Convergence of the Biostatistical and Survey Worlds Thomas A. Louis, PhD Department of Biostatistics Johns Hopkins Bloomberg SPH
[email protected] Research & Methodology U. S. Census Bureau T. A. Louis: Johns Hopkins Biostatistics & Census Bureau McGill, Epidemiology/Biostatistics 50th, 2015 1 Outline The Census Bureau A sampling of research at Census Adaptive design Disclosure avoidance A few other topics Design-based/Model-based Convergence of the Biostatistical and survey cultures T. A. Louis: Johns Hopkins Biostatistics & Census Bureau McGill, Epidemiology/Biostatistics 50th, 2015 2 HAPPY 50th! Preamble Historically, survey, biostatistical and epidemiological methods and cultures were quite distinct, or at least appeared to be so However, service as Associate Director for Research & Methodology and Chief Scientist at the U. S. Census Bureau has heightened my awareness of the similarities of goals and methods, and of the many potentials Convergence steadily increases to the benefit of all I highlight some examples, but first T. A. Louis: Johns Hopkins Biostatistics & Census Bureau McGill, Epidemiology/Biostatistics 50th, 2015 3 Preamble Historically, survey, biostatistical and epidemiological methods and cultures were quite distinct, or at least appeared to be so However, service as Associate Director for Research & Methodology and Chief Scientist at the U. S. Census Bureau has heightened my awareness of the similarities of goals and methods, and of the many potentials Convergence steadily increases to the benefit of all I highlight some examples, but first HAPPY 50th! T. A. Louis: Johns Hopkins Biostatistics & Census Bureau McGill, Epidemiology/Biostatistics 50th, 2015 4 Selected surveys (of ≈ 130/yr) The American Community Survey (continuous) The Current Population Survey (CPS) Includes Health Insurance Qs The Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) Ditto The National Survey of College Graduates The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) The National Survey on Family Growth (NSFG) The Health Interview Survey International surveys and censuses The U.