. Volume containing original draft minutes of the committee of management. 9* 1854*1866, 1866*1880* Two volumes containing draft minutes of the committee of management. 10* 1828*1850* Volume containing signed minutes of the estate and roads eommitteee, committee and subcommittee of accounts and other sttb*oommitteee* 002 - 3 - ABWHISIRAnOfft, continued. 11* 1828*133$* Volant being "Attendance Book, Committee of Management" containing signatures of those precent at meetings, a ires place of mooting and sometimss Mentions the reason for mooting, 12* 1850-1863* Attendance book of the committee of management and special sub-eommi t tee s* 13* 1842-1850. Volume of committee and special sub-committee attendances containing signaturea of these present with place of mooting and sometimes referring to the reason for the meeting. Correspondence 14* 1863*1881* Register of copies of outgoing letters all written by George 01asson as secretary of the company. 15* 1864-1880. Volums being register of incoming letters. Personal names index. General 16* Undated [1824, 1825] Manuscript memorandum of resolution 1824 and of rules and orders 1825 relating to method of financial transactions of the company. 17* 1824* Agreement to pay residue of the shares or sums of subscribed in the company in the event of the passage of the Bil l for building the bridge. Schedule of signatures of subscribers and amount of shares. 18* 1831* Appointment of agent to represent the company at Teatries in Hammersmith, Barnes, Fulham, with full voting powers particularly concerning Poor Hate assessments of Hammersmith end Barnes. Partlest Hammersmith Bridge Company, 11 Ham Matthew Thiselton, Oreat Russell street, Ittoomsbury. AJ3MIHISTRaTIC^T, continued 19* I834*l843t and undated. Original bundle containing draft minutes and resolutions of the meetings of the eoanittee of i.r.rnr.:;:ovt of fm Wmiwrn^mM mrttgo Bessjany, - it* notices of BIOtions and other papers relating, defers tot proposed ftoueduot upon and through the rood from Hammersmith Brldgo to bo Bade lay Chelsea Water worksf state of Hammersmith Bridge roadf ereotien of hoas near bridge for secretary l&34f stats of the bridge, and repairs, orders sf committee relating to tenders for material 18361 pier tolls. 20* 1835* £attracts from the Minute books of the Committee of the Hammersmith Bridge Company about appointment of ** T* Clark as engineer. 21* 1840* Four printed copies of booklet containing the bye-lcwa of the Hammersmith Bridge Company. 22* 1868* Ksmorandum about proposal for rsoommendation of lnsrs&ss of allowance to the oomeittee with names of supporter and oppoeer. 23* l86f* Rough memoranda of matters to bo attended to by the secretary arising out of the minutes with resolutions. 24* 1879* Original bundle of incoming letters! proposed sals to Metropolitan Board of orksj dividend warrants and payments1 tolls 1 notice of vestry meetings draft resolutions about celebrating the freeing of the bridge by the irince and Princess of Walesf gratuity of £$00 to the sectstnry George ^-lM.ueon* 25* 1880* Bundle of Incoming letters to the secretary George Glasson concerning shareholders, upkeep of bridge, sale of bridge* 26. 1881* Printed copy of Act for enabling the Metropolitan ****u * ** ******* construct a S*w Bridge ever the Thames at x Zn9ZJ** ********* **t* 0 ***** and reconstruct Vauxhall and ^ptford Creek Bridges for amending the metropolis foil Bridges Act 1877* ... Jotsi Bound 1954* 004 APMtfflS TR ATI CK * oontlnuod ale of Brldgse 27* 1880* taper being? memorandum to consider trie offer of Metropolitan Bourd of works at the next meeting. 28* 1880* Notice inserted in the Daily i m ef special General meting ef Proprietors te agree to price and terms for sale ef Hammersmith Bridge Company undertaking te the Metropolitan Board of orks. 29* l88o* copy letter from George 01asson te Edgar Baggstt about employees' pensions, and claims for commissions on sales of shares. * 30* 1800* Bundle of papers containing rough calculations sbout appointments, length of service, salariee, and emoluments of employees. 31* 1860* Paper eontainlng the eignaturee ef the Proprietors present at the special General nee ting 3rd Jttne* 32* i860. Two papers being copy resolutions of the managing comsiittee about the sale of the company4s undertaking to the Metropolitan Board of works, tale priee £112,(00. Draft lis t of the Conedttee members, undated. 33* lQ8o* File of fire papers containing rough figures about the state of the liabilities and assets of the company, with a liet of claims against it. 34* 1824, 1825. Bundle ef share certificates of the Hammersmith Bridge Company giving name and address of share holder, and number of share held. 35* 1828, I637, 1847* Origiiial bundle containing three transfers of Hsjestrsmith Bridge Company sharee with letter about transfer [I83I] end receipt 1828* - 6 - IPiWPt o** tinned, 36* 1826*1876* Bundle of chars transfers. Gives names and addreesss of vendor and purchaser with the no*t n of the 37* Undated o*l370* Paper volume containing manuscript skeleton copy of original script certifieatee for one share each en parchment * notst Bound 1954* 38* Undated ndd-r, th century. Paper veluwe. being a eehedule of current chareholders with names of original holders and signaturee end addreeeee of current holders and smmbora of sharee* mS^MmMm ^ Centrao^y MtM 39* l£?4-l82e* llemerendum of progress in the design off and building off the bridge, at Hit meetings of the Committee. 40* 18?4* Tender for brick and rubble work to be dene in eresting the bridge? Signatures of ths contractor 0. Bird & Co. and B* Tierney Clerk for the Company, with the Company's seel. 41* 1824* tee papers being estimate and tender by Thomas Handell contractor for excavating, building and removing the oof for Bam end timbere for the foundation of the Hamaoremith Bridge, One endorsed * Accepted" * 43* 1824* Contract between Thomas Randall of Hammersmith and Ttswserssjltti Bridge Company for excavations for the foundation 43* 1824* Tender for stone work by 9* Bird & Ce* with signature of s* Tiemey Clerk, and the Company*s seal. 44* Undated [1024]* specification and particulars by contractor Bdwd* lance of timber to be out into scantlInge, with the seal of the Company? 4. f m mzim^t continued - 45* Undated c.1824. file of details of o on tracts for building tfaawjerstaith Bridge with naaa of oontmotor, work to bo dona and ooet. 44* 1827* Specification, lian i by tha contractor Sdoerd Lance, of work to bo dona in tasking and fixing a fonoa te tho longi­ tudinal t inhere each a Ida of tha bridge. * 4f* 1827* Srmft specification of work to bo dona at tha 11 "suepenaiOR bridge at Jia*amereauth for caulking tba platform of tba bridge, signed by oon tractor Robert Bye.
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    ON Date before which Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given notices of claim s (Surname first) and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given WILSON, George William Bndcliffe, 53', Dene View, South Gosforth, Barclays Bank Limited, Trustee Department, Collingwood Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, 31st January, 1956 Northumberland, Retired School Master. 26th July, or Wilkinson & Marshall, 1, Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Solicitors. (156) 1955. PEROU, Leslie Arthur ... 1, Kensington Court Place, Kensington, London, William Edward Perou, 231, Putney Bridge Road, Putney, London, S.W.15, or Oswald 3rd February, 1956 Licensed Victualler's Manager. 6th August, 1955. Hanson &• Smith, 137, Hammersmith Road, London, W.I4, Solicitors. (157) PEROU, Frederick 1, Kensington Court Place, Kensington, London, William Edward Perou, 231, Putney Bridge Road, Putney, London, S.W., or Oswald 3rd February, 1956 tta»4 Licensed Victualler. 23rd July, 1955. Hanson & Smith, 137, Hammersmith Road, London, W.I4, Solicitors. (158) g NAPIER, Stanley Owen... Old Bank, Pool-in-Wharfedale, Textile Manager. Sampson, Homer & Co., Piece Hall Yard, Kirkgate, Bradford, Solicitors. (Winifred 7th February, 1956 30th July, 1955. Evelyn Chippendale.) (159) TYLER, Alfred Elmbank, Marsden Lane, Aylestone, Leicester, Retired Harvey Clarke & Adams, Selborne Buildings, Millstone Lane, Leicester, Solicitors. 31st January, 1956 i Tailor. 19th February, 1955. (William Thomas Mason and Benjamin Gordon Wisdish.) (274) P SENIOR, William 6, Viaduct View, Holsworthy, Devon, Retired Grocer. Peter Peter & Sons, Holsworthy, Devon, Solicitors. (Edgar Frederick Clark and James 14th February, 1956 7th November, 1955.
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