Copyrighted Material
Index Abortion, placenta and, 81 of Heidelbergs, 294 Adduction, of hallux, 148 Absolute dates at Olduvai Gorge, 265–266 Adductor muscles, Neandertal, 380 of African human fossil sites, 161, 191–192 Swanscombe skull and, 306 Adolescence, among early hominins, 267 African rift and, 160 Ad hoc explanation, of hominin origins, “Adolescent growth spurt,” among early for fossil record, 9 215–217 hominins, 267 Acanthostega, 21 Adapidae, 90, 115 Adornment, 415 Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), in Eosimias versus, 120 Adult male orangutans, 101 carbon-14 dating, 10 Adapiforms, 90 Aegyptopithecus, 121, 123, 128 Accessory cavity, of Fayum anthropoids, 117 Adapinae, skull of, 116 Aegyptopithecus zeuxis, 118, 119 Accommodation, in reptiles, birds, and Adapis, 111 Aerobic respiration, origins of life and, 16 mammals, 73 Adapoidea, 90 Afar Depression Accretion Model, of Neandertal origins, 334 Amphipithecidae versus, 118 dating Erectines from, 240 Acetabulum COPYRIGHTEDas euprimates, 113, 115 MATERIALin early African Erectine radiations, 271 of Australopithecus afarensis, 174 Adaptation Africa. See also East Africa; North Africa; of Australopithecus species, 158, 159 extinction and, 35 South Africa in dating South African fossil hominins, phylogenetic error and, 58 absolute and relative dating of hominin 193, 194 phylogenetic inertia and, 114 fossil sites in, 161 Acheulian culture in synthetic theory of evolution, 51–52 ape evolution in, 127–128 in dating South African fossil hominins, in theory of evolution, 33–35 apes of, 101–103 191 Adaptive complex,
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