GD6.4 English.Indd
GLOBAL 6.4 DIALOGUE MAGAZINE 4 issues a year in 17 languages Sociology, Politics and Power Anthony Giddens Greece’s Vassilis Fouskas, Maria Markantonatou, Economic John Milios, Spyros Sakellaropoulos, Doldrums Stratos Georgoulas Julia McReynolds-Pérez, Abortion in Susana Lerner, Lucía Melgar, Agnès Guillaume, Latin America Erika Busse Social Science Mohammed Bamyeh, Seteney Shami, in the Arab World Idriss Jebari Special Columns > George Ritzer on McDonaldization and Prosumption > 40+ Years with International Sociology > Introducing the Japanese Editorial Team VOLUME 6 / ISSUE VOLUME 4 / DECEMBER 2016 GD > Editorial Looking Back, Looking Ahead his issue continues to look backwards and forwards, refl ecting on the last six years of Global Dialogue, and the swing from ef- fervescent social movements – Indignados, Occupy, Arab Spring, Tetc. – to movements of the right that have installed authoritarian regimes in Egypt, Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Philippines, Argentina, and Bra- zil. This global trend may be traced in part to the storms of an international capitalism that runs roughshod over nation states, sapping governmental autonomy and discrediting offi cial, electoral politics, leading to populism of both the right and the left – though increasingly of the right. Anthony Giddens, leading British sociologist and theorist, now a politician in the House It is fi tting, therefore, that we should open this issue with an interview of Lords, recounts the challenges of being a with Anthony Giddens, theorist and publicist of what he once called the jug- sociologist in politics. gernaut of globalization. In his political guise, as a member of the House of Lords, he continues to champion the issues that concerned him as a sociol- ogist – issues such as climate change and the implications of the digital age.
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